3. 01.25.2022 Minutes TC DRAFT
Scandia Tourism Committee
January 25, 2022 – 4:00 p.m.
Meeting at Community Center, Zoom and Boxcast.com
Members in Attendance: Sarah Porubcansky, Lynne Moratzka, and Sue Dickens.
Absent: Lisa Schlingerman and Julie Gasek
Staff in attendance: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri and Office Assistant Brenda “Bee”
Stignani. Also attending Mayor Christine Maefsky.
Call to Order –Chair Porubcansky called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m., a quorum is present.
Approve the Agenda –Dickens moved, Moratzka seconded, to approve the agenda with
Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously by roll call. Porubcansky requested adding to
discussion of a support letter for the Scandia Heritage Alliance Board of Directors for the Water
Tower Barn and Scandia Arts & Heritage Center project by the Tourism Committee. Dickens
moved to approve the addition to discuss a support letter. Moratzka seconded. Motion
carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Approval of the Minutes – Motion by Dickens, seconded by Moratzka, to approve the
January 4, 2022 meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
GetKnit – Ice Sculpture Update
Porubcansky presented the two artist sketches for the two choices of an ice sculpture to order.
Discussion concluded that the fragility of the two hats joining eliminated Sketch 1. Motion by
Moratzka, seconded by Dickens, to choose Artist Sketch #2 of a single Tomte,
approximately 110” tall for Scandia’s design. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Porubcansky reported that GetKnit’s marketing department will provide promotional material for
this event to be distributed at Vinterfest this weekend. Dickens reported that Scandia’s brochure is
waiting for a few confirmations from sponsors, and some payments from sponsors who have
pledged support this year as well, before being ready for distribution. Dates of this event is Friday,
February 18th – Monday, February 21st.
Scandia Heritage Alliance Support Letter Discussion –
Porubcansky presented the support letter drafted and added to the meeting materials packet. Due to
Porubcansky’ s position within the SHA, she requests that all members carefully read the letter and
if all support it, the next Chair of Tourism would sign and submit it. Cammilleri clarified that due to
City Council’s past endorsement and support of this project, this advisory committee is free to send
such a letter without further comment by City Council if they are in agreement as a committee.
Motion by Dickens, seconded by Moratzka, to approve the support letter as written for the
next Chair of the Tourism Committee to sign and submit to the Scandia Heritage Alliance.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations –
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
January 25, 2022
2 | P a g e
Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Moratzka, to recommend Sue Dickens as Chair of the
Tourism Committee to City Council. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Dickens, to recommend Lynne Moratzka as Vice
Chair of Tourism Committee to City Council. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Future Steps –
Moratzka reported on the scope of the children’s Tomte Children’s Story Contest and Coloring
Pages project going forward in connection with the Ice Sculpture event. Children’s art will be
displayed at local merchants and other city property depending on the activities scheduled February
18-21st. Prizes for the contest are being scheduled for Saturday, February 19th.
Maefsky requested viewing both artist sketches of the ice sculpture. Discussion included the
potential fragility of the two hats, the artists creative license and approval of sketches that are
possible, the overall height of the two options compared to the protective tent purchased, the
Tomte definition of “Farm Man”, the two different beards and preference with more “scoring” for
greater visibility of detail, and the pros and cons of a man and woman Tomte or just a single man.
Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Dickens, to repeal the motion to approve Sketch #2,
and instead approve Sketch #1 of a male and female Tomte, and to request the artist scores
the beard as in Sketch #2, instead of rounded as in the approved sketch. Motion carried
unanimously by roll call vote.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.
Adjournment –Motion by, seconded by, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried
unanimously by roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant