Appendix A - TNDs_7.18.06Appendix A Traditional Neighborhood Design
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan A-1
Adopted 18 July 2006
Appendix A
A growing number of residential developments are based on traditional
neighborhood design (TND) principles. TNDs are compact, pedestrian-
oriented developments that are often characterized by narrow streets and
reduced building setbacks. All TNDs strive to build a strong sense of
Parks, trails, and open space are important elements of traditional
neighborhood designs. They help bring residents together and give the
development its unique sense of place. This chapter provides a brief
overview of TND principles as they relate to parks, trails, and open spaces.
It discusses issues and opportunities, sets goals and strategies, and guides
New Scandia Township and developers in decisions related to integrating
parks, trails, and open space into TND developments.
Depending on the size and location of new subdivisions, a traditional
neighborhood design could include the following key elements:
neighborhood greens, mini parks/neighborhood parks, trails and walks, and
open space. Components of each element include the following:
Neighborhood Greens
• Serve as small open spaces designed with the input of the
Appendix A Traditional Neighborhood Design
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan A-2
Adopted 18 July 2006
• May include play equipment for children or seating and tables for
neighborhood gatherings
• Generally owned and maintained by the surrounding residents
through a homeowner’s association
Mini / Neighborhood Parks
• Serve as larger open spaces that help define and connect
• May include play equipment for children, picnic facilities,
informal athletic fields, and a community pavilion or building
• Generally owned and maintained by the Township
• Serve as focal points for the neighborhood
Trails and Walks
• Link parks, schools, neighborhoods and businesses
• Provide outdoor recreation opportunities for walkers, runners,
bikers, roller blades, and cross country skiing
• May include space within the road right-of-way or in off-road
• Generally owned and maintained by the Township
• Integrated into neighborhoods and New Scandia Township to
serve as a larger linkage system
Open Space
• Serves as important environmental space to protect and enhance
areas of critical habitat
• May include major landforms, water features, and natural
• Integrated into the trail system and neighborhood to improve the
quality of life and reduce effects of pollution.
See Figures A-1 and A-2 for conceptual illustrations of how parks, trails, and
open space can be integrated into a TND.
Developments that incorporate traditional neighborhood design principles
offer many opportunities to strengthen parks, trails, and open space in New
Scandia Township. TNDs work to ensure the preservation, enhancement
and development of parks, trails and open space. They strive to celebrate
parks, trails and open space as a focal point for new subdivision design.
Appendix A Traditional Neighborhood Design
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan A-3
Adopted 18 July 2006
Figure A-1: Conceptual Illustration of a TND Development
Figure A-2: Conceptual Illustration of a TND Development
Appendix A Traditional Neighborhood Design
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan A-4
Adopted 18 July 2006
The placement and configuration of lots within a traditional neighborhood
design subdivision use parks, trails, and open space as tools in helping to
define and connect neighborhoods.
Because TNDs often include a relatively significant amount of parks, trails
and open space, they may present issues or concerns relating to ownership,
maintenance, and design. To address these concerns, communities often
require that neighborhood greens be owned and maintained by a
homeowner’s association. In some cases homeowner’s associations will also
assume maintenance of public mini or neighborhood parks in the
development. Communities also can require high-quality design standards
for the parks, trails, and open space in the TND development.
Consequently, New Scandia Township can positively address concerns
regarding traditional neighborhood designs.
The following goals and strategies express the community’s vision for
integrating parks, trails, and open space into TND developments. The goals
are broad, general statements that the Township will strive to attain. The
strategies are specific, action-oriented statements that provide the framework
for a wide range of decisions that the Township will make through the year
2020. The Township should periodically review and update the goals and
strategies expressed in this plan.
Goal 1: Parks, trails, and open space are integrated into TNDs in a
manner that encourages social interaction, connects residents and
neighborhoods, and ensures the preservation and enhancement of
natural resources. To accomplish this goal, New Scandia Township
establishes the following strategies:
1. Promote mini or neighborhood parks that serve as the focus of the
neighborhood and are easily accessible by all residents.
2. Encourage the sensitive integration of neighborhood greens to serve
sub-neighborhoods in the development.
3. Encourage neighborhood greens to be designed with the input of the
residents who will be served by the neighborhood greens.
4. Protect and enhance wetlands and critical habitat areas in the
Appendix A Traditional Neighborhood Design
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan A-5
Adopted 18 July 2006
5. Sensitively integrate parks and trails with the environmental features
of the site.
6. Encourage pedestrian walkways and recreation trail opportunities for
the neighborhood and community.
Goal 2: Parks, trails, and open space in TNDs are designed, owned,
and maintained in a manner consistent with Township’s vision for
parks, trails, and open space. To accomplish this goal, the Township
establishes the following strategies:
1. Promote a working relationship between New Scandia Township and
developer early in the design process to ensure that the development
is consistent with the Township’s vision for parks, trails, and open
2. Ensure that parks, trails, and open space associated with TNDs do
not require maintenance beyond what the Township would typically
provide in a conventional subdivision design.
3. Do not accept neighborhood greens as parkland dedication.
4. Accept parkland dedication that serves the larger community.
5. Establish clear agreements outlining maintenance responsibilities for
parks, trails, and open space.
6. Review and analyze each TND proposal based on its unique issues,
opportunities, and constraints.
Traditional neighborhood designs offer many opportunities to strengthen
parks, trails, and open space in New Scandia Township. By implementing
the goals and strategies described in this Appendix, the Township can ensure
that design, ownership, and maintenance of parks, trails, and open space in
TNDs is consistent with the Township’s vision.