08.e Wastewater Committee Meeting Minutes 10 11 23October 11, 2023
The meeting was conducted in person at the Scandia Community Center on the above date.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by City Administrator Kyle Morell. Committee
members Peter Nora, Dan Cartier, and Jeff Dahlberg were in attendance. Jim Gribble joined
at 6:40. Perry Rynders was absent. City Administrator Kyle Morell, Public Works Director
Charles Fischer, City Engineer Jacob Humberg, City Treasurer Colleen Firkus, and Council
Member Jerry Cusik were also present.
Cartier, seconded by Cusick, made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion passed 3 – 0.
Dahlberg, seconded by Nora, motioned to approve the minutes from the July 19, 2023
meeting. The motion passed 3 – 0.
Engineer Humberg reported they are proceeding with funding alternatives as discussed
previously. A state capital budget request was submitted in June as a funding source but not
added to the bonding bill for 2023. The primary funding sources are: 1. Project Priority List
(PPL), 2. Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) is an 80% grant up to $7 million with a
20% city match, 3. State Capital bonding budget, which is a 50/50 match, and 4. Public
Facilities Authority (PFA) for a loan that is lower in cost and longer term than city bonding
in the market. We are waiting for the PSIG to come out with its Intended Use Plan (IUP), but
the assumption is that the city will not likely get funding this year but will be added to next
year’s cycle. In the meantime, Bolton-Menk is moving forward with the design and
specifications working with two proprietary providers, approved by the MPCA through
another nitrogen removal project at the U of M. One provider is being unresponsive, so they
are moving forward with designing using the one provider. Humberg brought some flow
diagrams which were generated to respond to the MPCA questions. The project estimate is
still at $1.6 million, the amount being applied for with funding sources. More accurate cost
estimates will become available as the design progresses.
City Administrator Morell urged Committee members to contact the 17 House Capital
Improvement Committee (CIC) members and their state legislators, noting that Josiah Hill is
very supportive of the project. The city’s lobbyist thought emphasizing the impact on the
taxpayer would also be a good approach. The City will provide a draft letter. In November,
the city will have the opportunity for a 5 minutes presentation before the CIC. As the funding
request moves through the Capital Budget program, it may include testifying before the
House as the city did with the Senate.
Wastewater Advisory CommiƩee
October 11, 2023
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Morell presented the Big Marine and Uptown sewer budgets with alternatives showing
funding depreciation from 0% to 100%. In 2024, the city will track expenses separately
between the A-E and Bliss systems. Bliss is permitted through MPCA, and the A-E system is
permitted through Washington County.
Committee member Carier presented a proposal to identify the seasonal users from the full-
time users and to reduce seasonal rates by 50%. Identifying, tracking, and defining seasonal
users would be necessary to implement this proposal.
A discussion on installing meters continued from the July meeting. Focusing on the type of
meter and amount of plumbing required for the less expensive water meter installed in the
houses. Committee members recommended assessing users for the cost of meters and
installation. However, the city could assist in the expense using ARPA funds. The meters
would be city-owned and need to be removed on the seasonal cabins if water systems were
blown out in preparation or winter and reinstalled in the spring. A meter replacement charge
would need to be added to the user fees.
Gribble, seconded by Dahlberg, moved to recommend to the City Council the sewer
budgets as presented. The motion passed 4-0.
Cartier, seconded by Gribble, recommended the City Council to start the meter
installation process. The motion passed 3-0 as Nora left for a fire call.
A meeting will be called when updates become available on the above issues.
Cartier, seconded by Dahlberg, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Firkus, City Treasurer