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5b. Proposed Bill v2Sec. 1 Laws 1974, Chapter 475, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. WASHINGTON COUNTY; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING AND REDEI%TLOPAIENT AUT-HORJT-Y. There is created in Washington county a public body corporate and politic, to be known as the Washington county hettsing aftd r-ede elopm ent .,,,*hor-community development agency, having all the powers and duties of a county authority under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, and all powers of a county housing and redevelopment authority under any other provisions of Minnesota law. and Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and 469.090 to 469.1081 apply to the county of Washington. For purposes of applying sections 469.090 to 469.1081 to Washington county, the county is considered to be the city and the county board is considered to be the city council. Sec. 2. Laws 1974, chapter 475, section 2, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. This act shall not limit or restrict any existing housing and redevelopment authority or city economic development authority. The jurisdiction and area of operation of the Washington county community development agencX ung and tvdevelepmen*atithofity includes all of the area within the territorial boundaries of the county and includes the areas within the boundaries of every city in the county and the areas of operation of city housing and redevelopment authorities and city economic development authorities in the county, whenever created, and notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes, sections 469.005, subdivision 1, or 469.008, subject, however, to Section 3. The jurisdiction and area of operation of the Washington county communi , development agency housing and redevelopment attt,„ri:�� shall not be affected by any concurrence by the Washington county community development agency housing an ,-edevele f ent thof4y under section 469.004, subdivision 5. Sec. 3. Laws 1974, chapter 475, section 2, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subdivision 2a. A municipal housing and redevelopment authority may request the Washington county community development agencX ,,.,,sing and redeve',.p, efI4 .,,,*her-ity to handle the housing duties of the authority and, in such an event, the Washington county community development agencX housing and -redevelopment auy shall act and have exclusive jurisdiction for housing in the municipality pursuant to the provisions of the municipal housing and redevelopment act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 462.411 iv 4, and acts amendatory thereof. A transfer of duties relating to housing shall not transfer any duties relating to redevelopment. Subdivision 2b. A municipal economic development authority may request the Washington county community development agency to handle the economic development, housing or redevelopment, duties of the authority and, in such an event, the Washington county community development agency shall act and have exclusive jurisdiction for such duties in the municipality pursuant to the provisions of the economic development authorities act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1080 462.41 to 462 71 , and acts amendatory thereof. Sec. 4. Laws 1974, chapter 475, section 3 is amended to read: Sec. 3. MUNICIPAL APPROVAL. Subdivision 1. Housing and redevelopment projects. If any housing or redevelopment project is undertaken in Washington county pursuant to this authorization, and the project is within the boundaries of any statutory or home rule charter city or township, the project and the location of the project shall be subject to approval by the governing body of the city or township. The procedures in section 469.007, subdivision 2, shall apply to the governing body project and location approvals required by this section. Subdivision 2. Economic development projects. If any development district or economic development project is undertaken in Washington county pursuant to this authorization, and the project is within the boundaries of any statutory or home rule charter city or township, the project shall be subject to the planning, zoning, sanitary, and buildingIaws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the locality in which the project is situated, and, in addition, prior to the exercise of any powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1080 within the boundaries of the city or township with respect to a proposed project or the proposed site thereof, the project and the location of the project must receive prior authorization by resolution of the governing body of the city or township. Sec. 5. Laws 1974, chapter 475, section 2 is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subdivision 4. Washington county community development agency. (a) After December 31, 2016, the Washington county housing and redevelopment authority shall be known as the Washington county community development agency. In addition to the other cowers granted in this section, the Washington county community development agency shall have the powers of an economic development authority under sections 469.090 to 469.1081 that are granted to the agency by resolution adopted by the Washington county board of commissioners, except as provided in paragraph (b). The enabling resolution may impose the limits upon the actions of the agency that are listed in paragraph (c). The agency may exercise M of the powers granted to it under sections 469.001 to 469.047 and any of the powers of an economic development authority granted to it by the Washington county board of commissioners for the purposes described in these sections. (b) The Washington county community development agency may not levy the tax described in section 469.107, but with the approval of the Washington county board may increase its levy of the special tax described in section 469.033, subdivision 6, to any higher limit authorized under section 469.107. The money in the housing and redevelopment project fund under section 469.033, subdivision 6, may be expended by the Washington county community development agency for the purposes of sections 469.001 to 469.047 or sections 469.090 to 469.1081. (c) The enabling resolution may impose the limits upon the actions of the agency as may be imposed by a municipality under section 469.092, except that the resolution adopted under paragraph (a) may not impose any limitations on the authority's exercise of its powers under sections 469.001 to 469.047. (d) Section 469.1082 does not apply to the county of Washington. Sec. 6. Laws 1974, chapter 475, section 2, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subdivision. 5. Offers of tax -forfeited lands. Notwithstanding any other law, Washington county may offer to the Washington county community development agency, under the conditions and policies established by the countv. nonconservation tax -forfeited land prior to making the properties available to cities in Washington county. Sec. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day after the governing body of Washington county and its chief clerical officer timelycplete their compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 654.021, subdivisiorLs 2 and 3. 820053.DOCX