5.a) Cooperative Weed Management Grant Meeting Date: 6/2/2009
Agenda Item:
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City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Consider accepting a $1,000 Cooperative Weed Management grant
from the Washington Conservation District (WCD) for Lilleskogen
Deadline/ Timeline: Grant funds must be used by 12/30/09
Background: • Scandia has a project underway to design,permit and construct a
water control structure and begin restoration of the wetland
vegetation in Lilleskogen Park.
• WCD has offered to provide funds from a state allocation for weed
management. Eligible expenses include herbicide and equipment
purchases, contract labor for mechanical or chemical management,
re-vegetation, or contract labor for monitoring for other invasive
species such as garlic mustard.
• Funds previously allocated by the City and the watershed district
for the wetland restoration (including reed canary grass
management) will apply as the required match against this grant,
although volunteer or in-kind staff time will also qualify.
• The City Attorney has reviewed the grant agreement and raised no
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the cost-
share assistance contract.
Attachments/ • E-mail dated 5/12/09 from Jyneen Thatcher, WCD
Materials provided: . Cost-Share Assistance Contract
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(wcd weed management grant)
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Anne Hurlburt
From: Jyneen Thatcher [jyneen.thatcher@mnwcd.org�
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:38 AM
To: Scandia-Anne
Subject: Weed grant- Lilleskogen Park
Attachments: Contract 08-cwma-10_Scandia-Lilleskogen_20090513.DOC
Contract 08-cwma-
10 Scandia-Li...
Our office has received some funding for a Cooperative Weed Management grant, and the
grant committee has identified the Lilleskogen Park restoration project as a deserving
project. Pending approval by the WCD Board to encumber the funds (expected to occur on May
13, 2009) we are offering the City $1000 in grant funds, to apply towards buckthorn
management in the park. The funds will need to be spent before 12/30/09, and eligible
expenses include herbicide and equipment purchases, contract labor for mechanical or
chemical management, revegetation, or contract labor for monitoring for other invasive
species such as garlic mustard. I anticipate that the funds previously allocated by the
City and CMSCWD for the wetland restoration (including reed canarygrass
management) will apply as a match against this grant, although volunteer or in-kind staff
time will also qualify.
I have attached to this e-mail a draft contract form, which will need to be completed and
signed by the City, and then co-signed by myself (as technical representative) and our
Board Chair, before the expenditures can occur. The grant does require the landowner to
provide receipts for expenses paid, to be reimbursed through our office, following the
typical State Cost-share protocols.
Therefore, please review the attached form, and identify who would be the spokesperson for
the City, authorized to sign the contract. I can update the form and send it back to you
for signature, or you could add it in directly. When it has been signed and returned, I
will obtain the remaining signatures as soon as possible, and provide a copy back to you
with approval to begin.
Feel free to call if you have questions about this grant, or the application process.
Jyneen Thatcher
Wetland Specialist
Washington Conservation District
1380 W. Frontage Rd; Hwy 36
Stillwater, MN 55082
651-275-1136 X 25
— -::.--,
Contract No. Individuall Federal or other `
Conservation District Washington Amendment❑ Cancelled❑
Group State Cost-Share
COUnty Number $2 08-CWMA- � Yes❑ NO� Board Meeting Date(s):_ Board Meeting Date(s):_
Applicant' Address CitylState ZIP
14727-209�h St. N Scandia, MN 55073
City of Scandia
'H a group contract,this must be filed and signed by the group spokesperson as designated in the group agreement.
TownshiplCity Name Township Range Section 114,114 County Number Minor Watershed Number
Lilleskogen Park, Scandia 32N 20W 14 SE,SW 82 37050
I (we) the undersigned, do hereby request cost-share assistance to help defray the cost of installing the following
State Cost-Share practice(s)listed on the second page of this contract. It is understood that:
�• The land occupier or landowner is responsible for the operation and maintenance of practices applied under this
program to ensure that the conservation objective of the practice is met and the effective life, a minimum of 2 years,
is achieved. Full establishment and maintenance of all conservation practices to achieve the upland treatment criteria
are considered a State Cost Share Program requirement for the life span of the practice receiving financial cost-share
assistance. Should the land occupier or landowner fail to maintain the practice during its effective life, the land
occupier or landowner is liable to the state of Minnesota for the amount up to 150% of the amount of financial
assistance received to install and establish the practice. The land occupier or landowner is not liable for cost-share
assistance received if the failure was caused by reasons beyond the land occupier or landowner's control, or if
conservation practices are applied at the land occupier or landowner's expense that provide equivalent protection of
the soil and water resources.
In no case shall a conservation district provide cost-share assistance to a land occupier or landowner for the
reapplication of a practice that was removed by the land occupier or landowner during its effective life without consent
of the conservation district board or that failed due to improper maintenance. The specific operation and maintenance
requirements for the conservation practice listed are described in the operation and maintenance plan prepared for
this contract by the conservation district technical representative. If title to this land is transferred to another party
before expiration of the aforementioned life, it shall be the responsibility of the land occupier or landowner-who signed
this contract to advise the new owner that this contract is in force.
2. Practice(s) must be planned and installed in accordance with technical standards and specifications of the:
3. Increases in the practice units or cost must be approved by the conservation district board as a condition to increase
the cost-share payments by amendment.
4. This contract, when approved by the conservation district board, will remain in effect unless canceled by mutual
agreement, except where installations of practices covered by this contract have not been started by 11/1/2009
(date), this contract will be automatically terminated on that date.
5. Practices will be installed by 12/31/2009 (date) unless this contract is amended by mutual consent to reschedule the
work and funding.
6. Items of cost for which reimbursement is claimed on the Voucher and Practice Certification Summary Form are to be
supported by invoices/receipts for payments and will be verified by the conservation district board as practical and
reasonable. The district board has the authority to make adjustments to the costs submitted for reimbursement.
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The landowner's and land occupier's signature indicates their agreement to:
1. Grant the conservation districYs representative(s) access to the parcel where the conservation practice will be located.
2. Obtain all permits required in conjunction with the installation and establishment of the practice prior to starting
construction of the practice.
3. Be responsible for the operation and maintenance of conservation practices applied under this program in accordance
with an operation and maintenance plan prepared by the conservation district technical representative.
4. Not accept cost-share funds, from state and federal sources combined, that are in excess of 75 percent of the total cost
to establish the conservation practice and provide copies of all forms and contracts pertinent to any other state or federal
programs that are contributing funds towards this project.
Date LandownerlSookescerson Address CitylState2ip Code
14727-209th St Scandia, MN 55073
Cit of Scandia
Date Landowner Address City/State2ip Code
The conservation practice category for which cost-share is requested is D-1l(CWMA 613, brush manaqement 314).
Eligible component(s) Other recognized technical practice Engineered Practice Total Cost Estimate
(O yes or�no)
Mechanical removal Ecological Practice $ 8,000.00
Herbicide application (�Yes or❑no)
I have reviewed the site where the above listed conservation practice(s) are to be installed and find that they are needed and
that the estimated quantities and costs are practical and reasonable.
Conservation Distrlct Technical Representative Date
Jyneen Thatcher;
Cost-sharing not to exceed 1000.00 or 75 percent of the total eligible cost, which ever is less.
Conservation District Board,Chair Board Meeting Date
Louise Smallidge
(Updated 8/07)