08.d 01.23.2024 Minutes TC DRAFT Scandia Tourism Committee, Council Chambers January 23, 2024 Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens, Lynne Moratzka Sarah Porubcansky, and Jim Gribble. Absent: Chrissi Larsen. Additional Attendee: Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.) Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m., a quorum is present. Approve the Agenda – Porubcansky moved, Dickens seconded, to approve the agenda with Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously. Approve the Minutes – Dickens moved, Porubcansky seconded, to approve November 28, 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Scandia Heritage Alliance – American in Bloom Grant Agreement Request – Dickens presented Susan Rodsjo’s request for a member of the Tourism Committee to participate with meeting the consultants this summer with this project. Discussion concluded either Moratzka or Porubcansky will participate, depending on their availability when the consultants are scheduled. Porubcansky added that SHA qualified for application to this grant by the Canadian Rail Road line that is in Scandia. Vinterfest 2025 – VinterCraft Show Consideration – Dickens presented Greg Zauner’s request for the Tourism Committee to consider organizing a craft show, similar to Best of Scandia at VinterLights! for a Sunday activity at Vinterfest 2025. The date would be Sunday, January 26, 2025. Discussion concluded that a craft show would not be a good fit, but instead Dickens will respond with other suggestions for expanding Vinterfest into Sunday. A Game Day with tournament style play as it supports the community building effort of Vinterfest or to invite area businesses to consider a “make and take” project for sampling products to encourage future patronage of their business. Events – • Porubcansky asked the committee to ponder something in the future that has not taken exact shape yet – but new business owner Dawn at Loon Holistic Health noticed that there are many health-related businesses in Scandia. Moratzka added Elim’s mental health program plan for the season of Lent and the Swedish concept of hygge (relaxing.) Tabled for further discussion at a future time to consider what Tourism could do to highlight this theme of Health Day opportunities in Scandia. • Porubcansky asked if there could be a further consideration of a spring kick off in Scandia similar to Walpurgis Night (or Valborg in Swedish), to burn off winter and welcome spring. • Best of Scandia recap – Dickens reported that no additional responses were received from the Vendor Feedback results than reported in November. The Artisan Market will work out fine tuning the layout, consider suggestions to hold hourly drawings of vendor donated goods to encourage steady shopping streams, and consider suggestions to improve the live music in the Heritage Room. • Scandia Evening Adventures recap – Dickens reported that most visited days for businesses seemed to be October and November. December was an “odd day” but missed the major snow storms of the last two years. Customers reported to some businesses that other businesses closed early for the night and they were not able to go to those establishments. Vendor participation did change as some registered, and then backed out at the last minute for various reasons. Staff asked for clarification if local businesses were participating or not, as some seemed to promote their other events in comments to the city’s social media posts. Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes January 23, 2024 2 | P a g e Preferred to ask them to participate and be in the main post over tagging on in comments. Dickens to follow up. Dickens reported gathering specific style of photos at the 2023 event with the intention to be able to submit to Explore Minnesota, or other considerations of paid advertisements. Discussion over the effectiveness of paid advertisements over other possibilities. Gribble will explore cost estimates for considering a direct mailing to Scandia residents. • Annual Garage Sale – Dickens clarified the date of the sale to be May 30th – June 1st. Discussion concluded to eliminate the option to host a sale in the Community Center parking lot on Saturday. Porubcansky requested staff include a required field of a zip code for the digital map. May 3rd to be the registration deadline with the goal to have the digital map available by May 17th. Staff to follow up to make sure the banners ordered last year are good to set up this year again. Community participants to continue to put up their own directional signs. Adjournment –Motion by Gribble, seconded by Moratzka, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant