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08.b2 Rigwald CUP - CC Packet
1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: October 17, 2023 To: Mayor Maefsky and Members of the City Council From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Harry Davis, Consultant Planner Re: Conditional Use Permit for Local SES for 14025 185th St N Applicant: Brian Rigwald Zoning: AG-C Owner: Brian Rigwald Future Land Use: Agricultural Core Location: PID: 14025 185th St N, Marine on Saint Croix, MN 55047 Review Deadline October 27th, 2023 The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a ground-mounted, Local SES to cover approximately 1,540 sq. ft. of land where 800 sq. ft. is permitted by-right. The staff report to the Planning Commission from the October 3, 2023, meeting is attached and includes the background of the project as well as an analysis based on the standards in the Unified Development Code. ANALYSIS Review Comments The submittal was sent to city staff and other regulatory agencies for review and comment, and comments have been incorporated into the resolution. These comments are detailed in the Planning Commission report that is attached. 2 | P a g e Planning Commission The Planning Commission reviewed the application at their October 3, 2023, meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing where two comments were received, one in support and one against. The neighbor to the west of the site expressed concern over the lack of screening along the shared property line. The other comment was from a representative from Wolf River Electric, who provided clarification on the application. The Planning Commission then closed the public hearing. The Planning Commission discussed screening requirements, the location of the solar panels, and differences between Local SES and Distribution SES. The Planning Commission moved to recommend approval of the variance, with an amendment to add a condition that required full screening from the right-of-way. The motion was approved with a vote of 5-0. Staff Analysis Staff finds that the proposed plan is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Staff believes that the proposal for the Local SES is generally in compliance with the requirements outlined within the UDC. The use is consistent with the future land use shown in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the proposed use meets the definition of the AG-C zoning district. Staff has reviewed the plan for consistency with the standards outlined for Conditional Use Permits and believes the request meets or exceeds UDC criteria. COUNCIL ACTION The City Council can do one of the following: 1. Approve the variance request, with or without conditions, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 2. Deny the variance request, with findings, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 3. Table the request for further review/study. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed CUP, subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed structure shall not have a footprint exceeding 1,540 square feet in size, as shown on the plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for erosion control and re-establishing turf upon construction completion. 3 | P a g e 3. If trucking operations to bring in equipment or materials damage any roadway, the applicant shall be responsible to repair the roadway to same or better conditions. 4. The proposed array and accessory equipment shall been in substantial compliance to the proposed setbacks, as shown on the site plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 5. The ground-mounted Local SES must be screened from the view from the public right-of- way. 6. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit the conditions established in this approval are not maintained for the entire term of the use. 7. The applicant shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal permits and requirements for the new development on the parcel. 8. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit for the site if all permits and required work to comply with approvals from other local, state, and federal permits is not completed. 9. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 10. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commissions recommends the following: Motion to approve Resolution 10-17-23-01 to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a ground-mounted, Local SES to cover approximately 1,540 square feet, with conditions as described by staff within the staff report. Attachments 1. Resolution 10-17-23-02 Conditional Use Permit 2. Planning Commission “Conditional Use Permit for Local SES for 14025 185th St N” Packet, October 3, 2023. CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 10-17-23-02 APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LOCATED AT 14025 185TH STREET NORTH TO ALLOW A LOCAL SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM LARGER THAN PERMITTED WHEREAS, Brian Rigwald (the “applicant” and “owner”) made an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Local SES to be larger in square footage of footprint than permitted by-right, located at 14025 185th Street North and the property legally described as follows: PT NE1/4-SE1/4 LYING W OF E 829FT THEREOF & THAT PT OF E 605FT OF NW1/4-SE1/4 SD SEC 34 LYING S OF N 752.50FT THEREOF SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 032 RANGE 020 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request for the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) at a duly noticed Public Hearing on October 3, 2023, and recommended that the City Council approve the CUP, with conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it approves of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Local SES to be larger in square footage of footprint than permitted by-right, located at 14025 185th Street North, based on the following findings: 1. Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan include promoting the use of renewable energy systems on housing and in areas where such systems can be safely operated and produce a minimum level of visual impact. The Local SES is a permitted accessory use within the AG-C district and helps obtain the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The size of the proposed accessory use is permitted within this zoning district through a conditional use permit. The proposed Local SES adds to the use of the property as a single- family home, will promote and enhance the general public welfare, and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, or comfort. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the Planning Commission finds issues with the proposed SES. 3. The accessory Local SES use and size will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The proposed system meets setbacks from adjacent properties and is setback approximately twice the required distance from 185th Street N. 4. The proposed Local SES size and impact will not impede development or improvement of surrounding properties. 5. The proposed Local SES use will use existing public facilities and services and is not anticipated to substantially increase their use, cause undue wear, or cause any detriment atypical of a rural residential property. 6. The proposed use is consistent with the applicable regulations of the AG-C District and is consistent with the requirements of the UDC. Any future changes of the Local SES will be required to conform with the applicable regulations of the district and the Conditional Use Permit must be amended to allow for the change. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the Planning Commission finds issues with the proposed use in relation to buffering and glare. 7. This Conditional Use Permit meets the general and specific performance standards of the UDC. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. The proposed structure shall not have a footprint exceeding 1,540 square feet in size, as shown on the plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for erosion control and re-establishing turf upon construction completion. 3. If trucking operations to bring in equipment or materials damage any roadway, the applicant shall be responsible to repair the roadway to same or better conditions. 4. The proposed array and accessory equipment shall been in substantial compliance to the proposed setbacks, as shown on the site plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 5. The ground-mounted Local SES must be screened from the view from the public right-of- way. 6. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit the conditions established in this approval are not maintained for the entire term of the use. 7. The applicant shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal permits and requirements for the new development on the parcel. 8. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit for the site if all permits and required work to comply with approvals from other local, state, and federal permits is not completed. 9. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 10. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 17 day of October 2023. Christine Maefsky, Mayor Brian Rigwald, Applicant/Owner Constance Pastorius, Applicant/Owner ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: October 3, 2023 To: Chair Loeffler and Members of the Planning Commission From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Harry Davis, Consultant Planner Re: Conditional Use Permit for Local SES for 14025 185th St N Applicant: Brian Rigwald Zoning: AG-C Owner: Brian Rigwald Future Land Use: Agricultural Core Location: PID: 14025 185th St N, Marine on Saint Croix, MN 55047 Review Deadline October 27th, 2023 The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a ground-mounted, Local SES to cover approximately 1,540 sq. ft. of land where 800 sq. ft. is permitted by-right. BACKGROUND The property is approximately 22 acres along 185th Street N near Olinda Trail N and has an existing single-family home. The Unified Development Code (UDC) Section 153.300.030 (AA) details requirements for Local SES that are accessory to a primary use and provide power predominantly to said use. Subsection IV. A permits a ground-mounted Local SES to cover 800 sq. ft. by-right and requires a CUP for more than 800 sq. ft. Subsection IV.E requires additional screening from public rights- of-way for ground-mounted Local SES that require a CUP. Screening may be accomplished by using setbacks, berming, existing vegetation, landscaping, or a combination thereof. 2 | P a g e Approximate Site Area 3 | P a g e EVALUATION OF REQUEST Conditional Use Permit Chapter 153.500.060 Subd. 1(C)(I) of the UDC lists the general standards to meet to grant a CUP or IUP. Below these standards are repeated in italics, with the staff’s findings following: 1. The proposed use will be in compliance with and shall not have a negative effect upon the Comprehensive Plan, including public facilities and capital improvement plans. Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan include promoting the use of renewable energy systems on housing and in areas where such systems can be safely operated and produce a minimum level of visual impact. The Local SES is a permitted accessory use within the AG-C district and helps obtain the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use will promote and enhance the general public welfare and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or comfort. The size of the proposed accessory use is permitted within this zoning district through a conditional use permit. The proposed Local SES adds to the use of the property as a single-family home, will promote and enhance the general public welfare, and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, or comfort. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the Planning Commission finds issues with the proposed SES. 3. The proposed use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The accessory Local SES use and size will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The proposed system meets setbacks from adjacent properties and is setback approximately twice the required distance from 185th Street N. 4. The establishment of the proposed use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. The proposed Local SES size and impact will not impede development or improvement of surrounding properties. 5. Adequate public facilities and services are available or can be reasonably provided to accommodate the use which is proposed. The proposed Local SES use will use existing public facilities and services and is not 4 | P a g e anticipated to substantially increase their use, cause undue wear, or cause any detriment atypical of a rural residential property. 6. The proposed use shall conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located and all other applicable standards of this Chapter. The proposed use is consistent with the applicable regulations of the AG-C District and is consistent with the requirements of the UDC. Any future changes of the Local SES will be required to conform with the applicable regulations of the district and the Conditional Use Permit must be amended to allow for the change. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the Planning Commission finds issues with the proposed use in relation to buffering and glare. 7. The proposed use complies with the general and specific performance standards as specified by this Section and this Chapter. The Conditional Use Permit meets the general and specific performance standards of the UDC. ANALYSIS Review Comments The submittal was sent to city staff and other regulatory agencies for review and comment. Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District The CMSCWD noted this project does not trigger CMSCWD Rules considering the limited amount of impervious, limited amount of disturbance, and siting of solar arrays outside of wetlands. Engineering Department Engineering states the applicant would be responsible for erosion control and re-establishing turf upon construction completion. If trucking operations bring in equipment or materials damage any roadway they would be responsible to repair the roadway to same or better conditions. Washington Conservation District At the time of writing this staff report, the Washington Conservation district had not provided any comments. Washington County At the time of writing this staff report, Washington County had not provided any comments. 5 | P a g e Fire Department The Fire Chief had no comment. Public Works Department The Public Works Director had no comment. Staff Analysis Staff finds that the proposed plan is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and UDC. Staff believes that the proposal for the Local SES is generally in compliance with the requirements outlined within the UDC. The use is consistent with the future land use shown in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the proposed use meets the definition of the AG-C zoning district. Staff has reviewed the plan for consistency with the standards outlined for Conditional Use Permits and believes the request meets or exceeds UDC criteria. COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission can do one of the following: 1. Recommend approval, with or without conditions, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 2. Recommend denial, with findings, of the attached ordinance and resolutions. 3. Table the request for further review/study. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the request for Conditional Use Permit for a larger ground-mounted, Local SES. Approval includes a resolution. The following findings and conditions of approval are recommended: 1. The proposed structure shall not have a footprint exceeding 1,540 square feet in size, as shown on the plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for erosion control and re-establishing turf upon construction completion. 3. If trucking operations to bring in equipment or materials damage any roadway, the applicant shall be responsible to repair the roadway to same or better conditions. 4. The proposed array and accessory equipment shall been in substantial compliance to the proposed setbacks, as shown on the site plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 6 | P a g e 5. The applicant shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal permits and requirements for the new development on the parcel. 6. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit for the site if all permits and required work to comply with approvals from other local, state, and federal permits is not completed. 7. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 8. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission: Motion to recommend approval of the attached resolution to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a ground-mounted, Local SES to cover approximately 1,540 square feet, with conditions as described by staff within the staff report. Attachments 1. Draft Resolution 10-17-23-XX Conditional Use Permit 2. Location Map 3. Zoning Map 4. 