EDA Agenda 04 19 2018 Breakfast meetingCITY OF SCANDIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, April 19, 2018 7:00 A.M. Scandia Community Center 1. Breakfast 2. Welcome and Introductions 3. Updates a) County 1) Open to Business 2) Predevelopment Loan Program b) EDA 1) Facade Loan Program 2) Landscape Partnership project 3) Tourism Assessment project 4) Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing c) Scandia Welcome group 4. Presentation on Phone Security by Carney Forensics 5. Commissioner Reports a) Treasurer's report 1) Approve payment of Forest Lake Chamber of Commerce annual membership 2) Approve payment of University of MN Tourism Assessment Program 6. Next Date — October 18, 2018 7. Adjournment