9.h.2 Internet Action CommitteeInternet Action Committee
To work with MidCo to and develop and implement a plan, with City Council Approval, that would
provide reliable, cost-effective, high-speed internet to every premise in Scandia.
The plan should include the following written documentation:
1. Description of project phases and timelines
2. Financial Impact of each phase including: capital investment cost shares, any operational
investment cost shares, and description of subscription services offered
3. Cost/Benefit Analysis (Pros and Cons) to the various stakeholder groups
4. Contractual business relationship between MidCo and the City of Scandia
5. Potential alternates including cost impacts
6. Evaluation of funding sources to be leveraged including Partnerships, County, State and Federal
7. Plan to gain community support and attract subscribers
1. Every home and business owner in Scandia will have access to reliable broadband services
capable of achieving a minimum of 1-Gig download and 200 Meg upload speeds
2. Minimize Scandia’s investment for expanding services
3. Complete the plan by June 2020
4. Committee stays in place until the expansion is complete
5. Complete the expansion by 2024 (5 years)
Voting Members:
1. Legal/Contracts Background
2. Grants/Grant Writing Background
3. Finance/Bonding/Banking Background
4. Network/Technology Background
5. Resident from Unserved Area
6. Resident from Underserved Area
7. Resident from Served Area
Non-Voting Members:
1. MidCo representative
2. City Council Member Liaison
3. City Administrator