153.400 Character and Building Standards_amend Ord No 2023-17City of Scandia, MN
Subd. 1. Summary. The development, character and building standards contained in this Section are intended to
provide guidance, direction and regulations for the use, development and redevelopment of land within the City.
This Section provides cross references to Section 153.200 Zoning Districts, 153.300 Allowed Uses, and 153.500
Administration and Procedures which applicable standards and regulations must be followed to align with the
proposed use, subdivision or development plan of any land in the City.
Subd. 1. Using the Development, Character and Building Standards Table. Table 153.400.010-1 below is
provided as a reference for navigating this Section and to cross reference the Land Use and Subdivision
Applications that may subject to the standards contained within this Section.
Table 153.400. 010- 1. Development Standards Summary
Open Space,
Site and Character
Subdivision Building Area
Buffering and
and Tree
Driveways Exterior Signs
Standards Design Standards
and Drive- Storage
and Drainage
Use Permit
Interim Use
Site Plan
Lot line
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The following standards are established to ensure that the subdivision of land
meets the design requirements as stated within this Section, and to ensure that any subdivision is consistent with
the character and development patterns of the Base Zoning District in which the land is located. The process,
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procedures and submission requirements for any proposed subdivision can be found in Section 153.500 of this
Subd. 2. Land Subdivision Design. Four types of land subdivision are permitted, to provide flexibility for
landowners and to help the City achieve the goals stated in the Comprehensive Plan. The four types of subdivision
design are: 1) conventional subdivision, 2) lot averaging, 3) Open Space Conservation Subdivision, and 4) Planned
Unit Development (PUD).
(A) Overlay District Considerations. Land located in the Lower St. Croix River Bluffland or Shoreland
Management District are subject to additional standards and regulations contained within the applicable
Section of this UDC, and other City Code Sections. The general subdivision standards established herein shall
apply and any subdivision must meet the standards established within both the Base Zoning District and
applicable Overlay District.
(B) Tykes of Subdivision Design. Table 2 summarizes the four types of land subdivision, and indicates the Base
Zoning Districts where each type of subdivision is permitted in the City. The Base Zoning Districts contained
in Section [153.200.030] establish the o determine the available or allowable density on a parcel as calculated
in Subsection (G) below.
Table 153.400.020-1. Four Types of Land Subdivision Design
Lot Averaging
Open Space Conservation
Planned Unit Development
(C) Conventional Subdivision. A conventional subdivision divides property into lots according to the density,
minimum lot size and minimum lot width requirements for the Base Zoning District and any applicable
Overlay District.
(D) Lot Averaging Subdivision. A Lot Averaging Subdivision allows the property owner to create parcels smaller
than those of a Conventional Subdivision provided that the density of the development does not exceed the
maximum density permitted for the Base Zoning District. To demonstrate compliance a Yield Plan, as
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described in Subsection (G) must be prepared that shows how the subdivision meets the density
(E) Open Space Conservation Subdivision. An Open Space Conservation Subdivision allows the property owner
to create parcels smaller than in a Conventional Subdivisions; however, the development shall comply with
certain design standards which include that a portion of the development property must remain as common
open space. Additional density units may be allowed if certain criteria as stated in Section [153.200.030 Subd.
3] are met. Open Space Conservation Subdivisions shall require rezoning to OS-PUD.
(F) Planned Unit Development UD) Subdivision. A PUD Subdivision allows the property owner to have two
or more principal uses on a single parcel of land or may allow flexibility from the strict application of the
Base Zoning District standards in exchange for an improved design that benefits the public. Flexibility from
any applicable Overlay District is not applicable, unless a variance is granted. When the Base Zoning District
standards are modified, a specific development plan shall be approved.
PUD Example 1: Mixed Commercial PUD
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one 6
PUD Example 2: Conference Center/Residential PUD
golf course
(G) Determination of Density Units.
1. The number of density units shall be determined by the total number of dwelling units located within
the quarter -quarter section of the applicable area as defined by the Public Land Survey. This
determination is specific to physical structures and not lots that contain dwelling units. Accessory
dwelling units are not counted for the purposes of determining density. The quarter -quarter sections
correlate with the "40 acres" referred to by 153.200.030. The City may grant bonus density units, under
the Open Space Conservation Design performance standards of this Chapter..
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Quarter-Quarter Section
L Existing Parcels
- Existing Principal Dwellings
Example: The maximum density
within the Rural Residential
General District is 4 dwelling units
per 40 acres. Two dwelling units
exist within the Quarter -Quarter
Section. An additional two units
could be constructed.
QQ 1 QQ 2
_ _ _ _ _ Example: The maximum density within the Rural
L Quarter Quarter Section Residential General District is 4 dwelling units per
Existing Parcels 40 acres. An existing parcel extends through two
Quarter -Quarter Sections. Four dwelling units could
- Existing Principal Dwellings be built in Quarter -Quarter Section 1 (QQ 1). Three
dwelling units could be built in Quarter -Quarter
Section 2 (QQ 2).
Example: The maximum density within the Rural
Quarter Quarter Section Residential General District is 4 dwelling units per
Existing Parcels 40 acres. An existing parcel extends through two
Quarter -Quarter Sections. Zero dwelling units could
- Existing Principal Dwellings be built in Quarter -Quarter Section 1 (QQ 1). One
dwelling unit could be built in Quarter -Quarter
Section 2 (QQ 2).
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(H) Development Agreement.
1. All subdivisions of land that result in three or more lots may be required to enter into a Development
Agreement with the City, and subdivisions with two or fewer lots may be required to enter a
Development Agreement if requested by the Zoning Administrator or City Council. The Development
Agreement shall be executed by the City Council and may not be amended without the approval of the
City Council. Additional requirements of the Development Agreement are found in Section
(1) Conveyance of Land.
1. Prior to recording a conveyance of land that is less than the whole as charged on the tax lists maintained
by the Washington County Auditor/Treasurer, the conveyance shall first be approved by the Zoning
Administrator for compliance with this Section.
Subd. 3. Minimum Design Standards. The following nummum design standards are established for any
subdivision of land into two or more parcels or lots in the City.
(A) General Standards.
1. Contiguous Land. Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed for the
subdivision, the City may require the subdivider to submit a Sketch Plat of the remainder of the
property to show the relationship between the proposed subdivision and potential future subdivisions.
Any subdivision must demonstrate how it is compatible and relates to existing or potential adjacent
subdivisions and land uses. If the plat contains either a temporary or permanent cul-de-sac, a plan
showing the potential for development of adjacent property may be required.
II. Future Resubdivision. In any area where property is likely to develop at a density greater than proposed
by the subdivider, a ghost Sketch Plat may be required showing how the lot or lots may be replatted in
future for more intensive subdivision and use of the land. The placement of buildings or structures
upon such lots shall be positioned to allow for potential resubdivison.
Ill. Subdivisions Straddling Municipal Boundaries. Whenever access to the subdivision is required across
land in another municipality, the City shall request assurance from the affected municipality that access
is legally established. Further, assurance that the access road is adequately improved or that a guarantee
has been duly executed and is sufficient in amount to assure the construction of the access road shall be
provided prior to any subdivision being approved. No lot shall extend over a political subdivision
IV. Engineering Standard and Detail Specifications. Public and private improvements shall comply with
standards set forth in the City's Engineering Standards and Detail Specifications, which are herein
adopted by reference.
(B) Lot Requirements.
1. No lot shall have less area or width than is required by the Base Zoning District regulations in which the
lot is located.
Il. All remnants of lots below the required minimum lot size after subdividing a larger tract must be added
to adjacent lots or planned as Outlots, rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels. The
Development Agreement may restrict the use and ownership of Outlots.
I11. Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to straight street lines, or radial to curved street lines or
radial to lake or stream shores unless topographic conditions necessitate a different arrangement. Lots
proposed with irregular lot lines for the sole purpose of meeting a specific zoning requirement are
IV. Each lot shall have frontage on an improved public street. Access to the lot shall be from the frontage
of the lot.
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V. In the case where the proposed plat is adjacent to a major or minor arterial, there shall be no direct
vehicular access from individual lots to such streets and roads.
VI. Through or double frontage lots shall not be permitted except where such lots abut an arterial highway
or as a means to overcome specific disadvantage of topography and orientation.
VII. All new subdivisions, where appropriate, should be designed to accommodate use of passive and active
solar energy systems with special attention given to street, lot and building orientation.
V111. The following guidelines for the design of subdivision and building sites shall be followed to support the
Character Areas established within this UDC:
a. Locate roads and building sites to maintain existing contours and vegetation and minimize grading
and disruption of natural landforms.
b. Avoid placing structures in open fields and on top of exposed ridgelines.
c. Maintain vegetation along ridgelines.
d. Locate homes on the edge of tree lines and woodlands.
e. Preserve and incorporate stone rows, tree lines, existing agricultural structures in site plans,
wherever possible.
f. Create lot areas and lot widths that are compatible with the Character Area in which the lots are
located and pay attention to orientation, access and setbacks which are consistent with the
surrounding development pattern.
(C) Lots on Waterbodies or Watercourses.
1. Lots abutting upon a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream shall be sized adequately to
demonstrate how the lot can be developed so that all structures and site improvements are not subject
to flooding.
I1. All lots abutting a lake, river, pond or wetland shall contain a building site 2-feet or more above the
regulatory flood elevation and access to both the subdivision and to the individual building sites shall be
no lower than 2 feet above the regulatory flood protection elevation. The lowest floor elevation shall be
a minimum of 3 feet above the 100-year flood elevation or 3 feet above the ordinary high-water mark,
whichever is greater. For landlocked basins, the ordinary high-water mark shall be determined using a
10-day snow melt or back-to-back 100-year storm events, whichever is greater.
I11. The platting of lots within a floodplain management and/or shoreland management overlay district shall
comply with the requirements of the Base Zoning District and the applicable Overlay standards as
contained within Chapters [154 and 155].
(D) Monuments.
I. Official permanent monuments shall be placed as required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505 (as may
be amended).
I1. All monument markers shall be correctly in place upon final grading and installation of utilities.
111. The City will not issue building permits for a lot within a plat until monuments have been placed for
that lot.
IV. All United States, state, county or other official benchmarks, monuments or triangulation stations in or
adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position.
(E) Streets. General Requirements.
1. Proposed streets shall conform to the state, county or local road plans or preliminary plans as have been
prepared, adopted and/or filed.
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I1. New private streets and reserve strips are prohibited, and no public improvements will be approved for
any private street. Any new street constructed as part of a subdivision or development shall be
constructed to meet the City specification and dedicated for public use.
a. Where an existing private street or shared driveway serving multiple lots or parcels exist prior to the
adoption of this UDC, such road will be deemed legally non -conforming.
i. The legally non -conforming private street or shared driveway may not be used to access any
new principal structure without improving the road to meet the City's Street Design Standards
identified in Subsection (G)III.
ii. The improvements required in (i) do not require the road to be maintained or dedicated as a
public road thereafter.
The arrangement, character, extent, width, and location of all streets shall be considered in relation to
existing and planned streets, shall provide for reasonable traffic circulation and traffic calming, shall
provide for reasonable mobility of pedestrians and non -motorized transportation, and shall be
appropriately located in relation to topography, run-off of stormwater, convenience, and safety, and
proposed uses of the land to be served. Access shall be given to all lots and portions of the tract in the
subdivision and to adjacent unsubdivided parcels unless the topography clearly indicates that such
connection is not feasible. Reserved strips and land -locked areas are prohibited.
IV. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, but may be subdivided, the arrangement of streets in a new
subdivision must make provisions for the proper projection of streets into adjoining areas by carrying
the new streets to the boundaries of the new subdivision at appropriate location. Streets must be paved
to the subdivision boundary except when this requirement is modified or waived by the City Council for
good cause shown.
V. Local streets must be designed to provide convenient and safe access to property, to minimize the
number of streets necessary, and to permit efficient drainage.
a. Local streets within the Agricultural and Rural Residential Character Areas should be designed
and aligned to discourage use by non -local traffic.
b. Local streets designated within the adopted Comprehensive Plan as planned loop roads or
connectors shall be designed consistent with the stated goals, and may not dead-end or eliminate
Vl. Neighborhoods must be interconnected where possible to provide for emergency access, convenience,
dispersal and circulation of traffic and to foster community cohesiveness. Half or partial streets will not
be permitted, except where essential to reasonable subdivision of a tract in conformance with the other
requirements and standards of these regulations and where, in addition, reasonable assurance for
dedication of the remaining part of the street can be secured.
VII. Whenever a tract to be subdivided adjoins an existing half or partial street, the part of the street within
such tract must be platted and dedicated if the dedication results in a reasonable subdivision design for
the area.
Vill. Dead-end streets are prohibited. Stubs to permit future street extension into adjoining tracts, are
permitted, however such temporary improvements must be designed to allow for vehicle and truck
turnarounds which must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
a. For purposes of this Section, cul-de-sac streets are not defined as a dead-end street and are
permitted consistent with Subsection (F).
IX. The street arrangements must not cause hardship to owners of adjoining property to plat their own land,
such arrangement cannot negatively impact convenient access to it.
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(F) Streets. Cul-de-Sacs.
1. For the purposes of this Section, whether a new cul-de-sac is proposed or an existing cul-de-sac is to be
extended, the beginning of the cul-de-sac road is measured from the point at which there is no
secondary access. The end is to be measured at the center of the cul-de-sac.
IL The maximum length of a permanent cul-de-sac shall be 500 feet for an Urban Design street, and 750
feet for a Rural Design street, unless the following requirements are met:
a. There is no other street access alternative; and
b. The cul-de-sac is extended the minimum length necessary to provide for reasonable use of the land;
c. The street design incorporates features such as curves, signage, and/or additional turnarounds
sufficient to minimize traffic, backtracking, limit speeding and provide turning for emergency and
service vehicles.
IIL Lots with frontage at the end of the cul-de-sac must have a minimum of 60 feet of road frontage and
must meet the lot width requirement at the building setback line for the Base Zoning District in which
the property is located.
IV. Temporary Cul-de-sacs are those in which it can be clearly shown that the road could reasonably
continue and would result in a through road at some time in the foreseeable future. At the time of
platting, the City Council will determine whether the road should be extended to the property line, or if
such future improvement is not desirable. If the City Council determines that future extension of the
roadway is requires, an escrow to cover the future costs of extending the road to the property line may
be required.
a. The turnaround right-of-way of the Temporary Cul-de-sac must be placed adjacent to a property
line and a right-of-way of the same width as the street must extend to said property line to permit
future expansion of the street into the adjoining tract.
b. When the Temporary Cul-de-sac is no longer needed because the street is extended into the
adjoining tract, the property owners fronting the temporary turnaround may request that the
right-of-way attributed to the turnaround be vacated. The request for a vacation must follow the
statutory guidelines.
(G) Streets. Access Spacing Guidelines and Utilities.
I. Access of streets within the subdivision to other local streets must meet all requirements of the City.
11. Access of streets within the subdivision to any public street or highway must meet all requirements of
the access spacing guidelines provided in Table 3, and as stated within the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
Access is subject to all conditions of the applicable access permitting requirements of the City,
Washington County Department of Public Works or the Minnesota Department of Transportation. At
the discretion of the City Engineer, a traffic study including trip generation figures may be required of
commercial, industrial, mixed -use or residential subdivisions containing 50 or more dwelling units.
Table 153.200.020-2: Access Management Guidelines
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Collector 1l8 Mile NIA Variable 1l8 Mile
IIL Street Design. All streets must conform to the adopted Engineering Standards and Detail Specifications,
as may be amended, and the following standards:
a. Streets must be graded in accordance with a plan approved by the City Engineer.
b. All streets must be paved with a bituminous surface meeting the Engineering Standards and Detail
Specifications. New streets with gravel surfaces are prohibited.
C. The City Engineer may determine that additional right-of-way and roadway widths are required to
promote public safety when special conditions require it, or to provide parking space in areas of
intensive use. Additional widths may also be necessary due to topography in order to provide
adequate earth slopes.
IV. Street Names and Signs.
a. Names of new streets cannot duplicate existing or platted street names unless a new street is a
continuation of, or in alignment with, the existing or platted street. In that event, it must have the
same name of the existing or platted street. Street names must conform to the Washington County
Uniform Street Naming and Numbering System.
b. All street signs must meet AASHTO standards as adopted by MNDOT and must be furnished and
installed by the subdivider. Signs installed prior to 2018 must meet AASHTO pending requirements
for retro-reflectivity and size.
V. Turn Lanes and Traffic Lights. Turn lanes and traffic lights must be installed at the expense of the
subdivider when required as a result of the proposed subdivision.
V1. Streetlights. Within the V-N, V-C or V-HC zoning districts, unless otherwise approved by the City,
street lights must be installed at all intersections and at other locations as required by the City Engineer.
All streetlights within new subdivisions must be on ornamental poles with underground electrical service
and must comply with the City's lighting standards identified in Section [153.400.030 and 153.400.040].
Vll. Trails and Sidewalks.
a. A sidewalk or trail must be installed along Urban Design streets consistent with the requirements
stated in the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
i. Any request to move or waive the requirements will require a variance from this standard
which must be process concurrently to the land use or subdivision application process.
b. Sidewalks and/or trails must be installed in conformance with an approved Preliminary or Final
Plat, the Development Agreement, and must be constructed when the street is constructed.
c. Sidewalks along Local Streets must be a minimum of five (5) feet wide, and trails must be a
minimum of eight (8) feet wide. If the sidewalk or trail is located directly behind a curb, then the
minimum is 10 feet wide.
d. Grades of all sidewalks and trails must approved by the City Engineer. Sidewalks must be placed in
the public right-of-way. Bituminous walks or alternative paving, such as paving stones, are allowed
if approved by the City Engineer and the City Council.
e. Trails and sidewalks must comply with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines.
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Vill. Utilities.
a. General Requirements.
i. All utilities must be placed underground. All groundwork must be completed prior to street
ii. Individual Sewage Treatment System. Where lots are not connected to a public sewer system, an
individual disposal device for each lot must be provided and the subdivider must demonstrate
that each created lot can support a system. The individual disposal system must comply with
the Washington County SSTS Regulations. Lots served by individual sewage treatment systems
must obtain a septic permit prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. Service stubs for
community systems may be installed in phases provided such provision is addressed within the
Development Agreement.
A community sewage treatment system may be provided for all lots within a subdivision,
provided that the following requirements are met:
1. Such system must meet all applicable requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency (NIPCA), Minnesota Rules 7080 and the Washington County SSTS Regulations.
2. The subdivider must demonstrate that the Homeowner's Association or other entity formed
to provide for the operation and maintenance of any such system will be capable of
operating and maintaining it so that it will not become a burden on the lot owners served or
the City.
3. The Development Agreement must address the permitting, construction and perpetual
maintenance of the system, including financial guarantees.
iv. 1Fater Supply.
1. Extensions of the public water supply system, when available, must be designed to provide
public water service to each lot.
2. Wells must be constructed in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Minnesota
Department of Health.
3. For any community well, the subdivider must demonstrate that the Homeowner's
Association or other entity formed to provide for the operation and maintenance of any
such system will be capable of operating and maintaining it so that it will not become a
burden on the lot owners served or the City.
4. The Development Agreement must address the permitting, constructing and maintenance of
the well, including any financial guarantees.
b. Easements.
i. Easements of at least 20 feet wide, centered on rear and other lot lines as required, must be
provided for utilities where necessary. Where underground utilities are being installed, a
minimum of 10 foot wide front or side yard easements may be required. All easements must be
of a sufficient width as determined by the City Engineer. These easements must be dedicated
on the Final Plat.
ii. Drainage easements must be provided along each side of the centerline of any watercourse or
drainage channel to a sufficient width to provide proper maintenance and protection and to
provide for stormwater runoff and installation and maintenance of drainage system.
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1. Access easements to the stormwater and drainage system must be provided and connect
directly to a public road right-of-way so that the City has the right, but not the requirement, to
manage and maintain such systems.
iv. Conservation easements must be dedicated around wetlands and DNR designated lakes, rivers
and streams up to the 100-year flood elevation or delineated boundary, whichever is greater.
v. Utility and drainage easements must be dedicated for the required use.
vi. Easements of at least 15 feet wide to provide direct access to public trails and or lands may be
required, and will be determined at the time of land use application or plat.
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The following standards are established to ensure orderly, efficient development
of the City's land. The intent and purpose of this section is to identify uniform regulations and standards for all
development within the City regardless of the Base Zoning District to reinforce the character of the community
while concurrently protecting the health, safety and welfare of its residents.
Subd. 2. General Standards. All lots or uses are subject to the following general standards, and may be subject to
other specific regulations as noted in other Sections of this UDC.
(A) Code Compliance. All principal buildings must meet or exceed the minimum standards of the Minnesota
Building Code, the Minnesota State Uniform Fire Code, the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, and the Washington County Development Code Chapter Four Subsurface Sewage
Treatment System Regulations as adopted on July 27, 2018 and as may be amended, except that
manufactured homes shall meet or exceed the requirements of the State of Minnesota Manufactured Home
Building Code in lieu of the Minnesota State Building Code.
(B) Sewage Treatment.
Washington County Development Code Chapter Four Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Regulations
(referenced as "Washington County SSTS Regulations" throughout this UDC) as adopted on July 27, 2018
and as may be amended from time to time is hereby adopted by reference as if herein printed in full.
However, Variances and modifications related to setbacks from wetlands must be heard by, and approved
by, the Scandia City Council.
i. Water usage of any proposed use shall conform to the long-term sewage treatment capacities of each
individual lot. The system, or systems, must be designed to receive all sewage from the dwelling,
building or other establishment served. Footing or roof drainage must not enter any part of the system.
Products containing hazardous materials cannot be discharged to the system other than a normal
amount of household products and cleaners designed for household use. Substances not used for
household cleaning, including but not limited to, solvents, pesticides, flammables, photo finishing
chemicals, or dry cleaning chemicals, may not be discharged to the system.
(C) General Setback Lot Area and Building Regulations. All uses and structures are subject to the regulations of
the applicable Base Zoning District and any other requirements established within an applicable Overlay
District. The following additional requirements are applicable in all Base Zoning Districts:
1. Sloping or Erodible Building Sites. No structure may be constructed on sites with slopes of greater than
25% or on easily erodible soils as defined on the Washington County Soil Survey.
I1. Setbacks from Easements. Structures must be setback a minimum of 50 feet from any underground
pipeline easements, underground or above ground utility easements, or any railroad right-of-way
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111. Corner Lots. Nothing can be placed or allowed to grow, with the exception of seasonal crops, in such a
manner as to materially impede vision between a height of 2 '/z and 10 feet above the centerline grades
of the intersecting streets to a distance such that a clear line of vision is possible of the intersecting street
from a distance of 50 feet from the intersection of the right of way lines.
IV. Flag Lots. Flag lots may be permitted when the strict application of the dimensional standards of the
Base Zoning District would adversely impact the natural environment and character of the area.
Examples such as steep topography, protection of wetlands or wetland buffers, or other environmental
constraints may be considered. Any new Flag Lot must have a minimum of 60-feet of frontage on a
public right-of-way, and the lot width must comply with the Base Zoning District standards at the front -
yard setback. Approval of any Flag Lot must be obtained through the subdivision process as stated in
Section [153.500.080].
V. Number of Structures. No more than one (1) principal structure is permitted on one (1) parcel of land,
unless otherwise authorized by this UDC.
VI. Height. No structure can exceed the maximum height permitted for the Base Zoning District in which it
is located, except for church spires, chimneys, flag poles up to 45 feet in height, silos, and wind energy
conversion systems. Wireless Communication Facilities are regulated in Section [153.300.030.]
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(D) Single Family Dwellings.
1. Minimum Width and Foundations. The following standards apply for single family dwellings, except for
temporary dwellings which are regulated by Section [153.300.030].
a. If a principal structure has an attached garage that is facing the public right-of-way, the minimum
width of the principal structure is twenty (20) feet as measured across the narrowest portion.
b. All dwellings must be placed on a permanent foundation and anchored to resist overturning, uplift
and sliding in compliance with the Minnesota State Building Code.
c. Certain Dwelling Units Prohibited. No cellar, garage, recreational vehicle or trailer, basement with
unfinished exterior above or accessory building shall be used at any time as a dwelling except as may
be permitted in Section [153.300.030] Accessory Dwelling Unit.
d. Occupancy of a Single -Family Residential Dwelling. No more than six (6) persons not related by
blood, marriage or adoption shall reside in a single-family residential dwelling.
(E) Stormwater Management. All land alteration and development may be subject to the stormwater management
standards and requirements established in Section [153.400.030].
(F) Traffic Control. The traffic generated by any use must be controlled to prevent congestion of the public
streets, traffic hazards and excessive traffic through residential areas particularly truck traffic. Traffic internal
to a subdivision or development must be regulated to ensure its safe and orderly flow. Traffic into and out of
business and industrial areas must be designed to require forward moving traffic patterns with no backing
into streets.
(G) Access Drives. Access and Service Roads. Access drives onto City streets are required to obtain an
Administrative Permit The Administrative Permit must be obtained prior to, or concurrent with the issuance
of any Building Permit The Zoning Administrator, or assign, shall determine the appropriate location, size
and design of such access drives and may limit the number of access drives in the interest of public safety and
efficient traffic flow which must be consistent with the City's adopted right-of-way ordinance. An escrow
deposit may be required to ensure construction of the driveway to City standards, including installation of any
required culvert. Said escrow deposit shall be refunded upon completion of the driveway and restoration of
the street and surrounding vegetation.
(H) Private Roads. Private roads are not allowed in any new subdivisions created after the effective date of this
Subd. 3. Building Type and Materials. The following standards are established to support and enhance the rural
character of the community. Exceptions may be granted may be granted if they are demonstrated to be consistent
with the intent of the standards listed herein.
(A) General Standards.
I. Architecture and aesthetic compatibility. Buildings in all Base Zoning Districts must be designed
consistent with the Character Area standards established in Section [153.400.040]. The design of any
structure may not adversely impact the community's public health, safety, and general welfare.
I1. Unfinished Steel or Aluminum Buildings Prohibited. Except for agricultural accessory buildings, no
galvanized or unfinished steel or unfinished aluminum buildings (walls or roofs), except those
specifically intended to have a corrosive designed finish such as corten steel, or flat, unpainted concrete
block are permitted in any Zoning District, for walls or roofs.
111. Finished Building Material for Principal Structures. Except for agricultural accessory buildings and
buildings covered under Section 153.400.040 Character Area Standards and/or as otherwise approved
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by the City Council, exterior building finishes must consist of materials comparable in grade and quality
to the following, unless otherwise provided by this Section:
a. Brick
b. Natural stone
c. Decorative concrete block or professionally designed pre -cast concrete units if the surfaces have
been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture, or decorative block and if
incorporated in a building design that is compatible with other development throughout the district.
d. Wood, vinyl, steel, cement fiberboard or aluminum lap siding provided the surfaces are finished for
exterior use and proven to have exterior durability, such as cedar, redwood, and cypress.
e. Stucco, cementitous coating.
f. Architectural metal panels for roofing and accents only.
(B) Residential Accessory Structures.
1. Accessory buildings on parcels less than 20.0 acres in size must provide a minimum one -foot overhang
on all sides of the building with finished soffits except when the building is accessory to a principal
residential home constructed with no or minimal overhang in which case the overhang of the accessory
building must match the overhang of the residential building.
11. All accessory buildings on parcels of 4 acres or less, excluding road right-of-way, must resemble, in style,
materials, color, roofline, and siding type, the principal building on the lot, except the following building
types may vary from this standard:
a. Accessory Buildings 120 sq. ft. or less in size (this exception is not applicable to the General
Standards set forth in Section (A)1;
b. Greenhouses;
c. Gazebos and decorative shelters;
d. Historic Buildings
Ill. Any Residential Accessory Building located on a non-contiguous parcel owned by the same Owner,
must meet the following standards:
a. Must be designed to be consistent and compatible with the Principal Structure. Design must
include a compatible architectural design, and the same or similar material and color palette as that
of the Principal Structure.
Subd. 4. Lighting . The City's standards regarding exterior or outdoor lighting are established to regulate the
character of the City consistent with the character and development patterns of the community. The following
standards regarding outdoor and exterior lighting apply in all Zoning Districts:
(A) Aoolica�bility. The standards in this section apply to Outdoor Lighting of any structure, lot or area.
(B) Exemptions. The standards of this section do not apply to the following:
1. The use of temporary outdoor lighting during customary holiday seasons provided that individual lamps
are 10 watts or less.
IL The use of temporary outdoor lighting used for civic celebrations and promotions.
IIL Lighting required and regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration or other federal or state agency.
IV. Emergency lighting by police, fire and rescue authorities.
V. Street lighting on City streets and State and County Highways.
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(C:) Method of Measuring Light Intensity. The foot-candle level of a light source must be taken after dark with
the light meter held 6 inches above the ground with the meter facing the light source. A reading must be
taken with the light source on, then with the light source off. The difference between the two readings will be
identified as the illumination intensity.
(D) Performance Standards.
1. Lighting plans must be reviewed for compatibility with the Scandia Architectural Design Guidelines, as
II. In the AP, AG-C, RR-G, RR-N and V-N Zoning Districts, any lighting used to illuminate an off-street
parking area, structure or area must be arranged as to deflect light away from any adjoining residential
property or from the public street.
a. Shielding. The light source must be hooded or controlled so as not to light adjacent property in
excess of the maximum intensity as defined throughout this Section. Bare light bulbs are not
permitted in view of adjacent property or public right of way.
b. Intensity. No light source or combination thereof which casts light on a public street may exceed 1
foot candle meter reading as measured from the centerline of said street nor shall any light source
or combination thereof which casts light on adjacent property exceed 0.4 foot candles as measured
at the property line.
111. In the N-C, V-HC, R-C and I-P Zoning Districts, any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking
area, structure or area must be arranged as to deflect light away from any adjoining property or from the
public street.
a. Shielding. The luminaire must contain a cutoff that directs and cuts off the light at an angle of 90
degrees or less.
b. Intensity. No light source or combination thereof which casts light on a public street shall exceed 1
foot candle meter reading as measured from the centerline of said street nor shall any light source
or combination thereof which casts light on adjacent property exceed 0.4 foot candles as measured
at the property line.
c. Heigbt. The maximum height above the ground grade permitted for light sources mounted on a
pole is 18 feet except by conditional use permit. A light source mounted on a building shall not
exceed the height of the building and no light sources shall be located on the roof unless said light
enhances the architectural features of the building and is approved by the Zoning Administrator.
d. Hours. The use of outdoor lighting for parking lots serving commercial and industrial businesses is
restricted according to the following. Outdoor lighting that serves businesses that do not operate
after dark shall be turned off 1 hour after closing except for approved security lighting. For those
businesses that offer services after dark, outdoor lighting may be utilized during the nighttime hours
provided the business is open for service. Once the business closes, the outdoor lighting shall be
turned off 1 hour after closing except for security lighting.
IV. Outdoor Recreation. Outdoor recreational uses such as, but not limited to baseball fields, football fields,
tennis courts and snow skiing areas have special requirements for nighttime lighting. Due to these
unique circumstances, a conditional use permit is required for all new outdoor lighting fixtures that do
not meet the regulations stated above.
a. No outdoor recreation facility whether public or private may be illuminated after 11:00 PM unless
the lighting fixtures conform to Section 3.9 (5) (B), above.
b. Off street parking areas for outdoor recreation uses which are illuminated must meet the
requirements stated in Section 3.9 (5) (B) 2.
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(E) Prohibitions. The following outdoor light fixtures are prohibited within the City of Scandia:
1. Search lights or sky trackers
II. Flashing, blinking or rotating lights
111. Neon lighting on the exterior of a building
IV. Raceway lighting
V. Exposed fluorescent tubes
VI. Mercury vapor lamps
VII. Laser lights
VIII. Backlit canopies or awnings
(F) Submission of Plans. The applicant for any permit requiring outdoor lighting must submit evidence the
proposed outdoor lighting will comply with this UDC. The submission must contain the following in
addition to other required data for the specific permit:
1. Plans indicating the location on the premises, and the type of illuminating devices, fixtures, lamps,
supports, reflectors and other devices.
II. Description of illuminating devices, fixtures, lamps, supports, reflectors and other devices and the
description may include, but is not limited to, catalog cuts by manufacturers and drawings (including
sections where required);
Ill. Photometric data, such as that furnished by manufacturers, or similar showing the angle of the cutoff or
light emissions.
Subd. 1. Purpose and Intent. The City's Base Zoning Districts are categorized and organized by Character Area
as defined in [Section 153.200.010]. The development patterns and forms throughout the City differ by Character
Area. The standards contained within this Section are intended to support and reinforce the desired physical
development patterns and forms in the City based on the described Character Area.
(A) Applicability. The following Character Area Standards do not apply to single-family detached residences or
the accessory structures that are used by the inhabitants of the principal structure, unless expressly stated in
subsection (B).
(B) Architectural Design Standards. The City's adopted Design Guidelines are standards which are generally
suggested and encouraged. This Section is established to identify those standards and suggestions from the
Design Guidelines that are required and are defined as the Architectural Design Standards. The following
Architectural Design Standards are organized by Character Area.
1. Character Area: Agricultural Districts (,A-P and AG-C. This Character Area is defined by larger
tracts of land that are used for active agricultural, small hobby farms, rural residential and associated
accessory uses and activities. Single-family homes, accessory structures and farmsteads are typically
setback from public rights -of -way and are buffered from adjacent properties and uses with vegetation
and /or natural topography. The following standards are established for any non-residential use,
conditional or interim use that proposes a new structure, expansion, or modification of an existing
structure. The purpose of the following is to reinforce the character of this area as described herein:
a. Arcbitectural Design. Design of new structures must reference design elements of existing historic
rural buildings if present onside including barns, farmhouses and schoolhouses.
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e. fFindows and Doors. Window and door configurations and styles must be consistent with the
architectural style of the structure. For example, a traditional farmhouse design would include
double hung windows with true divided light, with various configurations.
f. Landscaping and Vegetation. Existing vegetation should be maintained to the extent possible. If trees
along the street or highway must be removed for new construction, they should be replaced with
species consistent with Section [153.400.060 Subd. 2. I. Table 8] of this UDC.
g. Fences: Fences that are visible from the public -right -of way must be constructed of natural materials,
such as wood or stone, composite materials if similar in appearance, or wrought iron fences. Chain
link or plastic fences that are visible from the right-of-way or public sidewalk are not permitted.
Fences used for agricultural purposes such as horse pastures, livestock, etc., are excepted from this
requirement. Fence standards are provided in [Section 153.400.060 Subd. 4].
h. Design Guidelines: In addition to the standards listed herein, consideration of the City's adopted
Design Guidelines is required for any new use or development.
11. Character Area: Rural Residential Districts (RR-G and RR-N). This Character Area is defined by
rural residential uses including single-family detached structures, small hobby farms, open spaces and
associated accessory uses and activities. Structures are typically setback from road rights -of -way and are
sited with an attached garage facing the road frontage. Accessory buildings are set behind the principal
structure's primary facade on non -riparian lots and are often set in front of the primary facade on
riparian lots. The following standards are established for any non-residential use, conditional or interim
use that proposes a new structure, expansion, or modification of an existing structure. The purpose of
the following is to reinforce the character of this area as described herein:
a. Architectural Design of Principal Structures. Design of new structures must reference design elements of
the existing rural buildings in Scandia including barns, farmhouses and schoolhouses.
b. Architectural Design of Accessory Structures. Accessory Structures located in front of the principal
structure's primary facade, or if visible from the public right-of-way, must be designed to be
consistent and compatible with the Principal Structure. This standard shall apply to single-family
detached residences if the Accessory Structure is visible from the public right-of-way. Design must
include a compatible architectural design, and the same or similar material and color palette as that
of the Principal Structure. Accessory Structures placed behind the Principal Structure's primary
facade which are not visible from the public right-of-way must be compatible with the Principal
Structure but may vary in its color and material selection.
c. fFindows and Doors. Window and door configurations and styles must be consistent with the
architectural style of the structure. For example, a traditional farmhouse design would include
double hung windows with true divided light, with various configurations.
d. Fences: Fences that are visible from the public -right -of way must be constructed of natural materials,
such as wood or stone, composite materials if similar in appearance, or wrought iron fences. Chain
link or plastic fences that are visible from the right-of-way or public sidewalk are not permitted.
Fence standards are provided in [Section 153.400.060].
e. Existing vegetation should be maintained to the extentpossible. If trees along the street or highway must be
removed for new construction, they should be replaced with native species consistent with Section
[153.400.060 Subd. 2. I. Table 8] of this UDC.
f. Design Guidelines: In addition to the standards listed herein, consideration of the City's adopted
Design Guidelines is required for any new use or development.
Character Area: Village Districts (V-N, V-C, and V-HC). This Character Area is defined by a mix of
new and historic residential and commercial uses. The historic core (V-HC) is pedestrian friendly,
walkable with a mix of shopfronts, businesses and community gathering places. Surrounding the historic
core are newer village commercial uses and neighborhoods (V-N and V-C) that reference the historic
architectural and design character of the V-HC. The following standards are established for any non -
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residential use, conditional or interim use that proposes a new structure, expansion, or modification of
an existing structure. The purpose of the following is to reinforce the character of this area as described
a. Architectural Design. The architectural design of the village core structures, including the V-HC and
V-C Zoning Districts, is defined by the form and scale of the existing buildings. To reinforce this
pattern, the following standards are required for any new structure, including single-family detached
residences, within the V-C and V-HC districts:
i. Structures should be 1 1/2 to 2 stories with a maximum height as regulated by the Base Zoning
District standards as defined in Section [153.200.030]
ii. Facades designed for commercial uses with frontage on a public street must be designed with
bays or articulation that may include changes in wall plane, color, materials or similar. The
design must include a definable base, middle and top.
1. Facades in the V-HC must include a minimum of 60% glass transparency. Spandrel glass may
be used, but may not comprise more the 15% of the minimum transparency requirement.
iv. Structures must be sited with the primary entrance on the first -floor with a direct connection to
the public sidewalk.
v. Off-street parking must be located behind (rear) the principal structure, or to the side, where
feasible. Streetside parking is permitted and encouraged.
vi. Rooflines must be compatible with adjacent buildings and structures. If non -storefront style
buildings are proposed they must be designed with pitched roofs with a similar pitch as present
on existing buildings within the V-C and V-HC Districts,
b. Building Materials. Use of the following building materials is required for all commercial uses:
i. The finished building materials as identified in [153.400.030 Subd. 3 (A) III] are permitted in
the V-N.
ii. The following finished building materials are permitted within the V-C and V-HC Districts:
1. Standard size clay brick
2. Fiber cement lap siding
3. Stained or painted wood lap siding
4. Flat -paneled log with dovetail corners
5. Wood board and batten siding
6. Natural or cast stone
The City Council may approve alternative materials provided applicants prove alternative
proposed materials meet or exceeds the standards for the intended uses and purposes of the
building material.
c. Windows and Doors. The following window and door standards are required for all commercial uses
and structures in the V-C and V-HC, and are encouraged in the V-N Zoning Districts:
i. Windows should be designed to have a wooden appearance or to conform with the City's
adopted Architectural Design Guidelines.
ii. Window replacement on existing structures must be consistent with the original window
configuration including materials to the best extent possible.
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1. Commercial, mixed -use and retail structures must incorporate typical storefront window
d. Garages, Parking Areas and Landscape Plan.
i. All off-street parking and areas and garages should be sited outside of all required front -yard
setbacks, to the extent possible. Exceptions may be granted by the City Council if warranted
based on the lot configuration.
ii. Multi -family structures, duplex, townhomes or condominiums with attached garages must be
designed with garage entries from the side or rear to the extent feasible. Garages facing the
public right-of-way must be architectural designed and must be setback behind the front plan
of the principal structure.
1. Parking areas must be screened with fencing or vegetation that may include trees and shrubs to
screen parking areas from residential uses, public right-of-way, sidewalks and other buildings.
iv. Large parking lot areas must be broken up with planting islands that should include trees and
shrubs, and may also incorporate raingardens, tree -trenches or other design elements that assist
with stormwater management.
v. A landscape plan is required for all new development, redevelopment or subdivision in this
Character Area and must comply with the standards identified in Section [153.400.060].
e. Signage.
i. All new or replacement signs are required to meet the sign standards identified in Section
ii. Signs may be affixed to the building, and multi -tenant buildings may provide one sign per user
with an approved unified sign plan.
1. New or replacement signs on commercial structures must be designed with clear lettering and
mimmalistic style. Permitted sign locations include:
1. On a canvas awning
2. Transom window, window glass or glass door
3. Projecting wall sign (at 90-degree hanging oriented to pedestrians)
4. Architectural stone detailing such as cornerstone detail or roof parapet
iv. Lighting of Signs in V-C and V-HC.-
1. Internally lit, and backlit signs are not permitted.
2. Mounted and directional lighting of signs is permitted
3. Neon signs are permitted within the storefront window, but may not be affixed to the
exterior of a building.
4. Flashing, blinking, and rotating signs are not permitted.
5. LED digital signs are not permitted.
f Mechanical Equipment and Utility Areas.
i. Mechanical equipment must be screened on all side. Mechanical equipment includes air
conditioning units, heating units, transformers, and any equipment that provides service to a
building. Rooftop mechanical equipment may not be visible from the public right-of-way or
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sidewalk. Screening of rooftop equipment must be compatible with the architectural design of
the building.
ii. Utility areas, including exterior trash and storage areas, service yards, and loading areas must be
screened on all four sides. These areas must not be visible from streets, parking lots, sidewalks,
or nearby buildings.
in. Acceptable screening materials must be compatible with the principal or accessory buildings on
site, and may include vegetation or berms.
iv. If new sidewalks are installed, or renovations to existing sidewalks are made, planting islands
should be created to include shade trees, grassy boulevards, flowers, and other public realm
landscape elements.
g. Design Guidelines. In addition to the standards listed herein, conformance with the City's adopted
Architectural Design Guidelines is required for any new use or development.
IV. Character Area: Business Districts (R-C and I-P). This Character Area is defined by commercial
and light industrial with green space buffer areas between rights -of -way and adjacent residential uses.
Throughout the City, the rural commercial (R-C) nodes should echo the character of Scandia's core.
This character area is defined by businesses and parking areas but is intended to maintain the rural
character of the City.
a. Within the commercial nodes, including R-C and I-P Zoning Districts, buildings should be sited to
meet the minimum setback requirements, where possible. Setback areas should be designed to allow
for greenspace and landscaping along roadways.
b. Structures that meet the definition of Agricultural Building will be subject to [153.400.040 (B) I]
Character Area: Agricultural Districts (A-P and AG-C).
c. Parking for commercial uses must be located to the side or rear of buildings, to the extent possible.
d. Parking areas must be screened with vegetation including trees and shrubs to screen parking areas
from residential uses, public right-of-way, sidewalks and other buildings.
e. A landscape plan is required and must comply with the standards identified in Section
f. Large parking lot areas must be broken up with planting islands that must include trees and shrubs,
and may also incorporate raingardens, tree -trenches or other design elements that assist with
stormwater management.
g. Building Materials and Architectural Standards in the R-C Zoning District. Use of the following building
materials is required for all commercial uses:
i. Architectural Design. The architectural design of rural commercial structures, including the R-C
Zoning District, should mimic the commercial and mixed -use structures found in the Village
Districts. To reinforce this pattern, architectural design shall meet the standards in [153.400.040
Subd.1 III a.1.] and [153.400.040 Subd.1 III a. ii.].
ii. Building Materials. The finished building materials as identified in [153.400.030 Subd. 3 (A) III]
are permitted in the R-C. To reinforce this pattern, finished building materials shall meet the
standards identified [153.400.040 Subd.1 III b.].
iii. Windows and Doors. Window and door standards are required for all commercial uses and
structures in the R-C. To reinforce this pattern, all windows and doors shall meet the standards
identified [153.400.040 Subd.1 III c.].
h. Building
Materials in the I-P Zoning District. Unless adjacent to a historic structure or fronting an
arterial or collector roadway, or if highly visible from an arterial or collector roadway, buildings may
be constructed of decorative concrete block or professionally designed pre -cast concrete units if the
surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture, and if
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incorporated in a building design that is compatible with other development throughout the Zoning
i. Mechanical Equipment and Utility Areas.
iv. Mechanical equipment must be screened on all sides. Mechanical equipment includes air
conditioning units, heating units, transformers, and any equipment that provides service to a
v. Rooftop mechanical equipment must not be visible from the public right-of-way or sidewalk.
Screening of rooftop equipment must be compatible with the architectural design of the
vi. Utility areas, including exterior trash and storage areas, service yards, and loading areas must be
screened on all four sides. These areas must not be visible from streets, parking lots, sidewalks,
or nearby buildings.
vii. Acceptable screening materials must be compatible with the principal or accessory buildings on
site and may include vegetation or berms.
j. Existing vegetation should be maintained to the extentpossible. If trees along the street or highway must be
removed for new construction, they should be replaced with native species consistent with Section
[153.400.060] of this UDC.
k. If new sidewalks are installed, or renovations to existing sidewalks are made, planting islands should
be created to include shade trees, grassy boulevards, flowers, and other public realm landscape
1. Design Guidelines: In addition to the standards listed herein, conformance with the City's adopted
Architectural Design Guidelines is required for any new use or development.
(C) Design Review for Exceptions. A landowner may request an exception to any of the standards listed herein,
which will be subject to the review, establishment of reasonable conditions and approval of the Planning
Commission and City Council. The request will be processed through a Design Review and will not be
considered a variance. The Design Review does not require a public hearing, and the Design Review may or
may not accompany another formal land use application.
(D) Design Review. An applicant or developer may request a Design Review of any proposed exception to the
Standards established within this Section 153.400.040 Character Area Standards. The following process will
a. If requested, Design Review will occur concurrently with the application for any Building Permit,
Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Administrative Permit, Site Plan Review, Planned Unit
Development or other permit(s) as may be required by this Section.
b. The Planning Commission will provide recommendations to the City Council on any project
referred to it for Design Review. The Planning Commission may consult with staff, consultants or
other experts or resources as appropriate to the application request. The City Council has final
authority to grant an exception to the standards contained within this Section.
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The purpose of regulating open space, stormwater and drainage is to protect,
enhance and support the natural resource systems in the community. The regulations and standards established
within this section are intended to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and its structures by
regulating site development and use of property.
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Subd. 2. Land Alteration and Grading
(A) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish regulatory requirements for land development and land
disturbing activities and to minimize potential threats to public health, safety, public and private property and
natural resources within the City from construction site erosion and sedimentation.
1. General Standards. The following general standards apply for any grading, drainage and erosion control
associated with any development, redevelopment, or platting:
a. All development must be designed to minimize the potential for soil erosion (e.g. protection of
steep slopes, using topography to guide developable areas, avoiding inadequate soils, etc.).
b. Slopes over 25% (4:1) should be protected to the extent possible, and any proposed alteration must
be reviewed by the City Engineer.
c. Development on slopes with a grade between 12% (8:1) and 25% (4:1) must be reviewed by the
City Engineer to confirm that adequate measures have been taken to prevent soil erosion,
sedimentation, vegetative, and structural damage.
d. Plans to place fill or excavated material on steep slopes (greater than 18%) must be reviewed by the
City Engineer for slope stability and finished slopes of 30 percent or greater are prohibited.
e. Erosion and siltation measures must be coordinated with the different stages of development.
Appropriate control measures must be installed prior to development when necessary to control
f. Land must be developed in increments of workable size so that erosion and siltation controls can
be provided as construction progresses. Only the smallest practical area of land should be exposed
at any one period of time.
g. The drainage system must be constructed and made operational as quickly as possible during
h. Whenever possible, natural vegetation must be retained and protected.
i. Where the topsoil is removed, sufficient arable soil must be set aside for re -spreading over the
disturbed area. The soil must be restored to a depth of 4 inches and must be of quality at least equal
to the soil quality prior to development.
j. Erosion and sediment control measures must be maintained until final vegetation cover is
established to a density of 70%.
k. All temporary erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMP's) must be removed
after the permanent erosion and sediment control BMP's have been implemented and the site has
been permanently stabilized.
11. Inspection Procedures. The applicant shall promptly allow the City and its authorized representatives, upon
presentation of credentials, to:
a. Enter upon the permitted site for the purpose of obtaining information, examination of records,
conducting investigations, inspection or surveys.
b. Bring such equipment upon the permitted site as is necessary to conduct such surveys and
c. Inspect the erosion and sediment control measures.
d. The applicant shall notify the City when the measures required by the permit have been
accomplished on site, whereupon the City may conduct an initial inspection to determine
compliance with this Section and may within a reasonable time thereafter report to the applicant
either that compliance appears to have been achieved, or that compliance has not been achieved. In
that case, the City shall provide a correction notice identifying the conditions of noncompliance.
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The applicant shall immediately begin corrective action and shall complete such corrective action
within 48 hours of receiving the City's notice. For good cause shown, the City may extend the
deadline for taking corrective action. Failure to take corrective action in a timely manner shall
constitute a violation of this Chapter. The City shall not be responsible for direct or indirect
consequences to the applicant or to third -parties for non -compliant conditions undetected by
III. Enforcement. Whenever the Zoning Administrator finds any violation of this UDC, the Zoning
Administrator shall issue a stop work order. Such stop work order is subject to the following conditions:
e. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the applicant or the applicant's agent.
The stop work order shall state the reason for the order.
f. Upon issuance of the stop work order, the cited work shall immediately cease. The stop work order
may be issued for a reasonable period to be determined by the City during which time the applicant
will be allowed to correct the identified violation.
g. If the violations cannot be corrected within the time frame determined by the City, the applicant
may seek an extension of the stop work order for such additional period of time as allowed by the
Zoning Administrator.
h. If the applicant does not contest the stop work order and corrects the identified violations within
the designated period, the applicant may immediately commence further activity at the site. The City
will inspect the site to verify correction of the violations.
i. If the violations are not corrected within the designated period (with extensions), the City may
correct the cited violations and draw down the escrow to cover the cost.
j. Any person who shall continue any cited work after having been served with a stop work order,
except such work as is necessary to correct the cited violations, shall be subject to penalties as stated
in Section [153.500.120].
k. The City shall inspect the site before the construction project work can resume.
Subd. 3. Stormwater Management. This Section is established to manage, regulate and condition the
management of stormwater in the City. The following standards are established and apply to any development, use
or intensification of use that may change the onsite management of stormwater.
(A) General Requirements. This Section sets forth the minimum requirements for stormwater management that
will diminish threats to public health, safety, public and private property and natural resources of the City and
meet the requirements of appropriate regulatory agencies.
(B) The City Engineer shall administer this Section. Regulation by the City does not exempt the applicant from
the requirements and permitting authority of other agencies. The requirements of this section apply to all
applicants or projects requiring Site Plan Review, a Conditional Use Permit, platting, or subdivision review.
(C) General Stormwater Management Standards and Design Criteria:
i. No person may develop land for residential, commercial, industrial or institutional uses without
providing stormwater management measures that control or manage runoff from such developments.
Emergency actions, such as the need to address a failing septic system, are exempt from these controls.
II. Development must minimize impact to significant natural features. All sites will be reviewed for the
presence of wetlands, wooded areas of significance, rare and endangered species habitat, and areas
designated by the County Biological Survey. The developer or landowner must demonstrate through
the land use application or subdivision process how significant natural features will be protected if the
application is approved.
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I11. New development and redevelopment activities must meet the adopted water management rules,
standards, and plan requirements of local watershed management organizations for volume control, rate
control, and water quality.
IV. Where directed by the City and based on site suitability, the developer or applicant must consider
reducing the need for stormwater controls and Best Management Practices (BMP's) by minimizing
impervious surface and incorporating the use of natural topography. The following design options
should be considered, consistent with the zoning and subdivision requirements:
a. Preserving natural vegetation;
b. Preserving and utilizing natural upland swales, depressions and storage areas in the post
development conditions to the degree that they can convey, store, filter and retain stormwater
runoff before discharge without becoming a public nuisance or hazard. Preservation requires that
no grading or other construction activity occur in these areas;
c. Installing semi-permeable/permeable or porous paving;
d. Using landscaping and soils to treat and infiltrate stormwater runoff,
e. Identifying vegetated areas that can filter sheet flow, remove sediment and other pollutants, and
increase the time of concentration;
f. Disconnecting impervious areas by allowing runoff from small impervious areas to be directed to
pervious areas where it can be infiltrated or filtered;
g. Increasing buffers around streams, steep slopes, and wetlands to protect from flood damage and
provide additional water quality treatment;
h. Installing green roofs;
i. Using irrigation systems, cisterns, rain barrels and related BMP's to reuse stormwater runoff.
j. Establishing appropriate setbacks between structures so that adequate area is present to allow for
localized stormwater management.
V. The design of ponds and other stormwater BMP's must conform to the requirements of —the City's
adopted Engineering Standards, and to the standards and design recommendations in the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency's Minnesota Stormwater Manual (2006 and subsequent revisions) and
Minnesota Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual.
VI. The lowest ground elevation adjacent to a structure in a development must be at least 3 feet above the
100-year, 24-hour elevation of the water body. The lowest ground elevation adjacent to structures that
are adjacent to ponds must be certified by the applicant during basement construction to ensure
adequate freeboard.
VII, If the basin is landlocked, the lowest ground elevation adjacent to a structure must be a minimum of 3
feet above the calculated high water level.
(D) Illegal disposal.
I. No person shall leave, throw, deposit, discharge, dump, place, leave, maintain or keep any substance
upon any street or sidewalk, or any element of the storm sewer system, or upon any public or private lot
of land, so that the same may be or might become a pollutant, except in containers, recycling bags, or
other lawfully established waste disposal facility.
II. No person shall intentionally dispose of grass, leaves, dirt or landscape material into any surface water,
buffer area, street, sidewalk or element of the storm sewer system.
(E) Illicit discharges and connections.
I. No person shall cause any illicit discharge to enter the storm sewer system or any surface water unless
such discharge:
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II. Consists of non-stormwater discharge that is authorized by an MPCA permit; or
IIl. Is associated with firefighting activities or other activities necessary to protect public health and safety.
IV. Is associated with normal household activities such as car washing, lawn watering or draining a
swimming pool.
V. Dye testing is an allowable discharge but requires a verbal notification to the city prior to the time of the
VI. The following discharges are exempt: water line flushing or other potable water sources, landscape
irrigation or lawn watering, diverted stream flows, rising ground water, ground water infiltration to
storm drains, uncontaminated pumped ground water, foundation or footing drains, crawl space pumps,
air conditioning, condensation, springs, non-commercial washing of vehicles, natural riparian habitat or
wetland flows, dechlorinated swimming pool water and any other water source not containing a
VII, No person shall use any illicit connection to intentionally convey a non-stormwater discharge to the
City's storm sewer system.
Vill. The construction, use, maintenance or continued existence of illicit connections to the storm sewer
system is prohibited. This prohibition includes, without limitation, illicit connections made in the past,
regardless of whether the connection was permissible under law or practices applicable or prevailing at
the time of connection.
IX. Any owner or occupant of property within the City must comply with the following requirements:
a. Subsurface sewage treatment systems must be maintained to prevent failure.
b. Recreational vehicle sewage must be disposed of to a proper sanitary waste facility.
c. Water in swimming pools must sit for 7 days without the addition of chlorine to allow for chlorine
to evaporate before discharge.
d. Runoff of water from the washing of paved areas on commercial or industrial property is prohibited
unless necessary for health or safety purposes and not in violation of any other provisions of this
e. Mobile washing companies (carpet cleaning, mobile vehicle washing, etc.) must dispose of
wastewater to a proper sanitary waste facility.
f. Any machinery or equipment that is to be repaired or maintained in areas susceptible to runoff
must be placed in a confined area to contain leaks, spills or discharges.
Subd. 4. Stormwater and Management and Erosion Control in new Subdivisions or Changes resulting in
Intensification in Use. The standards established within this section shall apply to any subdivision of land that
results in three or more lots.
(A) Stormwater Drainage.
i. The City will not approve any subdivision that does not make adequate provision for managing the
quantity and quality of storm water runoff. Subdivisions must meet the adopted water management
rules, standards and plan requirements of local watershed districts for volume control and water quality.
IL The design of ponds and other stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP's) must conform to the
requirements of the City's Engineering Standards and the standards and design recommendations in the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Minnesota Stormwater manual (2006 and subsequent revisions)
and Minnesota Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual.
III. Where a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream traverses a subdivision the subdivider must
provide a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way, whichever the City may deem more
appropriate. This easement, right-of-way or dedication must conform substantially with the lines of the
water courses, together with further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the storm
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water drainage of the area. The City Engineer will determine the width of such easement or right -of way
as part of the subdivision review process.
a. Where topography or other conditions make the inclusion of drainage facilities within road rights -
of -way impractical, the subdivider must provide perpetual, unobstructed easements at least 20 feet
in width for drainage facilities across property outside the road lines and with satisfactory access to
the road. Easements must be indicated on the plat. Drainage easement must extend from the road
to a natural watercourse or to other drainage facilities.
b. When a proposed drainage system will carry water across private land outside the subdivision,
appropriate drainage rights shall be secured and indicated on the plat.
c. The subdivider must dedicate by drainage easement, land on each side of the centerline of any
wetland, body of water, watercourse of drainage channel, whether or not shown on the City's
Comprehensive Plan, to a sufficient width to 1) provide proper protection for water quality 2)
provide retention of storm water runoff, and 3) provide for the installation and maintenance of
storm sewers, swales or other such conveyance method.
(B) Erosion Control During Construction.
i. Prior to commencing any earth disturbing activity in the subdivision, the subdivider must submit an
erosion control plan for approval by the City Engineer. The plans must be suited to the topography and
soils to create the least erosion potential. Acceptable temporary and permanent erosion control plans
must include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
a. A site map with existing and final grades. These grades must include dividing lines and direction of
flow for all pre- and post -construction storm water runoff drainage areas located within the project
limits. The site map must also include impervious surfaces and soil types.
b. Location of all critical areas, and areas delineated for non -disturbance.
c. Locations of areas where construction will be phased for non -disturbance.
d. Location and types of all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control Best Management
Practices (BMP's). Standard plates and/or specifications for the BMPs used on the project must be
included in the final plans and specifications for the project.
e. Locations and types of sediment control measures for all stockpiles located on the project.
f. Plans and specifications for temporary seeding and mulching any exposed soils during construction.
g. Plans and specifications for final vegetation establishment, including long-term vegetation
management plan for controlling noxious weeds where appropriate.
h. All plans must include maintenance requirements and who will be responsible for the maintenance
i. Land clearing and erosion control must comply with all rules and regulations of Federal, State,
County and local agencies.
j. Erosion control measures must comply with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Best
Management Practices, all applicable NPDES Phase II construction site permit requirements, and
the Minnesota Stormwater Manual (2006 and subsequent revisions), or other practices as approved
by the City Engineer.
k. The subdivider must provide the City Engineer with separate temporary and permanent erosion
control plans which must be suited to the topography and soils to create the least erosion potential.
Acceptable temporary and permanent erosion control plans shall include, but not be limited to, the
following elements:
i. The land should be developed in increments of workable size so that adequate controls of
erosion and siltation can be provided and maintained during the construction period. Grading
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operations and other land disturbing operations must be staged so that the area being
developed is not exposed for long periods of time without restabilization.
ii. Natural vegetation must be protected whenever practical. All areas of natural vegetation are to
be protected must be identified prior to any construction activity commencing. Trees must be
protected to meet the requirements of Section [153.400.070] Woodland and Tree Preservation.
1. Temporary vegetation and/or mulching must be used to protect the areas exposed during the
development. No area shall be left denuded for a period longer than 7 days after initial site
grading and other land disturbing operations on slopes of 3:1 or steeper; 14 days after initial site
grading and other land disturbing operations on slopes between 3:1 and 10:1; and 21 days after
initial site grading and other land disturbing operations on all other slopes. These areas must be
seeded, mulched and stabilized with erosion control netting or blanket acceptable to the City
iv. Permanent vegetation must be installed within 30 days after completion of initial grading. If
grading is not completed until after the planting season has expired, temporary erosion control
measures, including dormant seeding and mulching, must be installed.
v. Sediment basins (debris basins, de -silting basins or silt traps) must be installed and maintained
to remove sediment from runoff waters from the land undergoing development. Storm sewer
inlets must be provided with debris guards and microsilt basins to trap sediment and avoid
possible damage from blockage. The silt should be removed when necessary. If
sediment/siltation measures taken are not adequate and result in downstream sediment, the
subdivider will be responsible for cleaning out or dredging downstream storm sewers and
ponds and restoration or disturbed areas as necessary.
vi. Temporary rock construction access drives must be constructed and maintained in working
condition throughout construction.
v1 Before grading is commenced, all control measures as shown on the approved plan must be
viii. The subdivider is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the storm sewer system
(including ponds, pipes, catch basins, culverts, and swales) within the subdivision and adjacent
off -site storm sewer system that receives storm water from the subdivision. The subdivider
must follow all instructions it receives from the City concerning the cleaning and maintenance
of the storm sewer system. The subdivider's obligations under this paragraph will end after the
erosion control is complete and financial guarantees have been released.
ix. The subdivider is responsible for cleaning all streets in the subdivision from silt and dirt from
the subdivision. At a minimum scraping and sweeping must take place on a weekly basis. If the
City finds that the street cleaning is not adequate, the City may order cleaning of the streets and
the subdivider must pay the cost. If the subdivider fails to do so, the City may draw on the
subdivider's financial guarantee with the City and use it to provide payment for the cleaning.
1. No certificate of occupancy will be issued until final grading has been completed in accordance with
the approved final subdivision plat and the lot covered with topsoil with an average depth of at least
four inches over the entire area of the lot, except that portion covered by buildings or streets, or
where the grade has not been changed or natural vegetation seriously damaged. The soil must be
stabilized by planting or seeding. The soil must not contain particles more than one inch in
diameter. Topsoil shall not be removed from the subdivision or used as spoil.
m. Debris and Waste. No cut trees, diseased trees, timber debris, ear, rocks, stones, soil, junk, rubbish
or other waste materials of any kind may be buried in any land or left or deposited on any lot or
street at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, and removal of those items and
materials will be required prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy in a subdivision. No
items and materials as described in the preceding sentence may be left or deposited in any area of
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the subdivision at the time of expiration of the Development Agreement or dedication of public
improvements, whichever occurs sooner.
n. Enforcement.
i. The City may issue a stop work order halting all development work and building construction
for noncompliance with the erosion control plan.
ii. The City will conduct site inspections for compliance with appropriate erosion control
measures, and any related issues regarding non-compliance will be addressed as appropriate.
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The purpose of the standards identified in this Section are to support the rural
character of the community and to support the transition between lots, uses, character areas and districts through
landscaping, buffering and fencing.
Subd. 2. Landscaping. The character of the community is defined by its existing trees and vegetation. The
following standards are intended to support and enhance the City's character through both preservation of existing
vegetation and enhancement through the planting of new trees and vegetation.
(A) Purpose. The preservation of existing trees and vegetation as well as the planting of new trees and vegetation,
can significantly add to the quality of the physical environment of the community. This Section provides for
the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Scandia and is intended to:
1. Promote the reestablishment of vegetation in developed areas for aesthetic, health, and wildlife reasons;
I1. Establish and enhance a pleasant visual character which recognizes aesthetics and safety issues;
111. Promote compatibility between land uses by reducing the visual, noise, and lighting impacts of specific
development on users of the site and abutting uses;
IV. Unify development and enhance and define public and private spaces;
V. Promote the retention and use of existing vegetation;
VI. Aid in energy conservation by providing shade from the sun and shelter from the wind;
VII. Reduce flooding and erosion by stabilizing soils with trees and vegetation.
(B) Landscaping Plan. A landscaping plan must be submitted at the time of Site Plan/Preliminary Plat review for
I. Major residential subdivision, or new development or new building construction in any commercial,
industrial, public/institutional or planned unit development.
11. Modification or expansion of a commercial or industrial building or improvements to a site, and/or
when there is a change in land use plan or zoning. Landscaping requirements will be applied to those
portions of the site that are directly affected by the proposed improvements, or change in land use, as
determined by the Zoning Administrator. In all cases appropriate screening and buffering must be
provided for the entire site.
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(C) General Plan Requirements. Landscape plans must be prepared by a landscape architect or other qualified
person acceptable to the Zoning Administrator and must include information as required by Section
[153.500], and a Woodland Preservation Plan as per Section [153.400.070], as applicable.
(D) Design Standards and Guidelines. All landscape plans shall adhere to the following:
1. Character Areas and Design Guidelines. Landscape plans must be reviewed for compliance with the
applicable Character Area required in [Section153.400.040] and should be reviewed for compatibility
with the Scandia Architectural Design Guidelines, as applicable.
II. Landscaped Areas. All open areas of a lot which are not used or improved for required parking areas,
drives or storage must be landscaped with a combination of over -story trees, under -story trees,
coniferous trees, shrubs, flowers and ground cover materials. The City strongly encourages landscape
plans that reflect the natural landscape and incorporate native vegetation.
Ill. Number of trees. The minimum number of major or over -story trees on any given site is indicated in
Table 153.400.060-1. Table 153.400.060-2 identifies the minimum number of substantial plantings, in
addition to other under -story trees, shrubs, flowers and ground cover deemed appropriate for a
complete quality landscape treatment of the site. The planting location of the required trees is flexible to
accommodate various landscape designs. If requested by the applicant, the City Council may consider
reducing the required number of trees if the landscape plan reflects the natural landscape.
Table 153.400.060-1. Required Number of Trees
(E) Site Ground Cover. All front, side or rear yards facing a right-of-way must be treated with a ground cover
material consisting of either lawn and/or native prairie grasses. The ground cover must be established one
year from the date of occupancy. Undisturbed areas containing existing viable natural vegetation that can be
maintained free of foreign and noxious plant materials will satisfy this requirement.
(F) Building Ground Cover. A minimum five-foot strip from building walls facing a public right-of-way must be
treated with decorative ground cover and/or foundation plantings, except for garage/loading and pedestrian
access areas.
(G) Minimum Planting Size. The complement of trees fulfilling the requirements of this Section must be of a
variety of age classes. Sizes of over- and under -story trees are based on the diameter of the tree 6 inches
above the ground.
Table 153.400.060-2. Minimum Planting Size Required
50% 2'/z inches
Over -story Trees
50% 1 '/z inches
50% 1 '/z inches
Under -story Trees
50% 1 inch
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%o r e pe
Size Required
Required Planting Material
Ornamental Trees
1 inch
Coniferous Trees
4 feet in height
Tall Shrubs or Hedge
3 feet
Low Shrubs
2 or 5 gallon
Species. The following is a list of recommended plant materials:
Table 153.400.060-3. List of Recommended Plant Materials
Common Name Scientific Name
Type Native
Balsam Fir
Abies balsamea
Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
Larix laricina
White Spruce
Picea glauca
Norway Spruce
Picea abies
Jack Pine
Pinus banksiana
Norway Pine
Pinus resinosa
White Pine
Pinus strobus
American Arborvitae, White Cedar
Thuja occidentalis
Canadian Hemlock
Tsuga Canadensis
Red Maple
Acer rubrum
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Silver Maple and Cultivars
Acer saccharinum
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Ohio Buckeye
Aeschylus glabra
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Yellow Birch
Betula alleghaniensis
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
River Birch
Betula nigra
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Paper Birch
Betula papyrifer
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
American Hornbeam; Blue Beech
Carpinus caroliniana
Primary Deciduous, Understory
Bittemut Hickory
Carya cordiformis
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
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Common Name
Shagbark Hickory
Scientific Name
Carya ovate
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Northern Catalpa
Catalpa speciosa
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Celts occidentalis
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Crataegus crus-galli
Primary Deciduous, Ornamental
Gleditsia triacanthos
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Gymnocladus dioica
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Black Walnut
Juglans nigra
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Malus sp.
Primary Deciduous, Ornamental
Ostrya virginiana
Primary Deciduous, Understory
Cottonwood (male, non -seeding)
Populus deltoides
Secondary Deciduous, Overstory
Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides
Secondary Deciduous, Overstory
Canada Plum
Prunus nigra
Primary Deciduous, Ornamental
Black Cherry
Prunus serotina
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
White Oak
Quercus alba
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Swamp White Oak
Quercus bicolor
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Northern Pin Oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Bur Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Pin Oak
Quercus palustris
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Red Oak
Quercus rubra
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Black Oak
Quercus velutina
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
American Mountain Ash
Sorbus Americana
Primary Deciduous, Ornamental
European Mountain Ash
Sorbus aucuparia
Primary Deciduous; Ornamental
Basswood; American Linden
Tilia Americana
Primary Deciduous; Overstory
Littleleaf Linden
Tilia cordata
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
American Elm
(Dutch Elm -resistant varieties
Ulmus Americana
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Slippery Elm, Red Elm
Ulmus rubra
Primary Deciduous, Overstory
Downy Serviceberry
Amelanchior arborea
Tall Shrub, Understory
Shadbow Serviceberry
Amelanchior canadensis
Tall Shrub, Understory
Allegany Serviceberry
Amelanchior laevis
Tall Shrub, Understory
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Common Name
Scientific Name
Amopha canescens
Low Shrub, Understory
Red Chokeberry
Aronia arbutifolia
Low Shrub; Understory
Black Chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa
Low Shrub, Understory
Pagoda Dogwood
Comus altemifolia
Tall Shrub; Understory
Gray Dogwood
Comus racemosa
Tall Shrub Understory
Redosier Dogwood
Corpus stolonifera
Tall Shrub, Understory
American Hazel
Corylus Americana
Tall Shrub; Understory
Bush Honeysuckle
Diervilla lonicera
Low Shrub; Understory
Euonymous atropurpureus
Tall Shrub, Understory
Common Witchhazel
Hamamelis virginiana
Tall Shrub; Understory
Wild Plum
Prunus Americana
Tall Shrub; Understory
Pin Cherry
Prunus pensylvanica
Tall Shrub, Understory
Fragrant Sumac
Rhus aromatic
Low Shrub; Understory
Smooth Sumac
Rhus glabra
Tall Shrub; Understory
Saghorn Sumac
Rhus typhina
Tall Shrub, Understory
Willows (native to Minnesota)
Sala, sp.
Low Shrub; Understory
Arrowwood Viburnum
Viburnum dentatum
Low Shrub, Understory
Viburnum lentango
Tall Shrub, Understory
American Highbush Cranberry
Viburnum trilobum
Tall Shrub; Understory
11. The complement of trees fulfilling the requirements of this Section may be not less than 25% deciduous
and not less than 25% coniferous, unless the proposed plantings are designed to create a natural setting
and it is approved by the City Council. Single-family detached housing development is exempt from this
IIL No invasive species as identified by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources are permitted, or
any of the following to meet the tree requirement:
a. A species of the genus Ulmus (elm), except those elms bred to be immune to Dutch Elm disease;
b. Female Cottonwood;
c. A species of the genus Fraxinus (ash); or
d. Female ginko.
IV. Parking Lots/Planting Islands. All automobile parking lots designed for 15 or more parking spaces must
provide landscaping areas dispersed throughout the parking lot to avoid the visual monotony, heat and
wind associated with large parking areas. Parking lots with less than 15 spaces are not required to
provide landscaping other than yard area and buffer landscaping requirements as specified in other
sections of this UDC.
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a. PlantMaterialr. At least one over-story/shade tree must be provided for each 15 parking spaces.
Ornamental trees, shrubs, hedges and other plant materials may be used to supplement the shade
trees, but may not be the sole contribution to such landscaping.
b. Additional perimeter plantings may be used to satisfy this requirement in parking facilities less than
60 feet in width.
V. Slopes and Berms. Final slopes of greater than 3:1 will not be permitted without special treatment such
as terracing or retaining walls. All berms must incorporate trees and other plantings into the design. In
no situation are berms to be used as the sole means of screening.
VI. Landscape Guarantee. A financial guarantee must be submitted as provided by Section [153.500.070.
Subd. 2]
Subd. 3. Screening and Buffering. The following screening and buffering standards are established to allow for
appropriate and adequate transitions between different, but adjacent, Character Areas and/or Zoning Districts.
(A) Screening is required:
1. As a transition between different, but adjacent Character Areas and/or Zoning Districts:
a. When any nonresidential, commercial or industrial off-street parking area contains more than 4
parking spaces and is within 30 feet of a parcel in residential use.
b. When a driveway to a nonresidential parking area of more than 6 parking spaces is within 15 feet of
a parcel in residential use.
c. Where any business or industrial use (structure, parking or storage) is adjacent to property in
residential use, that business or industry must provide screening along the boundary of the
residential property. Screening must also be provided where a business, parking lot or industry is
across the street from a residential use, but not on the side of a business or industry considered to
be the front.
II. Screening may be required between uses within the same Character Area and/or Zoning District as part
of a land use application or subdivision process, which will be determined by the City Council
(B) Performance Standards. The screening required in this Section may consist of earth mounds, berms or
ground forms; fences and walls; landscaping (plant materials) or landscaped fixtures (such as timbers) used in
combination or singularly so as to block direct visual access to the area or object to be screened. Required
screening for parking areas must provide a 100% opaque screen not less than 4 feet in height.
Subd. 4. Fences. The following standards are established to regulate the design, construction and appearance of
fences to create a compatible and cohesive transition between lots, Zoning Districts and Character Areas.
(A) General Performance Standards. Fences are permitted in accordance with the following regulations. The
diagram that follows defines the front, side and rear yards for purposes of this Section.
I. Fencing must comply with the Character Area standards provided in Section [153.400.040].
IL The side of the finished side of the fence) must face the abutting property with side with structural
supports facing the subject lot.
111. No fence may be constructed on public rights -of -way.
IV. Fences may not impede the view of the roadway from a driveway providing access to the road.
V. Where a property line is not clearly defined, a certificate of survey may be required by the Zoning
Administrator to establish the location of the property line.
VI. An Administrative Permit and Building Permit are required for any fence exceeding six (6) feet in height.
VII. The maximum height of any fence is 8 feet in height.
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(B) Fence setbacks and corresponding height. Figure ] 153.400.060-1] is provided to define the setback location
and standards applicable to the construction of fences in any Zoning District as described in the following
Figure 153.400.060-1. Fence Diagram.
1. Fence Location.
4' fence allowed
i' fence allowed
3' fence allowed
a. Fences may be placed along a property line provided no physical damage of any kind results to
abutting property.
b. Fences in front of the Principal Structure are permitted up to six (6) feet in height if setback a
minimum of 20-feet from the right-of-way line, or front lot line, whichever is greater.
i. Fences in front of the Principal Structure located closer than 20-feet to the right -way
line are permitted up to four (4) feet in height. Any fence constructed parallel to the
right-of-way line must be setback a minimum of two (2) feet.
c. Fences located behind the Principal Structure as depicted on Figure [153.400.060-1] may be
constructed up to eight (8)feet in height.
d. Any fence exceeding six (6) feet in height is required to obtain an Administrative Permit and a
Building Permit.
e. If the primary use of a property is Agricultural, then a fence up to six (6) feet along the right-of-
way line is permitted provided that the fence is a wire strand, woven wire, or wood split rail
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(C) Fences in SM-O or SCRD-O. On properties located in the Shoreland Management Overlay District or Lower
St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District with lake or river frontage, fences must comply with the following
1. An Administrative Permit is required prior to the construction of any fence.
11. A fence greater than 4-feet up to a maximum of 6-feet is permitted if located to meet all required
setbacks of the Base Zoning District and the Overlay District as provided in Sections [153.200.030] and
Ill. A fence 4-feet or less is permitted within the required front, side or rear yard, including on the property
line with the following exception:
a. No fence may be constructed closer to the lake or river than the required lake or river setback
requirement unless the existing home is located closer to the lake or river than the required
setback. If the existing principal structure is located closer than the setback to the lake or river
the fence may be constructed even with the lake or river side of the principal structure.
Subd. 5. Land Clearing. As established within this UDC the City is defined by the natural vegetation and trees
that establish the rural character of the community. The purpose of the standards that follow is to minimize any
Land Clearing to the extent possible, while acknowledging that Land Clearing is necessary for development and
redevelopment of some properties within the City.
(A) Required Permits: Land clearing of an area 20,000 square feet or more is permitted in all Zoning Districts,
provided an Administrative Permit is issued. A permit is not required for clearing trees and other woody
plants in an area less than 20,000 square feet; clearing activities associated with a construction project if a
building permit has been issued, and there is minimal amount of clearing; and subdivisions that have received
Final Plat approval.
(B) Other Requirements. Land Clearing must comply with all rules and regulations of Federal, State, County and
local agencies.
(C) Performance Standards. Land clearing must comply with the following:
1. No removal of trees located on slopes greater than 25%, or in wooded floodplains, wooded wetlands,
and stream corridors is permitted. Trees and woodlands within the Shoreland Management Overlay
District and the Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District are subject to the requirements as
stated in Chapters 154 and 155 in addition to the regulations of this UDC.
I1. Construction fences or barricades may be required to be placed at the perimeter of the area to be
Ill. Erosion and siltation measures must be coordinated with the different stages of clearing. Appropriate
control measures must be installed prior to land clearing when necessary to control erosion.
IV. Land must be cleared in increments of a workable size so that erosion and siltation controls can be
provided as the clearing progresses. The smallest practical area of land should be exposed at any one
period of time.
V. Restoration. All permits must contain a restoration plan providing for the use of the land after project
completion. The following are minimum standards for restoration:
a. All disturbed areas must be restored at the completion of the project.
b. All restoration must include the application of a minimum of four (4) inches of mineral soil or
similar material that will support plant growth.
c. All restored areas must be seeded with a mixture recommended by the soil and Water Conservation
District unless it is put into forest or row crop production.
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d. Final grades must be in conformity with the permit and topography of the surrounding land.
e. The standards above may be raised or modified to accommodate a specific restoration plan.
f. The Zoning Administrator may require the applicant to post a financial guarantee to ensure
compliance with the Administrative Permit.
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The City has established the importance of protecting the natural vegetation
including woodlands and trees as an essential part of its rural character. To ensure that development,
redevelopment and /or subdivision of any site appropriately protects the natural vegetation and woodlands the
following standards are established.
Subd. 2. Woodland and Tree Preservation.
(A) Purpose. The preservation and protection of trees and woodlands can significantly add to the quality of the
physical environment of the community. The City recognizes the value of trees and woodlands for improving
air quality, scenic beauty, protection against wind and water erosion, shade, natural insulation for energy
conservation, wildlife habitat, and protecting the integrity of the natural environment.
(B) Aonlicr�bilit:.
1. A Woodland Preservation Plan is required for:
a. Any Preliminary Plat where significant trees or significant woodlands exist in the proposed
construction zone.
b. Any Minor Subdivision where significant trees or significant woodlands exist in the proposed
construction zone.
c. Any Landscape Plan as required Section [153.400.060] where significant trees or significant
woodlands exist in the proposed construction zone.
I1. A Woodland Preservation Plan is not required for:
a. Removal of Diseased Trees. All diseased, hazardous, dead and dying trees may be removed.
b. Removal of invasive tree species. Invasive tree species are encouraged to be removed and
chemically treated with appropriate herbicides and application methods to discourage re -sprouting
and minimize ecological impacts.
IIL Woodland Preservation Plan Requirements.
a. All Woodland Preservation Plans must be certified by a forester, ecologist, landscape architect or
other qualified professional retained by the applicant.
b. The Woodland Preservation Plan must include the following information:
i. Boundary lines of the property with accurate dimensions as established by survey.
ii. Location of existing and proposed buildings, structures, parking lots, roads, impervious
surfaces and other improvements.
1. Proposed grading plan with two -foot contour intervals and limits of the construction zone.
iv. Location of all significant woodlands, area in square feet and acres, and description of natural
community type or predominant canopy tree species, identified in both graphic and tabular
v. Location of all existing significant trees, size by caliper inch, scientific name, and common
name for all areas of the site identified in both graphic and tabular form.
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vi. Location of significant trees and significant woodlands proposed to be removed within the
construction zone, identified in both graphic and tabular form.
vii. Measures to protect significant trees and significant woodlands, as required by Section this
Section and Section [153.400.070].
viii. Size, scientific name, common name, and location of all replacement trees proposed to be
planted on the property to replace significant trees and/or significant woodlands proposed to
be removed.
ix. The name(s), telephone number(s), and address(es) of Applicants, property owners, developers,
and/or builders.
x. Signature and qualifications of the person preparing the plan.
IV. Significant Tree Replacement. All significant trees removed must be replaced by the applicant as
determined by the tree replacement schedule. Option A, B or C, or some combination may be proposed
by the applicant. The list of coniferous, primary and secondary deciduous tree species is included in
Section [153.400.060].
Table 153.400.070-1. Significant Tree Replacement Schedule
Tree Replacement Schedule.Number
of Replacement Trees
Size of Tree Damaged or
Deciduous trees at least 4
Deciduous trees at least 2.5 Deciduous trees at least 1.5
caliper inches; Coniferous
caliper inches; Coniferous caliper inches; Coniferous
trees at least 12 feet in height
trees at least 6 feet in height trees at least 4 feet in height
12 to 24 feet high
Coniferous, greater than
24 feet in height
Primary Deciduous,
6 to 20 inches diameter
Primary Deciduous, greater than
20 inches in diameter
Secondary Deciduous,
20 to 30 inches diameter
Secondary Deciduous, greater
than 30 inches diameter
V. Tree Replacement Fund. In the event that sufficient land area on the subdivision or commercial lot is
not available to plant the replacement trees, as determined by the City, the Applicant shall provide to the
City payment for the planting of the required trees elsewhere at a rate of $100 per caliper inch.
VI. Significant Woodland Replacement. All significant woodlands removed must be replaced by the
applicant. The number of replacement trees will be determined using one of the following methods, and
the method that yields the greater number of replacement trees will be required.
a. Replacement of significant trees within the significant woodland that are damaged or destroyed, per
the Tree Replacement Schedule.
b. Replacement for every 125 square feet of significant woodland damaged or destroyed, or increment
thereof, with:
i. 1 deciduous tree of at least 4 caliper inches or 1 coniferous tree at least 12 feet tall; or
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ii. 2 deciduous trees of at least 2.5 caliper inches or 2 coniferous trees at least 6 feet tall; or
iii. 4 deciduous trees of at least 1.5 caliper inches or 4 coniferous trees at least 4 feet tall.
c. Species Requirement.
i. The City may require that the replacement species is identical to the removed species.
ii. Where 10 or more replacement trees are required, not more than 50% of the replacement trees
may be of the same species of tree without the approval of the City.
iii. Trees planted to replace significant woodland shall be arranged in stands to provide a habitat
similar to the damaged or destroyed habitat. An appropriate native groundcover seed mix
and/or understory planting approved by the City Engineer must be planted along with the
replacement trees.
VII. Warranty Requirement. Any replacement tree which is not alive or healthy, as determined by the City,
or which subsequently dies due to construction activity within 2 years of the tree's planting, shall be
removed by the applicant and replaced with a new healthy tree meeting the same minimum size
requirements within 8 months of removal.
VIII. Landscaping Requirements. The tree plantings required for mitigation are in addition to any other
landscape requirements as required in other sections of this UDC.
IX. Shoreland Overlay District. Trees and woodlands within the Shoreland Management Overlay District
are subject to the requirements stated in Chapter 154, in addition to the regulations of this Section.
X. Required Protective Measures. The following measures mut be utilized to protect significant trees and
significant woodlands during any type of grading or construction:
a. Installation of snow fencing or polyethylene laminate safety netting placed at the drip line or at the
perimeter of the critical root zone (CRZ), whichever is greater, of significant trees and significant
woodlands to be preserved. No grade change, construction activity, or storage of materials is
permitted within this fenced area.
b. Identification of any oak trees requiring pruning between April 15 and July 1 to avoid the spread of
Oak Wilt. Any oak trees pruned must have any cut areas sealed immediately with an appropriate
non -toxic tree wound sealant. The sealant must be kept on -site for the duration of pruning, grading,
and construction activities.
c. Prevention of change in soil chemistry due to concrete washout and leakage or spillage of toxic
materials, such as fuels or paints.
XI. Recommended Protective Measures. The following tree protection measures are suggested to protect
significant trees and/or significant woodland that are intended to be preserved:
a. Installation of retaining walls or tree wells to preserve trees.
b. Placement of utilities in common trenches outside of the drip line of significant trees, or use of
tunneled installation.
c. Use of tree root aeration, fertilization, and/or irrigation systems.
d. Transplanting of significant trees into a protected area for later moving into permanent sites within
the construction area.
e. Therapeutic pruning.
Xli. Review Process. The Woodland Preservation Plan must be reviewed by the City to assess the best
possible layout to preserve significant trees and significant woodland, and to enhance the efforts to
minimize damage to significant trees and woodland. The applicant is required to meet with the Zoning
Administrator prior to submission of the development application to determine the most feasible and
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practical placement of buildings, parking, driveways, streets, storage, and other physical features so that
the fewest significant trees and significant woodlands are destroyed or damaged.
XIII. Compliance with the Plan.
a. Implementation of the Plan. The applicant must implement the Woodland Preservation Plan prior to
and during any construction. The tree protection measures must remain in place until all grading
and construction activity is terminated, or until a request is made to and approved by the City. No
significant trees or significant woodland may be removed until a Woodland Preservation Plan is
b. Performance Guarantee. The applicant must provide the required performance guarantee following
preliminary approval of the Woodland Preservation Plan and prior to any construction and / or
grading. The amount of the performance guarantee to be submitted, specific to the Woodland
Preservation requirements, will be calculated as follows:
i. An amount to guarantee preservation of all trees identified by the approved Woodland
Preservation Plan to be preserved within the Construction Zone shall be deposited with the
City. The amount will be calculated by multiplying the total caliper inches of significant trees to
be preserved by the rate of payment of $100.00 per caliper inch and the total square feet of
significant woodland to be preserved at the rate of $1.50 per square foot.
ii. Following written request by the applicant for acceptance, the performance guarantee will be
released upon verification by the City that the Woodland Preservation Plan was followed and
that the applicant complied with the tree replacement schedule. In no event will the
performance guarantee be released earlier than completion of the warranty requirements.
c. Noncompliance. If a significant tree or significant woodland is removed without permission of the
City, or damaged so that it is in a state of decline within 1 year from date of project closure, the
cash performance guarantee, $100.00 per caliper inch of significant tree or $1.50 per square foot of
significant woodland, must be remitted to the City. The City will have the right to inspect the
development and building site in order to determine compliance with the approved Woodland
Preservation Plan. The City will determine whether compliance with the Woodland Preservation
Plan has been met.
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The following Sections are established to provide regulations and standards
regarding parking, driveways and drive -lanes. The following standards may be applicable to new site development,
change in use or intensity of a site, and/or subdivision.
Subd. 2. Parking. The following parking standards are established so that adequate parking is provided to support
the intended use of a lot, property or building.
(A) General Provisions.
1. Existing off street parking spaces and loading spaces upon the effective date of this Chapter shall not be
reduced in number unless said number exceeds the requirements set forth herein for a similar use.
II. The placement, design, screening, buffering and landscaping of parking areas must conform to the
standards established within Section 153.400.040 of this UDC.
111. Parking as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the disabled shall be provided.
IV. Required off street parking space in any Zoning District may not be utilized for open storage of goods
or for the storage of vehicles that are abandoned, inoperable, unlicensed, discarded, junked, for sale or
for rent.
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V. No motor vehicle repair work of any kind is permitted in conjunction with exposed off-street parking
facilities, except for minor repairs of vehicles owned by the occupant or resident of the principal use for
which the parking space is intended. No exterior storage of car parts is allowed at any time.
V1. Landscaping and screening requirements of Section [153.400.040] and Section [153.400.060] must be
met for any proposed use or subdivision.
(B) Surfacing and Drainage. Off street parking areas must be improved with a durable and dustless surface. Such
areas must be graded and drained to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the parking area. The
following standards regarding surface type are established:
1. Residential Uses (Four (4) units or less). May include crushed rock (and similar treatment for parking),
asphalt, concrete or a reasonable substitute surface as approved by the City Engineer.
II. All other uses must utilize asphalt, concrete or a reasonable substitute surface as approved by the City
111. Pervious or permeable pavements or pavers may be used for any use if approved by the City Engineer.
IV. All surfacing must be completed prior to occupancy of the structure unless other arrangements have
been made with the City.
(C) Location. All accessory off street parking facilities required herein must be located as follows:
1. Residential Uses.
a. Spaces accessory to one- and two-family dwellings must be on the same lot as the principal use
served or may be located on an adjacent parcel if the lot with the primary use and the adjacent
parcel are under common ownership.
b. Spaces accessory to multiple family dwellings must be on the same lot as the principal use served
and within 200 feet of the main entrance to the principal building served.
i. Exception: Spaces accessory to multiple family dwellings located on an adjacent lot may be
permitted with a shared parking agreement in the V-HC and V-C Zoning Districts. Such
arrangements must be reviewed and approved by the City Council.
11. Commercial or Industrial Uses. Spaces accessory to commercial or industrial uses must be on the same
lot as the principal building, except that:
a. Subject to approval by the City Council, off street parking facilities for a combination of mixed
buildings, structures or uses may be provided collectively, provided that the total number of spaces
provided is equal to the sum of the separate requirements of each use during any peak hour parking
b. Subject to approval by the City Council, required accessory off street parking facilities may be
provided elsewhere than on the lot on which the principal use served is located. Said parking
facilities must be in the same ownership or control, either by deed or long-term lease, as the
property occupied by the principal use. The owner of the principal use must file a recordable
document with Washington County requiring the owner and their heirs and assigns to maintain the
required number of off street parking spaces during the existence of said principal use.
(D) Minimum Number of Parking Spaces.
1. The required number of parking spaces required by this Section may be reduced if a detailed parking
analysis supporting the reduction is provided and approved by the City Council.
IL When calculating parking stall requirements, a fraction of a number must be rounded up to the next
whole number.
111. The minimum number of parking spaces is calculated as follows:
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Table 153.400.080-1. Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
SpacesUse Minimum Number of
Single Family Dwelling
2 spaces.
Multiple Dwelling Units
2 spaces per dwelling unit. At least 1/2 of the required spaces must be enclosed.
Place of Worship and Other
1 space for each 3 seats or for each 5 feet of pew length. Based on maximum design capacity.
Places of Assembly
1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor space.
Hotels, Motels
1 space per unit plus 1 space per employee.
Schools, Elementary and Junior
3 spaces for each classroom.
Schools, High School through 1 space for each 4 students based on design capacity plus 3 additional spaces for each classroom.
Residential Facility, State 1 space for each bed plus 1 space for each 3 employees other than doctors.
Sports and Fitness Clubs 1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
Bowling Alley
6 spaces for each alley, plus additional spaces as may be required for related uses such as a
Motor Vehicle Service Station
2 spaces plus 3 spaces for each service stall.
Retail Store
4 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Medical or Dental Offices/
6 spaces per doctor or dentist.
Restaurants, Bars or Taverns
1 space for each 2% seats, based on capacity design.
Funeral Homes
8 spaces for each chapel plus 1 space for each funeral vehicle maintained on the premises. Aisle
space shall also be provided off the street for making funeral procession.
Furniture Store, Wholesale,
3 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Open sales lots shall provide 2 spaces for
Auto Sales, Repair Shops
each 5,000 square feet of lot area, but not less than 3 spaces.
Industrial, Warehouse, Storage,
1 space for each 2 employees on maximum shift or 1 for each 2,000 square feet of gross floor area,
Handling of Bulk Goods
whichever is greater.
1% spaces per slip plus 1 space per employee and a minimum of 20,12 feet x 25 feet, trailer stalls.
Golf Driving Range
1%spaces per hitting station plus one for each employee on the maximum shift.
Self -Storage Facilities,
1 space for each 100 storage units and 2 spaces for a live-in manager, if any.
2 spaces for each chair or station.
Beauty Salons, Barbers, Day
Spas, Massage Therapy and
Similar Personal Services
Uses Not Specifically Noted
As determined by the Zoning Administrator, based on the most similar listed use(s.) The Zoning
Administrator shall also consult off-street parking reference materials including, but not limited to,
manuals prepared by the American Planning Association and the Institute of Transportation
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(E) Design and Maintenance of Off -Street Parking and Loading Areas.
1. General Requirements.
a. Parking areas must be designed to provide adequate means of access to a public street. All off street
parking spaces must have access from driveways and not directly from the public street. Access
driveways must comply with the requirements of Sections [153.400.080].
b. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area must comply with Section [153.400.030].
c. Fire access lanes must be provided as required by the building or fire code.
d. Any parking areas where four (4) or more spaces are required must be marked by durable painted
stripes designating the parking spaces. Continuous curb and gutter around the periphery of the
paved parking area, including drives, may be required if recommended by the Zoning Administrator
or City Engineer. At a minimum all open off street parking areas designed to have head in parking
along the property line shall provide a bumper curb not less than 10 feet from the property line.
e. Adequate off-street loading areas must be provided for commercial and industrial uses. Loading
spaces must include a maneuvering area which may not use or block any portion of the site
containing parking stalls, access drive, customer service areas or required fire lanes. Loading spaces
and maneuvering areas may not include areas within required setbacks or public rights -of -way.
f. It is the joint responsibility of the operator and owner of the principal use or building to reasonably
maintain the parking and loading space, access ways, landscaping and required screening.
11. Dimensional Requirements.
Unless otherwise specified in this Chapter, setbacks and stall, aisle and driveway design for required off-
street parking must comply with the following standards. These standards do not apply to parking areas
for one and two-family dwellings or agricultural uses.
Table 153.400.080-2. Dimensional Requirements
Stall width parallel to aisle (1)
Stall length of line
Stall depth
Aisle width between stall lines
Stall depth, interlock
Module, edge of pavement to interlock
Module, interlocking
Module, interlock to curb face
Bumper overhang (typical)
Front yard setback of parking to lot line
Side and rear yard setback of parking to lot
Entrance drive or cross aisle, one-way
Entrance drive or cross aisle, two-way
24.0 Minimum
32.0 Maximum
Front lot line to drive (landscape area)
Side and rear lot line to drive
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DiagramDimension (Feet) �i
Parallel parking, stall width 9.0
Parallel parking. stall length — 23.0
Parking or drive aisle setback to principal 0 10.0
Minimum inside turning radius for fire lanes — As required to comply with minimum turning radii for fire
apparatus equipment
(1) Required handicap stalls and ramps shall be per State Code.
(2) Joint or common parking facilities on separate lots as authorized and when constructed adjacent to a common lot line separating two (2) or more
parking areas are not required to observe the parking setback from a common lot line.
Front Lot Line
o l
- - - - - - � 7+•ti. fps:+ - - •1y IF " • i:i • ,..... - - ro I
1 I I
1 I I
v I
' ' I
I i r
1 I
1 I
_ _ _ Rear Lot Line_
Subd.1. Summary and Intent. The City- is divided into different Character Areas and Zoning Districts each with
different dimensional standards and requirements that have a direct impact on the use of property -including
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exterior storage. The purpose of this section is to establish regulations for exterior storage that are correlated to the
Character Area and/or Zoning District.
Subd. 2. Exterior Storage and Off -Street Parking for Residential and Agricultural Uses. Exterior storage
shall be regulated by the following standards.
(A) Residential and Agricultural Uses. All materials, machinery, vehicles, and equipment must be stored within a
building or fully screened so that it is not visible from adjoining properties and public streets, except for the
1. Construction, landscaping and agricultural materials and equipment currently (within a period of 6
months) being used on the premises.
II. Off-street parking of licensed passenger automobiles and pick-up trucks; and the parking of such other
motor vehicles as may be permitted by Section [153.400.080].
111. Recreation Equipment (non -vehicular) and Recreation Facilities may be stored outside.
IV. Storage of not more than 2 Large Recreational Vehicles (LRV) or Recreation Camping Vehicles (RCV)
as permitted in this Section.
V. Recreation Camping Vehicles, while parked or stored, may not be used as a human dwelling place, living
abode or living quarters, except that such a vehicle owned by a non-resident guest or visitor may be
parked or occupied by said guest or visitor on property on which a permanent dwelling is located, for a
period not to exceed 30 days per year while visiting the resident of said property. The recreation
camping vehicle or trailer must have compliant self-contained sanitary facilities.
