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9.d) Program Agreement with Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys for Summer 2008 Recreation Programs Meeting Date: 3/18/2008
Agenda Item: GI, 9/�
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`�St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: Approve Program Agreement with the Girl Scouts of Minnesota and
Wisconsin River Valleys for summer recreation programs to be held at
Camp Lakamaga.
Deadline/Timeline: Programs begin in July;brochure will be mailed April 1,2008.
Background: • The agreement sets forth the responsibilities of the City and the
Girl Scouts for various summer recreation programs to be held at
Camp Lakamaga, the Girl Scout Camp located on Big Marine
Lake. The agreement is identical to the agreement signed between
the city and the organization(which was formerly known as the
Girl Scout Council of the St. Croix Valley)in 2007.
• Program revenues will be shazed between the city(60%) and the
GSCSCV(40%.) There will be no obligation to either party if
programs need to be cancelled due to lack of registrations.
• The agreement has been reviewed by the City Attomey, and
incorporates language recommended by LMCIT loss control
attomeys regazding data privacy,liability and insurance.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council approve the agreement and authorize
the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City.
Attachments/ • Program Agreement
Materials provided:
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt,Administrator
(Girl Scout Agreement for Lakamaga)
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Program Agreement
City of Scandia, NIN and Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
A. Parties
This agreement is made and entered into by the City of Scandia(hereinafter referred to as
"City") and the Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys (hereinafter referred to as
"River Valleys.")
B. Purpose
The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms and responsibilities of the parties,who
wish to provide certain recreation activities to the community at Camp Lakamaga under the
auspices of the City's park and recreation program during the summer of 2008. The programs
will begin July 14,2008 and end August 31,2008 and will be as described in the attachment to
this agreement(Exhibit"A".)
C. Responsibilities of Parties
With respect to operation of the programs,the parties will have responsibilities as follows:
River Valleys will:
1. Provide trained andJor certified staff to lead a11 specialized activities including the
following: swimming,boating, fishing, adventure course, archery,biking, arts and
crafts, fishing, and family weekend programming.
2. Assist in meeting and greeting participants at Camp Lakamaga and answering parent
3. Provide basic first aidlemergency care andlor contact 911 in emergencies as needed;
will have a first aid and CPR-certified staff inember on duty at all times.
4. Provide lifeguard on duty with current certification for all swimming activities.
5. Provide lifeguard or small craft safety certified stafF on duty for all boating activities.
6. Communicate with City staff regarding any behavior or discipline issues.
City will:
1. Print and distribute brochures/program information and promote programs.
2. Register all participants including obtaining release and waiver as shown in Exhibit
"B"to this agreement.
3. Update Camp Lakamaga staff on a weekly basis on number registered for programs.
4. Obtain a health history and permission to treat from all participants as well as
emergency contact information and provide it on site to Camp Lakamaga staff.
5. Provide adult staff members to assist with leading programs. The total number of
staff inembers shall be sufficient to meet Camp Lakamaga staffing guidelines: 1:8 for
6-8 yr old participants and 1:10 for 9-14 year old participants.
6. Provide evaluation forms to all participants and share written results with Camp
Lakamaga staff.
7. Communicate with parents in the event of program changes or if behavior or
discipline issues arise during the course of the programs.
D. Sharing of Program Revenue
In consideration of this agreement,the City shall pay to River Valleys forty percent(40%)of
registration fees for all programs covered by this agreement. Payments are due within 30 days of
the start date of each program.
E. Data Privacy
Data collected, created, received,maintained,or disseminated for used for any purpose in the
course of the City's performance of this agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government
Data Practice s Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 ("Act"),or any other applicable state
statutes and state rules adopted to implement the Act,as well a state statutes and federal
regulations on data privacy. All data created, collected,received, stored,used,maintained, or
disseminated by River Valleys in perfornung its obligations under this agreement is subject to
the requirements of the Act and River Valleys agrees to comply with the requirements of the Act
as if it were a government entity.
F. Liability and Insurance
River Valleys' obligation to make its facility available and operate the programs will be relieved
if anything outside of its control prevents the facility from being available at the date and time
scheduled for the event. This includes such occurrences as natural disaster, fire, destruction,
waz, governmental order and quarantine, or other forces or events outside of River Valleys'
River Valleys does not assume any responsibility or liability for damages to or loss of any
personal property brought to Camp Lakamaga by the City or program participants. Staff and
participants will be encouraged not to bring valuables to the Camp as a safe or other protection
for them is not available.
Liability for any claims,meaning all third-party claims,losses,damages,and expenses,including
attorney fees,resulting from personal injury, death,or property damage shall be handled in the
following ma.nner:
• The City and River Valleys acknowledge that they shall be responsible for any claims that
arise out of or are caused by the actions of that party or its employees, officials, volunteers,
or agents. No party shall be liable for any claims that arise out of or is caused by the actions
of the other party or its employees, officials, volunteer,or agents. No party is responsible for
the actions of the other party and is only responsible for those tasks assigned to it in this
• The City agrees that it will defend,indemnify, and hold hannless River Valleys and its
employees, officers, volunteers, and agents against any and all claims arising out of the
City's performance or failure to perform its obligations pursuant to this agreement.
• River Valleys agrees that it will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its
employees, officers, volunteers and agents against any and all claims arising out of River
Valleys'performance or failure to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
• Nothing herein shall be construed to waive or limit any immunity from,or limitation of
liability available to either party,whether set forth in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or
• Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement,the City shall not be not be required
to pay any amount in excess of the limits on liability established by Minnesota Statutes,
Chapter 466.
The City and River Valleys agree to maintain general liability insurance in the minimum amount
of$1,000,000 to insure against any liability caused by that party's obligations under this
Agreement. The parties shall name the other party as an additional insured on their respective
policies. Upon request,the City and River Valleys will provide to the other party a certificate of
insurance verifying that the insurance policies required by this agreement are in effect.
Nothing contained in this agreement is intended or should be construed as creating the
relationship of co-partners or joint ventures between the City and River Valleys. No rights or
benefits,including workers' compensation,unemployment insurance,medica.l care,or other
benefits available to City employees shall accrue to River Valleys or its agents perfornung
services under this agreement
G. Cancellation
The parties agree that this agreement may be cancelled with 30(thirty)days notice by either
party. Individual programs may be cancelled by either party with 7 (seven)days notice.
H. Signatures
For Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys:
For City of Scandia:
Exhibit"A"to Program Agreement
City of 5candia, MN and Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Description of Programs
Days: Monday—Thursday: July 14-17, 2008
Times: 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
Grades 3-7
Cost: $ 75.00
Min/M�: 5/20
Calling all water lovers! Big Marine Lake has a lot to ofFer you!! Our staff will instruct you in a
variety of activities including boating, fishing, and water sports! End your week with a pontoon
ride around the lake. When not at the water&ont, you will spend time on land doing fun camp
activities like biking and the adventure course. All abilities are welcome! Camp Lakamaga
provides all the equipment. Co-ed program
Days: Monda.y—Thursday: July 21-24, 2008
Times: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Grades 3-6
Cost: $ 85.00(includes lunch)
Min/Max: 5/20
Come on out to Camp Lakamaga and learn to"survive"in the woods! Learn about shelter and
fire building,orienteering,wilderness first aid, and more. Lunches will be provided and will be
cooked over an open fire each day! All abilities welcome. Camp Lakamaga provides all the
equipment. Co-ed program.
Days: Monday—Thursday: August 11-14, 2008
Times: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grades: 1-3
- OR-
Times: 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
Grades: 4-8
Cost: $ 75.00
Min/Max: 5/15
Learn the basics of archery or sharpen your shooting skills. This week is open to all levels. Staff
will guide you in proper archery techniques. When you are not at the range,you will be having
fun around Camp Lakamaga doing activities like adventure course or waterfront. Camp
Lakamaga provides archery equipment. Co-ed program
Days: Monday—T'hursday: August 4-7, 2008
Times: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grades 1-6
Cost: $ 80.00
Min/Max: 5/15
Explore the wonders of art at Camp Lakamaga! Try your hands at the pottery wheel or maybe
making a paper mache dragon! Sit in the woods and try out watercolor or creative writing.
While not at the art studio, you will explore Camp Lakamaga's other fun activities like biking
and swimming! All abilities are welcome. Camp Lakamaga provides all materials. Co-ed
*�`Sign up for the whole day and explore more of what Camp Lakamaga has to offer!
August 25-28, 2008
9 a.m. -4 p.m.
Cost: $160.00
Days: Monday—Thursday: July 28-31, 2008
Times: 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
Grades 3-6
Cost: $ 75.00
Min/Max: 5/20
Challenge yourself to Camp Lakamaga outdoor activities. Try out the bouldering wall,get your
group through the spider web or across the lava pit at our adventure course area. Other Camp
Lakamaga challenges will be found at the waterfront,biking, azchery and our fitness course!
Come out to Camp Lakamaga and take the outdoor challenge! Co-ed program.
** Sign up for the whole day and challenge yourself to more Camp Lakamaga activities!
Monday—Thursday: August 18-21,2008
9 a.m. -4 p.m.
Cost: $150.00
Days: Monday&Wednesday(3 weeks): August 11-27,2008
Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. or 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
Grades 46
Cost: $150 (all day) ; $75.00 (1/2 day)
Min/Max: 5/20
Days: Tuesday&Thursdays (3 weeks): August 12-28, 2008
Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. or 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grades: 1-3
Cost: $ 150.00 (all day) ; $75.00 (1/2 day)
Min/Max: 5/20
Come out to Camp Lakamaga and have a great camp experience! We have a lot to offer a %Z day
or a full day camper,including water&ont activities like kayaking&fishing,biking, archery, art
and nature projects,or challenge yourself at our adventure or fitness course. Campers will plan
programming at the beginning of the session. Full day campers are provided lunch and a snack.
Co-ed program
Days: Friday—Sunday: July 25-27,2008 or August 29-31,2008
Times: 6 p.m. Friday-10 a.m. Sunday
All ages welcome
Cost: $ 175.00
Enjoy some quality family time together. Leave the hassle of cooking, cleaning, or coming up
with activities to us! Camp Lakamaga takes care of everything from planned activities to home
cooked meals. Accommodations are in cabins,yurts,or platform tents. All family members are
Exhibit"B"to Program Agreement
City of Scandia, MN and Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Participant Release and Waiver
Program participants shall be required to sign a waiver as follows:
"Release: I recognize there is a significant element of risk in any sports andlor activity.
Knowing the inherent risks, dangers and rigors involved, I certify that I andlor my family
(including any minor children) are fully capable of participating in the activities, and
wish to do so as voluntary participants, and with such knowledge assume any and all
risks while participating in the activities. In consideration of the City of Scandia and its
partners,including Camp Lakamaga(collectively referred to herein as "the City of
Scandia"),providing this program to me and/or my family and/or legal wards, I hereby
waive and release the City of Scandia, and its employees, agents and volunteers,from a11
actions, claims and demands for personal injury, including death,arising out of the
conduct of the activides. I further agree that I shall not bring any claims, demands, legal
actions and causes of action again the City of Scandia, its employees or agents. This
waiver of liability does not waive liability for any injuries that I obtain as the result of
willful,wanton or intentional misconduct by the City or any person acting on behalf of
the City. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Minnesota. I have read,understand, and accept the terms and conditions
stated herein and acknowledge that this agreement shall be efFective and binding upon me
and/or my family and/or legal wards during the entire period of participation in Scandia
Park and Recreation activities."