09.e1 PW - Deposting Snow On or Across a Road
Date of Meeting: 12/19/2023
For: Mayor and City Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: Memo – Depositing Snow On or Across a Roadway
Public Works has been working with the City Administrator, Attorney, and Washington County
Sheriffs Office in regards to implementing enforcement for violation of MS Statute 160.2715,
Deposition Snow on or Across the Roadway. The process will begin with a warning letter sent by
the City indicating staff have witness the violation and that future violation will be reported to
the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Penalties for the violation are considered by State
Statute a misdemeanor offense.
Public Works was given permission to use the Office of the Sheriff letterhead in hope that it is
clearer to the resident this is a serious violation. The Sheriffs Office has also informed the
Deputy’s which serve our area that the City is taking action to enforce the violation following a
warning letter, if the action of depositing snow on or across the roadway does not cease.
The letter provides contact information for Public Works if the resident has any questions or
concerns. The goal is to gain compliance from residents following the warning letter and allow
residents to engage with Public Works to understand the hazard caused by depositing snow on
or across a roadway.
Prior to full implementation, Public Works will be providing information through City social
media outlets and on our website.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Charles Fischer
Director of Public Works
*Warning letter is attached to this report
Law Enforcement Center • 15015 62nd Street North • P. O. Box 3801 • Stillwater, MN 55082-3801
Telephone: 651-430-7600 • Fax: 651-430-7603 • TTY: 651-430-6246
Washington County is an equal opportunity organization and employer
Office of the Sheriff
Commitment to Excellence
Dan Starry
County Sheriff
Douglas H. Anschutz
Chief Deputy
December 14, 2023
Depositing Snow On or Across the Roadway
Minnesota Statute 160.2715
Right-Of-Way-Use Misdemeanors
Subdivision (1) Obstruct a highway or deposit snow or ice thereon
City of Scandia Public Works staff has noted that your driveway snow was plowed on or
across the roadway and deposited on the other side. Plowing snow across the roadway
can create a traffic hazard for drivers and snow plow operators.
This is a warning. Please cease plowing and depositing snow onto or on the other side of
the road. If you contract for such services, you are responsible for ensuring your operator
complies with the law. Future violations will be reported to the Washington County
Sheriff’s Office.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have questions, please contact the
Scandia Public Works at 651-433-5223