07-17-2007 Meeting CITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Forum 4. Approval of the Agenda 5. Approval of Consent Agenda a) Minutes 1) June 19, 2007 Council Meeting 2) July 10, 2007 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer's Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Approve Reduction of Letter of Credit for Big Marine Development, LLC (Tii Gavo) e) Approve Payment to Scandia Trucking for Perkins Avenue and Lofton Court Projects f) Pay Request#2 to Dresel Contracting for 2007 Street Improvements 6. Public Hearings (None) 7. Committee Reports a) Comprehensive Plan Committee—Selection of Consultant for Comprehensive Plan Update b) Committee to Investigate Alleged Violations at Sand and Gravel Mines 8. Staff Reports a) Police Department Deputy Chris Howard b) Fire Department Fire Chief Steve Spence c) City Engineer Tom Peterson 1) Receive Quotes for Crack Sealing Project d) City Attorney Dave Hebert e) City Administrator Anne Hurlburt 1) Consider Request for Refund of 201 Sewer Bill 2) Application for Metropolitan Council Planning Assistance Grant (Resolution No. 07- 17-07-01) 3) Consider Compensation for Representative to the Lakes Area Community Television Commission 9. General Business 10. Adjournment June 19, 2007 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Absent: Peter Crum. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Tom Peterson, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA There were no additions to the agenda. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes of May 15, 2007 Council Meeting; June 5, 2007 Meeting with Planning Commission. b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 5/01/07 $ 795,462.92 Receipts 1,436,652.80 Expenditures 100,200.47 Payroll 11,449.83 -111,650.30 Adjustments: Duplicate Postage Exp. + 1,000.00 April Fines & Fees 572.35 Ending Balance 5/30/07 $2,122,037.77 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Pay Request#3 and Final to Jay Bros. for 2006 Culvert Replacement Project, in the amount of$2,000.00 e) Pay Request#1 to Dresel Contracting for 2007 Street Improvements, in the amount of $408,317.66 Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. STAFF REPORTS Police Department Deputy Chris Howard was not present due to a medical leave resulting from an on-duty vehicular accident on June 12, 2007. Deputy Mark Rindfleisch was present to report that Deputy Howard is expected to return to work within the next few weeks. The Sheriff's Department is providing fill-in coverage until that time. The Council directed Administrator Hurlburt to send Deputy Howard a get-well message. City Attorney Hebert gave notice of vehicles offered for sale being parked on the northwest corner of Manning and Highway 97, within the right-of-way. Administrator Hurlburt was directed to notify the Deputy of this violation. June 19, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 2 Fire Department Fire Chief Steve Spence reported that the modifications to the fire siren are now complete and the siren will be silenced from 9:00 p.m. to 7 a.m. for fire and rescue calls only. The civil defense siren will still be active during the nighttime hours. Chief Spence also reported on an ISO workshop scheduled for June 30`h, in preparation for the ISO audit occurring in August. A hole in the blacktop in the northeast corner of the fire department's lot was reported. City Engineer Peterson was directed to inspect this. City Engineer City Engineer Tom Peterson reported that the 2007 paving project is progressing ahead of schedule. Councilmember Peterson stated a complaint she received regarding the paving at the Hay Lake Park shelter. It was confirmed that the paving was correctly done according to the plan and perhaps striping and signage should be looked into so that the non-motorized trail is not confused for a driving lane. Engineer Peterson was directed to look into striping and signage. City Attorney City Attorney Dave Hebert presented density agreements for two property owners proposed to be assessed for the 2007 road project. Attorney Hebert explained that these agreements allow the property owners to combine their two parcels into one assessable unit, and agreeing that the property may not be divided in the future without city approval. By doing this now, it may eliminate a contest at the assessment hearing in the fall. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the Density Agreement with Randy S. Ferrin and Kathy S. Trombly-Ferrin, 23290 Quentin Avenue North. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Donnette Yehle made a motion to approve the Density Agreement with Richard C. Hudson and Christine H. Maloney, 20491 Ostrum Avenue North. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. City Administrator Fire Relief Association Contributions for 2006 and 2007 Last year the Town Board agreed in principle to increase the pension benefit lump sum. A formal motion is necessary so that the approval can be properly documented. Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the change in the pension benefit lump-sum from$2,200 to $2,350 effective on January 1, 2007. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The 2006 municipal contribution to the Fire Relief Association's pension was overpaid by$13,886. The Office of the State Auditor(OSA) indicated that they would not take issue with applying this overpayment to the 2007 required municipal contribution. Eide/Bailly, the city's auditor, also recommends treating this $13,886 as a pre-payment of the 2007 contribution. The other option would be to leave the $13,886 as an extra payment in 2006. Councilmember Harnetty stated that the logical action is to correct this unplanned use of municipal funds, and not to regard the payment as a gift to the relief fund. Councilmember Peterson was in agreement. Mayor Seefeldt also stated his agreement to this action. Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle stated that either action would be June 19, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 3 legally acceptable to the OSA. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the 2006 municipal contribution of$44,667 (the correctly calculated 2006 minimum) and consider the overpayment of$13,866 to be an advance on the 2007 contribution. (The Relief Association would report $44,667 as the city's 2006 contribution). Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the 2007 contribution to the Fire Relief Association in the amount of$58,552 (cash payment of$44,686 as the above motion regards the $13,866 as a pre-payment). Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Draft of an Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policy The Council initially reviewed a draft of an Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policy prepared by Administrator Hurlburt at the June 5th Council meeting. Several changes were made, the largest being the removal of references to the Family Medical Leave Act, as this law does not apply to Scandia. Additional minor changes were made as suggested by City Attorney Hebert. Council discussed the clarifications of non-exempt employees applying overtime hours and putting a limit of 480 hours on the accrual of paid-time off. Councilmember Peterson recognized that Administrator Hurlburt put a lot of time and research into preparing this policy. Donnette Yehle made a motion to adopt Resolution 06-19-07-01 Establishing Employee Leave, Work Hours and Overtime Policies. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Draft of an Employee Recognition Policy The need for an employee recognition policy arose in recent discussions with the Fire Department. A change in state law (effective August 1, 2007) will grant specific statutory authority to cities to create wellness and recognition programs, as previously no such programs were allowed. The proposed policy will allow for modest expenditures for plaques recognizing service anniversaries and retirements and for receptions honoring retirees. Dolores Peterson made a motion to adopt Resolution 06-19-07-02 Establishing Policies for Employee Recognition. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. CHRISTINE STEVENS—TREE CITY USA PROGRAM Christine Stevens, 11364 218th Street,has requested that the city consider becoming part of the Tree City USA program, offered by the National Arbor Day Foundation. Councilmember Harnetty felt that the recent adoption of the Tree Preservation and Landscape Ordinance does provide a similar objective. The Tree USA program would require adoption of a forestry program and tree board. Administrator Hurlburt was directed to forward a copy of the tree ordinance to Ms. Stevens with the explanation that the issue was discussed,but the consensus of the council was that a tree replacement and preservation plan is currently in place. June 19, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 4 JOHN LINDELL—MINING OPERATIONS John Lindell, 11240 218th Street, has notified the council by letter of alleged violations he has documented regarding the Tiller mining operation. Mr. Lindell submitted the same information to the Washington County Board in 2006. The Board chose to take no action on these concerns. Mr. Lindell was present to discuss these allegations, as was Mike Caron, of Tiller Corporation. Mr. Lindell also noted the recent placement of a road between the Tiller and Dresel gravel pits, which border one another. Mr. Caron explained that Tiller is assisting with reclamation in the Dresel pit and the road provides an efficient route for the trucks. Mr. Lindell took issue that the road borders the property line within the 50-foot setback, in which the permit states that no land disturbance may occur. Mr. Lindell also noted the removal of the berm bordering his property line. Tiller has been removing material from this berm, possibly defining it as a stockpile, and therefore not allowed within the 50-foot setback. Councilmember Harnetty felt that these concerns underline the important objective of a thoroughly clear mining ordinance, so that rules are defined which will protect both residents and the gravel businesses. A major issue will be to define whether berms are meant to be permanent or temporary, and what type of land use is allowed within the setbacks. Mayor Seefeldt stated that the ordinance needs to be written so that all parties clearly understand the rules. City Engineer Tom Peterson was directed to have his office look at the shared road between Dresel and Tiller and report on its placement relative to the property lines. Administrator Hurlburt was directed to set up an on-site meeting at the Tiller pit involving Mayor Seefeldt, Councilmember Harnetty, Mike Caron, Josh Dresel, and Engineer Peterson to observe the existing allegations as related to the current operating rules. BILL VOEDISCH—MINING ORDINANCE Bill Voedisch, 14625 Old Guslander Trail, Marine, addressed the council by letter of his concerns regarding the mining ordinance. Mr. Voedisch owns land adjacent to the Bracht mining operation and would like the city to consider greater setbacks, improved dust control, screening and stronger reclamation language. Mr. Voedisch's letter has been forwarded to the City Planner. Mr. Voedisch also requested that notice of the public hearing be mailed to property owners around the mining operations. These mailed notices are not required for an ordinance affecting a city as a whole. Councilmember Peterson felt that doing this might set a precedence for future ordinance amendments. Administrator Hurlburt stated that the notice is posted and published in the Forest Lake Times. The notice and a copy of the draft are also available on the city website. Council agreed that it would be appropriate to place a block ad giving notice of the public hearing in the Country Messenger. Dolores Peterson made a motion approving the placement of a block ad in the Country Messenger giving notice of the Mining Ordinance public hearing set for July 10, 2007. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Dolores Peterson made a motion to adjourn. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City of Scandia Deputy Clerk d) 2) July 10, 2007 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Acting Mayor Michael Harnetty called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Councilmembers Peter Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle. Absent: Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Peterson stated that she would like to add a discussion of enforcing the sign ordinance to the agenda. Donnette Yehle made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL Thirteen applications were received for the full-time Building Official position, with six applicants interviewed on June 12th. The Human Resources Committee recommended offering the position to Steve Thorp, Harris, MN, at an annual salary of$63,900, with leave accruing at the 10 year service level. Mr. Thorp is currently a Building Inspector for the City of Blaine, and also provides services to the City of Harris on a part-time basis. Councilmember Peterson asked that it be confirmed that Mr. Thorp's work with Harris not interfere with the full-time position he will be taking with the City of Scandia. Administrator Hurlburt stated that they did discuss this and it would not be a problem. Peter Crum made a motion to appoint Steve Thorp to the full-time Building/Code Enforcement Official position starting on July 30, 2007 at the salary of$63,900 per year, and at the ten-year service benefit level (annual leave accrual of 9 hours per pay period). Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. BUDGET AMENDMENTS With the hiring of the Building/Code Enforcement Official, it will be necessary to allocate funds for start-up and on-going costs related to this position, which were not included in the 2007 budget. Administrator Hurlburt presented a detailed breakdown of various items estimated at $37,700 (salary,benefits, mileage, code books, cell phone, office furniture, miscellaneous). It is expected that much of these costs will be offset by reductions in payments to the contract inspector in 2007. In addition, the purchase of another computer for the city office is necessary. Consultant Mike Chalgren has proposed installing a system with improved back-up capabilities at a cost of $3,723.45. Mr. Chalgren also quoted a price of$187.00 to install a wireless router to the system, therefore allowing users of the Community Center access to a high-speed internet connection. Such connections are now very commonly offered in public buildings. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve budget amendments related to building inspection services including$37,700 for various items (such as salary and benefits), plus $3,723.45 for a new computer and improvements to the city office network, for a total of$42,423.45. Also to include installation of a wireless router at a one-time cost of$187.00 to offer public wireless capability. Peter Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. UTILITY PERMITS Seven permit applications were received by Frontier Communications for installation of underground telephone service at the following locations: • 10186 230th St. • Hay Lake School to 13877 195th St. • 19553 Parkview Lane • 17989 Norell Avenue • 412' West of Intersection of 209th St. and State Highway 95 • Mallard Ave. to 12100 228th St. • Quinnell Ave. and 205th St. Intersection City Engineer Tom Peterson has recommended approval. Permit fees have been paid. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the seven Utility Permits to Frontier Communications. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. ENFORCEMENT OF SIGN ORDINANCE Councilmember Peterson stated that she has noticed a number of signs along streets and highways in Scandia that are in violation of the current sign ordinance. Administrator Hurlburt will direct the public works department to make a concerted effort to remove those signs that do not have a permit. The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Chair Chris Ness, Vice-Chair Jim Malmquist, Christine Maefesky, Kevin Nickelson, Peter Schwarz; City Planner Richard Thompson. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MINING ORDINANCE NO. 113 The Planning Commission received verbal and written comments regarding language contained in the Mining Ordinance as presented by City Planner Richard Thompson. Administrator Hurlburt relayed comments received from Mayor Seefeldt. These included considering increasing the 50- foot setback and defining what is allowed within the setback (screening,berms, etc); making it the responsibility of the gravel business to apply dust control when necessary; disposal of tree waste and debris—making it clear that burying the waste is not an option; improving the restoration language in Section 8.2—is progress continual, such as a restore as you go operation(?). Mayor Seefeldt supported a continued discussion of the mining ordinance at the August 7th meeting. Councilmember Harnetty stated that he would like the Car-Mar St. Croix Watershed District to provide their input into the city's ordinance development. Steve Kronmiller, manager of the Car- Mar-St. Croix Watershed, stated that one way this coordination could be done is through a formalized "Memo of Understanding"between the city and district. Planner Thompson will revise the ordinance per the comments received. The Planning Commission continued the hearng to the August 7, 2007 meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council, at which time the changes will be reviewed. CONCEPT PLAN —OLD MARINE ESTATES The Planning Commission reviewed a concept plan presented by John and Sandra Swanson for a major subdivision to be known as Old Marine Estates, located at 11980 Lakamaga Trail. The Swanson's propose to divide a 13.5-acre lakeshore property into four lots ranging in size from 2.6 acres to 4.4 acres. There is one existing home on the property. The Planning Commission discussed improving on the layout of the property, so that the configuration does not create a flag lot. Administrator Hurlburt stated that although Lot 4 does have a right angle configuration, it is not a typical flag lot as it does meet the 150-foot lot width. The use of a shared driveway was discussed, as the presence of a wetland across Lots 3 and 4 does make a driveway connection off the front of these lots difficult. The Planning Commission recommended that this wetland be delineated so that a more thorough view of the property can be worked with. DEFINITION OF BUILDING HEIGHT Planning Commissioner Maefsky recommended a review of the definition of building height, as its interpretation has been a confusing issue. It is different than the State Building Code definition. City Attorney Hebert stated that the State Building Code is currently in revision and will soon be finalized. The consensus was to wait on proceeding with any Development Code amendment to the building height definition until the updated State Building Code can be reviewed. ACHITECTURE OF CHURCHES Planning Commissioner Nickelson recommended a discussion on the architecture of churches, as Willowbrook Community Church was sent a letter in May asking them to consider that the new building they are proposing reflect the community's character. It was hoped that a standard could be decided on prior to the Willowbrook submission. The consensus was that the building be appropriate to a rural setting and fit the area's architectural style. City Planner Thompson recommended to the Planning Commission that they make observations on what their subjective ideas are and continue the discussion next month. Peter Crum made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Donnetter Yehle seconded the motion and meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City of Scandia Deputy Clerk c SC DIA tt City of Scandia Treasurer's Report June 29, 2007 Beginning Balance 6/01/07 2,122,027.77 Receipts 132,128.78 Expenditures 560,784.37 Payroll 17,095.46 -577,879.83 Adjustments: Duplicate Safe Box + 35.00 Bank Credit + 56.45 Ending Balance 6/29/07 1,676,368.17 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer Treasurer's Report SC 1 2007 CASH BALANCES AT END OF MONTH FUND JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 101 GENERAL 151,058 66,365 42,008 32,104 -7,980 -19,596 201 ROAD & BRIDGE 25,156 1,378 -8,097 -24,659 -38,680 -51,922 202 FIRE 10,036 -66,872 -72,645 -75,897 -80,129 -84,997 203 POLICE 51,968 54,163 10,489 10,489 10,489 10,229 204 PARK 30,921 23,910 22,436 21,625 21,580 20,182 205 COMMUNITY CTR 29,909 24,251 22,438 11,333 8,667 -2,771 207 WATERSHED -1,345 -1,337 -1,337 -1,337 -1,337 -1,337 208 UPTOWN SEWER 25,898 26,070 26,058 26,058 25,807 25,784 302 BLACKTOP 482,333 297,013 297,013 297,013 297,013 297,013 304 BLACKTOP 277,263 276,203 277,127 277,127 277,127 278,051 307 BLACKTOP -180,909 -195,787 -256,483 -259,655 1,119,416 710,617 310 FIRE HALL BOND 166,229 171,741 171,741 149,224 148,821 148,821 403 CAPITAL IMPR 188,604 195,008 195,008 195,008 195,008 195,008 404 PARK CAP IMPR 7,469 7,612 3,812 3,571 3,571 3,571 602 201 SEWER 111,004 110,114 109,936 109,749 116,081 131,216 801 ESCROW 15,000 15,000 22,000 25,000 26,300 16,300 TOTAL CASH BALANCE 1,390,595 1,004,832 861,504 796,751 2,121,754 1,676,169 I CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Batch Name 07-17-07 User Dollar Amt $726,386.01 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $726,386.01 $0.00 In Balance Refer 0 AIR FRESH PORTABLE TOILETS _ Cash Payment E 204-45200-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL July Rental $340.80 Invoice 5416 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $340.80 Refer 0 AMERIPRIDE LINEN&APPAREL S Cash Payment E 205-41900-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Community Center Supplies $273.82 Invoice M254343-0607 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $273.82 Refer 0 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 202-42260-220 REPAIRS Motorola Repairs $104.00 Invoice 73885 Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $104.00 Refer 0 BARTON SAND&GRAVEL - Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND Gravel $79.86 Invoice 10495 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $223.19 Invoice 10596 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $277.79 Invoice 10734 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $35.56 Invoice 10949 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $214.27 Invoice 12243 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $70.44 Invoice 12465 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $83.70 Invoice 12598 Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND $181.59 Invoice 12960 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,166.40 Refer 0 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCT, INC. - Cash Payment E 201-43126-228 GRAVEL&SAND Gravel $48.43 Invoice 25105 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $48.43 Refer 0 CITIBUSINESS CARD - Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Microsoft Access Software $189.00 Invoice 6-07-07 Cash Payment E 205-41900-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Kitchen Stove Controls $91.30 Invoice 6-12-07 Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Reference Check $2.95 Invoice 6-13-07 Cash Payment E 101-41000-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP League Conf.Lodging $212.44 Invoice 6-30-07 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Cash Payment E 101-41000-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP League Conf.Lodging $212.44 Invoice 6-30-07 Cash Payment E 101-41000-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP League Conf.Lodging $212.44 Invoice 6-30-07 Cash Payment E 201-43126-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Safety Meeting Supplies $16.77 Invoice 6-14-07 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $937.34 Refer 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL - Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Streetlamp Repair $452.25 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $452.25 Refer 0 CONNEXUS ENERGY Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES 201 Dialer $25.53 Invoice 6-28-07 Cash Payment E 204-45206-381 UTILITIES Hay Lake Shelter $12.87 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43126-387 STREET LIGHTING Wyldwood Acres $64.50 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $102.90 Refer 0 COUNTRY MESSENGER Cash Payment E 101-41000-201 LEGAL NOTICES Mining Hearing $43.20 Invoice 159026 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $43.20 Refer 0 DOWN ON THE FARM Cash Payment E 204-45202-112 PROFESSIONAL SERVI Summer Program $375.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $375.00 Refer 0 DRESEL CONTRACTING INC Cash Payment E 307-43260-219 PROJECTS 2007 Road Project Pay Request#2 $581,557.00 Invoice 7-10-07 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Change Order 2-Oakhill Court $36,230.28 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $617,787.28 Refer 0 ECM PUBLISHERS, INC Cash Payment E 101-41000-201 LEGAL NOTICES Mining Notice $19.09 Invoice IT00104226 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $19.09 Refer 0 ECOLAB Cash Payment E 205-41900-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Soilmaster Cleaner $302.33 Invoice 2650888 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $302.33 Refer 0 F X L INC Cash Payment E 101-42000-103 PART-TIME EMPLOYEE Assessor Services $1,500.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer 0 FARM PLAN CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Mower Parts $104.77 Invoice S33766 Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Tractor Supplies $71.46 Invoice S33767 Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Mower parts returned -$17.50 Invoice S33909 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $158.73 Refer 0 FOREST LAKE PRINTING INC _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Envelopes $33.02 Invoice 8817 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $33.02 Refer 0 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Cash Payment E 201-43126-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Refund Utility Permit Fee $50.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 0 FRONTIER - Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE Maintenance Garage $62.30 Invoice 6514335223 Cash Payment E 202-42280-321 TELEPHONE Firehall $125.44 Invoice 6514334383 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Building Official $72.53 Invoice 6514335762 Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 TELEPHONE City Hall $320.26 Invoice 6514332274 Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES 201 Dialer $74.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 205-41920-321 TELEPHONE Annex $54.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 204-45201-381 UTILITIES Warming House $68.09 Invoice 6514335266 Transaction Date 7/11/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $776.62 Refer 0 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC Cash Payment E 201-43126-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Locator Tickets $11.60 Invoice 7061425 Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $11.60 Refer 0 HEBERT, WELCH, HUMPHREYS& _ Cash Payment E 101-41610-304 LEGAL FEES June Prosecution $1,424.50 Invoice 14647 Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 LEGAL FEES Legal Service $3,077.00 Invoice 14663 Cash Payment E 307-41500-308 ADMINISTRATION COS 2007 Road Project $162.00 Invoice 14663 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $4,663.50 Refer 0 HULLEMAN, CLAYTON _ Cash Payment E 205-41900-103 PART-TIME EMPLOYEE Community Center Lock-ups $160.00 Invoice 7-9-07 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $160.00 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:36 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Refer 0 KENNEDY& GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 307-41500-308 ADMINISTRATION COS 2007 Road Project Administration $3,566.16 Invoice 6-26-07 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,566.16 Refer 0 KERTZSCHER, ERICH _ Cash Payment E 202-42280-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies $25.02 Invoice 7-9-07 Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $25.02 Refer 0 KIRVIDA FIRE _ Cash Payment E 202-42260-220 REPAIRS Rescue Truck Repair $32.14 Invoice 775 Cash Payment E 202-42260-220 REPAIRS Custom Pumper Repair $139.65 Invoice 786 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $171.79 Refer 0 KLEINSTICK, SHARON _ Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Lacrosse Camp Refund $80.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $80.00 Refer 0 LILLYBLAD, KIM _ Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Golf Class Refund $45.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 0 LINDELL EXCAVATING&BLACKTO _ Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Old Marine Trail past 195th $3,682.00 Invoice 924764 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Melanie south of 238th $1,250.00 Invoice 924763 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Melanie south of 238th $1,255.00 Invoice 924762 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Oakhill Road $2,688.00 Invoice 924761 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Meadowbrook north of 228th $765.00 Invoice 924760 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Oakhill past Oland $1,836.00 Invoice 924759 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Oakhill past Oldfield $1,309.00 Invoice 924758 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Oldfield north of Oren $510.00 Invoice 924757 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS 237th between Novak&Oldfield $3,030.00 Invoice 924756 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Oldfield and 236th $2,940.00 Invoice 924755 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Mayberry south of Lofton $2,700.00 Invoice 924754 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Repair waterline at Rasmussen home $236.00 Invoice 924753 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Ditch work at 199th $655.00 Invoice 924752 Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Culvert repair at Quint $180.00 Invoice 924751 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $23,036.00 Refer 0 LOFFLER BUSINESS SYSTEMS/LE Cash Payment E 101-41000-414 OFFICE EQUIP RENTA Copier Rent $181.05 Invoice 078957321 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $181.05 Refer 0 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-414 OFFICE EQUIP RENTA Copier Impresssions $417.65 Invoice 198845 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $417.65 Refer 0 MARKS SPECIALTY WELDING _ Cash Payment E 201-43126-220 REPAIRS Repair Lightpole $275.00 Invoice 6-14-07 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $275.00 Refer 0 MCFOA _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Firkus Membership $35.00 Invoice 7-1-07 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $35.00 Refer 0 MCKELVEY, MARTY - Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Class 124 $65.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $65.00 Refer 0 MENARDS-FOREST LAKE Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Shop Supplies $28.22 Invoice 31507 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $28.22 Refer 0 MILBRANDT ENTERPRISE _ Cash Payment E 202-42280-401 CLEANING Firehall Cleaning $202.35 Invoice 404-28 Cash Payment E 205-41900-401 CLEANING Community Center $1,022.40 Invoice 401-28 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,224.75 Refer 0 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INS CO Cash Payment E 101-41320-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Hurlburt Life $4.10 Invoice 7-1-07 Cash Payment E 101-41400-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Peterson COBRA $4.10 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Morrison Life $4.10 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Jemelka COBRA $4.10 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $16.40 Refer 0 MORRISON, JOHN - CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 6 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Cash Payment E 201-43122-132 CLOTHING ALLOWANC 2007 Clothing Allowance $150.00 Invoice 7-11-07 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 0 NAPA AUTO PARTS _ Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Reverse alarm for plow truck $72.49 Invoice 973877 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $72.49 Refer 0 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS - Cash Payment E 101-41320-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Hurlburt $16.00 Invoice 7-1-07 Cash Payment E 101-41510-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Firkus $16.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41401-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Eklund $16.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Morrison $16.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Poidinger $16.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43122-133 LIFE INSURANCE EMPL Egelkraut $16.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $96.00 Refer 0 NEOPOST INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Postage meter supplies $18.53 Invoice 1214670 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $18.53 Refer 0 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-321 TELEPHONE Admin Cell $36.16 Invoice 0041589896 Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE Public Works Cell $55.87 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43126-321 TELEPHONE Public Works Cell-2 $101.16 Invoice 0042001916 Cash Payment E 202-42280-321 TELEPHONE Fire Dept.Cell-3 $144.56 Invoice 0042001908 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $337.75 Refer 0 NORTH MEMORIAL EMS EDUCATI Cash Payment E 202-42240-310 MEDICAL TRAINING EMT Refresher $280.00 Invoice 3290 Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $280.00 Refer 0 OSCEOLA MEDICAL CENTER Cash Payment E 201-43126-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Placement Screening $100.00 Invoice 195784 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 0 RAPHAEL, KIM _ Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Golf Class Refund $90.00 Invoice CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 7 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $90.00 Refer 0 S&T OFFICE PRODUCTS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies $158.51 Invoice 01LU4037 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $158.51 Refer 0 SCANDIA CAFE - Cash Payment E 101-41000-210 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Box Lunches 7-10-07 $61.77 Invoice 404849 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $61.77 Refer 0 SCANDIA FIRE RELIEF ASSN. - Cash Payment E 202-42230-324 TOWN MATCH-FIRE RE Balance of 2007 Contribution $44,686.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $44,686.00 Refer 0 SCANDIA STORE - Cash Payment E 202-42280-342 GENERAL Fire Dept. Dinner $183.00 Invoice 2504 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $183.00 Refer 0 SCANDIA TRUCKING - Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Repair Perkins Ave Drainage $1,500.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43260-220 REPAIRS Repair Lofton Court $1,800.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,300.00 Refer 0 SCHNEIDER, JAMES Cash Payment E 101-42400-103 PART-TIME EMPLOYEE Building Inspector $3,504.17 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $3,504.17 Refer 0 SCHWAAB, INC Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Dater pads $35.67 Invoice W04430 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $35.67 Refer 0 SELECT ACCOUNT - Cash Payment E 101-41320-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Hurlburt Health Savings Acct $91.70 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43122-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Morrison Health Savings Acct $100.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 201-21706 ACCRUED HOSP&MEDICA Morrison Contribution $310.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $501.70 Refer 0 SHERILL REID - Cash Payment E 101-41000-205 ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control $50.00 Invoice 07-119 Cash Payment E 101-41000-205 ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control $150.00 Invoice 07-120 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $200.00 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:36 AM Page 8 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Refer 0 SMITH, RACHEL - Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Lacrosse Camp Refund-2 $160.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $160.00 Refer 0 SPARTAN PROMOTIONAL GROUP, _ Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Fire Dept. Shirts $63.60 Invoice 257732 Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Fire Dept.Shirts $74.80 Invoice 257728 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $138.40 Refer 0 SRC,INC - Cash Payment E 205-41900-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL Community Center $120.89 Invoice 7-5-07 Cash Payment E 204-45200-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL Log House Landing $101.55 Invoice Cash Payment E 202-42280-342 GENERAL Firehall $32.24 Invoice Cash Payment E 204-45200-384 REFUSE DISPOSAL Ballfield $61.25 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41000-430 RECYCLING June Recycling $2,320.50 Invoice 6-29-07 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,636.43 Refer 0 ST. CROIX SCUBA&SNORKELING _ Cash Payment E 202-42280-220 REPAIRS Dive Equipment Repair $104.95 Invoice 651 Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $104.95 Refer 0 STORK TWIN CITY TESTING Cash Payment E 307-43260-219 PROJECTS 2007 Road Project-Pavement Testing $1,515.00 Invoice 0070458-IN Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,515.00 Refer 0 STORVICK, MICHELLE _ Cash Payment E 204-45202-439 REFUNDS ISSUED Refund Golf Class $45.00 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 0 SW/WC SERVICE COOPERATIVES _ Cash Payment E 201-43122-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Morrison $593.20 Invoice Cash Payment G 201-21706 ACCRUED HOSP&MEDICA Morrison $148.30 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41320-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Hurlburt $231.50 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41401-131 HEALTH INSURANCE E Eklund $231.50 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,204.50 Refer 0 TKDA Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES White Rock Ranch $192.70 Invoice 200702574 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:36 AM Page 9 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Tii Gavo $636.39 Invoice 200702576 Cash Payment E 101-41140-112 PROFESSIONAL SERVI Mining Ordinance $781.35 Invoice 200702575 Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES German Lake Vistas $33.70 Invoice 200702577 Cash Payment E 101-41140-112 PROFESSIONAL SERVI General Planning $1,034.59 Invoice 200702583 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,678.73 Refer 0 TODD'S HOME CENTER Cash Payment E 204-45200-406 GROUNDS CARE Parks Grounds Care $55.36 Invoice 6-27-07 Cash Payment E 208-43252-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Uptown Sewer $10.78 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Supplies $90.20 Invoice Cash Payment E 201-43126-212 FUEL Fuel $663.63 Invoice Cash Payment E 202-42280-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Supplies $15.59 Invoice Cash Payment E 202-42220-212 FUEL Fuel $291.87 Invoice Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,127.43 Refer 0 TRUCK BODIES&EQUIP INTL INC _ Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Plow truck cable $50.52 Invoice 42072 Cash Payment E 201-43126-221 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Connection kit $27.83 Invoice 42071 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $78.35 Refer 0 V.I.P. PEST CONTROL Cash Payment E 205-41900-406 GROUNDS CARE June Pest Control $34.08 Invoice 4663 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $34.08 Refer 0 WASHINGTON CONSERVATION DI _ Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Tii Gavo Permit Admin. $69.00 Invoice 1161 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $69.00 Refer 0 WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDE Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Resolution Recording Fees $92.00 Invoice 38709 Cash Payment E 101-41000-207 HEARING FEES Resolution Recording Fee $46.00 Invoice 38611 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $138.00 Refer 0 WASHINGTON COUNTY - Cash Payment E 101-41410-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Automark Maint. Fee $125.00 Invoice 56880 Transaction Date 7/13/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $125.00 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 10 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Refer 0 WEB ELECTRIC, INC - Cash Payment E 205-41900-223 BUILDING REPAIR SUP Electrical repairs-vandalism $1,916.82 Invoice 1540 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $1,916.82 Refer 0 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 201-43126-387 STREET LIGHTING Streetlights $268.16 Invoice 116762090 Cash Payment E 205-41900-381 UTILITIES Community Center $461.24 Invoice 116066726 Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES Bliss LS#2 $41.17 Invoice 115718054 Cash Payment E 602-43252-381 UTILITIES Bliss LS 3&4 $78.45 Invoice 115576478 Cash Payment E 204-45206-381 UTILITIES Ballfield $121.70 Invoice 115573934 Cash Payment E 204-45201-381 UTILITIES Warming House $119.94 Invoice 115718988 Cash Payment E 201-43126-381 UTILITIES Maintenance Garage $43.54 Invoice 115723961 Cash Payment E 202-42280-381 UTILITIES Firehall $513.07 Invoice 115726985 Cash Payment E 201-43126-381 UTILITIES Public Works $342.04 Invoice 115726985 Cash Payment E 205-41920-381 UTILITIES Annex Electric $47.67 Invoice 115730591 Cash Payment E 205-41920-381 UTILITIES Annex Gas $28.84 Invoice 115770010 Cash Payment E 202-42280-381 UTILITIES Fire Siren $3.49 Invoice 114763883 Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $2,069.31 Refer 0 YEHLE, DONNETTE - Cash Payment E 101-41110-107 MILEAGE Mileage $74.69 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41000-200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Creamer $10.88 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41000-110 TRAINING Parking $10.50 Invoice Transaction Date 7/12/2007 SECURITY STATE B 10100 Total $96.07 CITY OF SCANDIA 07/13/07 11:27 AM Page 11 Payments Current Period:JULY 2007 Fund Summary 10100 SECURITY STATE BANK 101 GENERAL FUND $18,005.58 201 ROAD&BRIDGE $68,073.62 202 FIRE $47,021.77 204 PARK $1,741.56 205 SCANDIA COMMUNITY CENTER $4,513.39 208 UPTOWN SEWER SYSTEM $10.78 307 BLACKTOP PROJECT 2007 $586,800.16 602 201 SEWER PROJECT $219.15 $726,386.01 Pre-Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $726,386.01 Total $726,386.01 Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: f- d City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a reduction in the letter of credit for Big Marine Development, LLC for public improvements in the Tii Gavo subdivision. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The development agreement for Tii Gavo required Big Marine Development, LLC to submit a financial guarantee in the form of a letter of credit for the public improvements (streets, drainage, etc.) in the total amount of$1,514,344.00. • Via their letter dated July 11, 2007 (attached) they have requested that the letter of credit be reduced by$300,000.00 to reflect the completion of Meadowridge Lane Circle N. and Meadowridge Lane N. with Class 5 gravel to grade. • City Engineer Tom Peterson has reviewed the request and recommends approval of the reduction. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council approve the reduction in the letter of credit to a new amount of$1,214,344.00. Attachments/ • Letter from Big Marine Development, LLC dated July 11, 2006 Materials provided: Contact(s): Mark Sandercott, President Big Marine Lake Development LLC (651 433-1000) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (tii gavo letter of credit reduction) Page 1 of 1 07/11/07 gig Marie Lake teveLapwtewt, LLG 21080 oLCwda Trail North * sot:N E-a, MN 55073 T: &51-433-1000 * F: &51-433-1119 superiortavi,d@frovn.tiervket.vi.et July 11, 2007 Anne Hurlburt City of Scandia 14727 209th Street North P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 Dear Anne: This letter is a written request to draw $300,000 from the Big Marine Lake Development, LLC account established through the Irrevocable Letter of Credit Number 10242-80 through the Alliance Bank. The road construction commenced on June 6, 2007 and Meadowridge Lane Circle North and Meadowridge Lane North have Class 5 to grade. (See highlighted areas on the attached map.) The piping has been delivered to the job site and the testing has been completed on the roads and the results submitted to Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates. Please contact our office if you have any questions or need additional information for this request. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark Sandercott President MS:ks Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: r' .) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve payment to Scandia Trucking for the Perkins Avenue and Lofton Court projects, in the total amount of$3,300. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Council previously authorized the City Engineer to obtain quotes and proceed with two small projects to correct drainage problems on Perkins Avenue and Lofton Court. • Scandia Trucking has completed the work for both Perkins Avenue($1,800) and Lofton Court ($1,500.) Recommendation: The Engineer recommends approving payment. Attachments/ • Quotes Materials provided: Contact(s): City Engineer Tom Peterson Bonestroo 651 604-4868 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (scandia trucking re perkins and lofton) Page 1 of 1 07/11/07 12/23/2006 09:25 0 PAGE 01 AiBonestroo 2335 West Highway 36 •St. Paul, MN 55113 (ya^ 6colAiirn. RCMRosene Office: 651-636-4600 • Fax: 651-636-131 t 411 Anderlik& www.bonestroo com Associates Engineers&Architects January 18,2007 Roger Rydeen Scandia Trucking 18901 Oakgreen Avenue North Marine,MN 55047 RE Perkins Avenue North Ditch Drainage Issue Dear Mr.Rydeen: Please provide the City with a cost estimate to do the following work.. Scope: Construct approximately 70' x 5'x 1.5'berm consisting of topsoil from driveway "A" to driveway "B", see insert. Once berm is constructed,seed, fertilize,and mulch over disturbed area, Quote: Your quote shall be a lump sum bid. Payment at the lump slim price shall be compensationin full for all work and costs, including mobilization,trucking, topsoil,seed, fertilizer, mulch, placing, and grading. Item Units Qt. Total Price ett Construct Berm L,S I $ /`(C2 C Approved by Contractor ROGER RYDEEN —SCANDIA TRUCKING ri?l Signature: _ / , ,'/ C..— Date: f Z 3-07 Approved by Owner CITY OF SCANDIA Signature: Date: • St. Paul, St. Cloud, Rochester, MN • Milwaukee, WI • Chicago, IL Affirmative ActIon/Equal Opportunity Employer and Employee Owned 04/29/2007 15:15 0 PAGE 01 SCAMMA TRUCKING & EXC. ROGER R`i'DEEN PROPOSAL 18901 Oak2reen Ave. N. j Marine, MN 55047 PROPOSAL NO 7";1‘'' re7;f111.°C SitEET NO PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT: DATE 3 —3'd --017 NAME y, /" . 5 ADDRESS/ r ADDRESS ! l GJI �v CITY,STATE CiTY,STATE !'! — — DATE OP PLANS ---- PHONE NO -- — ARCHITECT — —"— —---We herebyhereby pr pose to furnish the materials a d pe orrnihe I r necessary for the completion of e-J wz r All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of: 04 Dollars (s with payments to be as follows Any:Metee:n el de.:•h,no.n above.0.94:4 N^a�^�'nt�111Q•.Ir•Wei! �' be elccvlcy eery yeen Mlloll CPU,,y,y wic ercem•en ccy cher Respectfully submitted r i,a:d•cno Ue eehnme areeme.4e CCrMWCd ape.,*43 Rfdemm a d•ap rayoe4 ee,crnw. Per.. — -- Note-This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within_.____days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted You are authorized to do the work as specified Payments will be made as oullinetl above SIGNATURE_ __ DATE_—. ---- SIGNATURE F.vrm 9450 _. Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: 5, City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve Pay Request#2 to Dresel Contracting for the 2007 Street Improvement project, in the amount of$617,787.28. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The total project is $1,376,282.60. Payment#1, approved 6/19/07, was $408,371.66. With payment#2, work completed to date totals $1,080,110.47, which is 75%of the project. • Remaining work includes the west one-third of 228th Street (which has been delayed due to a wait for lowering of a gas main at the hill), striping of collector streets and boulevard restorations. Recommendation: The Engineer recommends approving payment. Attachments/ • Pay Request Materials provided: Contact(s): City Engineer Tom Peterson Bonestroo 651 604-4868 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (dresel pay request no 2 2007 street project) Page 1 of I 07/11/07 sligis Owner: City of Scandia, 14727 209th St,P.O. Box 128,Scandia,MN 55073 Date: July 10,2007 slir For Period: 6/7/2007 to 7/10/2007 Request No: 2 Bonestroo Contractor: Diesel Contracting, 24044 July Ave.,Chisago City,MN 55013 CONTRACTOR'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS BONESTROO FILE NO 000568-06133-0 SUMMARY 1 Original Contract Amount $ 1,376,282.60 2 Change Order -Addition $ 63,003.90 3 Change Order - Deduction $ 0.00 4 Revised Contract Amount $ 1,439,286.50 5 Value Completed to Date $ 1,080,110.47 6 Material on Hand $ 0.00 7 Amount Earned 5 1,080,110.47 8 Less Retainage 5% $ 54,005.52 9 Subtotal 5 1,026,104.94 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $ 408,317.66 11 Liquidated damages- $ 0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO 2 $ 617,787.28 Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO - 7 xi, , ,,,,, -,1 ' 1_,--.----. — Approved by Contractor: Approved by Owner: DRESEL CONTRACTING CITY OF SCANDIA Specified Contract Completion Date: Date: 56606133RE02 xls Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount No. item Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date BASE BID: 1 MOBILIZATION TS 1 28000 00 0 5 1 528.000 00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS I 3000 00 0 5 1 53.000 00 3 PROTECTION OF CATCH BASIN IN STREET EA 1 350 00 50 00 4 PROTECTION OF CATCH BASIN NON-STREET EA 2 150 00 50 00 5 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL FENCE IF 200 5 00 SO 00 6 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL RCP APRON EA 4 400 00 5 $2.000 00 7 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT(1 112 DEEP) SY 60 10 05 60 60 5603 00 8 REMOVE PIPE CULVERT IF 206 6 00 190 $1.140 00 9 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOX EA 40 75 00 20 S1,500 00 10 CLEAR AND GRUB TREE 30 75 00 25 S 1.875 00 11 DITCH EXCAVATION IF 1000 5 00 SC 00 12 COMMON EXCAVATION(P) CY 2500 5 00 1800 $9 000 00 13 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CY 1500 5 00 344 SI 720 00 14 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW(CV) CY 2300 9 00 179 179 51,611 00 15 GRANULAR BORROW(P) CY 8200 9 00 4100 8200 S 73.800 00 16 TOPSOIL BORROW(Lv) CY 2700 12 00 335 835 S 10.020 00 17 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. TYPE V SY 7500 1 65 538 5887 70 18 AGGREGATE BASE. CLASS 5 TN 12700 9 80 5194 86 12154 97 S 1 19 11871 19 AGGREGATE SHOULDERING 100%CRUSHED LIMESTC;NE TN 2800 21 10 2055 45 2532 34 S53.432 37 20 SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER is 770 11 25 100 100 $1.125 00 21 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B) TN 9900 41 70 4876 19 7569 73 5315.657 74 22 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B) TN 4500 43 70 738 54 3040 5132.848 00 23 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B) 1 N 4100 42 10 3029 96 3029 96 $127.561 32 24 TYPE LV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B)-TRAIL SY 900 10 00 879 58.790 00 25 TYPE LV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE-DRIVEWAY TN 120 81 00 67 69 209 23 S 16.947 63 26 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GI 4200 2 30 1915 3665 58.429 50 27 CONCRETE FLUME SF 120 5 75 SO 00 28 15' CMP STORM SEWER 16 GAUGE LF 55 22 00 43 5946 00 29 18 RCP STORM SEWER CLASS 5 IF 112 36 00 96 53.456 00 30 15' RCP STORM SEWER. CLASS 5 LF 165 33 00 128 S4.224 00 31 12' RCP STORM SEWER. CLASS 5 IF 135 30 00 SO 00 32 18 FLARED END SECTION EA 4 875 00 4 S3 500 00 33 15 RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 9 785 00 4 53 140 00 34 12 RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 1 750 00 SO 00 35 2 X 3 CB. INCL R-3067-V CSTG AND CONC AD)RINGS EA 1 1400 00 SO 00 36 4 DIAMETER STORM SEWER MH EA 1 1850 00 S0 00 37 CLASS III RANDOM RIPRAP CY 15 65 00 10 $650 00 38 CLASS III GROUTED RIPRAP CY 35 105 00 $0 00 39 INSTALL SIGN EA 2 80 00 SO 00 40 4-SOLID LINE.WHITE EPDXY LF 30720 0 19 $0 00 41 4' DOUBLE SOLID LINE.YELLOW EPDXY IF 11750 0 29 50 00 42 4' BROKEN LINE. YELLOW EPDXY IF 720 0 19 SO 00 43 SILT FENCE MACHINE SLICED IF 12500 1 10 348 10348 S 11 382 80 44 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN STILL WATER IF 200 8 00 200 $1 600 00 45 SEEDING INCL 250 SEED,FERTILIZER.MULCH AND DISK ANCHOR AC 9 450 00 $0 Q0 46 SODDING, LAWN TYPE WITH 4. OF TOPSOIL SY 200 3 00 SO 00 47 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS, CATEGORY 3 SY 5500 1 06 S0.00 TOTAL BASE BID: $947 965 77 ALTERNATE NO. 1 -OSTRUM AVENUE: 48 CLEAR AND GRUB TREE 15 15000 15 36 $5.400 00 49 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL RCP LF 16 30 00 16 16 $480 00 50 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL RCP APRON EA 2 500 00 2 2 $1 000 00 51 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT(1 1/2. DEEP) SY 5 30 00 5 5 5150 00 52 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CY 850 5 00 992 992 S4.960 00 53 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW(CV) CY 500 9 00 660 660 S5 940 00 54 GRANULAR BORROW(Iv) CY 550 7 60 86 86 $653 60 55 TOPSOIL BORROW(LV) CY 200 12 00 68 68 $816 00 56 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC.TYPE V SY 800 2 00 992 992 $1 984 00 S586E133REO2 xis Contract Unit Current Quantity Amount No Item Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date 57 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TN 730 9 80 728 92 728 92 $7.143 42 58 AGGREGATE SHOULDERING 100%CRUSHED LIMESTONE TN 180 21 10 180 180 S3.798 00 59 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B) TN 520 42 55 325 325 S 13 828 75 60 TYPE IV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(B) TN 520 45 10 325 325 $14 657 50 61 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GL 260 2 30 260 260 5598 00 62 i 5 RCP STORM SEWER. CLASS 5 LF 40 30 00 40 40 $1.200 00 63 15 RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 2 900 00 2 2 SI 800 00 64 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS.CATEGORY 3 SY 1000 1 10 50 00 65 SILT FENCE MACHINE SLICED IF 1300 1 10 300 1300 $1.430 00 66 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN STILL WATER LE 300 8 00 300 $2 400 00 67 SEEDING INCL SEED. FERTILIZER.MULCH AND DISK ANCHOR AC 0 3 4000 00 10.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO 1 •OSTRUM AVENUE: $68 239 27 ALTERNATE NO 2-CUT DOWN 240TH STREET HILL 68 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2500 3 75 361 $1.353 75 69 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SY 1400 1 10 1200 $1,320.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO 2 -CUT DOWN 240TH STREET HILL S2.673 75 CHANGE ORDER NO 1 1 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 640 5 00 640 640 S3.200 00 2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CY 320 9 00 32C 320 S2 880 00 3 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SY 960 1 65 960 960 $1 584 00 4 REMOVE BITUMINOUS SY 840 2 50 840 840 S2,100 00 5 AGGREGATE BASE TN 387 9 80 387 387 $3.792 60 6 LIMEROCK SHOULDER TN 30 21 10 30 30 $633 OD 7 NON•WEARING COURSE TN 100 41 70 100 100 54 170 00 8 WEARING COURSE TN 80 43 70 80 80 $3 496 00 9 TACK COAT GAL 50 2 30 50 50 S 1 15 00 10 SILT FENCE.REGULAR LF 200 1 10 200 200 $220 00 11 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOX EA 2 75 00 2 2 $150 00 12 STRIPING LE 240 0 67 240 240 S 160 80 13 MISC • MOBILIZATION TRAFFIC CONTROL RESTORATION SAW CUTTING ETC LS 1 2500 00 1 1 $2,500 00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO 1 $25,001 40 CHANGE ORDER NO..2 1 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 925 5 00 925 925 $4 625 00 2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CY 465 9 00 465 465 S4 185 00 3 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SY 1400 1 65 1400 1400 S2.310 OG 4 REMOVE BITUMINOUS SY 1220 2 50 1220 1220 $3.050 00 5 AGGREGATE BASE TN 670 9 80 505 59 505 59 S4.954 78 6 LIMEROCK SHOULDER TN 25 21 10 25 25 $527 50 7 NON-WEARING COURSE TN 110 41 70 110 110 $4.587 CO 8 WEARING COURSE TN 110 43 70 110 110 $4.807 00 9 TACK COAT GAL 70 2 30 S0 00 10 REMOVE PIPE CULVERT IF 47 6 00 47 47 $282 00 11 18 RCP IF 32 36 00 32 32 $1.152 00 12 18 FES EA 2 875 00 2 1 S 1,750 00 13 MISC •MOBILIZATION TRAFFIC CONTROL, RESTORATION SAW CUTTING. ETC LS 1 4000 00 1 1 $4,000.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO 2 $36.230 28 TOTAL BASE BID S947.965 77 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO 1 -OSTRUM AVENUE: S68.239 27 TOTAL AI TERNATE NO 2 .CUT DOWN 240TH STREET HILL 52.673 75 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO 1 $25.001 40 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO 2 $36,230.28 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $1,080,110.47 55806133RE0:■;5 PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER CITY OF SCANDIA BONESTROD FILE NO 000568-06133.0 CONTRACTOR DRESEL CONTRACTING CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount 1 5/7/2007 This Change Order provides for additional work on this project See 525,001 40 Change Order 2 5/7/2007 This Change Order provides for additional work on this project See S38,002 50 Change Order Total Change Orders S63,003.90 PAYMENT SUMMARY No. From To Payment Retainage Completed 1 04/02/2007 06/06/07 408,317.66 21,490.40 429,808.06 2 06/07/2007 07/10/07 617,787.28 54,005.52 1,080,110.47 Material on Hand Total Payment to Date S 1,026,104.94 Original Contract S 1,376,282.60 Retainage Pay No. 2 54,005.52 Change Orders S63,003.90 Total Amount Earned S1,080,110.47 Revised Contract S 1,439,286.50 56806133RE02 Is Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: 5.g) -- Addition to Agenda City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve the hiring of Colin Thieme as a Skateboarding Instructor, at the pay rate of$7.50/hour Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • At your June 5 meeting, the Council approved hiring two skateboarding instructors. One of the approved instructors did not show up at the start of the program (yesterday.) • Recreation Coordinator Marty McKelvey has recruited Colin Thieme to take his place. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council make the appointment. Attachments/ • None Materials provided: Contact(s): Marty McKelvey, Recreation Coordinator (651 433-8410) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (rec program staffing skateboard) Page 1 of 1 07/17/07 Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive the recommendation from the Comprehensive Plan Committee(CPC) on selection of a consultant to provide professional services for the Comprehensive Plan update. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • At the May 15 meeting, the Council approved issuance of an RFP (Request for Proposals) for professional services for the Comprehensive Plan update. The RFP was distributed to various planning consulting firms, advertised in Leagues of Minnesota Cities publications and was made available on the city's website. • Nine proposals were submitted by the June 20, 2007 deadline. The CPC met on June 25 to review them, and selected four firms to be interviewed: CR Planning, Bonestroo, TKDA and Landform. • The firms submitting proposals but not chosen for interviews were: Loucks Associates, Olsson Associates, Sanders Wacker Bergly, Inc., SEH and SRF Consulting Group. • The CPC used the criteria set forth in the RFP to draft a "Proposal Evaluation Process" and a score sheet, which was used by the individual CPC members in their review of the proposals and to narrow the number from 9 to 4. The CPC also developed a list of interview questions. Copies of these documents are attached for your information. • A subcommittee of the CPC interviewed the four finalist consultant teams on July 10. The full CPC will review their unanimous recommendation to select CR Planning at their meeting on July 16. A memo summarizing the reasons for the recommendation is attached. • The fee proposal from CR Planning is $57,556. The nine fee proposals ranged from $37,000 to $85,800. CR Planning's proposal was judged to best meet the needs of the City and also to be the best value among the proposals, based on the level of effort and amount of resources brought to the project. • Once the selection of the consultant has been approved by the Page 1 of 2 07/12/07 Council the next step will be to negotiate a contract. In order to meet the schedule for completion of the plan, it will be essential that the contract be completed as soon as possible. If approved, staff will work with CR Planning and the City Attorney to present a draft for Council approval at your August 7, 2007 meeting. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council accept the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) and designate CR Planning as the city's consultant for the Comprehensive Plan update. Attachments/ • RFP Materials provided: • Proposal Evaluation Process • Proposal Evaluation Score Sheet • Consultant Interview Questions • CPC memo Dated July 12, 2007 • Four Finalist Proposals (CR Planning, Bonestroo, TKDA and Landform) Contact(s): Jean Coleman, CR Planning (612) 588-4904 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (comprehensive plan consultant selection) Page 2 of 2 07/12/07 SCANDIA m i n n e s o t a REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE I. Introduction/Community Information The City of Scandia seeks professional services to assist with the update of its Comprehensive Plan. The project will establish the vision and goals of the community looking forward to 2030. It will meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act that an updated plan be submitted to the Metropolitan Council for review by the end of 2008. The last Comprehensive Plan for New Scandia Township was adopted October 20, 1998. The Parks and Open Space chapter was replaced by the Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan adopted by the town board on July 18, 2006. The City of Scandia comprises 25,078 acres (39.18 square miles) in the northeast corner of Washington County, part of the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The city is located approximately 9 miles east of Forest Lake and approximately 35 miles north and east of St. Paul, Minnesota. The City was incorporated on January 1, 2007 from the former New Scandia Township, the site of the first Swedish settlement in Minnesota. The historic village serves as the central service center of this rural community. Its scenic, rolling landscape is dotted with lakes, woodlands, farms and low density development. Scandia is bordered on the south by May Township and the City of Marine on St. Croix; on the north by Chisago Lake and Franconia Townships (Chisago County); on the west by the City of Forest Lake; and, on the east by the wild and scenic St. Croix River. The city is home to over 35 lakes, including Big Marine (the second-largest lake in Washington County.) Scandia also contains both public and private natural areas along the St. Croix River that have been identified as critical habitat in need of protection. The estimated population (2005) is 4,009 in 1,416 households. Scandia is considered as a "diversified rural" geographic planning area by the Metropolitan Council in its 2030 Regional Development Framework. A copy of the Metropolitan Council's revised Systems Statement for New Scandia Township dated November 10, 2005 is attached to this document. Request for Proposals, City of Scandia May 16, 2007 Il. Project Description/ Scope Organizational Structure: The City will lead the comprehensive planning effort through a Comprehensive Plan Committee created specifically for this purpose (hereafter, "the Committee"). The Committee is chaired by the Mayor, and includes members of the City Council, the Planning Commission, a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee, and citizen representatives. The Committee will participate in selection of the consultant, but the City Council will make the final selection. Communications with the Council and the Committee will be coordinated through the City Administrator. Required Outcomes: • A plan supported by citizens, recommended by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council. • A plan that maintains green infrastructure and protects identified critical natural areas, open space and rural character • A plan that can provide the policy basis for city ordinances, regulations, practices and priorities, and guide private and public decision making • A plan consistent with requirements of Metropolitan Land Planning Act and other appropriate standards Methodology: In March 2007, the City received a small grant from the Embrace Open Space Campaign of the Trust for Public Land to develop a process for open space and land protection in the city. The city contracted with the Washington Conservation District to execute the project, the product of which was the attached document: "Putting the Pieces Together: Comprehensive Planning to Protect Open Space and Rural Character." The city intends to use the process laid out in this document as the basic framework for developing the updated comprehensive plan. The selected consultant will be expected to incorporate this process into the work plan. Plan Elements: Plan elements will include all of those required to meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. The following information is provided in order to help proposers understand some of the local issues concerning each of these elements, and some questions that the city must resolve during development of the comprehensive plan: Overall Vision and Goals—how will the plan define"rural character" as it applies to the Scandia? What will be the process for arriving at the definition, and how will the public be involved? Once we agree what it is, how can it be protected and enhanced as the community changes? 2 Request for Proposals, City of Scandia May 16, 2007 Land Use Plan—some of the issues the city is interested in exploring are: • Growth management strategy—how has the strategy of the 1998 Plan worked to preserve and enhance the distinct, rural character of the community? What adjustments are needed? • Commercial/retail development—how much and what type of development is needed/ desired? Where should it be located? The current plan states that there will be no planning or zoning for additional commercial development outside the village center. The City Council has appointed a separate advisory committee to study these issues. • Aggregate resources—how can they be protected and used in a way that is compatible with community character? • Agriculture—how should agricultural land and agricultural land uses be preserved and protected? • Housing—since Scandia is outside the sewer service area, the Metropolitan Council has not identified a "need" for new affordable units in Scandia. However, are there needs that the community should be aware of and plan for? Transportation Plan—what changes can Scandia expect in the major highways serving the community? Are there new local road segments that we should be planning for to complete the local network? Water Resources • Sanitary sewer—what policies should guide cluster wastewater treatment systems? Will Washington County's program continue to meet the need for managing individual sewage treatment systems? • Surface water—how can the requirements for an updated local surface water plan be most efficiently met, given that the city is located in three watershed districts (Rice Creek, Comfort Lake/Forest Lake and Carnelian Marine)? How will planning for the "orphan area" (an unclaimed area recently added to the enlarged Carnelian Marine watershed district) affect the local water plan? • Water supply—even though Scandia does not have a municipal water system, how can we plan to protect the water supply and groundwater resources that all individual homeowners and businesses rely upon? What should be the policy for new developments with community wells? Parks and Open Space • The recent plan update provided basic inventory information and a conceptual framework for establishing a city park system, including search areas. However, it did not clearly articulate the land and facilities that would be needed in these search areas, the criteria for their selection, or define how the need for additional park land will be determined. • The plan update did not contain a future trails map that provides guidance for trail development. • The plan needs to provide guidance for open space preservation, with clear relationship to ecological resources and with sufficient documentation to satisfy the requirements of the Washington County Land and Water Legacy program. • The plan needs to provide for protection of critical natural habitat, and identify how Scandia can partner with county, state and federal agencies in this effort. 3 Request for Proposals, City of Scandia May 16, 2007 Implementation Program—the plan needs to provide the policy basis for updating the development code (zoning/ subdivision regulation) and other city ordinances and policies needed to implement the plan. The plan also needs to provide a basis for a five-year capital improvement program for city facilities and infrastructure. (The City Council recently appointed a Capital Improvements Committee.) III. Project Timeline: The project will begin as soon as practicable upon selection of the consultant and approval of a contract, and be completed on a schedule meeting the statutory deadline for update of local comprehensive plans (by the end of 2008.) The end date of the project may be negotiable but would be contingent upon the approval of an extension to the deadline from the Metropolitan Council. IV. Proposal Contents: Any firm wishing to be considered for providing the services described in this RFP shall submit the following information: • Description of the firm's general approach to the project. • Project timeline including public involvement in the plan update. • Description of the number of meetings with staff and the Comprehensive Plan Committee assumed in the proposal. • Description of the firm and the services provided, including the number of years in business and the number and type of employees available in the office proposed to provide the services. • Name and qualifications of the person who would be responsible for the management and administration of the project, including a resume describing their relevant experience. • Name and qualifications of other professional staff to be assigned to the project, with an organizational chart identifying all team members and their areas of responsibility. • An estimate of the amount of time each team member is expected to be assigned to the project. • Information on similar projects completed by the firm and the project manager, including references. Sample work products, such as excerpts of planning documents, may be included. • Disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest, including any work for private development firms that may work within the City of Scandia. • Fee proposal, including an overall cost estimate/budget for completing the project. Hourly rates for additional time should also be provided. 4 Request for Proposals, City of Scandia May 16, 2007 V. Timeline for Consideration of Proposals: Friday, May 18 RFP distributed Wednesday, June 20 (4:00 p.m.) Response due to City Monday, June 25 Selection committee to review proposals Week of July 9 through 13 Interviews Tuesday, July 17 City Council selects consultant Tuesday, August 7 or 21 Council approves contract VI. Criteria for Consultant Selection: The following factors will be used in evaluating the consultants' proposals and awarding of the contract: • Technical approach to plan preparation. • Understanding of the planning needs of a small, rural community. • Ability to adapt the general process that has already been developed by the community (see the attached, "Putting the Pieces together: Comprehensive Planning to Protect Open Space and Rural Character") to the project. • Experience and knowledge of developing similar plans by personnel who will be directly involved in the project. • Ability to complete the plan within the given time frame. • Ability to involve the public, partners and stakeholders in the planning process. • References • Fee proposal VII. Conditions/Limitations: The City expects to select a consulting firm from the proposals submitted, but reserves the right to reject any or all response to the RFP, to advertise for new responses, or to accept any response deemed to be in the best interest of the city. Any cost for responding to this RFP is the responsibility of the proposer. The city will not be responsible for any cost incurred prior to the execution of a final contract. The contract will reserve the right to dismiss the contractor for any reason with 30 days notice, and require documentation of current insurance coverage and limits, including professional liability insurance. All work products will be the property of the City of Scandia. All documents produced shall be provided on paper as well as electronic format that is editable by the City of Scandia (such as Microsoft Word, Excel) and in a format that can be distributed and used on the web (such as PDF.) Copies of all GIS files used to develop maps and data for the plan shall be the property of and provided to the city. All mapping, GIS, engineering, traffic, land use and natural resource data owned or available to the City will be made available to the consultant. 5 Request for Proposals, City of Scandia May 16, 2007 VIII. Instructions/Contact: Submit twenty (20) copies of the proposal not later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 to: Anne Hurlburt City Administrator 14727 209th St. N. Scandia, MN 55073 Requests for additional information should be directed to Ms. Hurlburt at 651 433-2274 or via e- mail at a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us. Additional information about Scandia is available on the City's web site (www.ci.scandia.mn.us), including the full text and graphics of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan and the 2006 Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan. Attachments: • "Putting the Pieces Together: Comprehensive Planning to Protect Open Space and Rural Character." • Metropolitan Systems Statement, New Scandia Township (November 30, 2005) 6 CITY OF SCANDIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCESS 1. Evaluation Process Each Evaluation Team member will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria: • Technical approach to plan preparation • Understanding of the planning needs of a small,rural community • Ability to adapt the general process that has already been developed by the community for the project (considers"Putting the Pieces together: Comprehensive Planning to Protect Open Space and Rural Character") • Ability to involve the public,partners and stakeholders in the planning process • Ability to complete the plan within the given time frame • Experience and knowledge of developing similar plans by personnel who will be directly involved in the project. City Administrator will also evaluate and score or rank each proposal on: • Fee proposal • References • Disqualifying elements 2. Weighting of Evaluation Criteria (example percentages provided—actual percentages TBD by the Committee) After scoring by evaluation team participants, scores will be weighted so that scored criteria total 100 points: Plan Approach criteria(40%): • Technical approach to plan preparation • Understanding of the planning needs of a small, rural community • Ability to adapt the general process that has already been developed by the community to the project (considers "Putting the Pieces together: Comprehensive Planning to Protect Open Space and Rural Character") Participation criteria(20%): • Ability to involve the public, partners and stakeholders in the planning process Resources criteria(30%): • Experience and knowledge of developing similar plans by personnel who will be directly involved in the project. • Ability to complete the plan within the given time frame Page 1 of 2 References (10%): • References Other Criteria: • Fee proposal(Objective Ranking by Administrator) (Factors into final recommendation, weight TBD) (Objective Ranking by Administrator)Conflict of Interest or Legal (Administrator or legal counsel to determine if any aspect or element of the proposal is disqualifying) 3. Final Score A. Points Average Team Score= 90% References=1 0% B. Fee Proposal Ranking (Still need to determine how cost should be weighted or factored in.) Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SCANDIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL EVALUATION SCORE SHEET 1. Plan Approach Criteria Score(40%) A. Plan Approach Criteria: • Technical approach to plan preparation • Understanding of the planning needs of a small,rural community • Ability to adapt the general process that has already been developed by the community to the project(considers"Putting the Pieces together: Comprehensive Planning to Protect Open Space and Rural Character") B. Review relevant elements of the proposal,including: • General approach to the project. • Project timeline including public involvement in the plan update. • Description of the number of meetings with staff and the Comprehensive Plan Committee assumed in the proposal. C. Score the proposal according to how well the plan approach criteria are met: 10 Exceeds requirements, ideal fit 8 Exceeds requirements,good fit 6 Meets all requirements 4 Meets most requirements 2 Does not meet most requirements 2.Community Participation Criteria Score(20%) A. Community Participation Criteria: • Ability to involve the public,partners and stakeholders in the planning process B. Review relevant elements of the proposal,including: • General approach to plan preparation • Project timeline including public involvement in the plan update. • Information on similar projects completed by the firm and the project manager. Sample work products,such as excerpts of planning may be considered if included. C. Score the proposal according to how well the Community Participation criteria are met: 10 Exceeds requirements, ideal fit 8 Exceeds requirements,good fit 6 Meets all requirements 4 Meets most requirements 2 Does not meet most requirements 3. Experience and Resources Criteria Score(30 %) A. Experience and Resources Evaluation Criteria: • Experience and knowledge of developing similar plans by personnel who will be directly involved in the project. • Ability to complete the plan within the given time frame Page 1of2 Consultant Interview Questions Scandia Comprhensive Plan Committee July 10, 2007 1. How will you help us define "rural character"? (Desired responses indicate: understanding that this is a complex question; concrete steps; include community involvement.) 2. Community involvement—what do they do to get the most participation? What's worked best in the past? (Will it work here? Multiple strategies? Educating participants, getting turn-out.) 3. How would you develop criteria for land protection? (Evaluation of resources, methodology, setting priorities, identifying human preferences, community involvement.) 4. Describe the project you worked on in the past that best qualifies you for our project? What was your personal role? (Project relevant to Scandia; similar scale & resources; similar experiences.) 5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Scandia's current plan? (Have they looked at it, learned anything?) 6. What innovative strategies have you brought to your projects in the past? (Creativity,problem solving, thinking "outside of the box".) 7. How do we make the plan more than a "doorstop"? (How to ensure that the plan will be used and can be implemented; develop options, include action steps.) 8. Tell us about the "depth" of your team. (Who is not here? Who will be there to back you up?) 4. SCAN IM Memo mtnnesota • To: Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) From: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Date: 7/12/2007 Re: Recommendation of Interview Committee Consultants for Comprehensive Plan Update On July 10, 2007, a subcommittee of the Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC)consisting of Mike Harnetty, James Malmquist, Christine Maefsky, Karen Schik, M. Michele McNulty, Greg Zauner, Michael White and Anne Hurlburt interviewed four consultant teams selected by the CPC from a field of nine. Interviewed were: Bonestroo, CR Planning, TKDA and Landfonn. Interviews were conducted using the questions developed by the CPC at the June 15 meeting. The subcommittee found CR Planning's proposal to be outstanding. Reasons for this evaluation can be summarized as follows: • The proposal showed a good understanding of Scandia, and its history and context. They had read the existing plans and ordinances. • It had the best approach to defining and articulating "community character." Almost 25% of the effort was devoted to this task, which the committee sees as one of the most important challenges of the planning process. • The work plan was thorough and specific, and included all the required elements from visioning through implementation. • They understand the need to accommodate different learning styles in the process. • The schedule was realistic and would allow the city to meet its deadlines. • The consultant team (Jean Coleman of CR Planning and Suzanne Rhees of URS) is experienced and has worked together on numerous significant projects in the past. The other teams all had relatively new working relationships among the key personnel. • The team has demonstrated experience and ability to integrate natural resources with land use planning. Jean Coleman wrote the Metropolitan Council's handbook on that topic. • Page 1 • The team includes EOR for their expertise on natural resources issues. EOR is the engineering firm for all of Scandia's watersheds. This may make it easier to coordinate water-related planning. • The proposal included the best level of effort (based on staff resources) of the four firms interviewed. • They would be in attendance at almost all CPC meetings, compared to the other teams. Contact with the committee was more limited in the other proposals, and in come cases would have relied on city staff to do some of the work. • The team understands that the plan needs to be accessible, usable and enforceable, and have a clear implementation plan. Jean Coleman is an attorney as well as a planner. The cost proposals from the four firms interviewed, and the corresponding level of effort expressed in total staff time, were as follows: CR Planning $57,556 742 hours Bonestroo $54,600 564 hours TKDA $37,000 390 hours Landform $53,235 523 hours TKDA's proposal, by their own description, was "basic" and would have to be supplemented with additional tasks, particularly in the public participation and visioning steps. Bonestroo indicated that the project manager expected to attend few CPC meetings and that the largest staff commitment (35%) would be from a recently hired, relatively inexperienced planner. CR Planning was perceived to be the best value among the four proposals. They also indicated a willingness to explore partnerships with other agencies (such as the Washington Conservation District or watersheds) to expand the resources for the project. They also said that they have never asked for a change order increasing the cost of a project. The subcommittee has unanimously recommended the selection of the proposal submitted by CR Planning. The recommendation will be presented to the City Council at their meeting on Tuesday, July 17. • Page 2 Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: '7 City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Receive a report from the committee designated to investigate alleged violations at the Tiller Corporation and Dresel sand and gravel mines. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • At the June 19, 2007 meeting, the Council received a letter from John Lindell, 11240 218th Street, alleging various violations at the Tiller Corporation and Dresel mining operations. • The Council appointed the following individuals to tour the site and investigate the allegations: Mayor Dennis Seefeldt, Councilmember Mike Harnetty, City Attorney David Hebert, City Engineer Tom Peterson, City Planner Richard Thompson and Administrator Anne Hurlburt. They toured the site on Monday, July 9 with representatives of both mining companies. • It was the consensus of the committee that no action should be taken by the city at this time. Recommendation: Receive the report. Attachments/ • None Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (tiller dresel investigation) Page 1 of 1 07/13/07 Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: 7, �) City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North, P.O. Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: None—information only. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Monthly reports on calls and citations issued are received from the Washington County Sheriff's office. • Deputy Chris Howard will be present at the City Council Meeting to answer any questions that the Council may have concerning police protection for the City. Recommendation: N/A Attachments/ • Citations by city report, 6/01/07 to 6/30/07 Materials provided: • Contract ICR's report, 6/01/07 to 6/30/07 Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (sheriff report) Page 1 of 1 07/02/07 icr june2007 PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS 7/01/07ag5:26:57 Washington County Sheriff's Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/07 To 6/30/07 Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 6/01/07 14:32:52 107016906 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374062 NO SEATB 6/01/07 14:49:37 107016909 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374063 NO SEATB 6/01/07 15:17:36 107016911 0156 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374064 NO SEATB 6/01/07 17:45:23 107016931 0100 LOFTON AV MEDICAL 6/01/07 20:05:43 107016943 0195 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/02/07 1:29:57 107016961 0190 PEABODY TR 911 HANG-UP/VERBAL DOMESTIC 6/02/07 9:45:42 107016976 0110 OAKHILL RD INFO 6/02/07 10:14:00 107016978 0110 ST CROIX TR SUSP ACTIVITY 6/03/07 1:29:10 107017051 0190 SCANDIA TR INTERRUPTED BURGLARY 6/03/07 1:29:42 107017052 0145 SCANDIA TR K9 ASSIST-TRACK 6/03/07 1:29:42 107405263 SCANDIA TR AOA 6/03/07 14:31:17 107017088 0100 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/03/07 16:30:40 107017102 0100 OLINDA TR THEFT REPORT 6/03/07 22:26:40 107017122 0111 202ND ST SUSP VEHICLE 6/04/07 3:12: 58 107017135 0124 OLINDA TR SPEED SURVEY (SPEED TRAILER) 6/04/07 7:52:12 107017140 0175 216TH ST 911 OPEN LINE 6/04/07 13:48:32 107017234 0175 SCANDIA TR PUBLIC ASSIST 6/04/07 19:40:40 107017277 0154 MANNING TR COMMERICAL VEHICLE VIOLATION 6/05/07 4:12:01 107017304 0124 OLINDA TR SPEED SURVEY (SPEED TRAILER) 6/05/07 13:27:25 107017364 0156 OAKHILL RD PARKING COMPLAINT 6/05/07 20:44:29 107017404 0165 MANNING TR VEHICLE IN DITCH 6/06/07 3:54:00 107017429 0150 OLINDA TR SPEED TRAILER (SPEED SURVEY) . 6/06/07 8:14:38 107017443 0175 MANNING TR VEH LOCK OUT 6/06/07 14:51:00 107017488 0156 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/07/07 0:04:35 107017544 0190 ST CROIX TR UNATTENDED VEHICLE CHECK 6/07/07 1:59:56 107017549 0190 SCANDIA TR DWI ARREST 3RD DEGREE 6/07/07 7:41: 52 107017563 0175 OREN AV WELFARE CHECK 6/07/07 10:05:16 107017600 0156 HWY 97 ACCIDENT 6/07/07 10:58:18 107017614 0156 LOFTON AV ALARM 6/07/07 15:20:25 107017652 0156 OLINDA TR LOOSE HORSES 6/07/07 16:23:36 107017662 0156 228TH ST 911 HANG UP/MEDICAL 6/08/07 0:47:10 107017718 0190 OLINDA TR EQUIPMENT REPAIR ORDER-LOUD EX 6/08/07 3:08:35 107017724 0134 SCANDIA TR W/W 91382 - NO PROOF OF INSURA 6/08/07 3:39:15 107017725 0134 MEADOWBROOK CR OPEN GARAGE NOTICE 6/08/07 10:24:46 107017773 0175 OAKHILL RD PROPERTY DAMAGE 6/09/07 7:45:10 107017898 0112 188TH ST A.O.A. 6/09/07 8:14:33 107017901 0171 205TH ST MEDICAL 6/09/07 16:23:40 107017950 0156 MANNING TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374065 FDCR MAR 6/09/07 21:02:17 107017969 0156 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC-CITE SW374066 SPEED 74 6/10/07 7: 54:08 107018026 0112 195TH ST 911 CALL 6/10/07 16:26:12 107018069 0195 LOFTON AV HIT AND RUN 6/10/07 22:09:14 107018100 0100 SCANDIA TR CAR VS DEER 6/11/07 6:22:26 107018115 0190 ORWELL AV LOOSE HORSE COMPLAINT 6/11/07 7:08:07 107018119 0110 LOFTON AV VEHICLE ACCIDENT 6/11/07 7:19:30 107018123 0110 SCANDIA TR DRIVING COMPLAINT 6/11/07 9: 53:22 107018144 0110 195TH ST 911 ABD CALL 6/11/07 13:23: 55 107018201 0132 238TH ST THEFT REPORT 6/11/07 15:05:32 107018211 0144 OLINDA TR THEFT REPORT 6/11/07 22:44:18 107018257 0129 230TH ST MEDICAL 6/12/07 1:32:01 107018266 0118 195TH ST 911 OPEN LINE 6/12/07 8:44:11 107018289 0175 LOFTON AV INFORMATIONAL MISSING LIV 6/12/07 12:00:16 107018315 0156 OAKHILL RD VEH LOCKOUT PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 2 7/01/07 5:26: 57 Page 1 icr june2007 Washington County Sheriff's Office CONTRACT ICR's Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/07 To 6/30/07 Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 6/12/07 13:27: 37 107018320 0175 OAKHILL RD SPEED SW 358985 6/12/07 14:20:42 107018323 0156 MANNING TR CAR ACCIDENT 6/12/07 15 : 58:41 107018331 0155 SCANDIA TR PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT 6/12/07 16:05:15 107018334 0155 MANNING TR POSS DRUG ACTIVITY 6/12/07 18:09: 57 107018352 0152 MANNING TR IOD 6/13/07 10:43:28 107018443 0190 KEYSTONE AV FIRE 6/13/07 15: 32:17 107018475 0111 FOREST BLVD DK DRIVER 6/14/07 10:19:22 107018570 0100 NOVAK AV OFFICERS INFO 6/14/07 18:08:41 107018626 0143 MANNING TR THEFT 6/15/07 8:27:16 107018674 MANNING TR WARRANT / FL / TX07012549 6/15/07 10:40:10 107018724 OLINDA TR WARRANT / WCSO / K307003305 6/15/07 22: 54:33 107018819 0136 HWY 97 WARRANT ARREST + DAR/NO POI/NO 6/16/07 15: 50:29 107018871 0191 MANNING AV W/W 88522 SPEED 6/16/07 16: 51:35 107018884 0191 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/16/07 22:20:26 107018909 0191 MANNING AV CITE SPEED 75/55 6/17/07 0:19:01 107018919 0195 HWY 95 SUSP OCCURRENCE 6/17/07 2 : 59: 53 107018927 0190 OBRIEN TR DISTURBANCE 6/17/07 3:15:06 107018929 0190 ST CROIX TR BOATING/NOISE COMPLAINT 6/17/07 11:01:02 107018949 0112 205TH ST 911 HANG UP/THEFT REPORT 6/17/07 13:26:03 107018964 0112 MELANIE TR HUNTING COMPLAINT 6/17/07 18:13:28 107018991 1251 BIG MARINE LAKE WATER CRAFT VIOLATION 6/17/07 20:16:04 107019006 0195 OLINDA TR STALLED VEHICLE/PASSERBY 6/17/07 22:09:16 107019015 0195 OLINDA LN NOISE COMPLAINT 6/18/07 1:13:39 107019025 0190 OLINDA TR INSURANCE REQUEST FORM 6/18/07 11:03:22 107019089 0112 MALLARD AV VANDALISM REPORT 6/19/07 12: 50:33 107019241 0100 PENROSE AV OFFICERS INFORMATION 6/19/07 19:15:30 107019290 0111 OLINDA TR BLACK BEAR SIGHTING 6/19/07 19:26:26 107019292 0111 209TH ST CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/20/07 10:21:46 107019364 0137 MANNING TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358712-SPEED, 64 6/20/07 13:29: 57 107019385 0137 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/20/07 15:18:12 107019400 0137 OLINDA TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358713-SPEED, 64 6/20/07 15 : 53:03 107019381 0137 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358714-SPEED, 69 6/20/07 16:10:47 107019406 0137 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358715-SPEED, 70 6/20/07 17:15:10 107019412 0170 MEADOWBROOK AV CHILD CUSTODY 6/20/07 18:23: 59 107019419 0152 LANGLY CT MEDICAL 6/20/07 18:34:05 107019421 0170 240TH ST VEH LOCKOUT 6/21/07 9: 56:29 107019485 0184 OLINDA TR LOOSE HORSES 6/21/07 13:07: 56 107019524 0184 SCANDIA TR ERRATIC DRIVER 6/21/07 13:41: 54 107019532 0184 OAKHILL RD MEDICAL 6/21/07 16:04:48 107019546 0165 QUADRANT AV ATV COMPLAINT/EXTRA PATROL REQ 6/21/07 19: 30:02 107019562 0100 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/21/07 20: 51: 13 107019569 0165 OAKHILL RD CHK THE WELFARE *COMP 6/22/07 20:48: 11 107019698 0119 ST CROIX TR SPEED 70/55 SW369457 6/22/07 21:27:20 107019706 0165 SCANDIA TR ROAD RAGE INCIDENT 6/23/07 0:15:48 107019721 0190 OLINDA TR SUSPICOUS VEHICLE 6/23/07 11:34:38 107019747 0175 MANNING TR THEFT REPORT 6/23/07 13 :12:20 107019761 0175 MEADOWBROOK AV THEFT REPORT 6/23/07 18: 53: 57 107019807 0136 QUALITY TR FOUND DOG 6/24/07 3 :39: 59 107019855 0134 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC-FDCR (JAN 07) CIT#SW33 6/24/07 9:25:01 107019866 0175 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/24/07 9: 37:26 107019868 0175 OLINDA TR MEDICAL 6/24/07 20: 59:18 107019936 0191 LAKAMAGA TR UNWANTED MALE PRT CONTRACT ICR REPORT QIJS Page 3 7/01/07 5:26: 57 Washington County Sheriff' s office CONTRACT ICR' s Page 2 icr june2007 Contract Report for SCANDIA For the Period 6/01/07 To 6/30/07 Date Time ICR # ID# Street Name Complaint 6/25/07 0:31: 55 107019949 0190 ODELL AV DOMESTIC 6/25/07 0: 56:40 107019950 0100 LAKAMAGA TR SUSP PERSON 6/25/07 9:31:18 107019968 0112 ST CROIX TR VEH IN DITCH 6/25/07 12 :13: 54 107020012 0112 185TH ST PARKING VIOLATION 6/25/07 12:44:09 107020023 0112 199TH ST TERRORISTIC THREATS REPORT 6/25/07 14: 59:08 107020039 0140 MANNING TR POSS DK DRIVER 6/25/07 20:28:08 107020077 0195 LARKSPUR AV VERBAL DISPUTE 6/26/07 0:46: 52 107020096 0142 MANNING TR ASSIST/SUICIDAL FEMALE 6/26/07 0:46: 52 107406199 0100 MANNING TR ASSIST/SUICIDAL FEMALE 6/26/07 2:02:27 107020100 0190 OAKHILL RD AUD ALARM 6/26/07 7:10: 31 107020111 0112 OLINDA TR SUSP ACTIVITY REPORT 6/26/07 11:03:33 107020159 0137 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358716-SPEED, 70 6/26/07 11:33:10 107020165 0137 SCANDIA TR W/W#91440-SPEED, WINDSHIELD 6/26/07 12:02: 30 107020171 0137 SCANDIA TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358717 SPEED, 68 6/26/07 16:20: 53 107020202 0137 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358718-SPEED, 64 6/27/07 17:09: 19 107020326 0195 ST CROIX TR ASSIST/CALLED BACK ADVISED FOU 6/28/07 9:13: 58 107020387 0137 MALLARD AV NEIGHBOR COMPLAINT 6/28/07 11:46: 53 107020419 0137 ST CROIX TR TRAFFIC CIT#SW358719-SPEED, 74 6/28/07 14:05:03 107020446 0122 OAKHILL RD FRAUD REPORT 6/28/07 15: 55: 50 107020458 0111 MANNING TR TRAFFIC-SPEED 6/28/07 21:04:44 107020483 0111 SCANDIA TR 911 CALL/LOOSE DOG 6/29/07 13:44:14 107020594 0175 OLGILVIE AV AUD ALARM **CANCEL PER PROPER 6/29/07 18:14:29 107020618 0165 OLINDA TR WW#91096 SPEED 6/29/07 20:44:17 107020643 0145 MALLARD AV 911 ABANDON 6/29/07 21: 54:36 107020653 0145 LOFTON AV NOISE COMPLAINT 6/29/07 23:37:35 107020661 0145 MAYBERRY TR FIREWORKS COMPLAINT *COM 6/30/07 11:27:43 107020703 0175 LAMAR AV VEH LOCK OUT 6/30/07 12: 50: 51 107020708 0110 LOFTON AV DRIVING COMPLAINT - EXTRA PATR 6/30/07 13 :28:21 107020711 0110 MANNING TR GAS DRIVE OFF 6/30/07 13:45:23 107020716 0110 SCANDIA CHECK AREA 6/30/07 15 :26: 58 107020722 0127 QUINT AV JUV COMPLAINT 6/30/07 18: 34:31 107020748 0190 185TH ST PARKING WHERE SIGNS PROHIBIT Total ICRs Processed: 136 END OF REPORT Page 3 ALCOPFR$ PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 1 7/01/07 5:26:57 Washington County Sheriff's office CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: SCANDIA From Date: 6/01/2007 To: 6/30/2007 SCANDIA offense offense Location citation # Date Time 6/01/2007 1428 OLINDA & 214TH SW374062 Statute 169 686 1 NO SEATBELT 6/01/2007 1440 OLINDA TR & 214TH Sw374063 Statute 169 686 1 NO SEATBELT 6/01/2007 1510 OLINDA TR & 214TH ST SW374064 Statute 169 686 1 NO SEATBELT 6/04/2007 1930 17000 BLK MANNING SW373864 Statute 169 80 2 OVER 16" 6/09/2007 1618 MANNING & 180TH Sw374065 Statute 169 79 1 FDCR 3/07 6/09/2007 2056 SCANDIA TR & MANNING Sw374066 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 74/55 6/12/2007 1315 sw358985 statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 75/55 6/12/2007 0545 17800 BLK MAY AV SW370436 Statute 171 24 1 DAS 6/15/2007 2252 HWY.97/OLINDA.TR Sw369394 Statute 171 24 DAR 6/16/2007 2210 18500 BLK MANNING SW372911 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 75/55 6/17/2007 1800 BIG MARINE LAKE B57963 Statute 86B 313 1 WATERCRAFT/CARELESS MANNR 6/20/2007 1015 MANNING TR & 207TH SW358712 Statute 169 14 SPEED 64/55 6/20/2007 1510 OLINDA & 195TH SW358713 statute 169 14 SPEED 64/55 6/20/2007 1545 ST CRIOX TR & 22500 BLK SW358714 Statute 169 14 SPEED 69/55 6/20/2007 1605 ST CROIX TR N & 22500 BLK SW358715 Statute 169 14 SPEED 70/55 PF Citations by City Rpt QIJS Page 2 7/01/07 5:26: 57 Washington County Sheriff's office Page 1 ALCOPFR$ CITATIONS BY CITY REPORT City Selected: SCANDIA From Date: 6/01/2007 To: 6/30/2007 offense Offense Location Citation # Date Time 6/22/2007 2040 ST CROIX TR & PILAR Sw369457 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 70/55 6/24/2007 0330 ST CROIX TR & OBRIEN 5w336035 Statute 169 79 EXPIRED TABS 1/07 6/24/2007 1050 SCANDIA TR & ODELL sw358716 statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 70/55 6/26/2007 1200 SCANDIA TR & MEADOWBROOK SW358717 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 68/55 6/26/2007 1610 ST CROIX TR & 22500 BLK Sw358718 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 64/55 6/28/2007 1140 ST CROIX TR N & 235TH SW358719 Statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 74/55 6/28/2007 1545 MANNING & 185TH sw374919 statute 169 14 2A3 SPEED 71/55 Total for City: SCANDIA 22 ** END OF REPORT ** Page 2 Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Receive and consider quotes for crack sealing of streets and the Community Center parking lot. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The City Engineer has contacted several companies to obtain quotes on routing and sealing cracks on several streets and the Community Center parking lot. • Quotes are due to the Engineer at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 17, 2007. He will evaluate the quotes and provide a recommendation to the Council at your July 17 meeting. Recommendation: Review and decide whether or not to accept a quote for crack sealing. Attachments/ • Map Materials provided: Contact(s): City Engineer Tom Peterson Bonestroo 651 604-4868 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (crack sealing) Page 1 of 1 07/11/07 244 Si.N. p�wj 0� N0819T.N. zz M 236Ih ST.N ¢ ile II i� 24an ST.N. - T�9 239In ST.N. F b"4 7vv O IISIh MANNING •' 256M ST.N.I ST.N. R.CT,CR ° L 1 2361n ST.N. O oe MANN, 1^ ll Q oC 23ah (ELSE u) �� �'I Z i .J d` Q UKE Z O • 23an ST.N. I Q °° O I 228m ST.N. .< i�O N 0 6% L RO A, Lc 10' , �OAKHIII R° / ° �. 1•C \ �` T PILAR • ASCA NDIA zz3ro 2ZWI a -_��eO Q 6 RD.N. `Fh LAKE ti u 1 22ah BT. 2,Tas CERMANo •?� � 1z 2.007 CRACK SEAL 218a ST.N. 2151h ST.N '1�[ n dpT' n a °. CS � \� ZO 214m W)/) s9 LAKE 2tan 8T N. o BCANDIA T0.N. �, _ 1 STATE HWY.9T SGANOIA T0.N. — -..`"� STATE HWY.97 l SCANDIA TR.N. g r C:\ lb, 8 �/ 02RK; 2 ,.,EA•OWSROOS CIR.!Fg �-' a O /�_J LT i 2 STATE NWY.ST / `O ran sr.N. '-- it- " ° °:w� . I- 20Tme \I m \,5� H ` � 2`091n��_ : �.i1� �x991h sr r^� CITY HALL SYLVAN `I MAYBERRV TRAIL N. 0 0 °0 O\ e' N4 � '^^7I 202nd ST.N. *\, •� ° A T %- hi Fl Yam" 001 \ 20xnp ST.N. , I I ooz / I a �}�,I /I �� OAKNIL{RD.N m O LAKE U ,( , �6 19. ST/ 1980 , F T Q HAY•(�� i D .,►.-�-T ST. 11 �/4 LA , CAR ,I • 191nE ST.N- HIts19T.N. d f a` TR,_N. 32 pp pp C I ! ( 2 igaln Sr / 51W4 M IeN j \ LAKE. z 'Z1R SIG _7D, \ LS E i I� MARINE LAKE O i I V - g 1S51h ST.N. p- 1851h ST.N. I O O ' AOnesLro° K•o / 1801h ST.H\ \ '71 7,41 ST TH MAPLE 3T \e � l ` — I. CO.R0.4 ~ 51401588MAP14i9WwOl5S&hso ssmso.Ewo 11-15-04 mD ?AnneHurlburt c ) i) From: Peterson, Tom W [Tom.Peterson@bonestroo.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:51 AM To: Anne Hurlburt Cc: Homelvig Chad Cl Gnndman, Ryan J Subject: ��ack Sealing Quotes Attachments: SDOC8873.pdf PDf SDOC8873.pdf(85 KB) Anne, We received two more quotes, which are attached. LAstech Corp is low at $18,209 All d Blacktop 2nd at $18,95-0--- Bergman Companies 3rd at $23, 500 I would recommend the City accept the quote from Astech Corporation from St. Cloud, for $18,209. This compares well with my estimate of $16, 000 to $20, 000. Tom Peterson, PE Principal Tel 651-604-4868 Cell 651-216-5295 tom.peterson@bonestroo.com Bonestroo 1 JUL-17-2007 TUE 08:16 AM ASTECH CORP FAX NO. 3203638700 P. 01 Bidder. ASTECR CORP Total B Bid: 18,209.00 gir ase Address, P 0 BOX 1025 Telephone No.320-363-8500 Bonestroo City,State,Zip: ST CLOUD. MN 56302 ' Fax No.320-363-8700 QUOTATION CRACK SEALING BONESTR00 FILE NO 568 07-000 CI1Y OF SCANDIA,MII'INESOTA July 5,2007 Opening Date. July 17,2007 1472'! 209th Street N PO Box 128 Scancia.Minnesota 55075 Dar Council Members: The undersigned being familiar with your local conditions,having made the field inspection and Investigations deemed necessary,having studied the drawings and specifications for the work and being familiar with all factors and other conditions affecting the work and cost theeof,hereby proposes to furnish all labor,tools, materials,skills,equipment,and all else necessary to completely construct the project in accordance with the plans, as follows: No, Item Units Qty Unit Price Total Price Base Bid 1 CRACK SEAL ALL PROJECT STREET NOTED ON MAP LS 1 g g 17,949.00 2 CRACK SEAL CITY HALL PARKING LOT LS 1 $ S 260.00 Total Base Bid g 18,209.00 Respectfully submitted, BRUCE R. BATZER ASTECA CORP. Printed Naa Company 7/18/07 r, — Signature Date Qum Click Scar TIS P•) JUL-17-2007(TUE) 06: 34 Allied Blacktop (FRX)763 425 1046 P 001 /001 410 eiddcr: 11 11 e A_ a (q Cr J3 100,41(44 J_ Total Base Old: t S& 1r Address: /0S`03 $1 f'^, trt , Telephone No. 763-YaS—e?S'tS Ban estroo City,State,Zia: 1 P it Gt:o cic, 74,1 A.) 4`�'�6 Fax No, 7;3-`1 =t°'� QUOTATION CRACK SEALING DONESTROO FILE N0 588.07.000 CITY OF SCANDIA,MINNESOTA July 5,2007 Opening Date: July 17,2007 1472?•209th Street N PO Box 128 Srandla,Minnesota 55073 Dear Council Members: The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions,having made the field inspection and Investigations deemed necessary,having studied the drawings and specifications for the work and being familiar with all factors and other conditions affecting the work and cost theeof,hereby proposes to furnish all labor,tools,materials,skills,equipment,and all else necessary Io completely construct the project in accordance with the plans,as follows; No. ttem Units Oty Unit Price Total Prim Base Bid t CRACK SEAL ALL PROJECT STREET NOTED ON MAC' LS 1 S I Oi o o► 1g 7oo.db 2 CRACK SEAL CITY HALL PARKING LOT LS t S, ;' • ' d C7 s„ 5t Total Bose Old S l qi 450,0o Respectfully submined, m (bp)siy fil/iJ al Co,e Company vire ter'/ Printed Name Company �;. Ju// /71 2,40Q7 Signature Date Qgo1e•Crick$rpl�I 11•1 Bidder: Oe r Yh Total Base Biall,23, Soo.&0 Address: P x ro s Telephone No. /,5-•8 p`/,6ego Bonestroo City,State,Zip: La,A 6/a i rt, Fax No. F/s•?, .6�/7Z QUOTATION CRACK SEALING BONESTR0O FILE N0 568-07-000 CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA July 5,2007 Opening Date: July 17,2007 14727-209th Street N. PO Box 128 Scandia,Minnesota 55073 Dear Council Members: The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions,having made the field inspection and investigations deemed necessary, having studied the drawings and specifications for the work and being familiar with all factors and other conditions affecting the work and cost theeof, hereby proposes to furnish all labor,tools, materials, skills, equipment,and all else necessary to completely construct the project in accordance with the plans,as follows: No. Item Units Qty Unit Price Total Price Base Bid �J 1 CRACK SEAL ALL PROJECT STREET NOTED ON MAP LS 1 $ cos , 23,61.13. 2 CRACK SEAL CITY HALL PARKING LOT LS 1 $ 56V.OB $ ,5^0• D8 Total Base Bid $c ' 60 Respectfully submitted, 1/aaer &r5 N ice75,-2--rt 6 l/ e5 / / Printed Name Company 7 /� Sig ature Date Quote-Crack Seal.xls P-1 Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: ' , City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider a request from Gary Winter for a partial refund of his 201 Sewer bills since 1997. Background: • Winter has owned the property located at 18543 Langly Ave. N., PID 31-032-20-14-0045, since October 1997. • Washington County Assessor's database shows the home is a 1958, 768 sq. ft., 1-story frame, classified as Seasonal Res. Rec., Non-Homestead. • Records show it was purchased for$66,500 in 1997, and a permit was issued for a $17,500 remodel in October 1997. • Prior owner, David Villa, had a 18543 Langly mailing address. • 201 Sewer bills have been based on a 3 bedroom, year-round residential home since inception. • Costs for the 201 system are apportioned among the users based on the number of bedrooms and whether the home is used year- round (see the attached letter from Pete Ganzel for more information on billing.) • City/township invoices for 201 Sewer bills have not included a description of the amount billed, so the users may not have been aware of how charges are computed. • A refund from 1997 through 2006 would be $1,903.38. (2007 bill is not yet paid) Recommendation: The Council needs to determine if it wants to issue a refund, or whether charges should only be corrected for future billings. It would be difficult to verify with certainty that the home has only had seasonal use over the last 10 years. Uses of rooms may also change over time. Had this property been charged a lower share of the costs over the last 10 years, billings for all other users would have been somewhat higher in order to collect the full operating costs of the system. It would be practically impossible to retroactively recoup this undercharge. If a full refund of$1,903.38 is paid, and even a few other homeowners approach the city with similar requests, the impact on the 201 Sewer Fund could be severe. This could require a significant increase in the budget and sewer bills in 2008. Page 1 of 2 07/13/07 Attachments/ • Letter dated June 19, 2007 from Gary Winter Materials provided: • Copy of current Invoice No. 1088 • Letter dated June 28, 2007 from Pete Ganzel Contact(s): Colleen Firkus, Treasurer Peter Ganzel, Washington County, (651) 430-6676 Prepared by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer Anne Hurlburt, Administrator \\Administrator\shareddocs\Board and Council\Reports\2007\07192007\Gary Winter 201 Bill.doc Page 2 of 2 07/13/07 �� Gf C/°��� �5 6/19/07 To the City of Scandia, Reference; 201 sewer project, invoice charges Property; 18543 Langly Ave, Big Marine Lake ID# I have noticed that my project 201 sewer bill has been increasing and is very expensive for a seasonal cabin. After having some discussions with my neighbors 1 found out that they are not paying near what I was paying including a full time resident in the area. At this point I called and talked to Colleen Firkus and asked how the charges are figured. After some investigating I found out that I am being charged as a full time resident which property tax records clearly show that it is seasonal and I am being charged for a 3 bedroom, in no way shape or form could this have been a 3 bedroom cabin. She also said I have been charged this since I bought the place on 10/17/97. Therefore I am requesting a full credit on the difference for each and every year since 1997 based on a 2 bedroom seasonal cabin from what I actually paid. I feel this is very fair for a few reasons, the property taxpayer information clearly shows it is seasonal and I was told that is how you base your charges, it has always been a 2 bedroom cabin not a 3 bedroom even the real estate listing shows that when I bought it. Also your invoice or nothing that I know of shows how you base your charges for the 201 project. Thank you, Gary Winter 100 Myrtlewood Ct Stillwater, Win. 55082 (�- 343$ '( o dissa TO 39Vd d31NIM d31NIM dV9 6tt86EtI59 T:TT L00E/bT!9O City of Scandia 14727 209th Street N Invoice Scandia, MN 55073 Number. 1088 651-433-2274 mail©ci.scandla mn us Date: May 11, 2007 Bill To: Ship To: Gary S. Winter 100 Myrtlewood Ct. Stillwater, MN 55082 Property I.D. Number rms 31 Due in Full Description Amount 201 Project- Sewage Collection Billing 455.03 Total $455.03 Please include your invoice number on your check. A $5.00 late fee will be charge on all unpaid balances 4 weeks after the due date. 0-30 days 31 -60 days 61 - 90 days > 90 days Total $0.00 $455.03 $0.00 $0.00 $455.03 • . Department of Public \\7 .siiirigton Health and Environment otyLowell Johnson Director Sue Hedlund Deputy Director June 28,2007 Colleen Firkus City of Scandia 14727 209th St Scandia, MN 55073 RE: Pending Bliss Sewer Charge Reclassification, 18543 Langly. The user's database is checked yearly for change of owners and mailing addresses only. Using homestead status and/or mailing address is not a good way of determining whether the dwelling is a year round residence. There are a number of people on the system that have requested seasonal status, homestead the property and may or may not change their mailing address of record. Conversely, there are rental dwellings which are year-round and are not homesteaded, with non resident mailing addresses of record. It is up to the owner to request change of use or reclassification since we have no easy way to determine if a dwelling is seasonal or not. The method for billing was started in 1987 with start up of the system. I am not sure how, but there was a determination at the time as to how many bedrooms were in each dwelling. There are four billing classifications. Year- round 1 and 2 bedroom dwellings pay 100% of a unit charge. Seasonal 1 and 2 bedroom units pay 60% of a unit charge. Year-round 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings pay 130% of a unit charge. Seasonal 3 and 4 dwellings pay 80% of a unit charge. A search back to the earliest easily retrievable record I have (1991) indicates that at the time when owned by David Villa , the dwelling was classified as a year-round 3 bedroom home, with a mailing address of 18543 Langly. The first indication of a change of owner of record was in 2000 (change from Villa to Winter), with a non resident mailing address (461 Boutwell Pl, Stillwater). The mailing address of record was changed back to 18543 Langly in 2004. This was a result of either annual updating of mailing addresses of record or at the request of the owner. The mailing address of record was changed to Mr. Winter's current address (100 Myrtlewood Ct, Stillwater) in 2005. This was a result of either annual updating of mailing addresses of record or at the request of the owner. Government Center • 14949 62nd Street North—P.O. Box 6, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0006 Phone: 651-430-6655 • Fax: 651-430-6730 • TTY: 651-430-6246 www.co.washington.mn.us Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Here's a breakdown of the billing amounts since 1997, depending on how the dwelling is classified. 3BR 2BR 3BR Year RES Seas Seas 1997 189.81 84.99 113.88 1998 247.38 110.77 148.43 1999 269.18 120.53 161.51 2000 381.47 170.81 228.88 2001 263.11 117.81 157.86 2002 471.04 210.92 282.63 2003 325.31 145.66 195.19 2004 411.07 184.06 246.64 2005 402.41 180.18 241.45 2006 485.90 217.57 291.54 2007 462.03 206.88 344.80 Total 3908.71 1750.18 2412.81 I've attached sections of the billing spreadsheets from 1997 to 2007 and for 1991. If you need any more information please call me at (651)430-6676. Sincerely, Pete Ganzel Senior Environmental Specialist cc: Cindy Weckwerth, Program Manager Meeting Date: 7/17/2007 Agenda Item: City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt Resolution 07-17-07-01 authorizing an application for the Metropolitan Council's Local Planning Assistance grant funds in the amount of$15,000. Deadline/ Timeline: Applications are due by August 3, 2007. Background: • Legislation was approved in May allowing the Metropolitan Council to make one-time grants to assist cities with the required review and updates of their local comprehensive plans. • Scandia is eligible for a $15,000 grant. • The application requires that the City submit a resolution and a work plan for the plan update. The work plan contained within the proposal from C.R. Planning should be adequate for this purpose. • Half of the grant amount would be paid upon execution of the grant agreement (yet in 2007.) The remainder would be paid when the Metropolitan Council acts on the plan (perhaps not until late 2008 or early 2009.) • The grant would require the city to agree to submit a plan by the deadline (to adjoining municipalities by June 30, 2008 and to the Met Council by December 31, 2008) and meet the plan content requirements in state law. The plan must be found in conformance with regional system plans and policies, or the Met Council must decide to allow the community to put it into affect with out plan modifications. We would be required to meet with Met Council representatives and appropriate water management organizations during the process. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council adopt the resolution. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 07-17-07-01 Materials provided: • Metropolitan Council Letter dated June 18, 2007, with attachments Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (planning assistance grant) Page 1 of 1 07/1 1/07 RESOLUTION NO. 07-17-07-01 CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION IDENTIFIYING THE NEED FOR FUNDING TO COMPLETE ITS 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE AND AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Scandia must review and update its comprehensive plans as required by the "decennial" review provision of Minnesota Statutes section 473.864, subdivision 2; and WHEREAS, in May of 2007 the Metropolitan Council adopted need-based eligibility criteria for awarding available local planning program assistance and established maximum grant amounts for eligible grantees to help grantees review and update their comprehensive plans as required by the "decennial" review provisions of Minnesota Statutes section 473.864, subdivision 2; and WHEREAS, the Grantee is an eligible city, county or town in the metropolitan areas as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 473.121, or is an eligible metropolitan-area city, town or county acting in partnership with cities or towns and is authorized to submit a joint application and execute this Agreement on behalf of the partnership or consortium; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA hereby authorizes its Administrator to: (1) submit on behalf of the City an application to the Metropolitan Council for Local Planning Assistance grant funds for the decennial review and update of the City's local comprehensive plan required under Minnesota Statutes section 473.864; and (2) execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 17th day of July, 2007. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/Clerk AAA Metropolitan Council AA June 18, 2007 RECEIVED Ms. Ann Hurlburt. Administrator City of Scandia (UN 1 2O07 14727 209th Street, PO Box 128 Scandia, MN 55073 CITY OF SCANDIA Subject: Planning Assistance Grant Dear Ms. Hurlburt: As you may be aware, in May legislation was passed allowing the Metropolitan Council to make a one-time transfer of up to $1 million dollars from the Livable Communities Demonstration Account to a planning assistance fund for grants or loans. In May of this year. the Council adopted need-based criteria for awarding available local planning program assistance and established maximum grant amounts for eligible grantees to help them review and update their comprehensive plans as required by the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. Also required by law is a local surface water management plan for your community. Because the local surface water management plan is an element of the comprehensive plan, preparation of this element of the comprehensive plan is an allowable use of the grant funds. The City of Scandia meets the eligibility criteria established by the Council and is eligible for a grant of $15,000. You are invited to apply for this grant by completing the enclosed Local Planning Assistance Grant Application. Two other documents must accompany the grant application: 1)A resolution from your governing body authorizing the grant request and execution of a grant agreement; 2)A work program describing how the funds will be expended. Samples of these two documents are enclosed. Grant applications with accompanying documentation must be received by August 3, 2007, to be considered. Also enclosed is a sample Metropolitan Council Local Planning Assistance Grant Agreement that specifies the terms and conditions of grant awards. Please review this document carefully. Once your application is approved, we will send the city/township a grant agreement for signature by the community's authorized representative. Initial disbursement of funds will occur following submittal of the agreement to the Metropolitan Council. If you have questions or concerns about this program, please contact Tom Caswell, senior planner at 651-602- 1319, or at tom.caswell@metc.state.nm.us, or your Sector Representative, Bob Mazanec. Sncerely, 10 I'hylli anson Manager, Local Planning Assistance cc: Chris Georgacas, Metropolitan Council Member, District 12 Bob Mazanec, Sector Representative Enclosures (4): Grant Application, Sample Resolution, Sample Work Program, Sample Grant Agreement V:\REVIEWS\Planning Grant PacketJune II Draft Grants Letter.doc www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 • (651)602-1000 • Fax 1651)602-1550 • TTV 1651 1291-0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer ATTACHMENT A WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR THE 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE City of Address City/State/Zip (phone) / (fax) e-mail The 2008 (City of ) Comprehensive Plan Update will guide the City's development, and respond to the 2030 Regional Development Framework and the community's 2005 Systems Statement. ACTIVITY: BUDGET: 1. Update the Community Profile & Vision $2,000 2. Update the City's Land Use Plan a. Land Use Analysis b. Housing Element c. Water Resources Management $8,000 d. Historic Site Preservation e. Solar Access Protection f. Creation of Land Use Policy Statements and Implementation Strategies 3. Update the City's Public Facilities Plan a. Transportation Plan b. Wastewater Plan c. Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan $8,000 d. Water Supply Plan e. Surface Water Management Plan 4. Update the City's Implementation Program a. Review Official Controls $2,000 b. Create a New Capital Improvement Program (CIP) TOTALS: $20,000 \' RE\'IP\\S Planning Grant Packet\Work Plan l Budget for US CPU_sample doc 06104107 Grantee: City of Grant No.: SG2007-XXX Grant Amount: $ End Date: April 30, 2008 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT THIS GRANT AGREEMENT is made and entered into by the Metropolitan Council ("Council") and the metropolitan-area governmental unit identified above as the "Grantee." WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes section 473.867 authorizes the Council to establish a planning assis- tance fund for the purpose of making grants and loans to local governmental units to help local gov- ernmental units in the seven-county metropolitan area conduct and implement comprehensive plan- ning activities, including the "decennial" review of local comprehensive plans and fiscal devices and official controls as required by section 473.864, subdivision 2; and WHEREAS, 2007 Minnesota Laws chapter 113, section 18 authorizes the Council to make a one- time transfer of Livable Communities Demonstration Account funds to the planning assistance fund for grants or loans to local governments under Minnesota Statutes section 473.867; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2007 the Council adopted need-based eligibility criteria for awarding avail- able local planning program assistance and established maximum grant amounts for eligible grant- ees to help grantees review and update their comprehensive plans as required by the "decennial" re- view provisions of Minnesota Statutes section 473.864, subdivision 2; and WHEREAS, the Grantee is an eligible city, county or town in the metropolitan area as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 473.121, or is an eligible metropolitan-area city, town or county acting in partnership with cities or towns and is authorized to submit a joint application and execute this Agree- ment on behalf of the partnership or consortium; and WHEREAS, the Grantee submitted an application for local planning assistance grant funds and was awarded a grant to help fund eligible comprehensive planning activities identified in the application. NOW THEREFORE, in reliance on the representations and statements above and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the Grantee and the Council agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS 1.01 Definition of Terms. For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms defined in this paragraph have the meanings given them in this paragraph unless otherwise provided or indicated by the context. (a) "Comprehensive Development Guide" means the comprehensive development guide for the seven-county metropolitan area adopted by the Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 473.145. The Comprehensive Development Guide includes the 2030 Regional Development Framework adopted by the Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 473.145, as well as the metropolitan system plans which are the transportation portion of the Comprehensive Devel- - 1 - ^tiy1 =(P o /04l07 opnient Guide, and the policy plans. and capital budgets for metropolitan wastewater service, transportation, and regional recreation open space. (b) "Comprehensive plan- means a comprehensive plan update required under Minnesota Statutes section 473.864. subdivision 2 that complies with Minnesota Statutes sections 473.858 through 473.865 and other applicable laws. including those provisions in section 473.859 requiring hous- ing elements and housing implementation programs. (c) "Metropolitan Land Planning Act means the land use planning provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 473. including Minnesota Statutes section 473.175 and sections 473.851 through 473.871. (d) "Metropolitan system plans- means the transportation portion of the Comprehensive Development Guide, and the policy plans. and capital budgets for metropolitan wastewater service, transporta- tion, and regional recreation open space. II. GRANT FUNDS 2.01 Grant Amount. The Council will provide to the Grantee the "Grant Amount" identified at Page 1 of this Agreement which the Grantee shall use for authorized purposes and eligible activities. The grant funds are made available to the Grantee subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) Timely Plan Update Submission. Notwithstanding the April 30. 2008 "End Date" identified on Page 1 of this Agreement, the Grantee must review and update its comprehensive plan as required by Minnesota Statutes section 473.864, subdivision 2, by December 31, 2008. (b) Consultation with Council and Adjacent Review. The Grantee must submit its draft plan update to adjacent governmental units by June 30, 2008 as required by Minnesota Statutes section 473.858, subdivision 2. Prior to submitting its draft plan to adjacent units, the Grantee must consult with the Metropolitan Council Sector Representative for its district at least twice to up- date the Council on plan progress and potential policy conflicts. (c) Consultation with Watershed Management Organizations. The Grantee must discuss its draft plan with the appropriate watershed management organizations to ensure local surface water management planning requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 473.859, subdivision 2 and 103G.235 are met. (d) Completeness; Plan Content. The comprehensive plan submitted by the Grantee must be "com- plete" as described in the Council's Local Planning Handbook, a copy of which is available online at http://www.metrocouncil.org/planning/LPH/handbook.htm, and must comply with the plan con- tent requirements of Minnesota Statutes section 473.859 and other applicable law. If the plan is not complete as described in the Local Planning Handbook, the plan must be made complete within three (3)months of submittal, or as otherwise mutually agreed to by the Council and the Grantee. (e) Metropolitan System Plans and Policy Plans. The comprehensive plan submitted by the Grantee must conform with metropolitan system plans of the Council. Alternatively, the comprehensive plan is deemed to comply with this condition if the Council concludes after its review that the plan is not likely to have a substantial impact on or contain a substantial departure from metro- politan system plans and allows the plan to go into effect without a plan modification. - 2 - • � s d t 9-" _t:: 0 6 l 0'l I 2.02 Disbursement Schedule. The Council will disburse fifty percent (50%) of the Grant Amount to the Grantee within thirty (30) days after final execution of this Agreement. The Council will dis- burse the remaining fifty percent (50°0) of the Grant Amount after: (a) the Grantee has submitted, as appropriate, either (1) the entire current comprehensive plan and the certification required under Minnesota Statutes section 473.864, subdivision 2(a): or (ii)submitted the entire updated comprehensive plan and amendment or amendments to its com- prehensive plan necessitated by its review to the Council for review; and (b) the Council has reviewed and acted upon the Grantee's submission; and (c) the Grantee has complied with the terms and conditions stated in Paragraph 2.01. 2.03 Authorized Use of Funds. The grant funds provided to the Grantee under this Agreement shall be used only for the purposes and eligible activities described in the Grantee's work plan and budget as approved by the Council. A copy of the Grantee's approved work plan and budget is at- tached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Attachment A. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, staff pay, consultant and professional services, printing and publishing. Grant funds may not be used for per diem payments to appointed or elected board or commission members. Grant funds also may not be used to purchase or acquire equipment or other tangible, nonexpend- able personal property or for activities inconsistent with the Council's Comprehensive Development Guide, the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, Minnesota's Critical Areas Act or other applicable state laws. The Grantee agrees to promptly remit to the Council any unspent grant funds and any grant funds that are not used for the authorized purposes specified in this paragraph. III. REPORTING, ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS 3.01 Progress Reports. The Grantee will provide to the Council's authorized agent a written mid- point progress report and a written final progress report describing the status of the work plan activi- ties described in Attachment A. These reports ensure the grant funds are appropriately expended as described in the work plan and budget. The reports shall be subject to the following content and schedule requirements. (a) Midpoint Progress Report. At approximately the midpoint of the Grantee's work plan activi- ties, the Grantee must submit to the Council a written midpoint progress report which includes: a summary of the work plan activities undertaken and completed to date; a summary of work plan activities to be accomplished during the remaining months of the work plan; and a sum- mary of unanticipated issues and opportunities that affect the work plan, time schedule for pro- ject completion, or budget. The midpoint progress report also must include a summary of pro- ject costs and sources of funds for those expenditures, and a list of itemized expenditures of funds received from the Council and matching funds by category in the budget. (b) Final Progress Report. Upon completion of the work plan activities described in Attachment A, the Grantee must submit to the Council a written final progress report which includes: a sum- mary of the work plan activities undertaken and completed since the submission of the midpoint progress report; a summary of project outcomes, costs and sources of funds for those expendi- tures; and a list of itemized expenditures of the grant funds. 3.02 Accounting and Records. The Grantee agrees to establish and maintain accurate and com- plete accounts, financial records and supporting documents relating to the receipt and expenditure of the grant funds. Notwithstanding the expiration and termination provisions of Paragraphs 4.01 and - 3 - SAMPLE 0“104/o 7 4,02, such accounts and records shall be kept and maintained by the Grantee for a period of six (6) years following the completion of the work plan activities described in Attachment A. If any litiga- tion. claim or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records shall be re- tained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved or until the end of the regular six-year period, whichever is later. .3.03 Audits. The books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the Grantee that are relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the Council and either the Legisla- tive Auditor or the State Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six (6) years following the com- pletion of the work plan activities described in Attachment A. 3.04 Authorized Agent. The Council's authorized agent for purposes of administering this Agree- ment is Tom Caswell, or another designated Council employee. Written reports submitted to the Council should be directed to the attention of the authorized agent at the following address: Metropolitan Council Community Development Division 390 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1805 IV. GRANT AGREEMENT TERM 4.01 Term and End Date. This Agreement is effective upon execution of the Agreement by the Council. Unless terminated pursuant to Paragraph 4.02 or extended by written agreement pursuant to Paragraph 4.03, this Agreement will expire on the "End Date" identified at Page 1 of this Agree- ment. The term of this Agreement may be extended by written agreement of the Council, but only in conjunction with an extension authorized under Minnesota Statutes section 473.864, subdivision 2. 4.02 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by the Council for cause at any time upon fourteen (14) calendar days' written notice to the Grantee. Cause shall mean a material breach of this Agreement and any amendments of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement does not alter the Council's authority to recover funds on the basis of a later audit or other review, and does not alter the Grantee's obligation to return any funds due to the Council as a result of later audits or corrections. If the Council determines the Grantee has failed to comply with the terms and condi- tions of this Agreement, the Council may take any action to protect its interests and may require the Grantee to return all or part of the funds. 4.03 Amendment. The Council and the Grantee may amend this Agreement by written mutual consent. Amendments, changes or modifications to the Grantee's approved work plan and budget shall be effective only on the execution of written amendments signed by authorized representatives of the Council and the Grantee. V. GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.01 Conflict of Interest. The members, officers and employees of the Grantee shall comply with all applicable federal and state statutory and regulatory conflict of interest laws and provisions. 5.02 Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Council and its members, employees and agents from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from the conduct or implementation of the funded work plan activities. This obligation shall not be - 4 - to{i'.•iu4Itot construed to negate, abridge or otherwise reduce any other riGht or obligation of indemnity which otherwise would exist between the Council and the Grantee. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. This indemnification shall not be con- strued as a waiver on the part of either the Grantee or the Council of any immunities or limits on liability provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, or other applicable state or federal law. 5.03 Compliance with Law. The Grantee agrees to conduct the work plan activities in compliance with all applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws. 5.04 Acknowledgment. The Grantee shall appropriately acknowledge the funding assistance pro- vided by the Council in promotional materials, reports, publications and notices relating to the pro- ject activities funded under this Agreement. 5.05 Warranty of Legal Capacity. The individual signing this Agreement on behalf of the Grantee represents and warrants that the individual is duly authorized to execute this Agreement and that this Agreement constitutes the Grantee's valid, binding and enforceable agreements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantee and the Council have caused this Agreement to be exe- cuted by their duly authorized representatives. This Agreement is effective on the date of final exe- cution by the Council. Approved as to form: METROPOLITAN COUNCIL By: Associate General Counsel Guy Peterson, Director, Community Development Division Date: GRANTEE By: (Signature of Authorized Representative) Name: Title: Date: By: - (Signature of Authorized Representative) Name: Title: Date: a.? "-; P , E 06104/0 , ATTACHMENT A Grantee's Work Plan and Budget This Attachment A comprises this page and the Grantee's work plan and budget as approved by the Council - 6 - Metropolitan Council Local Planning Assistance Grant Application Community Name Contact Name Contact Title Address City, State, and Zip Telephone FAX Email Preparation Date Project Name Describe: (1) the activities for which the grand funds will be used; (2) the person(s) or firm(s) that will perform the planning functions funded by the grant; (3) the services and activities that will be paid for by funds of the applicant; and (4) the applicant's need and ability to pay for the contract services Address the Funding Criteria (below) Attachment A: Work Plan and Budget Attachment B: Resolution Authorizing Request June 2007 V:\REVIEWS\Planning Grant Packet\LPA Grant App doc Page 2 The Metropolitan Council adopted the following implementation criteria for the Local Planning Assistance Grant Program: (May 23, 2007, item number 2007-20) The Council will provide a grant - 50 percent of the grant upon review and execution of the grant agreement and the remaining 50 percent following the Council's action on the plan — to applicants that agree to the following requirements: 1. Meet Council grant agreement requirements that require the applicant to provide a work plan that identifies the eligible grant funding activities for which the grant funds will be used as set forth in MN Statutes 473.867, subd. 6, Assistance for plan updates. 2. Submit a plan update which: a. Is received no later than December 31, 2008; b. Includes complete information to meet content requirements set forth in MN Statutes 473.851; c. Is in conformance with regional system plans and policies or that the Council allows the community to put into affect without plan modifications. 3. Distribute a draft plan for adjacent local government review by June 30, 2008. (473.858, subd 2 requires local governments to submit draft plans to adjacent governmental units and affected school districts for review and comment at least six months prior to submitting the plan to the Council.) 4. Discuss a draft plan with Council sector representatives twice to update the Council on plan progress or potential policy conflicts prior to circulating the plan to adjacent units of government. Discuss a draft plan with the appropriate watershed management organizations for local surface water management plan requirements. (473.859, subd 2 requires water management plans, complimenting 103G.235 requirements.) June 2007 V:\REVIEWS\Planning Grant Packet\LPA Grant App.doc 17120,? eeting pate. 71 Mr . M _ ; I Agenda Item� council Agenda Report city o f $candia city St.North l) Scand� a4 5 013 (65 433-22�4 nsate the City 'epresentat%e to the e uested: Consider whether or not T�emn Commission fig' attendance at Action R A Lakes Area Community meetings on the City's be el Deadline/ Timeline: N/A On January 2,2007 the Council adopted the attached Expense Background: policy rovice for compensation to Reimbursement Policy. TheP members of the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee in recognition that they may incur expenses and spend personal time in fulfillment of their duties. The policy further states that compensation, if any. for any ois0 ry committee members not specifically listed shall be set u the appointment is made. • Since adoption of the new police.no comp for or paid to members of an has been set Planning and Parks. Y advisory corm t'alsT than • Mike White serves as Scandia's Community Television CommL�alon�p �ativ to thearl;ake$ and wrecenas paidy reappointed0.00 in January,2007 jn 7,0WeR d 0.00 per meeting. past '1110S( • Mike has requested co yta; be re mpensationor 2 guested Recommendation: Consider whether or �'�eetin� much. eCouncil not to pro% de ou • may �nsati n� Resources mmittee to m e t0 d this 8nd�f Attachments/ Issue so L Materials • None IVndation to the N an provided: vm Contact(s): Mike Prepared by: White, (cable commission y' Anne Hurlbu3-3S7g compensation) nistrator Page 1 of 1 07/12/07 t / i 1 City of Scandia Expense Reimbursement Policy Approved by the City Council January 2, 2007 This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for the payment and reimbursement of city expenses incurred by city employees and city officials. This policy applies to all city employees, including temporary and part-time employees, the mayor,members of the city council, and members of any commission or committee of the city. A. Mileage/Travel 1. Travel by employees using a personal vehicle when on city business shall be reimbursed at the IRS rate(2007 rate= $0.485/mile.) 2. If a personal vehicle is used for travel on city business, the employee is responsible for providing automobile insurance. Proof of insurance meeting state minimum requirements must be presented, if requested, before reimbursement for mileage will be granted. 3. Travel to and from the worksite(commuting) is not eligible for reimbursement. This includes evenings and weekends. If city business is conducted during a commute to or from the worksite, reimbursement will only be granted for mileage above and beyond that which would have been driven if a typical direct route were followed. 4. Travel by the mayor, city council members or commission or committee members using a personal vehicle when on city business shall be reimbursed only when traveling outside of the city. B. Meals and Lodging 1. Employees and others covered by this policy may be reimbursed for meals when they attend a meeting or city business outside of the city over the lunch or dinner hour. A maximum of$10.00 will be reimbursed for lunch and a maximum of$15.00 will be reimbursed for dinner. Receipts shall be provided. . 2. When travel requires an overnight stay,per diem meal expense of$25 per day will be allowed without receipts being required. Meal allowances up to a maximum of$40, including gratuities,per any 24-hour period shall be reimbursed if receipts accompany the request for reimbursement. If any meals are included in conference or seminar registration fees, deductions to the per diem or meal allowance maximum will be made in the following amounts: $5.00, breakfast; $7.00, lunch; $13.00, dinner. 3. Accommodations shall be appropriate to the purpose of the trip. Rates paid shall be comparable to those of the facilities in the area. The hotel hosting a 1 meeting or conference shall be deemed to be an appropriate accommodation. The city will pay for the single rate only. C. Other Expenses 1. Payment for registration fees for seminars, conferences or workshops may be paid or reimbursed if authorized in advance. 2. Telephone calls or faxes relating to city business may be reimbursed with proper documentation. 3. Purchases of any materials, supplies or equipment shall be made according to purchasing policies adopted by the city council. D. Commission and Committee Members 1. Members of commissions and committees serving in an advisory capacity to the city council may incur expenses and will spend personal time in fulfillment of their duties. In recognition of this, compensation shall be paid on a quarterly basis to members in attendance at a majority of the official meetings of the commission or committee during that quarter. 2. Planning Commission members shall receive $250 per quarter. 3. The Planning Commission chair shall receive$300 per quarter. 4. Park and Recreation Committee members shall receive $60 per quarter. 5. Compensation, if any, for any other advisory committee members not listed above shall be set by the City Council when the appointment is made. E. Procedures 1. Travel requiring an overnight stay shall be pre-approved by the City Council. 2. Whenever possible, the city will make direct payments for registrations and other authorized expenditures. 3. If it is necessary for the employee or other person covered by this policy to make a purchase using personal funds,detailed receipts shall be presented prior to any reimbursement being made. 4. Requests for reimbursement for mileage and other authorized expenditures shall be submitted, on a form provided by the city, not later than 90 days after the expense has been incurred. Expense reports shall be submitted quarterly. Shared documents/departments/finance/purchasing/expense policy.doc 2