04. Sheriffs Newsletter and statistics-Feb. 2024S C A N D I A W C S O M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 4 M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 4 M E E T Y O U R S C A N D I A D E P U T Y The Washington County Sheriff’s Office serves a large geographical area, providing policing services to 23 communities. This includes the City of Scandia, which we are proud to have served for many years. To ensure we consistently deliver high-quality patrol coverage, groups of deputies are responsible for specific areas known as “contract deputies.” Scandia has its own contract and its own deputy with a substation office, where he begins and end his shift. This allows him to spend more time in the city, developing knowledge and relationships with the people and businesses there and getting to know what makes the community tick. Deputy Booth was assigned to the Scandia contract at the beginning of this year and is excited to serve your city!Deputy Kevin Booth 8 0 T R A F F I C S T O P S 3 1 C I T A T I O N S I S S U E D 2 N U M B E R O F I N C I D E N T S At the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, we strive to deliver open and ongoing communication with the cities and townships we serve to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your community’s needs. To facilitate this, we’ve designated a liaison for each community to act as a direct point of contact. In Scandia, Sgt. Tyler Martin serves as your designated liaison. Sgt. Tyler Martin S ho uld y ou eve r h ave in qu i ri es regar din g ou r s ervices, q ues tio ns on spe cif ic in cid e nts, o r wo uld l ik e t o s peak ab ou t law en fo rc e m ent m at te rs i n ge ner al , p le ase fee l fr e e to r e ac h o ut to Sgt . M a rti n usin g t he p ro v i ded c on t a c t details at t he b ott om of t his pa g e . We ar e co m m i tted to be i ng a c ces sible t o yo u an d your c i ty o ffici als, ser v i ng as a valu able r e so urce wh ene v e r ne e ded . In s e rvic e, S her i f f D a n Sta rry M E S S A G E F R O M T H E S H E R I F F SCANDIA LIAISON: SGT. TYLER MARTIN CONTACT: TYLER.MARTIN@CO.WASHINGTON.MN.US, (651) 430-7842 W C 2 4 0 0 0 2 5 0 W A R R A N T A R R E S T A t m i dn igh t o n Ja n. 2, a d epu t y wa s d i spa tch e d to ch e c k o n t he w el far e of a 3 -yea r-ol d. The ch i l d's gr and m othe r w as c on ce r ned bec au s e th e m other had pic ked h i m u p o n C hris tma s Da y a nd had not retu rne d wi th him. T he mo ther, wh o h as a histo ry o f dr ug and a l co ho l abuse, wa s st aying w ith her bo y frien d a t h i s pa ren ts ' h ome. D epu t ie s wen t to th e ho m e and ask e d t o s peak to th e m oth e r, w ho complied . Dep uti es wer e adv is e d sh e had and arr e st w arr ant fr om A no k a C ou nt y and two from W i sc on si n c ou nt i es. Sh e w as ar rested with ou t i nci dent a nd tra nsp or ted to Wa sh in g ton C ou nt y Ja il. Deputies c hecked o n th e child , who a pp e are d clea n, hea l th y and happy. His mo th er ar ran g e d for t he gr a nd m othe r to pic k him up a nd s ta y with h e r. 1 4 X X X 2 0 2 N D S T R E E T N WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE SCANDIA - 55 1/1/2024 2:45:11 AM WC24000031 22XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 1/1/2024 9:47:45 AM WC24000062 Scandia Trl N / Pomroy Ave N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 1/1/2024 9:58:22 AM WC24000064 10XXX 191st St N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/1/2024 12:03:05 PM WC24000078 Oren Rd N / Olgilvie Ave N, SCANDIA ABANDONED VEHICLE 1/1/2024 9:28:57 PM WC24000154 10XXX 185th St N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/2/2024 12:00:00 AM WC24000250 14XXX 202nd St N, SCANDIA WARRANT ARREST 1/2/2024 11:28:19 AM WC24000233 16XXX Obrien Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/2/2024 3:03:08 PM WC24000268 16XXX 220th St N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/3/2024 8:35:58 AM WC24000426 Saint Croix Trl N / 197th St N, SCANDIA ROAD HAZARD 1/3/2024 11:06:42 AM WC24000466 19XXX Parkview Ln N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/3/2024 4:57:36 PM WC24000504 23XXX Melanie Trl N, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 1/5/2024 12:08:24 PM WC24000896 18XXX Layton Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 1/5/2024 1:03:15 PM WC24000904 Unknown, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 1/5/2024 3:02:32 PM WC24000917 21XXX Meadowbrook Cir N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/5/2024 3:15:19 PM WC24000920 Olinda Trl N / Old Marine Trl N, SCANDIA DRIVING COMPLAINT 1/5/2024 6:15:14 PM WC24000955 14XXX Oakhill Ln N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/5/2024 8:57:42 PM WC24000974 Olinda Trl N / Pilar Rd N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 1/5/2024 11:46:30 PM WC24000991 15XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA CHILD CUSTODY 1/6/2024 4:12:15 AM WC24001025 Saint Croix Trl N / 220th St N, SCANDIA ASSIST OTHER AGENCY 1/6/2024 2:38:27 PM WC24001068 14XXX Oakhill Ct N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 1/6/2024 6:20:24 PM WC24001107 22XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/7/2024 12:17:36 PM WC24001218 12XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA DEER TAG 1/7/2024 4:30:37 PM WC24001241 23XXX Saint Croix Trl N, SCANDIA SUSPICIOUS PERSON/ACTIVITY 1/8/2024 2:55:17 PM WC24001448 21XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 1/8/2024 6:30:48 PM WC24001491 14XXX 209th St N, SCANDIA DISTURBANCE 1/8/2024 8:21:34 PM WC24001510 14XXX Oren Rd N, SCANDIA FOLLOW UP 1/9/2024 1:49:19 PM WC24001656 21XXX Ozark Ave N, SCANDIA ACCIDENT 1/9/2024 2:08:47 PM WC24001665 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA OFFICER INFORMATION 1/9/2024 4:29:54 PM WC24001686 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/9/2024 5:29:19 PM WC24001701 18XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/9/2024 5:56:27 PM WC24001707 16XXX 209th St N, SCANDIA THREATS 1/10/2024 9:02:03 AM WC24001834 22XXX Oldfield Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 1/11/2024 10:55:55 AM WC24002024 22XXX Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA ANIMAL COMPLAINT 1/11/2024 11:57:19 AM WC24002050 16XXX Obrien Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 1/15/2024 8:56:07 AM WC24002631 Bone Lake, SCANDIA DUMPING COMPLAINT 1/15/2024 9:30:40 AM WC24002635 18XXX Langly Ave N, SCANDIA THEFT 1Pagev2.1 12/20 Incident Summary Report From:1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM To:1/31/2024 11:59:59 PM PUBLIC 1/15/2024 10:34:52 AM WC24002642 16XXX 205th Street Ct N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 1/15/2024 2:30:46 PM WC24002674 12XXX 182ND ST N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/16/2024 12:27:03 PM WC24002846 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/16/2024 12:57:07 PM WC24002849 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/16/2024 2:05:56 PM WC24002855 22XXX Meadowbrook Ave N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 1/16/2024 4:04:59 PM WC24002877 23XXX Manning Trl N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/16/2024 5:23:33 PM WC24002888 20XXX Quinnell Ave N, SCANDIA HARASSMENT 1/16/2024 11:58:16 PM WC24002942 Scandia Trl N / Newberry Ave N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 1/17/2024 10:39:45 AM WC24003012 23XXX Melanie Trl N, SCANDIA FRAUD/SCAM 1/19/2024 9:08:13 AM WC24003369 XX Sand Lake, SCANDIA ATV/OHV COMPLAINT 1/19/2024 9:24:54 AM WC24003380 12XXX Oakhill Rd N, SCANDIA MEDICAL 1/19/2024 12:12:55 PM WC24003429 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 1/19/2024 6:25:51 PM WC24003496 18XXX Langly Ave N, SCANDIA BURGLARY 1/20/2024 9:53:26 AM WC24003617 Unknown, SCANDIA CITIZEN/PUBLIC ASSIST 1/21/2024 4:35:18 PM WC24003805 18XXX Olinda Trl N, SCANDIA ALARM-BUSINESS/RES/FIRE/MEDICAL/ETC 1/23/2024 12:00:00 AM WC24004126 Mann/243rd St N, SCANDIA TRAFFIC STOP 1/23/2024 8:03:48 AM WC24004071 14XXX Scandia Trl N, SCANDIA DISTURBANCE 1/23/2024 9:13:53 AM WC24004100 LOFTON AVE N / 239TH ST N, SCANDIA 911 ABANDONED/HANGUP/OPEN LINE 1/24/2024 12:51:45 PM WC24004335 20XXX Quadrant Ave N, SCANDIA FRAUD/SCAM TOTAL INCIDENTS:55 2Pagev2.1 12/20 Incident Summary Report From:1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM To:1/31/2024 11:59:59 PM PUBLIC 1/31/24, 8:23 AM rmsweb.co.washington.mn.us/InformRMS/reportingExperience https://rmsweb.co.washington.mn.us/InformRMS/reportingExperience 1/1 WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 15015 62nd St N Stillwater, MN 55082 Tel: 651-430-7600 Monthly Citation Report Results (2 unique records) 8200202400 92 Jan 22, 2024, 9:15:49 AM Booth, Kevin J WC15239 228TH ST. N LOFTON AVENUE SCANDIA 609.68 Unlawful Deposit of Garbage, Litter or Like NON-MOVING VIOLATION 8200202401 48 Jan 24, 2024, 12:22:27 PM Booth, Kevin J WC15239 Mann/243rd St N SCANDIA 171.24.2 Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation NON-MOVING VIOLATION ◄► Number Created On Officer CitationEvent address_streetAddress CitationEvent address_crossStreet CitationEvent address_city_Description Violation Type SCANDIA STATISTICS - January Calls Per Hour Total Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 2021 2022 2023 2024 0000 8 9 3 12 January 88 111 124 80 0100 11 5 3 0 February 81 85 91 0200 7 2 3 5 March 130 95 71 0300 4 1 9 4 April 107 121 109 0400 1 4 0 2 May 135 120 124 0500 1 4 3 1 June 152 129 116 0600 1 4 7 1 July 160 147 121 0700 3 10 12 8 August 152 142 138 0800 8 15 14 9 September 128 113 103 0900 10 12 9 30 October 145 133 106 1000 6 24 14 19 November 118 106 89 1100 10 23 14 23 December 114 91 84 1200 5 14 14 27 1300 8 17 13 22 1400 12 14 21 22 1500 20 21 23 21 1600 18 21 13 28 1700 12 12 9 8 1800 19 10 11 9 1900 2 6 17 5 2000 5 9 7 11 2100 23 8 6 3 2200 9 6 5 4 2300 7 1 5 8 SCANDIA CRIME STATISTICS - January Crime Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 Theft 2 0 0 2 Theft from Business 1 0 0 1 Theft from Person 1 0 0 1 Theft from MV 0 0 0 0 Theft of MV Parts 0 0 0 0 Mail Theft 0 0 0 0 Identity Theft 0 0 0 0 MV Theft 0 0 0 0 Drugs 0 2 0 0 Fraud 3 2 3 2 Criminal Damage To Property 0 0 0 0 Burglary 1 0 1 1 Domestic Assault 2 0 0 0 Court Order Violation 1 0 1 0 Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 0 Simple Assault 0 1 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 0 Homicide 0 0 0 0 Quality of Life 2021 2022 2023 2024 Alarm 3 11 7 4 Animal 4 3 6 7 Citizen Assist 9 12 17 14 Disorderly 0 0 0 1 Disturbance/Noise 3 2 5 1 Harassment 0 1 0 1 Medical 20 7 10 13 Mental Health/Crisis Calls 2 3 15 6 Overdoses 0 2 0 0 Suspicious Activity 5 3 5 2 Threats 0 1 1 0 Trespassing 0 0 0 0 Traffic Incidents 2021 2022 2023 2024 DWI 0 0 0 0 Traffic Stops Made 20 43 46 31 Citations Issued 2 11 3 2 Warning Citations Issued 0 1 0 0 Traffic - Moving Violation 0 12 7 6 Traffic - Non Moving Violation 1 6 0 1 Parking 1 1 0 0 MV Accident 9 5 17 2