10-15-13 Council
October 15, 2013
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Dan Lee, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator
Kristina Handt, City Attorney Nick Vivian, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, Police Deputy Chris
Majeski, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
No public comments were received.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
1)September 17, 2013 Regular Meeting
2)October 2, 2013 Work Session
b)Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 09/01/2013 $3,430,974.25
Receipts + 37,728.34
Expenditures $632,161.37
Payroll 20,236.73 - 652,398.10
Ending Balance 09/30/2013 $2,816,304.49
c)Payment of Vouchers
d)Elimination of Level 3 Medical Calls for Scandia Fire and Rescue
e)Step Increase, Deputy Clerk
f)Step Increase, Office Assistant
g)Final Payment, 2012 Uptown Improvement Project
h)Designate Tim Okan as Building Official
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
Eagle Scout Guidelines Update
The Council reviewed an update to the Eagle Scout Guidelines document with changes as
recommended by the Parks Committee. Handt explained that the changes are meant to improve
the process of reviewing and accepting Eagle Scout projects by requiring that all forms be turned
in before the project is placed on the committee agenda, designating a staff member to oversee
the project, and other updates.
Mayor Simonson recommended that Scouts be “required to meet with City staff prior to
preparing their proposal” rather than “strongly encouraged” in the paragraph on Planning the
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Project. He explained that this would help them get off on the right start and may avoid delays in
the process. Council members were in agreement with this change to the document.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the updated Eagle Scout Guidelines document as
amended with a change to require the Scout to meet with City staff at the onset of the
planning process. The motion carried 5-0.
Vinterfest Update – Lilleskogen Trail Clarification
Committee Chair Greg Zauner reported on Vinterfest activities being planned for the event on
February 1, 2014. The Lions plan to donate all proceeds from food and beverage sales towards
rink improvements. The closing of 209 Street between the entrance to the Community Center
and Olinda Trail will be recommended to ensure safe sledding on the Elim hill. A quiz
promenade and ski loppet plans to go through Lilleskogen Park and exit by way of city property
between Bensons and Brunfelt Realty to end at Designs of Sweden, a sponsor of the promenade,
in the Village Area.
Mayor Simonson noted his concerns from the earlier discussions on Brunfelt’s request to vacate
this unopened road and its use as a potential trail to the park. He stated that the existing septic
located here, the terrain, and proximity to private property are not favorable to allowing a trail to
the park.
Council members Swanson and Lee spoke in favor of allowing use of this route to exit the park
for this one event, as it ties in businesses to the event and it is on city property. Lee stated that
foot traffic should not harm the Benson’s septic drainfield.
Council member Schneider asked how wide the trail would be, and that he would have concerns
if the trail were on the septic. Public Works Director Kieffer stated that there is room for a 10’
trail along the north part of the easement that would avoid the septic area.
Council member Ness stated that he is opposed to establishing a permanent trail on this parcel
and would not want park users to make it a habit; but for a one-time supervised event, he could
approve of it. Schneider agreed with not making a permanent trail, but a one-time use would be
okay until the city determines what to do with the easement.
Swanson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve having the ski loppet and quiz promenade
exit Lilleskogen Park at Olinda Trail between Bensons and Brunfelts. The motion carried
Swanson asked about maintenance tasks to the rink and warming house in order to have the
facility in top shape for the hockey tournament being sponsored by Roberts Funeral Home the
weekend of Vinterfest. Kieffer will schedule Sentence to Serve to paint the office and do a
thorough cleaning of the interior. Kieffer stated that although no rink boards appear hazardous
for this season, he can replace a few boards with an inventory he has on hand.
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Ordinance No. 143, amending the Development Code, Chapter 2, Section 3.2 Accessory
At the September Council meeting, Council member Schneider identified two issues in the draft
ordinance amending the code’s section on accessory structures – the allowed height of accessory
structures and the use of the term “agricultural building” on lots between 5 and 10 acres.
City Planner Buss revised the draft ordinance to address these concerns. Administrator Handt
explained that language regulating the height has been changed to “Accessory structure height is
limited to the permitted building height in each zoning district”. This will allow for taller
structures than the principal building and permit the second story that the Planning Commission
To avoid conflicting terminology with the State Building Code, “agricultural” building was
replaced with “rural use” building to permit lots between 5 and 10 acres to have buildings to
shelter animals, store agricultural products from orchards or gardens, or similar rural uses.
Handt clarified that in addition to a shed being excluded from total square footage, one detached
garage up to 24’ by 36’ is also permitted in addition to the number of allowed structures, as long
as lot coverage requirements are met. Additional square footage is being allowed for lots
between 3 and 10 acres as there have been an increased number of variance requests for
additional storage on properties of this size.
Council member Ness commented that there may be vision issues with the increased number and
size of accessory structures.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 143, Amending the City of
Scandia Development Code, Chapter 2, Section 3.2 Regarding Accessory Structures. The
motion carried 5-0.
Resolution Authorizing Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 143 (Resolution No. 10-15-
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 10-15-13-01, Providing for
the Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 143. The motion carried 5-0.
Council received the monthly report on building activity. Seventeen permits were issued in
September, indicating an upward trend since last year.
Effective October 4, Keith Wille has retired from his position with the Forest Lake Building
Department. Handt reported that permit reviews and inspections are still being carried out under
the contract with Forest Lake. Tim Okan has been appointed as the replacement Building
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Police Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity within the past month, and provided a
quarterly report on calls. Fiber optic cable stolen from Chisago County was recovered along
Melanie Trail, smashed windows on a car occurred on Quality Trail, and theft of a boat near
Manning Trail was reported. Majeski found no evidence of an alligator on the property of the
owner whose alligator was reported to be in Goose Lake, although he has not divulged the
location of its whereabouts. He has a court date scheduled for later this month.
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 15 calls in September; 4 fire and
11 EMS related. The new fire truck received positive comments at the department’s open house
last week. Hinz explained that it was designed to function for multiuses – a back-up rescue truck
with medical equipment and extrication tools, as an engine to fill tankers from dry hydrants, and
as a tanker to arrive on scene with 1,500 gallons.
City Engineer Ryan Goodman reported that he is working with Tii Gavo developers to finish off
the project before acceptance. He is reviewing the County’s 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan,
among other engineering tasks. Mayor Simonson asked about his opinion on improvements to
Pilar Road and the surrounding gravel roads. Goodman explained that the steps for
improvements should be looked at as a multi-stage development process to prepare for a future
paving project. Erosion of the gravel roads cannot be stopped completely, but ditching and
culvert replacement could control it. Tree trimming and clearing is also proposed. Cost estimates
of the work will be submitted for future discussion.
City Attorney Nick Vivian reported that he is working with staff on various items such as the
street assessment policy, review of an IUP, a memo on conflicts of interest, and other legal
Public Works Director Tim Kieffer reported on the department’s activities within the past month.
Tree trimming quotes are being collected, sewer panel upgrades to a SCADA system is being
reviewed, and repairs to the Community Center roof are being worked out with the contractor.
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project Update
City Administrator Handt reported that Tiller is working on phase one of the reclamation portion
of the Zavoral Mining Project. In September, there were 4 contacts that had questions or
complaints about noise and odor from the site. Staff followed up on the concerns and found there
to be no violations. A monitoring and inspection report was provided by Jed Chesnut,
Washington Conservation District. Handt and Planner Buss will conduct the AOP site visit next
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Mayor Simonson commented that he has visited the site 9 different times to monitor the
activities and observed tree transplanting, chippers and backhoes being operated. He recorded
decibel levels and found the sound levels to be less than that of traffic on Highway 95. Simonson
stated that he will continue to take an active role in monitoring the activities and has no concerns
at this time.
State Funding for Highway 97 and Lofton Avenue Intersection Improvements
County Commissioner Fran Miron addressed the Council with information about improvements
to the Highway 97/Lofton Avenue intersection. The County has received a State funding grant to
construct center left turn lanes on TH 97. This project is planned for Aug/Sept of 2014. A
flashing stop sign and overhead intersection lights may also be installed to address safety
concerns. A pavement rehabilitation project (cold recycle and replace) on Lofton Avenue is also
scheduled for next fall, to be funded by the wheelage tax.
Scandia City Signs on County Roads Entering the City
New Scandia Township identification signs were removed after the 2007 incorporation, but not
replaced with new signs. Commissioner Miron reported that City of Scandia signs will be
installed on County roads at the entrance to the city limits by the end of the year. Each sign will
have a cross bar for the optional attachment of an informational sign, such as “DARE
Miron also informed the Council that the City has the option of purchasing small bike route
markers to attach to highway signs for identifying designated bike routes. The County is also
applying for state grant funds for the future construction of a roundabout at the Highway
97/Manning Avenue intersection.
Administrator Handt explained that in order for the County to apply for FEMA funding for the
proposed storm shelter project at the Oakhill Cottages, the City needs to adopt the County’s
recently amended All Hazard Mitigation Plan to include these types of projects. Authorization of
the County’s application will be brought to the Council at a future meeting.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve Resolution No. 10-15-13-02, Adopting
Amendment to the Washington County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan. The motion carried 5-
The Fire Department’s new replacement engine is now in service, thereby allowing for the
disposal of the old engine.Administrator Handt recommended using Govdeals, an on-line
auction site, to list the engine at a reserve price of $5,000 and to have Govdeals collect the
payment. Council member Lee questioned the 5% commission for payment collection. Handt
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explained that it’s a more secure transfer of payment and allows the buyer to use other forms of
payment such as credit cards.
Lee, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the disposal of old engine 5180 through
Govdeals.com (7.5% commission paid by buyer, 5% paid by City). The motion carried 5-0.
Staff recommended the seasonal positions for Ice Rink Attendants and Maintenance Worker be
advertised for hiring. John Beattie is prepared to return as Skating Supervisor and Gunny Stolts
as Ice Rink Attendant. At least three new attendants should be hired at a starting pay of
$7.25/hour. Administrator Handt explained that the maintenance position should be advertised at
a pay range of $10-12/hour to be consistent with other seasonal positions and in line with other
communities. The previous rink maintenance worker would be eligible to apply.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to authorize staff to advertise for Ice Rink Attendants and
Ice Rink Maintenance Worker at the proposed pay ranges and to complete the interview
process; approve hiring John Beattie as Skating Supervisor at $11.32/hour; approve hiring
Gunny Stolts at $7.50/hour. The motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Handt presented insurance renewal information for liability and property coverage
through the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust. The Council must decide each year whether to
waive statutory monetary limits on tort liability. By not waiving the limit (which the City has
done since 2009), the total limit on a single claim could not exceed $1.5 million. City Attorney
Vivian stated that most cities do not waive the limit.
The deductible for 2014 will remain at $1,000.
Lee, seconded by Schneider, moved to renew insurance coverage with LMCIT for 2014,
and motioned to not waive the tort liability limits. The motion carried 5-0.
Earlier this year, the City began exploring improvements needed at Log House Landing to
address erosion and water quality issues, which are included in the draft 2014-2018 Capital
Improvement Program. Administrator Handt explained that the DNR administers the State Park
Road Account Program to help local governments improve public recreation facilities. City
Engineer Goodman is working on estimated project costs, which could be reimbursed at a 50%
cost share grant with the DNR. The City will partner with Car-Mar Watershed in completing the
water quality projects. The application deadline is November 1, and awards will be announced in
April 2014.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 10-15-13-03, Supporting
State Road Account Program Grant Application, The motion carried 5-0.
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Administrator Handt reported that staff solicited auditing proposals from five firms and two
responded. Handt and Treasurer Firkus interviewed Abdo Eick & Meyer and Schlenner Wenner
& Co. and found both to be a good fit and have the capability to use Banyon accounting data.
The proposal from Schlenner Wenner provided the lowest cost proposal over three years, which
would reduce the audit expense by $6,700 on the 2013 audit and $18,375 over three years, as
compared to the current firm of Larson Allen.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to authorize staff to offer auditing services to Schlenner
Wenner & Co. The motion carried 5-0.
Under Council direction, Administrator Handt explained that the Employee Recognition Policy
has been amended to include language that allows for an annual catered event to recognize the
public service of staff, Council and members of committees. Their guests could attend at their
own cost. The event and expenditure funds must have Council approval prior to its scheduling.
The purchase of alcohol is not permitted.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the Amended Employee Recognition Program.
The motion carried 5-0.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjournedat 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk