6.1 PCMemoRCommUses 3.2.16
To: Scandia Planning
Reference: Rural Commercial District Uses
and Brewery/Distillery Definitions
Copies To: Neil Soltis, City
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk
Project No.: 16023.000
From: Sherri Buss, RLA AICP,
Date: February 22, 2016
Rural Commercial District Allowed and Permitted Uses—Draft Ordinance
The Planning Commission recently updated the lists of uses allowed and permitted in the VMU
A and B Districts to move a significant number of uses from the group that requires a
Conditional Use Permit to the list of uses that are allowed in those districts.
The lists of uses allowed and permitted in the Rural Commercial District were based on those
allowed in the VMU A and B District, and therefore the uses in that district should be reviewed
as well and amended for consistency.
The draft ordinance attached has been updated in the same way as the VMU A and B District
Some questions for the Commission to consider include the following:
Should the Rural Commercial District uses mirror those in the VMU A/B Districts? Are
there some uses listed as allowed that should not be allowed in the District, or that
should require a CUP?
I included Agritourism Enterprises as allowed or permitted, based on the number of
events per year. This use is currently listed in the R COMM district as a use that
requires a CUP. Do commission members have a comments on the listings?
Brewery Definitions
The EDA requested that Craft Brewery be added to the list of uses allowed in the VMU A and B
Districts. Many communities are adding this use, brew pubs, and craft distillery uses to their
ordinances, hoping to encourage new local businesses.
These uses are defined in Minnesota Statutes. Minnesota is stricter than many states in
defining these uses, and distinguishing between “on-sale” and “off-sale” liquor uses. In
Minnesota, Brew Pubs and Craft Breweries are different uses.
Rural Commercial District Uses Page 2 March 2, 2016
Scandia Planning Commission
If Scandia wants to consider allowing or permitting Brew Pubs as well as Craft Breweries, and
Craft Distilleries and similar uses, the City should add the definitions to its Code that are
consistent with State of Minnesota definitions. The list of definitions in the draft ordinance
attached are the definitions that the State uses.
The Commission should consider 1) which uses should be listed in the ordinance and 2)
whether the uses are allowed or require a CUP. Many communities require CUP’s for Brew
Pubs and Craft Breweries and Distilleries. They have done this based on concerns about the
potential impacts of truck traffic, brewing odors, and frequent events that have become part of
the Craft Brewery/Brew Pub culture.