7.a) 7-6-15 Parks and Rec Draft MinutesCity of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee July 6, 2015 Members Present: Brad Borg (Vice Chair), Greg Zauner, Alex Bildeaux, and Dan Lee (City Council Representative) Members Absent: Ryan Jinks (Chair) and Matt Rasmussen Staff Present: Kristina Handt (City Administrator), Judi Negus (Office Assistant), and Dave Williams (Public Works Director) Guests: Dave Wilson and Tom Triplett PUBLIC FORUM There were no comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Zauner, seconded by Bildeaux, to approve the agenda. The motion carried 3-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Zauner, seconded by Borg, to approve the June 1, 2015 minutes. The motion carried 3-0. REPORTS Chair's Report In Chair Jinks absence, Lee informed the City Council approved the recommended Vinterfest theme of "Hemslojden" and the recommended Vinterfest donation guidelines at their June 16, 2015, meeting. Lee reminded the Vinterfest buttons would be set at a $2 per button donation with sales to be set at $3 per button. Handt informed the buttons would need to be sold by a nonprofit. Staff Report Negus provided Committee members with the June 2015 Expenditure Report. Zauner questioned why Workers Comp was so high. Handt informed the rates increased across all departments this year. Zauner also questioned why Events was in the negative. Handt shared this is just the expense side of the budget and the revenue side does reflect the Vinterfest donations. Negus shared summer recreation program updates. Negus will determine whether or not to cancel the July session of Tennis Camp due to low enrollment on July 8. Negus also shared to date she has not received any registrations for the Sports, Sports, Sports camp. Negus created a flyer for distribution at the weekly Scandia Farmers Market. NEW BUSINESS Veterans Memorial - Dave Wilson and Tom Triplett Borg invited Wilson to address the Committee. Wilson, a member of the Scandia Marine Lions Memorial Committee, shared a detailed proposal for a Veterans Memorial at Lilleskogen at no cost to the City. Wilson stated the Committee feels Lilleskogen would be the best location due July 6, 2015 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 to its visibility. Wilson shared a design structure, but stated the PRC would be involved in the final design. Bildeaux shared the need for the PRC to be kept informed on the evolving plans for the memorial and how it is progressing. Handt recommended staff work with the Memorial Committee and report back to the PRC. The memorial is proposed to be near the north end of the parking lot. To raise funds, paver bricks would be sold and lined on the outside of the sidewalks. As well, community members could support directly to a memorial fund. Wilson estimated the total cost of the memorial, flag pole, and concrete work to be approximately $23,000. The memorial would be humble and 150 square feet. Wilson offered a donation of $10,000 from the Memorial Fund of the Lions Foundation to the City for concrete work and other expenses. Tom Triplett addressed the Committee and shared the Memorial Committee is committed to making the $10,000 donation, but the donation could carry over to next year with ongoing fundraising. Handt informed of the need for a Memorandum of Understanding to address responsibilities of the City and the Scandia Marine Memorial Committee for maintenance as well as who would be responsible for insurance, and who would make future decisions for any changes to the memorial. Triplett questioned the enforceability of such an agreement. Borg asked how the memorial would fit in with the overall plan for Lilleskogen, including additional square footage of a butterfly garden. Zauner felt the memorial landscaping should match with the current butterfly garden. Wilson stated the Memorial Committee would look for assistance to ensure continuity of the landscaping. Motion by Bildeaux, seconded by Zauner, to recommend the Veterans Memorial be located at Lilleskogen with the following parameters: close proximity to the parking lot, incorporate existing park plans into the design, memorial shall be no more than 800 square feet, memorial should be visible from Oakhill, a financial donation of $10,000 from the Veterans Memorial Committee of the Scandia Marine Lions Foundation, and a Memorandum of Understanding. The motion carried 3-0. Lilleskogen Parking Lot Bids Handt reported the original bids for the parking lot were well over previous estimates. Additional bids were solicited with five received. Handt reported unit prices have come down, particularly for bituminous from $115 to $83. To fund the Lilleskogen parking lot, Handt recommended the PRC propose a $30,000 loan to the City Council. Handt also recommended the PRC propose the City Council award the bid to TA Schifsky and process a change order to remove work to be completed by Committee and Staff (timber log removal and restoration), provided a $10,000 donation is secured from the Lions Foundation. Motion by Zauner, seconded by Bildeaux, to propose completion of the Lilleskogen parking lot as recommended by Handt. The motion carried 3-0. Summer Park Volunteer Opportunities Negus shared suggestions for volunteer opportunities at our parks. Handt informed the Lakes Free volunteers will be painting the white picket fence by the Swedish monument and planting July 6, 2015 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3of3 lilac bushes next Thursday. The volunteers commit to 2 '/2 hours of volunteer time and will be raking and pulling weeds at the City playgrounds this coming Thursday. Zauner questioned if staff was mowing at Wind in the Pines. Volunteers completed this task in the past. It was suggested an ongoing volunteer could be solicited. Handt reminded the PRC would select a volunteer day each year with an assigned task and asked Committee members if they had any suggestions. Committee members agreed to move this agenda item for discussion to a different month due to summer months being difficult months to solicit volunteers. Handt asked the Committee to take this into consideration when preparing the 2015 annual report. Committee members agreed not to hold a volunteer day this year. Some future tasks included painting the shed at the lighted ball field and replacing steps at Wind in the Pines if needed. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The Committee agreed on the following agenda item for the August 3, 2015 meeting: 1. Confirm Taco Daze Responsibilities (Committee members agreed to cancel the August 3, 2015 meeting if no other agenda items were added. Bildeaux, Zauner, and Borg agreed to volunteer referee at the Taco Daze dodge ball tournament. Negus agreed to follow up with Rasmussen and Jinks.) ADJOURNMENT Borg, seconded by Zauner, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judi Negus Office Assistant