2. Staff Report-Appointment to Interent Action Committee Staff Report Date of Meeting: August 2, 2023 For: Honorable Mayor and Council From: Kyle Morell, City Administrator Subject: Appointment of Stephen Bradley to the Scandia Internet Action Committee Background: Steve Collier resigned from his position on the Internet Action Committee in June, creating a vacancy on the Committee. In April Stephen Bradley interviewed for a position on the Internet Action Committee. At the time, there was no vacancy on the Committee. He remains interested in serving. At the July 5, 2023, Work Session Council directed staff to post the opening to see if anyone else was interested in serving on the Committee, no applications were submitted. Proposal Details: Appoint Mr. Bradley to fill the vacant position on the Internet Action Committee. Options: 1) Appoint Stephen Bradley to the Internet Action Committee. 2) Do not appoint Stephen Bradley to the Internet Action Committee. Recommendation: Option 1.