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9.c) 2015 Budget Part 3DEBT SERVICE FUNDS BUDGETS Expense and revenue budgets were prepared for the five debt service funds. The property tax levy for debt service is based on principal and interest payments plus the statutory 5% coverage, less any assessments and interest revenue. No new debt is proposed for 2015. An updated Debt Management Analysis prepared by Northland Securities is included with the budget details of the Debt Service Funds The draft budget assumes a 20% decrease in debt service expenditures in 2015 mainly due to the Fire Hal"ublic Works Building being paid off in December 2014. 23 10/6/2014 2015 Draft Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE BUDGETS 2007 BLACKTOP (FUND 307) 2011 2012 2013 2014 7M012014 2014 2075 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Year-m-0ate Estimated Proposed Other hwome 36100 Special Assessments 47A18 32,246 28,861 22,198 10,549 22,198 21,052 36210 Interest Income 1,231 914 715 1,100 706 750 36250 Misc. Refund Total Other Income 48,649 33,160 29,576 23,298 10,549 22,904 21,802 To1a12007 Blacktop (307) 228,178 180,062 181,198 157,907 77,853 157.513 147,197 FIRE HALLJPUBLIC WORKS (FUND 310) 2011 2012 2013 2014 71012014 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Year -m -Date Estimated Proposed Total Fire Hall/Public Works Bond (310) 121,989 121,529 123,358 43,722 21,426 42,901 0 2010 FIRE RESCUE TRUCK EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES (FUND 311) 2011 2012 2013 2014 7110=4 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Year -to -Dale Estimated Proposed Total Equipment Certificates 61.618 84,113 48.675 45.497 22,848 45,393 44,184 2011DUMP TRUCK EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES (FUND 312) 2011 2012 2013 2014 711DW14 2014 2015 Adopted Actual Actual Proposed Year -to -Date Estimated Proposed Account Description Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: 1 o 2 DEBT REVENUE 3:40 PM 10MI2014 2015 Draft Budget OIa QUlpme a Ito 89 2013 FIRE TRUCK/DUMP TRUCK EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE (FUND 313) 2011 2012 2013 2014 7110/2014 2014 2015 Adopted Actual Actual Proposed Year -to -Date Estimated Proposed Total Fire TrucklDump Truck Equipment Certificates 69,783 34.892 89,763 69.321 Total Debt Service 401,784 385,704 390,851 351,874 174,301 350,570 29 , 8 2 o 2 DEBT REVENUE 3:40 PM 1D/6/2014 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS EXPENSE BUDGETS 2007 BLACKTOP (FUND 307) 2015 Draft Budget 2010 2011 2012 Actual Adml Actual 2013 2014 6130/2014 2014 2015 Change Asbml Adopted Year -to -Date Fs6meted Proposed 14215 601 Long Term Debt Principal 135.000 135,000 1351000 135,000 1301000 130,DDD 611 Lag Term Debt merest 41,043 35,980 30.850 25,618 20.386 10,104 20,388 Contractual Services 620 Fiscal Agent Fees Taal Ca4ncael Services Translate TOMTransfers 7adTrorafas Tbtd 2007 B12=(307) 178,043 MAW 185850 160,619 157.907 10.194 157,907 147,197 -638% FIRE HALLIPUBLIC WORKS (FUND 310) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 6P012014 2014 2015 Change Ached Actual ACW Aaual Adopted Yearo-Date Estimated Proposed 14:15 601 Lag Term Debt Principal 90,000 951000 100,000 275,000 40,000 40,000 811 Long Term Debt Interest 23283 2D,143 16,675 12,676 1,640 820 1.640 Statotm 5% Comene Req Fern n 2,080 Shnaay 6% Coverage Regwrernent 2,082 2,082 Total DebtServke 113,293 115.143 116.875 287.875 43,722 am 43,722 -100.00% Transfers 720 Operating Transfers Taal Transfers TIIFee HelYPubl'c Wal®(310) 113,293 115,143 116,675 287,875 43,722 820 43,722-1DO.DD% 2010 FIRE RESCUE TRUCK EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE (FUND 311) 2011 2012 2013 2014 6/30/2014 2014 2016 Charge Aclua Achml Ackd Adopted Yeakt Dsls EeBmaed Proposed '14215 uea oervw BD7 Long Tenn Dahl Principal 40,000 40.000 40,000 10.000 40,000 40,000 40,000 611 Log Term Debt interest 9,020 12,533 4,440 3,330 1,960 3,33D 2,080 Shnaay 6% Coverage Regwrernent 2.167 2,167 2,1D4 Total Debt Service 49,020 52.533 44,440 45,497 41,960 45,497 44,184 -2.89% ow"cl el Sevices 620 Fiscal Agent Faea Tad Contractual Serv(ces Tad Faiapmen Certi(ena[ (311) 49.020 52,533 44A40 A5.497 41980 45,497 44,184 -2.89% 2011 DUMP TRUCK EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE (FUND 312) 2011 2012 2013 Actual Actual Aauel Amount Desuiption Experses Expchr Experses Debt Service 801 Lam Term Debt PrIn dpd 40,D00 WWI) 30,000 2014 Bf30=14 2014 2015 Change dooted Year-laZals Edmated Proposed '14-15 30,000 30,000 30,000 1 of 2 DEBT 3:38 PM 10/6(2014 2015 Draft Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS EXPENSE BUDGETS 511 Long Term Dem Inieresl 9,020 5,025 4200 3,300 1,660 3,301) 2,310 Slabam 5%Coverage Reuukement 1,751 1,665 1,685 1,616 Total Debt Service 49,020 36.776 34200 34.965 1,650 34.985 33.926 -2.97% Co trechd Servkes 620 FMM Agent Fcea Total Centrad ei Services Total Eoultanant Cwt6kmtn(312) 49,020 38,776 34,200 34,966 1.650 34,955 33,925 -2.97% FIRE TRUCKIDUMP TRUCK (FUND 313) 2013 2014 6/30/71)14 2014 2015 Change Achmi Adopted Veer-WDate Eatbate0 PMPDsed '14-15 304 Legal Smvkes 14,675 601 Long Term Debt Principal 55.1100 55AM 55,000 55.000 611 Long Term Debt interest 5,680 11,450 5,840 11,46D 11,020 Shktay 5% Coverage Requkement %323 3,323 3,301 Total Deh Smvice 211,755 68,783 60,840 69,783 69,321 -0.66% Contraaual Servkas 620 Focal Agent Fees Total Coneacival Sarvkas Traralers 710 Read" Equity Transhrs 720 OW*ft Translws Total Transfers Taal Fke TmaklDume Tmck (313) 20.255 69,783 60.840 69,783 6%321 -0.66% Tohi Debt Service 384,163 371,834 627,134 262,091 64,624 282,091 225,307 -20.13% 2 0l2 DEBT 338 PM 10/6/2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET There are two proposed expenditures from the Capital Improvement Program in 2015: CC -004, Community Center Parking Lot Paving ($12,000) and PR -019, Log House Landing Improvements ($400,000). The Log House Landing Improvements includes the $200,000 DNR grant assumes a 50% cost share with the Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed District for the remainder. The proposed revenue to this fund is $30,000 from the property tax levy, plus a small amount of interest. The fund balance at the end of 2014 is projected to be around $249,500. The fund balance at the end of 2015 would be about $168,200. 24 10/6/2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (FUND 401) REVENUE 2011 Actual 2015 Draft Budget 2012 2013 2014 7/10/2014 2014 2015 Actual Actual Pmposed year -to -Date Estimated Proposed IrdeMovemmentel Revenues 33401 LGA 33640 Other Gmnts Total lmerpovemmental Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Income 362101memst income 1,353 906 701 1,100 662 700 Total Othx Income 1,353 906 701 1,100 0 662 700 Total Capital Improvements Fund 403 39,053 100,517 91,992 95,500 47,200 95,062 30,700 1 of 1 CAP IMP REVENUE 3:40 PM 10/62014 2015 Draft Budget CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (FUND 401) EXPENSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 6M/2014 2014 2015 Change Actual Actual Atual Actual Adopted Yearlo-Dale Estimated Proposed '1415 Account Desariptlon _ Expanses Expenses E Parses Expense; &dgm Expols E pdas Budget Budget 312 %arWng Services Total Comracalel Services Capital OWIeYa 510 Capital WW -Land 512 Eesenent Apgo'slbn 520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs 39,295 20,173 25,700 755 530 Capital Improvements other than Bldgs 15,555 60,250 12,710 412,000 540 FINVY MWWWY Capitol Transfers 7210 peral6g 7terefere 99601 Total I rarslers 99,601 Total Capital lma vemerts (4011 39.295 20173 99,601 41,616 68.250 13.465 412,000 Notes: 1. Lag Mouse Landing and CommuNy Canter Parking Lot 1 of I CAP IMPROVE 138 PM 10/6/2014 PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET There are no planned expenditures from the Park Capital Improvement Fund in 2015 unless grants or donations are obtained. A small amount of revenue is expected to be received from Park Dedication Fees in 2015. The projected fund balance at the end of 2014 is $1,500 and at the end of 2015 would be $7,500. 25 10/6/2014 2015Dmft Budget PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (FUND 404) REVENUE 2011 2012 2013 2014 7/10/2014 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual Pmposed Year -to -Date Estimated Proposed DOrer Imnme 36210 Interest Income 88 44 28 45 22 20 38230 Donallons 1,000 0 36240 Irlsarenm Refund 36250 Min. Refunds 3WW Cable TV Franchise Rebate Totaioftr Income 1,088 44 28 45 0 22 20 Total Park Capital lmpmvemems Fund 404 4088 - 44 28 47,546 3000 3,022 6,020 1 of 1 PARK CAP REV 3:40 PM 10/812014 2015 Drat Budget PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (FUND 404) EXPENSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Actual Acuel Actual Actual Adopted &30/2014 2014 2015 Account DeschlPton. Expeisas Expenses Expenses Expenses Budget Yew -to -Date Estknated Propos[ Contractual SONIC. 302 Surveying 4,940 1450 303 Engineering Services 312 Planning Services Tolal Contractual Services 4,940 1,450 NDN/01 Captal Outlays 530 Capital I.Wavemem other than Bldgs 95 6.479 3,575 47,500 2,204 36.000 Total Cepkal Outlays 96 5,479 3,575 47,500 2,204 36,000 -24.21% Total Dec. Fund 404 5.038 5,479 3,575 1,450 47,500 2,204 Notes: 1. I-Pleskogen, NgranUdonarbns obtained 1 011 PARK CAP IMPROVE 3:38 PM 10MM14 1 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND BUDGETS The only planned expenditure from the Equipment Replacement Fund in 2015 is the replacement for Tanker 5177 (F-011). Revenues shown are $20,000 in transfers from operating budgets, plus a small amount of interest. The fund balance at the end of 2014 is projected to be about $428,000. The fund balance at the end of 2015 would be $219,000, not including any revenues that might be realized from the sale of old equipment. With the decrease is transfers, the Council will need to approve borrowing in the future for larger purchases. 26 10/6/2014 2015 Draft Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT (FUND 406) REVENUE 2011 2012 2013 2014 7/10/2014 2014 2016 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Year -bo -Data Estimated Proposed Other Inruma 36210 Interest Income 1,463 659 1,000 1,337 1,000 36250 Mlw. Refunds 36260 Sale of Equipment 1,941 5905 0 5,950 Total OOrer Income 3,394 0 6,564 1,000 0 7,287 1,000 Otter Financing Soames 39101 Sala of General Fixed Assets 39200 lnterfund OMMUM Transfer 110,000 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 20,000 Total Equipment Replacement Fund 406 263,394 81,113 106,664 101,000 100,000 107,287 21,000 1 of 1 EQUIP REPL 3:40 PM 1016/2014 2015 Draft Budget EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT (FUND 406) EXPENSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2(114 &3012014 2014 2015 Chv ge Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted Ywr-Io-Oste Estimated Proposed lw 15 Account Descrlplbo Expenses Expense Expenses Expense Budget Ewft E pdn Budget Budget Notes: 192,744 Total Eaulament Reclaomnent Fund (408) 195.340 148.828 93,913 344,853 200,OOD 0 0 23D,000 Notal: 1. Fre Tanker Replacamen t 1 of t EQUIP REPLACE 3:38 PM 1016@014 LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGETS Revenue for 2015 is proposed to come from a transfer of $200,000 from the General Fund which represents the amount above 50% of general fund expenditures in the unrestricted, unassigned fund balance at the end of the year. These are one-time funds that have accumulated over the years as revenues have exceeded expenses. Staff is also proposing that $345,000 is levied in 2015 and added to this fund so that total 2015 revenues would be $545,500 including some interest. Additional revenues to the fund could include assessments or franchise fees as well. There is one proposed expense from this fund in 2015, Quinell Ave (PW -027), $550,000. Approximately $125,000 in funds received from the County when the road was turned over to the township many years ago will be used to offset the expense. The fund is projected to have a balance of $327,700 by the end of 2014 and $448,200 by the end of 2015. 27 10/6/2014 2015 Draft Budget LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND (FUND 408) REVENUE BUDGET Account 31000 Washington C 31701 Gravel Taxes 31800 Other Taxes Licenses & Permits 32150 Utility Permits Total Licenses & Permits 2014 7110/2014 Proposed Year -to -Date Revenue Revenue 127,704 63,852 2014 2015 Estimated Proposed Revenue Revenue 127,704 345,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 33422 Other State Grants & Aids 33640 Other Grants Total Intergovernmental Aid 0 0 0 0 36100 Special Assessments Other Income 36210 Interest Income 36230 Donations 36240 Insurance Other Financinc Sources 39101 Sale of General Fixed Assets 39102 Compensation for Loss of GFA 39202 Contribution from Enterprise Funds 39203 Interfund Operating Transfer 200,000 39300 Bond Proceeds 39350 Certificate of Indebtedness 222 500 200,000 200,000 200,000 Total Local Road Improvement Fund 408 327,704 263,852 327,926 545,500 1. Excess unrestricted, unassigned above 50% of GF Expenses 2095 Draft Budget LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND (408) EXPENSE 2014 6/30/2014 2014 2015 Change Adopted Y -T -D Estimated Propopsed '14'-15 Account Description Budget Exp Exp Budget Budget Contractual Services 302 Surveying 303 Engineering Services 304 Legal Services 308 Other Professional Services 405 Contractual Road Maint. & Repairs Capital Outlays 510 Capital Outlay -Land 512 Easement Acquistion 530 Capital Improvements other than Bldgs Total Capital Improvements (408) 0 550,000 Notes: 1. Quinell Ave 201 SEWER PROJECT BUDGETS The 201 Sewer Project Fund is an enterprise fund that does not receive property tax support. User fees must pay the costs of operating the system and provide reserves for operations, major repairs and eventual replacement of system components. Personnel Services are increased while operation and maintenance (386) is decreased as a result of staff taking over the daily operation and maintenance from EcoCheck. EcoCheck will just be retained for emergency situations. Also, through the first six months of this year, more staff time than anticipated has been spent responding to issues on the 201 system so an adjustment has been made for 2015 assuming this trend continues. There has been no change in the Public Works Director's time allocation however maintenance staff has been increased to 11% and 25% from 10% and 3%. These numbers are used for budgeting purposes however, if less time is required by the maintenance staff next year the fund will only be charged for actual hours worked. We continue to develop historical data since taking over the sewers in 2012 from Washington County. This will aid in future budget projections. No rate increase is proposed for 2015. Revenues increased slightly due to the anticipation of a new connection. 