Chapter 07. Parks and TrailsVII. PARKS AND TRAILS
Future land use and development decisions need to consider the necessary infrastructure that will
enable growth, protect community character and natural systems, and sustain Scandia as a
community over time. Parks and recreation amenities and programs are a critical element to
sustaining the community. Park, recreation, and open space goals need to be integrated with
Scandia's land use, transportation, and economic goals. This section summarizes the findings and
recommendations of the Parks, Trails, Open Space, and Recreation Plan, the Comprehensive Trails
Master Plan Report, and the Regional Park and Trail needs identified by the Metropolitan Council.
A. Parks and Trails Goals and Objectives
The City established four goals for Parks and Trails in Scandia. These goals were developed
from and are in support of the goals, policies, and strategies as identified in the 2006 Parks,
Trails, Recreation, and Open Space Plan.
Goal: Develop an effective planning approach to developing and maintaining parks and
recreation areas and constructing and maintaining trails and routes to meet the needs of City
• Design and locate parks, recreation facilities, trails, and routes in a manner that best
meet their purpose and the needs of City residents.
Goal: Develop a close working relationship with other agencies and groups to enhance the
parks and recreation facilities and develop trails and routes in the City.
• Continue to work closely with Washington County, the Metropolitan Council, and
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on more detailed planning efforts
to insure the regional green infrastructure system is designed in a manner
compatible with existing and planned development in the City.
• Coordinate with local park and trail interest groups in development,
implementation, operation, and maintenance of projects.
• Promote volunteerism to enhance community ownership and stewardship of parks,
trails, recreation programs, and services
• Promote Scandia's rural and recreational assets to encourage tourism.
Goal: Support a network of parks and trails to provide community -wide connections to serve
the health and welfare of the City's residents.
• Emphasize the importance of making connections to regional trails, including the
Gateway Trail, the Immigrant Trail, and the Hardwood Trail.
• Promote trail connection between Big Marine Park Reserve and William O'Brien
State Park. (Glacial Hills Regional Trail)
Goal: Use park search areas and recreational facilities search areas and other natural resource
information to guide and encourage park acquisition donations and potential site acquisitions
when property becomes available.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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• Evaluate property located in park and/or recreational facility search areas for
purchase, lease, or easement to augment the existing Park System, if and when it
becomes available.
R. Existing Guiding Documents
The 2006 Parks, Trials, Open Space, and Recreation Plan: In 2006, New Scandia Township
completed and adopted the Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan. This document
describes the current state of, and recommended improvements for, the City's existing "green
infrastructure." Green infrastructure refers generally to those systems that allow for and sustain
growth within the community and improve the quality of life for existing and future residents.
Green infrastructure is typically based on natural systems rather than the constructed systems
that comprise "grey infrastructure" — roads, water and wastewater, energy and tele-
communications, and other engineered systems. Green infrastructure includes some constructed
infrastructure that is based on or works with natural systems, such as active recreation parks,
trails, and works in conjunction with some built systems, such as stormwater management and
conveyance systems that supplement the natural stormwater system.
The Plan includes a detailed inventory of existing green infrastructure, summaries of public and
stakeholder priorities that affect the City's investments in and maintenance of its green
infrastructure, planning priorities for meeting current and future park and recreation needs, and
recommendations for specific parks, trails, and land acquisition to address existing needs or
shortfalls. The plan included five park goals and seven trails goals, with multiple policies or
strategies for each goal. The policies identified both general principles for creating and
managing parks and trails and specific recommendations for tools to achieve park and trail
goals. In addition to the goals, policies and strategies, the Park Plan identified specific
improvements to existing parks, search area priorities for new parks, and a general
prioritization of the local needs for different types of parks. This plan also addresses Scandia's
regional park assets and recommend steps to enhance their functional use by managing land
use, further developing City and regional trail systems, and adding new recreational amenities
in or near these regional parks.
Comprehensive Trails Master Plan Report: The Scandia City Council adopted the new
Comprehensive Trail Plan in June of 2011. The plan was developed with the help of many
Scandia residents, the Park and Recreation Committee, and the Friends of Scandia Parks and
Trails. Developing connections to and among Scandia parks and to regional trails are goals of
the trail planning project, as well as identifying safe walking and biking routes to school and
other key locations. The plan was funded by a grant from the Statewide Health Improvement
Program (SHIP) through the Washington County Department of Public Health and
Environment. Two of the Trails Planning Maps are included as Figures at the end of this
C. Metropolitan Council System Statement
The Metropolitan Council created a Regional Parks System Statement Scandia 2015. The
System Statement identifies which regional park issues need to be addressed in the City of
Scandia's comprehensive plan. No new regional parks are planned in Washington County by
2040, and no recent changes to the existing regional park system (which could require
adjustment of the City's land use maps) are noted in the System Statement.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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The System Statement identifies one existing regional park - Big Marine Park Reserve - as well
as two state lands - the Rustrum Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and the Falls Creek
Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) - as Regional Parks Components in Scandia. Since the
publication of the System Statement, Crystal Springs SNA was created and is now open to the
public as part of the DNR's natural area system. Crystal Springs is within the St. Croix National
Scenic Riverway.
Washington County has additionally called out William O'Brien State Park and the Glacial
Hills Regional Trail search corridor in their 2040 comprehensive planning documents. Both of
these facilities are located on the southeastern border of Scandia along Marine on St. Croix and
May Township.
Thrive MSP 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan calls out the Glacial Hills Regional Trail search
corridor running 12 miles, east -west between William O'Brien State Park and the Hardwood
Creek Regional Trail. The Plan also calls out the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, a portion
of which is located in the region (along the eastern border of Scandia). The St. Croix National
Scenic Riverway is a unit of the National Park System located on the St. Croix River and the
Namekagon River in Wisconsin. The National Riverway includes the two rivers and their
riparian areas and occupies the boundary between Wisconsin and Minnesota. The St. Croix
National Scenic Riverway is maintained and managed by the National Park Service and the
Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources.
The Metropolitan Council's 2005 Regional Parks Capital Improvement Program identified
several priority acquisitions in 2006-7 to expand Big Marine Park Reserve and a project
scheduled for 2010-11 to develop a campground and related facilities in Big Marine Park
Reserve. These investments will likely result in increased use of Big Marine Park Reserve and
will enhance the recreational value of trail connections or other local park and open space
efforts connecting to the Reserve.
The Regional Parks and Trail System in Scandia is shown in Figure VII -A.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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Comprehensive Plan Regional Parks and Trail System GAMENK
SCANDIA Scandia, Minnesota October 2019
Real People. Real Solutions.
Chisag o County
Falls Creek
Scientific Natural
Areas (SNA)
Existing Bike Loop
Crystal Spring
Scientific and
Natural Area (SNA)
Wildlife Management
j Area (WMA)
i William
+� JJ O'Brien
17 .c _ /1// :� / State Park
Big Marine
Big Marine
Existing Bike Loop
U.S. Trunk Highway
MN Trunk Highway
Regional Park
State Park
Other Regional Parks/Preserves
City Limits
County Boundary
Source: MnDoT, MnDNR, & Washin ton Count
D. Stakeholder Perceptions and Recommendations
The resident survey showed an extremely strong interest in protecting the City's open space
amenities, which include both the natural systems portrayed on the Open Space Plan map and
the rural character associated with agriculture. Residents reported greater participation in
individual recreation activities (jogging, biking, and fishing) than team or organized activities.
The Plan did not report, however, any distinction between adult and youth preferences.
The visioning discussion addressed how the different components of Scandia's green
infrastructure interrelate. The visioning process included an identification of issues, listing of
opportunities, and a number of recommendations. The recommendations for the Parks and
Trails portion of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update, as developed by the Parks and
Recreation Committee are listed in the following section. The recommendations have been
separated into four categories: Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Recommendations.
The 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Community Survey (conducted in 2017) identified the
following priorities with regards to parks and trails:
• Walking/Biking/Horse Trails - 13% of survey respondents identified this as one of their
top three development priorities for the City of Scandia (this is the second highest
ranking after Commercial growth)
• Outdoor Recreation - 9% of survey respondents identified this as one of their top three
development priorities
• Parks - 6% of survey respondents identified this as one of their top three development
Forty-one percent (41%) of survey respondents enjoy walking and do so daily within their
neighborhoods. Approximately 22% of respondents stated that they would walk/bike more if
there were more sidewalks/trails and approximately 24% said they would walk/bike more if
local roads were improved for this use.
Focus groups also expressed a desire for sidewalks and bike paths in the city. There was also an
interest in dog parks and public beach access on Bone or Big Marine Lake.
The Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee reviewed the Parks and Recreation portion of the
2008 Comprehensive Plan and updated recommendations for the 2040 vision for the City.
These recommendations are summarized in the following list, divided by park, trail, open space
and recreational facilities recommendations.
Park System Plan
a) Focal point of Scandia Community Center Park as central hub of parks network
throughout township
b) Increase active recreation at Scandia Elementary School area
c) Identify where and what kind of park acquisition is desirable
d) Identify appropriate use of existing parks
Trail System Plan
a) Support development of Gateway trail and identify connections
b) Identify opportunities for new trail systems, trailheads, and rest stops within the
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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Open Space System Plan
a) Protect stream corridors; link to promote preservation of open space
b) Promote public awareness of value of open space and conservation easements
Recreational Facilities System Plan
a) Develop partnerships with local and regional recreation facilities (e.g. adjacent school
districts, neighboring communities, and government agencies).
E. Existing Parks and Trails
1. Regional/State Parks
Regional parks generally serve populations within a one-half hour to one-hour travel time.
They are usually in areas that exhibit highly valued scenic or natural qualities. In
the Scandia area, many regional parks and open space relate to the Lower St. Croix River,
lakes or natural communities. This section describes and maps the regional facilities in
Scandia. Scandia has a state park, a county park reserve, two scientific and natural areas
and a wildlife management area located within the city. Figure VII -A shows regional parks
located in Scandia.
William O'Brien State Park
William O'Brien State Park is on the St. Croix River and it offers many recreation
opportunities including biking, swimming, and nature interpretation. The park is
located in the southeast and includes 16 miles of hiking trails. The park located 5
minutes from Scandia Village.
Big Marine Lake Park Reserve
Big Marine Park Reserve is owned and operated by Washington County and is partially
located within the City of Scandia. The park was selected as a regional facility because
of its excellent natural resource features, including the St. Croix Valley/northeast
ground moraine and high-quality upland and wetland wildlife habitat. When completed,
the park will be 1,800 acres, with 80 percent of its acreage set aside for preservation
and protection. This 80 percent will eventually resemble the land as it was prior to the
arrival of the settlers in the mid -1800s.
Falls Creek Scientific Natural Areas (SNA)
Falls Creek is a MN DNR owned 136 -acre scientific and natural area in Scandia. It
represents one of the most diverse natural areas in Washington County. It is home to a
myriad of Paleozoic rocks, steep ravines, pine and oak forests, and protection for
wildlife. Many areas that have been destroyed are undergoing reforestation with
seedlings grown from acorns collected at the site. Unique aspects of the park include a
stand of virgin hardwood and white pine forest as well as numerous wildflowers like
trilliums, rue anemone, and bellwort.
Crystal Spring Scientific and Natural Area (SNA)
Crystal Spring is a 38 -acre MN DNR site offering high quality scenic views,
impressive steep cliffs, hiking, wildlife watching, photography opportunities,
snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. High quality native plant communities
including red oak — basswood forest, exhibiting old-growth characteristics, carpet the
rugged terrain. This site is included in an Audubon Important Bird Area within the
Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway providing bird watching opportunities. This
SNA is located between the St. Croix River and County Rd. 95 (St. Croix Trail),
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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approximately 3 miles east of central Scandia. There are no maintained trails or other
recreational facilities.
Rustrum Wildlife Management Area (WMA)
Rustrum WMA is 24 acres, owned by the MN DNR, and located approximately three
miles east of central Scandia on the St. Croix River. The WMA is accessible by water
only with the nearest carry -in access located at Otisville, one mile downstream. The
site is 83% open water and emergent vegetation marsh and 17% flood plain forest. This
site offers unique boat access, hunting opportunities, and flood plain forest wildlife
2. Regional Trails
Washington County has a 29.7 mile on -road bike loop identified through Scandia, Marine
on St. Croix, and May Township. This loop runs along County Highway 15, Trunk
Highways 97 and 95. This loop intersects another bike loop that connects to the Gateway
State Trail at Pine Point Regional Park (Stillwater Township).
There are no other regional trails currently identified through Scandia.
3. Local Parks
This section describes and maps the existing local parks, trails, and recreation facilities in
Scandia. Table VII -A highlights the available amenities provided by each park, shown in
Figure VII -B.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Page 61
Interstate Trunk
U.S. Trunk Highway
MN Trunk Highway
If Scandia Parks
Comprehensive Plan
Scandia, Minnesota
Regional Park
State Park
Other Regional
j City Limits
" County Boundary
0 2
Source: MnDoT, MnDNR, & Washington County
Bone Lake Park
Open Space)
Landing Bone Lake
g Goose Lake Lot
Open Space)
Lilleskogen Park
Barton Johnson
Memorial Park
Wyldewood Acres
Nipark Access)
Suth Ball Field
Kirby Ave. Lot
MN DNR Boat Landing
Big Marine Lake
Lions Park
at Hay Lake
Langly Ct.
(Lake Access)
e 185th St. N.
(Lake Access)
C h i s a g o
Goose Lake
Boat Landing
Scandia Parks System
October 2019
Swenson Goose
Lake Estate
Wayne Ericksff
on Falls Creek
Memorial Ball Park 0 Scientific Natural
----,_j Areas (SNA)
� '70 Wind in the
I 1 / Pines Park
Crystal Spring
Scientific and
Natural Area (SNA)
o i Rustrum
- Wildlife Management
Area (WMA)
1— Log House Landing
Scandia Community Center
',;r T -Ball Field
Orwell Lot
,State Park
Open Space)
Orwell Lo:
Open Space), W i s c o n s i n
Swedish Settlers
& M E N K
Real People. Real Solutions.
Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th St N.
Located in Olinda Trail North, just south of the Village Center, the Scandia Community Center is a
well -used facility with a community building that houses the township offices, banquet hall with
kitchen facilities, meeting rooms, restrooms and outdoor recreational facilities on an 18 -acre site. The
Community Center shares a parking lot of approximately 120 parking spaces with the Leonard
Wojtowicz Skating Park. There is a public works maintenance building on site.
Wind in the Pines Reserve, 22199 St. Croix Trail
Wind in the Pines Park is thought to be one of the most diverse ecological areas left in Washington
County by the Minnesota DNR. This 44 -acre site is located in the northeast corner of the Township
along State Highway 95 across from Pilar Road. Bounded by the Falls Creek SNA to the north and the
Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway to the east, this parcel offers diversity of old growth forest
and pristine prairies, providing invaluable wildlife habitat and unparalleled scenic value. There is a
small grave lot off Highway 95. Trails are marked and maintained by volunteers for non -motorized
pedestrian use.
Lilleskogen Park, 14600 Oakhill Road
This 8 -acre park is located near the Village Center, with approximately half its area in wetlands.
Parking and access are problematic off of Oakhill Road. A few old footpaths remain. Existing
facilities include a parking lot, a Veteran's Memorial, and a butterfly garden. This park is currently
undergoing restoration of the wetlands, in preparation for future development. This park was formerly
known as Old Lion's Park.
Lion's Park at Hay Lake, 14001 Old Marine Trail
Located at the intersection of Old Marine Trail and Olinda Trail North in the south-central part of the
city, this 7 -acre site has been updated with a park shelter, picnic tables, grills, lighting, and electrical
hook-ups. Parking is available on the street. This site is adjacent to the Hay Lake School Museum and
across the road from the Swedish Settler's Monument.
Barton Johnson Memorial Park, 20880 Olinda Trail
Barton Johnson is a private neighborhood park located adjacent to the Gammelgarden Museum and
across Olinda Trail from the Scandia Community Center.
Wayne Erickson Memorial Ball Park, 21398 Olinda Trail
Formerly known as Scandia Lighted Ball Field, Wayne Erickson Memorial Ball Park is located on the
west side of Olinda Trail/County Road 3, north of Scandia Trail/Highway 97. The site includes a
concession stand and children's play structure.
South Ball Field, 20835 Olinda Trail
The ball field is located just south of the Community Center, on the east side of Olinda Trail/County
Road 3.
Scandia T -Ball Field, 14849 Oakhill Road North
This ball field is located on the south side of Oakhill (County Road 52), east of Olinda Trail.
Swenson Goose Lake Estate
This 1.7 -acre parcel is part of the Swenson Estate Subdivision off of Oren Road North near the north
central part of the city. There are no existing facilities on site. In 2016, the Soaring Eagles 4-H Club
led a pollinator planting project on the parcel.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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Log House Landing, Off 205th Street North- North of William O'Brien State Park
Log House Landing is located off 205th Street North just east of Quinnell Ave in Scandia and
provides access to the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.
Bone Lake Park (undeveloped open space)
Located in the northwest corner of the city near Lofton Ave., this 26 -acre park is under approximately
60% wetland cover and supports the inlet to Bone Lake. It contains a DNR boat launch on the north
side of Bone Lake with associated parking. Area Boy Scouts have been given permission to establish
trails in this park, but Bone Lake is currently undeveloped.
Goose Lake Lot (undeveloped open space)
This 5 -acre parcel with lake frontage is located on Goose Lake across from boat launch and is
surrounded by single-family homes. The lot is not maintained and is currently undeveloped due to
steep terrain.
Orwell Lot (undeveloped open space)
Approximately 50% of this 2.5 -acre lot is covered in wetlands. There are no existing facilities on site.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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VII -A —
Park Amenities
by Location
C `^
OA (0
u V)
Scandia Community
Wind in the Pines
Lilleskogen Park (Old
Lion's Park)
Lion's Park at Hay Lake
Barton Johnson Memorial
Wayne Erickson Memorial
Ball Park
South Ball Field
Scandia T -Ball Field
Swenson Goose Lake
Log House Landing
Bone Lake Park
Goose Lake Lot
Orwell Lot (undeveloped)
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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4. Local Trails
There are few local trail systems in Scandia. There is an existing sidewalk along Oakhill
Road N and Olinda Trail N in the Old Village Area. The City also maintains the easement
from Oxboro Avenue North to William O'Brien State Park, shown in Figure VII -C, below.
This mowed grass trail provides access to the state park.
Figure VII -C — Maintained Easement to State Park
Maintained (mowed) easement to William O'Brien State Park
F. Proposed Parks and Trails
1. Regional Parks
There are no new regional parks currently proposed within the City of Scandia.
2. Regional Trails
The Scandia Comprehensive Trails Master Plan Report outlines three citywide trail loops,
a County trail, a rails -to -trails possible conversion, and connections to the proposed
Gateway Trail. Applicable maps from the plan have been included at the end of this
section. The following trail descriptions are excerpts from the Trails Master Plan:
Three Major Trail Routes
The major routes identified on the plan include the Big Marine Trail, Scandia/Marine Trail,
and Scandia North or Bone Lake Trail. These trails are proposed to be on -road trails,
designated by signage that will be developed by the Friends of Scandia Parks. The City will need
to approve trail signage on their respective roadways. The major trail loops are assumed to be on -
road trails that will primarily be used by bicyclists but may also be used by pedestrians.
Trunk Highway 97 Trail
The planning group identified a goal to explore creation of an off-road trail along portions of
Trunk Highway 97, from Odell Avenue to TH 95. The proposed off-road trail and TH 97
crossings are particularly needed near Scandia Elementary School. The City would need to work
with MN DOT to develop and fund this trail and the proposed crossings.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
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Soo Line Trail
The Master Plan includes a proposed Soo Line Trail route near the St. Croix River. This loop
would follow the existing Soo Line railroad tracks. This is currently an active rail line. The route
will be developed if the rail route is abandoned in the future. The trail surface should
accommodate biking and walking. The route would connect Scandia with Marine on St. Croix
and communities to the south and could connect with communities in Wisconsin. The proposed
trail would be an off-road route parallel to the St. Croix River and TH 95.
Gateway Trail (Connection to Swedish Immigrant Regional Trail)
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has acquired portions of the proposed route
of the Gateway Trail in Scandia. The proposed route travels from William O'Brien State Park to
the Village Area. The DNR has also identified a large search area for extension of the trail north
from the Village Area. The City of Lindstrom received a grant to help complete this extension,
connecting the segments of the Gateway Trail in Scandia to the Swedish Immigrant Regional
Trail in Lindstrom. The search area is shown on the County trail map in Appendix C.
Figures VII -D and VII -E identify proposed Scandia connections to the Gateway Trail from the
Scandia/Marine Trail and from sub -loops within the Village area.
Glacial Hill Regional Trail Search Corridor
While not in Scandia's System Statement, the Glacial Hills Trail in Marine on St. Croix is
identified as running close to Scandia's southeast border. This proposed regional trail will connect
the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail to the west with Big Marine Park Reserve to east. This
proposed trail does not have an approved master plan yet. The county will conduct a master
planning process for this trail in the future.
Figure VII -F shows proposed trail extensions and connections.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Page 66
Forest Lal.e �S
_ sig M"IRe'Edk
Big L.N. Scl -ol
Chi -g. Lakns T.—Nil ip
ile uc'
Hone°l`ake Pal9t�•
sone We Landing
Big Marrne
x Eko Bac Xen Recreation
Area 1
Forest Lal.e �S
_ sig M"IRe'Edk
Big L.N. Scl -ol
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Figure VII-D—Trails Planning Map
Franconia Tonnship
lr Ivic Fd.
Swenson Este[- Informal BalliFieltl
II s5 dia Rimy Club
Doose Lake Lanamy j
rr i
enynf � f
Scandia a
See Old Kflege Map r
n Grown
141 anon°
Trails Planning
Bike Routes (Friends of Scandia Parks)
Big Marine Trail (13 miles)
- ScandialMarine Trail (13 miles)
- Scandia North or Bone Lake Trail (10 miles)
Neighborhood Loops
`fternga es•e Scandia North Trails Loop
Scandia/Marine Loop
••ate Big Marine Loop Trails
County Road Trail
��••• Off -Road Trail
••�� Grateway Trail (Proposed)
A �F Existing Sidewalks
Ff Proposed Sidewalks
at Copas * oestinations
Q Existing Trail Crossings
Proposed Trail Crossings
Park Entrance
0 0.5 1 2
ma Campeet®estva Pma,,n�ne,amA ceanty,
Metmpoittan council, M,nneeole bepaanB,rt or Neoral gesoan:ee_
`1-1] MayrwRXhip ingllealtFilrelp Mlnreaolane lees rangerheekhhr live.ncygon and physeal Inaelivlly. Formers IMormatb . rWI
Parks and Trails
Page 67
ile uc'
Camp Lakamaga Girl➢
Big Marrne
0 i Marine
Regional ParX Reserve (Plannetl]
City r
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Figure VII-D—Trails Planning Map
Franconia Tonnship
lr Ivic Fd.
Swenson Este[- Informal BalliFieltl
II s5 dia Rimy Club
Doose Lake Lanamy j
rr i
enynf � f
Scandia a
See Old Kflege Map r
n Grown
141 anon°
Trails Planning
Bike Routes (Friends of Scandia Parks)
Big Marine Trail (13 miles)
- ScandialMarine Trail (13 miles)
- Scandia North or Bone Lake Trail (10 miles)
Neighborhood Loops
`fternga es•e Scandia North Trails Loop
Scandia/Marine Loop
••ate Big Marine Loop Trails
County Road Trail
��••• Off -Road Trail
••�� Grateway Trail (Proposed)
A �F Existing Sidewalks
Ff Proposed Sidewalks
at Copas * oestinations
Q Existing Trail Crossings
Proposed Trail Crossings
Park Entrance
0 0.5 1 2
ma Campeet®estva Pma,,n�ne,amA ceanty,
Metmpoittan council, M,nneeole bepaanB,rt or Neoral gesoan:ee_
`1-1] MayrwRXhip ingllealtFilrelp Mlnreaolane lees rangerheekhhr live.ncygon and physeal Inaelivlly. Formers IMormatb . rWI
Parks and Trails
Page 67
Figure VII -E —Trails Planning Map, Old Village
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Page 68
IN -
Trails Planning Map - Old
Bike Routes (Friends of Scandia Parks)
Big Marine Trail (13 miles)
Scandia gall Park
224rii sr N
— Scandia/Marine Trail (13 miles)
Public WO+ks/Fire Station
Scandia North or Bone Lake Trail (10 miles)
Neighborhood Loops
•�W • Scandia North Trails Loop
•••••+• ScandialMarine Loop
....•. Big Marine Loop Trails
�a =..�.ww.�•eeeewee.....wewee.-++.r
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• ""•��•
1 '
llesk en Park
Scandia Pfa
��•• Off -Road Trail
-�� —• Grateway Trail {Proposed}
6—t Existing Sidewalks
Proposed Sidewalks
QD Trailheads
Existing Trail Crossings
+* S
Proposed Trail crossings
Park Entrance
unity Center
5 .
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June 14, 2011 �t
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Page 68
Comprehensive Plan
SCANDIA Scandia, Minnesota
S t a c
Y Chisago
/ Chisajo County
Washington County
Forest Lake
/Proposed Glacial Hills Trai
a to connect with
Hardwood Creek Trail
ional Trail ConsiderationsO BO & MELTON
October 2019
Real People. Real Solutions.
Proposed Gateway Trail to
connect with Swedish Imm
Regional Trail
Chisago Lake
Township •
1 �
:Big Marine /
Lake �
ti—..�.. ....................�.
Sunrise Prairie Regional Trail
Regional Park
Hardwood Creek Trail
State Park
0%0%*ft+ Swedish Immigrant Regional Trail
City Limits
t i I I wa to r
t.#4 11 & Proposed GatewayTrail
County Boundary
t.#! IN & Proposed Glacial Hills Trail
0 2.5
Source._ MnDoT, MnDNR, & Washin ton Count
3. Local Trails
The Scandia Comprehensive Trails Master Plan Report outlines Village area sub loops to
the identified citywide loops as described here. Applicable maps from the plan have been
included at the end of this section.
G. Implementation
The Parks, Trails, Recreation and Open Space Plan (2006) identified the following actions as
high priorities for implementation:
• Develop existing undeveloped parcels as an integral part of Scandia's Park System for the
benefit of residents and visitors.
• Evaluate property located in park and/or recreational facility search areas for purchase,
lease, or easement to augment the existing Park System, if and when it becomes available.
• Continue to identify the Gateway Trail Extension Search Areas. The trail right-of-way has
now been acquired from William O'Brien State Park to the village center as shown on Map
20, Park and Recreation Search Areas.
• Promote trail connection between Big Marine Park Reserve and William O'Brien State
• Develop and install uniform park system signage (to include park, trail, open space and
recreational facility components).
• Provide pedestrian crosswalk on Olinda Trail North between the Scandia Community
Center and the Gammelgarden/ Barton Johnson Memorial Park.
• Continue development of master plans for all existing parks.
• Implement the German Lake Management Plan, as per Carnelian -Marine St. Croix
Watershed District (CMSCWD) recommendations.
• Develop a Landowner Outreach and Stewardship Program, as per CMSCWD
H. Appendices
The Scandia Comprehensive Trails Master Plan Report is included in Appendix C.
The Official Map for Big Marine Park Reserve is included in Appendix D.
Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Trails
Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Page 70