08-21-2012 Agenda CITY OF SCANDIA
Tuesday,August 21,2012
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Public Forum
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
a) Minutes
1) July 17, 2012 Regular Meeting
2) July 24, 2012 Special Meeting
3) July 31, 2012 Special Meeting
4) August 8, 2012 Special Meeting
5) August 15, 2012 Special Work Session Meeting
6) August 16, 2012 Special Work Session Meeting
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Special Event Permit, Meister's Bar and Grill (September 7 & 8, 2012)
e) Utility Permit, Xcel Energy(Gas Main, 11010 to 11060 Mayberry Trail)
fl Utility Permit, Midcontinent Communications (Cable, 21190 Ozark Ct.)
6. Public Hearings (None)
7. Committee Reports
a) Park and Recreation Committee
1) Sponsorship of Gun Safety Class
b) Planning Commission
1) Conditional Use Permit to Allow Massage Studio at 21190 Ozark Avenue N,. DeLynn
Lalli, Applicant. (Resolution No. 08-21-12-01)
2) Variance from Maximum Lot Coverage and Conditional Use Permit for Construction
of a Detached Garage at 18819 Layton Avenue N., Carol Varhalla, Applicant.
(Resolution No. 08-21-12-02)
3) Variance to Allow Construction of a Garage Closer to the Street than the Principal
Structure at 15243 209�' Street N., Steve Howe, Applicant. (Resolution No. 08-21-12-
4) Variance from the Setback from the Ordinary High Water Level of Big Marine Lake
for Construction of an Accessory Building at 13440 182°d Street N., Joseph Matt,
Applicant. (Resolution No. 08-21-12-04)
August 21,2012
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8. Staff Reports
a) Building Official--------------------------------Keith Wille
b) Police Department------------------------------Deputy Chris Majeski
c) Fire Department---------------------------------Fire Chief Jim Finnegan
d) City Engineer------------------------------------Phil Gravel, PE
1) Contractor's Request for Payment No. l, 2012 Seal Coat and Bituminous Patching
e) City Attorney------------------------------------Tom Miller
fl Maintenance Superintendent------------------Timothy Kieffer
g) City Administrator------------------------------Anne Hurlburt
1) Resignation and Replacement of Office Assistant
9. General Business
a) Award Bid, Uptown Wastewater System Improvements
b) Ordinance No. 132 Amending Ordinance No. 121 Establishing Compensation for the
Mayor and City Council
c) Forest Lake Cable Commission Joint and Cooperative Agreement (Resolution No. 08-
d) Agenda for August 28, 2012 Special Meeting
10. Adjournment