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5.g) Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota for Cooperative Purchasing Meeting Date: 1/17/2012
Agenda Item: ��-! _ �
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209�' St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Authorize signature of a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of
Minnesota allowing the City to make purchases using state contract
Deadline/Timeline: N/A
Background: • In 2009, Scandia entered into a joint powers agreement with the
Department of Administration Materials Management Division,
which allows broad access to state contract pricing for a wide
variety of items. The City has used this agreement to obtain
favorable pricing on many purchases, particularly vehicles and
heavy equipment.
• The original agreement was renewable every 5 years. The State
has requested that the City execute a new agreement, which
eliminates the renewal requirement. The new agreement will
remain in effect until canceled by either party (with 30 days
written notice.)
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the
Cooperative Purchasing Agreement.
Attachments/ • Letter dated December 21, 2011 from Minnesota Materials and
Materials provided: Management Division
• Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(cooperative purchasing agreement)
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Cooperative Purchasing Venture
December 21, 2011
Anne Hurlburt
City of Scandia
14727 209th St No
Scandia, MN 55073
Thank you for your membership in the Materials Management Division's(MMD)Cooperative Purchasing
Venture (CPV). Your use of state contracts is not only beneficial to your organization, but allows the state to
obtain the best possible pricing and terms in our cooperative purchasing efforts.
MMD has reviewed its process for maintaining agreements and renewals for our local government CPV
members. In the interest of streamlining our processes and for the convenience of our members, we have
determined to eliminate the annual renewal requirement and are now allowing the agreement to extend
beyond five years.
I have enclosed a new agreement for signature by your agency. Any previous agreement is void. The new
agreement will remain in effect until canceled by either party(with 30 days written notice). Please have the
agreement signed by an authorized person and return the original to me. A fully executed copy will be sent
to you for your records after signature by the state.
Your CPV permit number/security access code will not change. Your access code enables you to utilize
MMD's website to access information on all contracts available to CPV members.
When placing orders with contract vendors, be sure to reference the applicable State of Minnesota contract
number to ensure you receive the State contracted pricing.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please call me at 651.201.2404. If you have any questions
regarding contract information, please call the MMD HelpLine at 651.296.2600.
Sincerely, -- --- I
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Sherry L. Brown �
Business Administrator GVTY OF SC1`,�"��a_
112 Administration Building/50 Sherburne Avenue/St. Paul, MN 55155
Persons with a hearing or speech disability may contact us by calling Minnesota Relay at 711
The Department of Administration is an Equal Opportunity Employer
������� Under the Authority of Minnesota Statutes § 16C.03, Subdivision 10
Cooperative Purohasing Venture
This Joint Powers Agreement is between the State of Minnesota, through its commissioner of
Administration, Materials Management Division ("Division") and
CITY OF SCANDIA ("Authorized Entity").
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 16C.03, subd. 10, the Division acquires various supplies,
commodities, equipment, and services for state agencies and governmental units (as defined
in Minn. Stat. § 471.59, subd. 1) through competitive bidding or requests for proposals. The
Division, through Minn. Stat. § 16C.11, and the Authorized Entity wish to combine their
purchasing functions, as specifically provided below, so that the Authorized Entity may avail
itself of the prices which have been agreed upon by the Division and its vendors.
The parties agree as follows:
1. Term. This joint powers agreement will be effective on the date State obtains all required
signatures under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 2, and remains in effect until canceled by either
party upon 30 days' written notice to the other party.
2. Services. The Division will make its contracts for commodities and services, as listed on
the State of Minnesota's Contract Index, available to the Authorized Entity.
3. Use of Division Contracts. To purchase commodities or services from the Division's
contracts, the Authorized Entity must issue a purchase order in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Division's contracts and any requirements applicable to the Authorized
Entity's governing body. The Authorized Entity must send purchase orders directly to the
applicable vendor and will make payments directly to the vendor in accordance with its
established procedures and terms of the Division's contract. The Authorized Entity will not use
the goods available under the Division's contracts for the purposes of resale. The Authorized
Entity must be the end user of the goods purchased.
4. Liability. The Authorized Entity agrees that neither the Division nor its employees
personally assume responsibility or liability for any amounts due or claimed to be due pursuant
to any purchase order entered issued by the Authorized Entity. The Authorized Entity will
indemnify, save and hold harmless the Division and its employees from any loss, damage or
��z�2���� MS§471.59,Subd.1
������� Under the Authority of Minnesota Statutes § 16C.03, Subdivision 10
MATERlALSMANAGEMENTOMSION MII��IeSOta StatUteS § 47�.�J.9, Subdivision 1
Cooperalive Puichasing Venture
expense, including payment of attorney fees allowable by law, which arise or may arise from
the Authorized Entity's use of this joint powers agreement and from any dispute or claim
arising from any transaction between the Authorized Entity and the Division's vendors, whether
or not the loss, damage, dispute or claim arises during or after the period of this cooperative
agreement. The Division's liability will be governed by the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 3.736.
"Authorized Entity certifies that the appropriate person(s)
have executed this cooperative agreement on behalf of "By Delegation"
the Authorized Entity as required by applicable articles,
bylaws, resolutions or ordinances."
By: By:
(Authorized Signature) Materials Management Division
(Title) (Date)
Permit Number/Access Code:
(12/2011) MS§471.59,Subd.1