2. Draft minutes of the 05-14-18 EDA meetingCITY OF SCANDIA
Monday, May 15, 2018
6:30 P.M.
Scandia Community Center Board Room
The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia
Community Center on Monday, May 15, 2018 beginning at 6:30pm.
Commissioners Present: Bob Hegland, Brad Borg, Steve Kronmiller, Mark Porubcansky, and
Bruce Swenson.
Staff Present: Neil Soltis
Also Present: Mayor Christine Maefsky
Minutes - Motion by Swenson, seconded by Kronmiller to approve the minutes of the March
12, 2018 and the April 19, 2018 meetings. Vote: Yes — 5. Motion carried.
Agenda - Motion by Kronmiller, seconded by Porubcansky, to approve the agenda as amended
to add a discussion on Scandia Pizza. Vote: Yes — 5. Motion carried.
Recap of April Business Breakfast —The commission discussed the business breakfast noting
that there was positive feedback, that the presentation was valuable but too long, that there
was good interaction between the attendees, that mailing should continue to be the chief
means of extending invitations, and that there should be a sign-up for future presentations.
Discussion on designating the Community Leadership Team for the University of Minnesota
Tourism Assessment — Soltis noted that Brd Borg, Lynne Moratzka, and Colleen Nora submitted
application to be members of the Leadership Team. The Team is intended to have 4-6
members. Other potential members who have or will be approached include Ross Brunfeldt,
Wayne Boerner (William O'Brien SP), Christina Morrison (Tiller), Scott Taylor (Meisters), Jan or
Jeff Lynn (Crabtree), and a youth representative from FFA or NHS.
Discussion on submitting a pre -development grant proposal to the Washington County CDA —
The Commissioners reviewed a proposal from Bolton & Menk to conduct a study to construct a
community drainfield to serve the area that is generally bound by Olinda Trail (County Road 3)
on the west, 800' south of 220th Street N on the north, Penfield Ave. N on the east and Ozark
Ct N. on the south at a cost of $12,400. Soltis noted that the grant program provides for 95%
funding up to $10,000 and then 50% funding for larger amounts. Chris Eng, Washington County
Economic Development director, noted that the primary goal of the grant program is to get
commercial areas into production and suggested that the scope of the project could be change
to be more conceptual than detailed. City Engineer Ryan Goodman noted n an email that the
cost could be reduced by reducing the area covered, eliminating certain tasks, or eliminating
the summary report. Eng noted that $150,000 was made available for the grants and that one
application for $9,500 has been received to date. The Commissioners discussed modifying the
project area to include the existing commercial businesses in the area and other land zoned for
mixed-use development. Motion by Swenson, seconded by Kronmiller, to have Bolton & Menk
work with Eng to better define the scope and review an application at the next meeting. Vote:
Yes —5. Motion carried.
Update from Washington County CDA — Eng noted that finding employees is a major issue
facing Washington County employers and suggested that a speaker on school apprenticeship
programs or HR talent development would be appropriate for the next business breakfast
Director's Report — Soltis provided a financial update noting the funds available for the
matching portion of a pre -development grant.
Commissioner Reports
Update on Internet Focus group — Kronmiller noted that Midco is at their maximum
capacity and has no interest in pursuing expanding their system and that in response to
a group of nine Kirk Ct. residents interested in service the cost was estimated at
$50,000. Through the ConnectAmerica grant Frontier has until the end of 2020 to meet
the 10 mps download standard that was considered to be served when the grant was
applied for. Frontier has expressed a willingness to work with the City if a DEED Rural
Broadband grant can be obtained to cover % of the cost to upgrade their services to 25
mps down and 2-3 mps up. Concerns were voiced to Frontier about their marketing
efforts which lead residents to believe that internet speeds can be delivered beyond
what they are capable of. Through a Blandin Foundation grant Bill Coleman has advised
the group that the next steps would be to send out a revised survey followed up with a
community presentation of the results. The next focus group meeting is May 23 at
which time there will be a presentation regarding the creation of a private ISP in
Concerns regarding Scandia Pizza — Kronmiller reports on concerns voiced by the owner
regarding the potential for the next operators of the Chikos location competing with the
pizza business and driving the store out of business. Commission members and Mayor
Maefsky reports on their conversations in this regard with the prospective purchaser.
Items for future agendas — Items identified for discussion at the next meeting are the
Predevelopment Grant application, tourism development, zoning changes based on the 2040
comprehensive plan, and working with Chris Eng on the development of a 3 -year work plan.
Next Meeting Date —The next meeting will be held on June 11tH
Adjournment — Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Swenson to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Neil Soltis, Secretary