4.d 3 email from John Maloney1
Neil Soltis
From:John Maloney <scandiajohn@gmail.com>Sent:Friday, April 1, 2016 11:37 AMTo:n.soltis@ci.scandia.mn.usSubject:Solar Gradens
Scandia Planning Commission (via Neil Soltis). 14727 209th Street NorthScandia , MN 55073 April 1, 2016 Commisioners, It a tough task you have in trying to anticipate the potential out comes when you make decisions. After attending the last PC meeting in March, it became evident that our solar policy is woefully inadequate given circumstances that are now being presented to this community. The rural nature of this community is being invaded by what I would refer to as a new type of environmental pollution in the form of solar gardens. Do not get me wrong, I think solar has its place, but when they get to the size of a "Community Solar Garden", it becomes a whole different discussion. These Gardens are industrial in size and should be positioned in an industrial zoned areas. These projects should not be speckled across the Scandia, especially as they do little to service this community. I am asking for your hard scrutiny of these proposed Gardens projects before the landscape of Scandia is changed forever. We really need to have another 'kick at the can' regarding the ordinances on these types of installations. Thanks for your hard work! John Maloney 22190 Olinda Trail N. Scandia, MN 55073-9401 612-867-0377 scandiajohn@gmail.com