08.d 01.24.2023 Minutes TC DRAFT
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
January 24, 2023 – 5:00 p.m.
Meeting at Community Center
Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens and Lynne Moratzka. Absent: Sarah Porubcansky.
Additional Attendees: Christine Maefsky (Mayor) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant).
Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m., a quorum is present.
Approve the Agenda – Dickens requested adding item 2b – Membership Review, to the agenda.
Dickens moved, Moratzka seconded, to approve the amended agenda with Flexibility.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve the Minutes –Moratzka moved, Dickens seconded, to approve the September 27,
2022 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Membership Review – Dickens reported Mayor Maefsky will continue as Council Representative
and Lisa Schlingerman has resigned from the Tourism Committee. Discussion provided potential
residents to reach out to consider application to serve, in addition to the city’s notice requesting
applicants for numerous committees with current vacancies or terms expiring soon.
Ice Sculpture Update
Dickens has received word that the organizing vendor, GetKnit, is not organizing another ice
sculpture event.
SHRPA Discussion - Dickens received communication from SHRPA that a discount program is
pending with encouragement to apply. Discussion concluded to continue using only the free aspect
of a SHRPA account as missing the weblink connecting SHRPA with the city seems to be the only
downside to maintain a free account only. There is no performance feedback to let the city know
how many ‘hits’ on Scandia events or if the weblink directed anyone to their site. Too many other
resources are available that are free and active in this community.
Discussion expanded to request Dickens bring back to EDA the request to consider use of the
allocated EDA funds for Ice Sculpture and SHRPA to be used for a different event, perhaps a Press
Day event with PR packets in early spring. This event could highlight Scandia’s 4 Softball Hall of
Fame members in addition to the numerous local organizations’ special events, Scandia’s
Community events and resources (i.e. museums, event centers, etc.) Dickens also suggested
investigating how community’s get promoted on tv stations’ programs, like “Finding Minnesota.”
Scandia Evening Adventure Updates – Dickens reported expanded participation by shoppers this
year over last year, and numerous inquiries from other businesses requesting inclusion in 2023’s
schedule. The 2023 event will be held the third Thursday in October, November, and December.
City Wide Garage Sale – Moratzka refreshed the committee on the feedback summary from the
first City Wide Garage Sale. Discussion concluded Thursday, June 1st – Saturday, June 3rd are the
dates for 2023. Dickens has approached PRC Vice Chair Zauner about collaborating efforts in
some manner. Dickens will inquire if the EDA would support funding portable signs with the city’s
logo and arrows to be reused to direct traffic from main roads towards participating homes each
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
January 24, 2023
2 | P a g e
year. If the service to build a digital map are not donated again this year, feedback supports
requesting funds to provide this type of a map if at all possible. Last year’s feedback also supported
the Saturday only in the Community Center parking lot with Elim Church hosting a rummage sale
on the same day and time. Discussed reaching out to known neighborhoods and organizations to
host sales on the same date for a larger shopping audience. Suggestions to invite a couple of food
trucks also to the Community Center on Saturday. February 28th Tourism Committee meeting will
finalize organizing this event with the goal to launch in March and be included in the Spring
Food Truck Fair – Moratzka recommended instead of pursuing a separate event, that inclusion of
a few trucks at the City Wide Garage sale would suffice to see if this would be an event to expand or
not in the future.
Adjournment –Motion by Moratzka, seconded by Dickens, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant