08.d Tourism Committee 09.26.2023 Minutes DRAFT
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
September 26, 2023 – 5:00 p.m.
Meeting at Community Center
Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens, Sarah Porubcansky, and. Lynne Moratzka. Absent: Chrissi
Larsen and Jim Gribble. Additional Attendee: Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.)
Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., a quorum is present.
Approve the Agenda –Dickens moved, Porubcansky seconded, to approve the agenda with
Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve the Minutes – Porubcansky moved, Moratzka seconded, to approve the August 22,
2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Advertisement – 2024 Saint Croix Valley Visitor Guide – Staff provided a written report. Dickens
recommended that staff request all Tourism Committee members bring to the October meeting
suggestions for updates to the advertisement, especially the text which was devoted in the 2023 edition
to Rustic Roots Winery. And to be prepared with potential additional text if needed to fill space in
the event the Scandia section is expanded to 3 pages. Moratzka cautioned all to consider this is a
summer-based publication when preparing text to be considered.
Upcoming Events –
• Best of Scandia –
o Dickens reported 26 tables have been reserved and 6 still available for vendors. This
includes tables for the Scandia Heritage Alliance and Scandia Marine Lions Club
Considering asking the Lions to provide coffee, and Deep Roots food truck can offer
Danishes or other pastries for purchase. Feedback requested these to be considered
and Deep Roots does not have physical space in their truck to add coffee.
o Dickens presented a starting point for a Vinterlights banner. Suggested changes
included “Best of Scandia Artisans,” removing words from the banner to the skeletal
basics, and develop a related banner with more detail for posters and other
promotional purposes. Dickens will bring revisions to the volunteer, and staff will
facilitate distributing updates and collecting feedback in an effort to present all at the
October meeting to approve a final design.
o Dickens reported the reasoning behind rejecting two vendor applications. One
applicant had the bulk of their product overlap with existing vendor’s products and
the other does not have the business fully operating yet and does not anticipate having
product that falls within the intended ‘artisan’ definition. Both applicants were
satisfied with suggestions of other Scandia events that would potentially be better fits.
Discussion concluded that keeping the overlap of products down benefits both the
vendors and the shoppers. Staff will assist Dickens to post publicly for more vendors,
but full to artisans producing quilted goods or candles.
o Moratzka will communicate with Elim Church and Gammelgarden to coordinate
turning on decorative lighting at 5 p.m.
o Dickens will update a flyer of local businesses to be at every vendor table. Considering
adding information to attend the last Scandia Evening Adventure on December 21st.
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
September 26, 2023
2 | P a g e
• Scandia Evening Adventures – Dickens updated the committee that more businesses are
participating this year as compared to last year and developing plans with some businesses.
Dickens facilitated discussion on how Tourism Committee members can assist staff in the effort
to reach the community to use the Community Calendar for announcing events.
Adjournment –Motion by Dickens, seconded by Porubcansky, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant