5. Discussion on submitting pre-development grant proposal to Washington CountyM r�N cousraw wvray W U E�.'„ WASHJJNG5-T COUNJ CDA PREDEELOP�MJENJ FJN1ANJCE FUND GR?ANJ1T� General Information Date: June 12, 2018 Project Name: APPS JC}s`� JON Use Applicant City/Township: City of Scandia Ecc Applicant Address: 14727 209th St. N, Scandia Application/Project Contact: Neil Soltis, City Ad Contact Email Address: n.soltisaci.siandia Contact Phone Number: 651.433.2274 Authorized Official(s) for Execution of Contra How much grant funding are you requesting? Is the applicant an eligible public qjjjiy as defined 0 program policy and guidelines? Yes X No I. PREDEVELOPMENT FINANCE FUND PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Describe t wnship's goals, objectives need for the Predevelopment Finance Fund grant and antici�inmercial and industrial opportunities and other proposed components. Please public benefit of the proposed pl * report or study. Attach copy of proposed contract for 2. Has a dev or end user bean identified or committed to the proposed site? No 3. Provide a brief of th to including any previous uses, activities, prior or existing contamination, and orarily us attempts at selling, developing or redeveloping the site. (please identify any obstacles tbe preventing the city/township from accomplishing its goals for the site or area)? The area is procated in the City's Village Mixed Use and Industrial zoning districts. The portion of the site south of State Highway 97 and west of Ozark has been developed based on zoningthat at required a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres in order to provide adequate room for on-site septic. The lots at the north east corner of State High 97 and County Highway 3 are a part of the Cit.. ig nal plat. Those lots are small with minimal area for on-site septic. The northeast portion of the project area is an undeveloped 45 acre parcel with 1/4 mile of frontage on STH 97. The parcel is split with 19 acres in the VMU zoning district and the remainder in the Village Neighborhood district. This parcel is being marketed for sale. Potential development of this parcel is limited by the minimum parcel size. The EDA, Planning Commission, and City Council recognize that parcel size impedes the development of the property and are interested in modifying the parcel size if an option for community septic can be provided. The City's Fire / Public Works building is located on a 7.5 acre parcel in the project area. The rear 2.5 acres of this location are not utilized and have been identified as a potential area for a community septic system. 4. Describe any studies or development activities at the proposed site or been completed or are currently underway (if applicable). The previous that have already t oroiects are located on Countv 3 has expressed an interest in expandiniz the banauet facilffllboeration to include a businesses. 5. Proposed Bud .get. Itemize all funding sources that have project goals and activities. used to complete the proposed Source of Funds ount Cdtnmitted Pending Washington County CDA Funds ❑ X City or Township Local Matching Funds x ❑ Total: $8,900 4otal: Itemize expenses for the com 'on of project goals or proposed activities. temized Use Funds/Expenses Costs Funding Source Community Drainfield Stud Bolton & Menk Ak $1,500 Scandia EDA Community Drainfie dy - Bolton & Menk $7,400 Predevelopment grant Total: $8,900 II. DETAILED PROJECT AND ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. Please provide location maps, photos, current and projected site plans (if available). (maps should include site or project area location, property boundaries, north arrow, and bar scale, etc.) 2. Describe all of the proposed activities (i.e. studies) that are part of this grant funding request. See the attached proposal for the study submitted by Bolton & Menk, engineers for the Cid of Scandia. 3. Is demolition of blighted buildings or other structures part of the proposed project? No. 4. What is the proposed future end use of the project site or area? Providing a communilY se tic system will allow for a higher level of development and uses for ikCurrently undeveloped parcels that are identified in the attached map. Additional benefits will include the opportunity to create density and allow for expansion of the existing businesses thal are currently ham ered by the size of the on-site septic facilities and the minimuraft size. 5. Describe the site or project area (including): (please u rent prop x statement(s): Acreage of overall site: 106 Numbe of parcels: 27 Please identify all property owners and inclu e a of sup W from each own Parcel Identification/Description NVer or Address Owner Support Letter Parcel ID Building 'V Number Street Name Owner Name Yes No 1403220310007 WEST INVESTMENTS LLC 1403220340023 21098 INDA SCANDIA LAND COMPANY LLC 1403220340026 21080 SCANDIA AUTO SER\*CO 1403220340027 SCAN DIA AUTO SERV CO 1403220340035 MEW SCAN DIA AUTO SERV CO 1403220340049 21260 OLINDA WEST INV STMENTS LLC 14032204100 EN ETAL LAWRENCE R 1403220420 7 21610 OLINDA PAPE ENTERPRISES 1403220420008 SCANDIA WATER COMPANY 1403220420010 15040 ANDIA CITY OF SCANDIA 1403220420011 FEDERATED CO-OPS INC 1403220430005 14860 SCANDIA FEDERATED CO-OPS INC 1403220430006 21239 OLINDA PAPE ENTERPRISES 1403220430007 21 LINDA THE SCANDIA CREAMERY INC 1403220430008 21190 OZARK HOWARD E & EMILY A STEGNER TRS 1403220430009 21150 OZARK SCANDIA FOUR 1403220430010 SECURITY STATE BANK 1403220430011 21120 OZARK ROUND RIVER LLC 1403220430012 21090 OZARK PETERSON NANCY A TRS & MICHEAL A PETERSON TRS 1403220430013 21080 OZARK METAL FABRICATION ENTERPRISES INC 1403220430014 21070 OZARK SCANDIA SELF -STORAGE INC 1403220430015 21060 OZARK P AND C NORA PROPERTIES LLC $5,151,400 1.5% 1403220440001 15169 SCANDIA FARVER BARRY R $313,352,200 91.9% 1403220440003 $20,785,500 6.1% FARVER BARRY R $340,971,800 100.0% 1403220440004 FARVER BARRY R 1403220440005 21055 OZARK GREENWALDT KEITH 2303220120006 14800 OAKHILL CITY OF SCANDIA Is the property currently listed or available for sale? The 45 acre is currently listed for sale. After development or redevelopment is complete, what poOWn of privately owned? acres on STH 97 site be publicly and 6. Identify any other partners and their roles such as land owners realtors, deve ,consultants, and regulating/permitting agencies, etc. (if ap able): The EDA has been wor ith the land owner of the 45 acres and the realtor tht has the valcel listed 7. How will the proposed project and/or activities promo ncrease future commercial/industrial market values in the city/township/onunty (please identi goals for increased commercial and industrial property tax base as a result of the proposed a es and describe how you will measure success)? Providing a commNity septic s stem woul Wmore intense development of the undeveloped portiA&of the study area and yJFenable expansion of the development of Concentrate on retainingand and exDandingl11Wbusinesses in and around the lot size and theiieed for on-site septic are barriers to attracting local and community scale businesses T Od7 valuatioudor buildings in Scarrdia that are classified as commercial or assi uilding Valuation % of Total Commercia $5,151,400 1.5% Industrial $1,682,700 0.5% Other Private $313,352,200 91.9% Other ublic and non profit $20,785,500 6.1% Total $340,971,800 100.0% No additional area for expansion of the industrial zoning district has been identified. The development of the parcels in the project area that are currently undeveloped have the potential to increase the commercial building valuation in the Cityby a minimum of 50% 8. How will the proposed project and/or activities promote or increase future employment opportunities in the city/township/county (please identify your job and wage goals as a result of the proposed activities and describe how you will measure success)? The development of the undeveloped parcels would likely increase the employment within the City by 25-50% depending on the types of businesses that are located. An ancillary benefit of increased employment will be expanding the pool of employees within a radius of the Fire Station to serve as on-call firefighters. The lack of fire / EMS personnel to respond to daytime emergencies is a major issue for the City_ 9. Please provide detailed project timeline with all actions, phases, and akiicipated dates for completion (when will the activities/studies be complete)? The work can be completed with 90 days of providing notice to proceed. 10. Describe why the development or redevelopment study, re oNlan is needed and why the property is not likely to develop through the normal privat ctor process? The study would look at increasing the utilization of an area with mi—sand all all served b individual septic sstems. The needs of the existi usine s are being met so there is no incentive to work on a community septic sste he develppment of the 45 cre parc 1 could look to create a community septic sstem• homORMthe sco f the work would on address that individual parcel and would not consider to possibilityof�asing the utilj,4ation of the parcel that contain existing buildings. 11. Describe the level of commitment by the city/township to t d elopment of the property or area (please identify how the proposed activitimeet the city* ity ' priorities, land use planning, economic development goals, etc.... )? Why is this im ant to the city/township? Please attach a resolution requesting gra nding fro Pr velopment Finance Fund adopted by the city/to�ip (sample resoti� provid e CDA). 12. Please submit tbiffpplicatiMi and all necessalk attachments electronically (.pdf file preferred) to Economic DOA02ment Director, Washington u ty CDA at: J & MLENK Real People. Real Solutions. May 24, 2018 Mr. Neil Soltis, City Administrator City of Scandia 14727 2091h Street Scandia, MN 55073 RE: Community Drain Field Study Dear Mr. Soltis: 2035 County Road D East Maplewood, MN 55109-5314 Ph: (651) 704-9970 Fax: [651) 704-9971 Bolton-Menk.com In response to your request, we have prepared a scope and fee for the work to conduct a study including the tasks shown below to determine the feasibility of a community drain field system serving the area as outlined in the attachment. We propose to complete the following tasks: • Using available LIDAR information, review the existing topography and identify the potential limits of the service area. • Review infrastructure needs including the extents of gravity sewer, lift stations and drain field location. • Calculate flows to determine the needed capacity of the system based on future land uses. • Prepare preliminary cost estimate for the ultimate system. • Prepare figures repesenting a general layout of the proposed system. Fees We estimate the cost to complete the above described work to be $8,900.00. We propose to bill the City on an hourly basis with a not to exceed limit. This estimate does not include any on-site field investigation work to be performed at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Ryan J. Goodman City Engineer Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. Community Drainfield Study Figure 1 Scandia, MN May 2018 I \ Q \ \ � I Study Ares I I \ I IJ \ I I I I 214th ST N 213th ST N � I I I_ I � I i — a -------------- will- 'OZARK CT / , f' SCANDIA I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I — — — — - - - -- - --- J LU L.Lz z z � w hSTN 1� I I L Q J LU L.Lz z z � w hSTN 2pg1N STN' CITY HALL L \ \ J I w Z LU Q LU LnT Z LU d / I I FEET- I I L 2pg1N STN' CITY HALL L \ \ J I w Z LU Q LU LnT Z LU d / I I FEET- SCANDIA 4 ------------- o x Legend City Limits ❑ Parcels (4/1/2018) -- Lot Lines 274TH STN Parks 213TH SI N SC NQ TRf N z a CZARCT N nQj - - - - - - - Sewer Study area 1 •` Disclaimer: This drawing is legally BOLTON neither a recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This 0 527 Feet & M E N K drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 5/15/2018 12:44 PM Real People. Real Solutions. reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not f-- in., --i— h—in rnntalncd 215TH S • SCANDIA r - Legend . 21dTN ST N City Limits + '�"� 4 �, F ❑ Parcels (4/1/2018) Lot Lines _F Mill Parks R + 7. -- R SCAN 1A TRL N f! .. s i a •- of � �►!. .Z J .. _ + y0 w ,� .. � ��� ' ,�,. �• r ' .��.._ :epr OZARK G TN Ilk q i z 209Tµ sT N � Undeveloped in parcel study 20 9 I H 51 1V 5 a f �• • Q�� Disclaimer: This drawing is legally BOLTON neither a recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This 0 527 Feet & M E N K drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 6/8/2015 10:47 AM Real People. Real Solutions. reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not fnr n--r--herein rnntalncd