2b. Arts Heritage Ctr Update to City Council_8-31-23Water Tower Barn SCANDIA ARTS & HERITAGE CENTER Update and Requests to Scandia City Council September 6, 2023 Funds Raised to Date 1 Quick Update State Funding of $2.2 Million Approved! General Fund (rather than bonding) Dollars Means: No match requirement, but must show funds “to build to completion” More flexibility regarding legal requirements and sources of additional funds DEED project manager confirmed flexibility to use Historic Tax Credits or Legacy Grants through the MN Historical Society 2 National Register of Historic Places – How and Why Why? -- Historic tax credits and Legacy grants require National Register status How? -- Requires there be a “structure” in place -- SHPO has advised National Register eligibility in the “engineering” category based on the historic windmill technology -- SHPO will consult on minimum re-erection requirements -- Goal is to do a minimal re-erected “structure,” since re-erection does not qualify for either tax credits or Legacy grants Value: -- Tax credit value approximately $300,000 -- Legacy grant estimated $150,000-200,000 3 Council Requests (1) Approval for SHA to re-erect the original East Section ahead of the full project to meet the “structure” requirement Timing: Summer 2024 Current Status: SHPO site visit and proposal review September 13 “Structure” will require foundation and site grading Building will be structurally sound, weather tight, and secure -- but as minimal as SHPO will approve. Not certified for occupancy. Mural facing Olinda will show CAD illustration of the completed project All funds must be from SHA, not the State grant We believe the building may be the state’s only remaining tankhouse, and we are working closely with the State Historic Preservation Office to seek placement on the National Register of Historic Places. 4 Council Requests (2) Approval for legal structure with a “for-profit” entity to allow qualification for Historic Tax Credits Federal Historic Tax Credits require formation of a for-profit entity. This would be together with a bank that can benefit from the credits and provide approx. 80% of the value back to the project State General Fund dollars allow user/tenant to be a for-profit without any special legislative approval (DEED has confirmed) SHA would be managing partner of the for-profit entity and manage operations Tax Credits are likely more valuable than a Legacy grant After credit period (5 years), the Tax Credit investor will normally exit the entity allowing reunified ownership We believe the building may be the state’s only remaining tankhouse, and we are working closely with the State Historic Preservation Office to seek placement on the National Register of Historic Places. 5 We believe the building may be the state’s only remaining tankhouse, and we are working closely with the State Historic Preservation Office to seek placement on the National Register of Historic Places. 6 Thank You – and Q&A 7 We anticipate that our close-proximity to the Twin Cities and other regional attractions like the Gammelgarden Museum, William O’Brien State Park, the Gateway Bike Trail, and the St. Croix River will draw visitors and allow us to serve surrounding communities. 8 Master Plan Peter Hilger, AIA Rylaur, LLC 9 Location: South Community Commons 10 11 12 13 Plaza 14 Programming 15 The Master Plan - 3D Conceptualization Flyover Video Presentation 16