2040 Future Land Use Map 5. Application 6. Submitted Plans CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 10-17-23-XX APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LOCATED AT 14025 185TH STREET NORTH WHEREAS, Brian Rigwald (the “applicant” and “owner”) made an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Local SES to be larger in square footage of footprint than permitted by-right, located at 14025 185th Street North and the property legally described as follows: PT NE1/4-SE1/4 LYING W OF E 829FT THEREOF & THAT PT OF E 605FT OF NW1/4-SE1/4 SD SEC 34 LYING S OF N 752.50FT THEREOF SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 032 RANGE 020 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request for the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) at a duly noticed Public Hearing on October 3, 2023, and recommended that the City Council approve the CUP, with conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it approves of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Local SES to be larger in square footage of footprint than permitted by-right, located at 14025 185th Street North, based on the following findings: 1. Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan include promoting the use of renewable energy systems on housing and in areas where such systems can be safely operated and produce a minimum level of visual impact. The Local SES is a permitted accessory use within the AG-C district and helps obtain the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The size of the proposed accessory use is permitted within this zoning district through a conditional use permit. The proposed Local SES adds to the use of the property as a single- family home, will promote and enhance the general public welfare, and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, or comfort. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the Planning Commission finds issues with the proposed SES. 3. The accessory Local SES use and size will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The proposed system meets setbacks from adjacent properties and is setback approximately twice the required distance from 185th Street N. 4. The proposed Local SES size and impact will not impede development or improvement of surrounding properties. 5. The proposed Local SES use will use existing public facilities and services and is not anticipated to substantially increase their use, cause undue wear, or cause any detriment atypical of a rural residential property. 6. The proposed use is consistent with the applicable regulations of the AG-C District and is consistent with the requirements of the UDC. Any future changes of the Local SES will be required to conform with the applicable regulations of the district and the Conditional Use Permit must be amended to allow for the change. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the Planning Commission finds issues with the proposed use in relation to buffering and glare. 7. This Conditional Use Permit meets the general and specific performance standards of the UDC. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. The proposed structure shall not have a footprint exceeding 1,540 square feet in size, as shown on the plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for erosion control and re-establishing turf upon construction completion. 3. If trucking operations to bring in equipment or materials damage any roadway, the applicant shall be responsible to repair the roadway to same or better conditions. 4. The proposed array and accessory equipment shall been in substantial compliance to the proposed setbacks, as shown on the site plan submitted to the City and reviewed with this request. 5. The applicant shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal permits and requirements for the new development on the parcel. 6. The City may revoke the Conditional Use Permit for the site if all permits and required work to comply with approvals from other local, state, and federal permits is not completed. 7. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits prior to work on the site. 8. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. Whereupon, said Resolution is hereby declared adopted on this 17 day of October 2023. Christine Maefsky, Mayor Brian Rigwald, Applicant/Owner Constance Pastorius, Applicant/Owner ATTEST: Kyle Morell, City Administrator 71 4.3 Location Map 5000 Feet Disclaimer: This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 9/26/2023 11:17 AM 71 4.3 © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 0 Legend Zoning Map This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: 9/26/2023 11:20 AM 500 Feet City Limits Parcels (7/1/2023) Lot Lines Parks Shoreland Overlay PUD Overlay Lakes Mining Overlay Saint Croix River District Zoning Agricultural Core Agricultural Preserves Rural Residential General Village Neighborhood Rural Commercial Rural Residential Neighborhood Village Historic Core Village Center Industrial Park Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 m i n n e s o t a RL Ate' m 1IqmIp E: y n _ 95 4 kz/1 Mfg i i / Z"] / iii - 1 _ Subject Property COVER PAGE CP 0.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Connexus Energy EXISTING SUNMODO GROUND MOUNT SITE MAP & PV LAYOUT ELECTRICAL 1-LINE DIAGRAM ATTACHMENT LAYOUT SYSTEM LABELING DETAIL INVERTER DATA SHEET SHEET INDEX PROPERTY PLAN RSD DATA SHEET MODULE DATA SHEET ATTACHMENT DATA SHEET PV 1.0 SYSTEM RATING EQUIPMENT SUMMARY ELECTRICAL INFORMATION MAIN SERVICE PANEL BUS SIZE: MAIN SERVICE BREAKER SIZE: MOUNTING SYSTEM: BUILDING INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B OCCUPANCY: R3 VICINITY MAP (SCALE: NTS)SATELLITE VIEW (SCALE: NTS) GENERAL NOTES 1.All electrical materials shall be new and listed by recognized electrical testing laboratory Custom made equipment shall have complete test data submitted by the manufacturer attesting to its safety 2.Outdoor equipment shall be NEMA 3R rated or equivalent 3.All metallic equipment shall be grounded 4.Contractor shall obtain electrical permits prior to installation and shall coordinate all inspections, testing commissioning and acceptance with the client, utility co. and city inspectors as needed. 5.The electrical contractor shall verify the exact locations of service points and service sizes with the serving utility company and comply with all utility companies requirements. 6.Drawings are diagrammatic only, routing of raceways shall be option of the contractor unless otherwise noted and shall be coordinated with other trades. 7.If the roof material or the roof structure not adequate for PV installation, call the engineer of record prior to installation. The contractor is responsible to verify that the roof is capable of withstanding the extra weight. 8.If the distances for cable runs are different than shown, the contractor shall notify the electrical engineer to validate the wire size. Final drawings will be red-lined and updated as appropriate. 9.Whenever a discrepancy in quality of equipment arises on the drawing or specifications, the contractor shall be responsible for providing and installing all materials and services required by the strictest conditions noted on the drawings or in the specifications to ensure complete compliance and longevity of the operable system required by the engineer of record. PHOTOVOLTAIC NOTES: 1.Ground mounted photovoltaic panels and modules shall be tested, listed and identified by recognized testing laboratory 2.Solar system shall not cover any plumbing or mechanical vents 3.Modules and support structures shall be grounded unless racking has integrated ground. 4.Removal of an interactive inverter or other equipment shall not disconnect the bonding connection between the grounding electrode conductor and the photovoltaic source and/or output circuit grounded conductors. 5.All PV modules and associated equipment and wiring shall be protected from physical damage. 6.Live parts of PV source circuits and PV output circuits over 150v to ground shall not be accessible to other than qualified persons while energized. 7.Inverter is equipped with integrated DC disconnect, thus providing ground fault protection 8.All conductors shall be copper and 75 deg rated 9.A single conductor shall be permitted to be used to perform the multiple functions of dc grounding, AC grounding and bonding between AC and DC systems. 10.Non-current carrying metal parts of equipment shall be effectively bonded together. Bond both ends of raceways. 200A 200A WAAREE 400 WATT MODULES INTEGRATED IQ7HS MICROINVERTERS THE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR ARRAYS AND PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES: ·2023 National Electrical Code ·2018 International Building Code ·2018 International Residential Code ·2020 Minnesota Residential Code ·2020 Minnesota Building Code ·2020 Minnesota Energy Code ·2020 Minnesota Accessibility Code ·2020 Minnesota State Fire Code ·2018 International Fire Code ·2018 International Energy Conservation Code ·2018 Mechanical Code AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ALL OTHER ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCIES GOVERNING CODES SURGE PROTECTION PLACARD DC 28.00 KW STC AC 26.88 KW STC 70 PV 2.0 PV 3.1 PV 3.2 PV 4.0 PV 5.1 D 6.0 D 7.0 D 8.0 D 9.0 D 10.0 D 11.0 D 12.0 D 13.0 COVER PAGE CP 0.0 70 INVERTER CERTIFICATION UTILITY Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: MONITORING DATA SHEET RACKING DATA SHEET These drawings are protected by copyright under US law. Any form of reproduction is strictly prohibited without prior written approval from Engineerinc. PV INSPECTION CHECKLIST D 14.0 CONNECTOR DATA SHEET D 15.0 Date Certified and Exp. Date : 06/30/2024 Signed: 08/22/2023 Engineerinc.io, 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Burbank, CA 91502 (310) 928-0938 INDEX NOTE: Conduit in attic shall be minimum 18 inches from roof sheating Note: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to be provided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENT NOTE: No clearance issue Distance between all equipments is maximum 10" SECONDARY INTERCONNECTION SOLAR MODULES ___ WAAREE 400 Watt Model #SUNPOWER U-SERIES INVERTER INVERTER TYPE: Micro: ___ Enphase IQ7HS Microinverters Model # IQ7HS-66M-US(240V) Connexus Energy SITE MAP & PV LAYOUT PV 1.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: 70 70 Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: ....................... ........................ ................ ............. MSP (E) Main Service Panel UAC.................(N) 200A Utility AC (N) Microinverter PVS (N) PV Sub Panel................... (E) Main MeterMM........................ ............. JB (N) Junction Box (N) Solar Module EMT Type Conduit PVC type Conduit PVS6....(N) PV Monitoring System 200A BD ............(N) Breaker Disconnect EQUIPMENT ELEVATION NOTE: Keep 3ft clearance from gas meter and AC unit From Ground Mount Solar PV Array Main Service Panel PV Sub Panel Utility AC Disconnect Main Meter Breaker Disconnect 4-4-4-4 AL Underground Feeder In s i d e Ou t s i d e From Ground Mount Solar PV Array PV Sub Panel Breaker Disconnect PVS6 PVC BOX PB.............................(N) PVC Box 4/0-4/0-4/0-2/0 URD Underground Feeder MM JB PVS BD JB PVS BD aaaaaaaaaa b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g d e f g Ground Mount Solar PV Array 1 30 - Waaree 400W Modules 30 - Integrated IQ7HS Microinverters Pitch: 35 Deg Orientation: 180 Deg Ground Mount Solar PV Array 2 40 - Waaree 400W Modules 40 - Integrated IQ7HS Microinverters Pitch: 35 Deg Orientation: 180 Deg 4-4-4-4 AL Underground Feeder UAC MSP 185th St N PB PVS6 4/0-4/0-4/0-2/0 URD Underground Feeder SCALE:1/32" = 1'-0" 180° 90° 270° 0° S W N E ELECTRICAL 1-LINE DIAGRAM PV 2.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Note: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to be provided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENT Design meet National Electric Code(NEC codes) SUNPOWER U-SERIES 400 WATT MODULES70 INTEGRATED ENPHASE IQ7HS MICROINVERTERS SYSTEM RATING AND DER POWER OUTPUT INVERTER:ENPHASE IQ7HS INVERTER MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS OUTPUT:384VA SYSTEM POWER OUTPUT: ENPHASE MICROINVERTERS 1 PHASE 384VA MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 1.6A AC PORT BACKFEED CURRENT 0A DC SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15A DC 28.00 KW STC AC 26.88 KW STC DC 28.00 KW STC AC 26.88 KW STC Connexus Energy x 384 =11.52 SECONDARY INTERCONNECTION REFERENCE POINT OF APPLICABILITY 200A PV SUB PANEL 120/240V, NEMA 3R INSTALL (4)20A PV 2-POLE C/B 112A NOTE: Keep 3ft clearance from gas meter and AC unit 70 70 Wire Size 90C wire rating 12 AWGTHWN-2, THHN XHHW-2, USE-2 10 AWGTHWN-2, THHN XHHW-2, USE-3 8 AWGTHWN-2, THHN XHHW-2, USE-4 30 40 55 Temperature rating of Conductors-Ambient Temp. (114-122F) NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) Number of Current carrying Conductors NEC 310.15(B)(16) 4-6 7-9 10-20 20A Branch Circuit Rating 30A Branch Circuit Rating 30 x 0.82=24.6 40 x 0.82=32.8 55 x 0.82=45.1 24.6x0.80= 19.68 32.8x0.80= 26.24 45.1x0.80= 36.08 24.6x0.70= 17.22 32.8x0.70= 22.96 45.1x0.70= 31.57 24.6x0.50= 12.3 32.8x0.50= 16.4 45.1x0.50= 22.55 YES- 6 or less current carrying conductors in the same conduit YES- 9 or less current carrying conductors in the same conduit YES- 20 or less current carrying conductors in the same conduit YES- 9 or less current carrying conductors in the same conduit YES- 3 or less current carrying conductors in the same conduit NO Surge Protection MNSPD-300-AC Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: (8) #10 AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1)#10 AWG GND 3/4" EMT, 2 FEET (3) #4/0 AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #6 AWG GND 1" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET ENPHASE Q CABLE (2) #12 AWG PV WIRE (1) #6 AWG EGC FREE IN THE AIR 1 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - G (1) J BOX NEMA3R 16A 1-PHASE MICRO-INVERTER UL1741 2 10 1 16A 2 10 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - F EXISTING ______ MAIN SERVICE PANEL 120/240V, 1P, 3W 200A 200A BREAKER DISCONNECT (NEW)GEC Add 2nd Ground rod and tie it to the existing ground rod. EXISTING NON CENTER _____ MAIN C/B 112A 200A200A FUSED UTILITY AC DISCONNECT, WITH 150A FUSES, VISIBLE-OPEN LOCKABLE, READILY ACCESSIBLE, NEMA3R, 120 / 240V (3) #4/0 AL AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #4/0AL AWG GND 2" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET 4/0-4/0-4/0-2/0 URD Underground Feeder (3) #4/0 AL AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #4 AWG GND 2" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET (3) #4/0 AWG THWN/THWN-2 2" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET (1) #6 AWG GND UTILITY METER 120/240V, 1P, 3W GEC (E) GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM 15A PVS6 MONITORING SYSTEM Production CTs 1 16A 2 10 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - E 112A 1 16A 2 10 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - D 1 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - C (1) J BOX NEMA3R 16A 1-PHASE MICRO-INVERTER UL1741 2 10 1 16A 2 10 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - B 1 16A 2 10 BR A N C H CI R C U I T - A 125A PV SUB PANEL 120/240V, NEMA 3R INSTALL (3)20A PV 2-POLE C/B 60A BREAKER DISCONNECT 60A INSTALL (1)60A PV 2-POLE C/B (3) #4 AL AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #4 AWG GND 3/4" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET 4-4-4-4 AL Underground Feeder (3) #4 AL AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #4 AWG GND 3/4" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET (3) #6 AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #6 AWG GND 3/4" SCH 80 PVC, 2 FEET (6) #10 AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1)#10 AWG GND 3/4" EMT, 2 FEET ENPHASE Q CABLE (2) #12 AWG PV WIRE (1) #6 AWG EGC FREE IN THE AIR 48A 48A 150A NSI TS250-2 Lugs 6X6 PVC BOX SYSTEM LABELING DETAIL PV 3.1 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: PV ARRAY J BOX PV SUB-PANEL AC DISCONNECT MAIN SERVICE PANEL METER 2 3 3 3 2 17 16 21 8 13 5 Note: LABELS SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690 “Labels shall be weatherproof, durable and permanently mounted” Photovoltaic Power Source LABEL 2 CAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUIT LABEL 3 WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNDERGROUND AND MAY BE ENERGIZED LABEL 4 WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD IF GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNDERGROUND AND ENERGIZED LABEL 5 WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION LABEL 6 WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT LABEL 7 WARNING LABEL 8 TURN OF PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT PRIOR TO WORKING INSIDE PANEL DO NOT DISCONNECT UNDER LOAD LABEL 9 MAIN PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT LABEL 10 MAIN PV SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT LABEL 11 LABEL 12 CAUTION LABEL 13 SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED WARNING- LABEL 14 DUAL POWER SOURCE SECOND SOURCE IS PV SYSTEM CAUTION LABEL 15 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CIRCUIT IS BACKFED LABEL 16 PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT MAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENT MAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENT PHOTOVOLTAIC LABEL 17 UTILITY AC DISCONNECT PHOTOVOLTAIC LABEL 18 DC DISCONNECT NOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE NOMINAL OPERATING AC FREQUANCY MAXIMUM AC POWER MAXIMUM AC CURRENT MAX OCERCURRENT DEVICE RATING FOR AC MODULE PROTECTION LABEL 19 LABEL 20 PV SYSTEM DC DISCONNECT OPERATING CURRENT OPERATING VOLTAGE MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RATED MAX POWER-FONT CURRENT RATED MAX POWER-FONT VOLTAGE MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT MAX RATED OUTPUT CURRENT OF THE CHARGE CONTROLLER IF INSTALLED LABEL 21 ***ALL LABELS = RED THERMOPLASTIC/REFLECTIVE , Permanently mounted 240V SOLAR DISCONNECT 21 SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE "OFF" POSITION TO SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN THE ARRAY SOLAR ELECTRIC PV PANELS 112A Production Meter LABEL 1 Performance Meter 3 1 PLACARD PV 3.2 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: SERVICE 1 OF 2 CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: SERVICE 2 OF 2 N W E S N W E S14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT FOR UTILITY OPERATION UTILITY METER MAIN SERVICE PANEL BREAKER DISCONNECT PV SUB PANEL BREAKER DISCONNECT PV SUB PANEL SOLAR PV ARRAY SOLAR PV ARRAY 6X6 PVC BOX PV MONITORING DEVICE PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT FOR UTILITY OPERATION UTILITY METER MAIN SERVICE PANEL BREAKER DISCONNECT PV SUB PANEL BREAKER DISCONNECT PV SUB PANEL SOLAR PV ARRAY SOLAR PV ARRAY 6X6 PVC BOX PV MONITORING DEVICE PROPERTY PLAN PV 4.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: ..................... MSP Main Service Panel INDEX AC ..................................Utility AC PVS PV Sub Panel ...................... Main MeterMM.............................. Solar Module ................. Note: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to be provided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENT Connexus Energy Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: PVS6 PV Monitoring System............ PD Pullout Disconnect ................. PB...................................PVC Box PROPERTY LINE POND POND POND POND POND POOL DRIVEWAY 603'-8" 547'-8" 1084'-11" 1302'-2" 479'-7" 751'-9" 64'-5" 276'-10" 977'-8" 268'-9" 50'-6" MM PVS BD PVS BD UAC MSP 350'-8" 185th St N PB PVS6 SCALE:1/64" = 1'-0" 180° 90° 270° 0° S W N E Date Certified and Exp. Date : 06/30/2024 Signed: 08/22/2023 Engineerinc.io, 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Burbank, CA 91502 (310) 928-0938 ATTACHMENT LAYOUT PV 5.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: Note: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to be provided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENT RAIL ATTACHMENT 2" HORIZONTAL PIPE POINT LOAD CALCULATION PER ARRAY 1 Module Weight (lbs) # Of Modules 48.5 Total Module Weight (lbs) Rack Weight (lbs) Total System Weight (lbs) # Of Standoffs Max Span Between Standoffs (in) Loading Per Standoff (lbs) Loading (PSF) 1940 388 2328 18 96 129.33 2.64 40 160" 26 in 78" 35° 18" Auger depth and spacing calculated by engineer Au g e r 8 t o 9 f t Formed steel "T" rail (see detail) Items are listed in the fault current path in order from the PV Panel to the Post Base 1. PV Panel 2. Grounding Mid Clamp Kit 3. Helio Rail 4. 2" Aluminium Pipe Clamp Kit with PVC insulator 5. Horizontal Steel Post 6. 2" Pipr Splice Kit (configuration dependent) 7. 2" T Pipe Cap Kit 8. Vertical Post 9. 2" Post Base Kit 10. Grounding Lug Module Area (sq.ft.)880 Crow Wing Power POINT LOAD CALCULATION PER ARRAY 2 Module Weight (lbs) # Of Modules 48.5 Total Module Weight (lbs) Rack Weight (lbs) Total System Weight (lbs) # Of Standoffs Max Span Between Standoffs (in) Loading Per Standoff (lbs) Loading (PSF) 1455 291 1746 18 96 97 2.64 30 Module Area (sq.ft.)660 8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8' 8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8' 6'-6" 3'-5" 3'-5" 6'-6" 1'-9" 1'-9" 65' 65' ARRAY 1 ARRAY 2 Date Certified and Exp. Date : 06/30/2024 Signed: 08/22/2023 Engineerinc.io, 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Burbank, CA 91502 (310) 928-0938 PV 6.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: MONITORING DATA SHEET INVERTER DATA SHEET D 7.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: RSD DATA SHEET D 8.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: MODULE DATA SHEET D 9.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: RACKING DATA SHEET D 10.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: ATTACHMENT DATA SHEET D 11.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: D 12.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: SURGE PROTECTION D 13.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: INVERTER CERTIFICATION Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: D 14.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: PV INSPECTION CHECKLIST Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: Wolf RIver Electric Marine on St Croix, MN 5504714025 185th St N D 15.0 PV SYSTEM AS INDICATED Scale:Project: Drawn by: New@engineerinc.io Project Name: Property Address: DATE CREATED: CONTRACTOR Wolf RIver Electric Address:101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Phone number: (763) 229-6662 E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com REVISION DATE: 08/14/2023 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE : REVISION DATE : Brian Rigwald 08/11/2023 REVISION DATE: REVISION DATE: CONNECTOR DATA SHEET Structural Engineering Letter Date: 8/22/2023 Project Name: Brian Rigwald Project Address: 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 Contractor: Wolf River Electric Contractor Address: 101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Attn : To Whom it May Concern Design Criteria 1.Applicable Codes: 2018 International Building Code 2. Ground Snow Load: 50 psf 3. PV Dead Load: 3 psf 4. Wind Speed: 108 mph 5.Risk Category: II 6.Exposure Category :C if you have any questions or concerns please contact us, Engineerinc.io 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Suite 200 Burbank,CA 91502 (310) 928-0938 new@engineerinc.io I certify that the capacity of the ground mounted solar system frame that directly supports the additional gravity loading due to the solar panel supports and modules had been reviewed and determined to meet exceed the requirments in accordance with the Design Criteria Date Certified and Exp. Date : 06/30/2024 Signed: 08/22/2023 Solar Module Details Module Type WAAREE 400 Watt Module Quantity 40 Module Model Number SUNPOWER U-SERIES Design Criteria Code: 2018 International Building Code Live Load 20 psf Ult Wind Speed 108 mph Exposure Cat C Ground Snow 50 psf Structural Geometry Ground Mount Total Length (Lt) 65 ft Ground Mount Total Width (Wt) 13.33 ft Horizontal Beam Spacing(w1) 6.5 ft Canteliver span Beam Length(c) 0.5 ft Column Maximum Height(h) 3.66 ft Mid Span Beam Length(s) 8 ft Ground Mount Tilt Angle(α)35 deg Section & Material Properties Steel Column Size 2" STD Steel Beam Size 2" XXS Footing Diameter (D) 2 in Footing Depth (d) 8.5 ft Design Material A53,Grade B,Carbon Steel Steel Fy 35 ksi Steel E 29000 ksi Soil Pressure 1500 psf 303 N.Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank,CA 91502 |(310) 928-0938 | new@engineerinc.io Wind Loading Basic Wind Speed 108 mph Exposure Category 1 Wind Direction Factor 0.85 Topography Factor 1 Ground Elevation Factor 1 Guest Effect Factor 0.85 Velocity Pressure 12.37 psf Maximum Downward Force 5.36 kips Maximum Upward Force 19.29 kips Lateral Load 7.51 kips Load Calculation PV Load 3 psf Live Load 20 psf Snow Load 50 psf Foundation Dead Load 30 lbs Downward Wind Load on a Column 330 lbs Upward Wind load on a Column 1187 lbs Downward Wind UDL on a Beam 41 plf Upward Wind UDL on a beam 148 plf Load Combinations(ASD) LC1 1.0D+0.75L+0.75S LC2 1.0D + 0.6W LC3 1.0 D + 0.75S+0.45W LC4 0.6D+0.6W LC5 1.0D+0.75L+0.75S 303 N.Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank,CA 91502 |(310) 928-0938 | new@engineerinc.io Column Capacity Review Env Axial Force in Column 2.96 kips Env Bending Moment on Column 0.51 k-ft Axial Load Capacity of Column 21.988 kips Bending Moment Capacity of Column 1.281 k-ft Axial Load/Axial Capacity Ratio 0.135 Bending Moment/Bending Capacity Ratio 0.396 Combined ratio 0.530 Ok Beam Capacity Review Cantilever Max Bending Moment 0.036 k-ft Simply Support Max Bending Moment 2.308 k-ft Bending Capacity of Beam 2.874 k-ft Bending Moment/Bending Capacity Ratio 0.80 Ok Total Deflection of Beam 0.12 in Allowable Total Deflection 0.8 in Ok Foundation Capacity Review Moment Acting on Foundation 0.85 k-ft Axial Force Acting on Foundation 2.99 kips Pier Diameter 2 in Required Min Pier Embedded Depth 2.61 ft Provided Min Pier Embedded Depth 8.5 ft Ok Bearing Pressure on Soil 953 psf Allowable Bearing Pressure 1500 psf Ok 303 N.Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank,CA 91502 |(310) 928-0938 | new@engineerinc.io Structural Engineering Letter Date: 8/22/2023 Project Name: Brian Rigwald Project Address: 14025 185th St N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047 Contractor: Wolf River Electric Contractor Address: 101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Attn : To Whom it May Concern Design Criteria 1.Applicable Codes: 2018 International Building Code 2. Ground Snow Load: 50 psf 3. PV Dead Load: 3 psf 4. Wind Speed: 108 mph 5.Risk Category: II 6.Exposure Category :C if you have any questions or concerns please contact us, Engineerinc.io 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Suite 200 Burbank,CA 91502 (310) 928-0938 new@engineerinc.io I certify that the capacity of the ground mounted solar system frame that directly supports the additional gravity loading due to the solar panel supports and modules had been reviewed and determined to meet exceed the requirments in accordance with the Design Criteria Date Certified and Exp. Date : 06/30/2024 Signed: 08/22/2023 Solar Module Details Module Type WAAREE 400 Watt Module Quantity 30 Module Model Number SUNPOWER U-SERIES Design Criteria Code: 2018 International Building Code Live Load 20 psf Ult Wind Speed 108 mph Exposure Cat C Ground Snow 50 psf Structural Geometry Ground Mount Total Length (Lt) 65 ft Ground Mount Total Width (Wt) 10 ft Horizontal Beam Spacing(w1) 6.5 ft Canteliver span Beam Length(c) 0.5 ft Column Maximum Height(h) 3.66 ft Mid Span Beam Length(s) 8 ft Ground Mount Tilt Angle(α)35 deg Section & Material Properties Steel Column Size 2" STD Steel Beam Size 2" XXS Footing Diameter (D) 2 in Footing Depth (d) 8.5 ft Design Material A53,Grade B,Carbon Steel Steel Fy 35 ksi Steel E 29000 ksi Soil Pressure 1500 psf 303 N.Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank,CA 91502 |(310) 928-0938 | new@engineerinc.io Wind Loading Basic Wind Speed 108 mph Exposure Category 1 Wind Direction Factor 0.85 Topography Factor 1 Ground Elevation Factor 1 Guest Effect Factor 0.85 Velocity Pressure 12.37 psf Maximum Downward Force 4.02 kips Maximum Upward Force 14.47 kips Lateral Load 5.63 kips Load Calculation PV Load 3 psf Live Load 20 psf Snow Load 50 psf Foundation Dead Load 30 lbs Downward Wind Load on a Column 247 lbs Upward Wind load on a Column 891 lbs Downward Wind UDL on a Beam 31 plf Upward Wind UDL on a beam 111 plf Load Combinations(ASD) LC1 1.0D+0.75L+0.75S LC2 1.0D + 0.6W LC3 1.0 D + 0.75S+0.45W LC4 0.6D+0.6W LC5 1.0D+0.75L+0.75S 303 N.Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank,CA 91502 |(310) 928-0938 | new@engineerinc.io Column Capacity Review Env Axial Force in Column 2.22 kips Env Bending Moment on Column 0.38 k-ft Axial Load Capacity of Column 21.988 kips Bending Moment Capacity of Column 1.281 k-ft Axial Load/Axial Capacity Ratio 0.101 Bending Moment/Bending Capacity Ratio 0.297 Combined ratio 0.398 Ok Beam Capacity Review Cantilever Max Bending Moment 0.027 k-ft Simply Support Max Bending Moment 1.731 k-ft Bending Capacity of Beam 2.874 k-ft Bending Moment/Bending Capacity Ratio 0.60 Ok Total Deflection of Beam 0.09 in Allowable Total Deflection 0.8 in Ok Foundation Capacity Review Moment Acting on Foundation 0.63 k-ft Axial Force Acting on Foundation 2.26 kips Pier Diameter 2 in Required Min Pier Embedded Depth 2.18 ft Provided Min Pier Embedded Depth 8.5 ft Ok Bearing Pressure on Soil 718 psf Allowable Bearing Pressure 1500 psf Ok 303 N.Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank,CA 91502 |(310) 928-0938 | new@engineerinc.io