6a. MSA plan to city councilMSA Parks plan
Original idea for a plan was presented in late 2021. Three planning
organizations brought forth proposals. The council approved MSA at
a cost of $15,000 in March 2022
The primary goal was an update to the 2006 Comprehensive Parks,
Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan
Included was the desire to be more strategic, get a good, current
facilities inventory, gather community input, and provide input to
programing and parks infrastructure funding priorities
Other highly visible projects such as SHA, the Gateway trail, and other
parks such as William O’Brien and Big Marine Park were considered
After multiple review iterations, the plan was recommended for
council approval at the May 2023 PRC meeting
MSA completed the park inventory, demographics, and community
needs assessment
Community input gathered via the following
On-line survey
Community open house event
PRC collaboration
Key stakeholder interviews
The plan was reviewed by city staff, especially to assure
Metropolitan Council requirements were met
Key take-aways
The exec summary provides good high-level information
A great deal of required background information is in the plan. Final
sections provide looking forward action steps
Focus on the core community center
Non-community center focus is to maintain natural wildlife areas
Collaborate with SHA, Gateway trail, and other regional parks and trails
Look for recreational opportunities for all ages
Provides priorities to capital spending
Funding options are identified
Next steps
We have already used preliminary info as input to 2023 capital
City Council review, July 5
Planning Commission review in August
Council approval in August
Met council application in August / September