09.e PW - Staff Report
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: 2/20/2024
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: PW - Staff Report
Public Works has continued ROW brush cutting over the past month.
Staff have also completed tree trimming on roughly two miles of road consisting of Melanie
Trail, 238th St., and Morgan Ave. Trimming has been halted recently due to a break down in the
loader used as a lift during trimming, which has been sent out for hydraulic repair.
Public Works staff reported a failing retaining wall in the Bliss neighborhood once vegetation
was cut back to expose the wall. Cost estimates have been requested from contractors for the
repair or replacement of the wall. This project will need to happen this year before fall to
ensure the wall will not collapse.
Public Works has continued to work with Bolton & Menk to finalize plans for the
tennis/pickleball court project.
Public Works has continued working with contractors to provide costs in regards to inspecting
for I/I within the Bliss and A/E systems. Due to the scale and scope of work City staff would not
be able to complete this task and continue serving all other areas of the City. The potential
project will consist of inspecting all of the lines coming out of the home to the septic tank for
cracks or breaks which allow I/I. Secondary to the line inspection Public Works has added tank
inspections for all tanks in the system located in resident’s properties. The total cost for the
system inspections is yet to be determined.
Additional information will be shared with the Wastewater Advisory Committee once costs are
estimated and how a project of this scale can be implemented into a future budget.
Public Works has completed the order for the new skid steer and Ford F550. Both vehicles are
tentatively scheduled to be delivered between June and July. The F550 cab/chassis will then be
delivered to Towmaster for the dump body and accessories to be installed. Once the F550 is
complete and in service Public Works will auction the current F550.