7.a)1) Staff Report-Veterans MemorialSCANDIA
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: July 21, 2015
To: City Council
From: Judi Negus, Office Assistant
Kristina Handt, City Administrator
Re: Veterans Memorial
At the December 2, 2013 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, City Administrator Handt
reported a committee of community volunteers had been meeting to discuss possible locations
for a Veterans Memorial site. Two main possibilities had been discussed: City of Scandia parks
Hay Lake and Lilleskogen. A poll of people visiting the Village Center on November 26, 2013,
conducted by Mayor Simonson resulted in a majority preferring Lilleskogen. Committee
members agreed the ideal site should be accessible and visible and a Veterans Memorial at
Lilleskogen would be ideal because of its close proximity to the cemetery. The Committee
agreed to provide the following parameters to memorial designers for a memorial at Lilleskogen:
1) Close proximity to the parking lot for accessibility.
2) Incorporate existing park plans into design (wetland/butterfly garden).
3) Memorial shall be no more than 800 square feet.
4) Near the south side of the park.
5) Visible from Oakhill.
Committee members agreed unanimously to make a recommendation for the Veterans Memorial
site at Lilleskogen (with the five parameters listed). At the December 17, 2013 City Council
meeting, Scandia-Marine Lions Club member Tom Triplett and City of Marine Mayor Mills and
Lions member asked the City Council to delay a site decision until more discussion could be had
with the entire club and the Council agreed to table the discussion.
Since that time, the Lions Foundation has been working on the memorial site, reviewed
numerous possible locations (Marine, Hay Lake, Barton Johnson, private land near Swedish
Monument, old Rasmussen property, etc.) and eliminated other sites from consideration.
Lilleskogen is the preferred location.
Should the Lilleskogen plan be amended to allow for a memorial? If so, under what parameters?
Proposal Details:
Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation President Dave Wilson and Tom Triplett were present at the
July 6, 2015 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to discuss a proposal to have a Veterans
Memorial at Lilleskogen. The proposal is included in the meeting materials.
The memorial is proposed to be near the north end of the parking lot. To raise funds, paver
bricks would be sold and lined on the outside of the sidewalks. As well, community members
could support directly to a memorial fund. Wilson estimated the total cost of the memorial, flag
pole, and concrete work to be approximately $23,000. The memorial would be humble and 150
square feet. Wilson offered a donation of $10,000 from the Memorial Fund of the Lions
Foundation to the City for concrete work and other expenses.
Handt is recommending a Memorandum of Understanding to address responsibilities of the City
and the Scandia Marine Memorial Committee for maintenance as well as who would be
responsible for insurance, and who would make future decisions for any changes to the
The Parks and Recreation Committee is recommending the Veterans Memorial be located at
Lilleskogen with the following parameters: close proximity to the parking lot, incorporate
existing park plans into the design, memorial shall be no more than 800 square feet, memorial
should be visible from Oakhill, a financial donation of $10,000 from the Veterans Memorial
Committee of the Scandia Marine Lions Foundation, and a Memorandum of Understanding.
Fiscal Impact:
Described above. The funds would be raised by the Veterans Memorial Committee and
maintenance of the Veterans Memorial would be provided by the Scandia Marine Lions Club.
1) Recommend the Veterans Memorial be located at Lilleskogen with the addressed
2) Do not recommend the Veterans Memorial be located at Lilleskogen.
3) Recommend the Veterans Memorial be located at another site.
4) Recommend no City park sites be used for a Veterans Memorial.
Option 1.