1. Agenda CITY OF SCANDIA WORK SESSION AGENDA Wednesday, August 2, 2023 6:30 P.M. Location: Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th St. N. Online Streaming (Boxcast and Zoom) City Council members attend in-person 1. Call to Order and Approval of the Agenda 2. Internet Action Committee Appointment 3. Cannabis Moratorium and Public Use 4. Density Management Discussion 5. Waste Management Negotiation Extension 6. Simpson Easement Update 7. Purchase of Tandem Axle Plow Truck 8. Boxcast Storage 9. 2024 Draft Preliminary Budget 10. Adjournment Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97331961888?pwd=b2RFWmdHNXQvazAwcXhudjZtT2tUdz09 Meeting ID: 973 3196 1888 Passcode: 839598 Dial in phone by calling 1 312 626 6799 (Chicago) and using the meeting ID and passcode above.