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Staff report-Smith Minor Subdivision - PC 04.07.20 Memorandum To: Scandia Planning Commission Reference: Smith Minor Subdivision Copies To: Ken Cammilleri, City Administrator Brenda Eklund, Clerk Marschall Smith, applicant Project No.: 17722.000 - Smith From: Merritt Clapp-Smith, Planner Routing: Date: April 2, 2020 SUBJECT: Smith Minor Subdivision MEETING DATE: April 7, 2019 LOCATION: 13781 185th Street North (PIDs # and # APPLICANT: Marschall Smith 18640 Olinda Trail North ZONING: General Rural (GR) District 60-DAY PERIOD: May 15, 2020 ITEMS REVIEWED: Application and Preliminary Plat received on March 16, 2020 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The applicant is proposing a minor subdivision for two parcels of land as follows: Split a 23.19 acre lot (PID # into 3 parcels: (1) A 3.444 acre lot (Block 1 Lot 1) which has an existing residential structure; (2) a 0.39 acre vacant lot (Outlot B), which could then be combined with a neighboring property (Gutmanis); and (3) combine a 2nd parcel (PID # of 1.58 acres into the remaining 19.356 acres from the original parcel. Smith Minor Subdivision - Staff Report Submitted: March 27, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 Public Hearing: April 7, 2020 PROPERTY INFORMATION Parcels: • A 23.19-acre lot (PID # – farmstead and agricultural field • A 1.58-acre lot (PID # – vacant open field Zoning: The parcels are located in the General Rural District. Land use: The larger parcel has a former farmstead with a residential structure and a few outbuildings. The rest of the large parcel and the smaller parcel are agricultural. Natural Features and Conditions: The parcels are open fields, except for a steep wooded slope along the entire western edge down to Norell Avenue North. Smith Minor Subdivision - Staff Report Submitted: March 27, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 Public Hearing: April 7, 2020 DETAILED EVALUATION OF THE SUBDIVISION REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan describes the General Rural District as a residential area of mixed lot sizes. The first goal of the Land Use chapter is to “preserve the rural, agricultural character of Scandia through zoning regulations, ordinances, and site design standards”. The proposed minor subdivision complies with all code standards and is consistent with the goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Development Code Requirements: Density, Lot Size, Frontage, and Buildable Area The General Rural Zoning District includes the following standards for new parcels: • 4 buildable lots per 40 acres (original quarter-quarter section) • Minimum lot size: 2.0 acres • Minimum buildable area: 1.0 acres (43,560 square feet) • Minimum lot frontage on public roads: o Lots 4.0 acres or larger: 300 feet • Structure setbacks: o 40 feet front o 20 feet side o 50 feet rear The subdivided parcel with an existing farmstead complies with the density, size, buildable area, frontage requirements, and structure setbacks of the Development Code. Outlots A and B are not proposed for development and will remain vacant. Accessory Structures No new accessory structures are proposed. Two existing accessory structures located near the south lot line of proposed Block 1, Lot 1, will be removed, as indicated on the Preliminary Plat. Wetlands and Slopes The Preliminary Plat shows the location of slopes on the western edge of the main lot. There are no identified wetlands. No new construction is proposed. Smith Minor Subdivision - Staff Report Submitted: March 27, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 4 Public Hearing: April 7, 2020 Wastewater Treatment There is an existing septic system for the residence on Block 1, Lot 1. A secondary septic location should also be identified, to accommodate potential future need. The applicant has submitted an application to Washington County for a soil review to identify the secondary location. Water Service An individual well already provides water service to the residence on Block 1 Lot 1 Lot Coverage The maximum lot coverage permitted in the General Rural District is 25%. The existing structures on Block 1 Lot 1 are well below this limit. Stormwater Management and Watershed District Comments The proposed minor subdivision does not include any activities related to construction, grading, fill or vegetative removal. There are no wetlands on the property. Therefore, no permits or review by the Watershed are required. Drainage and Utility Easements and Rights-of-Way and City Engineer Comments The City Engineer and City Public Works Director reviewed the Preliminary Plat for the minor subdivision and had no comments or requests in regard to easements or city rights-of-way. Driveways There are two driveways leading to Block 1 Lot 1. The first is a short driveway off of 185th Street North that leads to the house. The second is a long driveway off of Olinda Trail North, which runs along Outlot A and provides field access, and then crosses onto Block 1, Lot 1, providing access to the farmyard accessory building. Both driveways will be maintained and no additional trips are expected, since the property uses remain the same. Park Dedication Park dedication is required for new lots in subdivisions. No unbuilt lots for future residential are proposed and therefore the Parkland dedication does not apply. ACTION REQUESTED: The Planning Commission can recommend the following: Smith Minor Subdivision - Staff Report Submitted: March 27, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 5 Public Hearing: April 7, 2020 1. Approval 2. Approval with conditions 3. Denial with findings 4. Table the request PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed minor subdivision for 13781 185th Street North (PIDs # and # to: (1) Split off a 3.444-acre lot (Block 1 Lot 1) which has an existing residential structure; (2) Create a 0.39-acre vacant lot (Outlot B), to be deeded to and combined with a neighboring property (Gutmanis); and (3) Combine a 2nd parcel (PID # of 1.58 acres into the remaining 19.356 acres of original parcel, to be known as Outlot A. This is as shown on the Preliminary Plat, and subject to the following conditions: 1. The minor subdivision shall be in substantial compliance with the Preliminary Plat dated March 16, 2020. 2. Two existing accessory structures located near the south lot line of proposed Block 1, Lot 1, shall be removed, as indicated on the Preliminary Plat. 3. A secondary septic location for Block 1, Lot 1 shall be identified on the Final Plat document, to be reviewed by the City and filed with Washington County. 4. The applicants shall record a Final Plat with Washington County within one year of the date when the minor subdivision is approved. 5. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application.