09.b4 UDC Amendments - Packet1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: September 19, 2023 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Re: Multiple UDC Amendments The City has identified multiple opportunities to address issues within the Unified Development Code (UDC) that should be addressed by the City. BACKGROUND The City adopted the UDC on September 20, 2022, to replace the previous zoning and subdivision codes. Opportunities to revise the code to correct errors or improve standards were identified by the Planning Commission and City Council. OVERVIEW OF UDC AMENDMENT The proposed ordinance has been consolidated from four separate ordinances that were considered by the Planning Commission at their September 5, 2023, meeting. The attached ordinance proposes the following changes to the UDC: • Amending vacation and short-term rentals to be a permitted use in all districts other than I-P • Removing domestic fowl standards from livestock standards • Adding domestic fowl standards to the keeping of animal standards • Referencing accessory structure setback section for livestock and keeping of animals • Removing unnecessary use specific standards for vacation and short-term rentals • Prohibiting pylon/pedestal signs where not historically accurate • Amending the definition of rear yard to include an exception for riparian lots. 2 | P a g e • Adding a maximum number of animal units for the definition of domestic farm animals • Adding a minimum acreage in the definition of livestock already detailed in the use standards ANALYSIS Planning Commission Four UDC Amendments were reviewed by the Planning Commission at their September 5, 2023, meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing for each ordinance. No comments were received for any of the amendments. The Planning Commission then closed the public hearing. The Planning Commission discussed the amendments. • The Commission discussed what other uses may be applicable for historically accurate pylon/pedestal signs. • The Commission discussed the setback requirements for accessory structures used for domestic farm animals and livestock, struck the proposed ordinance language as it relates to beekeeping, and discussed the difficulty in enforcing some of the existing code language. • The Commission discussed the change to the definitions of “Yard, Rear” and discussed potential impacts of having the lot lines be defined differently. • The Commission discussed possible issues with vacation and short-term rentals and how the nuisance section of the code applies to the use. The Planning Commission moved to recommend approval of each ordinance. The motions were all approved with a vote of 4-0. Staff Analysis Staff believes that the proposed changes to the UDC will correct omissions and errors and allow for the highest and best use of the amended uses. COUNCIL ACTION The City Council can do one of the following: 1. Approve, with or without conditions, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 2. Deny, with findings, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 3. Table the request for further review/study. 3 | P a g e PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends approval of four separate ordinances which amend the UDC, which staff has consolidated into a single ordinance. Attachments A. Ordinance 2023-12 Amending the Unified Development Code B. Resolution 09-19-23-05 Finding of Facts for Ordinance 2023-12 C. Resolution 09-19-23-06 Summary Publication for Ordinance 2023-12 D. Amendment to the City’s Unified Development Code regarding definitions for pylon/pedestal signs. (Section 153.400.100) - Staff Report, Planning Commission, September 5, 2023 (link only) E. Amendment to the City’s Unified Development Code regarding livestock, domestic farm animals, domestic fowl, and other standards impacting the uses (Section 153.300.020 and 153.600.30) - Staff Report, Planning Commission, September 5, 2023 (link only) F. Amendment to the City’s Unified Development Code regarding definitions for yards as they related to riparian lots (Section 153.600.020) - Staff Report, Planning Commission, September 5, 2023 (link only) G. Amendment to the City’s Unified Development Code regarding vacation or short-term rentals (Section 153.300.020 and 153.300.030) - Staff Report, Planning Commission, September 5, 2023 (link only) H. Zoning Map – City of Scandia Page 1 of 11 CITY OF SCANDIA ORDNANCE NO.: 2023-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SCANDIA UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE 153.300.020-2 TABLE OF USES REGARDING VACATION OR SHORT-TERM RENTALS, SECTION 153.300 REGARDING DOMESTIC FARM ANIMALS, LIVESTOCK, AND DOMESTIC FOWL STANDARDS AND VACATION OR SHORT- TERM RENTALS, CHAPTER 153.400 REGARDING PYLON/PEDESTAL SIGNS, 153.600 REGARDING DOMESTIC FARM ANIMALS AND LIVESTOCK, AND REAR YARD DEFINITIONS The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains: Section 1 Amendment. The City of Scandia Unified Development Code (“Development Code”, “Code”, or “UDC”), Table 153.300.020-2 Table of Uses, shall be amended by adding the underlined text and deleting the stricken text as follows: BASE ZONING DISTRICTS A-P AG-C RR-G RR-N V-N V-C V-HC R-C I-P Use Specific Section Reference Land Use Agricultural Preserve Agricultural Core Rural Residential General Rural Residential Neighborhood Village Neighborhood Village Center Village Historic Core Rural Commercial Industrial Park Agricultural and Land Based Uses Vacation or Short-Term Rentals (VRBO or Similar) P IUP P IUP P IUP P IUP P IUP P IUP P IUP P IUP 153.300.030 Subd. 1 (GG) Section 2 Amendment. The City of Scandia Unified Development Code (“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter 153.300.030 Use Specific Regulations Subd. 1. (GG), shall be amended by adding the underlined text and deleting the stricken text as follows: 153.300 ALLOWED USES 153.300.030 Use Specific Regulations (L) Keeping of Animals. I. The keeping of animals accessory to residential and agricultural uses in all zoning districts is limited to domestic pets and domestic farm animals, subject to the restrictions of this Section as applicable to horse training facilities, kennels, and livestock and livestock operations. Page 2 of 11 II. Domestic Fowl on Lots Smaller than Five Acres a. The minimum acreage, animal density requirements, and setback requirements for accessory structures incidental to the keeping of domestic fowl (chickens, turkeys, geese, or ducks) are waived on lots smaller than five (5) acres provided the standards in this Section are met. The minimum lot size of parcels in the Shoreland Management Overlay District includes only the area of the parcel that is above the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). b. The keeping of up to five (5) domestic fowl on a lot that is smaller than five (5) acres does not require a permit. c. The total number of domestic fowl may not exceed ten (10) fowl per acre on a parcel that is between one (1) and five (5) acres in size. Up to five (5) domestic fowl are permitted on a parcel that is less than one (1) acre in size. d. The principal use of the property must be single-family residential and contain a single-family residential structure. Domestic fowl are not permitted on vacant properties or those containing multi-family residential uses. Coop structures used to house domestic fowl that are greater than 120 square feet in size must comply with the accessory building standards established in Section [153.200.030]. e. The keeping of domestic fowl on lots smaller than five (5) acres must comply with the following standards: i. Hen chickens are permitted. ii. Roosters are prohibited. iii. All chickens shall be of the subspecies Gallus gallus domesticus. iv. All fowl species kept on parcels smaller than five (5) acres must be domesticated varieties. v. Guineafowl are prohibited (members of the Family Numididae, genus Agelastes, Numida, Guttera, or Acryllium) and Peafowl (Peacocks) are prohibited (Pavo cristatus, Pavo muticus, and Afropavo congensis). vi. Fowl may be slaughtered on the property in locations that are not visible to the public or adjacent properties. vii. If the coop is larger than 120 square feet, the owner must obtain a building permit. If electricity is to be provided for hearing or lighting, the owner shall obtain an electrical permit. Coops, pens and other structures for domestic fowl must meet the structure setback requirements of the Zoning Page 3 of 11 District where the parcel is located, plus all permanent and temporary coop structures must meet the following minimum setbacks from dwellings on adjacent properties regardless of lot size: Table 153.300.030-2. Domestic Fowl Structure Setbacks viii. Coops, pens and other structures for domestic fowl must be located in rear yards only. If the physical characteristics of the property do not permit the coop to be located within the rear yard, the property owner may request approval of an Administrative Permit to locate the coop in the front or side yard. ix. No person may allow domestic fowl to range outside her/his property boundaries. x. Structures and areas in which domestic fowl are kept or maintained, including coops and pens, must be kept reasonably clean from filth, garbage, and any substances which attract rodents. xi. Domestic fowl may not be kept in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance as defined by the City Code. The City may revoke a Permit if the animals become a nuisance. xii. The City may enter and inspect any property, including the coop and back yard, at any reasonable time for the purpose of investigating a reported violation or to ascertain compliance or noncompliance with the City Code III. The keeping of wild or exotic animals is prohibited in all Zoning Districts. Animals that are not identified in the Unified Development Code may be determined to be wild or exotic at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. IV. Accessory structures used for domestic farm animals, with the exception of domestic fowl and bees, must also meet the standards detailed in Section 153.200.030 Subd. 6 for Page 4 of 11 