7.b Business Visitation Optionsmemo
Scandia EDA Business Visitation Program
To: Neil Soltis
From: Chris Eng
Date: December 18, 2018
Re: Business Visitation Options for Discussion and Consideration
There are a number of reasons for undertaking a Business Visitation program. Here are a
1. To demonstrate support for local businesses (an opportunity to connect the
community with the businesses)
2. To identify and potentially assist in addressing any immediate business concerns
(identify any red flag warnings)
3. To establish and implement future EDA work plan action steps (identify priority
projects), and
4. To build community capacity to promote business growth and economic
development (evaluate results, distribute results, build a marketing and
promotional program around the results).
Informal business visits/meetings with the EDA Members, Council and Mayor as well as
city and CDA staff is a simple way to accomplish the EDA’s objectives and involves the
least time intensive and lowest cost approach. Business visits are usually conducted with
no formal surveys or report. Essentially this option provides a way for the city to say
“welcome (to new businesses) and thank you for doing business in Scandia. Q: Are there
any concerns or topics that you want us to assist you with”? If you did want to did a
simple survey, here are some sample questions for consideration:
Questions for the business survey could include:
1. Please tell us about your primary products and services? ___________________
2. How many emplo yees currently work at this location? ____ FT ____ PT
3. Is your business currently considering? (circle all that apply)
a. Downsizing
b. Selling
c. Merging with or acquiring another business
d. Moving
e. Closing
f. Expanding at this or another location
g. None of the above
4. Are you currently experiencing any challenges with? (circle all that apply)
a. Attracting or retaining talent
b. Employee education or training
c. Transportation for products
d. Transportation for employees
e. Housing for employees
f. Financing
g. Municipal utilities, code enforcement or other regulation
h. Private utilities (electric, gas, highspeed broadband)
i. Other _____________________________________________
5. Is there anything the City or EDA can do to help your business grow and expand?