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06.b Treasurer's Monthly Report 2023
City of Scandia aug Treasurer’s Report December 31, 2023 FUND ACCOUNTING Beginning Cash Balance $ 3,516,938.70 12/1/2023 Beginning Checking Balance$ 1,268,525.61 Checking Receipts $ 237,740.70 Transfers to Checking $ - Total Deposits $ 237,740.70 Expenditures $ (163,633.16) Payroll$ (39,207.18) Transfers to Money Market$ (1,000,000.00) Total Payments $ (1,202,840.34) Ending Checking Balance $ 303,425.97 Beginning Money Market Balance $ 128,874.66 Money Market Receipts $ 534.36 Transfer to Checking Transfer from Checking $ 1,000,000.00 Ending Money Market Balance $ 1,129,409.02 Beginning Investments Balance $ 2,090,411.57 Investments Receipts $ 12,740.50 Ending Investments Balance$ 2,103,152.07 Beginning EDA Balance$ 33,356.07 EDA Receipts $ - EDA Expenditures EDA De;posit in Transit EDA Transfers from Checking Ending EDA Balance$ 33,356.07 Outstanding Checks $ (9,658.07) 12/31/2023 Ending Cash Balance $ 3,559,685.06 CHECKING, MONEY MARKET & INVESTMENT CD's Checking *102$ 1,268,525.61 Beg Bal Credits$ 237,740.70 Debits$ (1,202,840.34) Transfer in Transit $ 303,425.97 End Bal Beg Bal Money Market *105 - Rate 1.25%$ 128,874.66 rate change from .25% Credits $ 534.36 Debits $ 1,000,000.00 End Bal$ 1,129,409.02 Investments CD *4422 - Rate 4.00% 12 mo., 3/25/2024 $ 327,492.36 CD *4424 - Rate 4.50% 12 mo., 7/27/2024 $ 457,543.39 CD *4425 - Rate 5.10% 12 mo., 9/28/2024$ 765,165.11 CD *4426 - Rate 3.50%% 12 mo., 1/29/2024 $ 552,951.21 Total Investments$ 2,103,152.07 Total Bank & Investment Accounts $ 3,535,987.06 $ (9,658.07) Checks in Transit *3102 Transfer to EDA in Transit Deposit in transit money market $ 3,526,328.99 Total Adjusted Undesignated Funds Scandia EDA *6301 $ 33,356.07 Receipts Expenditures Checks in Transit Deposit in Transit Total Designated EDA Funds$ 33,356.07 Total Funds$ 3,559,685.06 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer 2023 CASH BALANCES END OF MONTH FUNDJANUARYFEBRUARYMARCHAPRILMAYJUNEJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBEROCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBER 101 GENERAL$1,365,932$1,204,052$1,078,538$925,847$839,539$539,284$1,564,703$1,423,907$1,284,843$1,226,725$1,645,772$1,576,925 203 COVID-19 RELIEF$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363$456,363 226 CABLE TV$11,271$12,786$9,481$11,524$13,529$14,107$12,551$14,346$14,945$16,869$18,668$19,328 230 GATEWAY TRAIL$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 240 PUBIC SAFETY AID$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$176,529 307 BLACKTOP PROJECT 2007$6,731$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 313 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES$28,825$28,873$28,873$28,873-$32,057-$32,057-$57-$57-$57-$57$31,943$31,943 315 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES$15,951$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 317 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES$2,187$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0 318 BLACKTOP PROJECT$20,270$45,284$45,284-$823-$823-$823$170,445$170,445$170,445$170,445$61,100$61,100 401 CAPITAL IMPR$749,162$749,497$745,297$668,380$665,980$663,580$861,809$848,700$845,691$607,127$772,707$767,006 404 PARK CAP IMPR$148,177$148,797$148,797$144,297$144,297$145,898$158,898$151,178$148,305$95,362$55,044$57,733 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT$199,727$200,548$200,548$200,548$200,548$200,548$200,548$200,548$137,530$124,812$143,663$143,663 408 LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT$916,080$910,085$901,556$895,518$893,593$744,492$187,297$145,243$130,266$118,490$203,351$143,679 602 BIG MARINE SEWER$80,462$74,771$75,858$58,322$49,682$60,689$68,166$57,261$53,911$59,710$53,671$52,865 612 UPTOWN SEWER$10,330$15,160$13,957$12,136$15,967$15,834$15,646$16,190$13,864$14,450$18,995$17,841 801 ESCROW$21,817$32,240$24,131$35,421$37,650$32,646$43,496$48,082$47,031$38,762$22,304$21,354 SUBTOTAL$4,033,286$3,878,456$3,728,684$3,436,405$3,284,269$2,840,559$3,739,866$3,532,207$3,303,137$2,929,057$3,483,583$3,526,329 225 EDA$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356$33,356 TOTAL$4,066,642$3,911,812$3,762,040$3,469,761$3,317,625$2,873,915$3,773,222$3,565,563$3,336,493$2,962,413$3,516,939$3,559,685 CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND RevenueR 101-41000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 1,865,918 $ 1,667,227 $ - $ 198,691 89.35% R 101-41000-31040 Fiscal Disparities$ - $ 122,125 $ - $ (122,125) 0.00% R 101-41000-31701 Gravel Taxes$ 20,000 $ 3,329 $ - $ 16,671 16.65% R 101-41000-31830 Solar Energy Production Tax$ 6,000 $ 5,874 $ - $ 126 97.89% R 101-41000-31900 Penalties & Interest Del Tax$ 400 $ 3,178 $ - $ (2,778) 794.40% R 101-41000-32150 ROW Utility Permit$ 3,000 $ 4,800 $ 150 $ (1,800) 160.00% R 101-41000-32180 Tobacco & Liquor Licenses$ 10,000 $ 12,660 $ 11,916 $ (2,660) 126.60% R 101-41000-32190 Other City Permits$ 3,000 $ 2,670 $ 50 $ 330 89.00% R 101-41000-32210 Building Permits$ 145,000 $ 175,019 $ 8,537 $ (30,019) 120.70% R 101-41000-32260 Gambling Permits$ 100 $ 45 $ - $ 55 45.00% R 101-41000-33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERA Aid$ 7,000 $ 14,123 $ 7,163 $ (7,123) 201.75% R 101-41000-33420 Fire Relief State PERA$ 37,000 $ 47,148 $ - $ (10,148) 127.43% R 101-41000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ 11,000 $ 9,053 $ - $ 1,948 82.30%Fire Training grants R 101-41000-33428 PILOT$ 6,000 $ 3,108 $ - $ 2,892 51.81% R 101-41000-33620 Recycling Grant$ 10,500 $ 8,165 $ - $ 2,335 77.76% R 101-41000-33630 Local Govt Grants & Aids$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 101-41000-33640 Other Grants$ 1,200 $ - $ - $ 1,200 0.00% R 101-41000-34103 Zoning and Planning$ 6,700 $ 7,742 $ - $ (1,042) 115.55% R 101-41000-34106 Engineering Fees$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% R 101-41000-34107 Assessment Search Fees$ - $ 5 $ - $ (5) 0.00% R 101-41000-34109 Water Usage$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R 101-41000-34201 Impound Fees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 101-41000-34202 Fire Protection Services$ 32,300 $ 32,300 $ - $ - 100.00% R 101-41000-34301 Damage Repairs$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 101-41000-34303 Dust Control$ 2,700 $ 3,524 $ - $ (824) 130.54% R 101-41000-34304 Reimbursement for Services$ 3,000 $ 2,700 $ 900 $ 300 90.00% R 101-41000-34305 Other Street Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 101-41000-34730 Ad Revenue$ - $ 900 $ - $ (900) 0.00% R 101-41000-34750 Facilities Rental$ 5,500 $ 10,270 $ 2,686 $ (4,770) 186.72% R 101-41000-34760 Cleaning Fees$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R 101-41000-34790 Recreation Programs$ 2,100 $ 1,793 $ 65 $ 307 85.40% R 101-41000-35101 Fines & Forfeitures$ 7,400 $ 6,088 $ 445 $ 1,312 82.27% distributed among funds at EOY R 101-41000-36210 Interest Income$ 12,100 $ 75,295 $ 13,282 $ (63,195) 622.27% Veterans Memorial Upkeep $1,090; Lions: R 101-41000-36230 Donations$ 2,000 $ 6,092 $ 3,049 $ (4,092) 304.62% Vinterfest Fireworks $2,000; Sister City $250 R 101-41000-36240 Insurance Dividend$ 4,100 $ 1,509 $ 1,509 $ 2,591 36.80% R 101-41000-36250 Misc. Refund$ 3,800 $ 4,076 $ - $ (276) 107.27% Total General Fund Revenue$ 2,208,518 $ 2,230,818 $ 49,752 $ (22,300) 101.01% Operating TransfersR 101-41000-39200 Interfund Operating Transfer$ - $3,049($3,049)($3,049)JE to move park bench donation receipt R 101-49000-39203 Transfer from Other Funds$ - $2,173,000$0($2,173,000) R 101-49000-39204 Money Market Transfer$ - $2,825,000$1,000,000($2,825,000) Total Operating Transfers$ 5,001,049$ 996,951$ (5,001,049) CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND ExpenditureADMINISTRATION & FINANCE E 101-41000-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 192,700 $134,282$13,705$58,41869.68% E 101-41000-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 13,400 $7,468$1,028$5,93255.73% E 101-41000-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 11,900 $7,368$819$4,53261.92% E 101-41000-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 2,700 $2,585$192$11595.73% E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health$ 47,300 $34,581$796$12,71973.11% E 101-41000-132 Dental Insurance$ 3,400 $1,242$0$2,15836.54% E 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life$ 600 $560$50$4093.38% E 101-41000-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 900 $844$0$5693.78% E 101-41000-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 1,300 $1,651$0($351)127.00% E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies$ 1,100 $568$136$53251.60% E 101-41000-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 1,900 $2,590$0($690)136.33% Award frames; March 10 meeting supplies E 101-41000-210 Operating Supplies$ 800 $575$0$22571.85% E 101-41000-300 Assessor$ - $28,500$0($5,000)121.28% E 101-41000-301 Auditing and Acct g Services$ 23,500 $0$0$00.00% E 101-41000-303 Engineering Fees$ - $51,556$1,807$3,44493.74% E 101-41000-304 Legal Services$ 55,000 $0$0$00.00% E 101-41000-306 Personal Testing & Recruit$ - $816$0$18481.57% Intermin City Admin Salary E 101-41000-308 Other Professional Services$ 1,000 $17,951$930$24998.63% E 101-41000-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 18,200 $0$0$00.00% E 101-41000-314 Animal Control$ - $60$0$6408.57% E 101-41000-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 700 $0$0$2000.00% E 101-41000-317 Employee Training$ 200 $50,158$0($3,458)107.41% E 101-41000-319 Other Services$ 46,700 $5,032$426($1,332)136.00% E 101-41000-321 Telephone$ 3,700 $2,297$20($97)104.40% E 101-41000-322 Postage$ 2,200 $1,263$230($663)210.55% E 101-41000-331 Travel Expenses$ 600 $1,553$23($353)129.41%reimburse city admin applicant E 101-41000-351 Legal Notices Publishing$ 1,200 $10,967$0($3,867)154.47% E 101-41000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 7,100 $1,000$0($1,000)0.00% E 101-41000-365 Insurance Claims$ - $10,839$0$2,16183.38% budget for all depts in Fund 101 E 101-41000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 13,000 $1,773$29$12793.31% E 101-41000-413 Equipment Rental$ 1,900 $0$0$30,1000.00% E 101-41000-430 Recycling$ 30,100 $5,056$0$1,04482.89% E 101-41000-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 6,100 $5,500$0$0100.00% E 101-41000-434 Youth Service Bureau$ 5,500 $0$0$5000.00% E 101-41000-435 Misc Expense$ 500 $1,336$0$2,66433.39% Website Host; ABDO accounting assistance E 101-41000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 4,000 $0$0$00.00% E 101-41000-439 Refunds Issued$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41000-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ - $1,983$0$3,51736.06% E 101-41000-570 Office Equipment$ 5,500 $ 5,500 0.00% E 101-41000-720 Operating Transfers$0$146,620$0($146,620)0.00%transfer to Park Fund for rink boards Total Admin & Finance Dept. Expenditures84.60% $ 284,000 $ 240,251$ 4,446$ 49,249 CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.CITY COUNCIL ExpendituresE 101-41110-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 18,100 $15,579$0$2,52186.07% E 101-41110-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 1,100 $238$0$86221.61% E 101-41110-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 300 $174$0$12657.95% E 101-41110-127 PERA Defined$ 600 $587$0$1397.87% E 101-41110-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 100 $95$0$595.00% E 101-41110-308 Other Professional Services$ - $30$0($30)0.00% E 101-41110-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 700 $350$0$35050.00% E 101-41110-331 Travel Expenses$ - $562$0($562)0.00% E 101-41110-439 Refunds Issued$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41110-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41110-570 Office Equipment$ - $0$0$00.00% Total City Council Dept. Expenditures$ 20,900 $ 17,615 $ - $ 3,285 84.28% ELECTIONS ExpendituresE 101-41410-199 Election Judge$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41410-200 Office Supplies$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41410-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies$ 200 $0$0$2000.00% E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-41410-413 Equipment Rental$ 850 $1,515$0($665)178.24%Wash. Cty. Equip. Maintenance Fee Total Elections Dept. Expenditures$ 1,050 $ 1,515 $ - $ (465) 144.29% PLANNING & BUILDING ExpendituresE 101-41910-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 59,600 $61,793$4,308($2,193)103.68% E 101-41910-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 4,200 $3,561$323$63984.78% E 101-41910-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 3,700 $3,305$254$39589.32% E 101-41910-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 900 $795$59$10588.38% E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health$ 20,000 $14,969$338$5,03174.84% E 101-41910-132 Dental Insurance$ 1,500 $585$0$91538.98% E 101-41910-134 Employer Paid Life$ 200 $160$14$4080.00% E 101-41910-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 500 $372$0$12874.40% E 101-41910-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 600 $0$0$6000.00% E 101-41910-311 Contract Permit Inspections$ 50,000 $67,375$6,871($17,375)134.75% E 101-41910-312 Planning Services$ 50,000 $70,568$0($20,568)141.14% E 101-41910-313 Committee & Commission Reimbur$ 5,000 $4,450$1,300$55089.00% E 101-41910-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 50 $0$0$500.00% E 101-41910-319 Other Services$ - $123$0($123)0.00% E 101-41910-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 4,900 $5,401$0($501)110.22% E 101-41910-438 Misc. Contractual$ 5,000 $3,756$0$1,24475.13% E 101-41910-439 Refunds Issued$ 200 $600$0($400)300.00% E 101-41910-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - 0.00% Total Planning & Building Dept. Expenditures$ 206,350 $ 237,812 $ 13,467 $ (31,462) 115.25% ASSESSOR ExpendituresE 101-41960-300 Assessor$ 21,600 $21,959$1,800($359)101.66% POLICE ExpendituresE 101-42100-318 Police Contract$ 168,499 $84,250$0$84,24950.00% E 101-42100-319 Other Services$ 500 $959$0($459)191.87%2023 Code Red System Total GF Police Dept. Expenditures$ 168,999 $ 85,209 $ - $ 83,790 50.42% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.FIRE ExpendituresE 101-42200-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 147,200 $167,233$15,477($20,033)113.61% E 101-42200-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 9,100 $9,818$968($718)107.89% E 101-42200-124 Police & Fire PERA$ 3,600 $8,946$582($5,346)248.51% E 101-42200-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 2,100 $2,210$227($110)105.23% E 101-42200-134 Employer Paid Life$ 200 $192$16$896.00% E 101-42200-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 700 $0$0$7000.00% E 101-42200-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 9,100 $11,617$0($2,517)127.66% E 101-42200-200 Office Supplies$ 400 $204$6$19650.94% E 101-42200-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 150 $0$0$1500.00% E 101-42200-209 Medical Supplies$ 3,000 $4,689$26($1,689)156.29% Pagers $2,730; Fire Suppression supplies $686; E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies$ 8,000 $7,169$33$83189.61% Cintas; Dinners E 101-42200-211 Cleaning Supplies$ 100 $51$0$4950.95% E 101-42200-212 Fuel$ 3,500 $5,627$533($2,127)160.78% E 101-42200-217 Uniforms & Safety Equipment$ 10,000 $5,192$248$4,80851.92% E 101-42200-221 Equipment Parts$ 3,000 $294$0$2,7069.81% E 101-42200-222 Tires$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 2,000 $400$0$1,60019.99% E 101-42200-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 9,000 $1,455$117$7,54516.17% SCBA User Exams + Annual Fit Test E 101-42200-305 Medical Services$ 3,500 $4,610$0($1,110)131.71% E 101-42200-306 Personal Testing & Recruit$ 1,300 $1,391$0($91)107.02% E 101-42200-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 17,000 $14,575$588$2,42585.73% E 101-42200-310 Medical Training$ 2,000 $12,000$0($10,000)600.00% E 101-42200-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 250 $0$0$2500.00% E 101-42200-317 Employee Training$ 15,000 $5,764$0$9,23638.43% E 101-42200-319 Other Services$ 500 $0$0$5000.00% E 101-42200-321 Telephone$ 6,800 $6,060$532$74089.12% E 101-42200-322 Postage$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-324 State of MN-Fire Relief$ 35,300 $47,148$0($11,848)133.56% E 101-42200-325 City Match-Fire Relief$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-331 Travel Expenses$ 1,500 $1,693$0($193)112.89% MN Board of Firefighter Training & Education E 101-42200-334 Licenses & Permits$ 200 $536$0($336)268.13% License E 101-42200-340 Advertising$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 6,500 $6,989$0($489)107.53% E 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 8,000 $5,051$383$2,94963.14% E 101-42200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ 1,100 $945$98$15585.94% E 101-42200-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 700 $304$304$39743.36% E 101-42200-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 2,500 $4,364$150($1,864)174.56%Cleaning, Pest Control, Glass door repair E 101-42200-403 Improvements Other Than Bldgs$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 8,000 $18,543$606($10,543)231.79% E 101-42200-407 Well Repair & Maintenance$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 2,400 $3,215$0($815)133.95%Truck inspection renewal $1,685 E 101-42200-438 Misc. Contractual$ 4,100 $2,685$0$1,41565.49% E 101-42200-440 Events$ 800 $1,196$0($396)149.51% Taco Daze, Fire Prevention week, Safe Halloween E 101-42200-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $6,264$0($6,264)0.00% E 101-42200-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-540 Heavy Machinery Capital$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-42200-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ 500 $236$0$26447.18% E 101-42200-570 Office Equipment$ 900 $180$0$72020.00% Total Fire Dept Expenditures$ 330,000 $ 368,848 $ 20,895 $ (38,848) 111.77% ANIMAL CONTROL ExpendituresE 101-42700-314 Animal Control$ 5,000 $6,628$293($1,628)132.55% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.PUBLIC WORKS ExpendituresE 101-43000-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 229,700 $216,356$18,019$13,34494.19% E 101-43000-102 OT Regular Wages$ 5,000 $6,237$716($1,237)124.73% E 101-43000-104 Temporary Employee Wages$ 2,300 $4,163$0($1,863)180.99%snowplowing E 101-43000-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 17,600 $16,664$1,405$93694.68% E 101-43000-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 14,600 $13,106$1,100$1,49489.77% E 101-43000-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 3,400 $3,263$257$13795.97% E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health$ 70,900 $57,143$485$13,75780.60% E 101-43000-132 Dental Insurance$ 2,300 $1,058$0$1,24245.99% E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life$ 700 $701$58($1)100.08% E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 1,700 $1,563$0$13791.93% E 101-43000-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 19,800 $26,477$0($6,677)133.72% E 101-43000-200 Office Supplies$ 600 $54$0$5469.00% E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies$ 8,400 $8,454$158($54)100.65% E 101-43000-212 Fuel$ 20,000 $27,827$2,758($7,827)139.14% E 101-43000-217 Uniforms & Safety Equipment$ 2,200 $2,519$324($319)114.49% plow repair parts E 101-43000-221 Equipment Parts$ 14,000 $19,409$2,457($5,409)138.63% E 101-43000-222 Tires$ 7,500 $1,288$0$6,21217.17% E 101-43000-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 2,200 $56$0$2,1442.56% E 101-43000-224 Materials for Road Maintenance$ 16,500 $5,235$1,648$11,26531.73% E 101-43000-226 Sign Replacement and Repair$ - $174$0($174)0.00% E 101-43000-228 Gravel$ 10,000 $6,863$0$3,13768.63% snow, snow & snow E 101-43000-229 Salt$ 20,000 $28,069$0($8,069)140.34% E 101-43000-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 8,000 $5,967$2,092$2,03374.59% E 101-43000-302 Surveying$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-303 Engineering Fees$ 10,000 $13,978$274($3,978)139.78%Gen. Eng. & Crack filling & seal coat fees E 101-43000-304 Legal Services$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-305 Medical Services$ 1,200 $286$0$91423.80% IWORQ subscription; GIS map updates E 101-43000-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 2,000 $13,198$0($11,198)659.90% E 101-43000-317 Employee Training$ 1,700 $1,315$105$38577.37% E 101-43000-319 Other Services$ 13,600 $6,036$15$7,56444.39% E 101-43000-321 Telephone$ 3,000 $4,099$354($1,099)136.64% E 101-43000-331 Travel Expenses$ 500 $0$0$5000.00% E 101-43000-334 Licenses & Permits$ 500 $10$0$4902.00% E 101-43000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 9,000 $8,348$0$65292.76% E 101-43000-365 Insurance Claims$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 4,000 $3,708$287$29292.69% E 101-43000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ 1,000 $796$65$20479.58% E 101-43000-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 1,600 $304$304$1,29718.97% E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities$ 4,200 $4,092$457$10897.44% E 101-43000-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 8,000 $4,019$195$3,98150.24% E 101-43000-403 Improvements Other Than Bldgs$ - $0$0$00.00% plow truck repairs E 101-43000-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 15,500 $27,204$1,615($11,704)175.51% Street light repair $3,422; Patching $10,488, Dust Control $21,900; Crack Fill & Seal Coat $150,824 E 101-43000-405 Contractual Road Maint/Repair$ 157,500 $119,461$0$38,03975.85% moved to LRIF E 101-43000-407 Well Repair & Maintenance$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-413 Equipment Rental$ 4,000 $111$111$3,8892.77% E 101-43000-417 Uniform Rental$ 1,100 $1,028$77$7293.46% E 101-43000-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 200 $0$0$2000.00% E 101-43000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 15,750 $11,380$4,104$4,37072.25% E 101-43000-439 Refunds Issued$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-550 Motor Vehicles Capital$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-43000-570 Office Equipment$ 1,000 $407$0$59340.65% E 101-43000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - #DIV/0! Total Public Works Dept. Expenditures$ 732,750 $ 672,423 $ 39,439 $ 60,327 91.77% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.PARKS & RECREATION ExpendituresE 101-45000-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 10,200 $8,130$765$2,07079.71% E 101-45000-104 Temporary Employee Wages$ 40,200 $19,368$0$20,83248.18% E 101-45000-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 800 $607$57$19375.83% E 101-45000-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 3,300 $1,655$45$1,64550.16% E 101-45000-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 800 $414$10$38651.81% E 101-45000-131 Employer Paid Health$ 2,700 $2,020$18$68074.83% E 101-45000-132 Dental Insurance$ 100 $38$0$6238.40% E 101-45000-134 Employer Paid Life$ - $27$2($27)0.00% E 101-45000-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 1,000 $55$0$9455.47% E 101-45000-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45000-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 1,900 $2,615$0($715)137.61% E 101-45000-200 Office Supplies$ 310 $0$0$3100.00% E 101-45000-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 930 $0$0$9300.00% E 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies$ 930 $846$117$8490.97% E 101-45000-212 Fuel$ 1,650 $251$0$1,39915.20% E 101-45000-221 Equipment Parts$ 2,100 $1,698$325$40280.84% E 101-45000-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 2,100 $1,124$27$97653.51% E 101-45000-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 400 $324$0$7680.94% E 101-45000-312 Planning Services$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45000-313 Committee & Commission Reimbur$ 1,200 $960$240$24080.00% E 101-45000-319 Other Services$ - $1,381$0($1,381)0.00% E 101-45000-322 Postage$ - $0$0$00.00% SCVRTA 2023 Ad E 101-45000-340 Advertising$ 200 $0$0$2000.00% E 101-45000-353 Sales& Use Tax$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 3,300 $3,323$0($23)100.70% E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 4,500 $4,898$268($398)108.85% E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ 2,500 $5,361$149($2,861)214.44%new refuse hauler E 101-45000-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 700 $876$0($176)125.17%Warming House ice melt product E 101-45000-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 4,800 $4,250$127$55188.53% E 101-45000-403 Improvements Other Than Bldgs$ - $421$0($421)0.00% E 101-45000-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 750 $397$0$35352.88% E 101-45000-406 Grounds Care$ 4,000 $3,724$0$27693.11% E 101-45000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 3,300 $4,455$1,625($1,155)135.00% E 101-45000-439 Refunds Issued$ - $565$0($565)0.00% Vinterfest E 101-45000-440 Events$ 7,000 $5,354$0$1,64676.49% E 101-45000-490 Financial Assistance$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 10,000 $0$0$10,0000.00%Rink board and fencing improvements E 101-45000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - Total Parks & Rec Dept. Expenditures$ 111,670 $ 75,135 $ 3,775 $ 36,535 67.28% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.COMMUNITY CENTER ExpendituresE 101-45180-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 15,000 $13,850$1,340$1,15092.34% E 101-45180-104 Temporary Employee Wages$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45180-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 1,100 $1,000$83$10090.95% E 101-45180-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 900 $809$79$9189.86% E 101-45180-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 200 $199$19$199.37% E 101-45180-131 Employer Paid Health$ 3,700 $2,628$0$1,07271.02% E 101-45180-134 Employer Paid Life$ - $41$4($41)0.00% E 101-45180-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 200 $107$0$9353.46% E 101-45180-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies$ 2,900 $2,910$66($10)100.33% E 101-45180-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 6,500 $173$0$6,3272.66% E 101-45180-334 Licenses & Permits$ 1,000 $792$0$20879.20% E 101-45180-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 800 $796$0$499.45% E 101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 11,200 $8,617$634$2,58376.94% E 101-45180-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ 1,900 $3,178$82($1,278)167.24%new refuse hauler E 101-45180-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 3,700 $3,408$0$29292.12% Remove ice from Comm Ctr roof E 101-45180-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 15,000 $17,012$3,819($2,012)113.41% E 101-45180-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 5,000 $2,435$0$2,56548.70% ice control products E 101-45180-406 Grounds Care$ 690 $1,255$0($565)181.82% E 101-45180-407 Well Repair & Maintenance$ 1,000 $0$0$1,0000.00% Helke's winter lighting work E 101-45180-438 Misc. Contractual$ 2,700 $2,165$108$53580.20% E 101-45180-439 Refunds Issued$ - $450$0($450)0.00% Council Chambers remodel E 101-45180-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ 6,000 $7,476$0($1,476)124.59% E 101-45180-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45180-570 Office Equipment$ - $0$0$00.00% E 101-45180-720 Operating Transfers$ - $0$0$00.00% Total Community Center Dept. Expenditures$ 64,490 $ 36,808 $ 3,492 $ 27,682 57.08% TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES$ - $ - $ -$ - 0.00% E 101-49000-421 Cash Over/Short Operating TransfersE 101-49000-720 Operating Transfers$4,998,000$1,000,000($4,998,000)0.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES W/TRANSFERS$ - CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments COVID RELIEF FUND RevenueR 203-46200-33150 Federal Grant$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% ExpendituresE 203-49000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ - EDA FUND RevenueR 225-46500-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 5,300 $5,300$0$0100.00% R 225-46500-33640 Other Grants$ - $0$0$00.00% R 225-46500-34750 Facilities Rental$ - $800$0($800)0.00% R 225-46500-36210 Interest Income$ 200 $0$0$2000.00% R 225-46500-36230 Donations$ - $300$0($300)0.00% transfer of property tax settlement from R 225-46500-39203 Transfer from Other Funds$ - $3,525$0($3,525)0.00% checking Total EDA Fund Revenue$ 5,500$ 9,925$ -$ (4,425) 180.45% ExpenditureE 225-46500-210 Operating Supplies$ 500 $3,525$0($3,025)704.99% E 225-46500-303 Engineering Fees$ - $0$0$00.00% E 225-46500-304 Legal Services$ - $0$0$00.00% E 225-46500-308 Other Professional Services$ 300 $0$0$3000.00% E 225-46500-340 Advertising$ 2,000 $1,487$0$51374.35% EDAM Membership; Sister City Dues E 225-46500-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 1,700 $1,168$0$53268.71% E 225-46500-440 Events$ 800 $2,110$568($1,310)263.73%Sister City & Vinterlights E 225-46500-720 Operating Transfers$ - $0$0$00.00% Total EDA Fund Expenditures$ 5,300$ 4,765$ 568$ (2,990) 89.90% CABLE TV FUND RevenueR 226-41950-36210 Interest Income$ 100 $0$0$1000.00% R 226-41950-36260 Sale of Equipment$ - $300$0($300)0.00% R 226-41950-38050 Cable TV Franchise Rebates$ 16,200 $18,490$1,652($2,290)114.14% R 226-41950-38051 PEG Fees$ 4,200 $4,962$447($762)118.15% Total Cable TV Fund Revenue$ 20,500$ 23,753$ 2,099 $ (3,253) 115.87% AV equipment; network cord & wallplate in Council ExpenditureE 226-41950-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 300 $604$0($304)201.42% Chambers E 226-41950-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 3,500 $3,321$197$17994.87% E 226-41950-438 Misc. Contractual$ 5,300 $7,749$1,380($2,449)146.21%Zoom subscription & LATV filming E 226-41950-570 Office Equipment$ - $4,129$0($4,129)0.00% Total Cable TV Fund Expenditures$ 9,100$ 15,803$ 1,577 $ (6,703) 173.66% GATEWAY TRAIL FUND RevenueR 230-45000-36230 Donations$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% ExpenditureE 230-45000-308 Other Professional Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% PUBLIC SAFETY AID FUND RevenueR 240-42400-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$0$176,529$176,529($176,529)0.00% 2013 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES RevenueR 313-47000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ - $ - 0.00% ExpenditureE 313-47000-601 Long Term Debt Principal$ 60,000 $60,000$0$0100.00% E 313-47000-611 Long Term Debt Interest$ 3,047 $930$0$2,11730.52% E 313-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% Total 2013 Fund Expenditures$ 63,547$ 60,930$ -$ 2,61795.88% 2018 STREET RECONSTRUCTION RevenueR 318-47000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 342,546 $ 342,546 $ 171,268 $ 171,278 100.00% ExpenditureE 318-47000-601 Long Term Debt Principal$ 250,000 $235,000$0$15,00094.00% E 318-47000-611 Long Term Debt Interest$ 91,225 $91,225$0($0)100.00% E 318-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees$ 500 $495$0$599.00% Total 2018 Street Reconstruction Fund Expenditures$ 341,725 $ 326,720 $ -$ 15,00595.61% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS RevenueR 401-48000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 293,791 $293,790$0$1100.00% R 401-48000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $56,232$0($56,232)0.00% R 401-48000-36210 Interest Income$ 2,300 $ - $ - $ 2,300 0.00% Total Capital Improvement Fund Revenue$ 296,091 $ 350,022 $ -$ (53,931)118.21% ExpenditureE 401-41000-312 Planning Services$ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! E 401-41000-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! E 401-41000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 169,500 $0$0$169,5000.00% E 401-42200-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ 65,000 $90,034$0($25,034)138.51%Generator E 401-48000-303 Engineering Fees$ - $13,119$3,302($13,119)0.00%Gateway Trail Engineering E 401-48000-308 Other Professional Services$ - $28,800$2,400($28,800)0.00%Gateway Trail Lobbying E 401-48000-312 Planning Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 401-48000-435 Misc Expense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 401-48000-438 Misc. Contractual$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 401-48000-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 401-48000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 100,000 0.00% $ 334,500 $ 131,953 $ 5,702 $ 202,547 39.45% PARK DEVELOPMENT RevenueR 404-48000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - 100.00% R 404-48000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $ - 0.00% R 404-48000-34780 Park Dedication Fees$ 21,000 $ 30,000 $ 6,000 $ (9,000) 142.86% R 404-48000-36210 Interest Income$ 66 $ 66 0.00% Lions Playground donation; Bench donation R 404-48000-36230 Donations$ - $ 10,000 $ (10,000) 0.00% moved to Gen Fund Transfer from General Fund for rink boards R 404-48000-39203 Transfer from Other Funds$0$146,620$0($146,620)0.00% Total Park Development Fund Revenue$ 41,066$ 206,620 $ 6,000 $ (165,554)503.14% ExpenditureE 404-48000-312 Planning Services$ - $4,500$0($4,500)0.00% E 404-48000-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 404-48000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 17,306 $272,135$3,311($254,829)1572.49% Playground equipment; Hay Lake & Liten park signs E 404-48000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $3,049$0($3,049)0.00% loan repayment to Gen Capital Fund 401 Total Park Development Fund Expenditures$ 17,306$ 279,684 $ 3,311 $ (262,378)1616.11% EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RevenueR 406-48500-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 406-48500-36210 Interest Income$ 1,030 $ - $ - $ 1,030 0.00% R 406-48500-36260 Sale of Equipment$ 35,000 $18,851$0$16,14953.86% R 406-48500-39350 Certificate of Indebtedness$ 819,500 $ - $ - $ 819,500 0.00% Total Equipment Replacement Fund Revenue$ 855,530 $ 18,851$ -$ 836,679 2.20% ExpenditureE 406-48500-540 Heavy Machinery Capital$ 325,000 $63,019$0$261,98119.39% John Deere mower, snowblower & broom E 406-48500-550 Motor Vehicles Capital$ 189,500 $12,717$0$176,7836.71% 25% payment for Fire Rescue boat Total Equipment Replacement Fund Expenditures$ 514,500 $ 75,736$ -$ 438,764 14.72% LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND RevenueR 408-43100-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 212,012 $212,012$ - $ - 100.00% R 408-43100-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! R 408-43100-36210 Interest Income$ 12,115 $ - $ - $ 12,115 0.00% R 408-43100-39310 Proceeds-Gen Obligation Bond$ - $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! Total LRIF Revenue$ 224,127 $ 212,012 $ -$ 12,11594.59% ExpenditureE 408-43100-303 Engineering Fees$ 20,000 $130,869$33,608($110,869)654.35% E 408-43100-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 973,000 $847,897$26,065$125,10387.14% Total LRIF Expenditures$ 993,000 $ 978,766 $ 59,673 $ 14,234 98.57% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments BIG MARINE SEWER RevenueR 602-43210-31951 Special Assessments Principal$ - $3,361$0($3,361)0.00% R 602-43210-31952 SA Penalties & Interest$ - $437$0($437)0.00% R 602-43210-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $0$0$00.00% R 602-43210-34401 Sewer User Fees$ 140,700 $109,724$12,033$30,97677.98% R 602-43210-34402 Sewer Connection Fee$ - $8,000$0($8,000)0.00% R 602-43210-36100 Special Assessments$ 600 $0$0$6000.00% R 602-43210-36102 Penalties and Interest$ - $183$51($183)0.00% R 602-43210-36210 Interest Income$ 400 $0$0$4000.00% Total Big Marine Sewer Revenue$ 141,700 $ 121,706 $ 12,084 $ 19,994 85.89% ExpenditureE 602-43210-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 22,500 $19,741$1,469$2,75987.74% E 602-43210-102 OT Regular Wages$ - $0$0$00.00% E 602-43210-120 Pension Expense$ - $0$0$00.00% E 602-43210-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 17,000 $1,478$110$15,5228.70% E 602-43210-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 1,400 $1,153$87$24782.37% E 602-43210-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 300 $284$20$1694.72% E 602-43210-131 Employer Paid Health$ - $0$0$00.00% E 602-43210-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 700 $736$0($36)105.20% E 602-43210-200 Office Supplies$ 200 $0$0$2000.00% E 602-43210-210 Operating Supplies$ 2,500 $1,813$323$68772.53% E 602-43210-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 600 $0$0$6000.00% Bliss Collector Permit Renewal E 602-43210-303 Engineering Fees$ 10,500 $78,254$8,922($67,754)745.28% E 602-43210-304 Legal Services$ - $18$0($18)0.00% E 602-43210-308 Other Professional Services$ 2,500 $7,773$868($5,273)310.92%Pace Analytical monthly testing E 602-43210-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 1,300 $529$529$77140.71% E 602-43210-317 Employee Training$ 1,400 $336$0$1,06424.00% E 602-43210-321 Telephone$ 2,400 $2,525$131($125)105.22% E 602-43210-322 Postage$ 600 $200$200$40033.33% E 602-43210-331 Travel Expenses$ 200 $633$0($433)316.28% E 602-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 1,600 $729$0$87145.56% E 602-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 3,000 $3,449$0($449)114.97% E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 2,500 $3,737$118($1,237)149.47%Connexus & Excel E 602-43210-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 15,000 $4,395$0$10,60529.30% E 602-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 5,000 $2,639$0$2,36152.78% E 602-43210-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 16,000 $12,101$0$3,89975.63%Lift Station #2 pump replacement E 602-43210-413 Equipment Rental$ 400 $0$0$4000.00% E 602-43210-420 Depreciation Expense$ 54,300 $0$0$54,3000.00% E 602-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 10,000 $930$0$9,0709.30% E 602-43210-439 Refunds Issued$ - $0$0$00.00% E 602-43210-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 9,800 $0$0$9,8000.00% Total Big Marine Sewer Expenditures$ 181,700 $ 143,454 $ 12,776$ 38,24678.95% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary DECEMBER 2023 Description2023 Budget2023 YTD AmountMonth AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments UPTOWN SEWER RevenueR 612-43210-34401 Sewer User Fees$ 22,300 $16,995$0$5,30576.21% R 612-43210-36210 Interest Income$ 200 $ - $ - $ 200 0.00% Total Uptown Sewer Revenue$ 22,500$ 16,995$ -$ 5,50575.54% ExpenditureE 612-43210-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 9,700 $8,200$586$1,50084.54% E 612-43210-120 Pension Expense$ - $0$0$00.00% E 612-43210-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 700 $614$44$8687.75% E 612-43210-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 600 $479$34$12179.77% E 612-43210-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 100 $118$8($18)117.93% E 612-43210-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 200 $316$0($116)157.80% E 612-43210-200 Office Supplies$ 100 $0$0$1000.00% E 612-43210-210 Operating Supplies$ 300 $320$320($20)106.65% E 612-43210-221 Equipment Parts$ 300 $0$0$3000.00% E 612-43210-303 Engineering Fees$ 1,000 $0$0$1,0000.00% E 612-43210-308 Other Professional Services$ 500 $733$0($233)146.60%58% increase in testing costs E 612-43210-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ - $84$84($84)0.00% E 612-43210-317 Employee Training$ 350 $0$0$3500.00% E 612-43210-319 Other Services$ - $0$0$00.00% E 612-43210-322 Postage$ - $0$0$00.00% E 612-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 400 $247$0$15361.75% E 612-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 400 $478$0($78)119.46% E 612-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 1,700 $745$77$95543.82% E 612-43210-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 1,500 $1,500$0$0100.00% E 612-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 700 $0$0$7000.00% E 612-43210-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 2,000 $0$0$2,0000.00% E 612-43210-420 Depreciation Expense$ 5,100 $0$0$5,1000.00% E 612-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 1,300 $140$0$1,16010.77% E 612-43210-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 4,500 $0$0$4,5000.00% Total Uptown Sewer Expenditures$ 31,450$ 13,974$ 1,153 $ 17,47644.43%