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3-8-05 annualIMarch 8, 2005 On the above date the Annual Meeting of New Scandia Township was held. Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden were in attendance from the Town Board. The following Planning Commission members were also present: Chris Ness Chairman, James Malmquist Vice Chairman, Kevin Nickelson, Peter Schwarz and Donnette Yehle. The Clerk called the meeting to order and asked for the nomination of a Moderator for the meeting. Bruce Swenson was elected Moderator for the meeting. The minutes of the 2004 Annual Meeting were read. Michael White made a motion to approve the minutes from the Annual Meeting of 2004. Peter Schwarz seconded the motion and motion adopted. The Clerk reported the expenditures for the fiscal year of 2004 was $3,109,394.00 which included the 2004 Road Project in the amount of $1,186,707.00. Michael White made a motion to accept the Clerks report for the year of 2004. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted. The Treasure reported the revenue for the year of 2004 was $3,227,799.00. Michael White made a motion to accept the Treasurer's report for the year of 2004. James Malmquist seconded the motion and motion adopted. DEPUTY CHRIS HOWARD Deputy Chris Howard reported the total number of calls for New Scandia Township for the year of 2004 was 2189. FIRE CHIEF/STEVE SPENCE Steve Spence Fire Chief gave the following report: In 2004 New Scandia Fire and Rescue responded to 166 emergency calls. 111 of these calls were for medical or rescue assistance and 55 were fire or emergency service related. The department currently has 26 firefighters on its roster. Projects for 2004 included: Providing 100 hours of in-house training and then hosting a State Certification Test to bring all of our members up to a minimum level of State Firefighter I. The Town Board approved a proposal to adopt an hourly pay formula to replace the pay per call formula. PLANNING COMMISSION/CHAIRMAN CHRIS NESS Chris Ness Chairman of the Planning Commission reported on behalf of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission processed one(1) conditional use permit, six (6) variances, seven (7) minor subdivisions and (l) one minor subdivision denied, three (3) major subdivisions, Hillshade Farm, Nature Walk, Wild Bush Acres with a total of 34 lots created. Total building permits 159 including 29 single-family homes and one townhouse with two dwellings. New Scandia Township Annual Meeting March 8, 2005 Page 2 PARK AND RECREATION/JAN HOGLE The Park and Recreation Committee with the Consultant Sanders, Wacker Bergly, Inc. are in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Parks, Trail, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Plan for the Township. Four (4) new members consisting of Jan Hogle, Niki Hayek, Lori Gordon and Dan Skupien have been appointed to the Park and Recreation Committee in 2004. The following recreation programs were conducted: Cleat Kids, Spark, Blast park Program, Archery, Groovy Girl Club, Tennis Lessons, Skateboard Camp, Skating Games on Tuesday and Thursday in the months of January and February and Skating Lessons. Park Improvement Projects included Hay Lake Shelter and the Lighted Ball Field with new lighting. INCORPORATION COMMITTEE/BLAIR JOSELYN Mr. Joselyn reported on behalf of the Incorporation Committee. The Town Board formed a committee with (2) two Town Board Members, (2) two Planning Commission Members, (6) six Residents of the Township. The six main categories financial/control services, procedures for Incorporation, experience of other communities and relationships with adjacent communities. The Committee has met with County Planners, Township Auditor, Township Assessor and Met Council to review the pros and cons of Incorporation. The Committee is reviewing the fiscal implications of becoming a City compared to a Township. A Public Information Meeting will be held in the spring for public input and questions on Incorporation. FOREST LAKE YOUTH_SERVICE BUUEAU/MARILYN OPP AND RACHEL HALELE Marilyn Opp and Rachel Halelle represented the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau, Ms. Opp thanked New Scandia Township for the continued support and requested the Township increase the donation from $5000.00 to $5250.00 for the year of 2005. The Youth Service Bureau gives children ages 10 to 18 guidance and support, giving leadership opportunities to teens. NEW BUSINESS Howard Hawkinson made a motion to review the Building Inspectors salary as the salary exceeds the full-time employees of the Township. Michael White seconded the motion and motion adopted. The residents were informed by Dennis Seefeldt Township Chairman that the Town Board has discussed this issue and will review the possibility of a salaried Building Inspector versus a contract or job sharing with another community. ARRANGING CANDIDATES NAMES ON TOWNSHIP BALLOTS Due to new Elections Laws candidates names on town ballots are to be arranged alphabetically unless the electors at the Annual Meeting choose to rotate the names in the same manner as State Elections. The decision to rotate names is effective for two years. Minn. Statue 205.17, Subd. 1. New Scandia Township Annual Meeting March 8, 2005 Page 3 David Hebert made a motion to rotate names of candidates for the Annual Township Election. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted. Peter Schwarz proposed to revisit the possibility of a large overhead projector for the Town Chambers and Kermit Granberg recommend a P.A. System for the Town Chambers. Julie White made a motion to reconvene the Annual Meeting to August 16, 2005. Motion seconded by Michael White and motion adopted.. D res Peterso.4, ew Scandia/Township Clerk f ,