Vendor Application Best of Scandia Vendor App cada esit, of Scar-�dia Shopphng Extravagar"aa
* Vendors are solely responsible for collecting and payiing a11 appropriate sales tax with respect to the sane
of goods..
* Vendors are responsible for procuring a11 permits and documentation that are required by llocall and state
governmeint to operate their business WiflhiVl the state of Minnesota.
Best of Scandia IHoll y kQIp iag.jEx iriz
!Ida -aL -Ip jj LiLaKaga- -a
Event: INOOIN .- 5 RIM, Sunday, November 26, 2023
Locatiom Scandiia Community Center, 14-727 209th St IN
Application Deadline: SelpternIbeir 11, 2023
Notificaflon of Acceptance by Ernail:: September 25, 2023
Vendor IFee IDeadlliine October 10, 2023
Cancellation for IReffund IDeadlliine: October 30, 2023
* Only (handmade/hand crafted items W11 be considered. INo reselling or irn~nass merchandise.
* IL.irnnit of one booth per registrainIt
* Booth Space:: 30" x 96" (one table and dhair provided).
* Displays must fit on table, and INOT oveirflow into aisles.
* Vendor IFee: $25—.for-acce.p Qd,ap ons------------
* The Scandia Community Centers opens for set up at 1O.-30A6 on Sunday, November26th.
* A11 Vendors rnUs�. be ready for business at 1 1:30 AIM..
* Displays are limited to table space (30"x 96") and may not overflow into space between vendors,,
* Table/space assignment will be marked with Vendor's name in the Community Center
® Vendors are responsible for rennoving a11 materials and discarding a11 debris and trash frorn assigned
areas in the trash receptacles provided by the Scandia Community Center..
* AH vending materials must be removed from the area no (later than Sunday, November 26tIh at 5:001PIM..
* The Ibest of Scandia Holiday Shoppling Extravaganza Committee Ihas the iriight to deny any application
without explainafion.
* A imaxirnurn of 30 Vendors will be invited to participate.
* Accepted vendor applications are consiidered iiincornpliete until) the $25 Vendor IFee and corn j
Forms are-ireceiived..Accepted vendoirs will The given addiItionall instructions.
* Should any entry fees payinneint. The rejected, or Iles than the annount due, that application will be denied,
and the applicant will Ihave no irigM to participate at the event.
* All Vendor IFees acre main-refundalble after October 30, 2021
* Vendors receive one cornplennein[airy meal) food voucher to the food truck.
Addition all IlimpoIrtaint INOt „
• IParlkiing: Vendors should unpack and park away firorn the event to allllow parking for shoppers and those
coming for Vinteirlights activities.
• Vendors are fully responsible for piroteGtioni of their property and for securing their displays.
• Vendors are asked to lload and unload their goods in through the door east of the rnain entrance (door
marked "Vendor")
• The (best of Scandia event will run from INOOIN.—5:�00 IPI . The Vinterlights will be lit at 5:�00 IPIM in the
parking lot.. You are welcoirne Lo participate in the Vinterlights event.
• IFiree giift wirapping. Donations go in support of,,,,,.,,
• IPllease share the event on your website, IFaceboolk or of1heir sociiall mediia sites.
Vendor Business Name: Business Address:
Contact Person: Contact Phone:
Contact Email:* Tax or Resale#
Vendor Website:
Product Booth Upioad
Photos F11DIF car JIFIG bfrra Set-up If available
Add up b 3
I!Iption(A your Iproducts as d pi,ice if airrcge of uge ern:
l have read, understand,and agreed with the Information, rules, fees,and re uladons contained within this
application and,if selected, willpay the appropri to fees by Oct°o er 9d 2023.
* El Yes
tl :I No Date fate will be captured on form submission
11yelling your fuallll iroarnas in Pie box waiillll be considered an u'allediroinlic,siign atu.ure
No Table/Chair Needed
F'lleacae IindiicaaHa Iraara if no dalalle/clhaalir Ia 1 30 x96"space reserved
Check gn+g Cash a CDVrn ST 19
0 $25 Vendor Fee 0 PSN Online Payment � Npload