2-3-04 tbFebruary 3, 2004
New Scandia Town Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The
following Board Members were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman
Michael Hinz, Lisa Crum and Blair Joselyn. Absent Nancy Madden.:
Correction for Haven Chemical Systems, LLC/Conditional Use Permit Agreement
Blair Joselyn made a motion to change the wording on item 16 for Haven Chemical, LLC.
Conditional Use Permit Agreement as follows: This Conditional Use Permit shall be
reviewed six (6) months from the date of opening and thereafter as determined by the
Planning Commission and town Board. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Michael Hinz made a motion to adjourn.
Peandia ownship Clerk