accessory structure setbacks. All accessory structures used for domestic farm animals must meet the required setbacks for the base zoning district and as required by the Shoreland Management Overlay District. (P) Livestock and Livestock Operations I. Animal Density. Livestock and livestock operations must comply with all of the following standards regardless of the number of animal units on the property or whether a permit is required: a. No livestock, with the exception of fowl, may be kept on any site of less than 5 acres. For purposes of this section, 5 acres may include the road right of way. V. Domestic Fowl on Lots Smaller than Five Acres a. The minimum acreage, animal density requirements, and setback requirements for accessory structures incidental to the keeping of domestic fowl (chickens, turkeys, geese, or ducks) are waived on lots smaller than five (5) acres provided the standards in this Section are met. The minimum lot size of parcels in the Shoreland Management Overlay District includes only the area of the parcel that is above the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). b. The keeping of up to five (5) domestic fowl on a lot that is smaller than five (5) acres does not require a permit. c. The total number of domestic fowl may not exceed ten (10) fowl per acre on a parcel that is between one (1) and five (5) acres in size. Up to five (5) domestic fowl are permitted on a parcel that is less than one (1) acre in size. d. The principal use of the property must be single-family residential and contain a single-family residential structure. Domestic fowl are not permitted on vacant properties or those containing multi-family residential uses. Coop structures used to house domestic fowl that are greater than 120square feet in size must comply with the accessory building standards established in Section [153.200.030]. e. The keeping of domestic fowl on lots smaller than five (5) acres must comply with the following standards: i. Hen chickens are permitted. ii. Roosters are prohibited. iii. All chickens shall be of the subspecies Gallus gallus domesticus. iv. All fowl species kept on parcels smaller than five (5) acres must be domesticated varieties. Page 5 of 11 v. Guineafowl are prohibited (members of the Family Numididae, genus Agelastes, Numida, Guttera, or Acryllium) and Peafowl (Peacocks) are prohibited (Pavo cristatus, Pavo muticus, and Afropavo congensis). vi. Fowl may be slaughtered on the property in locations that are not visible to the public or adjacent properties. vii. If the coop is larger than 120 square feet, the owner must obtain a building permit. If electricity is to be provided for hearing or lighting, the owner shall obtain an electrical permit. Coops, pens and other structures for domestic fowl must meet the structure setback requirements of the Zoning District where the parcel is located, plus all permanent coop structures must meet the following minimum setbacks from dwellings on adjacent properties regardless of lot size: Table 153.300.030-2. Domestic Fowl Structure Setbacks viii. Coops, pens and other structures for domestic fowl must be located in rear yards only. If the physical characteristics of the property do not permit the coop to be located within the rear yard, the property owner may request approval of an Administrative Permit to locate the coop in the front or side yard. ix. No person may allow domestic fowl to range outside her/his property boundaries. x. Structures and areas in which domestic fowl are kept or maintained, including coops and pens, must be kept reasonably clean from filth, garbage, and any substances which attract rodents. xi. Domestic fowl may not be kept in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance as defined by the City Code. The City may revoke a Permit if the animals become a nuisance. Page 6 of 11 xii. The City may enter and inspect any property, including the coop and back yard, at any reasonable time for the purpose of investigating a reported violation or to ascertain compliance or noncompliance with the City Code V. Accessory structures used for livestock or livestock operations, with the exception of domestic fowl and bees, must also meet the standards detailed in Section 153.200.030 Subd. 6 for accessory structure setbacks. All accessory structures used for livestock or livestock must meet the required setbacks for the base zoning district and as required by the Shoreland Management Overlay District. (GG) Vacation or Short-Term Rentals. Vacation or Short-Term Rentals must comply with the following standards. I. Vacation or Short-Term Rentals may not be rented to a single party or user for longer than 30-days in a 12-month calendar year. II. An owner must obtain an Interim Use Permit if the intent is to rent the property for more than 14-days in a calendar year, or if it is posted for rent on any public platform such as VRBO, or similar. III. The property’s appearance may not be substantially altered from the appearance of the principal use of the structure. For example, a single-family detached home may not be altered internally or externally to change its principal use. Section 3 Amendment. The City of Scandia Unified Development Code (“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter 153.400.100 Signs, shall be amended by adding the underlined text and deleting the stricken text as follows: Subd. 2. Applicability. The regulations contained herein do not apply to signs painted, attached by adhesive or otherwise attached directly to or visible through windows and glass portions of doors. Permit Required. Except as otherwise provided in this UDC, no sign shall be erected, constructed, altered, rebuilt or relocated until an Administrative Permit or Conditional Use Permit as may be required for the sign has been issued. Application for the applicable permit shall be accompanied by the established fee. Signs by Conditional Use Permit. Where a use is permitted in a Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit, the sign for that use is required to obtain a separate Conditional Use Permit unless the sign is otherwise provided for within the CUP or is permitted within the Base Zoning District. General Standards. a. Signs located in the V-N, V-C, V-HC and R-C Zoning Districts must be consistent with Section [153.400.040]. b. Pylon/pedestal signs are prohibited in all districts, with the following exceptions: Page 7 of 11 a. Motor Vehicle Service Station uses in all districts b. Uses where a pylon/pedestal sign is considered historically accurate or appropriate based on the City’s Architectural Design Guidelines c. No sign may be erected that, by reason of position, shape, movement, color or any other characteristic, interferes with the proper functioning of a traffic sign or signal or otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard; nor shall signs be permitted which would otherwise interfere with traffic control. d. All signs, other than public utility warning signs, are prohibited within a public right-of-way. e. When permitted, backlit or illuminated signs must be diffused or indirect so as not to direct rays of light onto any public right-of-way or adjacent residential property. No backlit or illuminated signs or their support structures may be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any roadway surface or closer than ten (10) feet to a road right-of-way line, notwithstanding more restrictive portions of this Section. f. LED (light-emitting diode) luminaires, or other energy-saving luminaires, may be used in backlit signs, illuminated signs or other signs permitted by this ordinance. g. Flashing signs and animated signs (also called Dynamic Display signs) are prohibited. h. Signs giving off intermittent, rotating, or direct light, which may be confused with traffic, aviation, or emergency signaling, are prohibited. i. One (1) wall sign is allowed for each street frontage on a building for each use located within such building. The maximum total area of all wall signs affixed to a building wall is twenty percent (20%) of the total area of that wall. No individual wall sign shall exceed one hundred and fifty (150) square feet. j. A wall sign must not project more than eighteen (18) inches from the wall to which the sign is affixed. Wall mounted signs must not exceed the roof line on any building. k. The City Council may approve the placement of murals on building walls that exceed the standards for wall signs. Signs must not be painted on a fence, tree, or other object in any district. Roof signs are prohibited in all Zoning Districts. All signs and displays using electric power must have a cutoff switch on the outside of the sign and on the outside of the building or structure to which the sign is attached. Multi-faced signs must not exceed two (2) times the allowed square footage of single faced signs. Page 8 of 11 Except for more restrictive parts of this Section, no sign that exceeds one hundred (100) square feet in area shall be erected or maintained: 1. Which would prevent any traveler on any road from obtaining a clear view of approaching vehicles on the same road for a distance of five hundred (500) feet. 2. Which would be closer than one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) feet to a national, state or local park, or historic site. 3. Which would obstruct more than fifty (50) percent of the view of a lake, river, rocks, wooded, area, stream or other point of natural and scenic beauty. 4. Any sign that requires a permit, but no permit has been issued, must be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building, or land upon which the sign may be found within thirty (30) days after written notice from the Zoning Administrator. Any sign which is abandoned or becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a building or premises or endangers the public safety, must be taken down and removed or structurally improved by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building, structure or land upon which the sign is located within ten (10) days after written notification from the Zoning Administrator. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within six (6) months after the date of issuance, the permit shall become null and void. Agriculture and Rural Residential Signs. Signs in A-P, AG-C, RR-G, and RR-N Zoning Districts ), Agriculture Preserves (AP), General Rural (GR) and Village Neighborhood (VN) Districts must meet the following standards. a. The maximum area permitted for a single sign is 10 square feet per surface. Up to three signs that meet this requirement are allowed per parcel. b. No sign may be constructed to have more than two (2) surfaces. c. The top of the display may not exceed ten (10) feet above grade. d. Any sign over two (2) square feet must be setback at least ten (10) feet from any property line. In no case shall any part of the sign be closer than two (2) feet to a vertical line drawn at the property line. e. The following types of signs are not permitted in the AP, AG-C, RR-G, and RR-N Zoning Districts: Page 9 of 11 Animated signs Awning signs Canopy signs Flashing signs Portable signs Pylon signs Pennants Business and Village Signs. Signs in the V-C, V-HC, R-C and I-P Zoning District must meet the following standards. a. The total square footage of permanent sign area for each lot may not exceed one (1) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of building front. The maximum total combined area of a sign is two hundred (200) square feet. b. Each business or organization may display one temporary or portable sign (including sandwich-board signs) in addition to the area of permanent signs permitted. The temporary sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet in size, and shall be permitted for a period of no more than thirty-four (34) consecutive days. No permit is required for one temporary or portable sign. c. The top of a monument sign may not exceed eight (8) feet above the average grade. Any sign over six (6) square feet must be setback at least ten (10) feet from any property line. In no case may any part of a sign be closer than two (2) feet to a vertical line drawn at the property line Shopping Center Signs. Shopping Center Signs. a. Shopping Centers or buildings containing more than one (1) tenant are allowed one (1) monument sign which may contain the names of all tenants in the project. Individual tenants may be identified by individual signs attached to the building. The total square footage of sign area may not exceed the limits set forth in this Section as determined by the Base Zoning District in which the property is located. b. Signs must not project from a building or structure to any point within two (2) feet of a line drawn perpendicularly upward from a curb line. A projecting sign must be a minimum of nine (9) feet above the sidewalk or the ground level. All projecting signs that require a permit must be constructed entirely of fire-resistant material. Section 4 Amendment. The City of Scandia Unified Development Code (“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter 153.600.020 Definitions of Dimension, Measurement, Structure And Subdivision, shall be amended by adding the underlined text and deleting the stricken text as follows: Page 10 of 11 153.600 MASTER GLOSSARY 153.600.020 Definitions of Use, Standards and Term 75. Yard, Front: The yard across the full width of the lot extending from the front line of the principal building to the front lot line, except for buildings on Recreational or Natural Environment lakes where the front yard faces the water. 76. Yard, Rear: The yard across the full width of the lot extending from the rear line of the principal building to the rear lot line, except for buildings on Recreational or Natural Environment lakes where the rear yard faces a public street or a private road. Section 5 Amendment. The City of Scandia Unified Development Code (“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter 153.600.30 Definitions of Use, Standards and Term, shall be amended by adding the underlined text and deleting the stricken text as follows: 153.600 MASTER GLOSSARY 153.600.030 Definitions of Use, Standards and Term Animals, Domestic Farm: Cattle, hogs, bees, sheep, goats, llamas, chickens, turkeys, bison, horses (including miniatures) and other animals generally kept for commercial food or fiber production purposes and commonly accepted as farm animals in the State of Minnesota not to exceed 11 animal units. Colony: An aggregate of bees consisting principally of workers, but having, when perfect, one queen and at times drones, brood, combs, and honey. Livestock: Cattle, hogs, bees, sheep, goats, llamas, chickens, turkeys, bison, horses (including miniatures) and other animals generally kept for commercial food or fiber production purposes and commonly accepted as farm animals in the State of Minnesota. No livestock, with the exception of fowl, may be kept on any site of less than 5 acres. Section 6 Planning Commission. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed ordinance at their September meeting and held a public hearing on the UDC amendment at a public hearing at their September 5th, 2023, meeting. No residents spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the ordinance. Page 11 of 11 Section 7 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 19th day of September, 2023. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 09-19-23-05 APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR AN ORDINANCE 2023-12 FOR AN AMENDENT TO THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE WHEREAS, the City of Scandia adopted the Unified Development Code (UDC) on September 20, 2022, to replace the previous zoning and subdivision codes’ and WHEREAS, the City of Scandia, has proposed to amend the Unified Development Code, Table 153.300.020-2 Table of Uses ; and WHEREAS, the City of Scandia, has proposed to amend the Unified Development Code, Section 153.300.030 Use Specific Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City of Scandia, has proposed to amend the Unified Development Code, Section 153.400.100 Signs; and WHEREAS, the City of Scandia, has proposed to amend the Unified Development Code, Section 153.600.30 Definitions of Use, Standards, and Term; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on September 5th, 2023, and recommended that the City Council approve the ordinance amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted an Ordinance 2023-12 amending the Unified Development Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does support the request for an amendment to the Unified Development Code. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 19th day of September 2023. Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 1 CITY OF SCANDIA WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 09-19-23-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, PROVIDING FOR THE SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 2023-12, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CHAPTER 153.300.020-2 TABLE OF USES, 153.300.030 USE SPECIFIC REGULATIONS, SECTION 153.400.100 SIGNS, SECTION CHAPTER 153.600.020 DEFINITIONS OF DIMESION, MEASUREMENT, STRUCTURE AND SUBDIVISION, SECTION 153.600.030 DEFINITIONS OF USE, STANDARDS AND TERMS WHEREAS, On September 19th, 2023, at a Meeting of the Scandia City Council, by majority vote, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2023-12 which amends the Scandia Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, State law requires that all ordinances adopted be published prior to becoming effective; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Scandia has determined that publication of the title and a summary of Ordinance No. 2023-12 would clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Scandia has reviewed the summary of Ordinance No. 2023-12 attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Scandia has determined that the text of the summary clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of Ordinance No. 2023-12. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council for the City of Scandia hereby: 1. Approves the text of the summary of Ordinance No. 2023-12 attached as Exhibit A. 2. Directs the City Clerk to post a copy of the entire text of Ordinance No. 2023-12 in all public locations designated by the City Council. 3. Directs the City Clerk to publish the summary in the City’s legal newspaper within ten days. 4. Directs the City Clerk to file the executed Ordinance upon the books and records of the City along with proof of publication. Dated this 19th day of September 2023 ____________________ Christine Maefsky, Mayor ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 2 Exhibit A Ordinance Summary SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 2023-12, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CHAPTER 153.300.020 TABLE OF USES, 153.300.030 USE SPECIFIC REGULATIONS, SECTION 153.400.100 SIGNS, SECTION CHAPTER 153.600.020 DEFINITIONS OF DIMESION, MEASUREMENT, STRUCTURE AND SUBDIVISION, SECTION 153.600.030 DEFINITIONS OF USE, STANDARDS AND TERMS On September 19th, 2023, at a Meeting of the Scandia City Council, by majority vote, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2023-12 which amends the Scandia Unified Development Code definitions and use standards for livestock, domestic farm animals, keeping of animals, and domestic fowl by: • Amending vacation and short term rentals to be a permitted use in all district other than I-P • Removing domestic fowl standards from livestock standards • Adding domestic fowl standards to the keeping of animal standards • Referencing accessory structure setback section for livestock and keeping of animals • Removing unnecessary use specific standards for vacation and short term rentals • Prohibiting pylon/pedestal signs where not historically accurate • Amending the definition of rear yard to include an exception for riparian lots. • Adding a maximum number of animal units for the definition of domestic farm animals • Adding a minimum acreage in the definition of livestock already detailed in the use standards A printed copy of the Ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at City Hall or by standard or electronic mail.