4.j) Staff Report-Review Bolton and Menk Contract �_ , 1 ;'�� 1-.�'� � .�. � SCANDIA Staff Report Date of Meeting: Apri19, 2013 To: City Council From: Kristina Handt, Administrator Re: Review Bolton and Menk Contract Agenda Item#: 4.j) Background: The City issued a Request for Proposals for General Engineering Services on February 13, 2013. Three firms, Bolton and Menk, WSB, and Stantec, were interviewed by the Council at a Special Meeting on March 27, 2013. Following the meeting, staff has been working on changes to the proposed contract with Bolton and Menk. Issue: Are there any further changes needed to the contract with Bolton and Menk far General Engineering Services? Proposal Details: One item the Council may wish to discuss further is the termination provision. Currently, it allows far a seven day notice by either party. Would the Council like to see that provision increased? Staff would recommend termination allow for 30 days notice by either party. The Council may want to consider any even longer period but given the time it takes to prepare bid documents staffwould recommend no more than a 60 day notice. Fiscal Impact: The City will pay $60/hour for the first 24 hours of general engineering services each month. Also, there will be no charge far attending Council meetings. Assuming roughly 10 hours/month for general engineering services were used last year, these two changes will result in a savings of over $10,000. In addition, per the proposal,there would be no charge for transition costs and no charge for the setup, initial deployment and training on their GIS mapping system. Lastly,there will be no charge for updating the Pavement Management Plan. Options: 1) Direct staff to place the contract on the consent agenda for the next meeting. 2) Amend and then direct staff to place the contact on the consent agenda for the next meeting. PROFESSIONAL AGREEMENT GENERAL ENGINEEWNG SERVICES SCANDIA,MINNESOTA This Agreement, made this day of April, 2013 by and between BOLTON &MENK, INC., a Minnesota Corporation, 2035 County Road D East, Suite B, Maplewood, Minnesota 55109 hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT, and the CITY OF SCANDIA, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, 14727 209`h Street North,Scandia,Minnesota 55073 hereinafter refened to as CITY. WHEREAS, the CITY wishes to obtain professional municipal engineering services for general engineering matters and the CONSULTANT agrees to furnish the various professional services required by the CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises between the parties hereto,it is hereby agreed: SECTION I-CONSULTANT'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. GENERAL l. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform the various professional general engineering services as hereinafter stated. 2. The CONSULTANT shall serve in the position as City Engineer under the direction of the City Council. 3. The CONSULTANT agrees to assign an experienced registered professional engineer from its staff to be the designated City Engineer and perform the required services and to provide such other staff as may be appropriate or necessary to complete requested services. Designated City Engineer shall be Ryan Goodman,P.E. B. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-GENERAL ENGINEERING The CONSULTANT shall provide the following general engineering services to be compensated as described in Section III. 1. The City Engineer shall attend CITY staff ineetings as requested and shall assist staff on engineering related issues. 2. The City Engineer shall attend CITY Council meetings,and other meetings as requested by CITY Council. 3. The City Engineer shal] advise and provide engineering services to CITY staff and Council for general engineering matters in which the CITY becomes involved. 4. The City Engineer shall provide additional administrative and engineering direction as may be requested by CITY staff to fulfill day-to-day CITY operating requirements. 5. The City Engineer shall provide updates of the City plat, zoning and utility maps on an annual basis. Page 1 of 9 6. The City Engineer shall review building and site plans and other documents for conformance with CITY engineering standards as requested by CITY staff. 7. The City Engineer shall review permit applications to open, excavate or disturb CITY infrastructure as requested by City staff. C. ADDITIONAL SERVICES l. Engineering services requested for specific project related studies, surveys, design, plan and specification preparation and construction administration may be authorized as Additional Services and shall be compensated in accordance with Section IIIA3. Scope and compensation for such services shall be documented by separate work order and invoiced as a separate project number. SECTION ll-CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. GENERAL 1. The CIT1'agrees to acquire the engineering services of the CONSULTANT. 2. The CITY designates the CONSULTANT to serve as the City Engineer during the term of this Agreement. B. RESPONSIBILITIES l. The CITY shall compensate the CONSULTANT in accordance with Section [ll of this Agreement and the CITY'S payment timing procedures. 2. The CITY shall fumish all data, records, reports, plans, maps and other pertinent information or copies thereof, which may be required by the CONSULTANT to perform its services. 3. The CITY shall reimburse the CONSULTANT for any special costs or expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT on behalf of the CITY, including reproductions, sub-consultants and testing. CONSULTANT shall be required to provide CITY with an advanced estimate of such costs prior to incurring the special costs or expenses. 4. The CITY shall notify the CONSULTANT promptly whenever it observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the work of the CONSULTANT. SECTION III-COMPENSATION A. SCHEDULE OF FEES ]. The CITY agrees to compensate the CONSULTANT at the rate of$60.00 per hour for the first 24 hours of general engineering service performed each month by the designated City Engineer. This rate is guaranteed for 2013-2017. 2. Compensation to the CONSULTANT shall be at the rate of$I15.00 per hour for each hour in addition to 24 hours per month performed by the designated City Engineer for general engineering services. Page 2 c° 9 3. Compensation to the CONSULTANT for general engineering services performed by other staff members of the CONSULTANT shall be at the following rates: Sr.Project Manager-Sr.Principal Engineer/Surveyor........................$120-150/hr Sr.Project Manager-Principal Engineer/Surveyor...................................$]00-150 ProjectManager.........................................................................................$]00-145 Project/Design Engineer/Planner.................................................................$60-135 Licensed Surveyor........................................................................................$70-135 Project Surveyor...........................................................................................$60-100 Specialist(Nat.Resources,GIS;Traffic;Other)..........................................$70-120 Senior Technician(Inc.Survey�).................................................................$70-120 Technician(Inc.Survey')...............................................................................$50-90 Administrative Support&Clerical................................................................$35-80 GPS/Robotic Survey Equipment........................................................NO CHARGE CAD/Computer Usage.......................................................................NO CHARGE Routine Office Supplies.....................................................................NO CHARGE Routine Photo Copying Productions..................................................NO CHARGE Field Supplies/Survey Stakes&Equipment......................................NO CHARGE Mileage...............................................................................................NO CHARGE �No Separate charges will be made for GPS or robotic total stations on Bolton & Menk, Inc. survey assignments; the costs of this equipment is included in the rates for Survey Technicians. Charges are based on hours spent at hourly rates in effect for the individuals performing the work. The hourly rates for Principals and members of the staff vary according to skill and experience. The rates shall apply for projects for the period through December 31, 2017. These rates may be adjusted annually thereafter to account for changed labor costs, inflation or changed overhead conditions. 4. In addition to the foregoing, CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed at cost for the following Direct Expenses when incurred in the performance of the work. a. CIT'Y approved travel and subsistence. b. CITY approved outside(facilities not owned by CONSULTANT) computer services. a CITY approved outside professional and technical services (ie, soil borings and geotechnical reports). d. Other costs for such additional items and services that the CITY may require the CONSULTANT to provide to fulfill the terrns of this Agreement. 5. The CONSULTANT shall provide a monthly itemization of time spent performing general engineering services for the CITY. SECTION IV-GENERAL A. STANDARD OF CARE Page 3 of 9 Professional services provided under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the Consultant's profession currently practicing under similar conditions. No warranty,express or implied,is made. B. CHANGE 1N PROJECT SCOPE In the event the CITY changes or is required to change the scope of the project from that described in Section I and/or the applicable addendum,and such changes require Additional Services by the CONSULTANT,the CONSULTANT shall be entitled to additional compensation at the applicable hourly rates. The CONSULTANT shall give notice to the CITY of any Additional Services,prior to furnishing such additional services. The CITY may request an estimate of additional cost from the CONSULTANT,and upon receipt of the request,the CONSULTANT shall furnish such,prior to authorization of the changed scope of work. C. LIMTTATION OF LIABILITY CONSULTANT shall indemnify,defend,and hold harmless CITY and its officials,agents and employees from any loss,daim,liability,and expense(including reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses of litigation)arising from,or based in the whole,or in any part,on any negligent act or omission by CONSULTANT'S employees,agents,or subconsultants. In no event shall CITY be liable to CONSULTANT for consequential,incidental,indirect,special,or punitive damages. CITY shall indemnify,defend,and hold harmless CONSULTANT and its employees from any loss,claim,liability,and expense(including reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses of litigation)arising from,or based in the whole,or in any part,on any negligent act or omission by CITY'S employees,agents,or consultants. In no event shall CONSULTANT be liable to CITY for consequential,incidental,indirect,special,or punitive damages. D. INSURANCE The CONSULTANT agrees to maintain,at the CONSULTANT'S expense,statutory worker's compensation coverage. The CONSULTANT also agrees to maintain,at CONSULTANT'S expense,general liability insurance coverage insuring CONSULTANT against claims for bodily injury,death or property damage arising out of CONSULTANT'S general business activities(including automobile use). The liability insurance policy shall provide coverage for each occurrence in the minimum amount of$1,000,000. The CONSULTANT also agrees to maintain,at CONSl7LTANT'S expense,Professional Liability Insurance coverage insuring CONSULTANT against damages for legal liability arising from an error,omission or negligent act i�the performance of professional services required by this agreement,providing that such coverage is reasonably available at commercially affordable premiums. For purposes of this agreement,"reasonably available" and"commercially affordable"shall mean that more than half of the design professionals practicing in this state in CONSULTANT'S discipline are able to obtain coverage. The Page 4 of 9 professional liability insurance policy shall provide coverage for each occurrence in the amount of$1,000,000 and annual aggregate of$1,000,000 on a claims-made basis. Upon request of CITY,CONSULTANT shall provide CITY with certificates of insurance, showing evidence of required coverages. E. OPINIONS OR ESTIMATES OF CONSTRUCTION COST Where provided by the CONSULTANT as part of E�chibit I or otherwise,opinions or estimates of construction cost will generally be based upon public construction cost information. Since the CONSULTANT has no control over the cost of labor,materials, competitive bidding process,weather conditions and other factors affecting the cost of consiruction,all cost estimates are opinions for general information of the CITY and the CONSULTANT does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of construction cost opinions or estimates. The CITY acknowledges that costs for project financing should be based upon contracted construction costs with appropriate contingencies. F. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES It is agreed that the CONSULTANT and its representatives shall not be responsible for the means,methods,techniques,schedules or procedures of construction selected by the contractor or the safety precautions or programs incident to the work of the contractor. G. ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL DATA 1. General:To the fullest extent practicable,CONSULTANT shall conform to the CITY'S policies and guidelines regazding preparation and delivery of inforrnation for Counci] Packets and communications with Council and staff. All written and electronic/digital communications from the CONSULTANT to the CITY shall be in accordance with those policies and guidelines and such other protocols as may be provided by the CITY.When feasible,the CONSULTANT shall limit its paper submittals to the CITY to only those printed documents needed to conform to professional and legal standards. All other submittals shall generally be in electronic/digital format using PDF(Portable Document Format)as preferred format. 2. Deliverables Defined:For purposes of the AGREEMENT,"Deliverable"shall be any document,in printed or electronic/digital format,that is specifically identified in this AGREEMENT,or any written exhibit,work order or amendment that modifies or supplements the AGREEMENT(collectively refetted to as amendments),to be delivered to the CITY as representing or summarizing the professional services provided by the CONSULTANT and shall typically include reports,plans,specifications,surveys, mapping,written opinions,and models when such documents are identified as Deliverables.Deliverables may include electronic/digital versions of data if the AGREEMENT and its amendments,require delivery of electronic/digital information in specific formats. 3. In addition the certified and signed printed copies of Deliverables that may be provided to the CITY, Deliverables shall also be made available to CITY in PDF(Portable Document Format),subject to the provisions of Paragraph G.S,for CITY'S use and convenience. Paoe 5 of 9 4. Conditions of Use and Re-distribution of Documents Required to be Certified,Signed or Sealed by Licensed llesigner or Other Professional:Because of the potential instability of electronic/digital data and susceptibility to unauthorized changes,only those printed copies of documents(also known as hard copies)that are signed or sealed by CONSULTAN"T may be relied upon by the CITY as indicating the professional service product of the CONSULTANT, 5. Electronic/Digital Information That is Not a Deliverable Provided to City:Except for those professional products which aze specifically identified as Deliverables to be provided in a specific electronic/digital format all other electronic/digital data developed by the CONSULTANT as part of the PROJECT,that is not identified as a Deliverable,is acknowledged to be an internal working document for the CONSUI,TANT'S purposes solely. If such electronic/digital data is provided to the CITY,it shall be on an"AS IS" basis strictly for the convenience of the CITY without any warranties of any kind. As such,the CITY is advised and acknowledges that use of such information may require substantial modification and independent verification by the CITY(or its designees). Provision of electronic/digital data,whether required by this Agreement or provided as a convenience to the CITY,does not include any license of software or other systems necessary to read,use or reproduce the information. It is the responsibility of the CITY to verify compatibility with its system and long-term stability of inedia. CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT and its subconsultants from all claims, damages,losses,and expenses,including attorneys'fees arising out of or resulting from third party use or any adaptation or distribution of electronic/digital data provided under this AGREEMENT,unless such third party use and adaptation or distribution is explicitly authorized by this AGREEMENT. H. REUSE OF DOCUMENTS Drawings and Specifications and all other documents(including electronic and digital versions of any documents)prepared or furnished by CONSULTANT pursuant to this AGREEMENT are instruments of service in respect to the Project and CONSULTANT shall retain an ownership interest therein. Upon payment of all fees owed to the CONSULTANT, the CLIENT shall acquire an ownership interest in all identified deliverables,including Plans and Specifications,for any reasonable use relative to the Project and the general operations of the CLIENT. CLIENT may make and disseminate copies for information and reference in connection with the use and maintenance of the Project by the CLIENT. However,such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by CLIENT or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project and any reuse other than that specifically intended by this AGREEMENT will be at CLIENT'S sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to CONSUI.TANT. I. CONFIDENTIALITY AND MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT All data collected,created,received,maintained,or disseminated,or used for any purposes in the course of the CONSULTANT'S performance of the Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act,Minnesota Statutes Section 13.01,et seq.or any other applicable state statutes and state rules adopted to implement the Act,as well as state statutes and federal regulations on data privacy.The Consultant agrees to abide by these eage 6 of 9 statutes,rules and regulations and as they may be amended.In the event the CONSULTANT receives a request to release data,it shall notify CITY as soon as practical. The CITY will give instructions conceming release of data to requesting party and CONSULTANT will be reimbursed as Additional Services by CITY for its reasonable expenses in complying with the request. J. CONFIDENTIALITY CONSULTANT agrees to keep confidential and not to disclose to any person or entity,other than CONSULTANT'S employees and subconsultants any information obtained from CITY not previously in the public domain or not otherwise previously known to or generated by CONSULTANT. These provisions shall not apply to information in whatever form that comes into the public domain through no fault of CONSULTANT;or is furnished to CONSULTANT by a third party who is under no obligation to keep such information confidential;or is information for which the CONSULTANT is required to provide by law or authority with proper jurisdiction;or is information upon which the CONSULTANT must rely for defense of any claim or legal action. K. TERMINATION This Agreemenl ma� be terminated by either party for any reason or for convenience by either part� upon se�en(7)days written notice. comment[rnri�:PoeS chz c��� w��c a ' �o���ger ac:oanced tazin;natton � �pTOVi51oP SUC�� Chd[ i.:� ihP. EVEt�I I � `f12 CJT1Si�'�-tdn[ �PTI��13i�dtES T:12 In the event of termination,the CITY shall be obligated to the CONSULTANT for payment of !;�re�me,,;:, t,,e c�r� w�.�.i r,z�e 3 ! amounts due and owing including payment for services performed or furnished to the date and Sonz�l� p2=�o•� �"` i�me t= f�,�a I anocner Eny�.n.ee�-? �'erhaps 3C o_ 5G time of termination,computed in accordance with Section III of this Agreement. ��a�s� _ _ � I,. CONTINGENT FEE The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT to solicit or secure this Contract,and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person,other than a bona fide employee,any fee,commission,percentage,brokerage fee,gift or any other consideration,contingent upon or resulting from award or making of this Agreement. M. NON-D1SCRIMINATION The provisions of any applicable law or ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. The CONSULTANT is an Equal Opportunity Employer and it is the policy of the CONSULTANT that all employees,persons seeking employment,subcontractors, subconsultants and vendors are treated without regard to their race,religion,sex,color, national origin,disability,age,sexual orientation,marital status,public assistance status or any other characteristic protected by federal,state or local law. CITY shall,through the City Attorney,direct CONSULTANT'S required response to any request for release of information under the Data Practices Act and reimburse the Page 7 of 9 CONSULTANT,in addition to any other compensation,for CONSULTANT'S reasonable costs and labor to comply with any such request for release of information. N. CONTROLLING 1,AW This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the State of Minnesota. O. DISPUTE RESOLUTION CITY and CONSULTANT agree to negotiate all disputes between them in good faith for a period of 30 days from the date of notice of dispute prior to proceeding to formal dispute resolution or exercising their rights under law. Any claims or disputes unresolved after good faith negotiations shall first be submitted to mediation utilizing the Minnesota District Court Rule 114 Koster. Disputes not resolved by mediation shall then be submiried to arbitration in accordance with provisions of the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. CONSULTANT and the CITY agree to require an equivalent dispute resolution process governing all contractors,sub-contractors,suppliers,consultants,and fabricators concemed with this project. P. Sl1RVIVAI, All obligations,representations and provisions made in or given in Section IV of this Agreement will survive the completion of all services of the CONSULTANT under this Agreement or the termination of this Agreement for any reason. Q. SEVERABILITY Any provision or part of the Agreement held to be void or unenforceablc under any 1aw or regulation shall be deemed stricken,and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon CITY and CONSULTANT,who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or pari thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. Page 8 of 9 SECTION V-SIGNATURES THIS INSTRUMENT embodies the whole agreement of the parties,there being no promises,terms, conditions or obligation referring to the subject matter other than contained herein. This Agreement may only be amended,supplemented,modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf. CITY: CITY OF SCANDIA CONSULTANT:BOLTON&MENK, INC. Mayor City Engineer City Administrator Senior Principal Engineer Page 9 of 9