28 10/6/2014 2015 Dreg Budget 201 PROJECT SEWER FUND 602 REVENUE 2011 2012 2013 2014 71 M014 2014 2015 Actual Actual Actual ProposW Year -lo -Date Estimated Proposed Account Description Revenue Revenue Revenue Revemre Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: 35100 Special Assessments 4,258 5,151 3,055 5,000 3,403 6,000 5,000 Other Income 36210 Interest lneome 1,205 723 490 700 337 200 36260 Misc. Refunds 464 484 Total Other Inporne 1,206 723 490 700 484 621 200 Proprietary Fund Revenues 34401 Sewer Charges & Connecilm Fees 61,945 70,696 80,352 65,100 26,969 65,100 69,350 37250 Saver ConrectioNRamnnection Fees Total Proprietary Furl 61,945 70,696 80,352 66,100 28,969 65,100 69,350 Total 201 Project Sewer Fund 602 67,407 76,670 83,897 70,800 32,957 70,921 74,550 1 of 1 201 SEWER REV 3:40 PM 1002014 2015DTeft Budget 201 SEWER PROJECT (FUND 602) EXPENSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 60012014 2014 2015 Charge ALWai A ual Adual Aahail Adopted Year-to4)ale Esfrywel Proposed 414-15 _--101 Regular WSW&S81pke 3.670 15,830 8,340 16.679 28,715 121 PERACooro.EmPbyp Camrlbu0on 241 1,148 605 1,209 2,164 122 FICA Employer Cw*butbn 211 981 506 1,011 1,780 125 MEDICARE Employer Conmbutbn 49 230 118 237 416 Total Personnel Swim 4,171 18,189 9,568 19,136 _ 33.066 81.78% Materials & Supoeea 200 O SupPllas 148 62 76 75 203 PrMed Forms & Papers 71 37 75 210 Oparetin9 Supplies & Equipment 900 248 200 200 250 Ciplaaphlal Servbec 303 Ergbaarhg Servbes 24.447 2641 1,000 1,000 1,000 304 Legal Services 1,238 308 Other PrdesSbnal Services 1825 309 So&waro Support & Maintenance 765 31t Parm&Fees 605 680 505 1,000 1,000 317 Employee Trairdrg 956 2,100 284 2,100 2,100 319 Other Services 321 Telepla 814 952 1,025 2,504 1,635 699 1,400 1.536 322 Postage 196 334 LbDnsdCDL 690 705 702 353 Sales Tax 412 361 Liab11ty1Properly1murence 1,299 2,756 1,838 1,111 1,144 887 887 976 381 UIVISMs 1,446 1,757 1,637 1,691 1.750 948 190D 1,957 385 Sewer Pumping 6,444 4,919 6,500 5,000 6= 386 Operetbn & Malr4enarwe 32,418 54,091 45,757 14,119 10,952 5,128 10,500 6.000 4D4 Machinery& Equipment Repair 5,315 16,932 5,000 3.891 5,O0D 6,000 414 Equipment Ramal 150 150 250 438 MISC Contractual 938 742 5,485 2500 114 2,50D 2.500 Tocol Ca4ramual Sarv9as 37420 68997 88,006 53.285 33.632 12,655 31,139 28,780 -14.43% Capital OWIa1e 590 Capital Improvementa other than B169e 120.000 120DOO 650 Motor Vewsa Cephal 570 OPooe Equipment 2,868 Total Capital Outlays 2.868 120.ODD 120,000 400.00% Total 201 Sewer Prolyl(602) 41.065 64,703 99,475 50,738 172.096 22,260 170,650 62,170 -63.68% Notes: 1 all 201 SEWER 3:39 PM 101MO14 UPTOWN SEWER BUDGETS The Uptown Sewer Project Fund is an enterprise fund that does not receive property tax support. User fees must pay the costs of operating the system and provide reserves for operations, major repairs and eventual replacement of system components. As was done with the 201 System, Personnel Services are increased while operation and maintenance (386) is decreased due to staff taking over the daily operation and maintenance of the system from EcoCheck. EcoCheck would still be on retainer for emergencies. Long term debt is equal to 25% of the cost of the 2012 Improvement Project, to be paid back to the Capital Improvement Fund over 15 years. No rate increase is proposed for 2015. 29 10/6/2014 2015 Draft Budget UPTOWN SEWER FUND 612 2012 2013 2014 711012014 2014 2015 Actual Actual Proposed YmMD-Date Eslimeted Proposed Account DawAp8on Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: 38100 Special Assessments Other Income 38210 Inteestincome 38230 Donations 30240 Insurance Refund 38250 Misc. Refunds Total Otherinoome 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Uptown Seller FUM 872 184,787 18,818 18,717 9.088 19,717 19,717 1 Of 1 UPTOWN SEWER 3:40 PM 70/6/2014 UPTOWN SEWER (FUND 612) EXPENSE 2015 Draft Budget 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 flyd=014 2014 2015 Change Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted Yw4DDale EEIYeated Proposed '14.15 101 Regular agesd, Salaries 1,647 6,286 2,834 5.667 7,561 121 PERA Coord. Employer Conirbu bm 106 479 205 411 566 122 FICA Employer CorO4buRbn 95 410 171 $43 488 Malerlek & Supplies 200 Office Supplies 13 21 75 W 60 203 Primed Forms 8 Papers 210 Operating Supplies 8 Equipment 82 250 250 250 221 Egulpment Paris 159 Cnnrrecbnl Services 53D Capital Impmvemerbs o8ar than Bldgs 129,067 54D Newry Matlplrery Capital 550 Motor Vehicles Capital 56D Furniture & Faure: 303 Eng'meedrg Servzes 570 Office Egucmer4 14,589 6,373 130.479 500 304 Legal Swim 1,001 500 308 Other Pmassi rml Services 258 309 Softwe Support 8 Maherance 85 311 C rorautual Permit Fees 175 855 855 317 Employee Tretwg 319 70D 95 700 700 319 OOiar Services 46 322 Postage 10 334 Ucwe/CDL 185 200 210 351 legal Norces Publishing 68 353 Sales Tax 81 381 LiabTayiProperty Insurance 55 244 46 63 65 68 68 75 381 Utilities 243 356 331 1,757 1,500 737 11810 1,864 $85 Sumer(Pumphv) 2,384 3,996 194 691 2,100 11000 2,100 386 Operation& Maaiensnce 1,850 3,707 3,225 1,704 3.400 1,000 403 Improvements offer than Bldg 404 MacNnmy B Equipnani Repair 2,746 1,615 1,660 50D 500 500 418 VaNde o Equlpmam Leasing 42D Depreciation Expanse 438 Msc Colaraclual 500 600 5D0 439 Refunds Issued Tool CoNractal Services 5,519 21,374 41,491 7,117 10,445 2,804 8.178 7,689 -26.39% Capital Outlays 53D Capital Impmvemerbs o8ar than Bldgs 129,067 54D Newry Matlplrery Capital 550 Motor Vehicles Capital 56D Furniture & Faure: 570 Office Egucmer4 1,412 Total Capital Outlays 130.479 DON Service 602 Log Term Does htoast 003 Loo Term Debt Pracipel 2.667 2,640 2.040 2.640 Total Debt Servlet 2.667 2,640 2,640 2,640 -1.01% Transitions 720 Ooerstin9 Transfers 1.744 4,070 TOW Transfers 1,744 4.070 TaalUplown Sewer (612) 5.519 21,374 143,886 15,827 20,680 6.054 17,819 19.323 22.09% NOW: 1 of 1 UPTOWN SEWER 3:39 PM 10/612014 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The levy for the Scandia Economic Development Authority (EDA) is a special levy that is collected for the EDA's use. The City Council created the EDA in 2013 and appointed five members -2 Council representatives and 3 citizen representatives. The EDA budget includes a $5,000 levy for taxes payable in 2015. Since the EDA is a separate legal entity the City Treasurer pays the EDA when tax collections come in and funds are held in a separate account. Unused funds remain with the EDA as opposed to being added to the General Fund balance. 30 10/6/2014 4015 Draft Budget EDA REVENUE FUNDS 2014 7/10/2014 2014 2015 Proposed Year -to -Date Estimated Proposed Account Description Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 500 Will Intergovernmental Revenues 33422 Other State Grants & Aids 33640 Other Grants Total Intergovernmental Aid 0 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 36230 Donations 36240 Insurance Refund 36250 Misc. Refunds Total Other Income 0 Other Financing Sources 39101 Sale of General Fixed Assets 39203 Transfer from other Funds 39300 Bond Proceeds 39350 Certificate of Indebtedness Total Other Financina Sources Total Fund 1,000 500 1,000 5,000 EDA 3:40 PM 10/6/2014 2015 Draft Budget EDA EXPENSE FUNDS 225 2014 6/30/2014 2014 2015 Change Adopted YTD Estimated Proposed 14215 203 Printed Forms & Papers 210 Ooeratina Suoolies & Ec Contractual Services 302 Surveying 303 Engineering Services 304 Legal Services 500 308 Other Professional Services 5,000 312 Planning Services 313 Committee & Commission Reimburs 316 Conference & Seminars 317 Employee Training 319 Other Services 322 Postage 500 331 Travel Expenses 433 Dues & Subscriptions 438 Misc Contractual Total Contractual Services 1000 5,000 400.00% Total Dept. Fund 1000 5,000 400.00% Notes: Notes EDA 3:39 PM10/6/2014