10-17-2006 Town Board October 17, 2006 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt,Vice-Chairman Michael Hinz, Supervisors Michael Harnetty,Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden; Administrator Anne Hurlburt. PUBLIC FORUM Dennis Larson,New Scandia representative to the Comfort Lake/Forest Lake Watershed, gave notice of his resignation as manager on the Watershed Board due to work conflicts. Chairman Seefeldt thanked Mr. Larson for his service, and appreciation for the progress that the Watershed has made in regards to Bone Lake. Mike White, 13310 188th Street, questioned when the Open Space of plats would be dedicated as parks, therefore ensuring that the land cannot be sold. Steve May, developer for the plat Emerald Acres, asked the opinion of the Board as to the possibility of granting the plat a 100%bonus(the addition of one lot)to better qualify the development for the funding of a bank loan. Mr. May was advised to bring in a rough sketch of the reconfigured plat to the November 14, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING—UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT VACATION As the mound septic system of the Prairie Restoration building,Lot 4,Block 1,Hawkinson Business Park, has been constructed within the 50-foot drainage and utility easement, it will be necessary to vacate 40 feet of the easement along Highway 97, along with the 10-foot wide easement along the east property line. The property owner will dedicate a 10-foot drainage easement over the drainage way south of the septic mound. There were no comments from the public. Blair Joselyn made a motion to adopt Resolution 10-17-06-01 Vacating a Part of the Utility and Drainage Easement situated in Lot 4,Block 1,Hawkinson Business Park,contingent on the property owner executing the new 10-foot drainage easement south of the septic mound.Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda: a)Minutes for Town Board meetings 9-19-06, 10-3-06,Planning Commission 10-3-06, Workshop 10-11-06. b)Treasurer's Report: Beginning Balance 9/01/06 $1,456,863.86 Receipts + 73,512.57 Expenditures 100,877.12 Payroll 13,013.40 - 113,890.52 Ending Balance 9/30/06 $1,416,485.91 c)Payment of Vouchers. New Scandia Town Board October 17, 2006 Page 2 d)Appointment of Election Judges for the November 7, 2006 General Election: Mary Hulleman(Head Election Judge),Florence Daninger,Patti Funni,Edith Hadlich,Gary Hogle,Ann Hoheisel,Donna Larson,Barbara Maile,John Meader,Avalon Okerson,Beverly Pratt,Judy Rydeen and Sue Tuomi. e)Approval of Utility Permit to Connexus Energy for underground electric service at 13640 205th Street. f)Approval of Pay Request No.2 to Hardrives,Inc. for 2006 Street Repairs in the amount of$106,401.08. g)Approval of Pay Request No. 1 to Jay Bros., Inc. for 2006 Culvert Replacement in the amount of $58,528.55. h)Appointment of Election Judges for the December 12,2006 Special Election for Mayor and City Council: Mary Hulleman(Head Election Judge),Patti Funni,Barbara Maille,Beverly Pratt, Ann Hoheisel and Judy Rydeen. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Winter Program Deb Campobasso, Chair of the Park and Recreation Committee,presented the Committee's recommendations for the 2006-07 winter program. 1)Continue the after school skating program; 2) Organize an instructional ice skating class; 3)Continue the Winter Festival on January 28, 2007; 4) Organize a snowshoeing tour of the Wind in the Pines Park. Supervisor Harnetty suggested that additional supervision be added to the after school program. It was agreed to add two paid staff to run this program. Discussion of hiring a Winter Program Director to be in charge of recommendations land 2 began. Michael Harnetty made a motion to proceed with the Park Committee's recommendations in the manner that a Winter Program Director would supervise activities#1 and#2,and the Park Committee would run#3 and#4.Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to appoint Marty McKelvey as the Winter Program Activity Director, with possible expansion of the program.Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Summer 2007 Program Ms. Campobasso presented a timeline for preparing the summer program. A subcommittee will meet soon to begin planning, followed by discussion within the Park Committee. A presentation will be given at the December Town Board meeting. A goal is to have the summer program finalized by March 1st,with possible expansion of the program to include seniors and group home residents. Ice Rink Ms. Campobasso presented recommendations for the skating facility. Supervisor Seefeldt will refer this to a sub-committee to review. Members of the sub-committee will include Supervisors Seefeldt and Harnetty, Administrator Hurlburt,Moose Malmquist,Mike White,Deb Campobasso and other interested parties. New Scandia Town Board October 17, 2006 Page 3 Supervisor Harnetty summarized a recent meeting held by the Ice Rink sub-committee. General replacement of the dasher boards is a priority for next season,with a"band-aid fix"for this year, as the current boards are over forty years old. Mike White will continue with the sealing of cracks on the base. Park Dedication Sub-Committee Administrator Hurlburt reported on the findings of the sub-committee.An alternative approach will need to be looked at to justify an increase in park dedication fees. The sub-committee will meet again in November to research this, and report to the Board in December. POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Howard was present to report on police activity. In response to an increased report of cars passing on the right shoulder of the road, it was suggested to post a notice along Highway 97. Deputy Howard also reported on the increase in excessive speed along Highway 95 north of Pilar Road. Deputy Howard asked for clarification of the wording of ordinance violations/citations. Administrator Hurlburt will address this. Supervisor Harnetty asked for an update on the status of drug activity in the Township. As the public is more aware of meth labs,they are becoming less of a problem.The manufacture and selling of drugs is not a current problem, although personal use of drugs is occasional. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Steve Spence asked for advice on the legalities of releasing information, as he is getting requests for reports on fire and rescue calls. Much of the information is public,but a formal request should be made to Administrator Hurlburt. TOWN ENGINEER 2007 Street Paving Project Town Engineer Tom Peterson presented the 2007 Street Paving Project Feasibility Report. The project includes the paving of 18 separate gravel roads, located in the northwest and easterly portions of the Township, at an estimated cost of$2,221,140. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve Resolution 10-17-06-02 Receiving the Feasibility Report and Calling for a Hearing on Improvement.A Public Information meeting to be scheduled for November 15,2006. The Public Hearing on Improvement to be scheduled for November 21,2006. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The 2007 paving project will be financed with a bond issue that will be repaid with a combination of special assessments and a property tax levy. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve Resolution 10-17-06-03 Declaring the Official Intent of the Town of New Scandia to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the Town.Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Olson-Sandgren-Hawkinson Storm Sewer Project Mr. Peterson reported on the status of this project. The berm has been constructed,but the outlet structure could lead to water flow across the property, causing the adjoining land to be unusable. Property owner Nancy Peterson requested a meeting with staff to study these modifications. New Scandia Town Board October 17,2006 Page 4 TOWN ATTORNEY As a follow-up to concerns of releasing public information,Town Attorney Dave Hebert recommended that Administrator Hurlburt be appointed to oversee these reports. Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint Administrator Anne Hurlburt as the Data Practices Officer for New Scandia Township.Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mr. Hebert reported on the findings of the Administrative Law Judge in regards to the Town's incorporation petition.The official approval of the petition was released on October 16, 2006. The city status will become effective on January 1, 2007. A special election will be held for a mayor and four city council members on December 12, 2006. Candidate filing will occur between November 15 to November 28, 2006. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Insurance Renewal Town Administrator Anne Hurlburt reported on the renewal of insurance through the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust.The renewal date for all LMCIT insurance coverage is December 1, 2006.The question of whether to continue to waive the statutory limits on tort liability was discussed. Administrator Hurlburt also addressed open meeting law coverage and a faithful performance bond currently provided by Minnesota Association of Townships. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve coverage through the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust to include a waiver of the statutory limit on tort liability,open meeting law coverage and a faithful performance bond(coverage of$100,000).Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. 2006 Summer Program Report Marty McKelvey, Summer Program Coordinator,presented results of a survey given to families that participated in the Summer Program. Responses were gathered from 29 of the 45 families that participated. Overall,parent were supportive of the program. Ms.McKelvey's goals for the summer program include financial success(break-even goal), customer satisfaction and a higher level of participation. It was suggested to include offerings to a broader range of age groups. A sub-committee of the Park and Recreation Committee will be meeting on October 26th to further refine the program,with a report to the Board in December. Grading Permit Big Marine Development has applied for a grading permit to construct an access road in the future Tii Gavo development. As a development agreement is not yet in place,any grading requires a permit under Section 9.5 of the zoning ordinance.The developer plans to install an access road approximately 2,000 feet into the site from Newgate Avenue, along with the associated storm sewer and temporary ponds.Town Engineer Tom Peterson recommended a financial guarantee of$250,000. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the grading permit for Big Marine Development on the condition that the applicant obtain required watershed permits and submit a Letter of Credit in the amount of$250,000. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. October 17,2006 New Scandia Town Board Page 5 MARY ANN&ANDY OBST Mary Ann and Andy Obst, 10604 230"'Street,were present to request an evaluation of traffic and speed conditions on 230th Street west of Manning Trail. There was a recent school bus accident on this road,which the Obsts' provided details on. MnDOT sets speed limits on all roads in the state. Nancy Madden made a motion to request that MnDOT conduct a traffic and speed study of 230th Street; that the City of Forest Lake be contacted to partner with the study on the portion of 230th Street that extends west of New Scandia Township; and that signs be posted,if allowed.Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Interviews for three vacant positions on the Park and Recreation Committee were held with members of the Town Board on October 17"' Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint Alex Bildeaux,Mike Goeken and Matt Rasmussen to five- year terms(2011) on the Park and Recreation Committee.Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting and meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk NEW SCANDIA TOW i BOARD AGENDA OCTOBER 17, 2006 INTERVIEWS FOR PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE 6:00 P.M. PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS MEETING 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public Forum 4. Public Hearings a) Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement. Lot 4, Block 1 Hawkinson Business Park, Prairie Restoration property. (Resolution 10-17-06-01) 5. Approval of Consent Agenda a) Minutes for Town Board 10-3-06, Planning Commission 10-3-06. b) Treasurer's Report. c) Payment of Vouchers. d) Appointment of Election Judges for November 7, 2006 Election e) Approval of Utility Permit for Connexus Energy for Underground Electric Service at 13640 205th Street. f) Approval of Pay Request No. 2 for 2006 Street Repairs g) Approval of Pay Request No. 1 for 2006 Culvert Replacement 6. Committee Reports a) Parks and Recreation Committee 1) Recommendations concerning Winter Recreation Programming 2) Recommendations concerning Operation of the Skating Facility b) Ice Rink Repair Committee (verbal) c) Park Dedication Requirements Subcommittee (verbal) 7. Staff Reports a) Police Department Deputy Chris Howard b) Fire Department Fire Chief Steve Spence NEW SCANDIA TOWN BOARD AGENDA OCTOBER 17,2006 Page 2 of 2 c) Township Engineer - Tom Peterson 1) 2007 Paving Project: a. Call for Improvement Hearing (Resolution# 10-17-06-02) and Set Date for Public Information Meeting on Paving Project b. Adopt Reimbursement Resolution for Financing of 2007 Paving Project (Resolution #10-17-06-03) d) Town Attorney Dave Hebert e) Town Administrator Anne Hurlburt 1) League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust(LMCIT) Insurance Coverage Renewal 2) Satisfaction Survey Results: Evaluation of Summer Program (Marty McKelvey) 8. General Business a) Mary Ann Obst—Request for Speed Study on 230th Street N. West of Manning Ave. b) Appointments to Park and Recreation Committee 9. Additions to the Agenda. 10. Adjournment. Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: " / q Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Hold a public hearing to consider vacating a part of the drainage and utility easement on Lot 4, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park. Deadline/Timeline: A public hearing has been advertised for 7:45 p.m. on October 17, 2006 Background: • The mound for the septic system for the new Prairie Restorations building has been constructed within the easement. • Representatives of the property owner appeared at the September 5, 2006 Board meeting to request that the easement be vacated • The easement area to be vacated is located in the northeast corner of the property, adjacent to Highway 97 (Scandia Trail.) Approximately 40 feet of the 50-foot wide easement along the road would be vacated, along with the 10-foot wide easement along the east property line occupied by the septic mound. • The property owner will dedicate a 10 foot drainage easement over the drainage way south of the septic mound. The Town Engineer has reviewed the proposed vacation and the new easement and found them to be acceptable. Recommendation: Staff recommends holding the public hearing and if there is no new information that would indicate otherwise, adopting the resolution vacating the easement. The motion adopting the easement should include the condition that the new drainage easement be dedicated to the Township. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution No. 10-17-06-01 Materials provided: • Survey Contact(s): Landmark Surveying, 651-433-3421 Prepared by: Dave Hebert, Town Attorney Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/10_17_2006/hearing on easement vacation) Page 1 of 1 10/12/06 NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP RESOLUTION NO. 10-17-06-01 A RESOLUTION VACATING A PART OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Town Board of New Scandia Township, Washington County, Minnesota, has determined to vacate a part of the drainage and utility easement situated in Lot 4, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park described as follows: All that part of Lot 4, Block 1, HAWKINSON BUSINESS PARK, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Washington County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence southerly, along the east line of said Lot 4, a distance of 10.20 feet to its intersection with a line that is parallel with the north line of said Lot 4 and measures 10.00 feet southerly perpendicular to said north line and to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence continuing southerly, along said east line of Lot 4, a distance of 97.82 feet; thence westerly, at right angles to last described line, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence northerly, along a line parallel with said east line of Lot 4, a distance of 55.00 feet to its intersection with a line that is parallel with said north line of Lot 4 and measures 50.00 feet southerly perpendicular to said north line of Lot 4; thence westerly, along said parallel line, a distance of 45.91 feet; thence northerly, parallel with said east line of Lot 4, a distance of 40.81 feet to its intersection with a line that is parallel with said north line of Lot 4 and measures 10.00 feet southerly perpendicular to said north line of Lot 4; thence easterly, along said parallel line, a distance of 56.11 feet to the point of beginning. and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 17th day of October, 2006, before the Town Board in the New Scandia Community Center after due published and posted notice had been given by the Town Clerk and all persons interested were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, it appears that it will be for the best interests of the Town of New Scandia to vacate such drainage and utility easement; and WHEREAS, all of the members of the Town Board concur in this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of New Scandia Township, Washington County, Minnesota: 1 CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota ) ) ss. County of Washington ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of New Scandia Township, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing attached Resolution No. 10-17-06-01 of the Town of New Scandia with the original on file in my office and the same is a full, true and complete transcript thereof. Witness my hand as such Town Clerk and the corporate seal of the Town of New Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota this day of , 2006. Ann Hurlburt Town Clerk New Scandia Township 5C1) September 19, 2006 New Scandia Township business meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice-Chairman Michael Hinz, Supervisors Michael Harnetty,Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden; Administrator Anne Hurlburt. PUBLIC FORUM There were no comments presented to the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Nancy Madden made a motion to approve minutes from 8-15-06 Reconvened Annual Meeting, Town Board 8-15-06 and 9-05-06, Town Board Workshop 9-13-06,Town Board and Planning Commission Workshop 9-13-06.Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the following Treasurer's Report: Beginning Balance 8/01/06 2,124,298.89 Receipts 31,279.70 Expenditures -685,632.84 Payroll 13,043.14 698,675.98 Adjustments (Bank Charges) 38.75 Ending Balance 8/31/06 1,456,863.86 Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the payment of vouchers.Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Deb Campobasso, Chair of Parks and Recreation Committee, was present to discuss the Committee's report.The Park and Recreation Committee has recommended that the Board consider increasing the park fee requirement to $5,000 per lot or 10%of buildable land, or a combination of fee/land. New Scandia Township currently charges a cash park dedication fee of $1,500 per lot. This proposed fee of$5,000 would be among the highest in the 7-county metro. Discussion involved how to label this a justified increase. There must be a budget in place for a Capital Improvement Plan. The use of the fee must go towards park land acquisition or park development,not operating expenses or park maintenance.The current average value of land lies close to $11,000 to$13,000 per acre. It was stated that the higher park fee could lead to arguments with developers. A committee consisting of Deb Campobasso, Supervisors Harnetty and Joselyn, Administrator Hurlburt, will meet to further study this issue and report back at the October 17th Town Board meeting. Ms. Campobasso also addressed the need to fill three openings on the Park Committee.The Town Board directed staff to advertise for applicants to fill the vacancies. A notice will be placed in the Country Messenger and also on the website. Interviews with the Town Board are tentatively scheduled for October 17, 2006. New Scandia Town Board September 19,2006 Page 2 In other Park business, the Summer Activity Report has been received by the Committee and will be reviewed at the October 2nd Park meeting, with a report to be given at the Oct. 17th Town Board meeting. Trail improvements continue at the Wind in the Pines Park. Volunteers are continuing with the clean up of Lions Park. Piles of brush will be burned this winter.Ms. Campobasso summarized the Taco Daze participation: 20 teams registered for the Dodgeball Tournament; Scandia Area Athletics(booster club to the Park and Rec Committee) sponsored a batting cage; Parks and Trails subcommittee attended a booth to gain feedback on the three development plans for Lions Park. DEPUTY CHRIS HOWARD Deputy Howard was present to report on Police activity. Deputy Howard is making arrangements with the Washington County Sheriff's Depai lment to place a portable speed limit device on Olinda Trail, north of Highway 97, where the limit drops to 40 mph. There has been a minor rash of mailbox damage along 177th Street and Old Marine Trail. Deputy Howard reminded residents to report any observances of suspicious activity. Supervisor Seefeldt stated a concern of many citizens on the high frequency of drivers that pass along the right shoulder of the road. Deputy Howard commented that this is a problem, and that perhaps MN DOT can look into the posting of NO PASSING ON THE RIGHT signs along Highway 97. FIRE DEPARTMENT No report was received from the Fire Department. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER 2006 Culvert Replacement Project Town Engineer Tom Peterson presented bids for the 2006 Culvert Replacement Project. At the September 5, 2006 Town Board meeting, the decision to award the contract to low bidder Jay Bros. Inc. was tabled.Jay Bros., Inc. is currently on the MN Department of Administration debarment list. Mark Jay, CFO of Jay Bros., was present to explain the situation.The company is on the debarment list due to a financial situation,not due to the quality of the work. The company is currently stable, and has presented a bid security along with their bid for the culvert project. Town Attorney Dave Hebert further explained that if state funds are not involved with a project, the Board may make a decision to award to the lowest responsible bidder, even though the state lists the company as debarred and there is not an issue with the quality of their work. The Board may make the decision using"rationale within reason"to determine a responsible bidder due to experience and the quality of work. Michael Harnetty made a motion to award the 2006 Culvert Project to Jay Bros.,Inc. at a bid of$100,334.00, along with an alternate bid of$4,900.00 to repair a culvert on Quinnell Avenue.Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Olsen-Sandgren-Hawkinson Storm Sewer Improvements Project Mr. Peterson presented bids for the Olsen-Sandgren-Hawkinson Storm Sewer Improvements Project: Contractor Bid Amount Low Peterson Excavating, Inc. $65,810.50 #2 Dresel Contracting, Inc. $66,370.00 New Scandia Town Board September 19, 2006 Page 3 #3 Jay Bros., Inc. $73,437.75 #4 Gustafson Excavating, Inc. $75,217.00 #5 Nadeau Excavating, Inc. $85,800.00 #6 Wipper Backhoe&Bobcat Services $97,860.00 #7 Miller Excavating, Inc. $98,126.00 #8 New Look Contracting, Inc. $138,624.50 Nancy Madden made a motion to award the Olsen-Sandgren-Hawkinson Storm Sewer Improvements Project to Peterson Excavating,Inc.in the amount of$65,810.00.Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The Township received a Wetland Improvement Permit from Washington Conservation District as related to this Storm Sewer Improvement project. This project proposes to fill 203 square feet of a Type 2 wetland. Jyneen Thatcher, Wetland Specialist with Washington Conservation District,recommends approval of the permit application. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the WCA permit application.Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. 2007 Road Improvement Project Mr. Peterson requested direction from the Board on several questionable roads that are listed on the 2007 Road Improvement Plan. 197th Street/Quint Avenue will require rock excavation to widen the road to 18' with 2' shoulders; reduce the current 10% grade; install a 400' length of guardrail. The bluff will require bank stabilization. 205`h Street to the Log House Landing boat ramp is narrow with steep slopes and wetlands on both sides. Permission to improve will require permits from the DNR and the National Park Service. Ostrum Avenue is a soft,narrow road that will need subsurface work. This road falls into the Marine WMO jurisdiction. Supervisor Harnetty questioned if some roads are not suitable for paving. These roads should be designated. A timeline for the project was discussed. A feasibility report will be presented at the October 17, 2006 Town Board meeting. A Public Information meeting will follow in November. A Public Improvement Hearing can then be scheduled. Engineering Update Mr. Peterson reported on the state of Wild Bush Acres. The developer re-established erosion control measures in early September,with a notice sent to have all improvements done by September 30, 2006. Additional work on the ponds has yet to be done. A review committee consisting of Administrator Huriburt, Engineer Peterson and Town Attorney Hebert will meet to go over current Letters of Credit being held with developers. Mr. Peterson has instructed Roger Rydeen to repair the settlement at 199th and Parkview. This repair would also be to re-bar in the culvert. New Scandia Town Board September 19,2006 Page 4 TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY Town Attorney Dave Hebert presented a resolution to call for a public hearing to vacate a part of the drainage and utility easement in Lot 4, Block 1,Hawkinson Business Park. The septic mound for the new Prairie Restoration building has been constructed within the easement. Engineer Peterson has reviewed the drainage patterns on the lot and found no particular concerns. Blair Joselyn made a motion to adopt Resolution 9-19-06-01 Calling for a Hearing on Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement.Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The public hearing will be scheduled for October 17, 2006. TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR Audit Services Town Administrator Anne Hurlburt recommended to the Board to approve the agreement contract with Eide Bailly,not to exceed$15,500, for audit services for the year ending December 31, 2006. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Letter of Agreement with Eide Bailly for audit services for 2006. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Township Clerk Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the appointment of Anne Hurlburt as New Scandia Township Clerk.Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund administered the Oath of Office to Administrator Hurlburt. Audio/Visual System for Board Room A letter from Lakes Area Community Television was presented summarizing the trial tapings that were performed of Town meetings for possible airing on the local cable access channel. Audio quality was low but adequate. They recommended that the Town invest in a PA system and audio board to provide for better sound quality for the audience as well as on television. Mike White, Township representative to the Cable Commission,was present to discuss the matter.The consensus of the Board was to obtain proposals for an audio/visual system in the Board room. A decision on a sound system will be investigated first, with discussion on the taping of meetings to follow at a later date. Summer Activities Program Marty McKelvey, Summer Program Coordinator, was present to report on the participation and financial overview of the summer activities program. Tennis/Archery was the leading program based on participation numbers. The Board commended Ms. McKelvey on running the program. The Board suggested obtaining feedback from families that participated.The Board suggested that Ms. McKelvey meet with the Park and Recreation Committee to outline goals and objectives for future programming. The Park and Rec Committee will review the Program Summary and report back to the Board on October 17`h. A decision to continue with an activity director for future programs will also be discussed at that time. New Scandia Town Board September 19, 2006 Page 5 Winter Recreation Facilities Mike White was present to report on the status of the ice rink and equipment for the winter season. Mr. White is in the process of replacing five sheets of plastic along the rink wall and preparing the surface for flooding. Supervisor Harnetty observed that the use of plastic on the boards appears to be a problem. Mr. White was directed to gather proposals for the replacement of the boards,possibly with a plastic laminate. A suggestion was also made to install netting along the east edge of the rink to protect the free-skate rink from stray pucks. WILLOWBROOK COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Brad Reis, Willowbrook Community Church, was present to update the Board on the concept of constructing a church on the parcel known as German Lake Estates; forty acres on the south end of German Lake. This would require a variance,as the building lies within 1000 feet of the lake that Washington County has in place for Shoreland Overlay. Additionally, Washington County does not allow places of worship in any shoreland district. Pastor Reis had met with the Carnelian-Marine Watershed at their September 11, 2006 Board meeting. Comments from the Watershed indicated that a permit from CMWD would be required. In addition,the Town should consider conditions in which the proposed church development has less environmental impact on the area than the already approved development known as German Lake Estates. Discussion among the Board considered the possibility of amending the land use code to list a church as an approved use within the shoreland overlay. A study of the current rationale of omitting a church from the shoreland overlay would need to be done. Administrator Hurlburt will address this issue with Washington County Land Management when Ms. Hurlburt meets with the department later in the week. Following Ms. Hurlburt's meeting, this issue will be further discussed with the Planning Commission. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &1,,f/Y1.41.-) ae.44/4. Brenda Eklund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk 5aL) October 3, 2006 The New Scandia Town Board met on the above date. Chairman Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice-Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. FIRE STATION/PUBLIC WORKS LOT REPAIRS Town Engineer Tom Peterson has negotiated an adjustment in quantities as a resolution to the concerns over workmanship on the Fire Station/Public Works Parking Lot project. A reduction of$2,555.50 was agreed upon. A payment of$25,000.00 was made on August 14, 2006. Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the second and final pay request of $9,374.17 to Jay Bros., Inc. for the Fire Station/Public Works Lot Repair Project. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. 2006 CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT Town Engineer Tom Peterson reported that at the pre-construction meeting with Jay Bros., Inc., the installation of flared end markers was discussed. They are not currently shown on the plans or quantities. As the end sections of the culverts will be concrete, they could be a serious hazard to snowmobilers or ATV riders if not marked. Jay Bros. quoted a price of$42.50 each to furnish and install the markers. There are 54 flared ends. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve a change in work order of$2,295.00 for the installation of 54 flared end markers for the 2006 Culvert Replacement Project. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. REPAIRS TO THE ICE SKATING RINK Mike White was present to discuss repairs to the ice rink. Mr. White has estimated the caulking of cracks in the concrete base to be approximately$1,500. This is an on-going maintenance procedure that needs to be done every three years. Supervisor Harnetty stated that a meeting is scheduled for October 5, 2006 with a Rink Sub-Committee and the firm Becker Arena Products to obtain a quote on improvements to the rink. Blair Joselyn made a motion to table the decision on repairs to the skating rink until the October 17, 2006 Town Board meeting, pending the report from the Rink Sub- Committee. REPORT ON THE COMFORT LAKE/FOREST LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT MEETING A meeting was held on September 20, 2006 involving members of the New Scandia Town Board, Comfort Lake/Forest Lake Watershed District and the Bone Lake Homeowners Association. There is interest on the part of the Town Board to work with the Watershed on future projects. The Watershed has agreed to provide input on any future projects, especially in concern to the water quality of Bone Lake. New Scandia Town Board October 3, 2006 Page 2 REPORT ON A MEETING WITH THE CITY OF MARINE-ON-ST. CROIX Supervisors Seefeldt and Madden met with Marine Mayor Glen Mills and Washington County Sheriff Potts to discuss the possibility of the two municipalities sharing a contract for police services. New Scandia Township would retain one full-time deputy and add on a part-time deputy to split with Marine. This contract could be considered in the 2008 budget. The City of Marine will continue to evaluate their budget before any further discussion with New Scandia Township. INCORPORATION REPORT Town Attorney Dave Hebert reported on the status of the Incorporation of New Scandia Township. A letter received from Administrative Law Judge LaFave anticipated a decision to be announced by mid-October. A request from Judge LaFave for a date to hold an election of municipal officers was discussed. The consensus of the Board was to suggest December 12, 2006 as a proposed date for the election, assuming the decision is to incorporate. This allows for an election to be held within 45 to 60 days following the decision. At 7:30 p.m., the New Scandia Planning Commission began their regular monthly meeting. The following Planning Commission members were in attendance: Chair Chris Ness, Jim Malmquist, Kevin Nickelson, Peter Schwarz and Donnette Yehle. NOVEMBER MEETING DATE As November 7, 2006 is also the date of the general election, by law a public meeting may not be held until after the polls close at 8:00 p.m. It was the consensus of the Board to reschedule the Town Board and Planning Commission meeting to the following Tuesday, November 14, 2006. KEVIN LYNCH—VARIANCE HEARING RECONVENED The public hearing for Kevin Lynch's variance request for a two-story accessory structure at 21630 Oland Avenue was continued from September 5, 2006. The township's planner determined the area where the garage is to be built is a 21% slope. This was calculated from a county aerial photo with 2-foot contours. A survey showed the proposed accessory structure is to be set back approximately 300 feet from the OHWL of Goose Lake. Planning Commission recommended to the Town Board to grant the variance request of Kevin Lynch to build an accessory structure with a lower level walk-out on the grounds that the proposed location meets all setback requirements, and is not located between the house and the road. Conditions are: 1)The upper level is reduced in height per the October 3, 2006 New Scandia Town Board Page 3 County's request so that the upper level is considered unusable; 2) That the applicant consult with the Washington Conservation District and recommendations from the district are implemented; 3) That no indoor plumbing is installed in the accessory structure; and 4) That the Applicant pays all fees, including those for the Attorney, Engineer, and Planning Services. Findings are: 1) That while an accessory building could be built in the proposed location without an accessible lower level, the evident design solution to the slope is a walk-out; 2) The slope is caused by features unique to the land, not created by the landowner; 3) A variance would be required in order to locate the structure in a more level location because it would be between the house and the road; 4) That the accessory structure with the walk-out would not alter the essential character of the area; and 5) That because the height of the lower level is less than 12 feet, the proposed lower level may not constitute a story. Nancy Madden made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the variance request for Kevin Lynch, with a condition that the color of the garage must match the color of the house. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion. Voting yes: Harnetty, Joselyn, Madden, Seefeldt. Voting no: Hinz. Motion adopted. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 0)Atira, Wu, Brenda Eklund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk 1 October 3, 2006 The New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on this date. In attendance were Chairman Chris Ness, James Malmquist, Peter Schwarz, Donnette Yehle and Kevin Nickelson. The minutes from the September 5 meeting were approved with a motion by Nickelson and a second by Yehle. November 7th Meeting Rescheduled The November Planning Commission meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday, November 14, due to the General Election. Kevin Lynch—Variance The public hearing for Kevin Lynch's variance request was continued from September 5. The township's planner determined the area where the garage was to be built is a 21% slope. This was calculated from a county aerial photo with 2-foot contours. A survey showed the proposed accessory structure is to be set back approximately 300 feet OHWL of Goose Lake. Donnette Yehle made a motion to recommend to the Town Board they grant the variance request of Kevin Lynch to build an accessory structure with a lower level walk-out on the grounds that the proposed location meets all setback requirements, and is not located between the house and the road. Conditions are: 1) The upper level is reduced in height per the County's request so that the upper level is considered unusable; 2) That the applicant consult with the Washington Conservation District and recommendations from the district are implemented; 3) that no indoor plumbing is installed in the accessory structure; and 4) That the Applicant pays all fees, including those for the Attorney, Engineer, and Planning Services. Findings are: 1) That while an accessory building could be built in the proposed location without an accessible lower level, the evident design solution to the slope is a walk-out; 2) The slope is caused by features unique to the land, not created by the landowner; 3) A variance would be required in order to locate the structure in a more level location because it would be between the house and the road; 4) That the accessory structure with the walk-out would not alter the essential character of the area; and 5) That because the height of the lower level is less than 12 feet, the proposed lower level may not constitute a story. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. The motion passed with James Malmquist, DonetteYehle and Kevin Nickelson voting yes and Peter Schwarz voting no. CUP Reviews Meister's—The business premises are clean and orderly. The owner stated that he recently renewed his food-manager certification and the county health department inspected the premises within the last month and found no violations. The septic system is under construction. No date for completion has been set. Scandia Pizzeria — The owners were represented by their son who operates the business in their absence. The premises were clean and orderly, inside and out. No action is required. Keith's Landscaping— Owner, Keith Greenwaldt, was present. The outside storage area was clean and orderly. The inside of the building was not inspected. Previous conditions October 3, 2006 Planning Commission Page2 indicated three spots should be paved in front, but he has no drive up business. Owner should be given a date by which the paving should be completed or, alternatively, given a variance that paving is not required. There is a portable toilet on site. Original conditions stated a satellite would be available until a bathroom is installed. County doesn't allow pump-only facilities for new places. A recommendation for continuation of the permit was tabled until the Administrator can check into the Township and County codes applicable to this business. James Malmquist made a motion to adjourn and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Planning Commission Secretary New Scandia Township Treasurer's Report September 30, 2006 Beginning Balance 9/01/06 1,456,863.86 Receipts 73,512.57 Expenditures - 100,877.12 Payroll 13,013.40 113,890.52 Adjustments Ending Balance 9/30/06 1,416,485.91 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: J Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Appoint election judges for the November 7, 2006 general election. Deadline/ Timeline: Appointments must be made at the October 17 meeting Background: Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached list of judges for the November 7, 2006 election. Attachments/ List of Election Judges Materials provided: Contact(s): Brenda Eklunck, Deputy Clerk Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/1 0_1 7_2006/election judges) Page 1 of 1 10/13/06 ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 2006 GENERAL ELECTION Mary Hulleman, Head Election Judge Kathy Adamek Florence Daninger Pat Eckman Patti Funni Edith Hadlich Howard Hawkinson Nancy Hermes Gary Hogle Ann Hoheisel Donna Larson Sally Lawerence Barbara Maile John Meader Avalon Okerson Beverly Pratt Judy Rydeen Judi Smith Sue Tuomi ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 2006 GENERAL ELECTION Mary Hulleman, Head Election Judge Kathy Adamek Florence Daninger Pat Eckman Patti Funni Edith Hadlich Howard Hawkinson Gary Hogle Ann Hoheisel Donna Larson Sally Lawerence Barbara Mai le John Meader Avalon Okerson Beverly Pratt Judy Rydeen Judi Smith Sue Tuomi Revised October 16, 2006 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve Utility Permit for Connexus Energy for Underground Electric Service at 13640 205th Street. Deadline/Timeline: N/A Background: • Ordinance #39, as amended by ordinance #42, requires utility companies to secure a permit from the Township prior to installation of utilities in public rights-of-way. • Connexus applied, and paid the required $50 fee, for a permit for a single-phase underground electric distribution line to serve a new home, which will require a directional bore 60 feet across 205th Street. • Town Engineer Tom Peterson has reviewed the application and has recommended approval. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board approve the permit. Attachments/ • Letter dated October 3, 2006 from Connexus Energy. Materials provided: Contact(s): Connexus Energy, 651 323-2619 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/1 0_1 7_2006/utility permit) Page 1 of 1 10/11/06 CONNEXUS® 14601 Ramsey Boulevard Ramsey,Minnesota 55303 uENERGY 763.323.26007 .323. L�.JK`�.7 Fax: 763.323.2603 1.800.642.1672 Your Community Energy Partner www.connexusenergy.com info @ connexusenergy.com October 3, 2006 Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North PO Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 Attn: Brenda Eklund/New Scandia Township Fax #: 651-433-5112 Re: Itaska Construction WO: 06-17127 Dear Ms. Eklund: Connexus® Energy requests permission to install a single-phase underground electric distribution line to serve a new home at 13640 205th Street. From the existing transformer "JE", directional bore 60 feet across 205th Street. I have attached a copy of the proposed construction, and a $50 check for the permit fee. Please mark your approval and return a copy to Connexus Energy for our permanent files. Please notify Connexus Energy at this time if there are any road or utility projects in the near future that could affect these proposed facilities. If you have any questions, please contact me at 763-323-2619. Sincerely, ./ �/ t'�---_� Y, < rl �� l 0,4 0 069 /f) L. ,..1 4 t l HfLc�� Debbie Tyler _ Engineering Services & ROW Representative RECEIVED Enclosures OCT 1 0 2006 NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHiz Q • C 0 W • WMINIMMIND 1 d'"'4 W Ln T N � N M N (O O N 0 co C. N O 3 co rn Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve Utility Permit for Connexus Energy for Underground Electric Service at 13640 205th Street. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Ordinance #39, as amended by ordinance #42, requires utility companies to secure a permit from the Township prior to installation of utilities in public rights-of-way. • Connexus applied, and paid the required $50 fee, for a permit for a single-phase underground electric distribution line to serve a new home, which will require a directional bore 60 feet across 205th Street. • Town Engineer Tom Peterson has reviewed the application and has recommended approval. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board approve the permit. Attachments/ • Letter dated October 3, 2006 from Connexus Energy. Materials provided: Contact(s): Connexus Energy, 651 323-2619 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/10_1 7_2006/utility permit) Page 1 of 1 10/11/06 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: 5_1) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve Pay Request No. 2 to Hardrives for 2006 Street Repairs Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Most work is complete. This payment is mainly for wear course paving done in August and September. • Payment is $106,401.08. Original contract is $256,045. Recommendation: Approve payment. Attachments/ Pay Request No. 2 Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Tom Peterson, Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik 651-604-4868 (2006 street repairs pay request 2) Page 1 of 1 10/12/06 BOnestroo Owner:Township of New Scandia, 14727 209th Si,Scandia,MN 55073 Date: October 12,2006 ROsene For Period: 7/27/2006 to 10/12/2006 Request No: 2 imMderlik jJAsNodàtès Contractor. Hardrives Inc., 14475 Quiram Dr.,Rogers,MN 55374 Engineers'&Arhitects CONTRACTOR'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT 2006 STREET REPAIRS BRA FILE NO 000568-06129-0 SUMMARY 1 Original Contract Amount $ 252,810.00 2 Change Order-Addition $ 3,235.00 3 Change Order-Deduction $ 0.00 4 Revised Contract Amount $ 256,045,00 5 Value Completed to Date $ 275,441.20 6 Material on Hand $ 0.00 7 Amount Earned $ 275,441.20 8 Less Retainage 5% $ 13,772.06 9 Subtotal $ 261,669,14 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $ 155,268.06 11 Liquidated damages- $ 0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO 2 $ 106,401.08 Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO,ROSENE,ANDERLIK&ASSOCIATES,INC. Approved by Contractor: Approved by Owner: HARDRIVES INC.. TOWNSHIP OF NEW SCANDIA Specified Contract Completion Date: Dale: 56805129REQ2 xis Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount No. Item Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date BASE BID: 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 5000 00 0 4 0 9 $4,500 00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 1700 00 0 4 0 9 $1,530.00 3 SILT FENCE,REGULAR LF 100 2 50 $0.00 4 REMOVE CMP CULVERT LF 140 10 25 268 $2,747.00 5 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 800 2 75 745 $2,048.75 6 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 6 25 50 7.8 $198,90 7 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LF 230 3 00 120 320 $960 0D 8 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LF 30 6 00 26 $156.00 9 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW(CV) CY 300 17 00 202 $3,434 00 10 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 500 11 00 530 $5,830.00 11 DITCH EXCAVATION LF 225 10 25 189 $1,937.25 12 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC,TYPE V SY 800 1 25 800 $1,000 00 13 SUBGRADE PREPARATION SY 800 0 70 800 $560.00 14 24"RCP STORM SEWER,CLASS 4 LF 16 72 00 56 $4,032.00 15 18"RCP STORM SEWER.CLASS 5 LF 24 72 00 48 $3,455.00 16 15"RCP STORM SEWER,CLASS 5 LF 56 7100 72 $5,112.00 17 24"FLARED END SECTION.INCLUDING TRASH GUARD EA 2 875.00 4 $3,500 0D 18 18"FLARED END SECTION,INCLUDING TRASH GUARD EA 1 87500 1 $875 00 19 15"FLARED END SECTION,INCLUDING TRASH GUARD EA 2 875 00 4 $3,500.00 20 CLASS III RANDOM RIPRAP CY 20 111 00 36 $3,996 00 21 4"PERFORATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE LF 240 11 50 250 $2,875.00 22 AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 TN 405 12 00 424.78 $5,097.36 23 AGGREGATE SHOULDERING,LIME ROCK TN 350 18 25 185.58 185.58 $3,386 84 24 DRIVEWAY AGGREGATE TN 40 19.30 14..2 14 2 $274.06 25 TYPE LV NON-WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TN 975 46 50 27.72 979.69 $45,555.59 26 TYPE LV WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TN 1850 4590 1897 1897 $87,072 30 27 PATCH BITUMINOUS STREET SY 3000 16 75 702 3875 $64,906.25 28 RECLAIM BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 7000 135 6967 $9,405 45 29 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 950 1 50 1200 1200 $1,800.00 30 SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 120 14.00 125 $1,764 00 31 CONCRETE FLUME EA 1 551 00 1 $551 00 32 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, 1'WIDE LF 250 3 85 321 321 $1,235 85 33 SEEDING,MIX 70A AC 1 1653 00 0 37 0.37 $611 61 34 TOPSOIL BORROW(LV) GY 125 18.25 84 84 $1,533.00 TOTAL BASE BID: $275,441.20 TOTAL BASE BID: $275,441.20 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $275,441.20 55806129REa2 xis PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER TOWNSHIP OF NEW SCANDIA BRA FILE NO 000568-06129-0 CONTRACTOR HARDRIVES INC CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount 1 9/1/2005 This Change Order provides for additional work on this project $3,235 00 at the City's request. See Change Order. Total Change Orders $3,235.00 PAYMENT SUMMARY No. From To Payment Retainage Completed 1 06/01/2006 07/26/06 155,268.06 8,172.00 163,440.06 2 07/27/2006 10/12/06 106,401.08 13,772.06 275,441.20 Material on Hand Total Payment to Date $261,669.14 Original Contract $252,810.00 Retainage Pay No 2 13,772.06 Change Orders $3,235.00 Total Amount Earned $275,441.20 Revised Contract $256,045.00 56806129REQ2 xis Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: ) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve Pay Request No. 1 to Jay Bros. for 2006 Culvert Replacement Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Contractor started work on 9/27/06 and has completed about half of the culverts. • Payment is $58,528.55. Original contract is $105,234.00. • Funds to be escrowed through Northern Escrow, Inc. Recommendation: Approve payment. Attachments/ Pay Request Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Tom Peterson, Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik 651-604-4868 (jay bros payment) Page 1 of 1 10/12/06 Bonestroo Owner: Township of New Scandia, 14727 209th St., Scandia, MN 55073 Rosene Date: October 11,2006 Anderilk& For Period. 9/1/2006 to 10/11/2006 Request No: 1 Assodates Contractor: Jay Bros., Inc., P. O. Box 700, 9218 Lake Dr. NE, Forest Lake, MN 55025 Engineers&Architects CONTRACTOR'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT 2006 CULVERT REPLACEMENT BRA FILE NO. 000568-06130-0 SUMMARY 1 Original Contract Amount $ 105,234.00 2 Change Order-Addition $ 0.00 3 Change Order-Deduction $ 0.00 4 Revised Contract Amount $ 105,234.00 5 Value Completed to Date $ 61,609.00 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned $ 0.00 $ 61,609.00 8 Less Retainage 5% $ 3,080.45 9 Subtotal $ 58,528.55 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $ 0.00 11 Liquidated damages- $ 0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 1 $ 58,528.55 Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO,ROSENE,ANDERLIK&ASSOCIATES,INC. c-7//4/yyl,t-/ Approved by Contractor: Approved by Owner: JAY BROS.,INC. TOWNSHIP OF NEW SCANDIA Specified Contract Completion Date: Date: 56806130REQ1 xls Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount No. Item Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date BASE BID: 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 6200.00 0.5 0.5 $3,100.00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 1000.00 0.5 0.5 $500.00 3 SILT FENCE,HEAVY DUTY LF 200 4.00 $0.00 4 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LF 250 3.00 $0.00 5 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 200 3.00 40 40 $120.00 6 REMOVE CMP CULVERT LF 1250 1.00 550 550 $550.00 7 DITCH EXCAVATION LF 50 10.00 25 25 $250.00 8 IMPROVED PIPE FOUNDATION LF 400 5.00 $0.00 9 15"RCP STORM SEWER,CLASS 5 LF 880 30.00 544 544 $16,320.00 10 15"RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 50 475.00 30 30 $14,250.00 11 18"RCP STORM SEWER,CLASS 5 LF 64 32.00 64 64 $2,048.00 12 18"RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 4 560.00 4 4 $2,240.00 13 48"RCP STORM SEWER,CLASS 3 LF 112 128.00 112 112 $14,336.00 14 48"RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 4 1305.00 4 4 $5,220.00 15 CLASS III RANDOM RIPRAP CY 70 55.00 20 20 $1,100.00 16 AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 TN 300 15.00 $0.00 17 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS,CATEGORY 2 SY 300 2.30 250 250 $575.00 18 SEEDING,MIXTURE 70A AC 1 2000.00 0.5 0.5 $1,000.00 19 PATCH BITUMINOUS STREET SY 100 22.00 $0.00 TOTAL BASE BID: $61,609.00 ALTERNATE NO.1 -REPAIR PIPE: 20 REPAIR 48"CULVERT ON QUINNELL LS 1 4900.00 $0.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 1 -REPAIR PIPE: $0.00 TOTAL BASE BID: $61,609.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 1 -REPAIR PIPE: $0.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $61,609.00 56806130REQ1.>ds PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER TOWNSHIP OF NEW SCANDIA BRA FILE NO, 000568-06130-0 CONTRACTOR JAY BROS., INC. CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount Total Change Orders PAYMENT SUMMARY No. From To Payment Retainage Completed 1 09/01/2006 10/11/06 58,528.55 3,080.45 61,609.00 Material on Hand Total Payment to Date $58,528.55 Original Contract $105,234.00 Retainage Pay No 1 3,080.45 Change Orders Total Amount Earned $61,609.00 Revised Contract $105,234.00 56806130 REQ 1.xls Meeting 10/17/2006 Agenda 6. a) 1) & Item: 6. a) 2) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive recommendations from the Park and Recreation Committee concerning recreation programming and operation of the skating facility. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Board requested that the Park and Recreation Committee make their recommendations on winter recreation programming to the Board at the October 17, 2006 meeting. • Committee Chair Deb Campobasso will present the reports to the Board. Recommendation: Receive the recommendations, and give any desired direction to the committee or to staff. Attachments/ • Memo dated 10/13/2006 from Debi Campobasso re: recreation Materials provided: programming • Memo dated 10/13/2006 from Debi Campobasso re: operation of the ice center Contact(s): Debi Campobasso, Park and Recreation Committee Chair 433-5091 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (10172006parks_committee) Page 1 of 1 10/13/06 Memorandum & a ) . To: Supervisor Seefeldt and the Town Board From: Debi Campobasso, Park and Recreation Committee Chair Date: 10/13/2006 Re: Park and Recreation Committee Recommendation The Park and Recreation Committee discussed Fall and Winter program ideas at it's meeting August 7tn They recommend the Town Board support the following programs for winter 2006-07. Each program being self sufficient, having revenue cover all expenses. * Continue the after-school skating program, Adam Lushanko was the supervisor last year, need one more supervisor, but could utilize a warming house attendant to assist * Organize an instructional ice skating class—approval to submit an ad in Forest Lake Times to recruit an instructor * Continue the Winter Festival in January 28, 2007 (Feb 4 Super Bowl). * Possibly try to partner with Wargo to try a snowshoeing tour of the new trails at Wind in the Pines Park. Committee member, Dave Smith could lead this program. The Committee also reviewed the summer program discussing both positives and areas of concerns. Positives: * Programs offered seem to draw good participation. * Variety of athletic and non-athletic programs. * Pleased to see a written evaluation done by participants. Concerns/Suggestions * Absence of the SPARK& BLAST programs reduced enrollment considerably. * Loss of 100 participants from 2005, significant decline in program hours/size. * Limited diversity of participation by focusing primarily on one time slot, 9:00-12:00. Goals for a subcommittee: (Timeline gather a group to meet twice (Oct & Nov), report progress to committee Nov 5, make recommendations to the Committee on Dec 4 and Town Board meeting Dec 19) * Review program evaluations, returned from 2007 participants, consider the feedback. * Inventory the market and existing agencies providing youth services, fill in the gaps without duplicating services. * Determine the need for an all day program to accommodate working families. * Set a participation goal for 2007, research average participation in other communities. * Determine the choice of programs for 2007. * Set a timeline for developing the program, from ideas, to budget, to flyer draft to promotion and implementation. * Consider the need for other age groups, i.e. seniors, preschool, teens * Determine a goal or philosophy for budgeting, i.e. should programs be self supporting, generate revenue or be subsidized? d Memorandum To: Supervisor Seefeldt and the Town Board From: Debi Campobasso, Park and Recreation Committee Chair Date: 10/13/2006 Re: Park and Recreation Committee Recommendation At the Scandia Park and Recreation Committee meeting on Monday, October 2, 2006 the Committee discussed some ideas for the Township skating facility. Is it broke now?Not really Why should we consider the changes recommended below? Because we are interested in providing the best recreation services to our residents. We believe the following recommendations will improve the safety, customer service and the quality of facilities. We don't have much for residents to do here locally in the winter. The ice rink provides far more than a place to skate. It provides a place for residents to gather, stay connected with friends and neighbors and strengthen our community during the winter months,when it is easier to remain isolated in our homes with the heat on. We have the ability to get people excited about meeting at the rink to skate and play at this outstanding community asset. We hope you will join us in not settling for status quo, but striving for the best because our residents deserve the best we can offer. 1. Improve the longevity of the ice season: Make necessary modifications to accommodate 4-6 inches of ice on the hockey and pleasure rinks. Our weather is changing each year to include a major thaw usually in January. The last two years, we have not had skateable ice past February 1st because we only maintain an ice thickness of 1 '/z- 2 inches thick. Just about every outdoor rink in the metro area including Lindstrom, Fridley, Forest Lake, Lino Lakes, Blaine, all maintain an ice thickness of 4-6 inches on outdoor ice. We'd like to make this a goal for this year and make the necessary modifications to achieve this. 2. Utilize the current Edger: The Township owns an edger to keep the edges of the hockey rink clear from build up. We would like to suggest regular use of the edger once a week. 3. Snow plowing: Currently,we primarily use the zamboni to clear the snow from the ice. We'd like staff to explore other options for clearing snow from the rink. How do most other cities handle this. 4. Safety Suggestions: Create written safety policies and procedures for the skating facility based on the LMC Risk Management Information. 5. 2006 Customer Service Suggestions: Request to add voice mail to the skating facility telephone line. Determine who will update the message and how often. Be sure to include in the message "redirect any messages to the Township office as messages are not checked on a daily basis"as well as hours of operation, clearly stating when the hockey rink is open for hockey versus pleasure skating, who to call to reserve the ice and our policy for closing the rink due to cold weather. We should establish a temperature guideline. Many communities use—15 temperature or— 25 windchill as a guideline. Update as needed with regard to weather changes. 6. Post all hours and rules for residents to clearly see, inside and outside the rink building. 7.Reservation Contact: suggest the Township Office handle reservations as opposed to an FLHA(Forest Lake Hockey Association)member or hockey coach. 8. Reservation Fee: We support the past$100 fee per team, per seasonal hour, fee structure and would like to see this policy consistent for all individuals who reserve ice. It would also be helpful if we could clarify if this is a required fee or an optional donation. We would favor a required fee in an effort to establish consistency and fairness. 9. Written Reservation Procedure: We would also like to suggest that a written reservation procedure be established like the one used by the City of Wyoming. The main goal is to establish a clear and easily accessible procedure for reserving the rink for all residents. Currently, it is not clear and residents are having to make 2-3 phone calls(one to the committee chair and/or one to the Township, and one to the volunteer scheduler)to get to the correct person who has the schedule. 10. Committee Role: Lastly, it would be very helpful if the Town Board would clearly define the role it would like the Park and Recreation Committee to have with regard to the operation of the rink. We don't want to over step any boundaries,yet it seems to fit under the business of recreation facilities along with ballfields, playgrounds, hiking trails etc. Thank you for considering the Park and Recreation Committee's recommendations. Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: 2' a�, Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: None—information only. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Monthly reports on calls and citations issued are received from the Washington County Sheriff's office. • Deputy Chris Howard will be present at the Town Board Meeting to answer any questions that the Board may have concerning police protection for the Township. Recommendation: N/A Attachments/ • Citations by city report, 9/01/2006 to 9/30/2006 Materials provided: • Contract ICR's report, 9/01/2006 to 9/30/2006 Contact(s): Chris Howard, 651 439-9381 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/10_17_2006/sherrif report) Page 1 of I 10/11/06 autocitation_10_06_4LCOPFR$ PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 1 10/01/06 5:27:01 Washington County Sheriff's Office CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: NEW SCANDIA TWP From Date: 9/01/2006 To: 9/30/2006 NEW SCANDIA TWP Offense Offense Location Citation # Date Time 9/01/2006 2108 SW365291 Statute 169 14 SPEED 71/55 9/02/2006 1443 B58037 Statute 86B 313 1 BOAT/CARELESS MANNER 9/02/2006 0810 Sw359999 Statute 169 79 FDCR 9/02/2006 2130 SW365292 Statute 169A 33 UNDER 21 NOT A DROP 9/03/2006 1032 SW365455 Statute 169 14 SPEED 67/55 9/04/2006 1220 SW351353 Statute 171 09 B2 CORRECTIVE LENS VIOL 9/04/2006 1043 Sw365293 Statute 169 14 SPEED 80/55 9/05/2006 1200 SW366398 Statute 169 81 LEAKING LOAD 9/06/2006 1014 SW365294 Statute 171 24 DAR 9/06/2006 1245 SW365295 Statute 169 14 SPEED 49/30 9/06/2006 1538 OLINDA 18100 BLK 85983 Statute SPEED 9/07/2006 0037 SW349834 Statute 47 DOG BARK/PUBLIC NUISANCE 9/09/2006 2315 SW347055 Statute 609 72 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 9/10/2006 1142 Sw350805 Statute 171 24 DAS 9/11/2006 1040 SW365296 Statute 171 20 DAS PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 2 Washington County Sheriff's Office 10/01/06 5:27:01 Page 1 autocitation_10_06_ALC0PFR$ CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: NEW SCANDIA TWP From Date: 9/01/2006 To: 9/30/2006 offense offense Location Citation # Date Time 9/11/2006 1000 5w366396 Statute 391 41A 49 CFR NO MED CERT 9/11/2006 1620 MANNING TR N/SCANDIA TR 84690 Statute SPEED 9/11/2006 1015 95 22700 BLK 85984 Statute SPEED 9/12/2006 1140 95 22700 BLK 85985 Statute SPEED 9/12/2006 1150 95/97 85986 Statute ORD VIOL/JAKE BRAKING 9/13/2006 1900 213TH/SCANDIA TR N 85096 Statute NO FRONT PLATE 9/14/2006 1410 SW365297 Statute 171 24 DAS 9/14/2006 1615 Sw365804 Statute 169 18 4D PASS ON RIGHT SHOULDER 9/15/2006 1415 sw365298 Statute 169 14 SPEED 80/55 9/17/2006 0235 14045.237TH ST N SW234209 Statute 609 224 5TH DEG ASSAULT 9/17/2006 0030 MANNING TRL N/SCANDIA TR SW365631 Statute 169A 20 4TH DEG DWI 9/18/2006 1458 Sw365299 Statute 797 3 NO INSURANCE 9/20/2006 1534 5w353162 Statute 169 24 DAS 9/20/2006 1101 Sw365300 Statute 169 791 2A NO PROOF INSURANCE 9/22/2006 1023 SW353163 Statute 169 686 1 NO SEATBELT 9/22/2006 1249 sW353164 statute 171 24 DAR 9/28/2006 0515 Sw366185 Statute 169 14 SPEED 76/55 PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 3 10/01/06 5:27:01 washington County Sheriff's Office CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT Page 2 autocitation_10_06 ALCOPFR$ City Selected: NEW SCANDIA TWP From Date: 9/01/2006 To: 9/30/2006 offense Offense Location Citation # Date Time 9/28/2006 2219 SW366432 Statute 169 14 SPEED 64/55 Total for City: NEW SCANDIA TWP 33 END OF REPORT ** Page 3 contracticr_10_06_CJBWPFR$ PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 1 10/01/06 5:27:01 Washington County Sheriff's Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for NEW SCANDIA TWP For the Period 9/01/06 To 9/30/06 Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 9/01/06 8:14:09 106030957 0175 ST CROIX TR DIRECTED PATROL/TRAFFIC/LOUD E 9/01/06 16:47:09 106031015 0156 205TH ST VEHICLE LOCKOUT 9/01/06 18: 36: 34 106031027 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-WARRANT ARREST $300 BO 9/01/06 21:37:19 106031045 0156 MANNING TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW365291 SPEED 71 9/01/06 22:16:16 106031049 0122 MEADOWBROOK AV HARASSING COMMUNICATION 9/01/06 23: 57: 52 106031059 0183 PARKVIEW AV POSS BURGLARY 9/02/06 2: 50: 38 106031070 0190 POMROY AV SUSP NOISE 9/02/06 2: 53:00 106031071 0190 180TH ST SUSP M'S 9/02/06 7: 55:36 106031084 0189 OLINDA TR PROPERTY DAMAGE REPORT 9/02/06 9:09:13 106031087 0189 PARKVIEW AV SUSP ACTIVIY **21 REQUEST* 9/02/06 9:18:26 106031088 0189 PEABODY TR THEFT REPORT 9/02/06 11:47:05 106031095 0189 ODELL AV BURG ALARM 9/02/06 13:27: 30 106031101 0122 MEADOWBROOK AV HARASSING 9/02/06 13: 52: 56 106031103 0189 180TH ST MEDICAL 9/02/06 14:24:28 106031106 0162 MELANIE TR DOG COMPLAINT 9/02/06 19:00:14 106031129 0156 SCANDIA TR FIGHT 9/02/06 20:19: 58 106031133 0141 SCANDIA TR FDCR #sw359999 9/02/06 21:25: 31 106031138 0185 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC ARREST-UNDER 21 NOT A 9/02/06 21:38:19 106031139 0185 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC:UNDER 21 NOT A DROP 9/02/06 22:15:27 106031143 0131 MANNING TR CHECK AREA 9/03/06 0: 59:46 106031157 0110 MANNING TR DUI - 3RD DEG TEST REFUSAL 9/03/06 14:18: 50 106031193 0160 OLAND AV BURG ALARM 9/03/06 15:09:10 106031195 0111 220TH ST VEH IN THE DITCH 9/03/06 16:22:26 106031201 0154 MANNING TR DIRECTED PATROL LAZER/SPEED 9/03/06 16:35:31 106031203 0154 MANNING TR TRAFFIC/CITE SPEED 67/55 @2316 9/04/06 0:20: 56 106031231 0190 SCANDIA TR CITE-CORRECTIVE LENSES VIOLATI 9/04/06 10: 52: 56 106031252 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW365293 SPEED 80 9/04/06 16:09:23 106031276 0156 SCANDIA TR ATV VIO 9/04/06 16:20: 30 106031277 0111 POMROY AV 911 ABANDONED CALL 9/04/06 16:27:40 106031279 0161 180TH ST FRAUD (STAYS AT VETS CAMP UNTI 9/04/06 16:30: 58 106031280 0111 MANNING TR DRIVE OFF 9/04/06 17: 59:33 106031290 0111 MAYBERRY TR ALARM ***CANCELLED PROPER 9/05/06 12:29:17 106031367 0160 SCANDIA TR DIRECTED PATROL/LEAKY LOADS 9/05/06 12: 30:00 106031368 0160 SCANDIA TR COMMERCIAL VEHICLE VIOLATION/L 9/05/06 13:44: 36 106031377 0156 197TH ST MEDICAL 9/05/06 15:18:12 106031390 216TH ST RECEIPT# 060000758 9/05/06 18:38: 56 106031419 1256 ST CROIX RIVER SHOOTING COMPLAINT 9/06/06 10:31:35 106031512 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW365294 DAR 9/06/06 11:23:21 106031521 0156 SCANDIA TR FOUND DOG 9/06/06 12: 55: 56 106031541 0156 OAKHILL RD TRAFFIC-CITE SW365295 SPEED 49 9/06/06 15:25: 55 106031558 0156 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL SPEED/30 MINUT 9/06/06 15:42:25 106031562 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-WW85983 SPEED 9/06/06 21:42:43 106031596 0158 220TH ST BARKING DOG COMPLAINT 9/07/06 0:00:39 106031604 0100 180TH ST AUD ALARM 9/07/06 0: 37: 32 106031605 0191 220TH ST DISTURBANCE **COMP DOES 9/07/06 6:44:47 106031618 0191 185TH ST LOOSE HORSES 9/07/06 10:18: 50 106031630 0111 MANNING TR BREAK IN TO RESD 9/07/06 13: 31:00 106031643 0161 NOVAK AV IDENTITY THEFT REPORT 9/07/06 18: 30:31 106031703 0158 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 9/07/06 22:10: 59 106031783 0158 220TH ST NOISE COMPLAINT 9/07/06 23:03 : 32 106031782 0190 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER 9/07/06 23:36:49 106031787 0190 LANGLY AV JUVINILE RUNAWAY PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 2 10/01/06 5:27:01 Page 1 contracticr_10_06_CJBWPFR$ washington County Sheriff's Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for NEW SCANDIA TWP For the Period 9/01/06 To 9/30/06 Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 9/08/06 2:25:25 106031791 0190 MANNING TR DWI ARREST 9/08/06 10:00:12 106031813 0156 OLGILVIE AV AUD ALARM 9/08/06 11:27: 54 106031827 0156 OLINDA TR LOOSE HORSES 9/09/06 1:43:42 106031959 0190 OLINDA TR DWI ARREST 9/09/06 8:01:31 106031974 0175 KIRK AV ANIMAL CONCERN 9/09/06 11:23:10 106031983 0175 OBRIEN TR THEFT 9/09/06 16:15:15 106032003 0158 NEW SCANDIA ICE JUV COMPLAINT 9/09/06 18:10:03 106032014 0158 ORWELL CT 911 ABANDONED 9/09/06 22:21:22 106032040 0122 209TH ST HIT AND RUN ACCIDENT 9/09/06 22: 53:42 106032042 0158 OAKHILL RD DISTURBANCE 9/09/06 23:00:48 106032043 0100 197TH ST CHILD CUSTODY DISPUTE 9/10/06 10:03:07 106032076 0192 OBRIEN TR VEH LOCKOUT 9/10/06 13:26:06 106032094 0192 MANNINGXTRR GAS/FDCR DRIVE OFF 9/10/06 18:29:34 106032112 0158 MELANIE TR MEDICAL 9/10/06 19: 51:15 106032118 0158 OZARK AV DRIVING COMPLAINT 9/11/06 10:14:26 106032155 0160 SCANDIA TR COMMERCIAL VEHICLE VIOLATION:N 9/11/06 10:19:32 106032156 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-WW#85984 SPEED 9/11/06 10:26:07 106032157 0156 ST CROIX TR DIRECTED PATROL SPEED/30 MINUT 9/11/06 10: 50:36 106032159 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW365296 DAS 9/11/06 11: 50: 55 106032174 0156 OLD MARINE TR TRAFFIC HAZARD 9/11/06 15:09:14 106032192 0111 MEADOWBROOK AV DOMESTIC 9/11/06 16:00:04 106032197 0111 202ND ST ALARM 9/11/06 16:33:34 106032204 0111 MANNING TR TRAFFIC SPEED W/W 84690 9/11/06 17: 52:30 106032202 0111 LAMAR AV THREAT 9/12/06 11:33:28 106032323 0156 ST CROIX TR DIRECTED PATROL SPEED/30 MINUT 9/12/06 11:44:21 106032324 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-WW#85985 SPEED 9/12/06 12:01:36 106032325 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-WW#85986 ORD 85 JAKE B 9/12/06 13:11:09 106032335 0156 MANNING TR LOUD VEHICLES 9/12/06 19:21:33 106032369 0127 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 9/13/06 15:40: 57 106032487 0156 POMROY AV SCOOTER QUESTIONS 9/13/06 16:49:37 106032499 0149 SCANDIA TR ATV COMPLAINT 9/13/06 17: 52:24 106032502 0127 HWY 97 D/P SPEED 9/13/06 19:04:23 106032510 0149 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC:WW/NO FRONT PLATE/#850 9/14/06 14:18:20 106032585 0156 MANNING TR TRAFFIC-CITE Sw365297 DAS 9/14/06 16:27:39 106032599 0165 MANNING TR CIT# S/W365804 PASS ON RT/SHOU 9/14/06 18:02:28 106032609 0165 OLDFIELD AV UPSET MALE/WELFARE CHECK 9/14/06 22:13:19 106032630 0127 MANNING TR AUD ALARM 9/15/06 6:10:18 106032640 0194 MANNING TR PUBLIC ASSIST 9/15/06 11:31:10 106032666 0156 OLD MARINE TR VANDALISM TO MAILBOX 9/15/06 12:47:26 106032673 0156 SCANDIA TR PANIC ALARM 9/15/06 14:26:13 106032679 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW365298 SPEED 80 9/15/06 14: 59:13 106032682 0156 185TH ST VANALISM REPORT 9/15/06 17:43:27 106032715 0184 OLINDA TR DK DRIVER 9/16/06 16:26:07 106032803 0100 192ND ST VEHICLE LOCKOUT `CANCEL BEF 9/16/06 23:02:11 106032837 0195 ST CROIX TR INFORMATIONAL 9/17/06 1:16:09 106032844 0195 MANNING TR 9/17/06 1:48:35 106032846 0190 OLINDA TR DWI ARREST/TERRORISTIC THREATS 9/17/06 2:16:00 106032847 0150 OAKHILL RD ALARM 9/17/06 2:49:26 106032851 0195 237TH ST MEDICAL 9/17/06 13:48:48 106032879 0140 MEADOWBROOK AV BURG ALARM 9/17/06 19:02:43 106032907 0158 OLINDA LN DOMESTIC PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 3 Washington County Sheriff's Office 10/01/06 5:27:01 CONTRACT ICR's Page 2 contracticr_10_06_CJBWPFR$ Contract Report for NEW SCANDIA TWP For the Period 9/01/06 To 9/30/06 Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 9/18/06 6:02:44 106032928 0193 MEADOWBROOK AV LOOSE HORSES 9/18/06 11: 36:07 106032960 0156 185TH ST TRAFFIC HAZARD 9/18/06 15:21:13 106032976 0156 MANNING TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW365299 NO INSUR 9/18/06 17:26:01 106032991 0100 PENFIELD AV 911 CALL 9/19/06 8:25: 33 106033038 0114 OLINDA TR BURG ALARM 9/19/06 11:07:10 106033056 0100 PARKVIEW AV OFFICERS INFO 9/19/06 12: 36: 55 106033063 0114 HWY 97 ACCIDENT W/ INJURIES 9/19/06 20:01:05 106033154 0156 209TH ST TOWN BOARD MEETING 9/19/06 20:33: 51 106033156 0111 SCANDIA TR ALARM 9/20/06 5:19:04 106033173 0112 SCANDIA TR DIRECTED PATROL-SPEED/30 MINS/ 9/20/06 7:07:22 106033179 0175 MEADOWBROOK AV FOUND ANIMALS 9/20/06 10:13:38 106033195 0156 KIRK AV 911 CALL 9/20/06 11:06: 53 106033203 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW265300 NO POI 9/20/06 13:45:47 106033230 0156 LOFTON CT MEDICAL 9/20/06 15:41:29 106033244 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW353162 DAS 9/20/06 16:35:39 106033248 0111 OLINDA LN CIVIL ISSUE 9/20/06 18:35:49 106033257 0111 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 9/20/06 18: 54: 50 106033259 0111 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 9/20/06 21:18:16 106033278 0100 PARKVIEW LN AUD ALARM 9/20/06 21:38: 52 106033280 0111 205TH ST AUD ALARM 9/21/06 5:24:02 106033305 0194 SCANDIA TR DIRECTED PATROL/STOP SIGN 9/21/06 9: 18:41 106033324 0156 OLINDA TR 911 MISDIAL 9/21/06 15:14: 54 106033404 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-WARRANT ARREST 9/21/06 17: 35:03 106033433 0149 MEADOWBROOK AV RESIDENCE CHECK 9/21/06 17:49:08 106033436 0149 OAKHILL RD RESIDENCE CHECK 9/22/06 10:28: 59 106033519 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW353163 NO SEATB 9/22/06 13:14:23 106033528 0156 236TH ST TRAFFIC-CITE SW353164 DAR/FAIL 9/22/06 14:41:49 106033539 0100 MEADOWBROOK AV OFFICERS INFO 9/22/06 15:00: 53 106033545 0158 202ND ST ALARM 9/22/06 16:10:30 106033555 0156 237TH ST SUSP ACTIVITY 9/22/06 17:25:48 106033563 0100 MEADOWBROOK AV PANIC ALARM `CANCEL BE 9/22/06 18: 50: 58 106033566 0158 OLGILVIE AV CIVIL 9/23/06 3:31:10 106033591 0191 195TH ST ALARM 9/24/06 14:27:43 106033737 0140 ST CROIX TR AUD ALARM '``CANCEL PROPER C 9/24/06 17:40:23 106033748 0127 LOFTON AV DRIVING COMPLAINT 9/24/06 18:16:18 106033751 0127 OLINDA TR CHECK ADDRESS *NOT AT THE OL 9/25/06 16:18:22 106033828 0118 OAKHILL RD DEAD DEER COMPLAINT/INFO ONLY 9/25/06 19:44: 17 106033846 0100 213TH ST AUD ALARM '`'CANCEL BEFORE 9/25/06 21:11: 53 106033850 0118 OLINDA TR INJURED DEER 9/26/06 3:19:02 106033869 0190 MAYBERRY TR LOOSE COWS 9/26/06 10:33:31 106033920 0175 OLGILVIE AV ALARM 9/26/06 15:25: 56 106033964 0158 OXBORO LN EXTRA PATROL REQ 9/27/06 15:08:02 106034054 0100 OAKHILL RD OFFICER'S INFORMATION 9/27/06 16: 35:45 106034065 0178 HWY 97 DIRECTED PATROL-SPEED/30 MIN/0 9/27/06 21: 54:30 106034151 0178 OXBORO LN VANDALISM 9/27/06 22:28: 57 106034153 0111 OXBORO LN VANDALISM REPORT 9/28/06 5:21:10 106034161 0194 MANNING TR TRAFFIC/SPEED CITATION #SW3661 9/28/06 8:15:22 106034171 0117 QUALITY TR GAS LEAK 9/28/06 22:05 :29 106034262 0149 185TH ST TRAFFIC:WW/SPEED/#92729 9/28/06 22:22: 59 106034265 0149 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC:SPEED/CITE #SW366432 9/28/06 22:34:18 106034267 0111 240TH ST DRIVING COMPLAINT 9/29/06 7:02: 59 106034286 0166 SCANDIA TR CHECK WELFARE PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 4 10/01/06 5:27:01 Washington County Sheriff's Office CONTRACT ICR'S Contract Report for NEW SCANDIA TWP For the Period 9/01/06 To 9/30/06 Page 3 contracticr_10_06_CJBWPFR$ Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 9/29/06 12:12:43 106034321 0166 PARKVIEW LN WELFARE CHECK 9/29/06 16:27: 56 106034350 0111 SCANDIA TR ERRATIC DRIVER 9/29/06 17: 50: 52 106034354 0111 MANNING TR DK DRIVER 9/29/06 18:33:10 106034360 0127 ST.CROIX TR SPEED CITE SW 359758 9/29/06 18: 58: 53 106034362 0100 MANNING TR FIRE 9/29/06 19:07:43 106034364 0127 QUINT AV MEDICAL 9/29/06 21:26: 53 106034374 0100 MANNING AV CATTLE ON MANNING 9/29/06 22: 35: 56 106034378 0111 LANGLY AV NOISE COMPLAINT 9/30/06 8: 35:07 106034402 0175 OXBORO LN VANDALISM REPORT 9/30/06 11:12: 50 106034418 0175 OAKHILL RD SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 9/30/06 12: 51:09 106034431 0175 HWY 97 ATV COMPLAINT Total ICRs Processed: 167 • ;; END OF REPORT ** Page 4 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: v`-? G, `) q) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt resolution 10-17-06-02 receiving 2007 Street Paving Feasibility Report and call for Hearing on improvement, and pass a motion scheduling a public information meeting. Deadline/ Timeline: Recommended dates are: November 15, 2006 for public information meeting and November 21, 2006 for the public hearing. Background: • Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik has completed the Feasibility Report. • Estimated total project cost: $2,221,140. • Estimated assessments: collector-$1,462; residential-$4,384 Recommendation: Approve resolution and set meeting dates as suggested. Attachments/ • Feasibility Report Materials provided: • Draft Resolution(will be provided at the meeting) Contact(s): Tom Peterson, Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik 651-604-4868 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (2007 paving feasibility and call for hearing) Page I of 1 10/13/06 4 TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA Preliminary Report 2007 Street Improvements October 2006 File No. 000568-06133-0 Oct 13 2006 1 : 19PM BONESTROO ROSENE RNDERLIK 6516361311 p. 1 October 17, 2006 Honorable Chairman and Township Supervisors Town of New Scandia 14727 209th Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Re: 2007 Street Improvements Preliminary Report Our File No. 000568-06133-0 Dear Chairman and Supervisors: Enclosed for your review is the preliminary report for the 2007 Street Improvements. The project includes paving 18 separate gravel roads, located in the northwest and easterly portions of the Township. Streets are listed and shown on several maps in the report. The report presents a description of proposed street improvements for the project areas. Detailed cost estimates, proposed assessments,project schedule, and recommendations are also included. We would be pleased to meet with the Town Board to discuss the contents of this report. Respectfully submitted, BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK& ASSOCIATES, INC. 7k4AC7 Thomas W. Peterson, P.E. TWP:crw Enclosures I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. '71 40 �'G� Thomas W. Peterson Reg.No. 16610 Date: October 17. 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Letter of Transmittal 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Proposed Improvements 4 Permits 7 Table 1 —Street Lengths and Widths 8 Cost Analysis 9 Table 2—Cost Estimate Summary 9 Assessments 10 Conclusions and Recommendations 12 Proposed Project Schedule 12 Appendix A—Detailed Cost Estimates Appendix B —Assessment Roll Appendix C—Figures 2007 Street Improvements 2 INTRODUCTION This preliminary report examines the feasibility of bituminous street improvements on residential and collector roads within the Town of New Scandia. The streets under consideration are shown on Figures 1-5 at the back of this report and are listed as follows: Collector Streets • 228th Street N. from Manning Trail. N. to Lofton Ave. N. • 240th Street N. from Morgan Ave. N. to Oldfield Ave. N. • 240th Street N. from Manning Trail to the west line of the Township Non-Collector (Residential Streets) • 240th Street N. from Manning to east end • 232nd Street N. from Lofton to west end • 235th Street N. from Meadowbrook to west end • 223`d Street N. from Olinda to east end • 235th Street & Quentin Avenue—east of Hwy 95 • 220th Street from Hwy. 95 to Quarry • Penrose Avenue N. from Hwy. 97 to the south • Ostrum Avenue N. • 209th Street N. from Hwy. 95 to Quadrant • Quadrant Avenue • Quality Trail • 205th Street N. from Quinnell to east end (St. Croix River) • Quint Avenue from Quinnell to north end • 197th Street N. from Hwy. 95 to Quint Ave. • Quint Avenue from 197th to bottom of hill Parking Lot& Trail • Hay Lake Parking Lot- Old Marine Trail to 195th St. N. 2007 Street Improvements 3 The streets under consideration total approximately 6.8 miles in length. All project roads currently have a rural type section consisting of gravel surfacing and ditches. Some areas will require ditch excavation or concrete curbing to provide positive drainage or help reduce conflicts with trees and wetlands. The current gravel road widths vary from 11 feet on Quint Avenue to 26 feet on 228th Street. Most of the streets appear to be in good condition. Through the years, gravel has been added and vehicles have compacted the road materials. There are some sections of roadway that have heaved from frost and need improvements to the gravel base prior to paving. Soil borings may be taken and test holes dug to verify gravel base depths and to assist in the design of the pavement. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Roadway Widths It is proposed to pave the existing gravel roads with bituminous surfacing. The three collector streets will be constructed to the Township standard width of 24 feet, with 1 to 2 foot wide lime rock shoulders. Collector streets will be striped with paint lines on centerline and edges. At some locations, widening of the gravel surfacing will be necessary. Residential streets will vary in bituminous width from 18 feet to 22 feet, with 1 foot wide lime rock shoulders. The proposed street sections are shown on Figure 9. Hay Lake Parking Lot It is proposed to pave the existing gravel lot and trail with bituminous surfacing. The gravel surfacing was installed in 2005. The new trail will be 10' wide and approximately 900' long. The parking lot will be 60' wide and 300' long and connect to Old Marine Trail. Hay Lake parking lot and trail are shown on Figure 7. 2007 Street Improvements 4 Ditches and Culverts For the most part, ditches along the roadways are adequate to accommodate storm water drainage. Minor ditch excavation or concrete curbing may be needed on some of the roads to provide positive drainage. All culverts that cross under project roads will be replaced in 2006 with concrete pipe material. Roadway Section Residential township roads are designed on a 7-ton axle weight load basis, while collector streets are designed for 9-ton axle loads. There are three collector streets included with this project: 240th Street from Manning to the west, 240th Street from Morgan to Oldfield, and 228th Street from Manning to Lofton. The proposed improvements involve adding an average of 1 to 2 inches of Class 5 aggregate to insure an adequate base. The surface will be graded smooth, compacted, and paved with two lifts of bituminous material, as shown on the typical section. Lime rock aggregate shoulder material will then be placed and compacted to a width of 2' on each side, along with the necessary topsoil and seeding of disturbed boulevards. Several streets will require base reconstruction (subgrade correction) and substantial widening as part of the project. They include Ostrum Avenue, Quint Avenue and 232°d Street. These streets were originally built adjacent to wetlands and lakes, and need more granular material to support vehicles and allow enough width for two vehicles to pass each other safely. Most of the project streets will need to be widened at least two feet to accommodate a minimum 18'-wide pavement and 2'-wide gravel shoulders (total gravel width of 22') Driveways Gravel driveways that connect to the new bituminous will receive 2' flares that will match the existing grade and width of the driveway. Existing bituminous or concrete driveways that extend at least to the street right-of-way will be paved with bituminous from the road to the existing driveway. 2007 Street Improvements 5 Chisago Lakes Township The paving of 240th Street to the east and west of Manning Trail, and 240th Street from Morgan to Oldfield will be done in conjunction with Chisago Lakes Township. The road is centered on the Town line, and the costs for improvements will be split between the two Townships. A Joint Powers Agreement will be necessary to clearly identify improvements, costs and future maintenance of the roads. Chisago Lakes has indicated they would like to use the same assessment policy as New Scandia Township, where only the bituminous cost is assessed. 197th Street and Quint Avenue (Copas Area) Quint Avenue has very steep grades (17%) and is very narrow (14' wide). Several permanent homes and seasonal cabins along the St. Croix River use this street as their access. The road runs at a diagonal down the steep incline, cut into the side of the limestone bluff. It is proposed to widen the road so vehicles can safely pass each other. To do this, rock excavation will be necessary for about 200 lineal feet along the west side of the street. Concrete curbing will be installed to control erosion, along with storm sewer and a small retaining wall. 228th Street- Manning Trail to Lofton Avenue This one-mile collector road has two steep hills with poor sight distances. Both hills are rated at approximately 25 miles per hour for safely stopping in time to avoid an accident. After looking closely at existing grades approaching each hill, the best possible safe speed limit would be 40 mph, and this would require cutting down the westerly hill 5 feet and the next hill to the east about 3 feet. A driveway to an existing farm house on the south side of 228th would need to be reconstructed or re-located. A retaining wall would be necessary for about 200' along the south side, to protect a barn on the top of the hill. Turn-arounds There are 10 dead-end streets in this project that will require some sort of turnaround. Half of these have decent cul-de-sac's, but five streets (232nd, 235th, 240th, Ostrum and Quint) will need more easement to construct a suitable, functional turn-around. 2007 Street Improvements 6 • PERMITS Several permits will be needed with this project. The National Park Service (NPS) has to approve the paving plan for 205th Street, 197th Street and Quint Avenue. These streets are located on the far east side of the Township, along the St. Croix River scenic easement area. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit will be required, since the project disturbs more than one acre of land. Washington County Highway Department will require a permit for paving of Township roads that intersect with their county highways. In addition, several Watershed organizations will need permits for the proposed paving and widening of roads. 2007 Street Improvements 7 Table 1 —Street Lengths and Widths Length Pavement Street From To (ft) Width (ft) Collector Streets 228th Street N. Manning Trail N. Lofton Ave. N. 4,900 24 240th Street N. Morgan Ave. N. Oldfield Ave. N. 7,700 24 240th Street N. Manning Tr. N. West line of Township 2,000 24 Subtotal 14,600 (2.75 mi.) Residential Streets 240th Street N. Manning Trail east end 1,200 18 232nd Street N. Lofton Ave. N. west end 1,250 18 235th Street N. Meadowbrook west end 1,300 18 223`d Street N. Olinda Trail east end 730 22 235th St. & Quentin Ave. Highway 95 east 2,200 20 220th Street Hwy. 95 Quarry Ave. 1,300 22 Penrose Avenue N. Hwy. 97 south 800 24 Ostrum Avenue N. Oakhill south end 2,100 18 209th Street N. Hwy. 95 Quadrant 1,500 20 Quadrant Avenue 209th north end 800 20 Quality Trail 209th west end 3,800 20 205th Street N. Quinnell east end 1,600 18 Quint Avenue Quinnell north end 1,500 14 197th Street N. Hwy. 95 Quint Ave. 600 18 Quint Avenue 197th St. N. bottom of hill 650 18 Subtotal 21,330 (4.04 mi.) Parking Lot& Trail Hay Lake Parking Lot Old Marine Trail 195th St. N. 2007 Street Improvements 8 COST ANALYSIS The estimated improvement costs for each road of the project are summarized in Table 2. Detailed cost estimates are presented in Appendix A. The cost estimates include a 5% factor to cover contingencies and a 30% factor for design engineering, inspection, admistrative, fiscal, legal and other miscellaneous items. Costs are split to show bituminous surfacing separately, since only the bituminous is assessed to residents. Table 2-Cost Estimate Summary Estimated Cost Street Non- Bituminous Bituminous Total items Surfacing Collector Street 228th Street N. 144,440 190,438 334,878 240t1 Street N. 179,055 299,256 478,311 240th Street N. 52,568 77,731 130,299 Subtotal $376,063 $567,425 $943,488 Non-Collector Street 240th Street N. 41,810 30,217 72,027 232nd Street N. 26,226 31,476 57,702 235th Street N. 39,855 32,744 72,599 223`1 Street N. 13,258 30,464 43,722 235th Street& Quentin 37,317 61,565 98,882 220th Street 40,704 40,011 80,715 Penrose Avenue N. 15,572 26,864 42,436 Ostrum Avenue N. 87,833 52,882 140,715 209th Street N. 26,854 41,978 68,832 Quadrant Avenue 12,361 22,390 34,751 Quality Trail 50,617 106,336 156,952 205th Street N. 76,152 40,296 116,448 Quint Avenue (north) 46,577 37,779 84,356 197th Street N. 12,872 15,114 27,986 Quint Avenue (south) 107,773 16,372 124,145 Subtotal $635,781 $586,487 $1,222,268 Hay Lake Parking Lot & Trail $55,384 TOTAL PROJECT $1,011,844 $1,153,912 $2,221,140 2007 Street Improvements 9 ASSESSMENTS It is proposed to finance a portion of the cost of the improvements by special assessments against the benefited properties. The Township policy for road improvement projects is to assess 25% of the total bituminous surfacing cost to properties along collector roads and 75% of the bituminous surfacing cost to properties located along non-collector(residential) roads. Assessable units are defined as built or build-able sites. The per unit assessment is calculated by taking the total assessable bituminous surfacing cost divided by the total number of assessable units. This calculation is as follows: Total bituminous surfacing cost (base, wear, tack coat) from $1,153,912 Appendix A- Detailed Cost Estimate: Total assessable bituminous cost (minus Chisago Lakes $935,347 Township cost for north side of 240th St.) Total assessable units (see next page): 160 Per unit assessment ($935,347 ± 160) $5,846 Collector Road assessment(25%) = $5,846 x 0.25 = $1,462 Non-Collector Road assessment (75%) = $5,846 x 0.75 = $4,384 TOTAL PROJECT ASSESSMENT $1,462 x 55 units = $80,410 $4,384 x 105 units = $460,320 TOTAL $540,730 $540,730/$1,856,906 =29% of project 2007 Street Improvements 10 Assessable Units The project streets and abutting properties are shown on Figures 3 — 6. Platted lots and parcels not able to be subdivided get one assessable unit. Large parcels were measured and an equivalent number of assessable units were calculated for each based on zoning, front footage and area. Corner lots with paving taking place on two sides receive 1.5 assessable units. The calculated assessable units along each project road are as follows: Collector Street 228th Street N. 29 240th Street N. 22 240th Street N. 4 Subtotal 55 Non-Collector (Residential) Streets 240th Street N.- east of Manning 5 232"d Street N. 5.5 235th Street N. 4 223`d Street N. 4.5 235th Street& Quentin 14.5 220th Street 6.5 Penrose Avenue N. 5 Ostrum Avenue N. 6 209th Street N. & Quadrant 9.5 Quality Trail 18 205th Street N. & Quint (Otisville) 10 197th Avenue & Quint (Copas) 16.5 Subtotal 105 Total Assessable Units 160 Collector Streets were determined in 1997, when the Township had a Thoroughfare Plan developed. 2007 Street Improvements II CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The improvements described in this report are feasible as they relate to engineering matters. The total cost of the improvements is estimated at $2,140,074. The following recommendations are presented for the Town Board's consideration. It is recommended: 1. That this report be adopted as a guide for improvements to the project streets. 2. That the costs be assessed against the benefited property in accordance with the Township's assessment policy and the calculation methods selected for this project. 3. That a public hearing be held to receive public input regarding the proposed improvements. PROJECT SCHEDULE Item Date Present Preliminary Report to Town Board, call for Hearing October 17, 2006 Public Hearing Notice Published and sent to affected properties October 25, 2006 Public Information Meeting and Hearing November 2006 Start preparation of plans and specifications November 2006 Town Board approves plans and authorizes bidding January 2007 Advertise in County Messenger and Construction Bulletin Jan—Feb 2007 Open bids and award Project March 2007 Construction begins May 2007 Construction completed August 2007 Town Board orders preparation of Assessment Roll September 2007 Assessment Hearing October 2007 Send certified Assessment Roll To Washington County October 2007 2007 Street Improvements 12 4 TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA Appendix A Detailed Cost Estimates / . Appendix A DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost Collector Streets 228th STREET N.-MANNING TO LOFTON Length(ft) 4900 Subgrade preparation LF 4900 $4.50 $22,050 Width(ft) 24 Geotextile fabric SY 708 $2.00 $1,416 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 236 $10.00 $2,359 CI 5 base(in) 2 Ditch excavation LF 245 $5.00 $1,225 Bit base(in) 2 Common Excavation CY 5000 $6.00 $30,000 Class 5 aggregate base TN 856 $14.00 $11,990 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 503 $22.00 $11,067 Shoulder depth 3.5 retaining wall SF 1500 $15.00 $22,500 Striping LF 4900 $0.25 $1,225 Existing gravel 26 Topsoil CY 60 $15.00 $907 Seeding AC 1.35 $800.00 $1,080 Subtotal $105,819 5%Contingency 5,291 Subtotal $111,110 30% Indirect Cost 33,330 Total $144,440 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 1581 $48.00 $75,891 Bituminous wear course TN 1186 $52.00 $61,662 Tack Coat GAL 653 $3.00 $1,960 Subtotal $139,513 5%Contingency $6,976 Subtotal $146,488 30% Indirect Cost $43,950 Total Bitu $190,438 240th STREET-MORGAN TO OLDFIELD Length(ft) 7700 Subgrade preparation LF 7700 $4.50 $34,650 Width(ft) 24 Geotextile fabric SY 1069 $2.00 $2,139 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 356 $10.00 $3,565 CI 5 base(in) 2 Ditch excavation LF 385 $5.00 $1,925 Bit base(in) 2 Common borrow CY 2567 $5.00 $12,833 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 3830 $14.00 $53,625 Shoulder depth 3.5 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 791 $22.00 $17,392 Existing gravel 25 Striping LF 7700 $0.25 $1,925 Topsoil CY 95 $15.00 $1,426 Seeding AC 2.12 $800.00 $1,697 Subtotal $131,176 5%Contingency 6,559 Subtotal $137,735 30% Indirect Cost 41,320 Total $179,055 Chisago(55%) $98,480 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 2485 $48.00 $119,258 Bituminous wear course TN 1863 $52.00 $96,897 Tack Coat GAL 1027 $3.00 $3,080 Subtotal $219,234 5%Contingency $10,962 Subtotal $230,196 30% Indirect Cost $69,060 Total Bitu $299,256 Chisago(55%) $164,591 1 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost 240TH STREET-MANNING TO WEST END Length(ft) 2000 Subgrade preparation LF 2000 $4.50 $9,000 Width(ft) 24 Geotextile fabric SY 267 $2.00 $533 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 89 $10.00 $889 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation LF 100 $5.00 $500 Bit base(in) 2.0 Clear and Grub LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Common borrow CY 741 $5.00 $3,704 Shoulder depth 3.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 1076 $14.00 $15,058 Existing gravel 24 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 205 $22.00 $4,517 Striping LF 2000 $0.25 $500 Topsoil CY 25 $15.00 $370 Seeding AC 0.55 $800.00 $441 Subtotal $38,512 5%Contingency 1,926 Subtotal $40,438 30%Indirect Cost 12,130 Total $52,568 Chisago(50%) $26,284 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 645 $48.00 $30,976 Bituminous wear course TN 484 $52.00 $25,168 Tack Coat GAL 267 $3.00 $800 Subtotal $56,944 5%Contingency $2,847 Subtotal $59,791 30%Indirect Cost $17,940 Total Bitu $77,731 Chisago(50%) $38,866 TOTAL COLLECTOR $943,489 Chisago $328,221 TOTAL COLLECTOR BITU. $567,426 Chisago $203,456 Residential Streets 240TH-MANNING TO EAST END Length(ft) 1200 Subgrade preparation LF 1200 $4.50 $5,400 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 120 $2.00 $240 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 222 $10.00 $2,222 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Common borrow CY 400 $5.00 $2,000 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 600 $5.00 $3,000 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Shoulder depth 3 Class 5 aggregate base TN 645 $14.00 $9,035 Existing gravel 16 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 106 $22.00 $2,323 Topsoil CY 237 $15.00 $3,556 Seeding AC 0.44 $800.00 $353 Subtotal $30,628 5%Contingency 1,531 Subtotal $32,160 30% Indirect Cost 9,650 Total $41,810 Chisago(50%) $20,905 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 218 $48.00 $10,454 Bituminous wear course TN 218 $52.00 $11,326 Tack Coat GAL 120 $3.00 $360 Subtotal $22,140 5%Contingency $1,107 Subtotal $23,247 30%Indirect Cost $6,970 Total Bitu $30,217 Chisago(50%) $15,109 2 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost 232nd STREET N.-LOFTON TO WEST END Length (ft) 1250 Subgrade preparation LF 1250 $4.50 $5,625 Width (ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 125 $2.00 $250 % redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 42 $10.00 $417 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Common borrow CY 93 $5.00 $463 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 200 $5.00 $1,000 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 471 $14.00 $6,588 Shoulder depth 3 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 110 $22.00 $2,420 Existing gravel 20 Topsoil CY 154 $15.00 $2,315 Seeding AC 0.17 $800.00 $138 Subtotal $19,215 5%Contingency 961 Subtotal $20,176 30% Indirect Cost 6,050 Total $26,226 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 227 $48.00 $10,890 Bituminous wear course TN 227 $52.00 $11,798 Tack Coat GAL 125 $3.00 $375 Subtotal $23,063 5%Contingency $1,153 Subtotal $24,216 30%Indirect Cost $7,260 Total Bitu $31.476 235th STREET N.-MEADOWBROOK TO WEST END Length(ft) 1300 Subgrade preparation LF 1300 $4.50 $5,850 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 130 $2.00 $260 % redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 217 $10.00 $2,167 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Common Borrow CY 289 $10.00 $2,889 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 500 $5.00 $2,500 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Shoulder depth 3 Class 5 aggregate base TN 594 $14.00 $8,319 Existing gravel 18 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 114 $22.00 $2,517 Topsoil CY 160 $15.00 $2,407 Seeding AC 0.36 $800.00 $287 Subtotal $29,196 5%Contingency 1,460 Subtotal $30,655 30% Indirect Cost 9,200 Total $39,855 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 236 $48.00 $11,326 Bituminous wear course TN 236 $52.00 $12,269 Tack Coat GAL 130 $3.00 $390 Subtotal $23,985 5%Contingency $1,199 Subtotal $25,184 30% Indirect Cost $7,560 Total Bitu $32,744 3 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost 223rd STREET N.-OLINDA TO EAST END Length(ft) 730 Subgrade preparation LF 950 $4.50 $4,275 Width(ft) 22 Geotextile fabric SY 105 $2.00 $211 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 30 $10.00 $297 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation LF 100 $5.00 $500 Bit base(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 167 $14.00 $2,333 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 82 $22.00 $1,800 Shoulder depth 3 Topsoil CY 9 $15.00 $135 Existing gravel 26 Seeding AC 0.20 $800.00 $161 Subtotal $9,713 5%Contingency 486 Subtotal $10,198 30%Indirect Cost 3,060 Total $13,258 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 221 $48.00 $10,584 Bituminous wear course TN 221 $52.00 $11,466 Tack Coat GAL 89 $3.00 $268 Subtotal $22,319 5%Contingency $1,116 Subtotal $23,434 30%Indirect Cost $7,030 Total Bitu $30,464 235th STREET&QUENTIN AVE-EAST OF HWY 95 Length(ft) 2200 Subgrade preparation LF 2200 $4.50 $9,900 Width(ft) 20 Geotextile fabric SY 244 $2.00 $489 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 81 $10.00 $815 CI 5 base(in) 2,0 Common borrow CY 107 $10.00 $1,074 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 100 $5.00 $500 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 672 $14.00 $9,411 Shoulder depth 3 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 194 $22.00 $4,259 Existing gravel 19-22 Topsoil CY 27 $15.00 $407 Seeding AC 0.61 $800.00 $485 Subtotal $27,340 5%Contingency 1,367 Subtotal $28,707 30% Indirect Cost 8,610 Total $37,317 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 444 $48.00 $21,296 Bituminous wear course TN 444 $52.00 $23,071 Tack Coat GAL 244 $3.00 $733 Subtotal $45,100 5%Contingency $2,255 Subtotal $47,355 30% Indirect Cost $14,210 Total Bitu $61,565 4 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost 220th STREET N.-HWY 9.5 TO QUARRY Length(ft) 1300 Subgrade preparation LF 1300 $4.50 $5,850 Width(ft) 22 Geotextile fabric SY 159 $2.00 $318 % redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 53 $10,00 $530 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Common borrow CY 481 $10.00 $4,815 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 400 $5.00 $2,000 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Shoulder depth 3 Class 5 aggregate base TN 769 $14.00 $10,766 Existing gravel 20-21 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 114 $22.00 $2,517 Topsoil CY 16 $15.00 $241 Seeding AC 0.36 $800.00 $287 Subtotal $29,823 5%Contingency 1,491 Subtotal $31,314 30%Indirect Cost 9,390 Total $40,704 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 288 $48.00 $13,842 Bituminous wear course TN 288 $52.00 $14,996 Tack Coat GAL 159 $3.00 $477 Subtotal $29,315 5%Contingency $1,466 Subtotal $30,781 30% Indirect Cost $9,230 Total Bitu $40,011 PENROSE AVE N.-HWY 97 TO SOUTH Length (ft) 800 Subgrade preparation LF 800 $4.50 $3,600 Width(ft) 24 Geotextile fabric SY 107 $2.00 $213 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 36 $10.00 $356 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation LF 50 $5.00 $250 Bit base(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 366 $14.00 $5,120 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 70 $22.00 $1,549 Shoulder depth 3 Topsoil CY 10 $15.00 $148 Existing gravel 26 Seeding AC 0.22 $800.00 $176 Subtotal $11,412 5%Contingency 571 Subtotal $11,982 30% Indirect Cost 3,590 Total $15,572 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 194 $48.00 $9,293 Bituminous wear course TN 194 $52.00 $10,067 Tack Coat GAL 107 $3.00 $320 Subtotal $19,680 5%Contingency $984 Subtotal $20,664 30% Indirect Cost $6,200 Total Bitu $26,864 5 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost OSTRUM AVENUE N. Length(ft) 2100 Subgrade preparation LF 2100 $4.50 $9,450 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 1050 $2.00 $2,100 %redone 25% Subgrade correction CY 700 $15.00 $10,500 CI 5 base(in) 4.0 Common borrow CY 933 $10.00 $9,333 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 500 $5.00 $2,500 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $4,000.00 $4,000 Shoulder depth 3 Class 5 aggregate base TN 1355 $14.00 $18,973 Existing gravel 16'-18' Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 231 $22.00 $5,082 Topsoil CY 130 $15.00 $1,944 Seeding AC 0.58 $800.00 $463 Subtotal $64,345 5%Contingency 3,217 Subtotal $67,563 30%Indirect Cost 20,270 Total $87,833 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 381 $48.00 $18,295_ Bituminous wear course TN 381 $52.00 $19,820 Tack Coat GAL 210 $3.00 $630 Subtotal $38,745 5%Contingency $1,937 Subtotal $40,682 30%Indirect Cost $12,200 Total Bitu $52,882 209th STREET N.-HWY 95 TO QUADRANT Length(ft) 1500 Subgrade preparation LF 1500 $4.50 $6,750 Width(ft) 20 Geotextile fabric SY 167 $2.00 $333 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 56 $10.00 $556 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Common borrow CY 167 $10.00 $1,667 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation LF 100 $5.00 $500 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 454 $14.00 $6,353 Shoulder depth 3 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 132 $22.00 $2,904 Existing gravel 21 Topsoil CY 19 $15.00 $278 Seeding AC 0.41 $800.00 $331 Subtotal $19,670 5%Contingency 984 Subtotal $20,654 30% Indirect Cost 6,200 Total $26,854 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 303 $48.00 $14,520 Bituminous wear course TN 303 $52.00 $15,730 Tack Coat GAL 167 $3.00 $500 Subtotal $30,750 5%Contingency $1,538 Subtotal $32,288 30%Indirect Cost $9,690 Total Bitu $41,978 6 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost QUADRANT AVE. Length(ft) 800 Subgrade preparation LF 800 $4.50 $3,600 Width(ft) 20 Geotextile fabric SY 89 $2.00 $178 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 30 $10.00 $296 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation LF 50 $5.00 $250 Bit base(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 204 $14.00 $2,861 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 70 $22.00 $1,549 Shoulder depth 3 Topsoil CY 10 $15.00 $148 Existing gravel 22 Seeding AC 0.22 $800.00 $176 Subtotal $9,058 5%Contingency 453 Subtotal $9,511 30% Indirect Cost 2,850 Total $12,361 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 161 $48.00 $7,744 Bituminous wear course TN 161 $52.00 $8,389 Tack Coat GAL 89 $3.00 $267 Subtotal $16,400 5%Contingency $820 Subtotal $17,220 30% Indirect Cost $5,170 Total Bitu $22,390 QUALITY TRAIL Length (ft) 3800 Subgrade preparation LF 3800 $4.50 $17,100 Width(ft) 20 Geotextile fabric SY 422 $2.00 $844 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 141 $10.00 $1,407 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation LF 50 $5.00 $250 Bit base(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 613 $14.00 $8,583 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 334 $22.00 $7,357 Shoulder depth 3 Topsoil CY 47 $15.00 $704 Existing gravel 24 Seeding AC 1.05 $800.00 $837 Subtotal $37,083 5%Contingency 1,854 Subtotal $38,937 30%Indirect Cost 11,680 Total $50,617 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 766 $48.00 $36,784 Bituminous wear course TN 766 $52.00 $39,849 Tack Coat GAL 422 $3.00 $1,267 Subtotal $77,900 5%Contingency $3,895 Subtotal $81,795 30%Indirect Cost $24,540 Total Bitu $106,335 7 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost 205TH STREET N.-QUINNELL TO EAST END Length(ft) 1600 Subgrade preparation LF 1600 $4.50 $7,200 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 160 $2.00 $320 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 100 $10.00 $1,000 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation CY 200 $5.00 $1,000 Bit base(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $4,000.00 $4,000 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 430 $14.00 $6,023 Shoulder depth 3 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 70 $22.00 $1,549 Existing gravel 14-19 12"HDPE storm sewer LF 200 $25.00 $5,000 12"flared end section EA 4 $250.00 $1,000 2'x 3'catch basin EA 4 $1,500.00 $6,000 Class 3 riprap CY 25 $100.00 $2,500 Concrete curb and gutter LF 800 $15.00 $12,000 Topsoil CY 20 $15.00 $300 Erosion Control LS 1 $7,500.00 $7,500 Seeding AC 0.50 $800.00 $400 Subtotal $55,792 5%Contingency 2,790 Subtotal $58,582 30%Indirect Cost 17,570 Total $76,152 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 290 $48.00 $13,939 Bituminous wear course TN 290 $52.00 $15,101 Tack Coat GAL 160 $3.00 $480 Subtotal $29,520 5%Contingency $1,476 Subtotal $30,996 30% Indirect Cost $9,300 Total Bitu $40,296 QUINT AVE.-QUINNELL TO NORTH END Length(ft) 1500 Subgrade preparation LF 1500 $4.50 $6,750 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 600 $2.00 $1,200 %redone 20% Subgrade correction CY 500 $10.00 $5,000 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Granular Fill CY 1556 $5.00 $7,778 Bit base(in) 1.5 Ditch excavation CY 69 $5.00 $347 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000 Shoulder depth 3 Class 5 aggregate base TN 511 $14.00 $7,152 Existing gravel 11'-14' Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 66 $22.00 $1,452 Topsoil CY 74 $15.00 $1,111 Seeding AC 0.41 $800.00 $331 Subtotal $34,121 5%Contingency 1,706 Subtotal $35,827 30% Indirect Cost 10,750 Total $46,577 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 272 $48.00 $13,068 Bituminous wear course TN 272 $52.00 $14,157 Tack Coat GAL 150 $3.00 $450 Subtotal $27,675 5%Contingency $1,384 Subtotal $29,059 30% Indirect Cost $8,720 Total Bitu $37,779 8 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES ' item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost 197TH ST N.-HWY 95 TO QUINT AVE Length(ft) 600 Subgrade preparation LF 600 $4.50 $2,700 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 60 $2.00 $120 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 89 $10.00 $889 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Ditch excavation CY 28 $5.00 $139 Bit base(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 161 $14.00 $2,259 Shoulder depth 3 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 26 $22.00 $581 Existing gravel 16 Topsoil CY 7 $15.00 $111 Seeding AC 0.17 $800.00 $132 Subtotal $9,431 5%Contingency 472 Subtotal $9,902 30%Indirect Cost 2,970 Total $12,872 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 109 $48.00 $5,227 Bituminous wear course TN 109 $52.00 $5,663 Tack Coat GAL 60 $3.00 $180 Subtotal $11,070 5%Contingency $554 Subtotal $11,624 30%Indirect Cost $3,490 Total Bitu $15,114 QUINT AVE.-197TH TO BOTTOM OF HILL Length(ft) 650 Subgrade preparation LF 650 $4.50 $2,925 Width(ft) 18 Geotextile fabric SY 65 $2.00 $130 %redone 5% Subgrade correction CY 44 $10.00 $444 CI 5 base(in) 2.0 Rock excavation CY 400 $50.00 $20,000 Bit base(in) 1.5 Clear and Grub LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 Bit wear(in) 1.5 Class 5 aggregate base TN 255 $14.00 $3,576 Shoulder depth 3 Lime rock aggregate shouldering TN 29 $22.00 $629 Existing gravel 14 12"RCP storm sewer LF 300 $35.00 $10,500 12"flared end section EA 1 $600.00 $600 2'x 3'catch basin EA 4 $1,500.00 $6,000 Class 3 riprap CY 25 $100.00 $2,500 Topsoil CY 10 $15.00 $150 Guard rail LF 400 $50.00 $20,000 Concrete curb and gutter LF 400 $15.00 $6,000 Seeding AC 0.50 $1,000.00 $500 Subtotal $78,955 5%Contingency 3,948 Subtotal $82,903 30%Indirect Cost 24,870 Total $107,773 Bituminous Cost Bituminous base course TN 118 $48.00 $5,663 Bituminous wear course TN 118 $52.00 $6,135 Tack Coat GAL 65 $3.00 $195 Subtotal $11,993 5%Contingency $600 Subtotal $12,592 30% Indirect Cost $3,780 Total Bitu $16,372 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL $1,222,267 Chisago $36,013 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL BITU $586,486 Chisago $15,109 9 DETAILED COST ESTIMATES • Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total Cost HAY LAKE PARKING LOT AND TRAIL Subgrade preparation SY 3500 $1.50 $5,250 Class 5 aggregate base TN 200 $14.00 $2,800 Bituminous base course TN 320 $48.00 $15,360 Bituminous wear course TN 320 $52.00 $16,640 Tack Coat GAL 175 $3.00 $525 Subtotal $40,575 5%Contingency $2,029 Subtotal $42,604 30%Indirect Cost $12,780 Total Hay Lake $55,384 SUMMARY: TOTAL COLLECTOR $943,489 TOTAL COLLECTOR BITU. $567,426 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL $1,222,267 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL BITU $586,486 Total Hay Lake $55,384 TOTAL PROJECT $2,221,140 $1,856,906 (-Chisago) TOTAL BITUMINOUS $1,153,912 $935,347 (-Chisago) TOTAL CHISAGO NON-BIT. $145,669 TOTAL CHISAGO BIT. $218,565 10 1 TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA Appendix B Assessment Roll A I B I C I F G I H 1 APPENDIX B 2 _ Assessment Roll _ 3 I� Equivalent Unit _ 4 Pin Number Property Owner's Name Non-Collector Collector _ g P �Y Property Address $4,384 $1,462 lAssessment 6 240th Street N.-Manning to the west 7 0603220210003 _ 1 $1,462 8 0603220210002 Blair Joselyn 13.5 acre parcel _ 1 $1,462 I 9 0603220220002 1 $1,462 10 0603220220001 1 $1,462 11 Subtotal 0 4 $5,848 12 13 240th Street N.-Manning to the east 14 0603220120001 1 $4,384 15 0603220130004 1 $4,384 16 0603220120002 1 $4,384 17 0603220120003 1 $4,384 18 0603220110001 1 $4,384 19 Subtotal 5 0 $21,920 20 21 240th Street N.-Morgan to Oldfleld 22 0403220120004 corner lot 0.5 $731 23 0403220120003 2 $2,924 24 0403220110001 1 $1,462 25 0403220110003 1 $1,462 26 0403220110002 1 $1,462 27 0403220110004 1 $1,462 28 0303220220003 1 $1,462 29 0303220220007 0 $0 30 0303220220006 1 $1,462 31 0303220220005 1 $1,462 32 0303220220002 1 $1,462 33 0303220210004 1 $1,462 34 0303220210005 2 $2,924 35 0303220210003 2 $2,924 36 0303220210001 0 $0 37 0303220120001 1 $1,462 38 0303220120002 1 $1,462 39 0303220120010 1 $1,462 40 03220110002 2 $2,924 41 0303220110003 1 $1,462 42 0303220110004 McGee corner lot 0.5 $731 43 Subtotal 0 - 22 $32,164 44 C:\Documents and Settings\Alt Users\Documents\Departments\Engineering\2007 Paving Project\Appendix B-Assessment Roll 10/13/2006 i A B C F G H 3 Equivalent Unit _ 4 Pin Number Property Owner's Name Property Address Non-Collector Collector 5 $4,384 $1,462 Assessment 45 235th Street North-west of Meadowbrook 46 0403220230001 37 acre parcel 0 $0 47 0403220320004 0.5 $2,192 48 0403220320005 0.5 _ $2,192 49 0403220320006 _ 1 $4,384 50 0403220320007 1 $4,384 51 0503220140002 1 $4,384 53 Subtotal 4 0 $17,536 54 232nd Street North 55 0503220310001 40 acre parcel 4 $17,536 56 0503220310002 0.5 $2,192 57 0503220310003 0 $0 58 9 0503220320001 Ag Preserve? 1 $4,384 Subtotal 5.5 0 $24,112 60 61 228th Street North 62 0703220120008 corner lot 0.5 $731 63 0703220120003 1 $1,462 64 0703220120004 1 $1,462 65 0703220120005 1 $1,462 66 0703220110004 1 $1,462 67 0703220110003 1 $1,462 68 0703220110002 Mike and Nancy Peterson 2 $2,924 69 0703220130002 0.5 $731 70 0703220130003 20 acre parcel 2 $2,924 71 0703220140001 40 acre parcel 4 $5,848 72 0803220220003 1 $1,462 73 0803220220004 1 $1,462 74 0803220220005 1 $1,462 75 0803220210006 1 $1,462 76 0803220210002 1 $1,462 77 0803220210003 1 $1,462 78 0803220210004 1 $1,462 79 0803220230002 1 $1,462 80 0803220230003 1 $1,462 81 0803220230004 21 acre 2 $2,924 82 0803220240001 40 acre parcel 4 $5,848 83 Subtotal 0 29 $42,398 84 C:\Documents and Settings\AIl Users\Documents\Departments\Engineering12007 Paving Project Appendix B-Assessment Roll 10/13/2006 A I B I C I F I G H 3 Equivalent Unit 4 Non-Collector I Collector 5 Pin Number PropertyOwner's Name I Property Address $4,384 $1,462 Assessment 85 235th Street North&Quentin Avenue North 86 0603219230008 _ - corner lot 1.5 $6,576 87 03219230007 Wikie 1 $4,384 88 0603219240006 Willus 1 $4,384 89 0603219240003 Quandt and Thompson 1 $4,384 90 0603219240007 1 _ _ $4,384 91 0603219320001 corner lot 1.5 $6,576 92 0603219320004 driveway to hwy 95 0.5 $2,192 93 0603219320003 1 $4,384 94 0603219310002 1 $4,384 95 0603219310004 1 $4,384 96 0603219310006 1 $4,384 97 0603219310008 1 $4,384 98 0603219310010 1 $4,384 99 0603219310011 1 $4,384 100 Subtotal 14.5 0 $63,568 101 102 223rd Street North 103 1103220410001 1 $4,384 104 1103220420001 0.5 $2,192 105 1103220430006 1 $4,384 106 1103220430007 1 $4,384 107 1103220440008 1 $4,384 108 Subtotal 4.5 0 $19,728 109 110 220th Avenue North-Hwy 95 to Quarry 111 1203220440001 Nancy Madden 0.5 $2,192 112,0703220330001 Ann Bancroft 40 acre parcel _ 4 $17,536 113 1803220220001 45 acre parcel 1.5 $6,576 114 1803220220003 corner of hwy 95 0.5 $2,192 115 Subtotal 6.5 0 116 $28,496 117 Penrose Avenue North 118 1303220330004 1 $4,384 119 1303220330005 1 $4,384 120 1303220330006 Paved most with Wild Bush Acres 1 $4,384 121 1303220330007 1 _ $4,384 122 1303220330008 1 $4,384 123 1303220330009 Paved with Wild Bush Acres 0 $0 124 Subtotal 5 0 $21,920 125 C.Documents and Settings\AII Users\Documents\Departments\Engineering\2007 Paving Project\Appendix B-Assessment Roll 10/13/2006 a ? A B C F I G H . 3 Equivalent Unit _ 4 Pin Number Property Owner's Name Property Address Non-Collector Collector 5 $4,384 $1,462 Assessment • 126 127 209th Street North 128 1903219110005 - 1 $4,384 129 1903219110008 1 $4,384 130 2403220110003 1 $4,384 131 2403220110004 1.5 $6,576 132 2403220110002 1.5 $6,576 133 2403220110006 _ 1.5 $6,576 134 Subtotal 5.5 0 $24,112 135 136 Quadrant Avenue '137 2403220110001 _ 1 $4,384 138 2403220120003 1 $4,384 139 2403220120004 1 $4,384 140 2403220120001 1 $4,384 141 Subtotal 4 0 $17,536 142 143 Quality Trail 144 2403220110005 1 $4,384 145 2403220110007 1 $4,384 146 2403220140001 1 $4,384 147 2403220140002 1 $4,384 148 2403220140003 1 $4,384 149 2403220140004 1 $4,384 150 2403220140005 1 $4,384 151 2403220140006 1 $4,384 152 2403220140007 1 _ $4,384 153 2403220130001 1 $4,384 - 154 2403220130002 1 $4,384 155 2403220130003 1 $4,384 _ 156 2403220130004 1 $4,384 157 2403220130005 _ - 1 $4,384 158 2403220130006 _ 1 $4,384 159 2403220130007 1 $4,384 160 2403220120002 1 $4,384 161 2403220240001 _ 1 $4,384 162 Subtotal 18 0 $78,912 163 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Departments\Engineering\2007 Paving ProjecttAppendix B-Assessment Roll 10/13/2006 A B C F G H 3 4 Equivalent Unit 6 Pin Number Property Owner's Name Property Address Non-Collector Collector • 164 Ostrom Avenue $4,384 $1,482 Assessment 165 2303220130002 Sandiger 1 $4,384 166 2303220140002 0.5 $2,192 167 2303220420001 168 2303220420002 0 $0 169 2303220420003 1 1 _ $4,384 170 2303220420004 Venowitz $4,380 0 171 2303220420005 0 $0 172 2303220420006 - 0 $0 173 2303220310001 Venowitz 0.5 $2,192 174 2303220340001 1 $4,384 175 1 $4,384 176 Subtotal 6 0 $26,304 177 205th Street North and Quint Avenue 178 1903219240011 Tuenge 179 1903219240015 Wallace 0.5 $2,192 384 180 1903219130002 Ebefiart 1 $4,384 20455 Quinnell 0.5 $2,192 181 1903219130008 Clapp 1 $4,384 182 1903219240017 Schlingermar 1 $4,384 183 1903219130006 Schlingermar 1 $4,384 184 1903219130004 Bowen - 185 1903219130011 Fitzpatrick 1 $4,384 1 $4,384 186 1903219120008 Hutchinson 187 1903219120007 Clanahan - 1 $4,384 188 1903219120013 Plowman 1 $4,384 189 1 $4,384 Subtotal 10 0 $43,840 190 191 197th Street North and Quint Avenue_ 192 3003219240020 Bennett 0.5 $2,192 193 3003219130016 Fox _ 1 $4,384 194 3003219130030 McGinley 1 $4,384 195 3003219130039 Lorence 196 3003219130041 Poole 1 $4,384 197 3003219130040 Dunbar 1 $4,384 198 3003219130037 Swain 1 $4,384 199 3003219130032 Undahl 1 $4,384 1 $4,384 200 3003219130035 Eginton - 1 $4,384 201 3003219130034 Culligan - 1 $4,384 202 3003219420011 Swigert 1 _ $4,384 203 3003219420008 Strom _ 1 $4,384 204 3003219420010 Berg 1 $4,384 205 3003219420001 Hollen - 1 -$4 384 206 3003219420009 Larson 1 _ $4,384 207 3003219420012 McGinley _ _ _ 1 _ $4,384 208 3003219420002 Daylong 1 $4,384 209 I Subtotal 16.5 0 $72,336 210 - 211 _ 212 TOTALS 105 ; 55 $540,730 ' C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Departments\Engineering\2007 Paving Project\Appendix B-Assessment Roll 10/13/2006 I, * To\x/rN OF NEW c, (-24, D A Appendix C Figures 1 2- , h• , It , r igfitivin Eiripilikvidria- imp tl-iv liff7 � 1 ..- V Pria4 � Amm �'_ . . 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D -JR at 16- -,____.0 pip, 3.,, 1 „ , m r llitil.s.."..2,4,411T; ° ;_1,-,-: ak.....-- ” Ama-mi idl• 196111 ST.4 reM I j 11" All mr/ • die 1 I- 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS �' '`°' 7`II '5""�' ��— Bonestroo SCANDIA TOWNSHIP iris Rosene momPROPOSED PAVING 0,,, °° FIGURE 1 Anderlik �, 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Associates Engineers & Architects 56806133F01.DWG DATE:SEPT. 14, 2006 COMM:56806133 R/W R/W VARIES 50' - 66' 2' VARIES 18' - 24' 2' WIDEN ROAD AS REQUIRED 0.02'/FT 1 -�1 3 3 1 1/2" BITUMINOUS WEAR, (COLLECTOR AND RESIDENTIAL) 2" BITUMINOUS BASE (COLLECTOR) EXCAVATE 2' WIDE DITCH AS TOPSOIL AND SEED DISTURBED AREAS 1 1/2" BITUMINOUS BASE (RESIDENTIAL) REQUIRED (TYPICAL) 1"-2" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE OVER EXISTING GRAVEL 3" LIMEROCK SHOULDER AGGREGATE TYPICAL SECTION - RESIDENTIAL AND COLLECTOR Bonestroo Rosene lik NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP, MINNESOTA FIGURE 2 Associ Associ t ates 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 568061336F04.DWG SEPT. 2006 COMM.: 56806133 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: /7, c) ,) q Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt Reimbursement Resolution for Financing of 2007 Paving Project (Resolution#10-17-06-03) Deadline/ Timeline: A resolution should be adopted prior to incurring significant expenditures on the project to ensure all costs are eligible for financing. Background: • The 2007 paving project will be financed with a bond issue that will be repaid with a combination of special assessments and a property tax levy, which would begin in 2008. Chisago Lakes Township will also be paying their share of the cost. • The estimated total project cost is $2,221,140. New Scandia Township's share will be $1,856,906. There will be additional expenses including bond issuance costs. The amount of the bond issue will be determined after bids have been received, but would not exceed the amount in the resolution ($2.2 million). • The property tax impact will depend upon the structure of the bond issue and how much of the cost can be paid from funds on hand. Payments on previous debt issues will be phasing out in 2008 & 2009, which will also help reduce property tax impact of the bond for this project. • More detailed information will be developed as the project progresses through the next steps of the improvement hearing, design and bidding the project. • The resolution was drafted by the Township's bond counsel, Kennedy & Graven. Recommendation: Approve the resolution. Attachments/ Draft Resolution 10-17-06-03 Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (2007 paving project bond reimbursement resolution) Page 1 of 1 10/13/06 TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 10-17-06-03 DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE TOWN WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2 (the "Reimbursement Regulations") providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the Town expects to incur certain expenditures that may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a tax-exempt bond; WHEREAS, the Town has determined to make this declaration of official intent (the "Declaration") to reimburse certain costs from proceeds of bonds in accordance with the Reimbursement Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF NEW SCANDIA AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town proposes to undertake the following projects (the"Project"). 2. The Town reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures made for certain costs of the Project from the proceeds of bonds in an estimated maximum principal amount of $2,200,000.00. All reimbursed expenditures will be capital expenditures, costs of issuance of the bonds, or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.1 50-2(d)(3) of the Reimbursement Regulations. 3. This Declaration has been made not later than 60 days after payment of any original expenditure to be subject to a reimbursement allocation with respect to the proceeds of bonds, except for the following expenditures: (a) costs of issuance of bonds; (b) costs in an amount not in excess of the lesser of$100,000 or 5 percent of the proceeds of an issue; or (c) "preliminary expenditures" up to an amount not in excess of 20 percent of the aggregate issue price of the issue or issues that finance or are reasonably expected by the Town to finance the project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. The term "preliminary expenditures" includes architectural, engineering, surveying, bond issuance, and similar costs that are incurred prior to commencement of acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of a project, other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction. 4. This Declaration is an expression of the reasonable expectations of the Town based on the facts and circumstances known to the Town as of the date hereof. The anticipated 299028v1 DJK NE255-8 original expenditures for the Project and the principal amount of the bonds described in paragraph 2 are consistent with the Town's budgetary and financial circumstances. No sources other than proceeds of bonds to be issued by the Town are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside pursuant to the Town's budget or financial policies to pay such Project expenditures. 5. This Declaration is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of the Reimbursement Regulations. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 299028v1 DJK NE255-8 2 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: 7 ,) f Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209`h St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Discuss annual renewal of insurance coverage from League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust(LMCIT) and discuss and/or give direction on the following issues: • Should the Township waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes? • Should the Township purchase open meeting law defense cost reimbursement coverage? • Replacement coverage for the faithful performance bond provided by the Minnesota Association of Townships. Deadline/ Timeline: The renewal date for all insurance coverage provided by LMCIT is December 1, 2006. Background: • LMCIT requires that the Town Board discuss and make the decision on whether to waive the statutory monetary limit on tort liability. In the past, the Township has waived the limit. Without the waiver, an individual claimant would be able to recover no more than $300,000 on any claim to which the limits apply, with a total limit on a single occurrence of$1 million. With the waiver, a claimant could potentially recover in an amount up to the $1 million, or up to the limit of the Township's excess liability coverage (which is currently also $1 million.) Most (about 70%) communities do not waive the limit. There would be a savings (about 3.5%, or about $370) in the premium for the Township's general and auto liability coverage, and a more substantial savings (about 25%) in the premium for the excess liability coverage, without the waiver. Our LMCIT underwriter estimated that the Township would save a total of about $1,000 on the annual premium if the limit is not waived. LMCIT's publication on liability coverage and waivers is attached for your information. Page 1 of 2 10/10/06 • In the past, the Township has not purchased coverage for defending Open Meeting Law lawsuits. LMCIT would reimburse local officials for 80 percent of defense costs. Many local governments purchase this coverage, as without it a Board or Council member would be responsible for the entire cost of their defense if they are named personally in such a lawsuit. The cost of this coverage is not known at this time, but should be in the range of$400 to $500 per year. • After the township is incorporated as a city, the $100,000 faithful performance bond current provided by the Minnesota Association of Townships covering the clerk, treasurer and deputy clerk will no longer be in force. We must apply for replacement coverage through LMCIT. The same ($100,000) dollar amount of coverage has been recommended. The LMCIT policy will cover faithful performance for the employees as well as Board/ Council members, and also include employee dishonesty coverage. The premium for this replacement coverage will be about $350 per year. The cost of the current bond is included in the membership fee for the townships association ($864 last year) which we will not be paying after incorporation. Recommendation: I recommend that the Board pass a motion with your decision on the question of whether to waive the monetary limits on tort liability. No action is required at this time on the question of whether or not to purchase the Open Meeting Law defense insurance; we could apply for the coverage and make a decision later if you wish. No action is necessary on the issue of the faithful performance bond; this was provided for your information only. Attachments/ Letter from insurance agent Joann Buse with attached information Materials provided: from LMCIT re: waiver of liability limits Contact(s): Joann Buse, Agent Security State Agency (433-5753) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/10_17_2006/insurance) Page 2 of 2 10/10/06 SECURITY STRTE RGENCY NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP INSURANCE RENEWAL - 12/1/2006 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES INSURANCE TRUST ISSUE: LMCIT GIVE THE MEMBERS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THE PRIMARY LIABILITY COVERAGE THE OPTION TO WAIVE OR NOT WAIVE THE $300,000 PER CLAIMANT STATUTORY TORT LIABILITY LIMIT. The LMCIT has asked that a Waiver Form be completed with the Renewal Application showing the Township's decision and date of meeting. They are asking that this be done on an annual basis at renewal time. What is a tort: A tort is a civil wrong for which the law provides a remedy. Currently, New Scandia waives the statutory tort limits. How does this affect New Scandia: A single claimant could potentially recover up to $1,000,000 on a single occurrence. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to $1,000,000 regardless of the number of claimants. Since the Township purchases excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover an amount up to the limit of the coverage purchased. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to the amount of coverage purchased, regardless of the number of claimants. If New Scandia chooses to not waive the statutory tort limits, how does this affect the Township: If New Scandia does not waive the statutory tort limits, an individual claimant would be able to recover no more than $300,000 on any claim to which the statutory tort limits apply. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would be limited to $1,000,000. These statutory tort limits would apply regardless of whether or not the Township purchases the optional excess liability coverage. The premium savings is approximately 3.5 percent of the General and Auto Liability Premium. Using last year's premium, the savings is approximately $370.00. 21190 Ozark Avenue North Box 190 Scandia. Minnesota 55073 PH 651-433-5753 FAX 651-433-3205 Page Two Percentage of Members who waive or do not waive: As of 12/31/2004, 70 percent of members, do not waive the statutory tort limits. LMCIT Risk Management Information: Attached is a bulletin outlining information prepared by LMCIT to assist members in determining whether to waive or not to waive. I have highlighted various points for your review. The LMCIT does not make recommendations in this area, this is a decision that each individual member will need to make. Thank you, JoAnn Buse Agency Manager Attachments The UM/UIM coverages are intended to assure that an injured driver will be compensated if s/he is injured in an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver. The UM/UIM coverage steps into the place of the liability insurance that the driver should have had. Keep in mind that in the case of city vehicles, an injury to the driver while operating a city vehicle would in most cases be covered by workers' compensation. The amounts the individual would be able to recover from UM/UIM would be in addition to the medical, indemnity, and other benefits paid under work comp. In many cases, it would amount to a double recovery for the individual's injuries. A city might decide to carry a higher limit for a couple reasons: if they believe the workers' compensation benefits arc insufficient to compensate their injured employees; or if they want to make sure that non-employees riding in city vehicles are fully compensated in the event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured vehicle. (Note that in most cases the passenger's own UM/UIM would also respond.) LMCIT now gives the cities who participate in the primary liability coverage the option to • waive the$300,000 per claimant statutory liability limit. What's the effect if we do this? If the city chooses the"waiver" option, the city and LMCIT no longer can use the statutory limit of$300,000 per claimant as a defense. Because the waiver increases the exposure, the premium is roughly 3% higher for coverage under the waiver option. If the city waives the statutory limit, an individual claimant could therefor recover up to $1,000,000 in damages on a claim. Of course, the individuai would still have to prove to the court or jury that s/he really does have that amount of damages. Also, the statutory limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence would still apply; that would limit the individual's recovery to a • lesser amount if there were multiple claimants. Why would the city choose to pay more in order to get the waiver-option coverage? Does it give the city better protection? No. Buying coverage under the"waiver" option doesn't protect the city any better. The benefit is to the injured party. The statutory liability limit only comes into play in a case where 1. the city is in fact liable; and 2. the injured party's actual proven damages are greater than the statutory limit. Very literally, applying the statutory liability limit means that an injured party won't be fully compensated for his/her actual, proven damages that were canoed by city negligence. Some • cities as a matter of public policy may want to have more assets available to compensate their 4 citizens for injuries caused by the city's negligence. Waiving thc statutory liability limits is a way to do that. Other cities may feel that the appropriate policy is to minimize the expenditure of the taxpayers' funds by taking full advantage of every protection the legislature has decided to provide. There's no right or wrong answer on this point. It's a discretionary question of city policy that each city council needs to decide for itself. How would the waiver affect our city's coverage or risk on those claims that the statutory tort liability limits don't apply to? It doesn't. Waiving the statutory tort limits has no effect on claims that the statutory limits don't apply to. What's the effect of waiving the statutory limits if we have 2xC,ss coverage? If the city has$1 million of cxccss coverage and chooses to waive the statutory tort limits, the claimants (whether it's one claimant or several) could then p..t:;rtially recover up to $2 million in damages in a single occurrence. If the city carries higher excess coverage limits, the potential maximum recovery per occurrence is correspondingly higher. • Carrying excess coverage under the vuaiver option is a way to address an issue that some cities find troubling: the case where many people arc injured in a single occurrence caused by city negligence. Suppose, for example, that a city vehicle negligently runs into a school bus full of kids, causing multiple serious injuries. $1,000,000 divided 50 ways may not go far toward compensating for those injuries. Excess coverage under the waiver option makes more funds available to compensate the victims in that kind of situation. The cost of the excess liability coverage is about 25% greater if.the city waives the statutory tort limits. The cost difference is proportionally greater than the cost difference at the primary level because for a city that carries excess coverage, waiving the statutory tort limits increases both the per-claimant exposure and the per-occurrence exposure. If we waive thc statutory tort liability limits, does it increase the risk that the city will cud up with liability that LMCIT doesn't cover? No. The waiver form specifically says that the city is waiving the statutory tort liability limits only to the extent of the city's coverage. Of course, that's not to say that there is no risk that the city's liability could exceed its coverage limits. We listed earlier a number of ways that could happen to any city. But the waiver doesn't increase that risk. 5 citizens for injuries caused by the city's negligence. Waiving the statutory liability limits is a way to do that. Other cities may feel that the appropriate policy is to minimize the expenditure of the taxpayers' funds by taking full advantage of every protection the legislature has decided to provide. There's no right or wrong answer on this point. It's a discretionary question of city policy that each city council needs to decide for itself. • How would the waiver affect our city's coverage or risk on those claims that the statutory tort liability limits don't apply to? It doesn't. Waiving the statutory tort limits has no effect on claims that the statutory limits don't apply to. What's the effect of waiving the statutory limits if we have c:c ss coverage? If the city has$1 million of excess coverage and chooses to waive the statutory tort limits, the claimants (whether it's one claimant or several) could then potentially recover up to $2 million in damages in a single occurrence. If the city carries higher excess coverage limits, the potential maximum recovery per occurrence is correspondingly higher. Carrying excess coverage under the waiver option is a way to address an issue that some cities find troubling: the case where many people arc injured in a single occurrence caused by city negligence. Suppose, for example, that a city vehicle negligently runs into a school bus full of kids, causing multiplc serious injuries. $1,000,000 divided 50 ways may not go far toward compensating for those injuries. Excess coverage under the waiver option makes more funds available to compensate the victims in that kind of situation. The cost of the excess liability coverage is about 25% greater if the city waives the statutory tort limits. The cost difference is proportionally greater than the cost difference at the primary level because for a city that carries excess coverage, waiving the statutory loft limits increases both the per-claimant exposure and the per-occurrence exposure. If we waive the statutory tort liability limits, does it inerc.;se tl-“: risk that the city will end up with liability that LMCIT doesn't cover? • No. The waiver form specifically says that the city is waiving the statutory tort liability limits only to the extent of the city's coverage. Of course, that's not to say that there is no risk that the city's liability could exceed its coverage limits. We listed earlier a number of ways that could happen to any city. But the waiver doesn't increase that risk. 5 Can we waive the statutory tort limits for the primary coverage but not for the excess coverage? No. If the city decides to waive the statutory tort limits, that waiver applies to the full extent of the coverage limits the city has. The city cannot partially waive the statutory limits. I'm confused. Is there a simple way to summarize the options? It's not necessarily simple,but the table on the following page is a shorthand summary of what. the effect would be of the various coverage structure option; in different circumstances. I'm still confused. Who can I talk to? Give us a call at the League office. Pete Tritz,Tom Grundhoefcr, Bill Everett, Doug Gronli, or any of LMCIT's property/casualty underwriters will be glad to talk with you. • • LMCIT Liability Coverage Options On a liability claim to which On a liability claim to which the statutory limits apply the statutory limits do not apply Coverage structure This is the maximum This is the maximum This is the maximum amount of damages which If the city: amount a single claimant total amount that all LMCIT would pay on the city's behalf for a could recover on an claimants could recover single occurrence, regardless of the number of occurrence. on a single-occurrence. claimants. Does not have excess coverage& Does not waive the statutory limits $300,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Does not have excess coverage& Waives the statutory limits $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 r - Has S 1,000,000 of excess co•.:rage& Does not waive the statutory limits $300;000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Has S1,000,000 of excess coverage& Waives the statutory limits $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 PST 1✓04 _ _- Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: 7 L) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive Satisfaction Survey Results: Evaluation of Summer Program from Recreation Program Coordinator Marty McKelvey. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Marty McKelvey was employed by New Scandia Township as coordinator for the 2006 summer recreation activities program. • She presented a report on summer programs to the Board at the 9/19/2006 meeting. At that time the Board discussed the need to evaluate the success of the program and a survey was suggested. • 29 (45%) of the 65 families participated in the survey. • The report will also be forwarded to the Park and Recreation Committee for their review. Recommendation: I recommend that the Board receive the report and either discuss it at this meeting or at some later date. Attachments/ Satisfaction Survey Results: Evaluation of Summer Program Materials provided: Contact(s): Marty McKelvey, 433-8410 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (summer_recprogram_survey) Page 1 of 1 10/13/06 Town of Scandia, MN Satisfaction Survey Results: Evaluation of the Summer Program / - # i, Report to the Town Board and Park/Rec - p., ,,i Marty McKelvey, Program Coordinator h t,.. October 13, 2006 _ kl- ., 23449 Quentin Avenue North Scandia, Minnesota 55073 2006 Evaluations— Satisfaction Survey Results October 13, 2006 Scandia's recreation program, 2006 Mailed to 65 parents/families. Survey Dates: 9/28/06— 10/10/06 #returned: 29 (45%response rate) Survey asked: How much did your Child(ren) enjoy the activity- (Scale 1-7, with 7 as high/ Very Enjoyable, 1 =not enjoyable) 2006 Activity Average Satisfaction Number of %of Respondents Instructor Rating from those Respondents rating Activity a 6 Effectiveness (# who participated or 7 responses) All Activities— 6.6 total 56 ratings 91% 6.4 Children's (range 5 to 7) (respondents rated (47 ratings) enjoyment each program their kids participated in) Outdoor Skills 6.8 5 100% 7.0(5) Tennis 6.8 6 100% 6.6 (5) Bugs/Animals 6.6 11 100% 6.7(7) Tennis/ 6.6 10 90% 6.6(9) Archery Skateboard 6.4 7 71% 6.3 (7) Cleat Kids 6.3 7 86% 5.7(7) Low-volume: (fewer than 5 responses) LaCrosse 6.5 4 100% 6.8 (4) Sparks 6.3 3 67% 5.5(2) Water Works 6.3 3 100% 4.0(1) 2006 Activity Average Satisfaction Number of % of Respondents Rating from those who Respondents rating Value a 6 or 7 participated Parent Satisfaction— Overall 6.4 25 84% Value for what I paid (range 5 to 7) Program Coordinator,Marty McKelvey, October 13, 2006 Page 2 2006 Satisfaction Survey-Scandia Recreation Program, cont'd. Likelihood of Enrolling Yes Maybe(note this was not on the No 2005` in 2007 program 2006 particps survey,but some wrote this in) participants Yes/Maybe ► Tennis/Archery(comb.) 13 (87%) - 2 ► Bugs/Animals 7 (78%) - 2 ► Outdoor Skills 7 (78%) - 2 ► Cleat Kids 7 (70%) - 3 ► Skateboard 6 (60%) 1 (10%) 3 ► Tennis 6 (55%) 1 (9%) 4 ► LaCrosse 4 (44%) - 5 (56%) ► Sparks 2 (25%) 2 (25%) 4 (50%) 3 ► Water Works 1 (17%) - 5 (83%) ► Total (sum) 53 (61%) 4 (5%) 30 (34%) 3 Interest in New Yes Maybe(note this was not No 2005 * Activities for 2007 2006 particps on the survey,but some participants wrote this in) Yes (Maybe) ► Art Program 15 (71%) - 6 4(1) ► Canoeing 10 (53%) 2 (11%) 7 2 ► Camping at William 9(47%) 1 (5%) 9 1 (2) O'Brien ► All Day Activities 7 (41%) 3 (18%) 7 3 (1) Program ► Write-In Ideas: Horseback Biking 2 Riding: 4(2) Advanced Tennis 1 Orienteering/ Basketball 1 Running: 2 (1) Writing Program 1 Volleyball - Girls 1 Fishing: 1 (2) Playing Games: 1 Total Potential "New" 47 yes 6 maybe -- 18 yes,9 maybe Participants (2005 people) How clear was the information in Average Rating from Number of %of the Brochure or on the Web Site? those who read the Respondents Respondents (Scale 1-7, with 7 as high/Very Clear) Brochure or used the rating 6 or 7 Web Site ► Brochure 6.2 (range 4 to 7) 20 70% ► Web Site 6.2 (range 4 to 7) 9 78% Last year's participants were also surveyed about their interest in 2007—9 responses(36%) Program Coordinator,Marty McKelvey, October 13, 2006 Page 3 2006 Satisfaction Survey-Scandia Recreation Program, cont il. Survey Question: What Improvements could be made to enhance the program? How? A number of themes emerged (actual comments in italics): ► Promotion of Program and Earlier Release of the Brochures: o More info out earlier in Spring o Get the information out sooner o Time getting the word out. Need to get info out early as many moms are scheduling kids in March for summer activities. o Programs/Information provided sooner so plans can be made. o Earlier distribution of brochures o Advertise in newspaper, schools. o Have a day when you set up table with information and meet the instructors for numerous activities. Direct mail postcards and have a sign-up-a-friend program. o More dates available, more Advertisement ► Scheduling, Group Size and Mix of Different age Groups o Not sure-maybe offer more things geared toward older kids(5-7 grade) o I find it helpful to have derent age groups meet at the same time if they can be broken into different groups for class. . . (If staffing allows it). o Have classes for siblings at same time-i.e. Cleat Kids I and Archery/Tennis or Outdoor Skills for older kids. o I found that vacation bible school ran the same time as a few things. o Afternoon times-I will be working the a.m. would like after 12:00 p.m. Thanks o In our situation, our participation really depends on the schedule of events. Multiple week programs do not work(Half day-9-1 -one week) Since I only have my boys every other week. ► Specific Sports Mentioned • Tennis: o Thought tennis instructor was wonderful, worked well with kids, Keep her signed up! o The kids loved tennis! Great instructor o Small tennis groups o Keep the tennis program-extend it longer? It's awesome. The instructor was fantastic. • Skateboarding: o Skateboard- Clearer objectives for class syllabus. o For skateboarding the last day of the camp in Chisago was fun but not explained until late in the week. A bus to Chisago with an adult chaperone would be preferable. Its'too short also; two weeks would be better, maybe Monday-Thursday. I would gladly pay for the extra instructor time as would most parents. • Other: o The information in the brochure was clear, but the class didn't do some things listed in the brochure. o Cleat Kids-more sports to be focused on, less time on the playground-Great fun though. o The only "issue"we experienced was because of behaviors expressed to my boys by other kids -LaCrosse Program Coordinator, Marty McKelvey, October 13, 2006 Page 4 2006 Satisfaction Survey—Scandia Recreation Program, cont'd. ► Program Offerings & Combinations o I think you had too many classes offered. Consider a drop in craft program 1-2 days/week! o Fewer programs-combine water works/bugs? o Maybe offer less individual classes and more combined?Reduced fees if time off(vacations, etc) ► Cost o Less expensive o Better discount program-may bring more families. o We would have participated in additional programs but we're unable to afford them with three kids. ► Operations Details and Safety Concerns o Perhaps it would be good to be able to get a hold of the instructor before/during class. Do they have or could they have cell phone with them? o Cleaner skate park (lots of broken glass) General Comments o Good to see Scandia offer all these activities. o Great Programs and Staff, Keep it up! o Great job! We'll be back next year! o My child always came home excited about what he did during the morning o My girls always enjoy the summer program there. o Great work, Marty! o I'm very glad there are a variety of activities. Thank You! o Marty you are the best, Thanks for an enjoyable summer! o Great to have kid sports activities offered so close to home! o I think Marty is pretty clang Great! Thank You! o Thank you for all your work! o Marty, we were very pleased overall. Thanks for all your hard work and time you put into the programs. o My children enjoyed the activities a lot. They had a good time! Thanks for all the work put into the programming o I like having recreational programs in Scandia. Good luck, it is a good program! Program Coordinator, Marty McKelvey, October 13, 2006 Page 5 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: S2a) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive information from Marilyn Obst regarding speeds and traffic conditions on 230th Street N. west of Manning Avenue. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • MnDOT (Minnesota Department of Transportation) sets speed limits on all roads in the state. • 230th is a Township Collector Street extending into the City of Forest Lake. • There was a recent school bus accident on this road. Recommendation: If the Board agrees that speed limits should be lowered, pass a motion requesting that MnDOT do a study to determine the speed limit on 230th Street North. Attachments/ • None Materials provided: Contact(s): Marilyn Obst, 433-3001 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (230th speed study) Page 1 of 1 10/13/06 Maryanne & Andy Obst • Requesting the town board create a slow speed zone on 230th Street from Manning Trail to Keller — Significant volume of high speed traffic • Shortcut to Forest Lake • Dump truck traffic to local pits/operations — Blind approaches — curves and hills — School-aged children in a number of residences — School bus accident October 12 • Recommended actions — Speed study / traffic count — Establish speed zone and enforce it •• _ ..,....., • 4' I ,... 1C-----1 ,-, .., .. . ,. ...„ •,_-_,, IP. ,....,.. .,. 2 _ , 4.0 N. ucor, Asie .... I -C In i , tl vb 4.0 CIN C I 2i c _ , _ 7... fp ...a.. .2 811•111 , , .6.... (..) z co 'it -13 Lo Lek .73 — 04 (021- ..a..... 0 IV co 0 175- I I-1 cdo 2 - =. Manning Trail N = r= .1•••• f I .,,,,, co 0 it 7 El ,G0 , ,.. c. er:i July Ave N .- i i rn 1 - -441 ,er T1-1 ''' . Z "--. .,..........4 r --- ..... ..._. -,.. - ;nv ii;Jjpi /,'...- . . _ , 411 ) e- .. , c. ii AAA,. 0 - 1 44 -SC-f o 1, a 5 t t ' t`l \ : \ , { 6 on C �? r .p rye.... i. .p„ ek to wM �.s i ..-iG. , yyyyy >....:pow t d A- 3 r`' tJ x 4>' J. 1. y rf7 arj ; 1 y' 0 bus safety Subject: bus safety From: "Dan Brannan" <Daniel.Brannan@dot.state.mn.us> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:57:12 -0500 To: <mobst@frontiemet.net> MnDOT is responsible for setting speed limits on all roads. This is described in statute 169.14. Whoever owns the road may request the commissioner to perform a traffic investigation and determine the safe and reasonable speed limit. Therefore if it is a county road, the county may request us to do a study and determine the speed limit. MnDOT does have a provision to set regulatory speed limits for continuous curvilinear design. Typically speed limits are set for the straight sections of road and then a black/yellow curve warning sign with a black/yellow speed advisory plate is used to advise drivers of the upcoming curve and the safe speed to navigate it at. The road authority (whoever owns the road) is responsible for all these signs. A uniform process and tool and is used by all agencies to set the speeds for a safe uniform message. The MN Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices is the uniform standard. When sight distance restrictions prevent a stopped school bus from being seen at an approximate distance of 850 feet, then the SCHOOL BUS STOP AHEAD sign should be used. Typically, school districts have a transportation director who contacts the road authority and requests them to study questionable areas and determine if the sign should be installed. The director should also advise the road authority if the sign is no longer needed. Daniel Brannan Traffic Safety Specialist MN Department of Transportation daniel.brannan@dot.state.mn.us 651-634-5102 1 of 1 10/17/2006 6:56 PM CJG1UPRWCSO WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE DATE *10/12/06 TIME 14 : 16 : 55 INITIAL COMPLAINT REPORT 106035868 DATE/TIME REPORTED: 10/12/06 6 : 54 : 59 DISPATCHER: LMCAMPB DATE/TIME STAMP: 10/12/06 6 : 56 : 00 ENTERED BY: LMCAMPB DATE/TIME OCCURRED: 10/12/06 6 : 54 : 59 - 10/12/06 6 : 54 : 59 LOCATION OF INCIDENT: 10604 230TH ST N GRID: NEW SCANDIA TWP, MN 55073 INCIDENT RECEIVED BY: 911 EMERGENCY OFFICERS ASSIGNED: 100 WCSO 119 STOEHR NAMES ASSOCIATED MARY OBST WITH THIS INCIDENT: 10604 230TH ST N NEW SCANDIA TWP, MN 55073 PHONE: (H) 651/433-3001 (W) SEX: F DOB: ASSOCIATION:COMPLAINANT ACCIDENT CAR VS SCHOOLBUS . . . .KIDS ON BUS BUT ARE OFF NOW APPEAR OK MARGARET ANN YOUNG 5859 OTTER LAKE RD WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 PHONE: (H) 651/762-8536 (W) SEX:F DOB: 10/19/1950 ASSOCIATION:OTHER BUS DRIVER LOIS ELIZABETH GRUNDHOFER 12005 165TH ST N MARINE ON ST CROIX, MN 55047 PHONE: (H) (W) SEX: F DOB: 8/15/1939 ASSOCIATION: SUSPECT DRIVER OF VEH THAT REAR ENDED BUS OFFICER COMMENTS: ARRIVED ON SCENE ALL PARTIES ON THE BUS . OBS A FORD SUV 119 10/12/06 WITH BOTH AIRBAGS DEPLOYED AND HEAVY FRONT END DAMAGE. 119 10/12/06 MINOR DAMAGE TO THE SCHOOL BUS. CHECKED THE BUS FOR 119 10/12/06 INJURIES NONE REPORTED. ID'D DRIVER OF EXPLORER AS 119 10/12/06 GRUNDHOFER BY MN PDL. ASKED GRUNDHOFER SEVERAL TIMES IF SHE 119 10/12/06 WAS OK AS BOTH AIRBAGS HAD DEPLOYED IN HER VEH. ALL TIMES 119 10/12/06 SHE DENIED AMBULANCE. ID'D BUS DRIVER AS YOUNG BY MN PDL. 119 10/12/06 YOUNG STATED THAT THE BUS WAS STOPPED WITH DOORS OPEN/STOP 119 10/12/06 ARM OUT AND LIGHTS FLASHING WHEN GRUNDHOFER STRUCK HER FROM 119 10/12/06 BEHIND. GRUNDHOFER STATED THAT SHE HAD BEEN LOOKING AT THE 119 10/12/06 POND/LAKE LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ROAD. SHE STATED 119 10/12/06 WHEN SHE LOOKED BACK SHE SEEN THE BUS STOPPED WITH ITS 119 10/12/06 LIGHTS ON AND THAT SHE DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO STOP. I CHECKED 119 10/12/06 CJG1UPRWCSO WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE DATE 10/12/06 TIME 14 : 16 : 55 INITIAL COMPLAINT REPORT 106035868 .. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 10/12/06 6 : 54 : 59 DISPATCHER: LMCAMPB DATE/TIME STAMP: 10/12/06 6 : 56 : 00 ENTERED BY: LMCAMPB BOTH THE STOP ARM AND THE LIGHTS . BOTH WERE WORKING FINE. 119 10/12/06 GRUNDHOFERS VEH WAS TOWED. BUS LEFT ON OWN POWER MINOR 119 10/12/06 DAMAGE TO THE REAR OF THE BUS . GRUNDHOFER CITED FOR 119 10/12/06 INATTENTIVE DRIVING. 119 10/12/06 ICR ONLY? Y NON-EMERGENCY NEW SCANDIA TOWN BOARD ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OCTOBER 27, 2006 BUSINESS MEETING 7:30 P.M. 5. h) Approval of Consent Agenda-- add Appointment of Election Judges for December 12, 2006 Special Election (materials attached) 5. i) Approval of Consent Agenda-- add Approval of Minutes of October 11, 2006 Town Board/Planning Commission Workshop Meeting(attached) 7. c) 2) Staff Reports, Township Engineer Tom Peterson—add Discussion on Olsen-Sandgren-Hawkinson Storm Sewer project 7. d) 1) Staff Reports, Town Attorney Dave Hebert-- add Discussion on Order for Incorporation of the Town Of New Scandia 7. e) 3) Staff Reports, Town Administrator Anne Hurlburt-- add Approval of Grading Permit for Big Marine Development, Access Road in Future Tii Gavo Subdivision (materials attached) Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: 5 h/ Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Appoint election judges for the December 12, 2006 special election. Deadline/Timeline: Election judge appointments should be made at least 25 days prior to the election, or not later than November 16, 2006. Background: • The order for incorporation specifies that for the municipal election "Election Judges shall be appointed from those serving in the last Town election." • There were only six judges appointed for the March 14, 2006 town election, and judges must be chosen from that list. • We have contacted or are in the process of contacting all six individuals. It appears that they all may be available and willing to serve. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board approint the following judges for the December 12, 2006 election: Patti Funni, Ann Hoheisel, Mary Hulleman, Barbara Maille, Beverly Pratt and Judy Rydeen. Attachments/ List of Election Judges for March 14, 2006 Town Election Materials provided: Contact(s): Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (t:/board/reports/1 0_1 7_2006/election judges2) Page 1 of 1 10/17/06 MARCH 14, 2006 TOWN ELECTION ELECTION JUDGES Patti Funni Ann Hoheisel Mary Hulleman Barbara Maille Beverly Pratt Judy Rydeen � i /) New Scandia Township Minutes of Town Board/Planning Commission Workshop Meeting Wednesday,October 11,2006 The meeting was called to order by Planning Commission Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. Present were Planning Commissioners Donnette Yehle and Kevin Nickelson(arrived late); Town Board Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Supervisors Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Also present: Rural Landscape Preservation Committee member Curt Hadland, Township Attorney David Hebert,Township Administrator Anne Hurlburt and Planner Berry Farrington,TKDA. Tree Preservation Ordinance Planner Farrington reviewed the revised draft ordinance language. As discussed at the previous meeting it was revised to apply only to major and minor subdivisions and projects requiring a landscape plan. The definitions of hardwood deciduous tree,invasive tree species and softwood deciduous tree will be reviewed for the lists of species. The need to define"woodland"in addition to"significant woodland"was discussed. A decision also needs to be made on the minimum size for a significant softwood trees. Kurt Hadland suggested dead trees that are not a hazard should be allowed to remain for their benefits to wildlife. It was suggested that this would be an appropriate"marginal comment"to add to the ordinance. The ordinance needs to be coordinated with the landscape section of the code with respect to the size and number of trees; the strictest language of the two should be used. The contribution to the tree replacement fund, in the event that sufficient replanting cannot be done,needs to be increased to reflect the cost of planted replacement trees. There was discussion on whether the ordinance required replacement of significant trees or woodlands,or both. The ordinance will be clarified to indicate that the formula that yields the greatest amount of replacement will apply. The language on page 5, section(c)3 was discussed. Tree plantations should not be required to be replaced in kind, so this section should be optional. The warranty on replacement trees should extend to two years after the township has been notified that the trees have been planted. Kurt Hadland suggested there should be flexibility allowed to remove non-native conifers without having to replace them all. After discussion it was decided that non-native conifers should not be considered to be significant trees. Siding and Color Requirements for Accessory Structures Attorney Hebert reviewed the draft ordinance that would allow metal sided buildings on parcels larger than 4 acres,rather than 5 acres,and apply the requirement that the accessory building resemble the principal building only on parcels less than 4 acres. It was decided to hold a public hearing on the ordinance change at the November 14, 2006 meeting. Amendment to Chapter 2, Section 11.2 relating to the Shoreland Overlay District Attorney Hebert reviewed the draft ordinance that would allow open space developments in the shoreland overlay districts if part of a Planned Unit Development. It was decided to hold a public hearing on the ordinance change at the November 14, 2006 meeting. Next Meeting It was noted that a Planner Dick Thompson is still working on a revised Open Space Development ordinance. The Committee had also talked about reviewing the defmition of 1 "agricultural building"but the research had not been completed. The next meeting to discuss these items will be on Tuesday, November 28 2006 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt Administrator 2 Meeting Date: 10/17/2006 Agenda Item: 7, ) 3) Town Board Agenda Report Town of New Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a Grading Permit for Big Marine Development to construct an access road in the future Tii Gavo development. Deadline! Timeline: Application received on 10/10/2006. Background: • The preliminary plat has been approved, but not a final plat or development contract. Any grading in advance of those approvals requires a permit under section 9.5 of the zoning ordinance. • The developer plans to install the access road approximately 2,000 feet into the site from Newgate Avenue, along with the associated storm sewer and temporary ponds. • A watershed permit will also be required. • Town Engineer Tom Peterson has reviewed the application and recommended approval, with a financial guarantee of$250,000 to guarantee completion of the work. Recommendation: Approve the grading permit with the condition that the applicant obtain required permits from the watershed district and submits a letter of credit or other acceptable financial security in the amount of $250,000. Attachments! Grading permit application. Materials provided: Contact(s): Big Marine Development, 433-1000 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (tii gavo grading) Page 1 of 1 10/17/06 LAND ALTERATION/ GRADING/ LAND CLEARING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP 14727 209th Street North, PO Box 128, Scandia, MN 55073 651/433-2274 Facsimile Machine 651/433-5112 Project Address(if known) f 5 s (, c I titer( SSZ`(1 / Legal Description(attach if necessary)SeCfl i-t 1 2--� T 3 N, t^ ,t lti� S \_ 11 0(1-w C t t t'l-1l t,• L Lot , C { Lt' 14 Etv. Lc1- _5 iA �( )61ti' L ni �'� Property ID Number f I Li ��r,.•—f L� / C i {7 i-w-1 X Owner Name Address City State Zip Phone / 5 ,1/-)(fc IT( 01 tic I rtior(-? trA.tI ti . `x����{ ,'�- , 73 (r l-1; J 1r/.0.r Contractor Name Address City State Zip Phone CC( L C( i)(1,1( l� G Contractor's State License# C } ! Expiration Date Engineer/Surveyor Name Address City State Zip Phone (I I E,> >SC(.t��{t,� 35 Levi fl l �tiE nc� t�. c (� /- SDI 3t1/,S �tiCfQti(�Cu.((.4f� ��1•3(�' U. Describe Work and Submit Three(3) Copies of all Plans: e • f116,--1(1. 1 c r „A, Start date: F Completion date: -nnt I hereby certify that I have read and will comply with all of requirements of the New Scandia Development Code that apply to the activity for which I am seeking permit approval. The granting of this permit in no way permits acts which may be prohibited by other governmental agencies. • Signature of Applicant ( ' 1 Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Financial Guarantee Posted: Votes: .pproved by: Date: CARNELIAN-MARINE WATERSHED DISTRICT No. PERMIT APPLICATION Non-refundable Application Fee: Performance Surety: Applicant acknowledges that he or she is familiar with the Rules of the Carnelian-Marine Watershed District and the criteria and requirements set forth in the Overall Plan of the Carnelian-Marine Watershed District. The granting of this permit in no way purports to permit sets which may be prohibited by other governmental agencies. OWNER Big M j,ne Lake vP 1 npmpnt r i C PFIONE 651 —433—] 000 ADDRESS 210_8 0 01 i nda_ Trail N __NPW S�ancl i a Totns,b„i�n-,,,J.vj,J.y� F,n7� APPLICANT(s) Big Ma „n Lake Development PHONE 651-433-1000 ADDRESS 210_80 Olinda Trail N. New Scandia Township, MN 55073 PROJECTNAJME Tii Gavo on Big Marine Lake ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Section 28, T32N, R20W, Washington County- Including: Gov. Lot 2, Gov. Lot 4, Gov. Lot 5, parts of Gov. Lots 6&7 and part of th th ih , F PURPOSEOF PROJECT Construction of an access road. Attached are plans and supporting documents for: (Refer to CMWD Overall Plan for submittal requirements) Land Development Wetland Alteration Storm Water Management Riparian Improvements-Shoreline Setback Site Drainage _Private Drainage System Flood Plain Development x, Other: Explain _Use and/or Appropriation of Public Water Bridge and Culvert Construction C o n tr o l f o r Access J3 n a rl .CD n�- PROJECTED START OF PROJECT 01/10/0 6 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE 01/1210 6 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT(s) DA "l; 6 900ZZ 17?d (f1H1) Vicinity Map C F RTIFICAT I--41, OF SURV 1--1, i Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation Survey no scale a " Lot 4, Block I, HAWKINSON BUSINESS PARK, Prepared for: Washington County,Minnesota ir Ron Bowen s Round River LLC ,..., �� s� P.O. Box 328 �, — PojectLocatan Princeton, MN 55371 11 ra..,11, Legend Section 14,732N,R24W Washington Courtly,MN =J' 1 11 • Denotes found 1/2"Inside ,} with diameter iron pipe monument �� a plastic cap inscribed LS 12660 Northeast Comer _ Denotes existing property line r",s,11 t-, 7 t7 -1 Denotes existing easement .^r /11 Lot 4,Block 17-4-11 3; i 47 Denotes utility pole 10.20 -- % t (' f Denotes septic vent I k: Denotes septic manhole \Top of Iron Pipe „ �� 0 5611 Elevation=1033.37 LEGAL DESCRIPTION \v; Denotes area of easement to be Lot 4 i \ `. ' ' PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP '�lam_ vacated g°36' 3'hy�31947 \ All M�ASURED5 79°31'19^319.58 L � that romealaisneeor ands BUSINESSe of the 5 of 4, 1 - County Recorder,Washington County,Minnesota described as follows: Ho66 Line /. 0 r� N Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 4;thence South 00 r' degrees 01 minutes 13 seconds West,bearings are based on the east PARCEL DESCRIPTION m�a °p line of said Lot 4 having a bearing of South 00 degrees 01 minutes 13 (� a �t� WARRANTY DEED DOC.NO.3463B86 a1- � � *„ *\\'‘,,, seconds West,along the east Nne of said Lot 4,a distance of 1�.02 .� -�,` o lest thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 47 seconds West,at right k a sr P _ \ NLOT 4,BLOCKI,HAWKINSON BUSINESS PARK „x \ ' s$ anglesfegi rn ngisaddrainag line,a nt thence of 10.00 feet to the point "° , m of beginning ofsaid dial// o -. �, ,_Y \ beg ergWage easement; North,79 degrees 16 i minutes 25 seconds West,a distance of 143.19 feet to its intersection -;..„ - _ Ay.. _ gg.91 l with the southerly line of a 50.00 foot wide drainage and utility . \ % ,.e ''' n- _. Y tk+e50 foot Easement----- ,. "�a a �' 1 �{4 �. 10 easement PARK;t is dedicatedSou said deg ded 36 t of Sends Notes � / a 33 yy soh �'`! w tlordi West,along said southerly line,a distance of 26.56 feet;thence South Distances are in feet and decimals of a foot. \ ,7`b-p, 578 3b 56 _� f 79 degrees 16 minutes 25 seconds East,a distance of 169.69 feet to \ ,, b. •� w \ RECORDED-Refers to values from the recorded 2 E its intersection with the west lure of a 1 D.00 foot wide drainage and �/ rt,'„ $"11 16 12 utility easement that is dedicated on said recorded plat of plat of HAWKINSON BUSINESS PARK. \ F'RO N790 `gm \ HAWKINSON BUSINESS PARK;thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes POSED -- Ib'25 13 seconds East,along sa d west ne,a distance of 10.t 8 feet to he O entaton of this bearing system is based on the �- � \��" "`+.� D �� ....,,� 143,x9 r y m l point of beginning. east tine of Lot 4,Block 1,HAWKINSON V -',,' DRAINAGE `+.., tau I BUSINESS PARK,having a bearing of South 00 k �"`�+. "�+..,, x\ degrees 01 minutes 13 seconds West. \ �; 'o'.... o N o��.r....___--._ Benchmark: • tion TT 12L Reset .�' "' 221 S7 6 695n� �"'►�"�8 3r6'� - s Elevation MN/DOT sl1033.96 feet NGVD 1929 adjustment // rt 2 12r l 11. K N89°58'47'W 10.00 •,.�^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION , K A- 1 k' PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION/ x __�/ 1.111 i All that part of Lot 4,Block 1,HAWKINSON BUSINESS PARK, r .2 E =att:} ,.O. according to the plat thereof,on file and of record in the Office of the / sr I ' G'.I` County Recorder,Washington County,Minnesota described as follows: W r-.1„1 1.11 -� � �,-.�,-.�� .....,,„-.-.��, ��-�m.,..: �..:.,..•,-�._.- ..�,�.�.,,..•_, Commencing at the northeast comer of said Lot 4;thence southerly, E £ along the east line of said Lot 4,a distance of 10.20 feet to its (/'"�� --- intersection with a line that is parallel with the north line of said Lot 4 11 1 L Y T 4 � � and measures 10.00 feet southerly perpendicular to said north line and ,1 t �-. to the point of beginning of the property to be described;thence , 1 ' If MS n continuing southerly,along said east tine of Lot 4,a distance of 97.82 ? S feet;thence westerly,at right angles to test described line,a distance of �V7 f i 10.00 feet;thence northerly,along a fine parallel with said east line of ", - .% o Lot 4,a distance of 55.00 feet to its intersection with a line that is a__ '0 ;'y1` I' .7..f'k'3z' Y�,„;. .J m „, Q parallel with said north line of Lot 4 and measures 50.00 feet southerly 33, O perpendicular to saki north line of Lot 4;thence p ." 2-i utqu,� i distance of 45.91 thence westerly,along said '�W 1 c '. ig(,l o northerly,parallel with said east fine of Lot 4,a distance of feet to its intersection with a tine o t mails parallel with said north fine of Lot 4 and measures 10.00 feet UJ _ _ ."4 '"'.• te southerly perpendicular to said north lire of Lot 4;thence easterly, Scale in Feet (j;W "� '—'-� t u`� J > Vj a along said parallel line,a distance of 56.11 feet to the pout of � a '' Q beginning. 0 10 20 40 4 4 „rye' j w " 10---10- OFFICIAL COPIES OF THIS MAP ARE CRIMP SEALED Landmark Surve in , Inc. l hereby certify that this survey,plan or report was prepared by Y 9 me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed 2 Ozark zi 'north rf, 5 43 34?: Land Surveyor utsler the laws of the State of Minnesota. PO-B 5 2axn ' 4 i 475: d Minn esota 55973 122242 t 2212i@ ,-.... Y 9/21/2006 Arles Minnesota Ucen se No.13775 Date Job No.2006-27 h OZ Z 2 e�i U1 hYQ W' W mr Z u H La N ��'\ �� � O p N W r o Z Z� L. 0 a w ,Z `Y v� ode � � _\ �N a a > o � d m w La Q ��� °¢ u; ° OZZ O Z �� w w w J zi ¢= X a U 6 a � Q a ci I-)-W a �n ..- W > Ou © O W CC z CC (1O ¢ O W X a 0 W a.W 4 U 6~ a J O Q f <WI 6° O W 10 3Q NW aN O Qcr j CI1/1 z QiLl Ili W ¢Q L.)", as� 1-1-1 aoa ¢ ¢ a d � Zo }�- CA Z z �\ i I h U W zZ � (I) WW o z ILIA i. ~ 2 W W V O a (n Q 4 w wU ¢ �� O. O O oNm sZ R 0 W L.> i- a Q a cc V C� F a ¢ ¢a Z 2 W a Z X La W ¢ CC O Z >- O W ~ N ✓ W a` LaJ w F v)0 U a ? 3 U 2 z z Z O 0 CO W Cr W Q r Q Z r N M v CC U Z 0 U O IT W W 3 x 0 0 Cr _ CC Z 1- a a Q. a w '6 ( 6 a 1- a 0 N > I 0 CO en 0 J 0 " W } co lg_ N ZZ ¢ IC5 a La \ cr SON_ J U . 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WETLAND AND TRAING\OF EIMP 77 1 ; 1 / ' 1 ' / I/ ,: /1) / \ INSTALLATION NOTES ON SHEET 5 \ , i / LEGENO / '/ I ' i \ , / ' , \ \ , WETLAND "D" , ,' / ' / , I PforosED/coNTou!R 1,t,,kilo•N / 1440 / 0 , 1\ ) ' ; / 1 ; BXIST1K1G1 CONTOUR E:LVATION /--= 71480 - I „..- --- --c5 - -6 - ' / ---- - --/-6))-2-----/ - I ) / / . / 1 , , 4-1,11$11/SORTACE LyVABON / EL/14130 ,, / 1 °, , - --0/.1-S.)- --- , - - / 1 7 P7ROPOSCD,FLOW4RPOW 40,0. i--i---i-7 MBUiA4F1T14iE0Rr11 4,•t,_A W REE---_TA-_L4 A0 N_--D_ 0 7- -_- ,--i f,,- -•• / / C 7 RPT/•,R/, , ...0 / / N. - ,- 2752- 78 0 0 4.0 810 NE 42978523122E\2 89C\ ,NE 429785218777:99,21 / ,/ / __,_-- -- -"°---..-,)1',---,,1.1; 1/,1/'/1,[///i,1/0•/-'/',/0 j 0"E/'/-/,-1•/ -'--,-,//------- ---0-:--_0- ---- ---- -- / /-• -02.6-- - fl'ilLpc”'/(likfr ' E 49812,27 \ / / - -- - - -- - CHANNEL I 1 , / INEILTRAll 64,51N SITE. , EXCAVATION \ / AREA 4/ 150 X 200 X 1 4' = 1550 CU YD , 1 ' \ , 01 I 1 141 IN = 1353.9 / - / I 1 E 498194 27 , / / ..,E. ,,,,,,,, . - I t , ' / t / ,' v(0 t PRuiECT VMOPOSED , fit / , I 1 1 ) f 44:10RARY sEDIVEN! / / / / / 1 1 i / / ; 1 \ \ , ( ' , c - INFIL*AliON BASIKL SITE ,,03,11 V - 1 1 i I ' ; ' 14'1- 18" OAP 0 0.5% \ BsEAE"Det ' / E 498039 88 / , / N 275100 76 etit-/ 1 ly,t1 qT AND N: 27539916 , E 498I1976 / ,-L I I I IN C•-• 497612.76 , , / / / / ; , , 1 0', / / , 411:114, --__ , ' ( '',, .1, / ?es ucribfg ,-- /, //' //1 I/ /1 I/ 1,/i i''I'rli i,..;tri,r,;.+' ,,,,.•••'*!.''''."--- ----';'17 - --- - I is- CO..APRON , /1 .-\ N: 2753059 717- .,)/, /' g 1\\` \c, ' /20° . • `9" 1 I r / /, / I - / ,_721777189)0 76/(11'8°;•8l' /I TRAR\CUE , 1'1\1 / — , i •Y , , N WI: EXISTING \ E81 \''CL9'111177'A5:14914 1--7 40,/1 .:'7' / 1 ' ,/1 (.\\ / / f/ 1 / ,,...ff,•771, '' .„.,,,..1............;,..0, --!!/'!4 --, , 1\LN ' - / / , , 1 \I ,, 7- a( 1-2,5" /1 / 1 V ' 1 • I , 1 _....is'110,4klefri,...0=-11"...°°•20'7 1 ( / '"-- - 1 I 1 1 \ /* (c1:12 N ,;/./110 .-,44-.11dtiVik \ i -__.,ir?..fifylf• ...,•,.. .•,_•"-„,, .7-' (tal ,Aillihiolo...., , ..,.......7.‘7.;‘,...,_4‘.‘1,(l ' ,.....„4.............0 1 7 1)'\ , -•*-•,,,,464 .0°0° ri''./ •‘‘'k\ 1 / 7 1 Stk 2,1V/: '' V' 411 ,):';' / \ \ . 0,- ,, 7 \ •\\tt''..): / / ' - 6 / .--) ' H\--- \__) __ ..V),-),, * -:.-,,f1V,,41:rvirtd:r*fA \ - # , 1 1 , , - REFER-TO CONS4UCTION DETAILS FOR TEMPORARY RGCK DITCH CHECK SPACING di! 1 -..-__ . .. ..= ........ 11•7770..,047,-0,441°,010 , PROPOSED WASTEWATER EATMENT ZONES PROPOSED ROW ,Ip•P'":711/'*,-tk--;_14 Nit `7... •••,',.... 1 I, ',I / -- /4/S0-0"•"0„.....,.,,,2, „r..//•„__,,,,,,,_ ,,, ,,,,,,,,.,,,,, _, ....,, , 7„.......,,. .. / ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,:,....„, ,,,......,....,_,................„...,... _ . ,„..„,,,.........:0, ,,,..,.:,;,.„.„... . 7 .,..:‘,., , , t.... - , , _ „ ).- -----,,,,,..„.....,.. .-k* --,.--% 41,41V',-7,-,-- 4.,,,'' / • " , . 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