05-17-2016 MeetingMay 17, 2016 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following council members were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Dan Lee, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Neil Soltis, City Planner Sherri Buss, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Andy Pratt, Police Deputy Brandon Yetter, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Dave Williams and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM John Lindell, 11240 218th Street, stated that he was opposed to the solar farm proposed at the Zavoral Mine site due to impacts to wildlife and the artificial market created for solar energy. Mr. Lindell said that the unfilled EDA position is an indicator that Scandia does not want commercial development and the EDA should be shut down. John Haus, 22729 St. Croix Trail, explained that his property is adjacent to Scandia's Wind in the Pines Preserve and the DNR's Falls Creek SNA and said that trespassers have been cutting his fences, removing the "No Trespassing" signs, starting fires and leaving trash on his property. Deputy Yetter confirmed this activity. Administrator Soltis recommended that the City work with the DNR on signage and fencing to better identify and mark the park boundaries. Mark Engstrom, 18625 Oakgreen Avenue, asked if a second application of dust control can be scheduled for later in the summer. Administrator Soltis stated that this can be determined once patching work is completed, as they will have a better sense of the amount of funds remaining in road maintenance. Mr. Engstrom asked for information on assessment costs for paving 185th Street and Oakgreen Avenue with a double chip seal material, as he is interested in having residents petition for paving the gravel roadways. Administrator Soltis and Engineer Goodman will prepare these figures for him in the next few weeks. Linda Capra, 21760 Ideal Avenue and member of the Women's Softball team, presented a brochure to the Council on the history of Scandia's fastpitch teams and her father Wayne Erickson, for whom the lighted ballfield is named after. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Simonson asked that the Lion's Fat Cat Special Event Permit be moved from the Consent Agenda to General Business Item 9.b). Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) April 19, 2016 Regular Meeting 2) May 04, 2016 Work Session May 17, 2016 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 5 b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 04/01/2016 $2,951,256.10 Receipts $88,754.69 Expenditures $121,574.34 Payroll $25,955.47 $(147,529.81) Ending Balance 4/30/2016 $2,892,480.98 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Recommendation to Washington County Board to reappoint Kristen Tuenge to Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed District Board. e) Request from Washington County for expression on interest in tax forfeited parcel f) Authorization for Meisters to sell beer at Fat Cat Triathlon, Hay Lake Park (July 9, 2016) Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Replacement bleachers for Wayne Erickson Ballfield Public Works Director Dave Williams presented his recommendation to replace the deteriorating wooden bleachers at the Wayne Erickson Ballfield with two sets of 4 -tier aluminum bleachers that are powder coated in a dark green finish, at a cost of $6,850 with poured concrete pads. The new bleachers and concrete pads are in this year's Park Capital Improvement Fund budget ($7,500) with funds collected from sign advertising revenue. Williams explained that bleachers higher than 4 -tier require safety railings and fencing which add significantly to the cost. Women's Softball members Linda Capra and Arnie Kaiser requested that a decision be delayed in order to research options for 7 -tier bleachers, which are the size of the current set. Ms. Capra explained that the 4 -tier bleachers would be too low for viewing the field. Refurbishing the existing bleachers with replacement boards and new paint was also discussed. Mayor Simonson stated that refurbishing appears to be a viable solution as the wooden bleachers are original to the ballfield and are part of the character of the park. Council member Schneider agreed that short bleachers are not good for watching games and the bleachers should be rebuilt if the steel frames are good. Lee, seconded by Simonson, moved to table a decision to replace the bleachers in order to research if the existing wooden bleachers can be restored. The motion carried 5-0. PLANNING COMMISSION Conditional Use Permit and Variance for a Community Solar Garden at 21205 St. Croix Trail, the Zavoral Mine site. Geronimo Energy, Applicant. (Resolution No. 05-19-16-01) Planner Buss presented the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve a Conditional Use Permit and Variance for installation of a 3 -megawatt community solar garden on 22 acres within the existing Zavoral Mine site at 21205 St. Croix Trail. Buss explained that Tiller Corporation has essentially completed mining activity and is reclaiming the site according to the reclamation requirements of the project. May 17, 2016 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 5 Buss explained the findings of approval as presented in a resolution. The panels will be well screened due to topography and vegetation and not visible from the St. Croix River. Conditions for approval include that the applicant and property owner maintain the screening and vegetation cover over the life of the project, accommodate the City Engineer's recommendations related to road right-of-way, and install a fence as recommended by the DNR's specifications. Buss explained that the applicants will work with staff, Tiller Corporation and the Washington Conservation District to revise the reclamation plan and 2016 Annual Operating Permit to accommodate the solar project. Christina Morrison of Tiller Corporation and Nathan Franzen of Geronimo Energy were present to answer questions. Council member Ness asked when reclamation of the inner site where the solar panels are proposed will occur. Ms. Morrison said that is planned to begin this summer and they have the flexibility to work with Geronimo Energy to meet their grading requirements. Council member Schneider asked if they foresee any conflicts in working together. Mr. Franzen stated that there are no problems in having Tiller continue with their reclamation requirements for the site and Geronimo Energy is prepared to meet all conditions of approval. Schneider noted the concerns of Wally Srock, an adjacent landowner, about the berm and power pole removal. Planner Buss explained that the berm removal is a condition of Tiller's reclamation plan, and a condition to remove the power poles from private property can be added to the resolution. Mr. Franzen stated that the lines need to be relocated and Xcel Energy will address this issue. Schneider, seconded by Ness, moved to amend Resolution No. 05-17-16-01 with a condition that the applicant work with Xcel Energy to remove the existing line of power poles that cross the site and Wally Srock's private property in order to find an acceptable new location for the poles that addresses the landowner's concerns. The motion carried 5-0. Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 05-17-16-01, Approving a Conditional Use Permit and Variance for a Community Solar Garden located at 21205 St. Croix Trail as amended with the above condition. The motion carried 5-0. One -Year Extension of Variance for Construction at 13350188th Street (Continenza) Administrator Soltis presented the Planning Commission's approval to extend the variance for new construction at 13350 188th Street until December 31, 2017. The initial Resolution No. 05- 21-13-03, granted to Jim and Sandi Continenza, was extended by administrative approval last year and a second extension must have Council approval. Schneider, seconded by Lee, moved to approve an extension of Resolution No. 05-21-13-03 until December 31, 2017. The motion carried 5-0. BUILDING OFFICIAL Building Official Chuck Preisler's activity report was received. Twenty permits were issued in April at a valuation of $1,532,883. May 17, 2016 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 5 POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Brandon Yetter reported that there had been an attempted burglary at a residence on Orwell Avenue, a vehicle break-in and theft at William O'Brien Park, and narcotics violations within Wind in the Pines Park. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to ten calls in April — 3 fire related and 7 rescue calls. Hinz recently attended a solar power presentation hosted by the Forest Lake FD on emergency response procedures. Seven candidates were interviewed last month and most have completed the physical testing. CITY ENGINEER City Engineer Goodman reported that the Oldfield/Novak Avenue/236th-237th Street reconstruction project is underway and should be completed by the end of June. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Andy Pratt explained a new state law which goes into effect this year regarding temporary dwelling units for caregivers. Pratt will review the City's current ordinance for any revisions that may be needed for compliance. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Dave Williams stated that the local asphalt plant has opened and street patching is a priority right now. The gravel roads have been prepared for the dust control application scheduled for May 18th. Prefer Paving will begin their patching project on June 1St CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Soltis stated that he is getting many calls on lot splits and building projects. Solar development agreements are in the works and should be ready for review at the June Council meeting. A discussion on volunteer opportunities occurred at the May 10th Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, and Soltis is drafting a volunteer policy for discussion at the next Work Session. APPROVE THE HIRING OF PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTERS The following candidates have been recommended for hiring as probationary firefighters following interviews and physical testing, pending completion of additional medical testing: David Larson, William Dochniak, Casey Bowman, Adam Myers, Dallas Soderlind, Jesse Patterson, Joseph Grabrick. Starting pay would be $10/hour, with a start date of June 1, 2016. Simonson, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the hiring of Probationary Firefighters subject to passing drug tests and medical evaluations and the physical test for the 2 applicants who were unable to attend the April 30 testing, effective June 1, 2016. The motion carried 5-0. May 17, 2016 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 5 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT, SCANDIA MARINE LIONS, FAT CAT TRIATHLON (JULY 9, 2016) Staff had recommended a condition that the Lions are charged a fee for labor and equipment to blade and smooth the grassy trail exiting William O'Brien Park, a City owned easement, prior to the Fat Cat Triathlon event. The organizers had requested this be done for the safety of the runners. Mayor Simonson stated that he heard concerns from the applicants regarding this fee. Council member Ness said that this is an uneven trail for anyone using it, and the City should maintain its property at no cost to users. Council member Lee agreed that this be done at no charge to the Lions. Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the Special Event Permit for the Scandia Marine Lions with conditions in the staff report as amended with the removal of the condition to charge a fee for blading the trail out of the Park. The motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk