09.b1 Munson RZ and CUP - CC Packet1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: August 15, 2023 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Frannie Nielsen, Consultant Re: Rezoning from RR-G to RR-N and Conditional Use Permit for 19690 Norell Ave N Applicant: Steve and Terri Munson Zoning: PID 2903220140011 (RR-G) PID2903220140031, and 2903220140032 (RR-N) Owner: Steve and Terri Munson Future Land Use: General Rural Location: PID: 2903220140011, 2903220140031, and 2903220140032 Review Deadline September 29th, 2023 The applicant is requesting approval for a rezoning of one parcel from Rural Residential – General to Rural Residential – Neighborhood and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for an accessory structure to increase the total number and square footage of an accessory structure permitted based on the combined lot size of 2.67 acres. The applicant has made a request through Washington County Property Records to merge the parcels with PIDs 2903220140011, 2903220140031, and 2903220140032. The applicant is requesting PID 2903220140011 be rezoned to be the same zoning as PIDs 2903220140031, and 2903220140032. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from RR-G to RR-N to allow an accessory structure in front of the principal structure. 2 | P a g e BACKGROUND The existing site consists of three separate parcels zoned Rural Residential General and Rural Residential Neighborhood. The three parcels are distinguished as follows: Parcel B and C are nonconforming based on the dimensional standards within the Shoreland Management Overlay. State statute requires that contiguous nonconforming lots under the same ownership within shoreland must be combined to achieve as much conformity as possible. Once combined, the lot will be conforming. The Unified Development Code (UDC) permits accessory structures between the principal structure and the street in the RR-N district per Section 153.200 (B) I if character standards are met. The UDC does not permit accessory structures between the principal structure and the street in the RR-G district per Section 153.200 (A) I on lots that are smaller than five acres. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from RR-G to RR-N to allow an accessory structure in front of the principal structure. The Unified Development Code (UDC) permits one accessory structure and 1,500 square feet of total accessory structure square footage for parcels between 1 and 2.99 acres. The combined parcel size is approximately 2.67 acres, allowing one accessory structure not to exceed 1,500 square feet. Section 153.200 (A) II allows accessory structure flexibility with a CUP. A CUP Parcel Parcel A Parcel B Parcel C PID 2903220140011 2903220140031 2903220140032 Lot Area (acres) 2.15 0.35 0.17 Existing Zoning RR-G RR-N RR-N Proposed Zoning RR-N RR-N RR-N 3 | P a g e may grant up to one additional structure and additional square footage up to no more than 25% of the total square footage permitted by parcel size. The granting of a CUP would allow the applicant to add one accessory structure and have a maximum total accessory structure square footage of 1,875. A residential garage, either attached or detached, is an accessory structure per the standards established in the UDC. One residential garage shall not be counted towards the number of structures or total square footage of residential accessory structures up to 864 square feet. If a garage exceeds 864 square feet, the additional square footage shall be counted towards the maximum standards established. The applicant’s existing principal structure has an attached garage of 590 square feet. The attached garage does not count toward the allowed total square footage of accessory structure nor the total amount of structures. The applicant has an existing accessory structure of 390 square feet. The applicant is proposing one additional accessory structure of 1,296 square feet for a total accessory structure square footage of 1,686. The proposed conditions fall within acceptable limits of a CUP allowed through Section 153.200 (A) II. A legal nonconforming impervious surface is located approximately 32 ft. from the ordinary high water level. Staff understands this to be the remaining foundation of a previous structure on the lot. The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District has asked that this be either not allowed to be replaced or removed. All three parcels are currently guided General Rural on the 2040 Future Land Use map. The entirety of the site is used for residential purposes. There is a small wetland located at the southwest corner of Parcel A which will not be disturbed with the addition of an accessory structure. Nearby parcels are also zoned RR-N and are residential in nature. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Rezoning The applicant is requesting to be rezoned from RR-G to RR-N. The UDC states that a zoning map amendment should be judged based on, but not limited to: a. The specific policies and provisions of the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, including public facilities and capital improvement plans. b. Whether the proposed action meets the purpose and intent of this Chapter or in the case of a map amendment, it meets the purpose and intent of the individual Base Zoning District. All three parcels are guided as General Rural by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The General Rural designation indicates residential areas of mixed lot sizes with single family residential dwellings are the primary land use. The Rural Residential – Neighborhood (RR-N) Base Zoning District is described as: 4 | P a g e Lands zoned RR-N are the parcels adjoining, abutting, or a portion of which are within 1,000 feet of a lake with a public water designation that were historically platted or divided into smaller lots for seasonal use. The use of these lots has generally transitioned to permanent year-round use with predominantly principal residential uses. Most parcels and lots in the RR-N District are at least 50% contained within the Shoreland Management Overlay (SM-O) District. In addition to the standards identified in this Section, the lots or parcels are subject to the regulations contained within Chapters 155 of the City Code and the Washington County St. Croix River District standards which are incorporated by reference herein. Land zoned RR-N are guided Agricultural Core and General Rural in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezoning is for a single-family residential dwelling on a riparian lot. This meets the purpose and intent of the Base Zoning District. Conditional Use Permit Chapter 153.500.060 Subd. 1(C)(I) of the UDC lists the general standards to meet to grant a CUP or IUP. Below these standards are repeated in italics, with the staff’s findings following: 1. The proposed use will be in compliance with and shall not have a negative effect upon the Comprehensive Plan, including public facilities and capital improvement plans. Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan include encouraging residential buildings to be designed to meet the needs of current and future owners in addition to monitoring the general condition of housing stock. The additional accessory structure is a permitted use within the RR-N district and helps obtain the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use will promote and enhance the general public welfare and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or comfort. The existing use is permitted within this zoning district through a conditional use permit. The new accessory structure adds to this use, will promote and enhance the general public welfare, and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, or comfort. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the City Council finds issues with the proposed use. 3. The proposed use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The accessory structure will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The accessory structure is an expansion of the existing use and is located between existing structures. 5 | P a g e 4. The establishment of the proposed use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. The proposed use will not impede development or improvement of surrounding properties. 5. Adequate public facilities and services are available or can be reasonably provided to accommodate the use which is proposed. The proposed use will use the existing access, no new curb cut or access drive will be needed. The existing and proposed use are serviced by a private well and septic and does not require an extension of city-owned public facilities. The applicant has also proposed a rain garden to manage stormwater. 6. The proposed use shall conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located and all other applicable standards of this Chapter. The proposed use is consistent with the applicable regulations of the RR-N District and is consistent with the requirements of the UDC. Any future accessory structure expansions on the site will be required to conform with the applicable regulations of the district and the Conditional Use Permit must be amended to allow for any accessory structure expansions. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the City Council finds issues with the proposed use in relation to surface or groundwater contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise, and other potential nuisances. 7. The proposed use complies with the general and specific performance standards as specified by this Section and this Chapter. The Conditional Use Permit meets the general and specific performance standards of the UDC. ANALYSIS Review Comments The submittal was sent to city staff and other regulatory agencies for review and comment. Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District The site plans demonstrate compliance with CMSCWD rules. The watershed district recommended that the City either require removal or no replacement of the concrete slab that is remnant of the old cabin on the lakeside parcel. An acceptable raingarden planting plan has been provided. An acceptable erosion control plan has been provided. 6 | P a g e Washington Conservation District At the time of writing this staff report, the Washington Conservation district had not provided any comments. Washington County At the time of writing this staff report, Washington County had not provided any comments. Engineering Department The City Engineer had no comment. Fire Department The Fire Chief had no comment. Public Works Department The Public Works Director had no comment. Department of Natural Resources At the time of writing this staff report, the DNR Area Hydrologist had not provided any comments. Planning Commission The application was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their August 1, 2023 meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing where no comments were made. The Planning Commission then closed the public hearing. The Planning Commission reviewed the application and discussed zoning of riparian lots in the area, the combination of the lots, and the existing well on the site that served the previous cabin. The Planning Commission moved to recommend approval of the rezoning and conditional use. The motion was approved with a vote of 5-0. Staff Analysis Staff finds that the proposed plan is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Staff believes that the proposal for the rezoning is generally in compliance with the requirements outlined within the UDC. The rezoning is consistent with the future land use shown in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the proposed use meets the definition of the RR-N zoning district. Staff has reviewed the plan for consistency with the standards outlined for Conditional Use Permits and believes the request meets or exceeds UDC criteria. 7 | P a g e Staff contacted the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) who indicated that if the well is nonfunctioning or nonconforming the well should be brought into conformance or capped. Staff is not aware of the well being nonfunctioning or nonconforming. Staff has received confirmation that Washington County has received an application for the properties to be combined and has approved the request. The parcels will not be officially combined till October 15, 2023, so staff has not removed the condition that the parcels be combined. COUNCIL ACTION The City Council can do one of the following: 1. Approve, with or without conditions, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 2. Deny, with findings, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 3. Table the request for further review/study. Staff recommends that the City Council recommend approval of the request for rezoning for PID 2903220140011. Approval includes an ordinance and resolution. The following findings and conditions of approval are recommended: 1. The site is identified as General Rural in the future land use map, which corresponds to the RR-N zoning district. The future land use section of the Comprehensive Plan notes that the areas within this designation are residential areas of mixed lot sizes with single family residential dwellings being the primary land use. The rezoning is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed rezoning is for a single-family dwelling. This meets the purpose and intent of the Base Zoning District. 3. The parcel must be combined with PID and Staff recommends that the City Council recommend approval of the request for Conditional Use Permit for an increased number and total square footage of the accessory structures. Approval includes a resolution. The following findings and conditions of approval are recommended: 1. The proposed structure shall not have a footprint exceeding 1,296 square feet in size, as shown on the plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 2. The proposed structure shall adhere to the proposed setbacks, as shown on the site plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 3. Prior to a building permit being issued properties with PID,, and must be combined. 8 | P a g e 4. The concrete slab shall not be replaced or expanded. 5. The applicant shall comply with all local, state, and federal permits and requirements for the new development on the parcel. 6. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit for the site if all permits and required work to comply with approvals from other local, state, and federal permits is not completed. 7. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 8. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached ordinance and resolutions, with conditions as described above. Attachments 1. Ordinance 2023-10 Amending the Official Zoning Map 2. Resolution 08-19-23-03 Approving Findings of Fact for Rezoning 3. Resolution 08-19-23-04 Conditional Use Permit 4. Location Map 5. Zoning Map 6. 2040 Future Land Use Map 7. Application 8. Certificate of Survey (Proposed Conditions) 9. Soil Map 10. Wetland Map 11. County Parcel Merge Request 12. Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District Stormwater Worksheet 13. Washington County Soil Report CITY OF SCANDIA ORDINANCE NO. 2023-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE PID 2903220140011 FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL GENERAL (RR-G) TO RURAL RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD (RR-N) The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains: Section 1. Amendment. The official Zoning Map, as adopted in 153.200.020 Subd. 1 of the Unified Development Code of the City of Scandia is hereby amended to change the designation of the following described property from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Rural Residential Neighborhood (RR-N): That part of Government Lot 3, Section 29, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, Washington County Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Government Lot 3; thence South 01 degree 03 minutes 46 seconds West, assumed bearing along the east line of said Government Lot 3, a distance of 545.97 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 68 degrees 27 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 35.22 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence South 21 degrees 23 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 10.38 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 38 degrees 33 minutes 01 second West, a distance of 45.38 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 38 degrees 33 minutes 01 second West, a distance of 4.66 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence South 69 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of 613.32 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 68 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of 35.00 feet to said east line of Government Lot 3; thence North 01 degree 03 minutes 46 seconds East along said east line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 162.38 feet to the point of beginning. Section 2: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and summary publication according to law. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 15th day of August, 2023. ____________________________________ Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 08-19-23-03 APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR REZONING FOR PARCEL ID 2903220140011 WHEREAS, Steve and Terri Munson (the “applicant”), has requested approval to rezone 2.15 acres legally described as follows: That part of Government Lot 3, Section 29, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, Washington County Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Government Lot 3; thence South 01 degree 03 minutes 46 seconds West, assumed bearing along the east line of said Government Lot 3, a distance of 545.97 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 68 degrees 27 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 35.22 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence South 21 degrees 23 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 10.38 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 38 degrees 33 minutes 01 second West, a distance of 45.38 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 38 degrees 33 minutes 01 second West, a distance of 4.66 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence South 69 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of 613.32 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 68 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of 35.00 feet to said east line of Government Lot 3; thence North 01 degree 03 minutes 46 seconds East along said east line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 162.38 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on August 1, 2023, and recommended that the City Council approve the request with conditions; WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted an Ordinance 2023-XX rezoning the affected parcels from Rural Residential General (RR-G) to Rural Residential Neighborhood (RR-N). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does support the request for the reclassification of the property, based on the following findings and conditions: 1. The site is identified as General Rural in the future land use map, which corresponds to the RR-N zoning district. The future land use section of the Comprehensive Plan notes that the areas within this designation are residential areas of mixed lot sizes with single family residential dwellings being the primary land use. The rezoning is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed rezoning is for a single-family dwelling. This meets the purpose and intent of the Base Zoning District. 3. The parcel must be combined with PID and Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 15th day of August, 2023. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 08-19-23-04 APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 2903220140011, 2903220140031, AND 2903220140032 LOCATED AT 19690 MAXWILL AVENUE NORTH WHEREAS, Steve and Terri Munson (the “applicant”) made an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for flexibility from the standards for accessory structure total number and square footage, located at 19690 Maxwill Avenue North and the property legally described as follows: That part of Government Lot 3, Section 29, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, Washington County Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Government Lot 3; thence South 01 degree 03 minutes 46 seconds West, assumed bearing along the east line of said Government Lot 3, a distance of 545.97 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 68 degrees 27 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 35.22 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence South 21 degrees 23 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 10.38 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 38 degrees 33 minutes 01 second West, a distance of 45.38 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 38 degrees 33 minutes 01 second West, a distance of 4.66 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence South 69 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of 613.32 feet to a set JUDICIAL LANDMARK; thence continue South 68 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of 35.00 feet to said east line of Government Lot 3; thence North 01 degree 03 minutes 46 seconds East along said east line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 162.38 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request for the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) at a duly noticed Public Hearing on August 1, 2023, and recommended that the City Council approve the CUP, with conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it approves of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for flexibility from the standards for accessory structure total number and square footage, located at 19690 Maxwill Avenue North, based on the following findings: 1. Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan include encouraging residential buildings to be designed to meet the needs of current and future owners in addition to monitoring the general condition of housing stock. The additional accessory structure is a permitted use within the RR-N district and helps obtain the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The existing use is permitted within this zoning district through a conditional use permit. The new accessory structure adds to this use, will promote and enhance the general public welfare, and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, or comfort. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the City Council finds issues with the proposed use. 3. The accessory structure will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The accessory structure is an expansion of the existing use and is located between existing structures. 4. The proposed use will not impede development or improvement of surrounding properties. 5. The proposed use will use the existing access, no new curb cut or access drive will be needed. The existing and proposed use are serviced by a private well and septic and does not require an extension of city-owned public facilities. The applicant has also proposed a rain garden to manage stormwater. 6. The proposed use is consistent with the applicable regulations of the RR-N District and is consistent with the requirements of the UDC. Any future accessory structure expansions on the site will be required to conform with the applicable regulations of the district and the Conditional Use Permit must be amended to allow for any accessory structure expansions. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the City Council finds issues with the proposed use in relation to surface or groundwater contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise, and other potential nuisances. 7. This Conditional Use Permit meets the general and specific performance standards of the UDC. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. The proposed structure shall not have a footprint exceeding 1,296 square feet in size, as shown on the plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 2. The proposed structure shall adhere to the proposed setbacks, as shown on the site plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 3. Prior to a building permit being issued properties with PID,, and must be combined. 4. The concrete slab shall not be replaced or expanded. 5. The applicant shall comply with all local, state, and federal permits and requirements for the new development on the parcel. 6. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit for the site if all permits and required work to comply with approvals from other local, state, and federal permits is not completed. 7. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 8. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 15th day of August 2023. Christine Maefsky, Mayor Steve Munson, Applicant Terri Munson, Applicant ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 18 8.1 © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 0 Legend 19690 Maxwill Ave This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: 7/6/2023 1:48 PM 132 Feet City Limits Parcels (4/1/2023) Lot Lines Parks Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 18 8.1 © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 0 Legend 19690 Maxwill Ave Zoning Map This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: 7/6/2023 1:50 PM 132 Feet City Limits Parcels (4/1/2023) Lot Lines Parks Shoreland Overlay PUD Overlay Lakes Mining Overlay Saint Croix River District Zoning Agricultural Core Agricultural Preserves Rural Residential General Village Neighborhood Rural Commercial Rural Residential Neighborhood Village Historic Core Village Center Industrial Park Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Scandia 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Page 21 Figure II-H – Planned Land Use Soil Map—Washington County, Minnesota (MUNSON) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/13/2023 Page 1 of 3 50 0 8 8 5 0 50 0 8 8 8 0 50 0 8 9 1 0 50 0 8 9 4 0 50 0 8 9 7 0 50 0 9 0 0 0 50 0 9 0 3 0 50 0 8 8 5 0 50 0 8 8 8 0 50 0 8 9 1 0 50 0 8 9 4 0 50 0 8 9 7 0 50 0 9 0 0 0 50 0 9 0 3 0 511130 511160 511190 511220 511250 511280 511310 511340 511370 511400 511130 511160 511190 511220 511250 511280 511310 511340 511370 511400 45° 14' 4'' N 92 ° 5 1 ' 2 9 ' ' W 45° 14' 4'' N 92 ° 5 1 ' 1 6 ' ' W 45° 13' 58'' N 92 ° 5 1 ' 2 9 ' ' W 45° 13' 58'' N 92 ° 5 1 ' 1 6 ' ' W N Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 15N WGS84 0 50 100 200 300 Feet 0 15 30 60 90 Meters Map Scale: 1:1,310 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:15,800. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Washington County, Minnesota Survey Area Data: Version 18, Sep 6, 2022 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jul 30, 2022—Sep 1, 2022 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—Washington County, Minnesota (MUNSON) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/13/2023 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 161 Isanti loamy fine sand, depressional 0.6 6.5% 504B Duluth silt loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes 7.1 78.0% 504C Duluth silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes 0.0 0.2% 1055 Aquolls and Histosols, ponded 1.2 12.9% W Water 0.2 2.3% Totals for Area of Interest 9.1 100.0% Soil Map—Washington County, Minnesota MUNSON Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/13/2023 Page 3 of 3 18 8.1 © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 0 Legend 19690 Maxwill Ave Wetland This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: 7/7/2023 1:16 PM 132 Feet City Limits Parcels (4/1/2023) Lot Lines National Wetlands Inventory Parks Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Washington County, Minnesota 504B—Duluth silt loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 1t95y Elevation: 900 to 1,600 feet Mean annual precipitation: 28 to 36 inches Mean annual air temperature: 39 to 48 degrees F Frost-free period: 120 to 170 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Duluth and similar soils:90 percent Minor components:10 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Duluth Setting Landform:Moraines Landform position (two-dimensional):Backslope Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Linear Parent material:Till Typical profile Ap - 0 to 9 inches: silt loam B/E - 9 to 14 inches: loam Bt - 14 to 50 inches: loam C - 50 to 60 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope:1 to 6 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Moderately well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately low to moderately high (0.07 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table:About 42 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Calcium carbonate, maximum content:5 percent Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: High (about 10.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Ecological site: F090AY016WI - Loamy Upland Forage suitability group: Sloping Upland, Acid (G090XN006MN) Map Unit Description: Duluth silt loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes---Washington County, Minnesota MUNSON Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/13/2023 Page 1 of 2 Other vegetative classification: Sloping Upland, Acid (G090XN006MN) Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Ronneby Percent of map unit:4 percent Hydric soil rating: No Mahtomedi Percent of map unit:3 percent Hydric soil rating: No Rifle Percent of map unit:3 percent Landform:Depressions Hydric soil rating: Yes Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Washington County, Minnesota Survey Area Data: Version 18, Sep 6, 2022 Map Unit Description: Duluth silt loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes---Washington County, Minnesota MUNSON Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/13/2023 Page 2 of 2