5.a)2) August 4, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission / ��
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August 4, 2009
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council
members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt.
Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Deputy Clerk Brenda
Mayor Seefeldt moved agenda item S.d) to the first agenda item of the meeting. Peterson,
seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed
The Fire Department has recommended that the city enter into a mutual aid agreement with the
Village of Osceola, to allow either department to assist with emergency response in their
respective territories. City Attorney Hebert presented the proposed agreement which he prepared
with input from the Osceola Village Attorney and the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance
Trust. Fire Chief Jim Finnegan commented that this agreement is a positive contract for the two
communities, allowing the departments to work together on both sides of the river. Peterson,
seconded by Seefeldt, moved to approve a reciprocal fire service agreement with the Village
of Osceola, Wisconsin. The motion passed unanimously.
The Scandia Softball Association has applied for a temporary license for beer sales during games
at the Scandia lighted ballfield during the annual Taco Daze event. Peterson, seconded by
Amos, moved to approve a temporary liquor license for the Scandia Softball Association
for September 11, 2009. The motion passed unanimously.
Washington County has submitted their 2030 Comprehensive Plan to adjacent governmental
units for review and comments. Administrator Hurlburt has reviewed the plan and found it to be
compatible with Scandia's Comprehensive Plan, although there was no reference to Scandia's
park-and-ride lot at Olinda Trail and 209�' Street in the Transportation chapter, which did
identify other lots in the county. The County Plan also contained a few outdated references to
"New Scandia Township". A draft letter was presented to the council which recommended the
technical corrections and a comment stating that the city will continue to maintain the park-and-
ride lot. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the letter to Washington County
with comments on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed unanimously.
On July 21,the Council approved a park user permit for Frontier Communication's customer
appreciation event to be held on the Community Center grounds on July 29, 2009. Frontier
postponed this event and has requested the permit date be changed to August 19. Amos,
seconded by Crum, moved to approve that a Park User Permit be issued to Frontier
Communications for August 19, 2009,with conditions as previously issued.
August 4,2009
Scandia City Council
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The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. The following were
present: Commission Chair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Rrinke,Susan Rodsjo and Peter
Schwarz. Absent: Commissioner Christine Maefsky.
City Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft ordinance which would establish regulations for
special events, such as outdoor concerts. Staff was directed to research an outdoor events policy
following a discussion at an earlier council meeting which identified potential issues regarding a
wrestling/live music event at a local business. The Council requested an ordinance which would
take a broad approach to a wide range of outdoor events and the potential issues they pose.
Key issues for discussion were identified which would further define pertinent details of the
ordinance, such as the definition of a special event,permit fees, exceptions to the permit
requirement and restrictions on the number of special events permitted.
Commissioner Schwarz stated that defining this ordinance appears to be more complicated than
anticipated and questioned how enforcement of the ordinance would be handled. Administrator
Hurlburt answered that many event details would be provided ahead of time to ward off potential
problems regarding hours,parking, etc. The city would rely on law enforcement personnel to
respond to any issues which arise during the event. A permit fee could be established which
would be reasonably related to the cost of issuing the permit and monitoring the activity.
Councilmember Peterson had concerns that an events ordinance has the potential to negatively
affect local businesses. Peterson felt that the current noise ordinance can control amplified
music. Mayor Seefeldt agreed with this but stated that the city is looking to balance the rights of
businesses and the protection of neighbors' rights to enjoy their property without the negative
effects of traffic and amplified music.
Commissioner Krinke felt there was a need to issue some sort of permit so that the city was at
least aware of activities being conducted. Krinke thought that an Interim Use Permit is not the
way to go as this approach would be costly and time prohibitive.
Commissioner Rodsjo suggested some type of compromise such as providing a checklist to event
organizers so that they are aware of parking requirements,health and safety issues, event hours,
sign placement and other rules which the city has in place.
Councilmember Lindell recommended that ordinance language be kept light, meaning be
subjective to a large extent to address health and safety concerns. It may be possible to review
the events at a public meeting and make conditions at that time rather than by an ordinance.
Commissioner Ness suggested that a list of restrictions of what is not allowed be considered,
such as ultimate fighting.
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August 4,2009
Scandia City Council
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Commissioner Schwarz asked that the issue be tabled to allow for additional thought and
research on this topic. Commissioner Ness asked that a subcommittee meet in a workshop to
further work out details and make a recommendation at a future council meeting.
The following volunteered to meet on August 12 at 3 pm to further discuss a draft outdoor events
ordinance: Council members Peterson and Amos, Commissioners Ness and Krinke, and business
owners Scot and Courtney Taylor. It was suggested that citizen-at large members of the
Retail/Commercial Business Committee be contacted for attendance at the meeting to offer
further input.
Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk