06-19-2007 Meeting CITY OF SCANDIA
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Public Forum
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
a) Minutes
1) May 15, Council Meeting
2) June 5, 2007 Meeting with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Pay Request #3 and Final to Jay Bros. for 2006 Culvert Replacement Project
e) Pay Request #1 to Dresel Contracting for 2006 Street Improvements
6. Public Hearings (None)
7. Committee Reports
8. Staff Reports
a) Police Department Deputy Chris Howard
b) Fire Department Fire Chief Steve Spence
c) City Engineer Tom Peterson
d) City Attorney Dave Hebert
1) 2007 Street Improvement Project Density Agreements with Property Owners (Ferrin,
e) City Administrator Anne Hurlburt
1) 2006 and 2007 Contributions to Fire Relief Association
2) Draft Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policies
3) Draft Employee Recognition Policy
9. General Business
a) Letter from Christine Stevens re: Tree City USA Program
b) Letter from John Lindell re: Mining Operations
c) Letter from Bill Voedisch re: Mining Ordinance
10. Adjournment
I )
May 15, 2007
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Peter Crum,
Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present:
Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Tom Peterson, Treasurer
Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Councilmember Peterson asked that discussion of dandelion control on city property be added to
the agenda. Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the agenda as presented with an
addition. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes of April 17, 2007 Council Meeting; May 1, 2007 Meeting with Planning
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 4/01/07 $861,503.84
Receipts + 54,612.89
Expenditures 109,288.98
Payroll 10,364.83 - 119,653.81
Adjustments—ACH Postage - 1,000.00
Ending Balance 4/30/07 $795,462.92
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Addendum to Joint Powers Agreement, Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative
Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Peter Crum seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Parks and Recreation
Committee member Karen Schik presented an outline of Goals for the Scandia Park and Recreation
Committee for 2007-08. Councilmembers agreed that these goals show a strong indication of focus
to the committee's work. Peter Crum made a motion to approve the Goals for the Scandia
Park and Recreation Committee for 2007-08. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Karen Schik also presented an overview of a proposed trail project for Wind in the Pines Park. The
committee has an opportunity to work with Great River Greening, a non-profit organization
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that restores and maintains natural resources throughout the Twin Cities river valleys. GRG has
submitted a proposal for trail erosion improvements and will also provide a concept plan for
completing a trail connection down the steep slope. The total cost of the project is estimated at
$8,000. Great River Greening will provide $6,000 towards the work, while a$2,000 match from the
city is requested. Councilmember Harnetty stated that this appears to be an opportune time to
proceed, as there is funding available in the Park Capital Improvement Fund. This project could be
completed within the year. Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the Wind in the Pines
trail erosion project with a $2,000 expenditure from the Park Capital Improvement Fund.
Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Comprehensive Plan Committee
Administrator Hurlburt provided information regarding the Request for Proposals for Planning
Services for the Comprehensive Plan update. The Committee reviewed the final draft of the RFP at
their May 14th meeting, making a minor change in a required outcome. Upon Council approval, this
RFP will be distributed to various planning consulting firms, advertised in the League of MN Cities
publications, and announced on the city website. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for July, with
a contract in place by August. Dolores Peterson made a motion to accept the recommendations
of the Comprehensive Plan Committee to approve the Requests for Proposals for Planning
Services for the Comprehensive Plan update. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Capital Improvement Committee
At the May 10th meeting of the Capital Improvement Committee, Donnette Yehle was selected to
be their chair. Michael Harnetty made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Capital
Improvement Committee to appoint Donnette Yehle as Chair of the Committee. Dolores
Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Police Department
Deputy Howard reported that a speed trailer will be placed along Olinda Trail near the ballfield (in
the 30 mph zone) within the next few weeks. Deputy Howard has stopped a number of drivers over
the limit in this vicinity. Deputy Howard also provided to the council clarification of various calls
on the monthly report.
Fire Department
Fire Chief Steve Spence gave an update on the status of the siren modifications to silence the alarm
during nighttime hours. The equipment has been delivered and Spence is coordinating the
installation with the contractor. It is tentatively scheduled to be in place within the next few weeks.
Fire Chief Spence also reported that he has been contacted by a representative of the Insurance
Services Office regarding a routine audit of the fire department. A review of the fire department's
insurance classification will be conducted this summer. The department currently has an ISO rating
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City Engineer
City Engineer Tom Peterson provided the council with an Engineering Update on private
developments and city projects. Mayor Seefeldt directed Mr. Peterson to contact Nature's Walk
developer regarding the completion of the landscape plan. There are many dead and dying trees in
need of replacement. There is currently a$7,500 Letter of Credit being held for landscaping.
Erosion control measures done in 2006 on the site of Manning Overlook will continue to be
evaluated as to their effectiveness. Preparations for paving for the 2007 Road Improvement Project
began on May 1st in the form of grading, widening of roads, culvert work. Plans are proceeding
well. Mayor Seefeldt commented that improvements to Ostrum Avenue should be done with the
lowest possible impact to the wetlands. Engineer Peterson was directed to evaluate the possibility
of narrowing the road between the ponds to a one lane width. Fire Chief Spence commented that
emergency vehicles require a minimum 10-foot driving surface. Peter Schwarz, 20969 Quadrant
Avenue, requested that the connection of his driveway to the street be looked at prior to the paving
of Quadrant. Engineer Peterson reported that Washington County will proceed with road striping in
July at an approximate cost of$18,000. An inventory of roads due for crack sealing this summer
was resented. Councilmember Yehle commented that due to the poor road conditions on 236th and
237th Streets, a repair might be necessary rather than crack sealing. Engineer Peterson will look into
this. To correct the drainage problem on Novak Avenue, an area in front of the culvert north of
Augustine's can be dug out to create a bigger sump against the culvert. Creating a turnaround on
the west through an easement along Pottratz's is also being evaluated. Engineer Peterson has asked
Roger Rydeen to quote work to excavate a shallow swale behind the curb to correct the drainage
issue in the area of 23259 Lofton Court.
City Administrator
2007 Road Repairs
Administrator Hurlburt presented a listing of roads in need of repair this season provided by Public
Works Supervisor John Morrison. Quotes for the repairs were received from Lindell Excavating.
The poor condition of Oakhill Court, the road going into the senior cottages, was discussed. Mayor
Seefeldt commented on the safety concerns to those in the senior housing which would warrant this
road as a reconstruction rather than a repair. It has been patched twice in past years.
Councilmember Yehle agreed that the condition of this road should be given high priority as it
serves a senior population. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve 2007 Road Repairs per
quotes from Lindell Excavating, crack sealing in the amount of$20,000, road striping in the
amount of$18,000; to research a quote from Dresel Contracting for a change order to
reconstruct Oakhill Court. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted
Appointment of Part-time Office Assistant
Sixteen applications were received for the part-time Office Assistant position. Six applicants were
interviewed on May 2". An offer has been made to Donna Thordson at a pay rate of$11.75 per
hour, at approximately 15 hours per week. Peter Crum made a motion to appoint Donna
Thordson as part-time Office Assistant at a rate of$11.75 per hour. Dolores Peterson
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Budget Schedule
Administrator Hurlburt presented a timeline for 2008 budet planning to prepare the Council to
adopt a preliminary budget and levy by the September 15t deadline. Council work sessions would
be scheduled for August 14th and 28th. Donnette Yehle made a motion to approve the 2008
Budget Schedule as prepared by Administrator Hurlburt. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Space Needs for Sheriffs Deputy
Mayor Seefeldt and Councilmember Harnetty met with the Fire Department officers to discuss
housing the deputy at the Fire Hall, as the deputy's space currently used in the city office will be
needed for the Building Official by the start date in July. A short-term solution appears to be
available at the Fire Hall for a desk and computer area. The Fire Department has agreed to work
together with staff to provide space for a deputy's office as soon as practical. Council agreed that
the Capital Improvement Committee should analyze long-term space needs. Councilmember
Peterson suggested using the old firehall (annex)to house the deputy. Mayor Seefeldt pointed out
the upgrades necessary to make this space usable need to be determined first. Councilmember
Yehle felt that the history associated with the building is worth preserving. Councilmember
Harnetty suggested having an architect offer design options to space both at the old and new
firehall. Councilmember Crum felt the short-term solution is cost effective at this time and agreed
that the Capital Improvements Committee needs to research long-term solutions.
Dandelion Control on City Property
In discussing Councilmember Peterson's concern of the excessive dandelions on city property,
Administrator Hurlburt was directed to notify Public Works to perform some type of weed control
in the fall season. The condition of the grounds at the Firehall/Public Works building will also be
given attention in the fall (overseeding).
Nominations to the Board of Managers for the newly expanded Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix
Watershed District are due to Washington County by May 18, 2007. A letter from Bill Voedisch,
May Township Board Chairman, was discussed. Mr. Voedisch raised concerns about representation
to the Board. The council was in agreement with May Township in that the process should respect
the wishes of the merger task force and appoint managers in a 4-2-1 manner. That is, four managers
from the existing CarMarWD area, two managers from the existing WMO area, and one manager
from the unclaimed area. Donnette Yehle made a motion to nominate the following individuals
to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Board: John Bower(current president
of CarMarWD); Jim Shaver(current president of WMO); Rick Markwardt(current WMO
manager); and Doug Pratt (resident of the unclaimed Scandia area and former WMO
manager). Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Staff was
directed to send a letter to Washington County Administration outlining the nominations to the
Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District.
May 15, 2007
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A program agreement with the Girl Scout Council of the St. Croix Valley (GSCSCV) for recreation
programs to be held at Camp Lakamaga must be approved prior to the start of the summer program.
The agreement spells out liability and insurance responsibilities of this unique partnership between
the City and the Girl Scout Council. City Attorney Hebert has reveiwed the agreement and found it
to be in order. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the Program Agreement with the
GSCSCV and to authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City. Peter Crum seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Dolores Peterson made a motion to adjourn. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and
meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City of Scandia Deputy Clerk
June 5, 2007
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present:
Councilmembers Peter Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis
Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer
Tom Peterson, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no additions to the agenda. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the agenda
as presented. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Robert and Lonna Koch, 1035 Clipper Way, Woodbury, MN, have applied for a Certificate of
Compliance to construct a stairway in the shore and bluff impact zone on their Bone Lake
residential lot, located at 22933 Mallard Avenue. Stairways are the only permitted alteration to
achieve access to the shore area. A site visit to the lot was attended by Administrator Hurlburt,
Melissa Lewis of the Washington Conservation District, Randy Anhorn, Administrator of the
Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed, the Kochs and their landscape contractors. Submitted plans
appear to meet all the requirements of the Shoreland Regulations. Conditions regarding installation
and erosion control have been written into the resolution. The resolution also specifies inspection
by the Washington Conservation District pertaining to establishment guidelines. Peter Crum made
a motion to approve Resolution 06-05-07-01 Granting a Certificate of Compliance for
Stairway in the Bluff and Shore Impact Zones at 22933 Mallard Avenue North. Dolores
Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Change Order #1 —228th Street between Lofton Avenue and Meadowbrook Avenue
At the April 31-d meeting, the Council approved the addition of repairs to sections of 228th Street to
the 2007 project. This repair will be funded with the proceeds of the bond issue. City Engineer
Peterson presented this Change Order in the amount of$25,001.40. Dolores Peterson made a
motion to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of$25,001.40 for repairs to sections of
228th Street. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Change Order#2—Reconstruction of Oakhill Court
At the May 15th meeting, the Council directed City Engineer Peterson to obtain a quote from Dresel
Contracting for the reconstruction of Oakhill Court. Approval of the change order, in the amount of
$38,002.50, would add this road to the 2007 project, with funding coming from the 2007 Road and
Bridge Fund. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount
of$38,002.50 for the reconstruction of Oakhill Court from Oakhill Road to 500 feet south.
Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Easement for Turn Around at East End of 240th Street
As part of the 2007 road project, construction of a turn-around is planned at the dead end of 240th
Street east of Manning Trail. An easement from property owners of parcel 06-032-20-12-0003,
June 5, 2007
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Dallas and Mary Oman, is required. The Omans have agreed to provide the easement in return for
compensation in the amount of$825.00. Chisago Lakes Township will share in half the cost of this
acquisition. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the acquisition of an easement for a
turnaround at the dead end of 240th Street and to authorize payment to Dallas and Mary
Oman in the amount of$825.00. Peter Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted
Wetland Replacement Plan
Jyneen Thatcher, WCD, has prepared findings and conclusions for a Wetland Conservation Act
permit application to fill 10,297 square feet of wetland as part of the 2007 Road Project.
Replacement is proposed via the Board of Soil and Resources Road Project mitigation bank. A
redesign of 232nd Street was necessary to avoid wetland impact on a section of this road, which had
the potential to delay the project. The pavement was narrowed to 16 feet and shoulders reduced to 1
foot in the areas of the wetland impact. Donnette Yehle made a motion to approve the Wetland
Permit Application to fill 10,297 square feet of wetland and replace impacts via the BWSR
Road Project wetland bank, as submitted May 1, 2007 and amended May 23,2007, for the
2007 Street Improvement Project. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Recreation Coordinator Marty McKelvey has recommended the hiring of Kristen Stenborg in the
position of a part-time summer Recreation Program Youth Leader. Ms. Stenborg will be assisting
with programs offered at Camp Lakamaga. Ms. McKelvey has also recommended the hiring of Ian
Soreno as a skateboard instructor, as Joey Yetman(approved May 1st) is no longer available. Neil
Taurinskas was also approved as a skateboard instructor at the May 1st meeting. The pay rate for
the high-school aged instructors needed to be clarified at $7.50 per hour. Michael Harnetty made
a motion to appoint Kristen Stenborg as a part-time, seasonal Recreation Youth Leader, at a
pay rate of$8.00/hour; and to approve the hiring of Ian Soreno and Neil Taurinskas as
Skateboard Instructors at a pay rate of$7.50/hour. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
A total of forty-nine applications were received for the full-time maintenance worker position. Six
applicants were interviewed by the Human Resources Committee (Councilmembers Peterson and
Crum and Administrator Hurlburt) on May 17th. The position has been offered to Mike Egelkraut
contingent on satisfactory results of screening checks. Peter Crum made a motion to appoint
Mike Egelkraut to the full-time Maintenance Worker position, starting June 11,2007 at the
pay rate of$17.30/hour. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted
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The third HVAC unit that services the community center's large hall has failed and is in need of
replacement. This furnace is original to the building. Lakes Air quoted a price of$9,733.00 for a
Ruud Model UGTA-12EAJS. Scandia Heating & Air Conditioning quoted a price of$8,071.00 for
a Trane Model TDX120C960C. The bids reflected similar specifications. As the warranty on the
Trane model does not apply beyond one-year when used in a non-residential building, Scandia
Heating offered to provide a 5-year parts and 10-year compressor warranty. The Ruud model does
not have such an exclusion and does carry the 5-year parts, 10-year compressor warranty.
Councilmember Yehle stated a concern about the limited warranty on a non-residential unit, and
that under heavy use a failure could occur at an inconvenient time. Councilmember Harnetty
reasoned that the two units appear to be very similar and the low quote should be accepted.
Michael Harnetty made a motion to accept the low bid from Scandia Heating & Air
Conditioning in the amount of$8,071.00 for replacement of furnace unit#1 that services the
Community Center hall. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion. Voting yes: Peter Crum,
Michael Harnetty, Dennis Seefeldt. Voting no: Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle. Motion
adopted 3-2.
At the May 15th meeting, City Engineer Peterson recommended a proposed solution to correct a
drainage problem on Lofton Court. Scandia Trucking and Excavating offered a quote of$1,800 to
correct the drainage flow by excavating a shallow ditch along the back side of the curb to prevent
run-off from flowing into the Floerke yard at 23259 Lofton Court. Dolores Peterson made a
motion to approve the quote from Scandia Trucking and Excavating in the amount of$1,800
to correct the drainage problem on Lofton Court. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Administrator Hurlburt reviewed a draft Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policy with
the Council. The draft policy was prepared using model language from the League of MN Cities
and from other policy language that Administrator Hurlburt has used in the past. Changes from the
current policy include the replacement of vacation and sick leave with a Paid Time Off(PTO)
policy, as this is a more common allowance in government and businesses. It will offer more
flexibility to the employee and eliminates the need for employers to monitor actual sick leave time.
The proposed policy will cap the maximum accrual to 480 hours, as there is currently no cap on
vacation and sick leave accruals. This will eliminate large payouts when someone leaves the city.
Language has been added to clarify funeral leave, holiday and work hours. The overtime policy has
been expanded and clarified. City Attorney Hebert recommended additional research of the Family
Medical Leave Act to see if it applies to the city. Mayor Seefeldt asked for confirmation that the
Discipline Policy will remain in place. Administrator Hurlburt replied that it would remain in effect
and that a revision of this section will be forthcoming. Council will more thoroughly review this
Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policy at the June 19th Council meeting.
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Scandia City Council
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The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following members
were present: Chair Chris Ness, Vice-Chair Jim Malmquist, Christine Maefesky, Kevin
Nickelson, Peter Schwarz; City Planner Richard Thompson.
City Planner Dick Thompson reviewed the draft resolution and conditions therein. The Applicant is
prepared to take down all structures except the granary. The lot numbers for the outlots straddling
the municipal boundaries changed slightly since the Preliminary Plat approval. There was a public
suggestion at the Preliminary for berms to control drainage. The Applicant is offering a$10,000.00
donation to Scandia to protect the wetlands or improve lake quality or change drainage patterns to
satisfy Condition No. 6 of Resolution 03-20-07-02. The Applicant is working with the Rice Creek
Watershed on satisfying their requirements. The Applicant has their Final Plat meeting with Forest
Lake at the end of the month. The Planning Commission recommended to the City Council to adopt
draft Resolution 06-05-07-02 for Final Plat approval of White Rock Ranch with a correction to
Condition No. 2 changing Lot 2, Block 3 to Lot 1, Block 3. Councilmember Harnetty asked for
confirmation that the submitted plans have been thoroughly reviewed by the city engineers. It was
verified that all plans were found to be in order. Councilmember Yehle asked to confirm that the lot
and block numbers are correctly recorded. Dolores Peterson made a motion to accept the
recommendation of the Planning Commission to adopt draft Resolution 06-05-07-02 Final
Plat Approval for White Rock Ranch. Peter Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted
Development Agreement
Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the current draft of the Development Agreement
with White Rock Ranch, LLC. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted
City Planner Thompson reviewed the draft resolution and conditions. Condition No. 9 was added to
clarify the number and species of over-story trees required. Park fees will be paid on the first phase
of the development, 28 new lots. Also, June 5 Engineer's memo was added to Condition No. 3.
Other permits are being secured by the Carnelian-Marine Watershed. They have also applied to the
DNR for one 15-foot channel through the cattails to the beach and will be working directly with the
DNR to do that work. Discussion ensued regarding the language in the Development Agreement
dealing with measuring structure height limits. City Attorney Hebert suggested the wording"the
average height of' be removed from the Development Agreement (Sec. 8, e) so the height is
measured from the low point to the actual high point of the structure to keep with the intent of the
Preliminary Plat condition that a 30-foot height limit is imposed on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 10. Mr.
Roger Tomten stated that they had agreed to the 30-foot height limit, but there was no discussion
on how that would be measured as he assumed the City's ordinances would be followed.
Commissioner Nickelson suggested that the City should either go back to the 35-foot height limit
or stick with the measurements described in the ordinances. The Planning Commission
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recommended to the City Council to adopt draft Resolution 06-05-07-03 Final Plat approval of Tii
Gavo with the addition of the June 5, 2007 Engineer's memo to Condition No. 3, and that the
language in the Development Agreement agrees with the City's ordinances. Michael Harnetty
made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to adopt draft
Resolution 06-05-07-03 Final Plat and Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit for
Tii Gavo with conditions that June 5, 2007 Engineer's comments are included and that the
height limit is defined by the current city ordinance. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Development Agreement
Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the draft Development Agreement with Big
Marine Development, LLC, with permission for staff to add Letter of Credit amounts and
that the height restriction language be clarified to adhere to current city ordinance language.
Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Wetland Replacement Plan
The Tii Gavo project proposes to fill 0.01 acres of two Type 1 wetlands and replace impacts on-
site. Jyneen Thatcher, WCA, has recommended approval of the application. Dolores Peterson
made a motion to approve the Wetland Conservation Act application to fill 410 square feet of
wetland and replace impacts on-site as submitted on March 19, 2007, for Tii Gavo, an Open
Space Conservation Subdivision. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted
A workshop was held on April 19th as a continued review of the mining ordinance prior to a public
hearing. Mining operators and affected citizens were invited to attend this work session. City
Planner Richard Thompson presented these revisions to the draft Mining Ordinance and continued
this review with the Planning Commission and City Council. Operators and affected citizens were
present to provide comments; changes were noted. TKDA will prepare a revised ordinance to
present at a public hearing scheduled for July 10, 2007.
Peter Crum made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and meeting
adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City of Scandia Deputy Clerk
City of Scandia
Treasurer's Report
May 31, 2007
Beginning Balance 5/01/07 795,462.92
Receipts 1,436,652.80
Expenditures 100,200.47
Payroll 11,449.83 -111,650.30
Adjustments: Duplicate Postage Exp. + 1,000.00
April Fines & Fees 572.35
Ending Balance 5/30/07 2,122,037.77
Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer
Treasurer's Report
101 GENERAL 151,058 66,365 42,008 32,104 -7,980
201 ROAD & BRIDGE 25,156 1,378 -8,097 -24,659 -38,680
202 FIRE 10,036 -66,872 -72,645 -75,897 -80,129
203 POLICE 51,968 54,163 10,489 10,489 10,489
204 PARK 30,921 23,910 22,436 21,625 21,580
205 COMMUNITY CTR 29,909 24,251 22,438 11,333 8,667
207 WATERSHED -1,345 -1,337 -1,337 -1,337 -1,337
208 UPTOWN SEWER 25,898 26,070 26,058 26,058 25,807
302 BLACKTOP 482,333 297,013 297,013 297,013 297,013
304 BLACKTOP 277,263 276,203 277,127 277,127 277,127
307 BLACKTOP -180,909 -195,787 -256,483 -259,655 1,119,416
310 FIRE HALL BOND 166,229 171,741 171,741 149,224 148,821
403 CAPITAL IMPR 188,604 195,008 195,008 195,008 _ 195,008
404 PARK CAP IMPR 7,469 7,612 3,812 3,571 3,571
602 201 SEWER 111,004 110,114 109,936 109,749 116,081
801 ESCROW 15,000 15,000 22,000 25,000 26,300
TOTAL CASH BALANCE 1,390,595 1,004,832 861,504 796,751 2,121,754
5, Ca)
CITY OF SCANDIA 06/15/07 2:44 PM
Page 1
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Batch Name 06-19-07 User Dollar Amt $544,498.45
Payments Computer Dollar Amt $544,498.45
$0.00 In Balance
Cash Payment E 202-42280-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Software Support Renewal $111.43
Invoice 61729
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $111.43
Cash Payment E 204-45200-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL June Rental $340.80
Invoice 5254
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $340.80
Cash Payment E 205-41900-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Community Center Supplies $111.20
Invoice M228066-0507
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $111.20
Cash Payment E 202-42260-220 REPAIRS Pager repair $302.52
Invoice 73262
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $302.52
Refer 0 ANDERSON, ED _
Cash Payment E 101-41000-350 GOPHER BOUNTY Gopher Bounty $150.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $150.00
Cash Payment E 101-41401-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Eklund Health Coverage $231.50
Cash Payment E 101-41320-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Hurlburt Health Coverage $231.50
Cash Payment E 201-43122-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Morrison Health Coverage $593.20
Cash Payment G 201-21706 ACCRUED HOSP&MEDICA Morrison Contribution $148.30
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,204.50
Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND Gravel-Quint Ave. $71.63
Invoice 7858
Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND Gravel $128.62
Invoice 2246
Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND Gravel $34.37
Invoice 2758
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $234.62
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $60.00
Invoice Jan-June
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00
CITY OF SCANDIA 06/15/07 2:44 PM
Page 2
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Cash Payment E 201-43126-303 ENGINEERING FEE Scandia-General $2,490.93
Invoice 144322
Cash Payment E 204-43000-303 ENGINEERING FEE Lilleskogen Park $1,497.00
Invoice 144322
Cash Payment E 201-43126-303 ENGINEERING FEE Nature's Walk $375.21
Invoice 144315
Cash Payment E 201-43126-303 ENGINEERING FEE Wild Bush Acres $126.50
Invoice 144316
Cash Payment E 201-43126-303 ENGINEERING FEE Olsen-Sandgren Sewer System $312.00
Invoice 144317
Cash Payment E 201-43126-303 ENGINEERING FEE 2006 Street Repairs $281.76
Invoice 144318
Cash Payment E 201-43126-303 ENGINEERING FEE Big Marine Lake Development $3,129.25
Invoice 144319
Cash Payment E 307-43260-303 ENGINEERING FEE 2007 Street Improvements $69,126.12
Invoice 144327
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $77,338.77
Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Canoe/Fishing $65.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $65.00
Cash Payment E 101-41000-309 SOFTWARE SUPORT 201 Invoice software $36.90
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Digital camera $204.45
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Postage-oversize package $4.96
Invoice 5-15-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Ness--Land Use Wkshp. $55.00
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Harnetty--Land Use Wkshp. $125.00
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Malmquist--Land Use Wkshp. $125.00
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Yehle--Land Use Wkshp. $180.00
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Schwarz--Land Use Wkshp. $250.00
Invoice 5-9-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Comp. Planning Wkshp(4) $500.00
Invoice 5-9-07
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,481.31
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Pull Box Cover for Streetlamp $89.80
Invoice 099531
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $89.80
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Page 3
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Cash Payment E 101-41000-220 REPAIRS Modify Anne's desk $150.00
Invoice 946
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $150.00
Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES 201 Septic $18.05
Invoice 5-29-07
Cash Payment E 201-43126-387 STREET LIGHTING Wyldwood Streetlights $64.50
Cash Payment E 204-45206-381 UTILITIES Hay Lake Shelter $13.37
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $95.92
Cash Payment E 204-45202-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Rec Assistant Ad $21.60
Invoice 148006
Cash Payment E 204-45202-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Rec Assistant Ad $21.60
Invoice 150674
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Dust Control Ad $43.20
Invoice 146303
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $86.40
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $120.00
Invoice Jan-June
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $120.00
Refer 0 DB FENCE CO.
Cash Payment E 204-45200-406 GROUNDS CARE Fence repair at lighted ballfield $50.00
Invoice 5-25-07
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $50.00
Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Intermediate Tennis $65.00
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $65.00
Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Rec Program#124 $520.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $520.00
Cash Payment E 307-43260-219 PROJECTS Pay Request#1 2007 Road Project $408,317.66
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $408,317.66
Cash Payment E 201-43126-300 DUSTCOATING Dust Control $7,262.80
Invoice 7577
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $7,262.80
Cash Payment E 204-45202-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Rec Leader Ad $93.00
Invoice IT00102103
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Page 4
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Cash Payment E 204-45202-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Rec Leader Ad $93.00
Invoice IT00102651
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $186.00
Cash Payment E 101-41401-107 MILEAGE Mileage-6-5-07 Meeting packets $11.64
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $11.64
Cash Payment E 202-42220-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Medical supplies $130.80
Invoice 944762
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $130.80
Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE A.C. Phone charger $42.19
Invoice 21060001244
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $42.19
Refer 0 F X L INC -
Cash Payment E 101-42000-103 PART-TIME EMPLOYEE Assessor Services $1,500.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,500.00
Cash Payment E 205-41900-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Comm.Center Inspection $92.11
Invoice 34017
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $92.11
Cash Payment E 202-42220-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Medical supplies $171.91
Invoice 5-9-07
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $171.91
Refer 0 FARM PLAN _
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Hydraulic fittings $30.07
Invoice S29271
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Hydraulic fittings $16.64
Invoice S29459
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Part return -S12.00
Invoice S30182
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $34.71
Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Siren Modifications $1,191.00
Invoice 3096
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,191.00
Cash Payment E 101-41510-107 MILEAGE Mileage-Banyon Seminar $53.35
Invoice 5-16-07
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $53.35
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Page 5
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Seefeldt Business Cards $56.45
Invoice 8736
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $56.45
Refer 0 FRONTIER -
Cash Payment E 202-42280-321 TELEPHONE Firehall $122.97
Invoice 6514334383
Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE Maintenance garage $61.38
Invoice 6514335223
Cash Payment E 204-45201-381 UTILITIES Warming house $67.08
Invoice 6514335266
Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Building Official $72.53
Invoice 6514335762
Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 TELEPHONE City hall $323.17
Invoice 6514332274
Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES 201 Dialer $74.00
Cash Payment E 205-41920-321 TELEPHONE Annex $54.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $775.13
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $120.00
Invoice Jan-June
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $120.00
Cash Payment E 201-43126-210 MISCELLANEOUS EX-P Locator tickets $23.20
Invoice 7051427
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $23.20
Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED - Refund Rec Program#110 $300.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $300.00
Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 LEGAL FEES Legal Services $1,563.00
Invoice 14628
Cash Payment E 307-41500-308 ADMINISTRATION COS 2007 Road Project $516.00
Invoice 14628
Cash Payment E 101-41610-304 LEGAL FEES Prosecution $1,276.00
Invoice 14625
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,355.00
Refer 0 ISFSI -
Cash Payment E 202-42210-433 DUES Havener Dues $75.00
Invoice 034
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $75.00
Cash Payment E 202-42260-220 REPAIRS Battery(2)87 Ford $340.40
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Page 6
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $340.40
Cash Payment E 201-43126-220 REPAIRS 4-3-07 Service call $150.67
Invoice 1334
Cash Payment E 205-41900-223 BUILDING REPAIR SUP 4-3-07 Service call $142.50
Invoice 1333
Cash Payment E 205-41900-223 BUILDING REPAIR SUP 4-19-07 Service call $95.00
Invoice 1319
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $388.17
Cash Payment E 201-43126-220 REPAIRS Repair radiator on pick-up $322.60
Invoice 5-23-07
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $322.60
Cash Payment E 101-41000-220 REPAIRS Window repair at City Hall $1,338.00
Invoice 379805
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,338.00
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Conference Reg-Hurlburt $340.00
Invoice 1-000030815
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Conference Reg-Crum $240.00
Invoice 1-000030822
Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Conference Reg-Yehle $240.00
Invoice 1-000030814
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $820.00
Refer 0 LEROUX'S _
Cash Payment E 201-43126-220 REPAIRS Repair chainsaw $93.65
Invoice 06070713
Cash Payment E 201-43 1 26-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Hedge trimmer $361.02
Invoice 05290706
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $454.67
Cash Payment E 101-41000-414 OFFICE EQUIP RENTA Copier rent $181.05
Invoice 077199990
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $181.05
Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Canoe/Fishing $65.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $65.00
Cash Payment E 101-41120-106 MEETINGS Planning Comm.Quarter 2 $250.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $250.00
Cash Payment E 101-41120-106 MEETINGS Planning Comm. 1st Half $500.00
CITY OF SCANDIA 06/15/07 2:44 PM
Page 7
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $500.00
Cash Payment E 101-42400-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Driveway Escrow $500.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $500.00
Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Canoe/Fishing $65.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $65.00
Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Cords for chargers $37.20
Invoice 27325
Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Batteries for Air Packs $35.04
Invoice 27323
Cash Payment E 201-43126-387 STREET LIGHTING Streetlight bulbs $67.74
Invoice 27323
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Guardrail posts $24.15
Invoice 21338
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $164.13
Cash Payment E 205-41900-401 CLEANING Community Center $1,427.10
Invoice 401-24
Cash Payment E 202-42280-401 CLEANING Firehall $202.35
Invoice 404-24
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,629.45
Cash Payment E 205-41900-334 LICENSE 2007 Hospitality Fee $35.00
Invoice 5-17-07
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $35.00
Cash Payment E 202-42210-433 DUES 26 Subscriptions $208.00
Invoice 60
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $208.00
Cash Payment E 101-41320-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Hurlburt Life $4.10
Invoice 5-14-07
Cash Payment E 101-41400-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Peterson COBRA $4.10
Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Morrison Life $4.10
Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Jemelka COBRA $4.10
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $16.40
Cash Payment E 101-41320-433 DUES Hurlburt Renewal $80.00
Invoice 5-1-07
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Page 8
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $80.00
Cash Payment E 202-42210-433 DUES Helke Recertification $15.00
Invoice 5-14-07
Cash Payment E 202-42210-433 DUES Peterson Recertification $15.00
Cash Payment E 202-42210-433 DUES Morrison Recertification $15.00
Cash Payment E 202-42210-433 DUES Hawkinson Recertification $15.00
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Radiator for pick-up $252.67
Invoice 964775
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $252.67
Cash Payment E 101-41401-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Eklund Life $16.00
Invoice 5-21-07
Cash Payment E 101-41510-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Firkus Life $16.00
Cash Payment E 101-41320-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Hurlburt Life $16.00
Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Morrison,Poidinger Life $32.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $80.00
Refer 0 NESS, CHRIS _
Cash Payment E 101-41120-106 MEETINGS Planning Comm. 1st Half 2007 $600.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $600.00
Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 TELEPHONE Admin.Cell $36.16
Invoice 6517464080
Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE Public Works $77.23
Invoice 6513251097
Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE Public Works $76.36
Invoice 0042001916
Cash Payment E 202-42280-321 TELEPHONE Fire Dept. $144.56
Invoice 0042001908
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $334.31
Cash Payment E 101-41120-106 MEETINGS Planning Comm. 1st Half 2007 $500.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $500.00
Cash Payment E 307-43260-219 PROJECTS 3rd&Final Culvert Replacement $2,000.00
CITY OF SCANDIA 06/15/07 2:49 PM
Page 9
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,000.00
Cash Payment E 101-41000-308 ADMINISTRATION COS Disclosure Reporting $1,685.00
Invoice 1266
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,685.00
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office supplies $52.07
Invoice 09269J1291
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $52.07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-512 EASEMENT ACQUISITI 240th St.Turn-around easement $825.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $825.00
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Shop supplies $53.25
Invoice 008038
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $53.25
Cash Payment E 205-41900-406 GROUNDS CARE Flowers for Comm.Center $189.10
Invoice 6-15-07
Transaction Date 6/15/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $189.10
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Thordson nameplate $13.74
Invoice 16565
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $13.74
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $60.00
Invoice Jan-June 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $60.00
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Paper $74.76
Invoice 01LT9971
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $74.76
Cash Payment E 205-41900-223 BUILDING REPAIR SUP HVAC System $8,071.00
Invoice 5119
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $8,071.00
Cash Payment E 202-42280-342 GENERAL Fire Dept. Dinner 5-29-07 $110.29
Invoice 2461
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES City hall mtg 5-17-07 $14.48
Invoice 2462
Cash Payment E 202-42280-342 GENERAL Fire Dept. Dinner 5-1-07 $149.44
Invoice 2421
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $274.21
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Page 10
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $120.00
Invoice Jan-June 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $120.00
Cash Payment E 101-41120-106 MEETINGS Planning Commission 1st Half 2007 $500.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $500.00
Refer 0 SECURITY STATE BANK Ck#000010E 6/1/2007
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Safe deposit box rental $70.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $70.00
Cash Payment E 101-41320-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Hurlburt Health Savings Acct $91.70
Cash Payment E 201-43122-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Morrison Health Savings Acct $100.00
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $191.70
Cash Payment E 101-41000-205 ANIMAL CONTROL Annual Insurance Fee $222.00
Invoice 07-118
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $222.00
Refer 0 SKUPIEN, DAN -
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $120.00
Invoice Jan-June 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $120.00
Refer 0 SMITH, DAVID _
Cash Payment E 204-45200-206 PARK COMMITTEE Park Committee $120.00
Invoice Jan-June 2007
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $120.00
Refer 0 SRC,INC _
Cash Payment E 205-41900-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL Community Center $120.89
Invoice 6-5-07
Cash Payment E 204-45200-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL Log House Landing $101.55
Cash Payment E 202-42280-381 UTILITIES Firehall $32.24
Cash Payment E 204-45200-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL Lighted Ballfield $61.25
Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 RECYCLING May Recycling $2,320.50
Invoice 5-31-07
Cash Payment E 201-43126-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Yard ticket $72.00
Invoice 5-31-07
Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 RECYCLING Heavy Metal Disposal $938.55
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,646.98
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Page 11
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Refer 0 TKDA
Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Tii Gavo $401.66
Invoice 200702010
Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Willowbrook Church $152.70
Invoice 200702009
Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Sprint-US Cable $232.99
Invoice 200702008
Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Tiller/Zavoral Mine $1,036.49
Invoice 200702015
Cash Payment E 101-41910-112 PROFESSIONAL SERVI General Planning $715.80
Invoice 200702016
Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Melchior $101.10
Invoice 200702016
Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES German Lake $193.30
Invoice 200702014
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,834.04
Cash Payment E 202-42220-212 FUEL Fuel $306.76
Invoice 5-31-07
Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Supplies $88.42
Cash Payment E 201-43126-212 FUEL Fuel $1,002.41
Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Supplies $197.58
Cash Payment E 205-41900-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Community Center $249.40
Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Supplies $117.24
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,961.81
Cash Payment E 201-43122-134 DISABILITY INS EMPLO Morrison Disability $45.20
Cash Payment E 101-41320-134 DISABILITY INS EMPLO Hurlburt Disability $39.50
Transaction Date 6/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $84.70
Cash Payment E 205-41900-406 GROUNDS CARE April Pest Control $34.08
Invoice 4442
Cash Payment E 205-41900-406 GROUNDS CARE May Pest Control $34.08
Invoice 4613
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $68,16
Cash Payment E 201-43126-220 REPAIRS Transmission cylinder $433.96
Invoice 7902
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $433.96
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Page 12
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Cash Payment E 307-41500-308 ADMINISTRATION COS Road Project Permit $69.00
Invoice 1132
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $69.00
Cash Payment E 602-43252-386 PUMPING&GENERAL Bliss Mgmt $3,029.57
Invoice 5-16-07
Cash Payment E 602-43252-386 PUMPING&GENERAL Anderson/Erickson Mgmt $134.22
Invoice 5-16-07
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,163.79
Cash Payment E 201-43126-387 STREET LIGHTING Streetlights $264.58
Invoice 113214254
Cash Payment E 205-41900-381 UTILITIES Community Center $542.34
Invoice 112683637
Cash Payment E 202-42280-381 UTILITIES Fire Siren $2.97
Invoice 111052475
Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES Bliss LS#2 $32.60
Invoice 112173860
Cash Payment E 205-41920-381 UTILITIES Annex Gas $32.68
Invoice 112224277
Cash Payment E 205-41920-381 UTILITIES Annex Electric $36.38
Invoice 112181610
Cash Payment E 204-45206-381 UTILITIES Ballfield $92.69
Invoice 112193136
Cash Payment E 202-42280-381 UTILITIES Firehall $389.12
Invoice 112181804
Cash Payment E 201-43126-381 UTILITIES Public Works $259.42
Invoice 112181804
Cash Payment E 201-43126-381 UTILITIES Old garage $41.23
Invoice 112178442
Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES Bliss LS 3&4 $34.90
Invoice 112036810
Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES Lift Sation 1 $17.95
Invoice 302519740
Cash Payment E 201-43126-387 STREET LIGHTING Uptown Streetlights $217.97
Invoice 302785259
Cash Payment E 208-43252-381 UTILITIES Uptown Sewer $11.76
Invoice 303033579
Cash Payment E 201-43126-381 UTILITIES Flashing Light $34.85
Invoice 303328935
Cash Payment E 204-46101-381 UTILITIES Aerator $8.52
Invoice 303682753
Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Late charge $5.22
Invoice 111113006
Cash Payment E 204-45201-381 UTILITIES Warming house $107.93
Invoice 112173553
Transaction Date 6/14/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,133.11
CITY OF SCANDIA 06/15/07 2:44 PM
Page 13
Current Period:JUNE 2007
Fund Summary
101 GENERAL FUND $21,691.62
201 ROAD&BRIDGE $19,459.09
202 FIRE $4,329.66
204 PARK $4,369.39
307 BLACKTOP PROJECT 2007 $480,028.78
602 201 SEWER PROJECT $3,341.29
Pre-Written Checks $70.00
Checks to be Generated by the Compute $544,428.45
Total $544,498.45
City of Scandia
Two additional invoices have been entered into the June 19, 2007 payment batch:
Jim Schneider June Building Permits $3,942.49
Xcel Energy Lift Station #1 $ 17.14
Uptown Streetlights $ 168.95
Uptown Sewer $ 10.91
Flashing Light $ 20.26
Aerator $ 8.52
$ 225,78
• Page 1
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: 1)
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: Approve Pay Request No.3 and Final Payment to Jay Bros. for the
2006 Culvert Replacement project, in the amount of$2,000.00.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • The project has been inspected and all work and punch list items
have been completed satisfactorily.
• $2,000 is the remaining retainage that has been held since
• Funds will be escrowed through Northern Escrow.
Recommendation: Approve payment.
Attachments/ • Pay Request
Materials provided:
Contact(s): City Engineer Tom Peterson
Bonestroo 651 604-4868
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(jay bros final payment 2006 culvert replacement)
Page 1 of 1
Owner: City of Scandia, 14727 209th St., P. 0. Box 128, Scandia, MN 55073 Date: May 30, 2007
For Period: 11/10/2006 to 5/30/2007 Request No: 3 AND FINAL
Bonestroo Contractor: Jay Bros., Inc., P. 0. Box 700, 9218 Lake Dr. NE, Forest Lake, MN 55025
BONESTROO FILE NO. 000568-06130-0
1 Original Contract Amount $ 105,234.00
2 Change Order -Addition $ 2,870.00
3 Change Order - Deduction $ 0.00
4 Revised Contract Amount $ 108,104.00
5 Value Completed to Date $ 100,105.80
6 Material on Hand $ 0.00
7 Amount Earned $ 100,105.80
8 Less Retainage 0% $ 0.00
9 Subtotal $ 100,105.80
10 Less Amount Paid Previously $ 98,105.80
11 Liquidated damages- $ 0.00
Recommended for Approval by:
2/4 1,1,1 t! „ 4
Approved by Contractor: Approved by Owner:
Specified Contract Completion Date: Date:
56806130R E Q 3F I NAL.xls
Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount
No. Item Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date
1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 6200.00 I $6,200 00
2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 1000 00 1 $1,000.00
3 SILT FENCE, HEAVY DUTY LF 200 4.00 $0.00
4 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LF 250 3.00 180 $540 00
5 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 200 3.00 106 $318.00
6 REMOVE CMP CULVERT LF 1250 1.00 1037 $1,037.00
7 DITCH EXCAVATION LF 50 10.00 25 $250.00
9 15" RCP STORM SEWER, CLASS 5 LF 880 30.00 864 $25,920.00
10 15" RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 50 475.00 52 $24,700.00
11 18" RCP STORM SEWER, CLASS 5 LF 64 32.00 64 $2,048.00
12 18" RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 4 560.00 4 $2,240.00
13 48" RCP STORM SEWER, CLASS 3 LF 112 128.00 96 $12,288.00
14 48" RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 4 1305.00 4 $5,220 00
15 CLASS III RANDOM RIPRAP CY 70 55.00 70 $3,850.00
16 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 TN 300 . 15.00 194.18 $2,912.70
17 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS, CATEGORY 2 SY 300 2.30 647 $1,488.10
18 SEEDING, MIXTURE 70A AC 1 2000.00 0.33 $660.00
19 PATCH BITUMINOUS STREET SY 100 22.00 62 $1,364.00
TOTAL BASE BID: $92,335.80
20 REPAIR 48" CULVERT ON QUINNELL LS 1 4900.00 1 $4,900.00
1 END SECTION MARKER EA 60 42.50 60 $2,550 00
2 TOPSOIL BORROW(LV) CY 32 10.00 32 $320.00
TOTAL BASE BID: $92,335.80
56806130REQ3FINAL xls
BONESTROO FILE NO. 000568-06130-0
No. Date Description Amount
1 11/9/2006 This Change Order provides for additional work on this project. See $2,870.00
Change Order.
Total Change Orders $2,870.00
No. From To Payment Retainage Completed
1 09/01/2006 10/11/06 58,258.55 3,080.45 61,339.00
2 10/12/2006 11/09/06 39,847.25 2,000.00 100,105.80
3 AND FINAL 11/10/2006 05/30/07 2,000.00 100,105.80
Material on Hand
Total Payment to Date $100,105.80 Original Contract $105,234 00
Retainage Pay No. 3 AND FINAL Change Orders $2,870.00
Total Amount Earned $100,105.80 Revised Contract $108,104.00
56806130REQ3FINAL xls
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: . e)
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Approve Pay Request#1 to Dresel Contracting for the 2007 Street
Improvement project, in the amount of$408,317.66.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • The total project is $1,376,282.60, so this represents about 30%
• Dresel has finished paving on all the streets east of Olinda Trail,
except Ostrum.
• They are currently working on streets in the northwest corner of
the city.
• Note that Alternate 2- Cut down 240th Street hill, there was only
361 cubic yards removed instead of the estimated 2500 CY, saving
about $8,200.
Recommendation: The Engineer recommends approving payment.
Attachments/ • Pay Request
Materials provided:
Contact(s): City Engineer Tom Peterson
Bonestroo 651 604-4868
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(dresel pay request no 12006 street project)
Page 1 of 1
sign Owner: City of Scandia, 14727 209th St, P 0 Box 128,Scandia, MN 55073 Date. lune 6, 2007
For Period: 4/2/2007 to 6/6/2007 Request No. 1
Bonestroo Contractor Dresel Contracting, 24044 July Avenue,Chisago City, MN 55013
BONESTROO FILE NO 000568-06133-0
1 Original Contract Amount $ 1,376,282.60
2 Change Order -Additidn $ 0.00
3 Change Order -Deduction $ 0.00
4 Revised Contract Amount $ 1,376,282.60
5 Value Completed to Date $ 429,808.07
6 Material on Hand $ 0.00
7 Amount Earned $ 429,808.07
8 Less Retainage 5% $ 21,490.40
9 Subtotal $ 408,317.66
10 Less Amount Paid Previously $ 0.00
11 Liquidated damages - $ 0.00
Recommended for Approval by
Approved by Contractor: Approved by Owner:
Specified Contract Completion Date- Date:
Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount
No Item Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date
1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 28000 CO 0 5 0 5 S 14,000 00
2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 3000 00 0 5 0 5 SI 500 00
6 SALVAGE AND REIIST.ALL RCP APRON EA 4 400 00 5 5 S2 000 00
B REMOVE PIPE CULVERT LF 206 6 00 190 190 S1 14000
9 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOX EA 40 75 00 20 20 51 500 00
10 CLEAR AND GRUB TREE 30 75 00 25 25 51 875 00
11 DITCH EXCAVATION IF 1000 5 00 50 00
12 COMMON EXCAVATION(P) CY 2500 5 00 1800 1800 S9 000 00
13 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CY 1500 5 00 344 344 51 72000
15 GRANULAR BORROW(P) CY 8200 9 00 4100 4100 536 90000
16 TOPSOIL BORROW(LV) CY 2700 12 00 500 500 56 00000
17 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE V SY 7500 1 65 538 538 5887 70
18 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TN 12700 9 80 6960 11 6960 11 568 209 08
19 AGGREGATE SHOULDERING 100%CRUSHED LIMESTONE TN 2800 21 10 476 89 476 89 510 062 38
21 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B) TN 9900 41 70 2693 54 2693 54 S112,320 62
22 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(8) TN 4500 43 70 2301 46 2301 46 S 100 573 80
24 TYPE LV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(8)-TRAIL SY 900 10 00 879 879 S8 790 00
25 TYPE IN 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE DRIVEWAY TN 120 81 00 141 54 141 54 S11 464 74
26 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GL 4200 2 30 1750 1750 S4,025 00
27 CONCRETE FLUME SF 120 5 75 S000
28 15 CMP STORM SEWER 16 GAUGE LF 55 22 00 43 43 5946 00
29 18 RCP STORM SEWER CLASS 5 IF 112 3600 96 96 S3 456 00
30 15 RCP STORM SEWER CLASS 5 IF 165 33 00 128 128 54 224 00
31 12' RCP STORM SEWER.CLASS 5 IF 135 30 00 S0 00
32 18 FLARED END SECTION EA 4 875 00 4 4 S3 500 00
33 15' RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 9 785 00 4 4 S3 140 00
34 12.. RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 1 750 00 SO 00
35 2 X 3'CB.INCL R-3067-V CSTG AND CONC ADJ RINGS EA 1 1400 00 S0 00
36 4 DIAMETER STORM SEWER MH EA 1 1850 00 S0 00
37 CLASS III RANDOM RIPRAP CY 15 65 00 10 10 5650 00
38 CLASS III GROUTED RIPRAP C'i 35 105 00 S0 00
39 INSTALL SIGN EA 2 80 00 S0 00
40 4 SOLID LINE WHITE EPDXY IF 30720 0 19 SO 00
43 SILT FENCE MACHINE SLICED IF 12500 1 10 10000 10000 511 00000
44 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN STIR WATER LF 200 8 00 200 200 51 600 00
TOTAL BASE BID: S420,484 32
48 CLEAR AND GRUB TREE 15 150 00 21
21 5315000
54 GRANULAR BORROW(LV) CY 550 7 60 SO 00
55 TOPSOIL BORROW(IV) CY 200 12 00 SO 00
Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount
No Item Unit QuantityPrice Quantity to Date to Date
57 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TN 730 9 80 5000
62 15 RCP STORM SEWER CLASS 5 LF 40 30 00 $000
63 15. RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 2 900 00 S0 00
65 SILT FENCE.MACHINE SLICED LF 1300 1 10 1000 1000 S1 10000
65 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN, STILL WATER LF 300 8 00 300 300 $2 40000
68 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2500 3 75 361 361 $1 353 75
69 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SY 1400 1 10 1200 1200 $1,32000
TOTAL BASE BID. $420 484 32
56805133r EQ 1.Is
BONESTROO FILE NO 000568-06133-0
No. Date Description Amount
Total Change Orders
No. From To Payment Retainage Completed
1 04/02/2007 _ 06/06/07 408,317.66 21,490.40 429,808 07
Material on Hand
Total Payment to Date 1408,317.66 Original Contract $1,376,282.60
Retainage Pay No. 1 21,490.40 Change Orders
Total Amount Earned 1,429,808.07 Revised Contract $1,376,282,60
56806133RE01 'Is
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: g ,
Town Board Agenda Report
Town of New Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: None—information only.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • Monthly reports on calls and citations issued are received from the
Washington County Sheriffs office.
Recommendation: N/A
Attachments/ • Citations by city report, 5/01/2007to 5/31/2007
Materials provided: • Contract ICR's report, 5/01/2007 to 5/31/2007
Contact(s): Chris Howard, 651 439-9381
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(t:/board/reports/10_l 7_2006/sherrif report)
Page 1 of 1
PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 1
6/01/07 5:26:59
Washington County Sheriff's Office
City Selected: SCANDIA
From Date: 5/01/2007 To: 5/31/2007
Offense Offense Location Citation #
Date Time
5/02/2007 1440 ST CRIOX TR & 235TH ST N SW370377
Statute 169 14 SPEED 74/55
5/03/2007 1433 OLINDA TR & 185TH SW370378
Statute 169 686 1 NO SEATBELT
5/05/2007 1725 SCANDIA TR & OLINDA SW374165
Statute 169 30 STOP SIGN VIOL
5/07/2007 1240 SCANDIA TR & 14350 BLK SW370379
Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 70/50
5/08/2007 1253 SCANDIA & LOFTON SW370380
Statute 171 24 2, 1 DAR
5/13/2007 1420 OLINDA TR & SCANDIA TR SW358575
Statute 169 797 3 NO INSURANCE
5/14/2007 2043 SCANDIA TR & POMROY SW369267
Statute 169 18 5 PASS IN NO PASSING ZONE
5/15/2007 0830 240TH & OLINDA SW358984
Statute 169 14 2A SPEED 70/55
5/15/2007 1415 187TH ST & LANGLY SW374001
Statute 88 171 9 ILLEGAL BURNING
5/21/2007 1320 SCANDIA TR & MEADOWBROOK SW374003
Statute 171 24 2 DAR
5/21/2007 1543 OLINDA TR & 220TH SW374004
Statute 169 686 1 SEATBELT VIOL
5/21/2007 1600 OLINDA TR & 219TH SW374005
Statute 169 18 B PASS IN NON-PASS ZONE
5/24/2007 1219 SCANDIA TR N & LOFTON AV N SW373665
Statute 169 686 1 SEATBELT VIOL
5/26/2007 1550 MAYBERRY TR & MANNING SW373670
Statute 171 24 1 DAS
5/28/2007 1054 ST CROIX & SCANDIA TR SW374007
Statute 169 686 1 NO SEATBELT
PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 2
6/01/07 5:26:59
Washington County Sheriff 's Office
City Selected: SCANDIA
From Date: 5/01/2007 To: 5/31/2007
Offense Offense Location Citation #
Date Time
5/28/2007 1054 ST CROIX & SCANDIA TR SW374008
Statute 169 686 1 SEATBELT VIOL
Total for City: SCANDIA 16
6/01/07 5:26:59
Washington County Sheriff's Office
Contract Report for SCANDIA
For the Period 5/01/07 To 5/31/07
Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint
5/01/07 1:45:46 107013100 0190 SCANDIA TR WARRANT ARREST
5/01/07 12 :57:15 107013158 0156 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF
5/01/07 16:24:31 107013195 0156 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF
5/02/07 10:37:01 107013275 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-EQP REPAIR ORDER#85995
5/02/07 10:39:32 107013276 0156 OAKHILL CT HARASSMENT REPORT RE
5/02/07 14:46:10 107013303 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW370377 SPEED 74
5/02/07 16:26:25 107013311 0156 OBRIEN TR DEAD DEER
5/02/07 18:20:00 107013320 0112 188TH ST DAMAGE TO PROPERTY
5/03/07 5:38:04 107013341 0118 MANNING TR ALARM
5/03/07 14:38:10 107013414 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW370378 NO SEATB
5/03/07 14:53 :17 107013418 0156 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL SPEED/45 MINUT
5/03/07 17 :36:24 107013436 0112 PEABODY TR 911 ABANDON
5/03/07 18:53 :03 107013444 0112 SCANDIA TR DEAD DEER
5/03/07 19:14:05 107013447 0112 OLINDA TR DOG BITE REPORT
5/04/07 17:19:54 107013550 0084 SCANDIA TR CIVIL ASSIST
5/05/07 10:37:45 107013609 0156 209TH ST VANDALISM/3RD PARTY INFO
5/05/07 17:36:23 107013633 0165 SCANDIA TR CIT# S/W374165 STOP SIGN
5/05/07 18:07:48 107013636 0165 SCANDIA TR DIR/PATROL FOR LOUD EXHAUST/OT
5/06/07 10:06:21 107013685 0175 OLINDA TR BUSINESS CHECK
5/06/07 12:44:16 107013703 0175 PILAR RD GRASS FIRE
5/07/07 1 :06:08 107013746 0190 OAKHILL RD DWI ARREST 3RD DEG TEST REFUSA
5/07/07 3 :19:07 107013750 0190 ST CROIX TR DEER DISPATCH
5/07/07 10:17:13 107013785 0175 205TH ST PROPERTY CONCERN
5/07/07 10:49:18 107013794 0175 LAMAR AV THREATS REPORT
5/07/07 11:20:25 107013804 0175 PARKVIEW AV PARKING COMPLAINT
5/07/07 12:48:54 107013818 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW370379 SPEED 70
5/07/07 22:13:32 107013864 0195 LAYTON AV DOMESTIC *SCANNED DOC
5/07/07 22:13 :32 107404236 LAYTON AV AOA DOMESTIC
5/08/07 12 :55:26 107013936 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW370380 DAR
5/08/07 13:59:58 107013943 0100 MELANIE TR CIVIL ISSUE
5/08/07 19:30:43 107013977 0112 OLINDA TR SUSP ACTIVITY
5/09/07 8:14:25 107014012 0110 OZARK AV ANIMAL
5/09/07 12:36:13 107014053 0156 QUINNELL AV TRESPASSING COMPLAINT
5/09/07 14:59:20 107014069 0156 PARIS AV LOOSE HORSES
5/09/07 17:39:40 107014090 0175 LAYTON AV CIVIL ASSIST
5/10/07 8:21:02 107014138 0175 ODELL AV AUD ALARM
5/10/07 8:30:53 107014143 0175 SCANDIA TR LOOSE DOG
5/10/07 12 :50:46 107014173 0156 LANGLY AV VANDALISM REPORT
5/10/07 17 :00:14 107014216 0111 220TH ST ROLLOVER 29D2
5/10/07 20:02 :38 107014232 0111 202ND ST ALARM
5/11/07 6:33 :53 107014265 0118 205TH ST CONSTRUCTION COMPLAINT
5/11/07 9:10:56 107014279 0156 OAKHILL RD THEFT REPORT
5/11/07 11:25:14 107014293 1291 220TH ST CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK FOR APP
5/11/07 11:39:55 107014294 0156 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL SPEED 30 ZONE/
5/11/07 13 :12:05 107014306 0156 OLGILVIE AV AUD ALARM
5/11/07 14:40:57 107014316 0156 QUINNELL AV ALARM
5/11/07 17 :19:49 107014333 0112 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER
5/12/07 12 :05:38 107014388 0175 OAKHILL LN MEDICAL
5/12/07 19:22:40 107014425 0119 MAYBERRY TR GRASS FIRE
5/12/07 22:30:29 107014444 0119 220TH ST MISSING PERSON
5/13/07 1 :38:19 107014458 0112 ORWELL AV MEDICAL
5/13/07 10:46:01 107014479 0175 OLINDA TR THEFT REPORT
6/01/07 5:26:59
Washington County Sheriff's Office
Contract Report for SCANDIA
For the Period 5/01/07 To 5/31/07
Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint
5/13/07 16:21:40 107014495 0190 OLINDA TR DOMESTIC
5/13/07 19:59:45 107014510 0190 PENFIELD AV DOMESTIC
5/14/07 0:19:46 107014524 0190 HWY 95 INJURED DEER
5/14/07 9:47:32 107014573 220TH ST WARRANT / FL / T507009445
5/14/07 10:01:35 107014582 0156 BONE LAKE PUBLIC ASSIST
5/14/07 14:31:59 107014633 0100 LOFTON AV BACKGROUND CK
5/14/07 20:47:54 107014658 0184 SCANDIA TR CITATION SW 369267-PASS IN NO
5/15/07 0:45:36 107014669 0137 220TH ST WARRANT ARREST
5/15/07 8:31:37 107014686 0175 PARIS AV 911 MISDIAL
5/15/07 8:37 :20 107014688 0175 240TH ST SPEED 70/55 SW 358984
5/15/07 13 :06:43 107014724 0156 MEADOWBROOK AV RESIDENCE CHECK
5/15/07 13:07 :36 107014725 0100 SCANDIA TR ERRATIC DRIVER
5/15/07 13:07:36 107404513 0100 SCANDIA TR ERRATIC DRIVER
5/15/07 14:15:31 107014728 0100 LANGLY AV SMOKE
5/15/07 18:51:59 107014754 0156 209TH ST COUNSEL MEETING
5/15/07 23:45:04 107014774 0190 OAKHILL RD TREE FIRE
5/16/07 1:26:18 107014777 0190 LANGLY AV DOG BARKING COMPLAINT
5/16/07 16:33 :23 107014870 0156 LANGLY CT PUBLIC CONCERN
5/16/07 20:38:31 107014891 0112 QUALITY TR MEDICAL
5/17/07 19:43:32 107015006 0112 PARADE AV ROAD DEBRIS
5/17/07 23 :26:23 107015020 0145 HWY 95 FOREST FIRE/CONTROLLED BURN
5/18/07 9:45:12 107015053 0190 ST CROIX TR TREE ON FIRE
5/18/07 12 :56:54 107015066 0156 ODELL AV AUD ALARM
5/18/07 13:16:21 107015069 0190 MAYBERRY TR WARRANT ARREST
5/18/07 23:13 :34 107015146 0136 OBRIEN TR BURNING COMPLAINT
5/19/07 17:23:43 107015222 0112 OAKHILL CT MEDICAL
5/19/07 20:50:11 107015241 0112 OBRIEN TR CHECK AREA
5/19/07 22:22:14 107015247 0112 ST CROIX TR AUD ALARM
5/20/07 8:16:17 107015271 0175 180TH ST ANIMAL COMPLAINT
5/20/07 11:25:52 107015281 0175 MELANIE TR ROLLOVER/MOTORCYCLE ***STA
5/20/07 12:16:37 107015285 0175 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF
5/20/07 15:10:43 107015296 0165 MAYBERRY TR SHOOTING COMPLAINT
5/20/07 17:55:57 107015315 0165 OLDFIELD AV NOISE/DRIVING COMPLAINT
5/21/07 10:08:58 107015381 0156 MANNING TR SPEEDING COMPLAINT
5/21/07 13:25:51 107015424 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374003 DAR
5/21/07 13 :35:14 107015428 0156 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER
5/21/07 15:08:46 107015440 0156 OLGILVIE AV AUD ALARM **CANCEL
5/21/07 15:47 :23 107015446 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374004 NO SEATB
5/21/07 16:06:30 107015455 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE 374005 PASS IN NO
5/21/07 16:58:52 107015463 0156 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL/45 MINUTES/6 V
5/22/07 5:08:50 107015511 0190 PILAR RD FIRE ALARM
5/22/07 10:28:44 107015541 0156 195TH ST ALARM
5/22/07 14:51:03 107015575 0144 OBRIEN TR DISORDERLY MALE
5/22/07 16:51:00 107015584 0156 OLINDA TR SUSPICIOUS VEH MN LIC HRR495
5/23/07 2 :41:24 107015614 0190 SCANDIA TR ALARM
5/23/07 14:18:16 107015700 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC ARREST-2ND DEGREE TEST
5/23/07 15:17:50 107015707 0112 MANNING TR CHECK THE AREA
5/23/07 16:56:56 107015719 0112 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF
5/24/07 7 :19:30 107015763 0146 OAKHILL RD ABANDONED VEH REPORT
5/24/07 12 :23:26 107015824 0112 SCANDIA TR CITE#SW373665-SEATBELT VIOLATI
5/24/07 16:22:54 107015854 0112 LAYTON CT 911 CALL
5/25/07 3:14:38 107015905 0190 LAMAR AV THREATS REPORT
6/01/07 5:26:59
Washington County Sheriff 's Office
Contract Report for SCANDIA
For the Period 5/01/07 To 5/31/07
Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint
5/25/07 11:30:24 107015991 0156 ST CROIX TR DIRECTED PATROL SEATBELTS/15 M
5/25/07 14:31:37 107016020 0110 238TH ST 911 OPEN LINE
5/25/07 14:43 :59 107016021 0156 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE
5/25/07 18:50:28 107016037 0112 202ND ST CIVIL ISSUE
5/25/07 20:38:30 107016045 0112 OLGILVIE AV 911 ABANDONED
5/25/07 22:27:45 107016054 0195 238TH ST MEDICAL
5/26/07 8:16:45 107016082 0110 LAYTON AV ABD VEHICLE
5/26/07 8:38:14 107016083 0110 220TH ST DUMPING COMPLAINT
5/26/07 11:25:27 107016089 0110 SCANDIA TR AUD ALARM
5/26/07 15:55:56 107016105 0112 MAYBERRY TR CITE#SW373670-DAS
5/26/07 17:27:46 107016118 0100 LAKAMAGA TR MEDICAL
5/26/07 17:43:40 107016121 0112 195TH ST BARKING DOG COMPLAINT
5/26/07 22:52:41 107016138 0190 ST CROIX RIVER NOISE COMPLAINT
5/26/07 23 :27:13 107016140 0190 HWY 97 TRAILER BLOCKING INTERSECTION
5/27/07 0:08:00 107016144 0190 ST CROIX TR CITE LITTERING/MINOR CONSUMPTI
5/27/07 6:01:40 107016156 0190 SCANDIA TR ALARM
5/27/07 14:45:00 107016184 0156 MELANIE TR FRAUD REPORT
5/27/07 23:27:16 107016236 0137 205TH ST BARKING DOG REPORT
5/27/07 23:53:29 107016240 0137 OAKHILL RD SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY
5/28/07 10:44:44 107016244 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374006 NO SEATB
5/28/07 11:02:07 107016284 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374007 & SW3740
5/28/07 11:20:33 107016288 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374009 NO SEATB
5/28/07 11:41:18 107016293 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374010 NO SEATB
5/28/07 13 :20:01 107016303 0156 ST CROIX TR DIRECTED PATROL SEATBELTS/1 HO
5/28/07 14:24:47 107016317 0156 205TH ST MEDICAL
5/28/07 14:25:06 107016318 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374011 DAS/NO S
5/28/07 16:55:57 107016334 0165 SCANDIA TR NEIGHBOR COMPLAINT
5/28/07 19:54:24 107016353 0165 SCANDIA TR DK DRIVER
5/28/07 20:44:28 107016359 0165 LOFTON AV WW#91087 - SPEED
5/29/07 10:37:23 107016409 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374012 SPEED 65
5/29/07 13:56:46 107016431 0186 LOFTON AV TRAFFIC ARREST-FE POSS STOLEN
5/29/07 17:40:47 107016463 0165 BIG MARINE LAKE POSS WATER EMERGENCY
5/29/07 21:58:47 107016486 0165 OAKHILL RD LOCKOUT
5/29/07 22:18:20 107016490 0191 205TH ST VERBAL DOMESTIC
5/30/07 10:29:53 107016538 0156 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374013 NO SEATB
5/30/07 11:02:09 107016543 0156 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF
5/30/07 11:24:18 107016546 0137 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358900-SEATBELT
5/30/07 11:37:48 107016548 205TH ST WARRANT / WCCS / T705005215
5/30/07 11 :47:21 107016551 0137 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358720-SPEED, 68
5/30/07 15:53 :40 107016603 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374014 NO SEATB
5/30/07 17:33:02 107016619 0149 MANNING TR THEFT
5/30/07 20:26:20 107016638 0149 HWY 95 SAFETY HAZARD
5/31/07 10:06:50 107016692 0156 OLINDA TR STRONG SMELL OF PROPANE
5/31/07 14:03 :52 107016724 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374017 NO SEATB
5/31/07 14:35:08 107016729 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374018 SPEED 46
5/31/07 14:52:35 107016732 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374019 NO SEATB
5/31/07 15:14:14 107016736 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374020 & 374061
5/31/07 15:50:54 107016738 0156 OLINDA TR DIRECTED PATROL SEATBELTS/45 M
5/31/07 17 :00:26 107016745 0195 202ND ST FIRE ALARM **CANCELLED
Total ICRs Processed: 153
6/01/07 5:26:59
Washington County Sheriff's Office
Contract Report for SCANDIA
For the Period 5/01/07 To 5/31/07
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: 2,01M
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Consider"density agreements"with the following property owners
proposed to be assessed for the 2007 street improvement project:
• Randy S. Ferrin and Kathy S. Trombly-Ferrin, 23290 Quentin Avenue
• Richard C. Hudson and Christine H. Maloney, 20491 Ostrom Avenue
Deadline/ Timeline: Assessment hearings will occur in September
Background: • The Ferrins own two parcels of land, approximately 10 acres in total
area in the Agricultural district which allows 4 units per 40 acres. In
return for agreeing that the property cannot be divided without city
approval the Ferrins will agree to be assessed for one equivalent
residential unit, rather than two units, for the street improvement
• Hudson and Maloney own two parcels, 7.6 acres in total area in the
Semi-Rural Zone, which allows 8 residential units per 40 acres. In
return for agreeing that the property cannot be divided without city
approval the owners will agree to be assessed for one equivalent
residential unit, rather than two units, for the street improvement
• City Attorney David Hebert has drafted the agreements, which have
been signed by each property owner.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council approve the density agreements and
authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign on behalf of the City.
Attachments/ • Density Agreement with Randy S. Ferrin and Kathy S. Trombly-
Materials provided: Ferrin
• Density Agreement with Richard C. Hudson and Christine H.
Contact(s): David Heber, City Attorney
651 464-3397
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(density agreements)
Page 1 of 1
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of
, 2007, by and between the City of Scandia, a municipal subdivision
under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "City") and Randy S. Ferrin and
Kathy S. Trombly-Ferrin, husband and wife, 23290 Quentin Avenue North,
Scandia, MN 55073 (the "Ferrins").
A. The City has undertaken a road improvement project to improve
certain streets in the City by the application of Class 5 gravel and bituminous
surfacing, which improvements are to occur in 2007.
B. The Ferrins are the owners of the following described parcels
situated in the City of Scandia, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to-wit:
Parcel A: (Abstract)
The South 322 feet of that part of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 6,
Township 32 North, Range 19 West lying East of the Easterly right of way
line of Trunk Highway No. 95, Washington County, Minnesota.
Parcel B: (Torrens)
The West 33 feet of the North 33 feet of Tract E of Registered Land Survey
No. 87, on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Washington County,
Minnesota, and that part of the West 210 feet of said Tract E, lying south of
the North 33 feet thereof.
Together, the two parcels are approximately 10 acres in size and are located in
the Agricultural Zone, which allows four residential units per 40 acres.
C. In order to finance the cost of the 2007 road improvements, the City
will assess a portion of the cost to the benefited land owners on a per equivalent
residential unit basis. The City initially proposed to assess the above described
property for two equivalent residential units.
D. After due consideration, the parties have agreed that in exchange for
the Ferrins limiting the above described property to one residential unit, it shall be
assessed accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and as a condition of
the property being assessed for one residential unit as a part of the 2007 Road
Improvement Project, the parties agree as follows:
1. The property herein above described is hereby determined to be one
residential unit under the Development Code of the City. No subdivision of the
property shall be permitted in order to create an additional residential parcel
without the approval of the City. The property is allocated one density unit.
2. The property shall be assessed for one residential noncollector
equivalent unit in connection with the City's 2007 Road Improvement Project.
3. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the
owners, their heirs, successors or assigns as the case may be.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement this
day of , 2007.
Dennis D. Seefeldt Randy S. Ferrin
Its: Mayor
BY: <1�
Anne Hurlburt Kathy S. Trombly-Ferrin
Its: Administrator
) ss.
On this day of , 2007, before me a notary public within and for said County,
personally appeared Dennis D. Seefeldt and Anne Hurlburt, the Mayor and Administrator of City of
Scandia, a municipal subdivision under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and who executed the
foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same on behalf of said City.
Notary Public
) ss.
�, X)COUNTY OF \\i i2 Cl1 )
On this `{$"'"day of nOL 2007, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before
me, a notary public within and for staid Washington County, by Randy S. Ferrin and Kathy S.
Trombly-Ferrin , husband and wife.
STACEY NAROW' Notary Public-Minnesota �j ^
' :„^c"` My Commission Expires Jan 31,2011 Notary Public'
This instrument was drafted by:
David K. Hebert
Hebert and Welch, P.A.
20 North Lake Street, Suite 301
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Telephone: 651-464-3397
Fax: 651-464-8664
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of
, 2007, by and between the City of Scandia, a municipal subdivision
under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "City") and Richard C. Hudson and
Christine H. Maloney, husband and wife, 20491 Ostrum Avenue North, Scandia,
MN 55073 ("Hudson-Maloney").
A. The City has undertaken a road improvement project to improve
certain streets in the City by the application of Class 5 gravel and bituminous
surfacing, which improvements are to occur in 2007.
B. Hudson-Maloney are the owners of the following described parcels
situated in the City of Scandia, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to-wit:
See Exhibit A Attached.
Together, the parcels are approximately 7.6 acres in size and are located in the
Semi-Rural Zone, which allows eight residential units per 40 acres.
C. In Order to finance the cost of the 2007 road improvements, the City
will assess a portion of the cost to the benefited land owners on a per equivalent
residential unit basis. The City initially proposed to assess the above described
property for two equivalent residential units.
D. After due consideration, the parties have agreed that in exchange for
Hudson-Maloney limiting the above described property to one residential unit, it
shall be assessed accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and as a condition of
the property being assessed for one residential unit as a part of the 2007 Road
Improvement Project, the parties agree as follows:
1. The property herein above described is hereby determined to be one
residential unit under the Development Code of the City. No subdivision of the
property shall be permitted in order to create an additional residential parcel
without the approval of the City Council. The property is allocated one density
2. The property shall be assessed for one residential noncollector
equivalent unit in connection with the City's 2007 Road Improvement Project.
3. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the
owners, their heirs, successors or assigns as the case may be.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement this
1 +
J1 day of , 2007.
Dennis D. Seefeldt Richard C. Hudson
Its: Mayor
Anne Hurlburt ri i e H. alo
Its: Administrator
) ss.
On this day of , 2007, before me a notary public within and for said County,
personally appeared Dennis D. Seefeldt and Anne Hurlburt, the Mayor and Administrator of the
City of Scandia, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and who
executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same on behalf of
said City of Scandia.
Notary Public
COUNTY OF V` j ss.
On this �
`� day of , 2007, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me,
a notary public within a for said Washington County, by Richard C. Hudson and Christine H.
Maloney, husband and wife.
~ ''+- MY COMMISSION E Notary Public
4 " EXPIRES JAN.31 2010 I
This instrument was drafted by:
David K. Hebert
Hebert and Welch, P.A.
20 North Lake Street, Suite 301
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Telephone: 651-464-3397
Fax: 651-464-8664
PARCEL A: 7 i o 2 - 2 '� '..
That part of the West half of the Southeast quarter of Section Ttaenty-three (23),
Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington County, Minnesota,
described as follows:
Camiencing at the South quarter corner of Section Twenty-three (23); thence North 0
degrees 00 minutes, assumed bearing, along the West line of the West one-half of the
Southeast quarter (W1/2 of SE1/4) of Section Twenty-three (23), a distance of 1672.7
feet; thence North 56 degrees 11 minutes East, a distance of 305.6 feet; thence North
41 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 241.5 feet to the point of
thence South 51 degrees 49 minutes East, a distance of 352.7 feet; thence' North 09
degrees 30 minutes Last, a distance of 79.4 feet; thence North 1 degree 20 minutes
West a distance of 541.5 feet; thence West 0 degrees 00 minuLen, a distance of 608.0
feet to the Bast line of the West 13 rods (214.5 feet) of the West one-half of the
Southeast quarter (W1/2 of SE1/4) of Section 23; thence South, along said East line,
a distance of 117.2 feet to the point of intersection with a line that bears North 51
degrees 49 minutes East, along said line, a distance of 336.9 feet to the point of
PARCEL B: G- f /fD Z -2
That part of the West half of the Southeast quarter (W1/4 of SE1/4), of Section
Twenty-three (23), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington
County, Minnesota, described as follows:
Cclntencing at the South quarter corner, of Section Twenty-three (23), thence North 0
degrees 00 minutes, assumed bearing, along the West line of the West one-half of the
Southeast quarter. (W1/2 of SE1/4) of Section TWent-y-three, a distance of 1672.7 feet;
thence Norlli 56 degrees 11 minutes East, a distance of 305.6 feet; thence North 41
degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 241.5 feet to the point of beginning, thence
South 51 degrees 49 minutes East, a distance of 352.7 feet; thence South 89 degrees
30 minutes West, a distance of 542.1 feet to the cast line of the West 13 rods of the
West one-half of the Southeast quarter (W1/2 of SE1/4) of Section 7Wenty-three (23),
thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes along said East line of the West 13 rods, a
distance of 431 feet to the point of intersection with a line that bears North 51
degrees 49 minutes West from the point of beginning, thence South 51 degrees 49
minutes East, a distance of 336.9 feet to the point of beginning.
That part of the West half of the Southeast quarter (W1/2 of SE1/4), of Section
Twenty-three (23), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington
County, Minnesota, described as follows:
Ccamtencing at the South quarter corner of Section Tenty-three (23), thence North 0
degrees 00 minutes, assumed bearing, along the West line of the West one-half of the
Southeast quarter (W1/2 of SE1/4) of Section Wenty-l-h:ree (23), a distance of 1672.7
feet; thence North 56 degrees 11 minutes East, a distance of 305.6 feet; thence North .
41 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 241.5 feet; thence South 51 degrees 49
minutes Gast, a distance of 352.7 feet; thence South 09 degrees 30 minutes West, a
distance of 542.1 .feet to the East line of the West 13 rods of the West one-half of
the Southeast quarter (W1/2 of SE1/4) of Section TWeuLy-three (23), which is the
ooint• of beginr:i:ut of the land Lo be described; thence Southerly along said East line
of the West 13 rods, to the centerline of Ostrom Avenue as platted and dedicated in
the plat of Oxboro Heights; thence Northeasterly along said centerline to its
intersection with a line that bears North 89 degrees 30 minutes East fran the point
of beginning; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes West 51.5 feet more or less to the
point of beginning.
Abstract Property. t,7"
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: c.
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: Consider the following issues regarding the Scandia Firefighter
Relief Association:
• Approve the change in the pension benefit lump-sum from
$2,200 to $2,350 that became effective on January 1, 2007.
• Review and approve the 2006 municipal contribution to the Fire
Relief Association.
• Approve the 2007 contribution to the Fire Relief Association in
the amount of$58,552.
Deadline/ Timeline: A motion approving the increased pension benefit, and a decision on
the 2006 municipal contribution, should be made so that a timely
report (due June 30, 2007) can be submitted to the Office of the State
Background: • The Town Board agreed in principle to increase the pension
benefit lump sum in 2006. However, a formal motion was not
adopted. So that the approval can be properly documented, a
motion should now be adopted.
• On May 16, 2006, the Town Board adopted a motion to approve a
2006 contribution to the Relief Association in the amount of
$33,958. The 2006 budget included $34,000 for the township
• The Treasurer paid $33,535 to the Relief Association in October
of 2006.
• After the payment was made, it was discovered that the required
municipal contribution had been miscalculated. A new amount
was calculated, and in November of 2006, an additional payment
of$25,018 was made bringing the total to $58,552.
• After that payment was made, it was discovered that the
calculation was still incorrect and had actually been based on the
formula for 2007. The required municipal contribution should
have been $44,667. The City had overpaid the required
contribution by$13,886.
• When the Fire Relief Association contacted the OSA about the
overpayment, they were informed that they could not issue a check
Page 1 of 3
to the city to return the excess contribution.
• The Treasurer and Administrator discussed the issue with
EideBailly, the township/ city auditor. They advised that the city
should treat the excess $13,886 payment as a pre-payment of the
2007 municipal contribution.
• The City and Relief Association asked for a written opinion from
the OSA on the options for resolving the overpayment of the 2006
contribution. The letter is attached. They indicated that they
would not take issue with applying the overpayment to the 2007
required municipal contribution. Contributions on reporting forms
would need to be adjusted accordingly. The higher than expected
contribution in 2006 would have the effect of reducing future
minimum required contributions.
• How much a payment in excess of the minimum might effect
future required contributions cannot be calculated until some new
forms are available from the OSA (they may be available prior to
the Council meeting but are not yet.) Mr. Rosen of the OSA
indicated that the 2007 minimum contribution would not be
effected. The 2008 minimum would be reduced somewhat due to
the Fire Relief Association reporting additional assets and
investment earnings because of the overpayment. Without going
through the calculations it is difficult to determine how much the
municipal contribution would be reduced, but it would certainly be
less than the overpayment.
• The Relief Association has submitted information showing that
additional municipal contributions to the Relief Association will
be necessary to bring the funding ratio to 100%of liabilities.
Recommendation: The Council should adopt a motion to approve the change in the
pension benefit lump-sum from $2,200 to $2,350 effective on January
1, 2006.
Council action to clarify the 2006 municipal contribution is required,
because the amount approved in May of 2006 was incorrect. The
Council has the following options:
1. Approve a municipal contribution of$44,667 (the correctly
calculated 2006 minimum) and consider the overpayment of
$13,866 to be an advance on the 2007 contribution. The Relief
Association would report $44,667 as the city's 2006
2. Approve a municipal contribution of$58,552. The
overpayment would be an additional 2006 contribution beyond
the minimum.
The Council should also adopt a motion approving the 2007
contribution to the Fire Relief Association in the amount of$58,552.
(If option 1, above, is chosen, the additional cash payment to the
Page 2 of 3
Relief Association would be $44,686 [$58,552 less the $13,866
Attachments/ • Excerpt of Town Board Minutes, May 16, 2006
Materials provided: • Letter dated May 23, 2007 from Paul Rosen, Office of the State
Contact(s): Steve Yehle, President
Fire Relief Association
h (651) 433-3602 w (612) 861-8446
Colleen Firkus, Treasurer
Prepared by: Anne Huriburt, Administrator
(fire relief payments)
Page 3 of 3
New Scandia Town Board
May 16,2006
page 5
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the New Scandia Township 2006 contribution of
$33,958.00 to the New Scandia Fire Relief Association. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion
and motion adopted.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the Washington County Recycling Grant for 2006-
2007. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve Resolution 05-16-06-01. This states approval by
the Board to grant a Washington County On-Sale Liquor License to Scot Taylor and
Courtney Taylor, 17180 Henna Avenue North,Hugo,MN 55038,as owners of Meister's Bar
and Grill, 14808 Oakhill Road, Scandia,MN 55073.Michael Harnetty seconded the motion
and motion adopted.
Nandy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting and meeting adjourned.
Brenda Eklund
New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk
$° 525 PARK STREET (651)296-2551 (Voice)
SAINT PAUL,MN 55103-2139 (651)296 4755(Fax)
REBECCA OTTO state.auditor@state.mn.us(E-Mail)
STATE AUDITOR 1-800-627-3529(Relay Service)
May 23, 2007 MAY 2 4 2001
Ms. Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
City of Scandia CITY OF SCANDIA
PO Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073
Mr. Steve Yehle, President
Scandia Fire Fighter Relief Association
15040 Scandia Trail North
Scandia, MN 55073
Dear Ms. Hurlburt and Mr. Yehle:
The Office of the State Auditor has been made aware of a payment from the City of
Scandia to the Scandia Fire Fighter Relief Association in excess of the 2006 required
municipal contribution amount. It is our understanding that both the relief association
and city agree that this payment was made in error; the city's intent was to pay the exact
amount of the 2006 required municipal contribution.
We are not aware of any provision in state statute that covers the overpayment of a
municipal contribution. Since state law only authorizes certain expenditures from a relief
association's special fund, repayment of the overpayment from the relief association's
special fund to the city does not appear to be a viable option. However, if both the city
and relief association agree, our Office would not take issue with applying the amount of
the overpayment to the 2007 required municipal contribution. If the 2007 contribution is
reduced by the overpaid amount the relief association should work with its auditor to
properly reflect the payments on the 2006 and 2007 reporting forms. If the overpayment
is not applied to the 2007 required municipal contribution, but left as an extra payment in
2006, future required municipal contributions calculated on the Schedule Form will be
reduced. However, the city may never recoup the full value of the extra payment.
74 Recycled paper with a minimum of
15%post-consumer waste An Equal Opportunity Employer
Ms. Anne Hurlburt and Mr. Steve Yehie
Scandia Fire Fighter Relief Association
May 23, 2007
Page 2
The relief association and city should work to come to a mutually agreeable resolution to
this issue. A good working relationship between the relief association and city is
essential, since most increases in pension benefits must be approved by the city.
If you have any questions you may contact me at 651-282-5430.
Paul Rosen
Pension Analyst
Office of the State Auditor
cc: Mr. Steve Spence, City Fire Chief
Mr. Dennis Seefeldt, Mayor of Scandia
Mr. Ernest Yoch, Relief Treasurer
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: 2 )
,21 )
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Review draft Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policies, and pass
Resolution 06-19-07-01 adopting the policy.
Deadline/ Timeline: The updated policy would be helpful with hiring the Building Official/Code
Enforcement Officer, currently in process.
Background: • The draft policy was provided to the Council with the agenda for the June 5,
2007 meeting. The 5/30/07 memo describing the policy is attached.
• Since that time several changes have been made to the draft. The largest is
the elimination of references to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) from
the section on Special Statutory Leaves. After further research it was
determined that the law does not apply to Scandia.
• Another change was to add item 1. b) 3) on page 1 to allow probationary
employees to use PTO during their probationary period. The current policy
on probationary employees does not allow an employee to use any time off
during their first six months. Most public employers with which I am familiar
would allow employees to take time off with pay during probation. Requiring
an employee to lose pay(such as for an illness) if they have accrued time off
does not seem reasonable or fair. The part of the current policy that would
not allow a probationary employee to be paid for unused PTO if they leave
employment during the probationary period would be retained.
• Additional minor changes suggested by the City Attorney to make the policy
more clear and understandable, and some formatting changes for consistency,
have also been made.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council discuss any changes you wish to make and then
adopt the policy.
Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 06-19-07-01 (with Policy as attachment)
Materials provided: • Report dated 5/30/07
• Redlined draft of policies, dated June 11, 2007
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(leave and overtime policy 2nd draft)
Page 1 of 1
RESOLUTION NO.: 06-19-07-01
WHEREAS, the Scandia City Council has determined that it is the best interest
of the City to provide employees with paid time off for holidays, for their personal needs
as an employee benefit, to meet the requirements of state and federal laws, and to enable
the city to attract and retain a quality workforce; and
WHEREAS, policies regarding work hours and overtime are necessary to
provide for the effective delivery of services, to meet the requirements of the law, and to
ensure employee accountability;
MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does adopt the attached "Employee Leave,
Work Hours and Overtime Policies", said policy taking precedence over any other policy
that may have been established in the past that may be in conflict.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that all other portions of the New Scandia
Township Employment and Personnel Policies, adopted January 16, 2001 not in conflict
with these policies shall remain in effect except as amended herein and by previous Town
Board and City Council actions.
Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 19th day of June, 2007.
Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor
Administrator/ City Clerk
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policies
June 19, 2007
a) Paid Time Off(PTO)
1) Paid Time Off shall accrue according to the following schedule for regular
full-time employees:
PTO Hours
Completed Years of Accrued per Pay PTO Hours PTO Days (8 hr.)
Employment Period Accrued per Year Accrued per Year
0— 1 5.5 132 16.5
2—4 7 168 21
5—9 8 192 24
10— 14 9 216 27
15+ 10 240 30
2) The City Council may establish higher levels of annual leave accrual for an
employee at the time of hiring if such authorization serves a public purpose.
Such accruals shall never exceed the maximum allowed.
3) Regular part-time employees shall accrued PTO on a pro-rata basis if they are
scheduled to work 30 or more hours per week.
b) Administration of Paid Time Off(PTO)
1) An employee shall not have more than 480 hours of PTO accrued at any time
unless a written request has been submitted to and approved by the City
Administrator and the City Council.
2) Employees may not use PTO until it has been credited to the employee's bank
in the payroll system.
3) Probationary employees will accrue PTO and may use PTO as provided by
this policy, but shall not receive payment for unused PTO if the employee is
terminated during the probationary period.
4) Accumulated PTO cannot be transferred from one employee to another.
5) PTO shall not be earned by an employee during leaves of absence without pay
when such leaves are in excess of ten(10) consecutive working days. An
employee receiving either short term or long term disability insurance is
considered to be on leave without pay for the purposes of this section.
6) PTO will take two forms:
(a) planned time off which will be scheduled in advance with the
supervisor's approval;
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
(b) unplanned time off which will require notification of the supervisor
within 30 minutes of the employee's scheduled work day if the employee
is not at work, or notification of the supervisor before leaving work.
7) PTO may be used in increments of one hour or more.
8) If unplanned time off shows a pattern suggesting abuse, the City
Administrator shall notify the employee of his/her concern. If such abuse
continues, the employee shall be warned in writing that such continued abuse
may be cause to deny future unplanned time off requests without a physician's
9) Upon separation from employment, the unused balance of PTO shall be paid
to the employee at the pay rate the employee is earning at that time.
c) Transition—Employees Hired Prior to Adoption of PTO Policy
1) Vacation time shall be converted to Paid Time Off(PTO), one hour of PTO
for each hour of vacation time accrued.
2) Sick leave shall be placed in a"Sick Leave Bank".
(a) The Sick Leave Bank may be used in the case of an extended personal
illness or disability requiring more than twenty-four(24) hours of
continuous absence from work. The Sick Leave Bank may be used for
the twenty-fifth (25th) and subsequent hour(s) of absence.
(b) The City reserves the right to require a physician's statement indicating
the nature and length of the disability, and/or the ability of the employee
to return to work, for any absence for which the employee requests use
of the Sick Leave Bank.
(c) No additional Sick Leave shall accrue, and balances shall not be
converted to any other form or thing of value at any time for any
purpose for any employee, except as may be provided by this policy.
(d) Full-time employees shall be entitled to payment for unused Sick Leave
Bank balances as severance pay upon retirement, death or resignation
only under the following conditions:
(a) He/she shall have an accumulation of at least sixty(60) days (480
hours) of sick leave.
(b) He/she shall have been employed by the city or township for ten (10)
years or more.
(c) Severance compensation shall be one-half of unused sick leave,but
shall in no event exceed $5,000.00.
(d) If payment of severance pay is made as a result of the death of an
employee, it shall be paid to his/her surviving spouse and if he/she
leaves no spouse surviving, to his/her estate.
d) Holidays
1) The City observes the following official holidays for all regular full-time and
part-time employees:
(a) New Year's Day(January 1)
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
(b) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day(Third Monday in January)
(c) President's Day(Third Monday in February)
(d) Memorial Day(Last Monday in May)
(e) Independence Day(July 4)
(f) Labor Day (First Monday in September)
(g) Columbus Day(Second Monday in October)
(h) Veteran's Day(November 11)
(i) Thanksgiving Day(Fourth Thursday in November)
(j) Friday after Thanksgiving Day
(k) Christmas Day (December 25)
2) Official holidays commence at the beginning of the first shift of the day on
which the holiday is observed and continue for twenty-four(24) hours
3) When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be the
"observed"holiday and when a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding
Friday will be the "observed"holiday for City operations/facilities that are
closed on holidays.
4) Full-time employees will receive pay for official holidays at their normal
straight time rates, provided they are on paid status on the last scheduled day
prior to the holiday and first scheduled day immediately after the holiday.
5) Part-time employees will not receive holiday pay, unless they are normally
scheduled to work at least 30 hours per week. Eligible part-time employees
will receive pro-rated holiday pay based on the number of hours normally
6) Any employee on a leave of absence without pay from the City is not eligible
for holiday pay.
7) Non-exempt employees required to work on a holiday shall be paid time and
one-half their regular rate of pay. Any employee required to work on a
holiday shall be allowed to take paid time off on an alternate day, one hour for
each hour worked, subject to the supervisor's approval.
8) Employees wanting to observe holidays other than those officially observed
by the City may request either PTO or unpaid leave for such time off.
e) Bereavement/ Funeral Leave
1) Funeral leave may be granted to full time City employees, or to part time
employees scheduled to work 30 hours or more per week. To be eligible for
funeral leave an employee must furnish adequate proof that a death has
occurred with the employee's immediate family.
2) The term "immediate family" shall include spouse, parents, step-parents,
child, step-child, grandchild, step-grandchild, siblings and step-siblings of the
employee, or grandparents of the employee or spouse, mother-in-law or
father-in-law. Relatives of the employee other than those above listed shall
not be considered members of the immediate family for the purposes of this
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
3) Paid funeral leave may be granted for one, two or three work days where the
supervisor concludes such leave is warranted provided that no more than three
days (24 hours) of paid funeral leave per calendar year shall be allowed.
f) Jury Duty
1) Regular full-time and part-time employees will be granted paid leaves of
absence for required jury duty. Such employees will be required to turn over
any compensation they receive for jury duty, minus mileage reimbursement,
to the City in order to receive their regular wages for the period. Time spent
on jury duty will not be counted as time worked in computing overtime.
2) Employees excused or released from jury duty during their regular working
hours will report to their regular work duties as soon as reasonably possible or
will take accrued vacation or compensatory time to make up the difference.
3) Employees are required to notify their supervisor as soon as possible after
receiving notice to report for jury duty. The employee will be responsible for
ensuring that a report of time spent on jury duty and pay form is completed by
the Clerk of Court so the City will be able to determine the amount of
compensation due for the period involved.
4) Temporary and seasonal employees are generally not eligible for
compensation for absences due to jury duty, but can take a leave without pay
subject to city administrator approval. However, if a temporary or seasonal
employee is classified as exempt, he/she will receive compensation for the
jury duty time.
g) Court Appearances
1) Employees will be paid their regular wage to testify in court for City-related
business. Any compensation received for court appearances (e.g. subpoena
fees) arising out of or in connection with City employment, minus mileage
reimbursement, must be turned over to the City.
h) Military Leave
1) State and federal laws provide protections and benefits to City employees who
are called to military service, whether in the reserves or on active duty. Such
employees are entitled to a leave of absence without loss of pay, seniority
status, efficiency rating, or benefits for the time the employee is engaged in
training or active service not exceeding a total of 15 days in any calendar year.
2) The leave of absence is only in the event the employee returns to employment
with the City as required upon being relieved from service, or is prevented
from returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not the fault of
the employee, or is required by the proper authority to continue in military or
naval service beyond the fifteen (15) day paid leave of absence. Employees on
extended unpaid military leave will receive fifteen (15) days paid leave of
absence in each calendar year, not to exceed five years.
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
3) Where possible, notice is to be provided to the City at least ten (10) working
days in advance of the requested leave.
4) Employees returning from military service will be reemployed in the job that
they would have attained had they not been absent for military service and
with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits
determined by seniority. Unpaid military leave will be considered hours
worked for the purpose of paid time off(PTO) accruals.
5) Eligibility for continuation of insurance coverage for employees on military
leave beyond fifteen (15) days will follow the same procedures as for any
employee on an unpaid leave of absence.
i) Leaves of Absence Without Pay
1) The City Administrator may, giving consideration to the needs of the City and
the ability of the remaining staff to accomplish work responsibilities,
authorize regular employees to be absent without pay for personal reasons for
a period or periods not to exceed a total of ten (10) working days in any
calendar year.
2) Requests for leave of absence without pay in excess of ten (10) days in a
calendar year must be submitted to and approved in advance by the City
Council. Employees shall request such leaves of absence without pay in
writing in advance of the date so desired indicating the reason(s) for absence,
the specific absence period and anticipated date of return to work.
3) Leaves of absence will not be given for the purpose of enabling any employee
to work for another employer or to engage in any form of self-employment.
Any employee who obtains a leave of absence by misrepresenting its purpose
shall be discharged.
4) While on approved leave of absence without pay exceeding ten consecutive
working days, an employee will not receive city contributions to city
sponsored insurance(s) in which he/she is a member or be eligible to accrue
PTO or holiday pay. Nor will the time on leave of absence without pay be
considered for purposes of calculating time in active service where the period
exceeds ten consecutive working days.
j) Parenting Leave
1) Employees who work twenty (20)hours or more per week and have been
employed more than one year are entitled to take an unpaid leave of absence
in connection with the birth or adoption of a child. The leave may not exceed
six weeks, and must begin within six (6) weeks after the birth or adoption of
the child.
2) Employees are not required to use accumulated PTO during Parenting Leave
but may do so at their option.
3) The employee is entitled to return to work in the same position and at the
same rate of pay the employee was receiving prior to commencement of the
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
leave. Any group insurance coverage in which the employee participates will
remain in effect during the six (6) week Parenting Leave.
k) Special Statutory Leaves
1) Any employee who works an average of(20 hours per week or more) may be
granted unpaid leave not to exceed 16 hours per 12 month period to attend
school conferences or school related activities related to the employee's child.
This leave shall be granted only if: a) such activities cannot be scheduled for
non-work time; b) the activities are scheduled to minimize work disruption;
and c) the supervisor is apprised of the request in advance (preferably one
week or more).
2) Any employee who works an average of 20 or more hours per week may be
granted a leave of absence to undergo a medical procedure to donate bone
marrow in accordance with applicable state law.
3) The policies in this section are general statements of federal and state statutes
and regulations. They are for information purposes only and are not meant to
increase or decrease the benefits actually available by statute.
4) The Employee must comply with all requirements for furnishing information
as outlined in the statutes.
a) General Working Hours
1) Work schedules for employees will be established by the City Administrator.
The regular work week for full-time employees is five eight-hour days in
addition to a lunch period, Monday through Friday. Part-time employees shall
maintain such hours in accordance with the customs and needs of the
department, as approved by the City Administrator.
2) Office hours for the city office are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to
4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Public Works Department hours are 7:00
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
3) Regular work schedules and/or office hours may be changed by the City
Administrator with written notice at least one week in advance to the affected
b) Meal Breaks and Rest Periods
1) A paid fifteen (15) minute paid break is allowed within each four(4)
consecutive hours of work. An unpaid thirty(30) minute lunch period is
provided when an employee works eight or more consecutive hours.
2) Employees working in City buildings will normally take their break at an
appropriate place for that purpose in each building. Employees working out-
of-doors will normally take their break at the location of their work.
Employees whose duties involve traveling throughout the City may stop along
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
the assigned route at a restaurant or other public accommodation for their
fifteen (15) minute break. Exceptions may be approved by the supervisor or
City Administrator.
3) Departments with unique job or coverage requirements may have additional
rules, issued by the supervisor and subject to approval of the City
administrator, on the use of meal breaks and rest periods.
c) Adverse Weather Conditions
1) City facilities will generally be open during adverse weather. Due to
individual circumstances, each employee will have to evaluate the weather
and road conditions in deciding to report to work or leave early. Employees
will be allowed to use accrued PTO or compensatory time, or with supervisor
approval may modify the work schedule or make other reasonable schedule
2) Public works maintenance employees will generally be required to report to
work regardless of conditions.
d) Emergency Work/ Callbacks
1) A non-exempt, over-time eligible employee who is called in to work after
hours will be paid for a minimum of two hours.
e) Overtime/ Compensatory Time
1) The City has established this overtime policy to comply with applicable state
and federal laws governing accrual and use of overtime. The City
Administrator will determine whether each employee is designated as
"exempt" or"non-exempt" from earning overtime pay.
2) Employees may be required to work overtime as a condition of continued
employment. Refusal to work overtime may result in disciplinary action.
Supervisors will make reasonable efforts to balance the personal needs of their
employees when assigning overtime work.
3) Non-Exempt (overtime-eligible) Employees:
(a) All overtime-eligible employees will be compensated at the rate of time
and one-half for all hours worked over 40 in one workweek. Paid time
off, sick leave, compensatory time off, funeral leave and paid holidays
do not count toward "hours worked".
(b) The workweek begins at midnight on Sunday and runs until the
following Saturday night at 11:59 p.m.
(c) Compensation will take the form of either time and one-half pay or
compensatory time. Compensatory time is paid time off at the rate of
one and one-half hours off for each hour of overtime worked.
(d) The employee's supervisor must approve overtime hours in advance. An
employee who works overtime without prior approval may be subject to
disciplinary action.
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-01
(e) Overtime earned will be paid at the rate of time and one-half on the next
regularly scheduled payroll date, unless the employee indicates on
his/her timecard that the overtime earned is to be recorded as
compensatory time in lieu of payment.
(f) The maximum compensatory time earned for any employee is eighty
(80) hours per calendar year. All further overtime will be paid.
Employees may request and use compensatory time off in the same
manner as other leave requests.
(g) All compensatory time will be marked as such on official time cards,
both when it is earned and when it is used. All unused compensatory
time accrued will be paid when the employee leaves city employment at
the hourly pay rate the employee is earning at that time.
4) Exempt (non-overtime-eligible) Employees
(a) Exempt employees are expected to work the hours necessary to meet the
performance expectations for their positions. Generally, to meet these
expectations, and for reasons of public accountability, an exempt
employee will need to work 40 or more hours per week. Exempt
employees do not receive extra pay for the hours worked over 40 in one
workweek. This includes normal work hours, evening meetings and/or
on-call hours as necessary.
(b) In recognition for working extra hours, these employees may take some
time off during their normal working hours, with supervisor approval.
The time off for extra hours will not be on a one-for-one basis.
(c) Exempt employees are required to use paid time off when on personal
business or away from the office for four(4) hours or more, on a regular
work day. Absences of less than four(4) hours may not require use of
paid leave if the staff member regularly puts in work hours above and
beyond the normal work hours.
(d) If an exempt employee regularly absents themselves from work under this
policy and it is found that there is excessive time away from work which is
not justified, the situation will be handled as a performance issue.
Meeting Date: 615/2007
Agenda Item:
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Review draft of revised Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime
Deadline/ Timeline: It would be desirable to adopt revised policies as soon as possible given
that we are in the process of hiring two new full-time employees.
Background: • Earlier this year I presented the Council with an outline of a revised
set of personnel policies. Writing these policies has proven to be a
large endeavor. It may be more practical to revise the policies in
smaller pieces that can be later compiled into a comprehensive policy
document. The Council approved policies for employee health
insurance benefits in March. The next sections most urgently
needing attention are policies on employee leave (vacation, sick
leave, etc.) and work hours and overtime.
• The proposed changes from current policies were reviewed on a
conceptual level with the Human Resources Committee on May 9.
• The draft policy was prepared using, in part,model language
provided by the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) and other policy
language I have worked with in the past.
• The most significant changes from current policy are:
➢ Elimination of the current vacation and sick leave policies, to be
replaced with "PTO" (Paid Time Off, sometimes also referred to
a Flexible Time Off or Annual Leave.) Replacing traditional
vacation and sick leave with a single, flexible bank is becoming
more common for government and businesses. It allows
employees flexibility to take time off, but reduces unplanned
absences if employees feign illness to utilize their sick time. It
eliminates the need for employers to "police" whether or not an
employee is truly sick, and the issue of whether or not they can
use sick leave to care for family members. Typically the total
amount of leave time under a PTO plan is less than the total
amount of sick and vacation leave granted, as most employees do
not use all of their sick time(nor do employers typically expect
them to do so.)
➢ The following table shows the amount of time granted under the
current policy, compared with that proposed under the draft
Page 1 of 3
Current Policy Proposed PTO
Years of
Service Vacation Sick Total Total
0— 1 40 96 136 132
2—4 80 96 176 168
5—9 120 96 216 192
10— 14 160 96 256 216
15+ 160 96 256 240
➢ The total number of hours of proposed PTO at all steps is slightly
lower than the total leave time provided by the current policy.
The PTO policy would, however, allow significantly more
"discretionary" time off for employees with fewer years of
service—for example, 132 PTO hours vs. only 40 vacation hours
at one year of service. Scandia's current vacation policy is
significantly less generous than that of most other small cities,
which commonly start employees with at least two weeks of
vacation pay in addition to sick leave.
➢ There are a number of other smaller cities (< 10,000 population)
in the Metro Area with PTO policies. Of a half-dozen cities for
which data was available (Arden Hills, Carver, Centerville, Hugo,
Lake Elmo and St. Anthony Village) the average PTO at one year
of service is 20 days per year(160 hours.) At five years, the
average is 21 days (168 hours); at 10 years, 27.6 days (221
hours); and at 15 years, 31 days (248 hours.)
➢ The proposed policy caps the maximum accrual of annual leave
to 480 hours. There is currently no cap on vacation or sick leave
accruals. A cap is needed to avoid large pay-outs when someone
leaves the city. The proposed limit would ensure that about three
month's salary would be the maximum liability. Since it would
take about that long to replace a full-time employee, the City
should be able to absorb that amount in its budget.
➢ Transition language is included for employees with current
vacation and sick leave balances (this affects only three
employees.) Vacation leave would be converted to PTO. Sick
leave balances would become"Banked Sick Leave", to be used
only for longer illnesses (more than 3 consecutive days.) No
additional banked sick leave would accumulate. The current
severance policy paying employees for unused sick leave would
be retained. This would affect only one current employee
(Maintenance Supervisor John Morrison.) He could potentially
receive up to $5,000 in severance pay upon leaving employment
after ten years, if he maintains a Banked Sick Leave balance over
480 hours. (He currently has 600+ hours on the books.)
➢ The Holiday policy is basically unchanged, except that any
employee required to work on a holiday would be allowed to take
the hours worked as paid time off on an alternate day, subject to
the supervisor's approval. The current policy provides for time
and one-half pay, but the employee loses the holiday.
Page 2 of 3
D. Language on Funeral/ Bereavement Leave is changed to refine
the list of eligible family members for which leave may be taken
and to clarify existing confusing language.
➢ Policy language has been added or expanded with regard to jury
duty, court appearance, military leave, parenting leave and other
special statutory leaves. Many of these types of leave are
governed by state or federal laws, but it is important to include
language so it's understood how they will be administered and
coordinated with city policy.
➢ New language on leaves without pay was added. The current
policy is silent on whether or not this is allowed.
➢ The section on work hours and has been revised to clarify that
regular work schedules and/or office hours may be changed with
written notice at least one week in advance to the affected
➢ The sections on meal breaks, rest periods and adverse weather
conditions are new,based on LMC model language.
➢ The overtime policy has been expanded and clarified. Sections
for non-exempt(overtime-eligible) and exempt (non-overtime-
eligible) employees have been added.
➢ The maximum amount of compensatory time off(in lieu of
overtime pay) for non-exempt employees is proposed to change
from 40 hours in a calendar year to 80 hours. This will allow
more flexibility particularly for public works employees, who
may work long hours seasonally, to take time off instead of
overtime pay. It has the potential of saving the city some money
for overtime pay while giving the employees some desired
flexibility in seasons when demands are not as high. Some limit
on the amount of comp time is desirable, as generally employers
can place few restrictions on its use.
➢ Some guidance on work hours for exempt employees is proposed
in the last section of the policy. This will help establish the
expectations for the Building/Code Enforcement Official
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council review the draft policy and give direction
for any changes that may be desired before approval.
Attachments/ • Draft Policy
Materials provided: • Current Personnel Policies
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(leave and overtime policy)
Page 3 of 3
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policies
DRAFT May 30June 11, 2007
a) Paid Time Off(PTO)
1) Paid Time Off shall accrue according to the following schedule for regular full-time
PTO Hours
Completed Years of Accrued per Pay PTO Hours PTO Days(8 hr.)
Employment Period Accrued per Year Accrued per Year
0— 1 5.5 132 16.5
2—4 7 168 21
5—9 8 192 24
10— 14 9 216 27
15+ 10 240 30
2) The City Council may establish higher levels of annual leave accrual for an employee
at the time of hiring if such authorization serves a public purpose. Such accruals shall
never exceed the maximum allowed.
3) Regular part-time employees shall accrued PTO on a pro-rata basis if they are
scheduled to work 30 or more hours per week.
b) Administration of Paid Time Off(PTO)
I) An employee shall not have more than 480 hours of PTO accrued at any time unless a
written request has been submitted to and approved by the City Administrator and the
City Council.
2) Employees may not use PTO until it has been credited to the employee's bank in the
payroll system.
3) Probationary employees will accrue PTO and may use PTO as provided by this
policy,but shall not receive payment for unused PTO if the employee is terminated
during the probationary period.
3-44) Accumulated PTO cannot be transferred from one employee to another.
4)5) PTO shall not be earned by an employee during leaves of absence without pay
when such leaves are in excess of ten (10) consecutive working days. An employee
receiving either short term or long term disability insurance is considered to be on
leave without pay for the purposes of this section.
6) PTO will take two forms:
(a) planned time off which will be scheduled in advance with the supervisor's
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
(b) emergency unplanned time off which will require notification of the supervisor
within 30 minutes of the employee's scheduled work day if the employee is not
at work, or notification of the supervisor before leaving work.
647) PTO may be used in increments of one hour or more.
-)8) If unplanned time off shows a pattern suggesting abuse, the City Administrator
shall notify the employee of his/her concern. If such abuse continues, the employee
shall be warned in writing that such continued abuse may be cause to deny future
unplanned time off requests without a physician's note.
&9) Upon separation from employment, the unused balance of PTO shall be paid to
the employee at the pay rate the employee is earning at that time.
c) Transition—Employees Hired Prior to Adoption of PTO Policy
1) Vacation time shall be converted to Paid Time Off(PTO), one hour of PTO for each
hour of vacation time accrued.
2) Sick leave shall be placed in a "Sick Leave Bank".
(a) The Sick Leave Bank may be used in the case of an extended personal illness or
disability requiring more than twenty-four(24) hours of continuous absence
from work. The Sick Leave Bank may be used for the twenty-fifth (25th) and
subsequent hour(s) of absence.
(b) The City reserves the right to require a physician's statement indicating the
nature and length of the disability, and/or the ability of the employee to return to
work, for any absence for which the employee requests use of the Sick Leave
(c) No additional Sick Leave shall accrue, and balances shall not be converted to
any other form or thing of value at any time for any purpose for any employee,
except as may be provided by this policy.
(d) Full-time employees shall be entitled to payment for unused Sick Leave Bank
balances as severance pay upon retirement, death or resignation only under the
following conditions:
(a) He/she shall have an accumulation of at least sixty (60) days (480 hours) of
sick leave.
(b) He/she shall have been employed by the city or township for ten (10) years or
(c) Severance compensation shall be one-half of unused sick leave, but shall in no
event exceed $5,000.00.
(d) If payment of severance pay is made as a result of the death of an employee, it
shall be paid to his/her surviving spouse and if he/she leaves no spouse
surviving, to his/her estate.
d) Holidays
1) The City observes the following official holidays for all regular full-time and part-
time employees:
(a) New Year's Day(January 1)
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
(b) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day(Third Monday in January)
(c) President's Day(Third Monday in February)
(d) Memorial Day(Last Monday in May)
(e) Independence Day(July 4)
(f) Labor Day(First Monday in September)
(g) Columbus Day(Second Monday in October)
(h) Veteran's Day(November 11)
(i) Thanksgiving Day(Fourth Thursday in November)
(j) Friday after Thanksgiving Day
(k) Christmas Day (December 25)
(b)2) Official holidays commence at the beginning of the first shift of the day on which
the holiday is observed and continue for twenty-four(24) hours thereafter.
(c)3) When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be the"observed"
holiday and when a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be the
"observed" holiday for City operations/facilities that are closed on holidays.
OM Full-time employees will receive pay for official holidays at their normal straight
time rates, provided they are on paid status on the last scheduled day prior to the
holiday and first scheduled day immediately after the holiday.
(e)5) Part-time employees will not receive holiday pay, unless they are normally
scheduled to work at least 30 hours per week. Eligible part-time employees will
receive pro-rated holiday pay based on the number of hours normally scheduled.
(46) Any employee on a leave of absence without pay from the City is not eligible for
holiday pay.
(g)7) Non-exempt employees required to work on a holiday shall be paid time and one-
half their regular rate of pay. Any employee required to work on a holiday shall be
allowed to take the hours worked as paid time off on an alternate day, one hour for
each hour worked, subject to the supervisor's approval.
{h)8) Employees wanting to observe holidays other than those officially observed by
the City may request either PTO or unpaid leave for such time off
24e) Bereavement/ Funeral Leave
(a)1) Funeral leave may be granted to full time City employees, or to part time
employees scheduled to work 30 hours or more per week. To be eligible for funeral
leave an employee must furnish adequate proof that a death has occurred with the
employee's immediate family.
(b)2) The term "immediate family" shall include spouse, parents, step-parents, child,
step-child, grandchild, step-grandchild, siblings and step-siblings of the employee, or
grandparents of the employee or spouse,mother-in-law or father-in-law. Relatives of
the employee other than those above listed shall not be considered members of the
immediate family for the purposes of this policy.
(c)3) Paid funeral leave may be granted for one, two or three work days where the
supervisor concludes such leave is warranted provided that no more than three days
(24 hours) of paid funeral leave per calendar year shall be allowed.
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
ft Jury Duty
(-a.)1) Regular full-time and part-time employees will be granted paid leaves of absence
for required jury duty. Such employees will be required to turn over any
compensation they receive for jury duty, minus mileage reimbursement, to the City in
order to receive their regular wages for the period. Time spent on jury duty will not
be counted as time worked in computing overtime.
(b)2) Employees excused or released from jury duty during their regular working hours
will report to their regular work duties as soon as reasonably possible or will take
accrued vacation or compensatory time to make up the difference.
(e-)3) Employees are required to notify their supervisor as soon as possible after
receiving notice to report for jury duty. The employee will be responsible for ensuring
that a report of time spent on jury duty and pay form is completed by the Clerk of
Court so the City will be able to determine the amount of compensation due for the
period involved.
(d)4) Temporary and seasonal employees are generally not eligible for compensation
for absences due to jury duty, but can take a leave without pay subject to city
administrator approval. However, if a temporary or seasonal employee is classified as
exempt, he/she will receive compensation for the jury duty time.
4►2) Court Appearances
(a)1) Employees will be paid their regular wage to testify in court for City-related
business. Any compensation received for court appearances (e.g. subpoena fees)
arising out of or in connection with City employment, minus mileage reimbursement,
must be turned over to the City.
4h) Military Leave
(-a-)1) State and federal laws provide protections and benefits to City employees who are
called to military service, whether in the reserves or on active duty. Such employees
are entitled to a leave of absence without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency
rating, or benefits for the time the employee is engaged in training or active service
not exceeding a total of 15 days in any calendar year.
(b)2) The leave of absence is only in the event the employee returns to employment
with the City as required upon being relieved from service, or is prevented from
returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not the fault of the employee,
or is required by the proper authority to continue in military or naval service beyond
the fifteen (15) day paid leave of absence. Employees on extended unpaid military
leave will receive fifteen (15) days paid leave of absence in each calendar year, not to
exceed five years.
(c)3) Where possible, notice is to be provided to the City at least ten(10) working days
in advance of the requested leave. If an employee has not yet u-s ,r fifteen (15)
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
(d)4) Employees returning from military service will be reemployed in the job that they
would have attained had they not been absent for military service and with the same
seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority.
Unpaid military leave will be considered hours worked for the purpose of vacation
leave and sick leave paid time off(PTO) accruals.
(e)5) Eligibility for continuation of insurance coverage for employees on military leave
beyond fifteen (15) days will follow the same procedures as for any employee on an
unpaid leave of absence.
Hsi Leaves of Absence Without Pay
(a)1) The City Administrator may, giving consideration to the needs of the City and the
ability of the remaining staff to accomplish work responsibilities, authorize regular
employees to be absent without pay for personal reasons for a period or periods not to
exceed a total of ten (10) working days in any calendar year.
(b)2) Requests for leave of absence without pay in excess of ten (10) days in a calendar
year must be submitted to and approved in advance by the City Council. Employees
shall request such leaves of absence without pay in writing in advance of the date so
desired indicating the reason(s) for absence, the specific absence period and
anticipated date of return to work.
((:)3) Leaves of absence will not be given for the purpose of enabling any employee to
work for another employer or to engage in any form of self-employment. Any
employee who obtains a leave of absence by misrepresenting its purpose shall be
(01) While on approved leave of absence without pay exceeding ten consecutive
working days, an employee will not receive city contributions to city sponsored
insurance(s) in which he/she is a member or be eligible to accrue PTO or holiday pay.
Nor will the time on leave of absence without pay be considered for purposes of
calculating time in active service where the period exceeds ten consecutive working
auParenting Leave
(a)1) Employees who work twenty(20)hours or more per week and have been
employed more than one year are entitled to take an unpaid leave of absence in
connection with the birth or adoption of a child. The leave may not exceed six weeks,
and must begin within six (6) weeks after the birth or adoption of the child.
(b)2) Employees are not required to use accumulated PTO during Parenting Leave but
may do so at their option.
(c)3) The employee is entitled to return to work in the same position and at the same
rate of pay the employee was receiving prior to commencement of the leave. Any
group insurance coverage in which the employee participates will remain in effect
during the six (6) week Parenting Leave.
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
Act(FMLA) when this leave commences, this leave will also count as FMLA leave.
8410 Special Statutory Leaves
(-a-)1) Any employee who works an average of(20 hours per week or more) may be
granted unpaid leave not to exceed 16 hours per 12 month period to attend school
conferences or school related activities related to the employee's child. This leave
shall be granted only if: a) such activities cannot be scheduled for non-work time;b)
the activities are scheduled to minimize work disruption; and c)the supervisor is
apprised of the request in advance(preferably one week or more).
2)Part time(21 hours per week or more) and full time employees who have been
employed for 12 months or more may be granted up to 12 weeks of unpaid 1 ave in a
12 month period under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
Such leave may be granted for the following reasons: a) the birth of the employee's
child; b) the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care; c)to
a serious health condition rendering the employee unable to perform his or her job
ofihe e ployee family ,mob er's ill„ess__the o ployee ,-,ay
take leave intermittently or on a reduced work schedule.
3)Employees must provide at least 30 days notice, if possible, of their intention to take
such leave. The date the leave begins shall be the date on which the 12 month period
'l)The City may require medical certification that the leave is needed due to the
must provide monthly updates from his/her physician dung the leave. The City may
5)The City may require that the employee use all or part of his/her accumulated leave
including short term and mid term disability 1 ave and sick leave bank as part of the
12 week leave. The employee may elect to use applicable leave for all or part of the
12 week leave.
6)The City shall continue to pay the employee's h alth insurance under the same
conditions as if the employee were working. The employee will still be required to
7)The employee is entitled to be restored to the same or equivalent position with
equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions-of employment at the end of
the leave.
S)Part time (20 hours per week er mere) employees may qualify for six weeks of
parenting leave under Minnesota Statute.
4)2) Any employee who works an average of 20 or more hours per week may be
granted a leave of absence to undergo a medical procedure to donate bone marrow in
accordance with applicable state law.
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
f-)3) The policies in this section are general statements of federal and state statutes and
regulations. They are for information purposes only and are not meant to increase or
decrease the benefits actually available by statute.
(kyl) The Employee must comply with all requirements for furnishing information as
outlined in the statutes.
a) General Working Hours
1) Work schedules for employees will be established by the City Administrator. The
regular work week for full-time employees is five eight-hour days in addition to a
lunch period, Monday through Friday. Part-time employees shall maintain such
hours in accordance with the customs and needs of the department, as approved by
the City Administrator.
2) Office hours for the city office are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00
p.m., Monday through Friday. Public Works Department hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. Monday through Friday.
3) Regular work schedules and/or office hours may be changed by the City
Administrator with written notice at least one week in advance to the affected
b) Meal Breaks and Rest Periods
1) A paid fifteen (15) minute paid break is allowed within each four(4) consecutive
hours of work. An unpaid thirty(30) minute lunch period is provided when an
employee works eight or more consecutive hours.
2) Employees working in City buildings will normally take their break at an appropriate
place for that purpose in each building. Employees working out-of-doors will
normally take their break at the location of their work. Employees whose duties
involve traveling throughout the City may stop along the assigned route at a
restaurant or other public accommodation for their fifteen (15) minute break.
Exceptions may be approved by the supervisor or City Administrator.
3) Departments with unique job or coverage requirements may have additional rules,
issued by the supervisor and subject to approval of the City administrator, on the use
of meal breaks and rest periods.
c) Adverse Weather Conditions
1) City facilities will generally be open during adverse weather. Due to individual
circumstances, each employee will have to evaluate the weather and road conditions
in deciding to report to work or leave early. Employees not reporting to work for
absence. but will be allowed to use accrued PTO or compensatory time, or with
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
supervisor approval may modify the work schedule or make other reasonable
schedule adjustments.
2) Public works maintenance employees will generally be required to report to work
regardless of conditions.
d) Emergency Work/Callbacks
1) A non-exempt, over-time eligible employee who is called in to work after hours will
be paid for a minimum of two hours.
e) Overtime/ Compensatory Time
1) The City has established this overtime policy to comply with applicable state and
federal laws governing accrual and use of overtime. The City Administrator will
determine whether each employee is designated as "exempt" or"non-exempt" from
earning overtime pay.
2) Employees may be required to work overtime as a condition of continued
employment. Refusal to work overtime may result in disciplinary action.
Supervisors will make reasonable efforts to balance the personal needs of their
employees when assigning overtime work.
3) Non-Exempt (overtime-eligible) Employees:
(a) All overtime-eligible employees will be compensated at the rate of time and
one-half for all hours worked over 40 in one workweek. Paid time off, sick
leave, compensatory time off, funeral leave and paid holidays do not count
toward "hours worked".
(b) The workweek begins at midnight on Sunday and runs until the following
Saturday night at 11:59 p.m.
(c) Compensation will take the form of either time and one-half pay or
compensatory time. Compensatory time is paid time off at the rate of one and
one-half hours off for each hour of overtime worked.
(d) The employee's supervisor must approve overtime hours in advance. An
employee who works overtime without prior approval may be subject to
disciplinary action.
(e) Overtime earned will be paid at the rate of time and one-half on the next
regularly scheduled payroll date, unless the employee indicates on his/her
timecard that the overtime earned is to be recorded as compensatory time in lieu
of payment.
(f) The maximum compensatory time earned for any employee is eighty(80)hours
per calendar year. All further overtime will be paid. Employees may request
and use compensatory time off in the same manner as other leave requests.
(g) All compensatory time will be marked as such on official time cards, both when
it is earned and when it is used. All unused compensatory time accrued will be
paid when the employee leaves city employment at the hourly pay rate the
employee is earning at that time.
4) Exempt (non-overtime-eligible) Employees
Draft Employee Leave and Work Hour Policies
(a) Exempt employees are expected to work the hours necessary to meet the
performance expectations for their positions. Generally, to meet these
expectations, and for reasons of public accountability, an exempt employee will
need to work 40 or more hours per week. Exempt employees do not receive extra
pay for the hours worked over 40 in one workweek. This includes normal work
hours, evening meetings and/or on-call hours as necessary.
(b) In recognition for working extra hours, these employees may take some time off
during their normal working hours, with supervisor approval. The time off for
extra hours will not be on a one-for-one basis.
(c) Exempt employees are required to use paid time off when on personal business or
away from the office for four(4) hours or more, on a regular work day. Absences
of less than four(4) hours may not require use of paid leave if the staff member
regularly puts in work hours above and beyond the normal work hours.
(d) If an exempt employee regularly absents themselves from work under this policy
and it is found that there is excessive time away from work which is not justified,
the situation will be handled as a performance issue.
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: ) 3
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Consider adoption of Employee Recognition Policies (Draft
Resolution 06-19-07-02)
Deadline/ Timeline: Policy is proposed to become effective on August 1, 2007 to coincide
with changes in state law.
Background: • The need for an employee recognition policy arose in discussions
between Mayor Seefeldt and Councilmember Harnetty and Fire
Department leadership this spring.
• The Human Resources Committee (Councilmembers Crum and
Peterson and Administrator Hurlburt) also discussed recognition
policies at a meeting on May 17 with Assistant Chiefs Finnegan
and Yehle. The draft policy, incorporated into a resolution for
Council approval, is the result of those discussions.
• A change in state law, which will be effective on August 1, 2007,
will grant specific statutory authority to cities to create wellness
and employee recognition programs.
• The State Auditor's Office has issued a"Statement of Position"
based on the new law. While still a very conservative
interpretation of the law, it is a change from their previous position
that no such programs were allowed.
• The City Attorney has reviewed the draft policy and found no
significant conflicts with the new law or auditor's opinion.
• The proposed policy provides for modest expenditures for plaques
recognizing significant service anniversaries (10 years and every 5
years thereafter) and for receptions honoring retirees.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council review and discuss the proposed policy.
If you are comfortable doing so, you may adopt the resolution
approving the policy, or wait to a future Council meeting if additional
information or discussion is desired.
Page 1 of 2
Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 06-19-07-02
Materials provided: • Office of State Auditor, Statement of Position (May 2007)
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(employee recognition policy)
Page 2 of 2
RESOLUTION NO.: 06-19-07-02
WHEREAS, beginning August 1, 2007, Minnesota Cities will have authority
under state law to conduct employee recognition programs under Minn. Stat. Sec. 15.46;
WHEREAS, policies are necessary to set forth the objectives of the City of
Scandia's employee recognition program and to provide for the expenditure of public
funds as necessary to achieve these objectives in a manner consistent with the law; and
WHEREAS, the objectives of the program are to increase morale and employee
motivation; to encourage loyalty and long-term retention of employees; and to celebrate
the accomplishments and service of retiring employees, to demonstrate the appreciation
of the City Council, employees and citizens of the City of Scandia for the public service
provided by all Scandia employees.
MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does adopt the attached "Employee
Recognition Policies", said policy taking precedence over any other policy that may have
been established in the past concerning employee recognition.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, the policy shall become effective on August 1,
Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 19th day of June, 2007.
Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor
Administrator/ City Clerk
Resolution No.:06-19-07-02
City of Scandia, Minnesota
Employee Recognition Policies
a) Beginning August 1, 2007, Minnesota Cities will have authority under state
law to conduct employee recognition programs under Minn. Stat. Sec. 15.46.
This policy is intended to set forth the objectives of the City of Scandia's
employee recognition program and to provide for the expenditure of public
funds as necessary to achieve these objectives in a manner consistent with the
b) The objectives of the program are:
1) to increase morale and employee motivation;
2) to encourage loyalty and long-term retention of employees; and
3) to celebrate the accomplishments and service of retiring employees, to
demonstrate the appreciation of the City Council, employees and citizens
of the City of Scandia for the public service provided by all Scandia
c) Employees eligible for recognition under this policy are regular full and part-
time city employees, including all members of the Scandia Fire and Rescue
Department. Part-time and seasonal employees are not eligible.
a) Employees shall be presented with a plaque recognizing their years of service
at the completion of ten (10) years of service and upon every five years of
additional service thereafter.
b) The City Administrator is directed to purchase suitable plaques for this
purpose at a price of no more than $50.00. The certificate shall be signed by
the Mayor and the City Administrator and/or department head and any other
supervisors designated by the department.
c) The award shall be presented by the Mayor at a City Council meeting on a
date as close as practical to the service anniversary date.
a) Employees who are retiring from service shall receive a plaque
commemorating their retirement in the same manner as for a service
anniversary award.
b) The City will hold a retirement reception honoring the retiree. The City will
contribute not more than $150.00 to the costs of refreshments for the
reception, which will be held either in conjunction with the presentation of the
plaque at a City Council meeting, or at another date and time to be determined
upon consultation with the employee.
c) Should an employee choose not to participate in a retirement reception, no
compensation shall be paid to the employee in lieu of the city contribution to
the reception.
Resolution No.: 06-19-07-02
d) Retirement, for the purpose of this policy, shall be defined as meeting the
qualifications for retirement under the rules of the Minnesota Public
Employee Retirement Association (PERA) or of the Scandia Firefighter Relief
The City of Scandia recognizes that the Scandia Firefighter Relief Association may
provide other awards and recognition to firefighters for their years of service or upon
their retirement. The recognition program may include awards or events that do not
meet the criteria for proper expenditure for public funds. No public funds shall be used
for such programs, but the City supports their establishment and funding by the Relief
Association to the extent consistent with the bylaws of the association and laws
governing the use of such funds.
o . tee.
- _ , 4.
,',`?r• :—A -.'s, SUITE 500
�c, `X › (651)296-2551 (Voice)
REBECCA OTTO SAINT PAUL,MN 55103-2139 (di o 2)stat m55(Fax)us(E-mail)state.auditoru tate.mn.us(
STATE AUDITOR 1-800-627-3529(Relay Service)
Statement of Position
Employee Recognition Programs and Events
Local units of government often ask whether they can spend money to hold holiday
parties, employee banquets or other employee social events. These questions appear to
be motivated by a desire to celebrate a holiday or significant event in an employee's life
or to generally boost morale in the workplace. Important limitations exist on the use of
public funds for employee social and recognition events.
The key question is whether a local government has legal authority for this type of
spending. Generally, in order to spend money on something, a local government must
have authority to do so. Authority for an expenditure may be specifically stated in a
statute or charter, or it may be implied as necessary to do what an express power
The Minnesota Attorney General's Office has considered the issue several times and has
consistently said that local governments do not have implied authority to sponsor
employee social events simply because they have the express power to compensate
Instead, the Attorney General's position is that non-monetary benefits must be
specifically authorized by law or charter. Based on this rationale, the Attorney General's
Office wrote to the Champlin city attorney in 1998, indicating that no statutory authority
existed for a city to hold an annual employee appreciation dinner or to award employee
recognition gifts to employees. The Attorney General's Office stated: "[W]hile an agreed
upon monetary bonus might be provided as part of a salary plan to employees who meet
performance or longevity standards, we are at a loss to locate authority for expenditures
of funds for in-kind awards or social occasions of the type described."
Specific Statutory Authority Granted to Counties(and Cities, Beginning August 1, 2007)
Counties (and the state government) have specific authority for a wellness and employee
recognition program under Minn. Stat. § 15.46. This statute states "[a] county may
establish and operate a program of preventive health and employee recognition services
for county employees and may provide necessary staff, equipment, and facilities and may
expend funds as necessary to achieve the objectives of the program." This statute does
not currently extend to other local units of government. Effective August 1, 2007,
however, cities will be added to the statute by legislation recently signed by the
Reviewed: May 2007
Revised: May 2007 2007-1006
Properly established county programs should be in writing and approved by the county
board or city council. They should include clear wellness and recognition objectives.
The county board or city council must determine what amounts can be expended as
"necessary to achieve the objectives of the program."
The Office of the State Auditor, in reviewing county or city expenditures for wellness
and employee recognition programs, will be guided by what is permitted and what is
prohibited for state employees. Counties and cities cannot simply provide employee
banquets or parties for all employees. County and city funds can be spent only as
necessary to achieve the objectives of an established wellness and employee recognition
program. For example, based on established criteria, a program might include an annual
employee recognition event that provides a meal reimbursement limited to the specific
employees being recognized. We believe such a program could also include the provision
of non-cash/non-negotiable items of nominal value for the specific recognized
Although we would consider a program recognizing all employees to be inappropriate,
light refreshments (i.e. coffee and cake) could be served to all county or city employees
at a service award reception. The public entity may not pay for spouses or third parties to
attend a recognition event. In addition, expenditure of public funds to purchase alcohol is
not permitted. Of course, all elements of the wellness and employee recognition program
should be approved in writing by the county board or city council before expenditures are
School Districts Have Separate Specific Authority
A school board may establish and operate an employee recognition program for district
employees, including teachers, and may expend funds as necessary to achieve the
objectives of the program. The employee recognition program shall not include monetary
awards. See Minn. Stat. § 123B.02, Subd. 14a.
Towns Lack Similar Specific Statutory Authority
Towns are not mentioned in Minn. Stat. § 15.46. For this reason, they do not currently
have the same authority that counties have and that cities will have later this year to
establish wellness and employee recognition programs. Towns may wish to seek similar
legislative authorization. Unless the statutes are changed to grant this type of authority to
towns, public expenditures by towns for employee wellness and recognition programs are
unauthorized and improper.
Reviewed: May 2007
Revised: May 2007 2007-1006
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: ':
. a)
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: Review letter from Christine Stevens re: Tree City USA program
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • The attached letter addressed to the Mayor suggests that Scandia
consider becoming part of the Tree City USA program, which is
offered by the National Arbor Day Foundation.
• Information from the Foundation's web site about the requirements of
the program is attached. I have also ordered a copy of the free booklet
about the program.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council discuss the letter and any response that
should you may wish to make to Ms. Stevens.
Attachments/ • Letter dated June 6, 20007 from Christine Stevens, 11364 218th St. N.
Materials provided:
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(tree city usa)
Page 1 of 1
Christine Stevens JUN - 8 2007
11364 218th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073 CITY OF SCANDIA
Mayor Dennis Seefeldt
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
June 6, 2007
Dear Mr. Seefeldt:
First and foremost, I want to share my beliefs that we are fortunate to live in such a beautiful area
and I, like most other residents, would like to preserve Scandia's rural character.
In order to do that, I would like to inform you of a program that supports trees and community
forestry programs. It is the Tree City USA program through the National Arbor Day Association.
Now that we are a city, this would be not only an honor to hold that distinction but also an
opportunity to ensure that our forestry goals are met and our beautiful trees are safeguarded. I
believe this would also let surrounding communities as well as our own residents know of our
values here in Scandia.
Several cities in Minnesota are already part of this vital program, including Lino Lakes, White
Bear Lake, Oak Park Heights, and Ham Lake. Two nearby 'Tree Cities' in Wisconsin are Dresser
and Spooner. I have verified on the website that the utility company that serves us(Xcel Energy)
already holds the Tree Line USA distinction.
I encourage you to explore the benefits and importance of becoming a Tree City at
www.arborday.org/programs/treecityusa. Perhaps our Parks& Recreation department would like
to as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
, I ,^ , '3\h- r, n , ',, ,, .\-,
Christine(Chris) Stevens
Standards—Tree City USA at arborday.org Page 1 of 3
�The National V''r Inspire people n)plant,
Arbor Day Foundation nurture,and celebrate trees,
LL j� e rho plants a tree plants
hope."—Lucy Larcom
You are here: Home Programs -+Tree City USA—• Standards
Tree City Standards
The Four Standards of a Tree City USA
t,, To qualify for Tree City USA, a town or city must meet four standards
~ established by The National Arbor Day Foundation and the National
Association of State Foresters.
These standards were established to ensure that every qualifying
community would have a viable tree management plan and program.
It is important to note that they were also designed so that no community would be excluded
because of size.
1. A Tree Board or Department
2. A Tree Care Ordinance
3. A Community Forestry Program With an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per Capita
4. An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation
1. A Tree Board or Department
Someone must be legally responsible for the care and management of
the community's trees. This may be a professional forester or
arborist, an entire forestry department, or a volunteer tree board.
Often, both a professional staff and advisory tree board are present,
which is a good goal for most communities. A tree board, or
commission, is a group of concerned volunteer citizens charged by
ordinance with developing and administering a comprehensive tree
management program. Balanced, broad-based community
involvement is encouraged. Boards function best if not composed
entirely of tree-related professionals such as forestry professors,
nursery operators, arborists, etc. Fresh ideas and different
perspectives are added by citizens with an interest in trees that is
entirely avocational. Limited, staggered terms of service will prevent
stagnation or burnout, while at the same time assuring continuity.
2. A Tree Care Ordinance
ittp://www.arborday.org/programs/TreeCityStandards.cfm 6/12/2007
Standards—Tree City USA at arborday.org Page 2 of 3
The tree ordinance must designate the establishment of a tree board
or forestry department and give this body the responsibility for
writing and implementing an annual community forestry work plan.
Beyond that, the ordinance should be flexible enough to fit the needs
and circumstances of the particular community. A tree ordinance
provides an opportunity to set good policy and back it with the force
of law when necessary. Ideally, it will provide clear guidance for
planting, maintaining and removing trees from streets, parks and
other public places. For tips and a checklist of important items to
consider in writing or improving a tree ordinance, see Bulletin No. 9.
3. A Community Forestry Program With An Annual Budget Of At
Least $2 Per Capita
Evidence is required that the community has established a
community forestry program that is supported by an annual budget of
at least $2 per capita. At first, this may seem like an impossible
barrier to some communities. However, a little investigation usually
reveals that more than this amount is already being spent by the
municipality on its trees. If not, this may signal serious neglect that
will cost far more in the long run. In such a case, working toward
Tree City USA recognition can be used to re-examine the community's
budget priorities and re-direct funds to properly care for its tree
resource before it is too late. Ideally, this standard will be met by
focusing funding on an annual work plan developed after an
inventory is completed and a report is approved by the city council.
Such a plan will address species diversity, planting needs, hazardous
trees, insect and disease problems and a pattern of regular care such
as pruning and watering.
4. An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation
This is the least challenging and probably the most enjoyable
standard to accomplish. An Arbor Day celebration can be simple and
brief or an all-day or all-week observation. It can be a simple tree
planting event or an award ceremony that honors leading tree
planters. For children, Arbor Day may be their only exposure to the
green world or a springboard to discussions about the complex issue
of environmental quality. The benefits of Arbor Day go far beyond the
shade and beauty of new trees for the next generation. Arbor Day is a
golden opportunity for publicity and to educate homeowners about
proper tree care. Utility companies can join in to promote planting
small trees beneath power lines or being careful when digging.
Smokey Bear's fire prevention messages can be worked into the
event, as can conservation education about soil erosion or the need
to protect wildlife habitat. Still another way to develop Arbor Day is
to link it with a tree-related festival. Some that are currently
http://www.arborday.org/programs/TreeCityStandards.cfi�i 6/12/2007
Standards—Tree City USA at arborday.org Page 3 of 3
celebrated include dogwood festivals, locust blossom festivals and
Macon, Georgia's Cherry Blossom Festival that annually brings more
than $4.25 million into the local economy. In meeting the four
standards, help is available! The urban and community forestry
coordinator in your state forester's office will be happy to work with
communities in taking these first steps toward better community
More Information
To receive a free Tree City USA booklet:
Call: (402) 474-5655
8:0o A.M. to 5:0o P.M. CST
E-mail: treecity (a) arborday.org
Tree City USA is supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry
4 ,
,' ' N4t
1-888-448-7337 I Support The National Arbor Day Foundation I privacy I about us I contact us I site map I your state
-ittp://www.arborday.org/programs/TreeCityStandards.cfrn 6/12/2007
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item: . J))
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Receive letter from John Lindell regarding alleged mining permit
violations by Tiller Corporation.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • The letter alleges four violations by Tiller of the conditions of
their mining permit issued by Washington County.
• The same information was submitted to the County in 2006. The
County Board chose to take no action.
• The letter also discusses operations between the Tiller and Dressel
gravel mines in the spring of 2007.
• I have requested a response from Tiller, which has not yet been
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council discuss the letter and give any direction
you deem appropriate.
Attachments/ • Letter from John Lindell dated June 7, 2007
Materials provided:
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(John lindell letter)
Page 1 of 1
Scandia City Council
JUN -8 2001
Report of Violations of Numerous Conditions CITY OF SCANDIA
of Tiller's Most Recent 5-year Mining Permit Application in the
City of Scandia and to Seek Appropriate Remedies
Scandia Minnesota
June 7, 2007
This report is being presented to the Scandia City Council in light of the failure of Tiller
Corporation to abide by the mining permit that was issued in the year 2000. There are
four conditions of Tiller's mining permit that have been violated in operating its mine in
New Scandia Township. These violations were initially filed with the Washington
County Board of Commissioners on November 2, 2006. Due to confusion on the part of
the Washington County staff, these issues were never addressed by the County Board
of Commissioners. A letter from Washington County acknowledged these violations. In
addition, there have been violations by Dressel included in this report.
Tiller Corporation is required to file an application with Washington County to obtain a
5-year permit for mining in Scandia Township in Washington County. Tiller Corporation
filed its last 5-year application in February 2000 and it was approved with modifications
in March 2000.
The First Violation pertains to Tiller's expansion of mining operations into Phase Two
of its five Phase proposal as shown in Tiller's Year 2000 Mining Application. Phasing
Plan Sheet 3 of that Application (see attached) shows that Tiller was requesting that it
be permitted to mine in an area identified as Phase 1. Beginning in the Summer of
2006, Tiller began mining in Phase 2 of the area despite not having an approved mining
permit allowing that expansion of mining area. Tiller recently requested an extension of
its Year 2000 mining permit and as of November 2, 2006 no extension has been
approved. If an extension had been granted, mining would still be limited to Phase 1 in
accordance with the Year 2000 Permit Application. Tiller has proceeded to expand its
operation as if it had applied for and received approval of its next 5-year mining permit
application. Tiller is in violation of its Year 2000 mining permit application by expanding
its operations into Phase 2 when it was only authorized to mine in the area identified as
Phase 1.
The Second Violation relates to Tiller's expansion into the Phase 2 area of its site.
Tiller is required, in accordance with its Year 2000 Permit Application, page 10, to have
setbacks of 50 feet from an adjoining property line. Tiller's expansion of its mining area
on the south side of its mining site is in violation of this setback requirement. Mining
and land disturbance has been conducted to within 20 feet of the property owned by
Brad and Christine Stevens on the southern border of its site.
The Third and Forth Violation by Tiller Corporation is the illegal operation beyond the
time permitted in accordance with the Year 2000 Permit Application. In accordance
with the Application, pages 10 and11, the hours of operation are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday unless permission is granted by the Scandia Township Board to
operate beyond those limits. On September 27, 2006, Tiller continued operations until
8:00 p.m. and on October 24, 2006, Tiller began operations at approximately 6:00 a.m.
Representatives from Tiller Corporation (Mike Caron and Wayne Pilquist)
acknowledged the illegal operation on September 27, 2006. Ms. Ann Terwedo,
Washington County Land Specialist confirmed this illegal operation with me after
discussing it with the representatives of Tiller Corporation. After the September 27,
2006 violations by Tiller, assurances were made to me by Mike Caron that operating
violations would not occur again.
On October 24, 2006, Tiller again violated the operating time requirements by beginning
operation prior to 7:00 a.m. This violation was reported to the Washington County
Sheriff's Department at approximately 6:30 a.m. on October 24, 2006 and a report from
the Sheriff's office should confirm this operating violation.
During the Spring of 2007, theTiller and Dressel mining operations began a joint project
that resulted in Tiller removing excavated land from its site and putting it on the Dressel
site. Included in this activity were the development of roads through the Dressel
property. Apparently no authorizations were given for this mining and road building
activity. More importantly, during this activity, Dressel along with Tiller, violated their
permits and Scandia requirements to maintain the 50 foot setback from adjoining
properties. These violations can be verified by a visit to the site which is along the
southern border of Tiller's property and the northwest corner of Dressel's property.
These repeated mining operation violations represent a complete disregard of the
regulations of Washington County and the requirements of its mining permit which were
in effect prior to Scandia becoming a City. Tiller's cavalier attitude toward regulatory
requirements should be appropriately punished by Scandia. Tiller apparently has no
intent to follow the mining regulations as demonstrated by the multiple violations
described above and will continue to do so absent appropriate penalties being
Appropriate remedies to consider for this violation should include and not be limited to
closure of the mining operations for an extended period of time. Tiller's disregard of its
legal obligations should not be be dismissed lightly. Tiller's illegal operations should
also be recognized and given weight when considering Tiller's permit application in
Scandia. Closer scrutiny and regulatory oversight of Tiller's operations and proposed
operations are needed to assure the health and safety of residents living near their
mining and asphalt operations in Scandia.
John Lindell
11240 218' Street
Scandia, Minnesota 55073
EXCEPT FOR AREA DEPICTED.TEN FOOT `" ' S eery9'52'W 1277.ee\l `` EERIN
# _- \1 PQ\\. O� _•�^� WETLAND LOCATIONS FROM F011E51 LANE � - / — I
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Larkin 9 h .
HOffian Larkin Hoffman Daly&Lindgren Ltd
1500 Wells Fargo Plaza
7900 Xerxes Avenue South
Minneapolis,Minnesota 55431-1194
GENERAL: 952-835-3800
FAX: 952-896-3333
WEB: wwwlarlinhofrnan.com
June 15, 2007
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Scandia
14727 209th Street
P. 0. Box 128
Scandia MN 55073-0128
Re: Tiller Corporation Gravel Pit and Asphalt Plant
Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers:
This letter is written on behalf of Tiller Corporation(the"Company"), an industry leader in
gravel mining and bituminous paving products and operator of its Scandia Pit(the"Facility")
since 1986. The Company has demonstrated that it takes regulatory compliance and permitting
issues very seriously. Accordingly,the Company has asked us to provide a thorough and
complete response. The purpose of this letter is to provide to you the results of our review and
evaluation of the matters raised by John Lindell in his June 7,2007 document and to explain why
these issues raised are not significant.
The Facility
The gravel pit operation currently owned by Tiller Corporation was begun in the early 1960s.
The bituminous hot mix plant has been part of this operation since before the Company
purchased the Facility. The Company has significantly improved the Facility adding
comprehensive phasing and reclamation procedures, improved County Road access, dust control,
berming and very importantly, completely replacing the pollution control equipment in the
bituminous hot mix plant. Today the Facility is a state-of-the-art example of modern aggregate
Tiller Corporation was the first gravel pit operator in Washington County to seek land use
permits when Washington County adopted its modem comprehensive mining ordinance in 1987.
The County issues permits on an approximately 5 year cycle. The permit was up for reissuance
in 2005. The County began consideration of Tiller's repermitting application,however the
process was not completed before the City was incorporated. Rather the County Planning
Commission simply approved an extension of the previous permit until 2007.
Since 1986, Tiller Corporation has been obtaining annual review of its Scandia pit operations
from the New Scandia Town Board. The most recent review of the operation was completed in
The Honorable Mayor and City
June 15, 2007
Page 2
This facility has undergone environmental review twice, and has been the subject of three
comprehensive permitting proceedings conducted by Washington County. As a result, this
facility operates under mining plans that have been reviewed and approved by Washington
County Planning Commission,the County Board and the New Scandia Town Board. It has also
been subjected to significant input in public hearings before the County Board on environmental
review,the Planning Commission on zoning permits and the Town Board on annual mining
permits. Significant components of the mining plan include:
1. Mining is conducted in multiple phases to accommodate the orderly progression of site
preparation,mineral extraction followed by reclamation in order to best manage
extraction of the resource and reclamation.
2. A setback buffer has been established for the purpose of mitigating off-site impacts and
as a transition from mining to non-mining land uses.
3. The setback buffer area requirement is specifically not applied to the areas adjacent to the
Dressel gravel mining in order to best coordinate any land use contours and to avoid
creating an awkward land form of untouched setback area between adjacent excavations.
Lindell Allegations
We have compared the information provided by Mr. Lindell to the City with similar
information previously presented to Washington County staff in a November 2,2006
document. Generally the information presented here is similar to that presented by Mr.
Lindell to Washington County. There the alleged violations of the Company's
Washington County permit were considered at approximately the same time as the
Washington County Board of Commissioners were considering Mr. Lindell's appeal of
the Planning Commission's determination to extend the County permit. I have attached a
letter from Ann Pung Terwedo of Washington County dated December 19, 2006 which
better describes the events,however the key points are that the items raised here as
permitting violations were evaluated by the County and no further action was taken. The
County and Tiller Corporation gave Mr. Lindell the courtesy of meeting with him to
specifically review his concerns relating to this facility.
Operating hours:
Mr. Lindell is again alleging the same violations of operating hours as in his November 2
2006 request. At that time the Company acknowledged it's site manager had allowed
calibration and plant warm up activities to occur outside the operating hours. The site
manager was reassigned to prevent a reoccurrence. Tiller Corporation staff responsible
for the improper operation no longer has the ability to determine operating hours at this
The Honorable Mayor and City
June 15, 2007
Page 3
facility. Last December, Mr. Lindell was notified by Washington County that Tiller had
been working with the County in addressing concerns.
Continued Operation per Phasing Plan:
This allegation is simply that the Company should not continue operating the Facility in
the orderly progression described in the long standing mining plan without some further
review by regulators. This totally ignores the fact that the current mining plan has
received extensive review and the logistical difficulties the City is facing in the transition
to a statutory city government.
Upon the incorporation of the City of Scandia, the City has exclusive jurisdiction over
land use issues, specifically gravel mining and related businesses. Until the City elects to
adopt an updated ordinance,the previous Township ordinances govern the Facility
operation. Pursuant to those Township ordinances,Tiller Corporation has annually
sought and received an annual mining permit. The Township procedures have been to
have the Planning Commission review the Facility. Last fall Tiller requested that process
be initiated for the 2007 construction season. The Company followed up with staff this
spring. The Company was advised that the City has deferred further consideration of the
Facility operations pending the current ordinance update project. The Company
continues to operate the Facility in accordance with the previous revised mining limits
established as part of the County mining application in 2000. Accordingly, the current
operation following the mining plan is lawful regardless what Washington County did or
did not do with respect to the permitting process in 2006.
Stevens Setback
Mr. Lindell alleges that the setback on the south border of the site has been violated.
This is understood to be based upon grading work done by the Company for berms and
roadways. The previous County permits and the Company's mining plans and operations
have allowed the Company to use the setback area for roadways and berms. Tiller
Corporation has surveyed the mine limits and the excavation area. Based upon this
survey,mining is not occurring within the setback area. As on the east and north
property boundaries, the Company has installed berms and roads in the setback area. The
required setback continues to be met at the site.
Phase 2 Operations and Coordination with Dressel
Mr. Lindell alleges that the Company's coordination of efforts with the adjacent Dressel
facility is not authorized. This work is being done to facilitate the orderly reclamation of
both properties. The practical effect of this coordination is that the post reclamation land
forms will be at complementary elevations. Mr. Lindell argues that this approach has not
been authorized in the County's permitting process. To the contrary,this specific activity
has been presented in the mining limits and operating plans throughout Tiller's ownership
The Honorable Mayor and City
June 15, 2007
Page 4
of the Facility. This approach is incorporated into the current revised mining limits.
Both companies are following this plan in an effort to improve the ability to reclaim the
sites after mining has been completed.
Regulatory Approach
Tiller Corporation has taken a very pro-active approach to the City's development of regulatory
requirements. This has included participating at a number of meetings with City staff and
consultants as well as making Tiller Corporation's technical consultants and experts available to
help City staff and officials best understand the challenges of operating a successful mining and
aggregate production facility.
You can be assured that Tiller Corporation clearly intends to be a good corporate neighbor and
meet regulatory requirements. This intention is born out in the prompt attention taken to the two
incidents of failure to comply with hours of operations and the continued adherence to the
standards and requirements of previous Washington County approvals and Township
The pu• is inter st is uch better served by focusing on completing ordinance upgrades for the
City k r • revis.cmg old allegations.
V/E. '/ifor .
y ,o ..offman 11. &Lndgren Ltd.
irect l .l: 952-896-3292
Direct ', : 952-842-1722
Email: gkorstad@a,larkinhoffman.com
W`� gtOn Department of Transportation
and Physical Development
Survey and Land Management
�.��✓lJ��"`I Donald J.Theisen,P.E.
Director/County Engineer
Michael J.Welling,PLS
County Surveyor
December 19,2006
John Lindell
11240 218`h Street North
New Scandia, MN 55073
Dear Mr. Lindell,
This is a follow-up to our phone conversation on December 15, 2006 regarding your concerns
with the Tiller Operation in New Scandia Township. You filed a motion with the County Board of
Commissioners on November 2, 2006 regarding four alleged violations of the permit. That
documentation was delivered to the Survey and Land Management Office on November 6, 2006.
The County Board considers appeals on the decision of a Mining Conditional Use permit, not
violation complaints. Your appeal to the permit was considered by the Washington County Board
on November 7, 2006 which the board upheld the decision of the Planning Advisory Commission.
During that same week, you contacted our office requesting a meeting on November 17, 2006
with Tiller Corporation, New Scandia Township and Washington County regarding the Tiller
Operation. It was assumed you wanted to discuss the alleged violations at that meeting. On
Monday, November 13, 2006, Dennis Hegberg, Anne Hulburt and I toured the site with Mike
Caron. We viewed and discussed the mining, disturbance of topsoil and stockpiling of material
along the southern border of the site where your property is located.
At our meeting at the New Scandia Community Center on November 17, 2006, we discussed
mining operations in general, the mining ordinance, and the process for transferring files from the
county to the new city. This was your meeting and at no time did you bring up the allegations that
Tiller was in violation of the permit. This meeting would have been the appropriate time to
discuss such matters with Tiller so they could work with you to mitigate any issues of concern.
In response to your Motions dated November 2, 2006, Tiller has done some grading in areas to
the west and south of Phase 1. This is in preparation for future mining. In doing so, they may
have impacted the Phase 2 areas and have stockpiled some material. It appeared at our site visit
on November 13, 2006, that the 50 foot setback from the southern property line has been
maintained. Tiller stated that they would work on maintaining a buffer from the properties to the
south and the stockpile would be removed. Brad and Christine Stevens have not contacted us to
express concerns regarding their setback. I am not sure if you are representing them. Future
phases of mining does indicate that a common mining border will be established with the Dresel
mining operation to the south. In discussions with Tiller, they have indicated that there is
approximately 8/10 of an acre along the south border beyond the Phase I line. This Phase had a
Government Center • 14949 62nd Street North—P.O.Box 6,Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0006
Phone: 651-430-6875 • Fax: 651-430-6888 • TTY: 651-430-6246
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
John Lindell
December 19,2006
Page 2 of 2
total acreage over 70 acres. It does not appear that the mining had an adverse impact on adjacent
In regard to the hours of operation violations, Tiller contacted me on September 29, 2006 and
October 25, 2006 to inform me of the violations and mitigation measures taken to correct the
situation. I have included the memos dated September 29,2006 and October 25, 2006 from Tiller
As you know, New Scandia will become a city effective January 1, 2007. Consequently,
Washington County will no longer have land use and zoning authority after that date. All files
will be transferred to the city in early January. Tiller will be required to apply for and receive a
mining conditional use permit from the city prior to their operations resuming in the spring.
If you have additional questions, you can contact me at 651-430-6715.
Si cerely,
Ann Pung-Terwedo
Senior Planner
Ann Pung-Terwedo 9 27{)6.pdf ._
�,. . �s,.�. . � _- ..�. �._..._._ _�. - ----�...... ,- Page 1.
,r'LLER Tiller Corporation
are itstpedirg chticts
CORPORATION Barton Sand&Gravel Co
Commerrral Asphad Co
CaporUa Wiese Barton Enterprises,Inc
POBor I4S0 renerak(763)425-4191
72200 Hemlock Lane.Sure 200 facsimile.(763)4257153
t 6 plc Crotr.Minnesota 55311 netr www,l3lercorp.mm
Date: September 29,2006
To: Ann Terwedo
From: Mike Caron
Re: Operating Hours
The asphalt plant operator at our New Scandia facility informed me that he was calibrating
cold feed bins on Wednesday evening,September 27,200G so he would be ready to begin
production at 7:00 a_m.on Thursday mom ing. The calibration procedure began at
approximately 5:45 p.m.and lasted until approx imately 7:45 p.m.on Wednesday evening.
Specific gradations of aggregate flow from the cold feed bins at differing rates. The purpose
of calibrating the bins is to make certain the aggregate materials are metered from the bin at
the proper rate. Calibration is always needed when a new gradation is being used which
was the case in this instance. During cold f eed bin calibration,aggregate material is placed
into the bins,metered onto the conveyor belt, conveyed into a truck and then dumped back
onto the stockpile. The bin gates that meter the aggregate unto the conveyor belt are what
get calibrated.
As I explained to you during our phone cony ersation yesterday,I have spoken to the
Director of Operations for Commercial Asphalt Co.,the Area Manager in charge of the New
Scandia facility and the plant operator. All of these people understand the importance of
making sure we operate only between the ho urs of 7:00 a.m.and 7:00 p.m.unless we have
obtained permission from New Scandia Town ship officials to extend the hours.
Ann Pung-Tetwedo-7.0.24-06.paf �.. ... Page 1
1P'bLLER Tiller Corporation
n A�/�N w, art Itseprahgdhdays
CORPORATION Barton Sand&Gravel Ca
Canunerdal Asphalt Co
Capaate Oltia: Barton Enterprises,Inc
PO Boo 1460
7200 Nernkdc lane,Suite 200 genera&(763)48-4191
Male Grove,Mtnnerata 55311 welufacsimile.(.til corp.c53
P hetx wN�r.titermrp.mm
Date: October 25,2006
To: Ann Terwedo
From: Mike Caron
Re: Operating Hours
The asphalt plant operator at our New Scandia facility informed me that a deputy from the
Washington County Sheriff's Office stopped by on morning of Tuesday,October,24,1.106.
The deputy was responding to a complaint fr om an area resident about operating before
7:00 am. Our plant operator admitted that some portions of the plant were started before
7:00 a.m.so they could warm up. It is my understanding that the Sheriff's Office contacted
Anne Hurtburt,the New Scandia Township Admi nistrator,and our plant operator received
a verbal warning from the Sheriff's Office.
After reviewing this incident and the Sept ember 2006 incident with the Director of
Operations for Commercial Asphalt,it was decided that the plant operator at the New
Scandia facility would be reassigned immediaiel y. Because of the reassignment,this person
is no longer in a position to determine when the plant operates. The new plant operator has
received one-on-one training regarding pl ant operating hours and the procedure for
obtaining permission for extending these hours.
Meeting Date: 6/19/2007
Agenda Item:
Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North, ap Box 128
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433 2274
Action Requested: Receive letter from Bill Voedis
ch regarding Mining Ordinance
Deadline/ Timeline:
A public hearing on the ed mining ordinance has been scheduled
10, 2007 for July
• Mr. Voedisch owns land adjacent to one of the existing sand and
gravel mines. His letter addresses setbacks, dust control and
reclamation. He also suggests that some notice of the hearing on
the ordinance should be given to property owners around mining
• The letter has been forwarded to the City Planner for consideration
as he finalizes the public hearing draft of the ordinance.
• The City has publicized the draft miningordinance releases that have appearede through press
apers, and on the city's
web site. The hearing not e will be poocal sted, and published in the
legal newspaper on June 28. The notice, and a copy of the draft
ordinance, will also be available on the website.
• No mailed notices to property owners are required for an
ordinance affecting the city as a whole. The Council could
consider mailing notices but no guideline exists to determine who
would receive notices. Mailing notices might set a precedent or
expectation regarding future city-wide ordinance amendments.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council discuss the letter and give any direction
you deem appropriate.
Attachments/ • Letter from Bill Voedisch dated June 8, 2007
Materials provided:
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(letter from bill voedisch re mining)
JUN 1 2.007
June 8,2007
To: Anne Hurlburt,City
From: Bill Voedisch, Scandia land owner(adjacent to Bracht mining operation)
Re: DRAFT Mining Ordinance
Dear Ms. Hurlburt,
just recently been given a copy of the draft mining ordinance that the City is
considering adopting.
I haveI understand that, as a neighboring property to a Scandia mining
emit is up for renewal. In addition to also
operation,I will receive notice when their mining p
this, ideally what ought to happen is that neighbors to existing miningoperations
receive notice when the mining ordinance is being considered, since it is both the permit
and the ordinance that will control these operations in the
In May Township, when we considered a new mining in ordinancedna apera w ye alsb c ifnd
addition to posting notice of the ordinance hearings
neighbors of the existing mines of the ordinance hearings.
Not having a copy of the ordinance until now,technically it may be too late for me to
provide comments, but I will anyway and hope that you will give them consideration.
Page 2, Section 3.1 (2),line 4, there's a double period.
Page 8, Section 7.1 (1). The City needs to consider a greater setback than 50 feet. Given
that homes may be only 20 feet(side yard setback) from that same property line, 70 feet
is too close to future home sites to be mining. If mining is allowed within 50 feet of the
boundary, then future homes would need to be placed 150 feet from the boundary to gain
the target 200 foot distance of separation, which could be quite a constraint on those lots..
However,the main reason for a larger setback is that it will be the primary mitigation
against neighborhood impacts. I urge the City to adopt a 100 foot setback.
Page 9, Section 7.1 (4). The reason for a larger setback becomes more apparent when
you reconsider the goals of"screening". Screening a mining operation, combined with
an adequate setback, can mitigate much more than just the visual impact. I urge the City
to consider four(4) impacts: visual, noise,dust and vibration,and I suggest 7.1 (4)
be modified accordingly.
As you consider each type of impact that might be foisted upon a neighbor,the needed
mitigations become apparent.
In addition to the screening requirement already stated in this section,the ordinance
should require that natural vegetation already present in the setback area be maintained
and not removed. Additional screening may also be necessary, but allowing the operator
to destroy existing vegetative screening would be a poor policy. Screening helps mitigate
visual, noise and dust impacts, but not vibration.
Additional required screening should not be placed within the established setback area
but rather, further in from the setback area, so as to compliment, not replace, any natural
screening found in the setback area.
7.1 (5) Dust Control
The ordinance contemplates the use of dust control on haul roads. I urge the City to
make the ordinance clear that this can not merely be the application of water to internal
haul roads, and that proven dust control methods be required.
Further, dust control should not be limited to just internal haul roads, but should be used
on crushing operations as well. This might be accomplished with a continuous spray of
water aimed at a crusher's product pile during crushing, as one example.
Noise pollution is the most worrisome neighborhood impact. A 100 foot setback with
additional conifer plantings to augment any natural vegetation, will certainly help.
Another remedy is to place the noisiest operation, such as crushing, at a very low level in
the pit so that noise is maintained within the pit, or deflected upward, but not outward.
For visual, noise and dust impacts, if screening is added, staggered rows of conifers gives
the best result. See 7.1 (4)A(5).
Vibration impacts can be mitigated by the larger setback of 100 feet, and by placing those
operations that contribute the most vibration towards the center of the pit.
Page 16, Section 8,Reclamation
Unfortunately, some pits do not follow their reclamation plan. There needs to be enough
teeth in both the ordinance and the permits so that the City can enforce the reclamation
plan with threat of shutdown if necessary, to gain compliance. Reclamation-as-you-go
should be the City's strict standard. Allowing reclamation to slide to the end of mining,
perhaps decades later,is unfair to the neighborhood and the community.
Thank you, Ms Hurlburt, for considering these comments to the draft ordinance.
Most cordially,..7t- --\‘.\
Bill Voedisch
14625 Old Guslander
Marine, MN 55047