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3. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2013-2017 �� �
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Memo - •
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator
Date: May 23,2012 for Special Meeting of May 29,2012
Re: Capital Improvements Plan(CIP)Update for 2013 through 2017
The City Council has scheduled two work sessions to discuss the annual Capital Improvements Plan
(CIP)update. These meetings will provide input to the draft CIP and budget that will be prepared in
June and July and presented to the Council for its first 2013 budget workshop scheduled for July 31.
The Tuesday,May 29 meeting will focus on a review of the all portions of the CIP excludin�road
construction and maintenance. The second meeting(Monday,June 18)will be devoted to road
projects,primarily the pavement management plan in general along with specific discussion of options
for Melanie Trail.
The process for updating the CIP has followed a process of discussion at work sessions that precede
the budget preparation,with more detailed review of projects(particularly for the next budget year)
during the work sessions that occur before certification of the preliminary tax levy in September.
Because the CIP is part of the Comprehensive Plan,the Planning Commission holds a public hearing
(typically at their November meeting)prior to recommending City Council approval. Council
approval has occurred concurrent with adoption of the annual budget and final ta�c levy,generally at
the last meeting of the calendar year.
The goal of the CIP work sessions should be to give sufficient direction to staff so the CII'can be
drafted along with the budget between now and the July 31 meeting. To that end, I have prepared a
list of discussion questions may help generate the needed input,as well as a summary of known issues
for the CIP(organized by department.) A copy of the most recently adopted CIP is also provided,
Suggested Discussion Questions:
• Is more information or an updated cost estimate needed for any project?
• Should the date for any project be changed,either moved up or pushed back? This is
especially important for any projects listed in the next year or two.
• Should any of the projects listed as"pending"(no timeline currently identified)be moved up
to a more definite date?
• Are there projects that need to be added to the CII'? (Must be a capital project that costs over
$10,000 with a useful life of 5 years or more.)
Page 2 of 4
CIP Issues by Department:
You may wish to refer to the list of Active Projects by Deparhnent(pages 18-19 of the CIP)and the
list of Pending Projects(page 20)during this discussion. The following is a list of known issues
and/or potential changes that have already been identified.
Fire Department
• Engine 5180 (F-012, $300,000)is scheduled for replacement in 2013. The balance in the
Equipment Replacement Fund will be inadequate to finance it so borrowing may be
• The Fire Department has recommended that replacement of Grass Rig 5175 (F-Ol 3, $60,000)
be postponed from 2016 to 2017.
• The estimated replacement cost for Engine 5176 (F-015, scheduled for 2025)is recommended
to increase from $500,000 to$600,000.
• The Fire Department has suggested a replacement progam for turnout gear. However,
because replacing 3 or 4 sets of gear each year is not expected to exceed $10,000,even though
it has a useful life longer than 5 years this equipment should not be included in the CIl'.
Instead,it should be a line item in the annual operation budget.
• There is interest from citizens and the Fire Department to accelerate the civil defense siren for
the Big Marine Lake Park Reserve area(Project F-009, $21,000)now scheduled for 2015.
There may be interest in adding sirens at other locations in the city as we1L The current plan
assumes a portion of the funds would come from cost-sharing with Washington County as the
siren would also cover the future campground in the Park Reserve. The timing has been
adjusted back several times as the County has not firmed up a schedule for building t�e
campground and would not be willing to participate in the cost of a siren until then. It is
possible that a grant from FEMA may be available to help pay for one or more sirens,with a
25%match from the city. In order to apply for a grant(among other requirements)the project
would need to be included in the City's CIP for the year the application is made and a source
for matching funds would need to be identified.
Public Works
• Other than the road projects,all of the Public Works Dept.projects are equipment. The next
major pieces of equipment scheduled for replacement is the 1999 JD-6410 Tractor(PW-009,
$60,000)in 2014,and the 2002 Sterling Dump Truck/Plow(PW-010)in 2016.)
• Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer has been on the job less than two weeks and has not
yet had time to evaluate the need for any new equipment,and whether or not the replacement
schedule is adequate. More time will be needed for him to make his recommendations in this
• One issue that he has already identified is whether or not the city should retain or sell the Ford
Dump Truck/Plow that was replaced earlier this year. There is value to keeping the truck as a
back-up should a primary piece of equipment fail.
• The city should also consider whether or not a third regular snow-plow route should be added,
which would require adding a third primary truck/plow combination. The level of service for
snowplowing cannot be increased without expanding the fleet.
Page 3 of 4
• 'The city meeting and office space study(A-001, $18,000)has been postponed every year but
is currently listed as a 2013 project. City office,meeting and storage space is inadequate,but
it will not be possible to plan for any projects to improve the situation unless existing facilities
are evaluated and the needs assessed.
• Replacement of the small pick-up truck formerly assigned to the Building Official is listed in
this department(A-002, $15,000 in 2018.) The vehicle is being used by the Public Works
Department,and filling an unmet need now that the staffhas increased,particularly in the
summer time. Staff would recommend that any decision on a permanent reassignment of the
vehicle be postponed for the time being.
• There are several"pending"projects,Annex Improvements(A-003,no cost estimate) a
Community Sign(A-004, $40,000)and Community Center/City Hall Expansion(A-005,no
cost estimate.)
Community Center
• The only"active"projects are HVAC Replacement(CC-002 in 2022, $30,000)and Roof
Replacement(CC-003 in 2019, $22,000.)
• Replacement of flooring is now on the"pending"list,after the decision not to replace the tile
floors in 2011 and to restore them instead. They will need to be replaced eventually.
• Other pending projects include an imgation system for the community center grounds(CC-
004, $10,000) and a placeholder for a project related to the Hilltop Water Company Barn(CC-
005.) The Council should consider whether or not to keep these projects on the"pending"list.
Parks and Recreation
• The Parks and Recreation Committee is scheduled to discuss the CII' (and 2013 budget) at its
June 4 meeting. Their input can be considered during the budget work sessions.
• The acrive park projects include Lillesokogen(PR-001) and Wind in the Pines(PR-002),both
multi-year ongoing projects where implementation has been tied to the availability of
dedicated park funds. Few city dollars have been allocated to these projects;the Council
might want to discuss whether it might be feasible to make any General Fund or Capital
Improvement Fund dollars available for park projects in 2013.
• Some improvements to the lighted ball field(PR-007 in 2014, $15,000)are included in the list
of active projects. This cost estimate should probably be considered to be very rough. The
CIl'assumes that the city would match donarions with dollars from the Capital Improvement
• The last two"active"parks projects are extensions of the sidewalks in the village area that
were recommended by the Trail Plan that was completed in 2011. PR-Ol 5 (the sidewalk from
the Community Center to the South Ball Field was initially recommended for 2012 but moved
to 2013 during the budget review process. The other(PR-016,lighted ball field to Olinda
Lane)is listed for 2015. The cost estimates were prepared by the City Engineer a year ago so
are probably reasonable to use for budget purposes.
• There are quite a few other parks projects that make up the bulk of the"pending projects"list.
Should any of these be moved up to a certain time frame?
Page 4 of 4
Ice Rink
• The only ice-rink related project in the CIP is currently the replacement of the Zamboni,listed
for 2015 ($40,000.) It was formerly included in the equipment replacement program,but it
was changed to indicate that the funding source would be donations. The discussion was that
if there were no donations it was unlikely to be replaced.
Sewer Systems
• The only sewer projects listed on the CIP are for the Uptown System;the 2012 improvements
already underway,and a pending project for replacement of the drain field. There is no time
frame on the drain field replacement as the goal of the current project is to delay it as long as
• There is an ongoing study of the Anderson-Erickson portion of the"201"sewer system that
serves 30 homes on the east side of Big Marine Lake. It is possible that some improvements
will be recommended for 2013 or future years. The city engineer will make recommendations
and the Wastewater Advisory Committee will be giving its input over the next couple of
• City of Scandia Capital Improvement Program,2012-2016, adopted December 20,2011
• Apri128,2012 Letter&Petition from Cindy and Harold Johnson, 18599 Langly Ave.N.
• Map of Possible Siren Locations
Exhibit A, Resolution No. 12-20-11-01
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City of Scandia
Capital Improvement Program
2012 — 2016
Adopted by
City Council
December 20, 2011
Whatis a CIP?.................................................................................................................1
Scopeof the Draft CIP.....................................................................................................1
FundingSources ..............................................................................................................2
Amendments to 2011-2015 CIP
. ........................................................................................................................................2
2012-2016 CIP Overview
Street Maintenance Program............................................................................................3
Equipment Replacement Fund.........................................................................................4
Uptown Sewer System Improvements.............................................................................5
Project Highlights by Department...................................................................................6
CIP Summary Data
Projects by Year, 2012 thru 2016....................................................................................8
Projects by Year, 2017 thru 2021 ....................................................................................10
Projects &Funding Sources by Department,2012 thru 2016.........................................11
FundingSource Summary...............................................................................................13
Sources and Uses of Funds, 2011 thru 2021,Equipment Replacement Fund.................14
Equipment Replacement Fund 2012-2021, Replacements by Department.....................16
Equipment Replacement Fund Cash Flow, 2012-2021 ...................................................17
Project Data
Project Listing,Active Projects from All Years..............................................................18
Project Details, Active Projects 2012 thru 2016..............................................................21
The Capital Improvement Progratn (CIP) for the five-year period of 2012 through 2416 is the fifth
such document prepared by the City of Scandia, and was prepared based on input from the Capital
Improvements Committee appointed by the City Council. It would amends the CIP included in the
Comprehensive Plan adopted on March 17,2009(as amended November 3,2009 and December 21,
2010)replacing Appendix F of the plan in its entirety.
What is a(:IP?
A Capital Improvement Program,or CIP,is a multi-year(typically 5 years)capital expenditure plan
for a City's infrastructure(such as streets,parks and utility systems),vehicles,equipment and public
buildings. It identifies the major projects needed and desired by the community,their potentiai
costs and how they would be financed. Including a project in a CIP does not commit the city to that
project. The City Council must specifically authorize each one,and the associated funding,before
any project may proceed. When the CII'is reviewed(ideally annually,in conjunction with the
budgeting process)projects may go forwazd as planned,advance ahead of schedule, be removed
entirely,or new projects may be added, depending upon changes in circumstances and priorities.
The Minnesota Land Planning Act requires that the implementati�n plan portion of the
Comprehensive Plan include a CIP for major infrastructure needs(transportation,wastewater,water
supply,parks and open space) for a five-year time period. Cities of�en,however,expand the scope
of their CIPs to include other capita�needs(major equipment replacements,far example)and
sometimes look beyond the five-year time period,up to 20 years in the future for some projects.
Such projects represent more of a"wish-list"that can be evaluated each time the plan is updated.
As a part of the Comprehensive Plan,the CIl'has some legal standing. Minnesota Statutes Chapter
473.865 provides that"a local governmental unit shall not adopt any of�icial coutrol or fiscal device
which is in conflict with its comprehensive plan." A fiscal device includes a budget or bond issue;
so it is important that the plan and CIP be kept up to date and in synch with city budgets.
The primary benefit of a CIP is as a financisl planning tool,to help the city plan for the impact of
capital needs on future budgets and property taxes,and to help forecast the need for bornowing to
undertaice major projects. The information developed as part of the capital planning process can
help document the need for vari.ous projects and help the City Council sort out competing priorities.
Scope of the CIP
The Capital Tmprovements Committee recommended thai Scandia's CIP include all capital projects
that cost at least 510,000 and Lsve a useful life span of five years or longer. Projects include aIl
cxQitaI needs including m�jor rep�irs to buildings and eqnipment purch�ses and
replucements. Any prajects not meeting these parameters would be reviewed as part of the
annual operating budget,but would not be included in the CIP.
Fnnding Sources
The CIP identifies a possible funding source(s)for each project listed. The various funding sources
are as follows:
Capital Improvement Fund Existing City func�' primarily from property tax levy, set aside
for capital projects.
Debt Service Fund Projects financed by borrowing, later to be repaid with
property tmces, and potentially special assessments
depending upon the characteristics of the project.
Equipment Replacement Fund Internal service fund used to segregate funds set aside far
planned replacements of existing major equipment. Funds
are transferred from operating budgets (primarily property
tax revenues.) The fund may also receive funds realized
through debt financing.
General Fund Annual operating budget,primarily funded by property tax
Park Improvement Fund Existing City func� receipts from cash-in-lieu of land park
dedication fees paid by developers and others who subdivide
their land.
In addition to these sources,it is possible that future projects could be funded from donations,
grants,user fees or other sources not listed.
Project Priorities
Capital improvement projects should be prioritized in some way so that limited funding can be allocated
to those which are most important. This is difficult because the varying nature of the project�and their
benefits and objectives are so disparate as to be essentially not cvmparable.There is no aocepted system
or"industiy s�tandard"for prioritizing Pmojects•
The Capital improvement Committee developed the following priority rating system in 2008,which was
also used far the 2009 and subsequent updates:
A Critical ar urgent,high�riaa�itY P�.l�s�at should be done if at all possible;a special
effort should be made to find su�cient funding for all of ti�e�ojects in�is group.
B V�'����$�-Pna�3'PI'o.lects t�at should be done as fimding bocomes
C Important and worthwhile projeds to be considered if funding is available;may be
defierred to a subsequent year.
D Less important,low-prioriry projeds;desirable but not essential.
N/A Used for replacements of existing equipment
The CIP update includes changes to the following projects planned for 2011:
➢ City Meeting/Office Space Study($18,000,Capital Improvement Fund CIP Project A-001)
➢ Community Center Floor Replacement($10,000,General Fund/Community Center Budge#,
CIP Project CC-001)
The Council decided in May not to pursue the meeting and office space study in 2011. The project
has been moved to 2413 in the dxaft plan. They also changed the plan for the community center
floor. Most of the flooring was given a restoration treatment,and new flooring was purchased only
for the znain lobby/hallway area. While the restoration will allow the original floor to provide more
years of service,the project has been retained in the draft CIP with the status changed to"Pending"
(no date determined.)
For 2012 through 2016,the draft CIP includes 21 separate projects with a total estimated cost of
over$5 million. All cost estimates are preliminary and based on current dollars. No assumptions
have been made about inflation. It will be important to refine and update costs when the plan is
reviewed,especially for projects in the first year or two of the plan.
Some projects beyond the five year planning period are also included in the CIP. Most of these
projects are replacements for equipment and vehicles(such as fire trucks)which may have a life
span of 10, 15 to 20 years or even more. The plan also includes a list of"pending"projects,for
which a timeline(and in most cases,cost estimates)have not yet been identified. A.s more
information is developed about the need for,cost and possible funding sources for these projects,
they will be included in future CIP updates.
Street Maintenance Program
The 2007 CIP update identified the need for a pavement management plan to help the city monitor
road conditions and better understand the type of projects and funding levels needed to maintain the
investment that has been made in paved roads. lfiis study was completed in 2008. The goal of the
plan is to extend the life of city streets and to reduce the lifecycle costs for maintaining them in
good condition. The study recommended a significant increase in resources devoted to road
maintenance. A funding levei of approximately$600,000 per yeaz was recommended.
Each year since the plan was prepared the city has endeavored to inerease the budget for contractual
road maintenance atid repairs. The 2009 budget was$204,000 but the actual amount spent was
significantly less($89,176)than the budget. In 2010,the budget was increased to$250,000. The
major project funded in 2010 was a seal coating project along with pavement repairs by lane
patching on Meadowbrook Ave.N. and 228�St.N.($162,760.) In 2011,the budget was increased
to $300,000. The major project funded is a seal coating project($191,090 including change order.)
As the Capital Improvement Cornmittee met this year,the issue of what should be done about
pavement that can no longer be maintained came to the fore. The especially difficult winter
exacerbated problems on 237�`Street(west of Oldfield),which had already deteriora�.ed due to an
inadequate roadbed. The pavement was unsafe and had to be removed and the road section
resurfaced in the surnmer of 2011. The cost to pave(including making needed soil corrections)
would have taken a significant share of the yeaz's maintenance funds. And there was a concern that
without a policy in place,any action taken on that problem could create an un sustainable precedent
for future roads that are similarly deteriorating. A decision was made to remove the area of
hazardous pavement and replace it with gravel. Shortly thereafter,a similar treatment was given to
a short section of Melanie Trail ihat had deteriorated beyond repair.
Before resources are committed to re-paving those sections of 237�'and Melanie,or any other
sections of deteriorating pavements,the Committee recommended that the city develop a
comprehensive road maintenance policy,which would include options for addressing deteriorated
pavement,including financing. The Committee discussed the possibility of returning deteriorated
pavements to gravel suifaces as an alternative to reconsh uction. Public involvement will be
important as a policy is developed.
The funding level for the street maintenance program(Project P'W-002)was recommended at
$300,000 for the 2012 and future year budgets,but should be re-evaivated after the maintenance
policy has been developed,ideally before the 2013 CIPBudget process commences in the spring of
Equipment Replacement F�nd
A maj or recommendation of the 2007 CIP was that the City should create an Equipment
Replacement Fund to set aside funds on an annual basis for planned replacement of vehicles and
major pieces of operating equipment. The fund was ereated in late 2007.
The fund receives transfers from the operating budget of each department depending on its
equipment needs. This allows the depar�iental budgets for each major function to acourately show
the costs of funding that function,including equipment,while segrega�ing the funds from the
operating budgets.Any revenues from the sale of old equipment being replaced are also deposited
into the fund. Ideatly,over time the fund would receive enough funds to be on a pay-as-you-go
basis. At a minimum,accumulating funds for future replacement neeals will reduce need for,and flatten spikes in the annual tax levy needed to pay for major purchases.
Just as for other capital projects,the decision whether or not to replace a particular piece of
equipment, and what to replace it with,will need to be made by the City Council at the time of the
purchase. The City could decide to keep some equipment ionger than plan.ned. Or,equipment
could wear out more quickly than expected. I#is likely that some items will not be replaced,or that
new technology or equipment could alter plans to replace a particular item. The initial pur�hase of
new equipment will be considered as part of the annual operating budget,and once purchased,
future replacements would be added to the schedule.
When the Equipment Replacement Fund was created, it was estimated that for the first three years
the ciry would need to trattsfer$120,000 per year into the fund to"break even" and that amount
would need to increase to$150,000 a year thereafter. Even so,the fimd would be at a deficit and
require the city to borrow some of the cost of some major equipment purchases. In each of the
years 2008 and 2009,the city budgeted$40,000 in transfers to the fund. In 2010 and 2011,the
budget was increased to$80,000 and $110,000,respectively. The fund balance at the end of 2011 is
. forecasted to be about$126,790. This does not include any revenue from sale of surplus equipment
(the city will have a dwnp truck/plow to
sell in late 2011 or early 2012.) Equipment ReplacemeM Fund
SB0,000 per Yeat Fundin9 L�val
For 2012,the draft budget includes
operating budget transfers of$80,000. =400•0°°
There aze no equipment replacements s3oo,o00
planned for 2012. With tl�e same level ��,� �
of contribution in 2013 and 2014,the ;���
funding level may be adequate to fund
lanned lacements unti12015,when ;0
P �P so,s sots sou �s zwe zon zo,e zo,a zoso
the needed replacements exceed the -�100.0°°
fund balance and additional bonowing .=200,000
may be required. -ssoo.000
The chart to the right shows the cash •s4o°.o00
flow in the F.quipment Replacement '=50D•0°°
fund from 2012-2021 assuming an -ssno.000
$80,(}OQ per year contribution. Y"` �t�e.�s R.Pa�.�,a
.�.YNr End Fund B�Ynea
Uptown Sewer System Improvements
In 2012,the City commissioned a master plan for the Uptown Sewer System,the centralized
wastewater system that serves a key area of the Village Ce�nter including the Community C�tex,
Elim Church,Gammelgarden Museum,the Scandia Store snd Deli,the Scandia Caf�and several
other commercial buildings. The plan recommended improveme,�ts to extend the life of the cuire�nt
system. These improvements will be necessary to meet new requiremeuts of Washington County's
MSTS permit which will be issued in 2012. The major expenses benefitting all system users would
s Equalization Tank and Aerobic Pretreahnent Unit $73,209
• New Uptown Pump Tank $25,564
� Run Time Meters $828
A new"department"(tTptown Sewer System)and project(US-001)have been added to the CIP,
and the draft 2012 Budget includes these improvements. The proposed source is a loan
from tlie Capital Improvement Fund. Eventually,the Uptown Sewer System is expected to be
transitioned to an"enterprise fund"that would be supported by system users.
Project Highlights by.Depsrtment
Admin�rb�ation—The study of city meeting and of�ce space needs(A-001)is aow proposed for
funding in 2013,with timing and costs for implementation to be determined later. Several pending
projects (no date or cost estimate)are also listed(a community sign,improvements to the Annex,
and City Ha11 expansion.)
Community Center--With the change the status of project CC-001 (Replacement of Flooring)to
"pending"in 2011,there are no Community Center projects in the 2012-2016 titne frame.
Fire—Most of the Fire Department projects are replacements of equipment and Fire Ha11
components (HVAC,roof,well pump, etc.) The ne�ct vehicles scheduled for replacement are
Engine 5180(F-012) in 2013 and Tanker 5711 (F-011)in 2015.
Ice Rink—The Zamboni will need to be replaced at some time,currently listed for 2014. The
funding source for the Zamboni has been changed from the Equipment Replacement Fund to
donations, a#the recommendation of the Capital improvement Committee.
Parks and Recreation—Lilleskogen and Wind in the Pines Pazks continue to be the priority
projects of the Park and Recreation Committee. Availability of funds from the Park Capital
Improvement Fund will be a major limiting factor. In 2012,the Lilleskogen parking lot would be
built of grants andJor donated labor and materials can be obtained.
Two new projects were added to the CIP as a result of the new Comprehensive Trail Plan adopted
in June: PR-O 15, Sidewallc,209�'to Souih Ball Field and PR 016, Sidewalk,Ballfield to Olinda
Lane. PR-015 is proposed for funding in 2013,with$34,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund.
Requests for improvements to the lighted ball field were added last year:renovation of the infield
(PR-007)was initially listed for 2012, and other impmvements(res�ooms, scoreboard,etc.)were
added to the`�ending"lis�t. A cost estimate of$15,000 has now been given for PR-007 and the
project moved to 2014,with half the cost proposed to come from donations and the rest from the
Capital Improvement Fund.
Public Wvrks—The ongoing street rnaintenance program(PW-001)is the largest project in the
plan for 2012,at$300,000(see the discussion on page 3.)
Paving most of the remaining gravel roads is the largest single pmject in the CTP (PW-001,$1.775
million.) The draft plan moves this project back another year,to begin design no earlier than 2013
with most consh uction in 2014. The plan continues to show the Ozark Avenue E�ension(PW-
003.) It is unlikely that this road would be constructed until some of the land that it would serve is
A new project,the purchase of a skid loader and trailer(PW-015,$35,000)has been proposed for
2012,to be funded through the Public Works operating budget(General Fund.) Tlus equipment
will allow staf�'to accomplish smail earth-moving projects without renting equipment or relying on
contractors. It can also be used for snow removal.
The remaining Public Works projects are equipment replacements. There are no replacements
scheduled in 2012. The ne�major item due for replacement is the John Deere Tractor(2014,P'OV-
009),and then the 2002 Sterling Dump Truck/Plow(2016,PW-010.)
Notably absent from previous equipment replacement schedules was the replacement of the 1998
John Deere Motor Grader. It had been long assumed that the City would be a11 of its roads
and would eventually have no use for the grader. As it now uncertain if that assumption is valid,the
grader has been added to the schedule(2018,PW-016)for planning purposes.
Ilptown Sewer System—This new department category includes the plauned 2012 improvements,
described above(LTS-001),and a second project,the future replacement of the drainfield for the
Uptown Sewer System(US-002)which has been added to the"pending"list.
C�pital Improvement Program Summary and Praject Data
The following worksheets were prepared using Plan-It,a software tool purchased to assist with the
capital improvements planning process. Many additional reports can be produced to dispiay this
information,if desired.
�ity o� Sea�d�a
�apita� In�.�raveme�t Progr�n�
�4�1� — 24�6
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Capital Improvement Program
2012 t1,ru 2016
ProJect Nxme Department Project� Prlority Project Cost
Lileskogen Park knprovernenis Parlcs and Recreetlon PR-001 2 44,000
Sheet Meir�nsnce Progrem PubCic Works PW-002 1 300,000
Skid Loaderand TraAer Publk Works PW-0f5 2 35,000
Equet�tan Tank,Pretreabnenl Und and Pump Tank Up4o�m Sewer US-DO1 1 99,601
Total tor 2012 4�g�6�1
Ctly Meethigl Offlce Space Study Administratlon A-00! 3 18,000
Ergine 5180 ReplacemeM Fke F-012 da 300,000
Lpleskogen Park Improvements Parks and Recreation PR-001 2 103,000
Wind in the Pines Park PaAcs and Recreatfon PR-002 3 10,000
Sidewalk,209th to South Ball Fieki Parks and Reaeatbn PR-016 3 34,000
SYreet Pavx�g Pubtic Works PW-001 2 1,455,D00
Street Maitdenance Program Pub�c Works PW-002 1 300,000
Totsi for 2013 2,220,000
lileskogen Pa�k hnprovements Parks end RecresUon PR-001 2 47,500
Ligtded BaN Fieid imp�avemerds—Infield Parks end RecxeeHon PR-007 3 15,000
SUeet Pavinp Pub6c Wo�ks PW-001 2 320,000
Street Mair�nance Propram Public Works PW-002 1 300,000
Ozark A�re.Exier�ion Pub6c WoAcs PW-003 3 333�333
1999JD�641DT►adorReplecement PubNcWorka �� � ���
Tohl for 2014 1 A73,833
Fire 5tefbn HVAC Replxeme� Fir�e F-001 2 20,DOD
Civi Dete�e Siren.Big Marine Lake Park Resenro Fke f-008 2 21,OD0
Tanloer5177 Replacanerd Fire F-011 rJa 180,000
Zamboni ReplaaemeM k�e Rr►k IR-002 Na 40,OOD
Lpksicopen perk Imp�oyemeMs Pa�Cs end Reaes6on PR-001 2 36,Opp
Sidewalk,BalMkld b Olinda Lene Pa�ks and Recreedon PR-016 3 79,0�
Street Me�tenerroe Program Public Works PW-002 1 300�000
ToW tor 2015 676,000
Grasa Rig 5175 ReplacemeM Fhe F-0f3 nla 60,000
Street Main�nance Program Public Works PW-002 1 3pD,000
John Deere Traclor MowerwBroom&Bbwer Replace Publk Wo�Cs P►M-005 nla 25,000
Tiper Boom Mower Attacfxnent ReplacemeM Public Works �'V-� ►� 12A00
2D02 Steding Oump Trudc wiPbw Replecement PubBc Works PW-0f 0 Na 200,000
Tohl for 2016 ���0�
DRAFT 2011-2016forPublrc Hearing Monday,Oetober 2I,1011
/� .
Project Name Department Project# Priority Project Cost
GRAND TOTAL 5,oa7,a3�
DRlFT 1012-2016 jor Public Hearing Monday.October 1�,�011
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Capital Improvement Program
Zoi� �, �azi
Project Name Deparhneat Project# Priority Project Cost
Street Mairdenence Program Pubiic Works PW-002 1 3pp.0pp
Total for 2017 300,000
Buld'mg O(ficiel Vehicle Replacement Admiistratlon A-002 Na 15,000
Fae Depertrnent Rad'w ReplacemeM Fke f-003 1 75,000
SVeet MaiMenance Prog�am PubCic Works PIN-002 1 300,000
Pkkup wfPlow Replac�nent 20D8 ford Public Works PW-004 da 25,OOD
1898 John Deete Motor Grader Replacemeni Publio Works PW-016 2 200,000
Total for 2018 615,000
Commurdly Center Root Repiacement CommunNy Center CC-003 2 22,p00
Street Maintenance Program Public Works PW-002 1 3pp,pOp
Tiger Dilch Rear Mower Repiacement PuWic Works PW-007 2 75,000
TotRl for 2019 337,000
F��� Fire F-001 2 80,000
Street MaiMenance Program Pubiic Worlc.a PW-002 9 300.000
� Totsl for 1A20 380,000
R�ne�of Fire Dep4 Ak Compressw Fire F-002 1 30,0p0
Sdeet MaiMe�Piog�n Pub6c Wwka PW-002 1 300,D00
Tofal tor 2021 330,U00
GRAND TOTAL 1.962.000
DRAFT ID12-20J 6for Pub(ic Hearing Afonday,October 14,101)
{ '�r
City of Scandia, lvlinnesota
Capital Improvement Program
�0�2 �u 201G
Depsrtment Project#E Priority 2012 ?A13 2014 2015 2016 Total
Cify Mee�rgl0fflce 5pace Study A-001 3 18,000 f8,000
c,�+r�.ovur»►,rw,�d ",o°° 'e,°°°
Administmtion Tofal 18,000 1d,000
' e �
Fire Statlon HVAC ReplacemeM F-001 2 20,000 20,000
6�ralFund �� ��
Cnn"I Defer�e Stren,Big Madne Lake Park Reserve F-009 2 21,000 21,000
Capwi�„y►own.�rfvnd �s o� ts,000
Odw�TBD 6�� ��
Tanker 5177 Replacement F-011 nla 180,000 180,000
�yu{pna,►trr+nd ato,000 ttqaoo
Engine 518D Replacemem f-012 Na 300,000 300,000
��� �oReoo uQ'�
o�ass Rig 5175 Replacement F-013 Na 60,000 60,000
�„�,,,,,��.pp�,�„��� eo,000 eo,000
I��1+e TOW 308,000 I21.000 60.000 3Qi,O8Q
Ice Rink
ZamDoniReplaameM IR-002 Na 40,OD0 �0,000
Grank/Doa�Horx ID,000 r0,0o0
Ice Rink TotW 4oAoo ro,oeo
arks and Recreadon
LiOeslrogen Park ImprovemeMs PR-001 2 44,000 103.000 47,500 36,� 230,500
Gr�►ba/Don�ltoiu r4o0o �0.�
o.,��,.,,�f,�,a �000 �w,000 n.soo �,000 �ie,soo
yYmd m the p�es perk PR-002 3 10,OD0 l0,000
Parki�prow+n�Nfrmd l0,000 10,000
L'ghted Bal F'�eld knprovernents-I�'ield PR-007 3 15,000 f5,000
C�hlbpprown»nt Fund 7,b00 7,i00
G�nntrlDomEbru 1,300 7,500
Sidewalk,209th to South 8ad Field PR-013 3 34,000 3I,000
GPk+�ynpronm�!W�d 3l�000 l��00
Sklewaik,BaNlfeld M Olinda Lane PR-016 3 79.000 78,0�
C�plhiksprovun�etFLnd 7�,000 ri3ODO
DRAFT 201?-2016 for Public Hearing Monday,Oetober 24,20I1
E r��
Department Project#! Priority 2012 1A13 2014 2015 2016 Total
Parlca xna Rec�eaaon Total 4tA0o 147,Q0o 62,soo �95,000 36e,son
°Pnblic Works
SheetPavHg PW-0D1 2 1,455,080 32Q000 1,775,D00 savra wnd us o0o tasa,000 t,ns,ow
Streei Makdenance Propram PW-002 1 300,000 300,000 300,OD0 300,000 300,000 1,500,000
6.nealWmd �00,00o a00,000 �oq000 �oo,000 �o0,aoo �soo,000
p=,e�p�,�� PW-003 3 333,333 333,333
��� s�aa au,au
John Oeere Tractor Mower wl8room b Blrnuer Replace PW-005 n!a 25,000 2b,00p
E9u1P+n�nf MP►iammt Wnd ��� ��
Tiger Boom Mower Atlachnent Replacement PW-008 da 12,OD0 12,D00
EW+lp�tR�pl�a��Fynd 1$OOD 1;000
1999 JD�410 7racMr Replao�ned PW-D09 Ne 60,000 60,OOp
Equip�MR�p�amtl�ljynd t0,000 60,000
2402 Sieding Dump 7nxk w/Plow Reptacement PW-010 Ne 200,000 200,000
EWip�mntR�pq�w►wnlFund t0Q000 IO�y000
Sk�Loader and Tre�ler PW-015 2 35,000 35,000
c.n.r,r w„a �s.000 �s o00
PubliC Wo7'ks Total 335,000 1,755,000 1A13,333 300,000 537,000 3,W0,333
U town Sewer
EqualtraUon Tank,PrelreatmeM Unft and Pump Tank U5-001 1 99,601 99,601
����� 98�601 l�iD1
Upbown Sewer Total ���� i9,6o�
GRpi1VD TOTAI. 478,601 2,220,000 1,675,833 676,000 597,000 5,017,I34
DRdFT 1012-1016 for Public Hearing Monday,October 24.2011
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Equipmeat Repl�cement Fund '
201� - 2021
Replacements by Department
Administration Parks/Ice
Year !Building Fire Rink Public Works Total
2012 $0
2013 300,000 $300,000
2014 60,000 $60,000
2015 180,000 $180,000
201fi 60,000 237,000 $297,000
2017 �0
2018 95,000 75,000 225,000 $315,000
2019 15,000 $15,000
2020 $0
2021 30,000 $30,000
$15,000 $645,000 0 $537,000 1,197,000
PerCent 1.25% 53.88% 0.00% 44.86% 100.00%
2012 Allocation $1,003 $43,108 $0 $35,890 $80,000
Replacements by Depa�tment
Public Worlcs/''''^
45°Yo (, .
� 54%
Parks/Ice Rink
0% ,
Equipment RepZacement F�und Cash Fiow
2012 - 2021
Year End Fund
Year Total$ Replacements Funding Balance
2012 $0 $80,000 $206,790
2013 $300,000 $80,000 -$13,210
2014 $60,000 $80,000 $6,790
2015 $180,000 $80,000 -$93,210
2016 $297,000 $80,000 -$3'l0,210
2017 $0 $80,000 -$230,210
2018 $315,000 $80,000 -$465,210
2019 $15,000 $80,000 -$400,210
Za2p $0 $80,000 -$320,210
2021 $30,000 $80,000 -$270,210
E�,uipment E�epfa�cement Fund
2Q12 - �021
s�oo,000 $80,000 per Year �unc�ing Lev�l
$0 �
2012 2013 2014 O15 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
-$300.000 �
-$400,000 ,.
Year i . Total$Replacements
�e Funding
�#;Year End Fund ealance
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Capital Improvement Program
Includes Projects from AIl Years
Status r ect� Proiect Name
p�yVe A-0Ot Gty 1�eetingl OfRce SP�oe StudY
p� A-002 Buiding Oftidal VeMde Repl�r�t
Comiuunity Center -�
Status Pro ett� Proiect Nama
q� CG-002 Commurr'ty Center HVAC ReplacemeM
AcUve CC-003 Cortrrwnity CeMer Roof Replacxrtient
Fire --�
Status p� Proiect Name
p� F.pD1 Fire Station NVAC ReplaoemeM
q�� F-002 Repiacernent oi F4e Dept Air Compressor
AdHe F-003 Fae DepaMient Rad'a Replaaement
qd;� F-0O6 SCBA Air Pac ReplacemeMs
qdive f-007 Fbe H�I Rooi
p�,e F.-0pg Fire HaU Well Punp ReplaoemeM
p� f-0pg Civ�Detense Siren,Big Marine Lake Park Resenre
p� f-010 Resaie 5179 Repiaoement
A� F-011 Tanker 5177 Replacement
Active F-012 Enpine 5180 Replacement
Active F-013 Grass Rip 5175 Replecement
p� F-01A Tanker5178 Replacsmdd
qq� F-015 Enpine 5176 ReplaoemaM
Ice Rink
Status r sct� Proie�t Name
q� IR-002 Zambonl Replaoeme�t
�Puks and Recreatioa
��atu Prolect� Proisct Name
pq� PR-0D1 LYleskog�Park Imprm�emenb
p� PR-002 Wind tn the Wr�es Park
p� PR-007 LigMed BeN FIe1d knptovements-Infield
p� PR-015 Sidewalk 209th to Soulh 6ed F'�eld
p,q;� PR-016 Sidewalk,Ba�field b qinda lana
Public Works
� Pro Proisct Name
Active PW-001 , Street Pavi�g
Active PW-002 Sheet Maintenance Propram
q� PW-003 Oza�ic Ave.Extension
p� PW-004 Pickup w/Pbw Replacement 2008 Ford
p� PW-005 John Deere Tracbr Mowarw�Broom 6 Bbwer Replace
q� pW-006 1997 Ford B000 Dump Truck w1Pbw ReplacemeM
� pW.pp7 Tiger DPoch Reer Mower Repiec�ner�
Adive PW-008 Tipet Boom MowerAdechrt�ent ReplecemeM
q� PW-009 1999 JD-6410 TratAor Replacement
DRAFT 1012-2D16 for Pv6JIc Htaring blonday,October?I,1011
p�� PW-010 2002 Sterling Dump Tn�c1c w/Plow Replacement
q�� pW-011 SelUSand Shetter
p�� PW-014 Pidwp wlPbw Replacement 1995 GMC
A� pyy-0�5 Skid Loader and Ttader
A�ryry�,� PW-01 B 1998 John Deere Motor Greder Replacemenl
U town Sewer
tus �es.� Proiect Name
p�yVe US-001 Equalization Tank,Preheatrnent UnR end Pump Tank
DRlFT 2012-1076 for PublicHenring Monday,October 29,2017
/ ` �
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Capital Improvement Program
(Includes projecis with a'Status'set to Pending')
Project Name Department Project# Priority Project Cost
Annex(Old Fire Haw)Imyroveme►ds Admnistratlon A-003 4 D
Commun�y 51gn Adminisha�on A-004 4 40,000
Communry CeMer Expa�bN CMy Hell Administratlon A-005 3 0
CommunRy CeMer Interior Impmvaments-Fboring Commun�y CeMer CG001 3
Irtipation System CommunNy Ce�er CC-004 4 10�OU0
Hilitop Waler Canpany Bam Community CeMer CC-005 Na
Fke Chiefs Car F'ae F-0W 3 15,000
Secaid Fke Stallon Fire F-016 3 0
Back-up Generelor for Fire Hall Fire F-018 3 75,OD0
Fire DeparLnard Boat and TraYer Fke F-019 3 5p,0�
Special Resc�e Tra�er Fire F-020 3 40,000
Fire Training SLucduure Fke F-021 3 75,000
Hay Lakel Uons Pe�c Athle6c Field Pa�cs and Recreatlon PR-003 4 39,ODD
Pleyground Equipment Hay LakeJLions Shelter Parks and Reaeatbn PR-004 4 25,000
Skateboa�d Park Parks and Reaeallon PR-005 4 75,000
Tred Acquisibon and Devebpment Parks end Reaeation PR-006 3 0
L'ghted Ball Field(mProvemeMs Paiks and Retxeadon P12-OU8 4 D
Pleyground EQuipment ReplecemeM-CommunaY CeMer Parks�d Re�xeatbn PR-009 Na 25,000
Playground Equiprtknt RepleameM-BaAfield Parks and Recxeetion PR-0f0 Na 25,000
81g Lake Sc�pol Perk Nnprwements Paiks end Reaeadon PR-011 4 0
8one Lake Paric Ynproveme�s Parks and Reaeetlon PR-012 4 0
Cialdren's T-9a�Field hnprovemeMs Perks and Reaeatlon PR-013 4 D
Vitlage CeMer Pedeshian Connec�ion Parks and Recreatbn PR-014 4 �
p���d�p�� UpOown 5ewer US-002 1 87,000
TOTAL 581,000
DRAFT 2012-1016 for Pu6lic Hearing Tuesday,Oclober?S.2011
��� .
Project 1! A-001 Department Admiaistrati�
Contact Admiuishator
Projett Name City Meeting/Office Space Study �[y� unasa��a
Useful Life IS yws
Cstegory Bnildings
Prlority 3: Worthwlule
ynprovd expand/remod�l mating epace for City Counc7 and office a7�ee for adminishative Naff.
qreLitectutal etudy would review short-tam needs to roconfigure the e�cistia8 citY office space,aa well as look at long-tam neada(10-20 ymrs)for cxpanded
bu�7ding�Community Cmte site and ible remoddling of Annne(old Fue Hall.) _
Ezieting office space is ineffieimt and Lcics separetion of public and private areas.
Short and long-tcm"pamanmt"aolutions sre ncedcd to the space issne solved temporu�7y by relocadon of the aheriff depnty to the Fire Hall.
Need to plsa for long-teim ercpansion needs fa mceting sce,public srnicq employce waaic erws and stoiage.
Ezpenditnres 2a12 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
PlanninglDesign 18,000 18,000
Tota! 18,000 18,000
Funding Sonrces 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Capitsl improvemerrt Fund 18,� 18.�
Total 18,000 18,000
Profectll F-0�l — --- Departmwt F'ae
Confact Firc Chief
�Project Tiawe �e Station HVAC Replacement �e �vtun���
Usefnl Litc 15 yeus
Category Build'mgs
Priortty 2:FIigh priarity
ReQLcc HVAC Systan at Fa�e Asll {2015))
ilseSullife expected.
Expenditnres Z012 7A13 2014 2015 Z016 Total
ConstruciioNAAairrtenance 2D.000 20,000
Total �� �A�
Funding Sources 2012 2013 �014 ?AIS 2016 Total
Generel Fund ��� ���
Total �,� 20�00�
DRlFT 2012-2016 fo�Public Hearing Mohday,OMober 2�,2011
a �
Projeet# F-��9 Depsztment F'm
ContaM Admini�hator
Projeet Name Civil Defease Siren,Big Msrine Lake Park Reserve �� xew
�— -- --
Uscful I.lte 40 ye�s
Category F.quipmeaU Vehicles
Prlority 2:High priotity
Description —�
ew civii defmse siren on west side of Big Maine Lka Cost essuma that City would pmvide aD fimd'mg for the projxt;locatioa to be detesmined. 71�a�e may be
an opportunity to pertna with Washingt�County and p�entially May Township to upgrade civl defrase sirea nm Big Mariae I�ke Park Reswa Conaty pedcs
ataff indicate that sirea will probably not be coosidercd uatil constructioa of camping ams. B�sod on d�e 2010 park master p1an,a joint pmject wouk]be five or
more yeue in ihe fuma+e.
�Pnblic safdy for padc And lake usera,lekeshaQe r�idents and semi-public necrestion facilities(wch sa Vcts Camp,Camp Lakamaga)an Big Muine Iaka
��a�c�� io�Z 2013 Zoia �ois Zoi6 Tot�
ConahuctlonlMair�tenance 21,OOo 21,000
Total 27,ODo 21,000
�hnding Sources 2012 2013 2014 ?A15 2016 Totai
Capital Impmvement Fund 15,000 15,OD0
Othed TBD 6,000 6,000
Total 27,000 21,000
i Projeet� F-011 --- ---- ^ Deparhnent Fa�e
Contact Fire Chief
�rro�c�c x�m� Tanker 5177 Replacement _ Ty� tt���a►i
u�ure 2o ya,�
c.uaorr �9�enU veDicla
Priority N/A
Twka S197 Re.placxmeot
�Clt1011 �
F�cpenditures 2012 Z013 2{I14 2015 2016 Total
EquipNehidesJFumishings � 180,000 180,000
ToW �so.000 �eo,000
Funding Sourcea 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Equipment Replacement Futxl 180�00� 180�000
� Total 1a0,06o 1d0A�0
DR.lFT 2012-1016 for PubJic Heartng Mondcy,Octobrr 2I,2011
� Project# F-012 1lepartmeat Faae
ConUet Fire Chid
Project Name Engine 5180 Repiacement � tt�.�ent
U�eful Life 25 yars
Gtegory Equipmend Vebidex
Priority N/A
Description �
Engine 5 J 80 Replacemmt(2013)
J119ti�1CAt10D '
Ezpenditures Z012, 2013 2014 2015 1A16 Tota1
EquipNehideslFumishings 900,000 300,000
Total 30oAoo 300.00�
Ftwding 5onrces ZOlZ 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Equipment Replacement Fund 300,000 300�000
Total �� ��
Project# F-013 Deputment Fin
Contset Fire Chief
rro�ue N.m� Grass Rig 5175 Replacement Type R�k�m�
— — --- -- Uuful Life 20 yea�s
CateB��'Y �N�mb Vehicles
Priority N/A
Grass Rig i l75 Repkament (2015) �
E�cpenditnres 2012 2013 2014 2015 Z016 Toat
EquipNehicbs/Fumishings 60A00 60,0�0
Total �� ��
Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 ZO15 2016 Total
EquipmeM Replacement Fund �A� ���
Total �� ��
DR9FT 2012-10/6 for Publie Hearing Monday,Ocrober�!,2011
G, ��
Dep�rCment ice Rink
pr°Ject# �R-ODZ Contact Puk snd Rx Committce
Projat Nsme ��oni Replacement rype Rq�ac�mme
Useiel I.ife 2i yea�
Gtegory EquipmmU Vehicles
Prlority NIA
Rephcemeat of(usal)7imlwni for outdoor ice tink
Cu�t machiuc govd for 5 ycars 2014) _.
Ead of useful life of exictm8 equiPmmt-
Ezpenditnres 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
EquipNehicleslFumishings �0,000 40,000
Totat �� '���
�nding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Grants/Donatlons 40,000 40,000
Totsl 40,000 40,000
DRAFT 2012-1016 for Public Hearfng Monday,Ocmber 24,1011
� �
� pral ject i� PR-0Ol Depsrtmcnt Pa�cs and Recrea6am
Contact Puk aad Rx Committa
{ �L ai«<�1m� Lflleskogen Psrk Improvements ry� ���:
Usefnl Life 20 yen�s
Category Puk improvomcnt
Prlority 2:High priority
Description �
Treliminary Coat Estimate&om Lilleskogen Pazk P1an,January 2007&estimatea from SRF Iac.,Apol 2008,pukmg bt desi�&esdmates Jnac 20l 1
PLasel,2009 (S24,800)
,1. Site surveying and eagmetrin6 for aata control structure: S 13,800
•2. Cmshuction/eartbwo�lc: S]0,000
3. WadMaaagemeat S1,000
Phase 2,2011
4.ParkinB Lot Design(56,000)
5.Parking Lot Constrution(544,000)
Ph+�se 4,2013(S 103,000)
S. Site utilities: 58,000
6. Trails and Board: 590,000
7. E1xUical{pat�Cing lot security lighting) SS,000
Phase 5,2014(547,500) �
I6. Vegdation removals(S21,S00)
7. Iandscaping/vegwtion ratoiatians(S26,000)
hase 6,2015 (536,000)
B. Siu furnishmgs(picnic shdur,tables,bmches,aignagc Gc.) —� — -- ---- ------
�Justificatlon � - - — — ---
�A1 priaity of Padc md Rocrntion Committce
�Park is�teway to vi7lege uater connection to pedestrian treiLa,accessible to school. ^ _ _
E=penditures ?Al2 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
ConstrudionlAAaiMenance 44,000 103,000 47,500 15,OOU 209,500
EqufpNehides/Fumishings � Z�.� ���
Total 44.000 103,000 �7,500 36Aoo 28o,s0o
I�nding Sonrces 2012 Z013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Grar�l Donations 40,000 40,000
Park ImprovemeM Fund 4,000 1D3,000 47,500 36,000 190,500
Total µAoo �aa,000 a,soo �s,000 2ao,soo
DRAFT 2012-?D16 for Public Nearing Mondrry,October 2s,2011
Ip jcet# PR-002 � � Aepartment Parks and Racmdon
ContaM Park md Rec Committee
±Project Name w�d in the Pines Park �e im�v�mea�
U`eful Life 20 yesis
Gtegory Park Jmprovament
Priority 3: Wortbwh�le
i DescripUon —�
Site Survey and Bonndary Markees-54,800{3010)
SigaagelfurnisLings—52,000(201 l)
auaal Resoum.ea MansgemmtPlan— S10,000(2013) _
Sxand p�ioirty of Park and Ra�eation Committee.
,$taira/ha�7 improvemeat needed to allow use of steep trail witlwut aosio�and koep usaa from tcsspassing on p�ivue propety.
Ezpenditnres 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Planning/Design 10,000 10,000
Totat �o,000 �o,000
Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 201b Total
Park Improvement Fund 10,D00 10,OD0
TQ� to,000 �o,000
Projeet# PR-007 ' —� Departmmt Parks and Recreation
� Contict Park and Rx Comunittx
�l��N�e Lighted Bsll Fteld Improvements—Infield � �e wt,�;nt�nance
-- ur�rw r�u� 2o y�
eategory Puk Im}ttavemeat
Prfority 3: Woatbwh7e
Description �
Gtade and rebuila infield w coiroct drninage;gcade ana plant tras bdund west outfidd fmce.(eost undavmined.) —
_--_ - - ---
Reqnested by Sc�ndia Softball Associatioa.
Ezpenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Tohi
ConatructfonfMahrtenanoe 15�000 15.000
Tofal 15,100 15,000
Fnndin.g Sonrces 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Capital Improvement Fund 7,300 7,500
GraMs!Donations 7,500 7,50U
Total 15,100 15,000
DJLlFf 2012-2016for hblic Xeoring Monday,Oclober 2I,1011
� C��
� Department Parks aad Rxreation
Projeat N PR-015 � Cont�et pdmin;etratar
, Pro�ect Name Sidewalk,209th to South Ball Field ! 'type Improvemeut
—_ ----_--- U�efnl L+fe 20 yeara
Category Park Improvement �
Priority 3: Worthwh�'la
�Deacription _ j _
�Construction sidewalk an eaat side of Olinda(CR3)from 209th Str+eet to South Ball Field.
Nari idmtified'm 201]Tra7 PLn.
Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Const►uctioniMafntenance �>�� ���
Total ��� ���
Fnnding Sources 2012 2013 Z014 2015 2016 Total
Capitat]mprovement Fund 34,000 ���
Total 34,000 34,000
- – � Departmeat Pa�s and Recreation
Projeet# PR-fl16 Contact Admiaistrator
�ProjeetName Sidewslk,Bsllfield to Olinda Lane ___ f� �[ype �,�o��me
U�eful Life 20 years
Gtegary Park Improvement
Priority 3: Wwthwhik
Description �� ,
.m,.�rr,�et s�deaalk on tLe west side of Oliada lane(Couary Rd.3)from Lightad Ballfield driveway nmth to Olmda Lane _ �
JU��1CS110II —� _
eod ideotified by 2011 T:ail Pha. �
E�enditnres 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
ConStrut�ionlNiainter►ance 79,000 79,000
Total 79,060 t9,DGD
Fundiag Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Capital Improvement Fund 79,000 79,000
To� 79,000 79,000
DRAFT 2012-2016 fo�Pub/ic Hearing Monday,October 24,2011
Department Public Works
Projectk PW-{101 Cont�ct Engineer
Profect Name St]CCet PBt�Ing TYPe Improvenaent
UKtu1 Lite 20 yws
Gtegory Roid Paving
Prlority 2:High Pnorih'
Pave mneining approximately 5.5 miles of gavel roads(Pilar,Paris,PennSeld,Perkiaa;185th,Oakgeen,Old Marine 7'tat'1.). Mmimum of 209�e of total c:ost
(portion of bituminons)to be asaessal to bme6tcd pmpaty ownas pc policy.
IS1,77S,�Total cost ova 2 yars.
�Year 1(ZOl3)(5385,000)
�-- �ilvert replacemmt S 100,000
;-- Engiaariag/surveying!wcdond pumiuimg 5250,000
-- Easemmt acquisitiom 535,000
Year2(2014) (51,390,000)
-. Enginaring/Admin da 5300,000
Conshuction 51,0�0,000
-- Fiamcing costs S20,OOt1 --_---�
JILShf C8tl0II
P�licy to pave existing gavel rosds;doereased mainteaance costs for pav�ent vs.�avd roeds. - -- -- .----J
Expenditures 2012 2013 201d Z015 201b Total
PlanninglDesign 250,000 300,OD0 550,OOD
Land Acquisition 35.000 35,000
ConstrudionlMaintenance 1,170,000 1,170,OD0
Other 20�OD0 2D�000
Totsl 1,455,000 320,000 1,775,OOD
�nding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Debt Service Fund 383,000 1,390,000 1,775,OOU
Total 3ea,000 t,39o,oDo �,»5,000
DRAFT 201I-1D16 for Publie hlear3ng �(�,' Monday.Oelober?4.2017
"— Departmcnt Pnblic Works
Project�f PW-002 Contact Enginea
Project Name Street Maintenance Program Type Maiatenance
U�efui Lite Vuiable
Gtegory Rwd Reconstnu,tiam
Prioriry 1:Usgeat,high primity
Descriptian —�
Tm-year rehab.Prognm including etack sealiag and seal coat,recla�and ovalay,reconswetion,as racommeaded by 2008 Pavemwt Maoagemeat Phn (2011-
2018 upa�ditures yet to be detamined.) _
Mainuin invasbmeat in peved roadways. !n lata years,assumes new assessment policy allowing debt financmg of siguificant patioa of rebabilitation and�
rxomsWction propam. _ ------
E=penditures Z012 ZO]3 2014 2015 ?A16 Total
ConsWdioNMaintenance 300,OW 300,000 30D,000 300,OD0 300,OOD 1,500,000
Total aoo,000 �oa,000 �oo,000 �o,000 �oaAoo �,soo,000
Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
General Fund 300,000 300,000 �OD,000 300,000 300,000 1,500,000
�o� 3ooA0o �oo,000 �oo,000 �oo,000 300,000 1,soo,000
Depar�eat Public Woiics
Projecttl PW-003 ConGct Enginar
Projcei Name Ozark Ave.Eztension _ '[yp� N�+
Ureful Life 20 years
Category Road Consuucti�
Prlodty 3: Wmihwh�7e
ew atrxt segmmt from cad of exissing Oza� CR 52(Oakhill).33 miles (2013)
RO W Acquisition,Comstruction all rdac�d improvemente-S 1 m�lion per mik. I
IMsy be p�rd+�h'�ssessed(?)
Ezpenditurea 2012 20]3 2014 2015 2016 Total
ConstructionAulairrtenancc� ' 333,333 333,333
Total 333,�33 333,��.1 �
Tnnding Sources 2012 ?A113 2014 ZO15 201b Tota!
Capital Improvement Fund � ��� 3���
Total 333,333 333,333
DRAFT 2012-2016 for Pub(ic Hearing Monday,Oetober 2�,1011
� ��
Projeet# PW-005 . n�.rnn�c rubu�w�
i Conmd T6mp
Project Name John Deere Trsctor Mower wBroam&Blower Replace j �� x�pm��t
Utefal Life 7 years
Gtegory EquipmeaU Vehicles
Priority N/A
lohn Dece Tnctor Mower wBroom&Blowc Replacemeat,planned replac�eots (2009,2016,2023,2030)
� - -
F,zpenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
EquipNehfcieslFumish(ngs 25,000 25,000
Tofsl 25,GOo 25,000
FLndiag Sources 2412 2013 2014 2015 2016 ToW
Equipment ReplacemeM Fund 25,D00 25,000
Tofsl �,� 25,000
Projeet# pw-��g Department Public Works
Conna Thmp
Projeet Name Tiger Boom Mower Attachment Replacement ry�e R����
Uceful Life 6 yeus
Gte=ory FqaipmenU Vdricles
Priorky N/A
Description —�
Tiga Boom Mowc Attachmeot Replecemeot (2010,2016,2022,2028) —�
Usefu]life of equipment.
Ezpenditutes 2012 2013 2014 2015 ?A16 Total
EquipNehicles/Fumishings ���� 12.�
TotAl �� ��
Funding Sources Z012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Equipment Replacement Fund �2.000 �2.000
Total 12� ��
DRlFJ'2011-1016 jor Public Flearing Mo�doy,Ocmber 24,2011
,��l� �
Prol jKe a PW-009 �p=�ent Public Wo�s
Contut Thory
i pro�ect Name I999 3D-6410 Tractor Replacement � �� Replacanmt
Usetul Idfe 15 years
Cstegory Fqnipmmt/Vehicles
Prlorlty N/A
1999)D-64I0 Tnctor Replacemeot(2014,2029)
� —
Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
EquipNehides/Fumishings 60,000 � 60,000
Totsl 60,600 60,000
�ndiug Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Equfpmen!Replacemern Fund 69,000 6D,000
Totsl 60.000 61l,000
�tcoject!! PW-OIO Departinent Pnblic Works
---- Conhct 7Lcttp
ProjeM Name 2p02 Sterling Dump Truck w/Plow Replacement � g��,�,,,t
Uteful Life i2
Cstsgary EquipmeaU Ve3�icles
Priority N/A
�DescripHon _�
2002 Staling Dnmp Trnck w/Plow Replace�eat(2016,2028)
Replace at md ofnceTullfe.
Ezpenditures 2012 Z013 2014 ZO15 ZOi6 Total
EquipJVehlcleslFumisMngs Z00,000 200,000
Total 20eA� 20o.eoo
FundLng Sources ]Al2 2013 2014 20i5 2016 Total
Equipment Replacement Fund 200,000 200,OD0
Todl 200,600 200,000
DRlFT 201?-2016 for Public Hearrng Monday,October 2t,2011
� /.
Departnent PubJic Works
Projecc 11 PW-015 contact TLoip
�ProJecc Name S�a Loader and Trailer I Type N�w
U*efol L3fe 20 yesrs
Category Equipaoeat/Vehicles
Priodty 2:High Pn�itY
New sldd loadc and tra�c,with buic attachmmts. �
Will allow public works stag to accomplisL smal]euth-movin8 pro)xts wt�out rmting equipemmt or relying on conaactrns. Can also bc used for snow removal.
Ezpenditnres 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
EquipNehides/Fumishings 35,OOD 35,000
Totsl 3i,000 35,000
Funding Sources Z012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
General Fur►d 85,000 35,U00
Total 35,000 35,000
Project H US-001 � Department Uptown Sewc
�'�i�NiQ1e Equalizstion Tank,Pretreatment Unit and Pump Tank Type �o��nt
�_�,_.�._ _�.._�.�__J
Uceful Lfe 15 years
Gtegory Utilities
Priority 1:Utgmt,high priocity
Additim of an equalizati�tank,aerobic pretratment nnii,new Upfown pump tank md run time meters to the Upiown 5ewa System. �
As ncommended by the 2012 Uptown Sewv Syatem Marta Plan and t comditian of the Washingtoo Camty MSTS Ope�atiag Penmit.
Expendibnres ?Al2 2013 2014 ZO15 2016 Total
Construc�ioNMaintena�ce 99,609 99.801
Total �,�� �,iot
Pbnding Sources Z012 2013 2014 2013 2016 Total
Capital Improvement Fund 89,601 99,801
ToW 9s,6ot 99,601
DRAFT 201Y-1016 for Public Hearing Monday,Octobtr 2s,20I1
�o� ,