09.a 09.07.2023 PRC Minutes DRAFT
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Thursday, September 7, 2023
A meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and Zoom.
Present: Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Kimberly Johnson, and Tom Hinz. Absent: Dustin
Hegland. Also Present: Heather Benson (Council Representative,) Charles Fischer (Director of Public Works),
Kyle Morell (City Administrator), and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.) Gorham called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m., a quorum was present.
Gorham moved to reorder the agenda to place item 7.a New Business Tai Chi Class to follow item 5.b Public
Works Report, seconded by Zauner. Motion carried unanimously.
Gorham called for any additions or corrections to August 7, 2023 minutes. No additions or corrections were
submitted. The minutes stand approved as documented.
Chair Report
Gorham reported that all of his activities over the past month will be covered later in the agenda.
Public Works Report
Fischer provided a written report. Fischer added that PW will be able to remove the posted signs to stay off the
sod near the playground in time for Taco Daze. Scandia Marine Lions Club organizers of Taco Daze have been in
communication with PW, and will relocate some activities traditionally next to the playground, but the sod
should withstand the expected activity on Saturday. Fischer added that prior to any installation of the Liten Park
sign, there are some ROW areas to clearly identify. In response to comments and questions Fischer clarified that
Council approved purchasing the used hockey rink boards that should be installed by mid-November which will
accommodate the existing dasher board advertisements. Leveling the concrete is not included in this project.
Tai Chi Class
Bill Jabas reported 9 or 10 of the 16 students who registered for Tai Chi for Health I completed the bulk of the
course work over the summer; many expressed an interest in continuing. Community Education classes at Forest
Lake and Chisago Lakes also offer these Tai Chi classes. Jabas has participated in local “practice” classes where
students and certified instructors gather and would like to consider a future class of this nature. Discussion
concluded an announcement could be included in the Fall Newsletter for a class to begin in October on Monday
or Wednesday evenings to conclude prior to all of the holidays. Jabas could work more efficiently with staff to
arrange advertisement and registrations for Tai Chi for Health I, Tai Chi for Health II, and practice Tai Chi for
Health through December 31, 2024 as needed with the proper Program Agreement approved by Council.
Motion by Gorham, seconded by Zauner, to recommend to Council offering Tai Chi for Health II to start in
October 2023, with additional classes as arranged through December 31, 2024. Motion carried unanimously.
MSA Park Plan Proposal Update
Morell reported the public hearing is planned at the October Planning Commission meeting. However, only one
of the 19 required Adjacent and Affected Jurisdiction Review responses have been received. All 19 must either
provide comment, or state that they have no comment prior to moving forward. Reminder requests to the
remaining 18 will be sent in the near future.
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Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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Scandia Community Center Playground Grand Opening Event Recap
Benson reported a successful turn out by the community for the Grand Opening. Most of the hot dog meals
were served, and facepainting and bird feeder pinecone activities were both active even though plenty of
supplies remain to consider a future bird feeder station. Benson will store these supplies for future use.
Midco Day Recap
Gorham reported a successful event for the Internet Story Contest at Lilleskogen Park in spite of the hot weather.
Gorham will coordinate classroom prize award with Scandia Elementary School. Discussion concluded the
following feedback to give to planners for any future Midco Day event: request Meisters pre-cook and start
grilling sooner to eliminate the long wait. Keep the tent. Simplify the process of receiving story contest
submissions earlier and only hold one contest at a time. Use more social media posts. Provide on-site volunteers
by PRC, but allow the Internet Action Committee to communicate directly with Midco and Public Works to
organize the event.
Star Gazing Party
Staff provided email communication with Mike Lynch, providing options after considering the September 9th
weather forecast. Discussion concluded that seeing stars is highly valued at a StarWatch party. Gorham
suggested to defer the final decision to Lynch’s professional opinion; but a final decision no later than noon on
Friday, September 8th. All consented. Staff to communicate with Taco Daze organizers, use social media, and
post signs at Hay Lake Park if the event is rescheduled for Saturday, October 7, 2024.
Vinterfest Planning
Johnson inquired about contacting the Peer Gynt Dancers to return, but at an earlier time on the schedule.
Zauner agreed to work with them if they were interested. Zauner reported that the Lions are arranging for Bingo
on Friday night, January 26th and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning, January 27th. Corey Roberts has
confirmed these dates for The Minnesotan Cup hockey tournament. Zauner requested all PRC members bring
back ideas for new events to consider and noted the rock painting for parks has been successful and will return.
2024 Park Dedication Fee Rate Discussion
Morell reported finding that if a surround community relies on park dedication fees as their primary funding
source, Scandia’s current rates would be considered low. If instead they rely on levy funds, then Scandia’s rates
are more average. Scandia’s current fee schedule does not include Park Dedication Fees for new commercial
development as some surrounding communities, and that could be considered. Morell stated that the proposed
2024 budget includes $60k for Parks, with 3% increase recommended annually from levy funds. All levy funds
are decided on how they are actually spent by Council, while Park Dedication fees are restricted to capital park
investments only. Gorham requested Morell continue researching for further PRC discussion for potential
recommendations for Council’s consideration of the 2024 Fee Schedule which will be set in December.
PRC Operational Calendar
Gorham requested “Funding Plan Review Discussion” be added to January as a time to evaluate the budget
approved by council for the current year. Zauner requested Winter Rec Programs be moved from October to
September in order to correct the timing of PRC discussion with Council meetings for approval and the biannual
newsletter for publicizing programs. Gorham addressed the issue of 5 Tomte Stories submitted to fill the 8 story
boards for the contest planned to run in connection with Taco Daze and the visiting guests from Scandia’s Sister
City Mellerud, Sweden. Stignani suggested filling the remaining boards with advertisements of PRC or City
activities. Discussion concluded to create flyers to be displayed in the place of stories to include information on
September 7, 2023
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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the following: Memorial Park Bench Donation program, Vinterfest, Liten Park, Winter Recreations classes, Tai
Chi class, and park advertisement opportunities.
Winter Programing
Stignani requested PRC recommendation for Winter Recreation Programing be considered in order to present
to Council and be able to include the information in the Fall Newsletter. Discussion concluded to recommend
to Council the ice-skating winter recreational classes as offered in the last season after the past instructors and
volunteers confirm their availability and intent to teach.
Motion by Gorham, seconded by Johnson, to proceed with winter programing, including arranging for the
instructors and establishing times for the classes based on the instructor’s availability. Motion carried
The proposed agenda for Monday, October 2, 2023:
1. MSA Park Plan Proposal Update
2. Taco Daze Recap
3. Vinterfest Planning
4. 2024 Park Dedication Fee Change Recommendation Discussion
5. Tomte Story Contest Voting
6. Operational Calendar
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Zauner, seconded by Hinz. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator