12-03-2007 Truth in Taxation Meeting CITY OF SCANDIA
Monday, December 3, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order—Mayor Dennis Seefeldt
2. Overview of Proposed 2008 Budget Administrator Anne Hurlburt
3. Truth in Taxation Public Hearing
4. Adjournment
Meeting Date: 12/3/2007
Agenda Item:
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2008 budget and tax levy, also
known as a"Truth in Taxation(T in T)"hearing.
Deadline/ Timeline: The date of this hearing and subsequent dates for adoption of the
budget and tax levy are determined by state statutes.
Background: • All Scandia property owners have been notified of this first City of
Scandia T in T hearing on their Proposed Property Tax Statements
mailed by Washington County in late November. An
advertisement was also placed in the City's legal newspaper, as
required by state law.
• At the hearing, staff will give an overview of the proposed 2008
budget and tax levy, and present information about the impact on
property tax payers.
• After the presentation, the hearing should be opened to questions
and comments from the public.
• The City Council has the option of continuing the hearing to 7:00
p.m. on Monday, December 10 if there is not adequate time to
complete discussion at the December 3 meeting.
• After the hearing is complete, the next step will be to adopt the
final 2008 budget and tax levy, tentatively scheduled for the
December 18, 2007 City Council meeting.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council hold the hearing, then determine if a
continuation hearing is necessary.
Attachments/ • Hearing Notice
Materials provided: • Notes on Proposed 2008 Budget and Tax Levy, September 12,
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(truth in taxation hearing)
Page 1 of 1
The Scandia City council will hold a public hearing on its budget and on the amount of property
taxes it is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of services the city will provide in 2008.
SPENDING: The total budget amounts below compare the city's 2007 total actual budget with
the amount the city proposes to spend in 2008:
2007 Total Proposed 2008 Change from
Actual Budget: Budget: 2007 — 2008:
$2,222,469 $2,627,787 +18.24%
TAXES: The property tax amounts below compare that portion of the current budget levied in
property taxes in the city of Scandia for 2007 with the property taxes the city proposes to collect
in 2008:
2007 Property Proposed 2008 Change from
Taxes: Property Taxes: 2007 - 2008
$1,533,930 $1,703,589 +11.06%
LOCAL TAX RATE COMPARISON: The following compares the city's current local tax rate,
the city's tax rate for 2007 if no tax levy increase is adopted, and the city's proposed tax rate for
2007 2008 Tax Rate if 2008 Proposed
Tax Rate: NO Levy Increase: Tax Rate:
23.997% 22.478% 25.092%
All Scandia residents are invited to attend the public hearing of the City Council to express their
opinions on the budget and on the proposed amount of 2008 property taxes. The hearing will
be held on:
Monday, December 3, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Scandia Community/Senior Center
14727 209th St. N.
If the discussion of the budget cannot be completed, a time and place for continuing the
discussion will be announced at the hearing. You are also invited to send your written
comments to:
City of Scandia
14727 209th St N.
Scandia, Minnesota 55073
For publication in the Forest Lake Times on November 29, 2007
City of Scandia
Proposed 2008 Budget and Tax Levy
September 12, 2007
The Scandia City Council has set the maximum property tax levy based on a draft budget
for 2008. In November, property owners will receive their"Truth in Taxation"
statements showing their preliminary property tax bills. All are invited to comment on
the proposed tax levy at the City's first Truth in Taxation public hearing on December 3.
The proposed levy can be decreased,but cannot be increased, when the final tax levy and
budget are adopted on December 18.
Budget Factors
• The city's operating budget is expected to increase by 2.02% from 2007 to 2008.
• The increase is less than the rate of inflation, even as some costs are increasing faster.
For example:
o Police services-12.02% increase in contract with Washington County
o Insurance—health insurance is up 17.6% and workers compensation
insurance is up 10%
• Changes between the 2007 and 2008 budgets include:
o Hiring new and replacement staff members, and initiating basic employee
benefits to attract and retain a quality workforce
o Funding capital expenditures to improve efficiency(such as computers, a
salt/sand storage structure for public works) and maintain existing
o Implementing some recommendations of the new Capital Improvements
Committee, including starting an equipment replacement fund to better
plan for major purchases, and a pavement management plan to
recommend the most cost-effective methods to maintain roads
o Completing an update of the city's Comprehensive Plan
o Funding Fire Department proposals for compensating firefighters to
encourage retention and new volunteers
Levy and Tax Rate
• The total city property tax levy will increase by 11.06% from 2007 to 2008 (from
$1,533,930 to $1,703,589)
• The tax increase is more than the operating budget increase because:
o Other revenues (interest, permit fees, state aid) are down
o A large part of Scandia's resources are spent on road paving projects,
including debt service. This is a continuation of the program started by
New Scandia Township over ten years ago.
• The 6%growth in taxable property value from 2007 to 2008 absorbs some of the levy
increase, so the tax rate will increase by 4.67%
• The proposed 2008 tax rate of 25.116% is less than the New Scandia Township tax
rates for 2005 (28.036%) and 2006 (26.551%.)
Impact on Individual Taxpayers
• City property taxes on the average value home in Scandia($391,700 in 2008) will
increase by a maximum of 6.15% ($56.61.)
• Part(about one-fourth) of this increase is due to an increase in the average home
value, which was $387,000 in 2007.
• Scandia has consistently ranked low for municipal property tax burden compared to
other Metropolitan Area communities. In 2006, Scandia ranked 82nd among 113
cities and towns above 2,300 population.
What is a "T in T" Hearing?
Truth-in-Taxation Hearing ❑ Purpose: to gather public comment
on the City's budget, and the
property taxes needed to pay for the
expenditures in 2008
City of Scandia 0 Hearing held in each taxing
December 3, 2007 jurisdiction (county, city, school
district, etc.)
O Mandated by State Legislature
What it is not... City Budget Process
❑ Not a hearing to discuss changes in 0 June/July- staff drafts budgets
market value of property 0 August- Council workshops
❑ Board of equalization meetings held 0 September 15- certify maximum
in the spring property tax levy
❑ November- county mails proposed
property tax statement
❑ December- Truth-in-Taxation hearing
O December 28- certify final tax levy
(may not increase)
Scandia's Budget Proposed 2008 Spending, All Funds
❑ General Fund
• Operations including Administration,Fire, Police,
Planning&Building, Public Works,Parks, Capital Enterprise
Community Center,etc. s% 1%
❑ Debt Service Funds •
• Street paving, Fire Hall/P Wks bonds �
❑ Ca ital Funds Debt service �#.
P sa%
• Capital Improvement, Parks,Equipment General/
❑ Enterprise Funds (201 Sewer) 62%
Scandia Truth in Taxation Hearing 1
Proposed 2008 Spending,
Proposed 2008 Spending, All Funds Debt Service Funds
❑ Total proposed 0 Proposed
spending: .°,...,... spending: N°°•oo°0
$2,629,787 / $891,099 ..00.000 0� I
�i"Ir /� 1 ° P'r• I
• +18.33%from .x0..,0 • +51.01/o from . / r--r' ,
2007 budget ' 12007 budget , ,,.% 1 1 1
"1''°'m0 New Debt for O
• +2.47%from 2006 ' I ....,...
actual ..,...,0 1 I '' 1 2007 Road "°°'°°°
"°a°°° I I I• +16.82%from ..00,000 • Improvement
2005 actual �I ' ' ' ' .,�,�/
Project w goo. °oo. 2007 °oo.
Proposed 2008 Spending,
General Fund Budget Factors
❑ Proposed 0 Some costs increasing faster than inflation
• Police services--+12%
spending: .. �/ • Insurance-health care+17.6%,workers comp
$1,626,464 _ /- mom +10%
• +2.02%from 2007 ..,... r I � ❑ Staffing and basic benefits
budget s.,. / �` � ■ 0 Capital expenditures to improve efficiency(salt/sand
9 structure,computers)and maintain existing facilities
000• -14.72%from 2006" 2 ' . I 0 Recommendations of Capital Improvements
actual ..,, �. 1 Committee
• +6.54%from 2005 '°°°,°°°1 'i I ■ • Equipment Replacement Fund
actual na00000 2 • • •" • • Pavement management plan
so °�, . � l'` 0 Completing Comprehensive Plan Update
°� ❑ Fire Department compensation
Proposed General Fund Spending, Proposed Spending all Funds,
By Function By Category
Comm.Ctr General
6% Govt Transfers Personal
36% 23% Debt Service 2% Services
35% 20%
,4 ^�` " Materials
.'.�.` ..F a
Police Capital
Fire 6% Outlays Contractual
2% Services
Scandia Truth in Taxation Hearing 2
Proposed Spending General Fund, Proposed 2008 Revenue,
By Category All Sources & Funds
0 Total proposed
Capital Debt Service Transfers personal
Outlays 1% 2 Services revenue: .,._°°. '
1% 32% $2,208,672
\ -1 • +6.34%from 2007 .x°°°, l r I I I
budget '"°''.000I
• Less than budget s..°°°,o.° I ' 1
(spending reserves
in Debt Service ss°° , ' ' '
Materials& Funds)
Contractual - Supplies zoos 0099 2007 200e
Services 10
2008 Proposed Revenues,
All Funds by Source Property Tax Levy
o4Wo ro $1,800,000 Ich.v.f« ron.eur.0 o m.7.../.7. Prieio,vroM •
I •
s.s.vm• _ p
% Berenue.
t.s% $1,400,000
Tn arq.varnmenl r
ix...n... $1,200,000 ill ■
3.6% $$000,000 p I. i •
i is i s
$000,000 I
Permits ,' '� $600,000 i1 • ■ III ■ • : ■
9.0% $400,000 11 • - • • ` • • ■
$200,0000 i1 • • • • • ■
76.8% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Property Tax Rate Property Tax Levy and Rate
SS,.00,000- 29.0009, 28.036
28.000%d s.,.0o,00o 28.000%I %
26.551% Il ..-
27.000%/ ..,.00,000 v.000%Il 26ss1
26.000%/ 25.092% ' o00, _ — 26.°°ov,II
25.000//, 23.996%o .;�;r ■ se .. Illiniiil
2s.0009,l in
. ti
— — -- ::°°°:
��... s.00,000 -s.00,000 - - l■I, ," aoo,000 - - - _ _ l I. ■
s s so_
21.000% MI d zoos zoos 2007 xooe 2005 zoos 2oo7 zooe
2005 2006 2007 2008
Tax Levy Tax Rate
Scandia Truth in Taxation Hearing 3
Calculating Your Proposed
Property Taxes- Summary Property Tax Bill
❑ Proposed 2008 levy increase = 0 Rate is determined by:
11.06% • Total levy less fiscal disparities levy,
❑ Growth in taxable property value = divided by total taxable property value
6% ❑ Your tax bill is:
❑ Tax Rate increase = 4.56% • Tax capacity(1%of first$500,000 of
market value, rem. at 1.25%) times tax
rate, less market value homestead credit
(.40% of first$76,000 market value less
.09% of rem. value)
2007 & 2008 Scandia City Taxes Average Scandia
by Home Value Residential Homestead
Market 2008
2007 Tax* 2008 Tax* Tax 0/0
Value Increase 2007 Proposed Change
$100,000 $141.12 $152.08 $10.96 7.77% Market Value $387,000 $391,700 +1.21%
$150,000 $276.85 $293.29 $16.44 5.94% Tax Capacity $3,870 $3,917 +1.21%
$250,000 $548.31 $575.71 $27.40 5.00% Gross Property Tax $928.66 $982.85 +5.84%
Less MVHC -$8.44 -$6.95 -17.55%
$500,000 $1,199.80 $1,254.60 $54.80 4.57% Net City Tax $920.22 $975.90 +6.05%
$750,000 $1,949.68 $2,038.73 $89.05 4.57%
*Net after 35%of Homestead Credit
Your Proposed Property Tax Bill City Share of Property Tax (2007)
❑ May also be affected by:
• Valuation changes Watershed Other
• Phase-out of limited market value s% 3% County
• Homestead credit($0 at$414,000 value) School
• School district differences 18%
❑ Chisago Lakes: 31.9%levy reduction(before
❑ Forest Lake: 13.3%levy increase
• Watershed district differences
❑ Comfort Lake-Forest Lake: 19%increase
❑ Rice Creek: 40%increase o City
❑ CMSCWD: 57%increase in levy,20%rate
decrease due to expanded tax base 35%
Scandia Truth in Taxation Hearing 4
Scandia's Property Tax Ranking Scandia's Property Tax Ranking
❑ 2007 Property Tax on Average Value 0 2007 Property Tax on Average Value
Home, Cities &Towns over 2,000 Home, Cities &Towns over 2,000
Population Population, Metro Smaller Cities
• County taxes: 22/25 • County taxes: 8/9
• City taxes: 89/117 • City taxes: 22/24
• School taxes: 57/61 (FL) • School taxes: 16/18 (FL)
• Special district taxes: 78/78 • Special district taxes: 22/22
• Total local taxes: 114/117 • Total local taxes: 24/24
Source: Minnesota Citizen's League Source: Minnesota Citizen's League
Next Steps
❑ Open hearing for comments and Thank you!
O Continuation of hearing (only if
needed) at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
December 10, 2007 For more information:
0 Adoption of 2008 budget and tax levy
at regular Council meeting on
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator
Scandia Truth in Taxation Hearing 5