3 Draft minutes of the 11-13-17 EDA meeting The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, November 13 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Bob Hegland, Brad Borg, Steve Kronmiller, and Mark Porubcansky. Staff Present: Neil Soltis Also Present: Christine Maefsky Minutes - Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Kronmiller to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2017 meeting. Vote: Yes – 4. Motion carried. Agenda - Motion by Kronmiller, seconded by Porubcansky, to approve the agenda as amended to add a discussion on Explore Minnesota and broadband access. Vote: Yes – 4. Motion carried. Recap of Fall Business Event – The Board discussed the October business breakfast event. For future event attendee introductions having 1-2 business profiles and questionnaire handouts were suggested. At the spring meeting Patti Ray and John carnet of Carney Forensics have offer to make a presentation on computer security. Updates / Discussion on Economic Development Tools – The Board reviewed and made comments on the revised draft of the Façade Improvement Program that would utilize the funds proposed to be transferred to the Eda in the 2018 budget. The Board reviewed and made comments on the revised draft of a Business Subsidy Policy and Criteria that would be used in evaluating requests for subsidies such as tax abatement or tax increment financing. Soltis presented a working draft of the Policy and guidelines for the Washington County CDA Predevelopment Financing Fund. The County budget includes providing $135,000 to the fund in 2018 with a goal of having the program in place by March, 2018. The program would provide matching grant funding to increase the inventory of developable properties in the County, to reduce the barriers to economic development, to spur new job opportunities, and increase the market value of properties. Discussion on Explore Minnesota – Mayor Maefsky reported on a previous meeting with Beth Helle of Explore Minnesota who offered to make a presentation on tourism at a future meeting. Discussion on Broadband expansion – Kronmiller recognized the efforts to improve broadband access but noted that the cost to extend fiber to provide competitive speed is a potential use for the portion of the General Fund balance in excess of the amount set by the City Council. The transfer amount for 2018is estimated to be roughly $400,000. Kronmiller sug gested targeting those neighborhoods where there is sufficient density, Director’s Report – There was no Director’s report Commissioner Reports – There were no Commissioner reports Items for Future Agendas – Agenda items proposed for the January meeting are the Explore Minnesota presentation, the MnDOT Landscape Partnership program design assistance, and Cycling Scandia. A discussion of broadband access option with Frontier and Midco was suggested for the February meeting. Next meeting – The next meeting was scheduled for January 8, 2018. Adjournment - No further business was discussed. A motion to adjourn was made by Kronmiller and seconded by Porubcansky. Vote: Yes – 4. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary