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4. Agenda for the 06 20 17 Regular Council MeetingCITY OF SCANDIA
Tuesday, June 20 2017
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Public Forum
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
a) Minutes
1) May 16, 2017 Regular Meeting
2) June 7, 2017 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Slalom Course on Bone Lake
e) Approve 2017-18 Recycling Grant Agreement with Washington County
f) Process to fill vacancy on Economic Development Authority
g) Engagement letters with Northland Securities to act as underwriter and placement agent
for future debt issues
h) Step increase — Adam Hawkinson
i) Request to purchase portion of City -owned property — n.w. corner of 185' St N and
Langley Ave. N
6. Public Hearings
7. Committee Reports
a) Parks and Recreation Committee
1) Discussion on request to stripe community center tennis courts for pickleball
2) Discussion on landscaping plan for the Veterans Memorial
b) Planning Commission
1) Application for a Minor Subdivision to create Lot 1, including 9.66 acres, and Outlot
A, including .05 acres, on the parcel at 20211 Maxwill Avenue North, by subdividing
parcel (Resolution 06-20-17-01)
2) Application for a conditional use permit for a 1 Mw community solar garden at 23485
Manning Trail. N. (Resolution 06-20-17-02)
3) Variances from the 100 -foot setback requirement from the Ordinary High Water Line
(OHWL) of Big Marine Lake and from the 40 -foot roadway right-of-way setback
requirement to construct a new single-family home and septic system on the parcel at
18569 Langley Street North (Resolution 06-20-17-03)
June 20, 2017
Page 2 of 2
4) Amending the Development Code Chapter 1, Definition and Chapter 2, Section 2.0
Regarding Development Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units (Ordinance No. 184)
5) Summary publication of Ordinance No. 184 (Resolution 06-20-17-04)
Staff Reports
a) Building Official -----------------
b) Police Department ---------------
c) Fire Department ------------------
d) City Engineer ---------------------
e) City Attorney ---------------------
f) Director of Public Works -------
g) City Administrator ---------------
----Chuck Preisler
----Deputy Brandon Yetter
----Fire Chief Mike Hinz
----Ryan Goodman
----Andy Pratt
----Adam Hawkinson
----Neil Soltis
9. General Business
a) Increase in firefighter retirement benefit amount through Public Employees Retirement
b) Ordinance 185 Dogs repealing Ordinance 166 and creating new ordinance providing for
the identification, regulation, confinements, and disposition of dogs.
c) Summary publication of Ordinance 185 (Resolution 06-20-17-05)
d) Designation of fence viewer
e) Creating a partition fence exemption (Resolution 06-20-17-06)
f) Pay request for 2017 road patching contract
g) Pay request for 2017 crack sealing contract
h) Designate members of bargaining team for labor negotiations with Teamsters Local 49.
i) Replacement of pumps at lift station #2 in the Bliss addition.
j) Purchase of street sign posts
k) Purchase of street signs
1) Replacement of the projection screen in the community building
10. Adjournment