(B) Non -Residential and Non -Agricultural Uses. Exterior storage of useable personal property accessory to an
allowed commercial, industrial or other non-residential or non-agricultural use may be allowed by Conditional
Use Permit. All such exterior storage in commercial/industrial areas must be screened as provided by Section
[153.400.060], with the following exceptions:
1. Merchandise being displayed for sale;
11. Materials and equipment currently being used for construction on the premises; and
Ill. Merchandise located on service station pump islands.
(C) Storage of Large Recreational Vehicles (LRV) or Recreation Camping Vehicles (RCV. Storage of large
recreational vehicle or recreation camping vehicles is permitted on residential and agricultural parcels as
L Lakeshore parcels.
a. Boats, boat docks, and boat lifts may be stored outside on the lake side of lakeshore parcels
between September 15 and May 30, and are not included in the total number of LRV or RCV
permitted on those parcels in items B and C below.
II. Parcels one-half acre (0.5 acre) or less in area.
a. One LRV or RCV may be stored outside on the parcel.
b. The vehicle must be stored entirely on the owner's property and must be located at least five (5)
feet from the side lot lines, and at least ten (10) feet from the rear lot line.
c. If the physical conditions on the parcel (including but not limited to steep slopes, locations of
wetlands, location of the principal structure) prevent the location of the LRV or RCV within the
side or rear yard, the property owner may obtain an administrative permit authorizing the location
of the vehicle in the front yard.
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111. Parcels larger than one-half acre (0.5 acres) in area:
a. Up to two LRVs or RCVS may be stored on the parcel.
b. The vehicles must be stored entirely on the owner's property and must be located at least five (5)
feet from the side lot lines, and at least ten (10) feet from the rear lot line.
c. Storage any vehicle in the front yard must be located at least two hundred (200) feet from the road
IV. In addition to the requirements above, the exterior storage of large recreational vehicles is permitted,
provided that:
a. Corner lots. In the case of a corner lot, LRV or RCV may be stored on the side of an attached or
detached garage adjacent to the public road right-of-way, but must be located at least twenty (20)
feet from the public right-of-way and must be screened from view by a fence, existing vegetation, or
plantings that are a minimum six (6) feet in height.
b. Drainage and utility easements. LRV or RCV may not be parked within a drainage or utility easement.
c. Parking of licensed LRV and RCV is prohibited on all public roadways except while being loaded or
unloaded for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours.
V, Off -Street Parking for Residential and Agricultural Uses. Off street parking facilities accessory to
residential and agricultural uses must be utilized solely for the parking of passenger automobiles and
trucks with a maximum gross vehicle weight rating (GV)X/R) 12,000 pounds or less, and no more than
30 feet in length. No more than 4 such vehicles per lawful dwelling unit may be parked or stored
outside of a building on parcels of 10 acres or less except visitors and guests by permission of the
property resident. More than 4 vehicles may be permitted within an Interim Use Permit.
a. Larger trucks, contracting or excavating equipment and storage trailers may not be parked, stored or
otherwise located on any lot, with the following exceptions:
i. Trucks, tractors and other vehicles and equipment directly associated with an agricultural use of
the property; or
ii. When loading, unloading, rendering service or being used in conjunction with a temporary
service including, but not limited to, a construction or remodeling project benefiting the
iii. Licensed vehicles parked or stored outside on residential or agricultural property shall be
parked as follows:
iv. Vehicles must be parked on a paved driveway or other impervious surface that is a designated
driveway or parking area. Visitors and guests may park on a boulevard or open yard space with
the permission of the owner of the property for up to 72 hours.
Vl, Vacant Lots. No personal property, vehicles, recreation equipment, large recreational
vehicles, recreational camping vehicles, lumber or materials (except during the process of construction
of a structure) may be kept or maintained on any lot or property on which a permanent structure is not
located. This standard does not include contiguous parcels or lots that are under the same ownership on
which a principal structure is constructed.
VII. Shipping Containers. No more than one shipping container, intermodal shipping container or freight
container maybe stored in a side or rear yard in all Zoning Districts, provided that any such side yard
storage may not be adjacent to a street and all setbacks must be met. The container may be located on
the property for a period not to exceed six (6) months per year, and is only permitted as storage while
remodeling or other similar activities relating to the property are active.
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153.400.100 SIGNS
Subd. 1. Summary and Intent. The sign standards within this Section are established to allow for the appropriate
types, scale and size of signs based on the Character Area and Zoning District where the sign is located.
Subd. 2. Applicability. The regulations contained herein do not apply to signs painted, attached by adhesive or
otherwise attached directly to or visible through windows and glass portions of doors.
(A) No Permit is required for the following signs:
1. Signs, except those specifically defined within this Section, up to ten (10) square feet in area.
II. Noncommercial Signs, will be regulated consistent with Minnesota Statutes 211B.045 or successor
statutes, for time and duration. During years without a general state election signs must comply with the
standards stated within this Section.
111. Signs placed on parcels that are currently offered for sale providing such signs are not closer than 10
feet to any property line and shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in area. One sign shall be permitted
for each street frontage.
IV. Signs erected on parcels that are currently under construction for single-family or multiple -family
residences that are intended to promote the construction, sale or leasing of the project. The plat of the
development must be recorded with the Washington County Recorder prior to the erection of a sign.
Signs are subject to the following standards.
a. Such signs may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area.
b. Only one (1) sign is permitted per each road frontage with a maximum of three (3) signs per
c. Such signs shall be removed when the project is eighty percent (80%) completed, sold or leased.
d. Such sign must be located on the property which is for sale. Off -site development project signs are
e. One sign for each street entrance to a parcel currently under construction is permitted. The
maximum sign area is thirty-two (32) square feet per surface and no sign may have more than two
surfaces. The sign must not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
f. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within six (6) months after the
date of issuance, the permit will become null and void.
(B) Permit Required. Except as otherwise provided in this UDC, no sign shall be erected, constructed, altered,
rebuilt or relocated until an Administrative Permit or Conditional Use Permit as may be required for the sign
has been issued. Application for the applicable permit shall be accompanied by the established fee.
I. Signs by Conditional Use Permit. Where a use is permitted in a Zoning District by Conditional Use
Permit, the sign for that use is required to obtain a separate Conditional Use Permit unless the sign is
otherwise provided for within the CUP or is permitted within the Base Zoning District.
II. General Standards.
a. Signs located in the V-N, V-C, V-HC and R-C Zoning Districts must be consistent with Section
b. Pylon/pedestal signs are prohibited in all districts, with the following exceptions:
i. Motor Vehicle Service Station uses in all districts
ii. Uses where a pylon/pedestal sign is considered historically accurate or appropriate based on
the City's Architectural Design Guidelines.
Adopted 09.20.2022, last amended 12.21.2023 (Ord. No. 2023-17) page-47
City of Scandia, MN
c. No sign may be erected that, by reason of position, shape, movement, color or any other
characteristic, interferes with the proper functioning of a traffic sign or signal or otherwise
constitutes a traffic hazard; nor shall signs be permitted which would otherwise interfere with traffic
d. All signs, other than public utility warning signs, are prohibited within a public right-of-way.
e. When permitted, backlit or illuminated signs must be diffused or indirect so as not to direct rays of
light onto any public right-of-way or adjacent residential property. No backlit or illuminated signs
or their support structures may be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any roadway surface
or closer than ten (10) feet to a road right-of-way line, notwithstanding more restrictive portions of
this Section.
f. LED (light -emitting diode) luminaires, or other energy -saving luminaires, may be used in backlit
signs, illuminated signs or other signs permitted by this ordinance.
g. Flashing signs and animated signs (also called Dynamic Display signs) are prohibited.
h. Signs giving off intermittent, rotating, or direct light, which may be confused with traffic, aviation,
or emergency signaling, are prohibited.
i. One (1) wall sign is allowed for each street frontage on a building for each use located within such
building. The maximum total area of all wall signs affixed to a building wall is twenty percent (20%)
of the total area of that wall. No individual wall sign shall exceed one hundred and fifty (150)
square feet.
j. A wall sign must not project more than eighteen (18) inches from the wall to which the sign is
affixed. Wall mounted signs must not exceed the roof line on any building.
k. The City Council may approve the placement of murals on building walls that exceed the standards
for wall signs.
i. Signs must not be painted on a fence, tree, or other object in any district.
ii. Roof signs are prohibited in all Zoning Districts.
iii. All signs and displays using electric power must have a cutoff switch on the outside of the sign
and on the outside of the building or structure to which the sign is attached.
iv. Multi -faced signs must not exceed two (2) times the allowed square footage of single faced
v. Except for more restrictive parts of this Section, no sign that exceeds one hundred (100) square
feet in area shall be erected or maintained:
1. Which would prevent any traveler on any road from obtaining a clear view of approaching
vehicles on the same road for a distance of five hundred (500) feet.
2. Which would be closer than one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) feet to a national, state
or local park, or historic site.
3. Which would obstruct more than fifty (50) percent of the view of a lake, river, rocks,
wooded, area, stream or other point of natural and scenic beauty.
4. Any sign that requires a permit, but no permit has been issued, must be taken down and
removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building, or land
upon which the sign may be found within thirty (30) days after written notice from the
Zoning Administrator.
Adopted 09.20.2022, last amended 12.21.2023 (Ord. No. 2023-17) page-48
City of Scandia, MN
vi. Any sign which is abandoned or becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a
building or premises or endangers the public safety, must be taken down and removed or
structurally improved by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building,
structure or land upon which the sign is located within ten (10) days after written notification
from the Zoning Administrator.
vii. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within six (6) months after
the date of issuance, the permit shall become null and void.
111. Agriculture and Rural Residential Signs. Signs in A-P, AG-C, RR-G, and RR-N Zoning Districts),
Agriculture Preserves (AP), General Rural (GR) and Village Neighborhood (VN) Districts must meet
the following standards.
a. The maximum area permitted for a single sign is 10 square feet per surface. Up to three signs that
meet this requirement are allowed per parcel.
b. No sign may be constructed to have more than two (2) surfaces.
c. The top of the display may not exceed ten (10) feet above grade.
d. Any sign over two (2) square feet must be setback at least ten (10) feet from any property line. In
no case shall any part of the sign be closer than two (2) feet to a vertical line drawn at the property
e. The following types of signs are not permitted in the AP, AG-C, RR-G, and RR-N Zoning
i. Animated signs
ii. Awning signs
iii. Canopy signs
iv. Flashing signs
v. Portable signs
vi. Pennants
IV. Business and Village Signs. Signs in the V-C, V-HC, R-C and I-P Zoning District must meet the
following standards.
a. The total square footage of permanent sign area for each lot may not exceed one (1) square feet of
sign area for each lineal foot of building front. The maximum total combined area of a sign is two
hundred (200) square feet.
b. Each business or organization may display one temporary or portable sign (including sandwich -
board signs) in addition to the area of permanent signs permitted. The temporary sign shall not
exceed forty (40) square feet in size, and shall be permitted for a period of no more than thirty-four
(34) consecutive days. No permit is required for one temporary or portable sign.
c. The top of a monument sign may not exceed eight (8) feet above the average grade.
V. Any sign over six (6) square feet must be setback at least ten (10) feet from any property line. In no case
may any part of a sign be closer than two (2) feet to a vertical line drawn at the property line.
V1. Shopping Center Signs.
a. Shopping Centers or buildings containing more than one (1) tenant are allowed one (1) monument
sign which may contain the names of all tenants in the project. Individual tenants may be identified
by individual signs attached to the building. The total square footage of sign area may not exceed
the limits set forth in this Section as determined by the Base Zoning District in which the property
is located.
Adopted 09.20.2022, last amended 12.21.2023 (Ord. No. 2023-17) page-49
City of Scandia, MN
b. Signs must not project from a building or structure to any point within two (2) feet of a line drawn
perpendicularly upward from a curb line. A projecting sign must be a minimum of nine (9) feet
above the sidewalk or the ground level. All projecting signs that require a permit must be
constructed entirely of fire-resistant material.
VII. Off -Premises Signs.
a. Up to two multi -tenant off -premises signs (one for each roadway direction) may be permitted near
the intersections of Olinda Trail North and TH 97, Oakhill Road North and TH 97, Manning Trail
North and TH 97, TH 95 and TH 97, and Oakhill Road North and TH 95, within the V-C and V-
HC Zoning Districts. The sign may be a monument sign or freestanding directional sign.
b. A Conditional Use Permit is required for any off -premises sign. When the applicant is any person
other than the owner of the property, the owner of the property must also sign the application.
The application must contain the information contained in Section 153.500 of this UDC, and the
following additional information:
i. Name, address and telephone number of the property owner, sign owner, and erector.
ii. Proposed location of the sign structure, including property identification number and address.
1. Scaled drawing showing the position of the sign structure in relation to the property lines,
nearest buildings, structures, public streets, and rights -of -way.
iv. Plans, specifications, materials, and method of construction or attachment to the ground or a
structure, including all dimensions, all construction materials, a description of al light sources,
wattage, types and color of lights, and details of light shields.
v. Any electrical permit required for the sign.
vi. If the sign is proposed within the right-of-way of a state or county highway, the applicant must
obtain any required permits and provide a copy of the approved permit to the City.
vii. Other information as required by the City.
c. Off -premise signs must comply with the requirements and standards stated within Section
d. In addition to the above application, an agreement must be entered into with the city which will
authorize and direct the city to remove, at the expense of the owner, the sign and sign structure,
where maintenance is required, but has not been furnished. The agreement will stipulate the terms
under which removal may be taken and will include a required hearing and 10-day notice that clearly
specifies the maintenance required by the City.
Vill, Institutional Signs.
a. Signs for Institutional Uses are subject only to the provisions in this section. The follow
standards shall apply:
i. One sign not to exceed 32 square feet per surface, limited to two surfaces is permitted.
ii. The sign must be setback a minimum of ten feet from any property line.
iii. In the case of multiple structure on one parcel, a second institutional sign maybe
installed provided there is a minimum distance of 25 feet between the two signs.
Adopted 09.20.2022, last amended 12.21.2023 (Ord. No. 2023-17) page-50